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2008-05-16 12:07 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Studio City
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hi Everyone! I've been off the grid for a bit here, but I'm back on.  This week has been a bit crazed for me with work...up at the crack of dawn, in the field early (work - I'm a geologist) and to bed late. So, I've been really trying to keep up with my training.

I have a 50 miler (bike) tomorrow. I can't wait. I'm training for a century in September; maybe a double century - depends...they're only a few weeks apart, double century first. So I don't know how I'll feel about doing a century 2 weeks later!

Anyway, I need to start running and swimming.  I wanted to start with a running plan on, but don't know if they're too agressive for someone who has been injured and has to start over again. Any suggestions would be great.

Oh, and I've signed up for a Sprint tri in August! YIKES! I am really scared



2008-05-16 12:57 PM
in reply to: #1407053

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
tdemayo - 2008-05-16 1:07 PM

Hi Everyone! I've been off the grid for a bit here, but I'm back on.  This week has been a bit crazed for me with work...up at the crack of dawn, in the field early (work - I'm a geologist) and to bed late. So, I've been really trying to keep up with my training.

I have a 50 miler (bike) tomorrow. I can't wait. I'm training for a century in September; maybe a double century - depends...they're only a few weeks apart, double century first. So I don't know how I'll feel about doing a century 2 weeks later!

Anyway, I need to start running and swimming.  I wanted to start with a running plan on, but don't know if they're too agressive for someone who has been injured and has to start over again. Any suggestions would be great.

Oh, and I've signed up for a Sprint tri in August! YIKES! I am really scared

Though you're certainly not coming from the couch, you might want to try the From Couch to 5K program.

Congratulations on signing up for your tri!  Besides scared, how do you feel?

Good luck with your biking tomorrow.

2008-05-16 3:36 PM
in reply to: #1407184

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Studio City
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hi! Thanks. I feel great about giving myself a goal and something to work towards, and I feel great about getting back into the swing of things. So we'll see how it goes   Have a great weekend

2008-05-16 3:40 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Studio City
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Does anyone know how I add you all to my "friends" list?

2008-05-16 9:47 PM
in reply to: #1407781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

The only way I know to add people is through the control panel, edit, friends, then add each individually.  But then again, I've been on here for months and am still finding new things everyday.

Congrats on signing up for the tri!  You have plenty of time to be prepared, don't worry.  As for the running, the couch to 5k is a good plan.  But I can't stress enough not to push to hard to fast.  I might suggest that when you get into swimming, you use that as an opportunity to work on the running too.  Good PT if you've been injured.  You get to work the muscles without putting too much stress on the joints.  Don't worry, I see people doing it at the gym all the time, you'll blend right in. lol.  Happy training!

2008-05-17 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
mmh -
Seeing that I really want a surf board and access to good waves, I am quite angered. But then again, if I REALLY wanted to try it out, I would have gone out in whatever waves exist in the Great Lakes.

tdemayo -
Good luck with your races. Seeing that this is only May, what about doing your double century in July or August? It would give you more incentive to train for longer. But if you're like me, you'd try anything for the buzz even if there is a good chance of not making it. Take it easy on that running. The best training plan is to listen to your body, and not that rationalizing part of your brain. I am not a running expert and you should probably ask someone else on this forum, but my advice is to find a better running surface. Asphalt is better than concrete sidewalks, gravel is better than asphalt, LEVEL grass is better than asphalt, and my favourite to run on is those wood chips (if you know what I mean).

2008-05-17 9:17 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
Also, I just thought of this when reading mmh's post:

If any of you can get a friend to video tape your swimming, and if you can reduce the file size to a reasonable amount (maybe 3MB), you could send it to me and I would critique anything you ask.
2008-05-18 12:33 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hi guys,

My back and hip are looking pretty good, one more treatment in the morning and I reckon I will be in business - woo hoo!!

I am officially starting my new program tomorrow and plan to log every workout over the next few weeks - the good - the bad and the ugly

I'm going to spend some time now putting you all in friends thingie. I'd love it if you could all put me in yours and give me the odd kick in the butt if you think I need it.

There is a swim club that runs some sessions a couple of nights a week. Once I can do 200m without sucking water up my nose and spluttering about like a lunatic I am going to sign up. The most I have done in one go is 100m and that nearly killed me. I'm doing about 1000m each time I swim but I aint setting any speed records that's for sure.

 So... goals for this month (4 weeks) are:   Swim 200m freestyle no stopping

                                                                    Get back to running 5k - initial goal is under 28min

                                                                    15km on the bike in 40min

Anyone else want to share their goals??

Greg: thanks for the offer of looking over our swimming - will try to get hubby along to the pool armed with the camera.

2008-05-19 12:24 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
Memphis in May
Memphis, Tennessee
United States
Start 2 Finish, Inc.
71F / 22C

Triathlon - Olympic
Total Time = 3h 44m 3s
Overall Rank = 765/1600
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 160/164

Pre-race routine:

Got up, gathered my stuff, ate a bagel and drank some Gatorade. Had a bananna prior to start of the race.

Event warmup:

Light stretching, tried to get mentally prepared.



The swim was horrible for me. The first 100 yds, I thought I would either get pulled out or would have to stop. The water literally took the breath away from me and had me floating way to fast. This caused me to really have a hard time getting back into my swimming rhythm and I struggled the rest of the way. I also could not swim a straight line to save my life. Thank God they had cord roping off the route or I am sure I would have either severely cut corners and possibly swam too far the wrong way.

I did finally get into some kind of rhythm down the last stretch of the swim.

What would you do differently?:

Not sure how to prepare for the rushof really cold water. I had planned for it, but when it hit, Man, it hit me!



The T! was alittle weird. I felt so dizzy after getting to my bike, Iwas worried about riding it. I actually fell over trying to put on my shoes, so I took some time to eat and drink something.

What would you do differently?:

Probably have better nutrition before the race.



I did what I could do on my bike, My top speed wa sin the mid 20's while I average 16. There were some portions of the race where the wind was blowing so strong, that I dropped into the 13 and 14' for awhile. Mybike and butt started hurting around mile 14.

What would you do differently?:

Get a new bike!

Get on the bike more.



No problems, just damned tired at this point



Really disappointed myself here, I really thought I would do better than this. I was so spent from the swim and bike, that I had nothing left in me at this point. My right quad was twinging about every 100 yards, and the hills felt alot steeper than they were. It came to a point where I would run some, then walk some. I finally met up with a buddy and we finished it together.

What would you do differently?:

More brick workouts.

Post race

What limited your ability to perform faster:

The swim kicked my butt mentally. This is the first OLY Tri I have done and I do not know if I was mentally ready for it or not. I know next year willbe different.

Event comments:

I will do this race again next year, if for no other reason than to beat my time this year!

Last updated: 2008-02-06 12:00 AM Swimming
00:37:19 | 1640.42 yards | 02m 16s / 100yards
Age Group: 152/164
Overall: 0/1600
Performance: Below average
Suit: Shorty wetsuit
Course: Kinda of a wierd four sided triangle type of configuration
Start type: Wade Plus:
Water temp: 71F / 22C Current: Low
200M Perf. Bad Remainder: Below average
Breathing: Below average Drafting: Bad
Waves: Bad Navigation: Below average
Rounding: Average
Time: 05:52
Performance: Below average
Cap removal: Average Helmet on/
Suit off: No
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Average
01:28:58 | 24.85 miles | 16.76 mile/hr
Age Group: 158/164
Overall: 0/1600
Performance: Average
Wind: Strong
Course: The bike route was not new to me as I had riden it before. This was actually my favorite part of the race, and I even passed some folks!
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Average Hills: Average
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Time: 04:43
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes Average
Jumping off bike Average
Running with bike Average
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
01:27:14 | 06.21 miles | 14m 03s min/mile
Age Group: 161/164
Overall: 0/1600
Performance: Below average
Course: Rolling hills, and lots of them
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

BT Partners
D3 Multisport
When Big Boys Tri
Road Runner Sports

Race Reports Modeled with Permission from
Endurancecoach's Triathlon Post Race Analysis Sheet.
2008-05-19 1:09 PM
in reply to: #1411092

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
jford - thanks for posting your results. I just wanna say that i think you did a great job! I wouldn't even be able to finish one of those. I think that says a lot about you that you were struggling but still found the strength to push through and finish. Now its time to relax and use that as motivation for the next one. Congrats on finishing your first OLY!!

Edited by chichitao 2008-05-19 1:12 PM
2008-05-19 2:20 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

jford - Awesome race!  That's the great thing about tri's... even if we don't do as well as we wanted to, all it does is make us stronger and more determined for the next one.  Congrats!  An Oly is a huge accomplishment.

mmh - glad you're working your way back, keep it up.  Definitely log everything.  It's such a great tool for training.  And as some of you may know, I also like to use it as a place to vent. lol.

As for my goals... I have all kinds.  First of course is finishing this first tri of mine.  I'm trying to be realistic with my specific goals for the race.  At first, it was just to not be last.  But now, I'd really like to be in the top half of my AG.  I'll be posting my goal times by the end of the week.  My other majors include a century ride, and an Oly this year.  And next season, a HIM.

2008-05-19 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1408237

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Studio City
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

I added everyone as friends. Thanks for the tips.

I'm on my way to training for the tri, and I won't be pushing to hard to fast and that's a great tip on running in the pool. Now I have to get into the pool!

2008-05-20 12:02 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
I have to say that it was really cool to log on this morning and have 5 inspires asking aboutmy race. Thanks for the comments!

Today I took a pesonal day and slept. I slept from 9:30 PM to 10:30 AM. First time inyears I have done that.

Tomorrow I plan on a short run and then back in the pool Wed. Need to work on a different stroke I think. The stroke Iuse training in the ppol did not work for me at all!

Anyways, just wanted to say thanks for showing an interest in my race!
2008-05-20 4:56 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

jford - thanks so much for posting your race in such detail. I am inspired!!  I really admire the way you sucked it up and kept at the swim even though you were doing it as tough as you did. Hopefully it's like childbirth - you will have forgotten the pain by next time

I know you didn't do as well as you wanted to but take a look around you - out of 100 people you know I'm guessing there aren't many who would even attempt it.

Well done buddy.

2008-05-20 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Ok, I know I shouldn't be doing this, and it's a little early, but I'm a dork...

I checked last years field (11 in my AG) and analyed everything from the mean, median, min. and max, seperate s, b, and r times, etc.  Based on this and what I think my abilities are at this point, this is what I've come up with:

An average race:

Swim - 18, Bike - 59, Run - 28, Total - 1:48:30 (including transitions). This would be 10/12.

An awesome race:

Swim - 16, Bike - 55, Run - 27, Total - 1:41:30 (including transitions).  This would be 6/12.

I obviously have no idea what's going to happen.  A few hills can make all the difference for me.  I'm going to try to remember that when I started training my only goal was to not be last in the race. 

2008-05-20 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1413631

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
jessica71980 - 2008-05-20 11:19 AM

Ok, I know I shouldn't be doing this, and it's a little early, but I'm a dork...

I checked last years field (11 in my AG) and analyed everything from the mean, median, min. and max, seperate s, b, and r times, etc.  Based on this and what I think my abilities are at this point, this is what I've come up with:

An average race:

Swim - 18, Bike - 59, Run - 28, Total - 1:48:30 (including transitions). This would be 10/12.

An awesome race:

Swim - 16, Bike - 55, Run - 27, Total - 1:41:30 (including transitions).  This would be 6/12.

I obviously have no idea what's going to happen.  A few hills can make all the difference for me.  I'm going to try to remember that when I started training my only goal was to not be last in the race. 

For me personally, it is always about beating a time goal instead of placing. Now obviously, I did not have a realistic goal this weekend, but I have something to go by next year. I think if you start worrying about the place you come, then you set the bar pretty high, especially if this is your first. I would say to run YOUR race, give it your all, leave nothing behind, and just see where that takes you, because that is all you can do.

It would be awesome to finish in the top half of your age group though! When is the date of the race??

2008-05-20 3:24 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
Let me start first by saying that if you are looking to my logs for inspiration, I have vowed not to run this week as long as it is snowing outside. Sure, I could run if I wanted to, but in principle, I shouldn't have to run in snow when last year I was sun tanning.

mmh -
The swim club is an AWESOME idea. Not only do they help you with skills, but I tend to end my workouts sooner when doing them alone. I recognize your goals, and will share mine: To run a workout under 5:00min/km pace.

jford -
Well you beat half of the field in your triathlon... which is amazing! But it seems your age group is insanely competitive! Wow. So the water was pretty cold eh? Other than swimming in cold water often, my trick is to have a pre-set breathing rhythm and don't adjust it for the first 100m even if your body says otherwise. And that's a fact of life... running in a triathlon is just damn hard! But your first OLY is supposed to be hard... otherwise everyone would do tri.

jessica -
In my first tri I placed last in my age group, and I averaged 1:30/100m in the swim, 30.6km/h bike and 5:37min/km in the run. I know that isn't very fast, but it wasn't horrible. Age groups are a funny thing, and I think I should reiterate some other BT's motto: If you want to pass me then go ahead, but if you stay within 30m infront or behind me for a while, I will race you.

Well I think that's all for now, so keep up the training! I'll be here shaking my fist at the weather while you do.
2008-05-20 4:38 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

(Let me start first by saying that if you are looking to my logs for inspiration, I have vowed not to run this week as long as it is snowing outside. Sure, I could run if I wanted to, but in principle, I shouldn't have to run in snow when last year I was sun tanning.)

Running in the snow!! I'll stop whinging now about a little bit of wind and rain

2008-05-20 7:19 PM
in reply to: #1412744

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Studio City
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Congrats again on your tri! You did awesome! Especially considering the cold water!

2008-05-20 8:27 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
... the snow doesn't stay on the ground... it's just the principle that snow is there when it shouldn't be.

2008-05-21 1:45 AM
in reply to: #1415037

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
If it makes you feel any better, we hit 98 degrees F today down here in Texas!  It was 94 when I went running at noon.  Supposed to be 98-100 all week.  Yipee!  The closest thing I have seen to snow in 2 years was a few weeks ago when we had so much hail it pilled up like snow in the yard! 

2008-05-23 9:57 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
So what's everyone's plans for the long weekend?  Any good long rides/events/races going on?  My plan is to take advantage of the beach and get in some ocean swimming, and long flat bike rides.  I can't wait.  Oh, and there's a 3 mile swim/aquathon I'm going to watch (not race, I would drown in a mile).
2008-05-23 10:22 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Sat, my plan is to take the boys to a scout thing were they place flags on veteren's gravesite at the National Cemetary! This is always such a neat experience for the boys. Sunday I will watch the NASCAR race, which means NAP!! and Monday will be yardwork and grilling, then the wife and kids leave for Granny's and it is back to bachelorhood for a week!  Yeehaw!!!! (Iknow I will be bored in about 2 hours after they leave)

 I plan on taking advantage of the free time and doing some brick workouts and trying to get a good long non trainer ride induring the week!


Jessica, I am kinda jealous of you getting to do swim workouts in the ocean! No oceans close here in Memphis!

2008-05-23 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
I will get a run in there somewhere (our long weekend was last week).

Half of my swim team did a mile race in the Atlantic... Ft. Lauderdale precisely. Apparently jelly fish were the biggest problem.
2008-05-23 6:24 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

It isn't a long weekend for us but Sunday I will be enjoying the unexpected sunshine we are having and head out for a run. Today is my rest day so not really sure what to do with myself!

My group of ladies that I PT are taking me out to dinner tonight so that should be lots of giggles. I'm also taking my step-daughter to a specialty running shop where they do a video analysis of running gait so they can fit the correct shoe.  She runs a bit like a duck, even though she does really well in her age group, and I am a bit concerned she may become injured as she steps up her committment to running.  What the hell might even get myself a new pair!

Enjoy your long weekend everyone

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