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2008-12-18 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Extreme Veteran
Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Good morning everyone. Well my big accomplishment for the morning was choosing a training program and getting it set up in my log here and also transfering it to my Excel one so that I could print it out.

 I'll do my normal 4 mile run at work. im debating on how I can also start doing my core workout at work as well. Space is limited but I think I can cram my equipment in the shower room somewhere.

you got me on the 48Oz water challenge will do that pronto.

Later all.


2008-12-18 10:15 AM
in reply to: #1860604

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
dodgersmom - 2008-12-18 8:27 AM

What's on the plan today?  Steve and I have an appointmetn at 4:40.  If it ends early enough it's off to yoga class.  If not, a trainer spin is on the schedule.

Goal for today is to drink at least 48oz of water at work.

I am probably going to sound like a wuss here. But today is my rest day. I am trying to follow one of the tri plans I found here on BT. And keep my training log updated almost every day with at least the swim, bike and run stuff. Strength is kind of hard to track because I follow the stuff my personal trainer tells me to do and I don't really know what most of those are called.

48 oz. of water seems easy enough (I think). I have neven been very good at eating and drinking, so this will be interesting challenge for today.

8 oz. down, 40 more to go.

2008-12-18 10:19 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Hey Lina...Rest days are your friend.  They allow your body to recover and mentally they are very important.  Not taking a rest day will open you up for the potential of injury. 

Follow your plan!!  When it says rest, rest.  Plus, you WILL have some days where you just need to take a rest day, even though your plan says you have a workout.  Listen to your body and don't think about "making up the workout".  Of course, this can't become a habit, but sometimes you just need to sit on the couch and decompress.

16 oz done already!

2008-12-18 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
24 oz done
2008-12-18 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Well my goal for today has to be to not be too angry about another yellow square. I can drink 48oz though.

Was in a training class this morning and got out at lunch expecting to finish up some paperwork in the afternoon. Then I was told to go home and sleep because I have to work tonight. Great. Thanks. I appreciate it.

Off to bed.

2008-12-18 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Not sure if I'll get a run in today... it's a busy day and I may have to take it off.   But the water... that's easy!  I'm a 64oz a day girl anyway.   When I lived in AZ I took up the habit and it stuck.

2008-12-18 12:15 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Water goal met - I'm drinking down the end of 64 oz now. It's so much easier to drink water when I'm not teaching!

(I'm a professor - so it's exam times and I'm just hanging out in my office. I hate drinking too much water when I'm teaching 'cause then I have to pee during class!)

2008-12-18 12:22 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Is it bad that I have no idea of my goals for next year yet? I want to do a HIM towards the end of the season, but I'm not sure if I want to do Longhorn or try another one. I really want to do Cancun 70.3, but I'm not sure yet if we'll have the funds for that As of now, this is all I know so far:
January - Houston Marathon if my foot heals up
May - CB&I Sprint Tri
August/September - Oly in Austin depending on which HIM I choose

Other then that I'm really not sure yet. I want to find some more olympic distance races around here. So far that is my favorite distance. I'm torn on Lonestar - I hate wetsuits and I really didn't like the bike course. I'll definitely go volunteer, just not sure if I want to race it. Maybe I'll see if anyone wants to relay?

So, long story short pretty much my entire season is up in the air still. I hope that doesn't make me a bad mentee
2008-12-18 12:23 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Oh, and today's goals: Spin class tonight and some lifting.
2008-12-18 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

I have a 60 min run and a 30 min swim the docket for today. Run: check. 6.49 miles. I'm not a strong runner and just starting to add a little bit of speed into my runs. On the way out the door of the gym I saw my swim coach and he asked if I'd like to meet up tomorrow morning for a swim. Sure! I love getting instruction and not having to pay for it. So today's swim is going to slide over to tomorrow morning.

BTW, I'm trying to loose some weight. As of yesterday I was at 215.5 lbs. I'm trying to get down to 190 by IMKY. The best way I've found to drop the poundage is to log everything I eat  on Yesterday I ate 2465 cal. Being a slave to my food log kind of sucks but It makes me think twice about grabbing a handfull of pretzels at the kids snack time because then I have to log it. I think I'll also start posting my total  calories eaten the day before on here as well. That way I have to share if I drank a pitcher of beer or had a Double Double from In and Out Burger. I encourage all of you to keep me honest and give me grief if I don't share.

I'm well on my way to 48 oz. Happy Thursday everyone!

2008-12-18 12:58 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

36 oz down so far and what feels like 36 trips to the ladies room

Erin, I agree about wetsuits.  I am not a fan mostly because I get motion sick in the water and the extra bouyancy actually makes me feel the motion more.  I had issues when I did the quarter at LoneStar in 07.  I have since started wearing ear plugs and that helps a lot.

Funny, Steve and I were talking about Cancun 70.3.  We think it is going to be our destination race in 2010.  We are already committed to Eagleman in Maryland this summer.  Combining it with a vacation with Steve's family.  They all live in The Baltimore area.  LongHorn is a really great race.  Challenging bike and run. 

Haley...get some sleep.  Sorry you have to work tonight.

David, way to go with a free swim coaching session.  I have been avoiding the pool but I really need to go make friends with it again.

Happy hydration all!

Edited by dodgersmom 2008-12-18 12:59 PM

2008-12-18 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1861313

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Extreme Veteran
Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

^^^I agree, the only I have found that gets the weight down islogging everything. For me the hard part is when I get home at night. During the day I have my routine and that keeps me out of trouble most time, but at night it breaks down more and I struggle to maintain.

 Beside I drive by Hooters every night on the way home......hmmmm...Hooter's...No NO NO! focus Mark focus

Oh and 33oz down, got my last bottle in front of me and it'll be gone by 3pm or so. Also got my run in at lunch today. 4.03m in 40'25"

Edited by x_caliber50 2008-12-18 1:04 PM
2008-12-18 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
I'm a logger too - whenever I take a break from logging EVERYTHING, I gain weight. Grrr.

Hooters. Mmmm.

Sorry I got distracted a bit there.
2008-12-18 1:39 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller Tx
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
60 ounces of water down so far.  Either Yoga or a computrainer ride tonight. 
2008-12-18 2:47 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
I need to start logging food too. I was doing so, lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks (which for me is incredible), then I had some family emergencies, gained 3 back and haven't gotten back to it since. I am giving myself a free pass (not to be stupid, but just not log everything) until I get back from Christmas holiday, then I can get back on the ball. Thanks for the tip about the logging website. I still use paper for my logging. I tried sparkpeople for a while, but got out of the habit. Staying accountable here is a great idea! My ultra weakness is night-time. I eat dinner late which is already bad and then I want something sweet. Each night I say I won't have dessert, then I find myself with some ice cream in front of the tv. I'm not really sure who puts the ice cream in the bowl and puts it in my hand, but somehow it happens most nights.
2008-12-18 2:51 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Marcy, I hadn't thought of getting sick in the wetsuits. I get motion sickness but I'm normally ok in the water. However, I hate having anything on my neck, so it feels to me like I'm being choked when wearing the wetsuit. Plus I have a terrible time finding any that fit me, so I have to choose the one that fits my body, not my neck. So, first I feel like I'm being choked and can't breath. Then I'm super bouyant (which is not a problem without a wetsuit for me) so I'm actually on top of the water when I wear one. It completely messes up my stroke and my kick is all air and I actually tend to go 10sec slower per 100yd when wearing a wetsuit then without. I was so bummed when they were legal at Longhorn this year. I didn't wear one, but it gave everyone else an advantage on my one strong leg.

2008-12-18 4:15 PM
in reply to: #1861781

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
erin116 - 2008-12-18 3:47 PM

I need to start logging food too. I was doing so, lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks (which for me is incredible), then I had some family emergencies, gained 3 back and haven't gotten back to it since. I am giving myself a free pass (not to be stupid, but just not log everything) until I get back from Christmas holiday, then I can get back on the ball. Thanks for the tip about the logging website. I still use paper for my logging. I tried sparkpeople for a while, but got out of the habit. Staying accountable here is a great idea! My ultra weakness is night-time. I eat dinner late which is already bad and then I want something sweet. Each night I say I won't have dessert, then I find myself with some ice cream in front of the tv. I'm not really sure who puts the ice cream in the bowl and puts it in my hand, but somehow it happens most nights.

Funny - that same little elf often puts a glass of wine in my hand!

Made it to the gym for a little spin on the cycle...gosh, I can't wait until I get my trainer. The stationaries at the gym have the big, "comfy" touring seats...which aren't the least bit comfy to me. I wanna ride my own saddle.
2008-12-18 5:26 PM
in reply to: #1861781

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Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

erin116 - 2008-12-18 3:47 PM I need to start logging food too. I was doing so, lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks (which for me is incredible), then I had some family emergencies, gained 3 back and haven't gotten back to it since. I am giving myself a free pass (not to be stupid, but just not log everything) until I get back from Christmas holiday, then I can get back on the ball. Thanks for the tip about the logging website. I still use paper for my logging. I tried sparkpeople for a while, but got out of the habit. Staying accountable here is a great idea! My ultra weakness is night-time. I eat dinner late which is already bad and then I want something sweet. Each night I say I won't have dessert, then I find myself with some ice cream in front of the tv. I'm not really sure who puts the ice cream in the bowl and puts it in my hand, but somehow it happens most nights.

You should def get an account on fitday. It's free. It takes a little while to get the hang of the site but it's worth it. Logging in a paper log is ok but fitday gives you the calories, fat, carbs, protien, everything right there. There are some cool graphs too. Logging that ice cream (a real food weakness for me too) shows just how many extra empty calories you're eating. It has really changed my habits in the past.

2008-12-18 5:43 PM
in reply to: #1862143

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Extreme Veteran
Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
David tri's - 2008-12-18 5:26 PM

You should def get an account on fitday. It's free. It takes a little while to get the hang of the site but it's worth it. Logging in a paper log is ok but fitday gives you the calories, fat, carbs, protien, everything right there. There are some cool graphs too. Logging that ice cream (a real food weakness for me too) shows just how many extra empty calories you're eating. It has really changed my habits in the past.

I have always used the food logger on this forum. It's nice 'cause I can track my training and food intake all at the same place. What's the advantge to using the one at Fitday instead?

2008-12-18 6:47 PM
in reply to: #1862161

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Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
x_caliber50 - 2008-12-18 6:43 PM
David tri's - 2008-12-18 5:26 PM

You should def get an account on fitday. It's free. It takes a little while to get the hang of the site but it's worth it. Logging in a paper log is ok but fitday gives you the calories, fat, carbs, protien, everything right there. There are some cool graphs too. Logging that ice cream (a real food weakness for me too) shows just how many extra empty calories you're eating. It has really changed my habits in the past.

I have always used the food logger on this forum. It's nice 'cause I can track my training and food intake all at the same place. What's the advantge to using the one at Fitday instead?

I don't know. I've never used the one here. I looked around for it, but didn't find it. How do you get there?

2008-12-18 6:57 PM
in reply to: #1862255

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Extreme Veteran
Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
David tri's - 2008-12-18 6:47 PM
x_caliber50 - 2008-12-18 6:43 PM
David tri's - 2008-12-18 5:26 PM

You should def get an account on fitday. It's free. It takes a little while to get the hang of the site but it's worth it. Logging in a paper log is ok but fitday gives you the calories, fat, carbs, protien, everything right there. There are some cool graphs too. Logging that ice cream (a real food weakness for me too) shows just how many extra empty calories you're eating. It has really changed my habits in the past.

I have always used the food logger on this forum. It's nice 'cause I can track my training and food intake all at the same place. What's the advantge to using the one at Fitday instead?

I don't know. I've never used the one here. I looked around for it, but didn't find it. How do you get there?

At the very top of the page click on the "Training log" tab. The screen that you go to will be the log for you training. If you move your mouse over the "Calendar" Tab you'll get a pop up with different selections. One of them will be "Nutirtion" Click that and you'll go to the Nutrition calendar. The just click on the day you want to log and you can start inputting your meals.

2008-12-18 7:07 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

I agree with Mark.  I have used Fitday in the past and find the nutrition tracker here to be just as good.  It will log everything at the bottom of your training log.

I am hit or miss with logging nutrition but find that it relly does help.

I am pretty consistant, almost to the point of being boring with what I eat.  Breakfast is a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios.  Cup of yogurt at about 10:30.  Bring my lunch to work.  I have found that is huge both is cost savings and nutrition.  Usually have 1/2 ham or turkey with swiss on multi-grain bread.  Bag of baked (or Sun) chips.  Sugar free pudding.  Fruit at about 3.

Dinners are varied and we are trying to be healthier in our choices.  I have to learn that rice is not a veggie.  

I am also an ice cream lover and we allow ourselves a treat every night.  A weight watchers ice cream sandwich...yummy!

I did really good with my water today.  So...same goal for tomorrow plus...

I AM GOING TO GET UP EARLY AND DO AN HOUR TRAINER RIDE BEFORE WORK.  There, I made it public and you guys are going to hold me accountable!  Stay tuned for tomorrow's update.  Look for it at about 8:00 Central Time

Edited by dodgersmom 2008-12-18 7:07 PM
2008-12-18 7:09 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
I've also used FitDay (and SparkPeople and some other websites), as well as the one here - I prefer the one here mostly because it's all in one place then and I don't have to think as much.
2008-12-18 9:44 PM
in reply to: #1861998

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Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Funny - that same little elf often puts a glass of wine in my hand!


I couldn't agree more!   I also agree about the saddles.  I love the standard saddle that came with my Dolce Elite.  I can ride that thing all day!

I'm lucky that I don't have any weight to lose.  I wouldn't mind dropping a few pounds of fat (who wouldn't?) but overall I'm ok.  I eat pretty 'clean' so I don't have to track calories any more.  But when I was trying to lose weight I did that and boy did it help!

2008-12-19 5:46 AM
in reply to: #1862274

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
dodgersmom - 2008-12-18 8:07 PM

I AM GOING TO GET UP EARLY AND DO AN HOUR TRAINER RIDE BEFORE WORK.  There, I made it public and you guys are going to hold me accountable!  Stay tuned for tomorrow's update.  Look for it at about 8:00 Central Time

Hope you did better than I did...I turned off my alarm and went back to sleep. Will have to juggle my afternoon a bit to get a teeny run in - or its a purple day and I hate purple days.
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