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2008-05-05 8:13 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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Weymouth, MA
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

The "official" CrossFit Warm-up is in the April 2003 CrossFit Journal.

3 rounds of 10-15 reps of
Samson Stretch (do the Samson Stretch once each round for 15-30 seconds)
Overhead Squat with broomstick
Note that for a workout that's dip or pullup-centric, you might want to do something else in the warmup.

2008-05-05 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

OK you guys, I need some motivation here.  I've been fallin' off the CF wagon lately.  I really miss getting up early in the morning, doing the WOD and then getting to work.  These huge tri workouts are taxing!!  But I know I can at least get up and do the CF workouts with some sort of schedule even though my IM training volume is high, so someone kick my butt please!! 

Since I'm a slacker...I'm gonna do "Q's CrossFit Mashup" today...even though it's a rest day...cuz I've been CF resting for like three days now!! 

For those of you interested, "Q's CrossFit Mashup" is...
Run 800m, 50 back extensions, 50 situps
Run 400m, 10 DB swings (45lb), 10 pullups
Run 200m, 5 L-pullups, 10 pushups, 5 knees-to-elbows, 10 squats
Run 100m, 20 box jumps, 10 thrusters (45lb)

It's a fun workout.  It's basically a mashup of Michael, Helen, Kelly, and Coach Q with some mods so I'm not repeating stuff.  Coach Q is my personal creation...4 rounds of run 400m, 10 pullups, 10 pushups, 10 KTE, 10 DB swings.


2008-05-05 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1382050

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Weymouth, MA
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
I wouldn't go with "slacker"!  But, HTFU!  Get back in the gym to CF and you'll benefit greatly.  You'll have more muscle than most of your competition and greater short term high intensity conditioning for that last mile while you and the second place finisher sprint to the finish!
2008-05-05 1:03 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
What I need to do is get the motivation to get up early.  I had it for sooooo long and now all of a sudden I'd rather sleep more.  Idunno's not like I'm not getting enough sleep...I am...sometimes MORE than enough.  Gotta find that little thing that makes me wanna brave the early morning again!  Thanks for the HTFU. 
2008-05-05 3:07 PM
in reply to: #1382480

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Weymouth, MA
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
I do too.  I keep telling myself I am going to get into a morning routine but haven't yet.  I dare you to do it tomorrow.  Whoever doesn't we have to change our signature line to "I'm too much of a baby to crossfit".  You in?
2008-05-06 1:47 PM
in reply to: #1382900

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Weymouth, MA
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD


Squat Cleans (135) and Ring Dips 21/15/9

Finished in 18:40.  I scaled it to 65 lbs and bar dips. I did not do three bar dips for each ring dip as rx'd. I am a baby and need to ease into this thing!

2008-05-06 2:01 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

I'm gonna do this one as well tonight.

However, I will scale it a bit as well...
135# HANG POWER cleans (I have to run for an hour tonight, I don't wanna kill my back and quads before I do that)
3:1 bar dips

Nice work rc! 

2008-05-06 6:00 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
3xCFWU less dips

Squat Cleans @ 80 lbs 21/15/9 (focused heavily on form)
Bar dips 63/45/27

~14mins, my stopwatch clicked off at about 9 mins, during my second set of dips

Even heavily scaling the weight, I was able to crank out the reps, which made for more of a metcon WOD vs. power/strengh. I'll def ease the weight up next time around to still allow for proper form but push the strength envelope a bit more.
2008-05-06 7:33 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

This was a fun one!!  I sooooo miss going at it hard and kickin' butt like this...

Warmup - 3 sets of 135# deadlifts (I had set up the 135 for the WOD, but then I picked up the 135 and I was like...uhhh...yeah I ain't cleanin' this.  So I did deadlifts with it to warm up). 

"Power" Elizabeth...
21-15-9 Hang Power Cleans - 105#
63-45-27 Bar dips

Time - 11:42

Mega-sweat and lots of grunting.  Burning triceps too.  Gotta love it!! 

2008-05-06 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Weymouth, MA
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Q and Pueblo that is some real good stuff!  Any guesses for tomorrow?  I think it'll be a high rep low weight workout with running.
2008-05-07 7:07 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

Well, ya got the running right!!  4 x 800!  I've got an easy 4-miler on my training schedule tonight, but I'll try to get this one in as well, after my swim TT.  I can use the 4-miler as a cooldown.

If I may lend a bit of CF wisdom here... 
I've done this workout a few times and I've found that 2 minutes is about the right rest period.  Any less and you risk positive splitting the subsequent rounds.  Any more and you become TOO rested and risk positive splitting. 

Thanks for the props on yesterday! 

Edited by Q 2008-05-07 7:08 AM

2008-05-07 12:51 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Finished ea round @ 3:41min/round after 3xCFWU

2008-05-07 1:04 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

No warmup for me on this one...just a little bit of stretching. 

I used 2 minute rests between attempts.
Splits were 314, 310, 304, 301
Total time - 12:29, average pace 6:15/mi. 


2008-05-08 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1369702

Fort Bragg
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
I went of RX. I normally pick and choose to ensure it's inline with what I have going on.

Max Rounds in 20 minutes:
10 Thrusters 65#
10 Pull-ups

I got in 9. It burned towards the end. I normally have other feelings going on during xfit than burn. But burn it was today.
2008-05-10 1:57 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

Good lord... did you see the photo for today's WOD?  YOW.  Had to enlarge it. 

2008-05-10 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Fran Today!!!!

Everyone let's here the times....

3xCFWU (subbed lat pulldown for pullups)
Fran 8:18 as RX'd

2mins off my prior...thought for sure this was a PR? I was crusing through and took max 3 breaths per rest. I'm thinking that I may have done 20 reps of thrusters during the middle set though...I wasn't sure if I had done the 15 so I did 5 more as I was breaking down the reps to 5per.

Great workout overall excuses.

2008-05-10 10:16 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Nice we have our own WOD forum now!

I am a few days behind I did "Elizabeth" yesterday I had to break the 21 reps into 3 sets of 7 and the 15 into sets of 9 and 6 then 9 straight.

Time: 15:08
2008-05-10 10:29 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Forget the pic...did you watch the word...inspirational!
2008-05-10 1:22 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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2008-05-10 8:13 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

Ok, I'm a dummy.  Can I do the thrusters with 50lb dumbells?  I don't have a high enough cieling to do it with a bar & discs, and I'd rather not haul them downstairs and outside!

2008-05-11 1:06 PM
in reply to: #1394418

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
davidm724 - 2008-05-10 6:13 PM

Ok, I'm a dummy.  Can I do the thrusters with 50lb dumbells?  I don't have a high enough cieling to do it with a bar & discs, and I'd rather not haul them downstairs and outside!

You would probably want to use lighter weights actually. Dumbells are harder than a bar.

2008-05-12 4:09 AM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Hey, sounds good to me, thanks for the tip!
2008-05-12 8:43 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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2008-05-12 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1369702

Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

I'm getting back to CF this week.  It's a "taper" week for the 70.3 so I'll have shorter tri workouts.  I need to concentrate on good eating and intense but short workouts this CF is the way I'm goin. 

Is it awful that I can't wait til IM is over so I can just CF and do short workouts every day?

2008-05-12 9:39 AM
in reply to: #1369702

Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
I love seeing all the gains everyone is communicating throughout this thread. Hatetheplayer... lvthgm posting strenght increases, CrossFit Q speed increases...I'm punch drunk on the KoolAid and lovin every minute of CrossFit.

Today's WOD, 30 muscle-ups or 120pullups/120 bar dips...I warmed up with 5 mins of jumprope and went into the WOD and finished at 17:42.
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