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2008-12-18 9:44 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Hi Gang... I'm Back... schew!!!

I'm Heather
My story... I was NOT raised an athlete... still trying to consider myself as one... growing up I had asthma (still bothers me some today) so my mother was overprotective not to mention the backwoods where I grew up didn't enforce Title 9
In college my dance and band background with interest in health and wellness made me the PERFECT step instructor (LOL)... later I actually began jogging... fast forward ten years... my co-worker wanted me to take her place in a tri in 2007... I didn't even know how to swim, so in Dec 2007 I learned...  last year I did two tri's... I wanted three but it didn't happen that way ..

I work in a rec. center just feet away from the fitness room (well actually my office is in the middle of the cardio, free weight, and selectorized areas (every time I go to the copy machine, I'm reminded  how much I need to workout).  Unfortunately, I spend more than 10 times as much time at my desk vs the fitness areas each week.

I have three boys (hubby, 5 yo, 2.5 yo) and one girl (103lb mutt - yep she needs to run too)
Hubby has his own set of goals including a 1/2 Mary in the spring and starting tri's in the summer.

My education background includes a MS in exercise phys... You'd think I could do this with no problem, but b/t time and temptations... I often feel doomed.

This summer I hope to do one tri a month starting in June (and Jul, Aug, Sept).  I'm not looking to go any further than a sprint this year, but I do want to get down from 2:04 to 1:50 on my Aug race.  I figure that time should get me to MOP for my new age group.
My weakest link would no doubt likely be my swim due to anxiety, though my run is far from being an actual run... my bike is my strongest.

As well, in this journey I started, I hope to at SOME point loose 25 lbs...

I look forward to getting some tips on how to balance the whole kids, work, family, work, training plan

btw.... I'm a yacker

2008-12-18 9:48 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

NAME: Lori

STORY:  Started swimming in 2005, did my first sprint tri in 2006 with a pool swim, another sprint tri in 2007.  Did the "big one" in 2008--Ironman Wisconsin.  Yes, going from sprint tris directly to the Ironman distance was not one of the smartest things I have ever done.  The goal was to finish and we did, not much more to it.  Previous background of high school/collegiate tennis followed by a 3-year period of lots of running (10Ks, half marathons, and one 20-miler).  Injured while training for Grandma's marathon which led me to cycling for a short-lived 2 year period followed by a short stint as a body builder.  Back to competitive tennis for many years.  Volunteered at IM WI for all but one of the first 5 years which inspired us to participate in triathlons.  Back of the Pack is where I reside in triathlons--very slow swimmer, average biker, better runner (unless it is preceded by a 2.4 mile swim and 112 mile bike ride).

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 12 years to my best friend husband Eric (tribadger) who is also in our group.  We both turned 50 this year.  We bike together and swim together.  I do all of my running alone.  Two terrier mix dogs, Thor and Scully.  Elderly parents who require some of our time and attention. 

CURRENT TRAINING: Decided to have our IM coach (Jessica Laufenberg-referred to as Coach J in my blog) do my off season training plan this time.  My training is very structured (that is if I do it all) right now due to my desire to improve.  Plan on hitting swimming a little harder after the holidays.  Eric is working out on his own until March 1st. 

2008 RACES:  Madison Half Marathon--a bit over two hours and finished 33/127 in my age group.  Ironman Wisconsin--ugh, slow but made the cutoffs and finished about an hour later than planned.  Berbee Derby 10K--PFPR and top ten in my age group (helps to age up and be old), shocked with my time.

2009 RACES: Shamrock Shuffle 10K, Lake Monona 20K, Madison Half Marathon, Capitol View or a different June Olympic Tri, Door County HIM, and Ironman Wisconsin. 

GOALS:  Do a little better at "racing" instead of just participating.  Love training, hate racing.  I would like to do 14:XX for IM WI and that may be 14:59:59.  I would also like to improve my cycling significantly which means my legs need to get a lot stronger.  Actually running most of the marathon for IM WI.  IM WI time goals:  1:25-1:30 swim, 7:15 bike, 5:30 run.   

WEIGHTLOSS: Hmmmm.......not a concern at all.  I am planning on going sugar and refined food free starting January 1st.  This is a tough one especially finding gels, drinks, etc. that don't use all of those lovely things that have an "ose" at the end.  I love sweets including dark chocolate and Starbucks mochas and have an odd addiction to Chocolate Chip Teddy Grams.  Other health issues not unique to someone my age add intrigue to training and racing.  Racing is like a box of chocolates, I never know what I am going to get.

Let's have fun!!!!!!!!!!!



2008-12-18 10:01 PM
in reply to: #1857658

Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
My husband is very supportive... He brings the girl and they both cheer me on. He even comes to my bike rides and waits patiently for me to get back.

My weakness is running and I have a friend who does marathons who has graciously agreed to help me find my inner runner. It will take plenty of time, but I think I can find her. My strength lies between swim and bike. I swam competitively in high school and cycling I just really enjoy. I spend a lot of time on the bike and in just 4 short years...I have become a decent cyclist.

Tracy and Tammy...have either of you been to Pewaukee or Oconomowoc?? I spent a week there in March this year. I trained at a 24 hour fitness, just to keep my miles up. I am trying to hang in, without a gym membership this year... Had to cut it due to lack of financial backing.


Edited by MaesMama 2008-12-18 10:01 PM
2008-12-18 11:56 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Hi all, and thank you Tammy for having us as part of your group.  I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you. 

NAME: Eric

STORY:  I wasn't much of an athlete growing up, in fact I still have a hard time thinking of myself as one.  Over the years I've participated in different things, tennis, a little running, a few years of martial arts, and off and on weight lifting.  Lori (retiretotri) got me in to more serious and regular weightlifting.  That was probably the real start to serious training for me.  Cycling is my best and favorite event, followed by swimming.  Running is a real problem for me (details below).

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 12 years to my wonderful wife Lori (retiretotri) who is also in our group.  As Lori said, we both turned 50 this year, but she is quick to remind me that I am much, much older (6 months).  We bike together and swim together. but run separately since she is much faster than I am.  Two terrier mix dogs, Thor and Scully.  Elderly parents who require some of our time and attention. 

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm not working with our coach during the off season, but I'm still training about 6-7 hours a week.  I hit all three sports plus weights and......gasp.......YOGA.  I really need the yoga for flexibility, but boy are my poses ugly.  Believe me, I don't do yoga in public.   I plan on hitting swimming a little harder after the holidays.  I start my IM WI 2009 training in March, as planned by coach J.  My achilles heel is my achilles heel(s).  I've had chronic achilles tendonitis issues for over 3 years, which has really limited my running.  I'm up to running about 8-10 miles a week, but I really need to take it easy.  The balance of my cardio is on the bike trainer and elliptical machine.

2008 RACES:  Madison Half Marathon--about 2 1/2 hours (chip time), my clock time was abou 2:45 since I got stuck in the porta potty line.  Ironman Wisconsin--Had fun, met my two primary goals, finished, and didn't need to go to the med tent.  Lori and I didn't plan on finishing together, but were reunited on the run course and finished out together.  Berbee Derby 5K-- for me this was a success.  I normally train with a run 5 min X walk 2 min routine, and planned on doing that for the race, but got caught up in the moment and ran the whole thing.  My achilles held up well, and I was able to get in under 11 min miles.  I still need to work on getting faster.

2009 RACES: Madison Half Marathon, Capitol View or a different June Olympic Tri, Maybe the Pardeeville sprint, Door County HIM, and Ironman Wisconsin. 

GOALS:  Do more racing.  I definitely like racing more than training.  I really like the race feeling (even though I'm not competitive) and like meeting different people.  I'm going to really concentrate on riding hills this year so I can improve my overall bike split for IMWI.  I'm also going to be more consistent with more frequent, short runs that won't over tax my achilles.  At some point I will need to push the envelope and get the longer runs.  My IMWI 2009 goals are  Swim under 1:30, bike under 7 hours, and run somewhere between 5:30 and 6 hours.  I will also work to shave some time off of my transitions and dial in my nutrition. 

WEIGHTLOSS: This is not a problem for me, but I could stand to lose some fat without losing weight.  I lost some weight when training increased last year.  I stayed steady from about June until after IM WI, but I've gained some since then.  I haven't weighed myself yet, but I know I have.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you.

Edited by tribadger 2008-12-18 11:57 PM
2008-12-19 6:55 AM
in reply to: #1862507

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
TracyV - 2008-12-18 9:17 PM

Can you recommend which spinnerval dvds to buy? I have been looking at them for a long time, but was unsure what to get. I am going to bike tomorrow. I will think about kicking my butt tomorrow. That is good advice.

There is a bike shop in GB that can computerize your pedal stroke. If I knew what I was doing wrong that would help A LOT!!  I am focusing on biking this winter. No slacking or getting bored on the trainer. I need to get faster and more efficient.

 I am not sure how anyone could bike for 112 miles??? That is amazing to me. 20 miles seems like a small feat.

As for the Spinerval dvds... I think they all have a rating on how hard they are so I (of course) look for the hardest ones   I just have No Mercy- the sequel- its tough but good.  I also have the IMWI course ride- which is three hours of boredom- but OK.  I think Ihave an article somewhere about proper pedal stroke- I will look for it for you.

biking 112 miles in IM is walk in the park.... the long boring training rides are the hard part!  Do youhave friends to bike with in summer?

2008-12-19 6:58 AM
in reply to: #1862558

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
geauxtri - 2008-12-18 9:44 PM Hi Gang... I'm Back... schew!!!

I'm Heather
My story... I was NOT raised an athlete... still trying to consider myself as one... growing up I had asthma (still bothers me some today) so my mother was overprotective not to mention the backwoods where I grew up didn't enforce Title 9
In college my dance and band background with interest in health and wellness made me the PERFECT step instructor (LOL)... later I actually began jogging... fast forward ten years... my co-worker wanted me to take her place in a tri in 2007... I didn't even know how to swim, so in Dec 2007 I learned...  last year I did two tri's... I wanted three but it didn't happen that way ..

I work in a rec. center just feet away from the fitness room (well actually my office is in the middle of the cardio, free weight, and selectorized areas (every time I go to the copy machine, I'm reminded  how much I need to workout).  Unfortunately, I spend more than 10 times as much time at my desk vs the fitness areas each week.

I have three boys (hubby, 5 yo, 2.5 yo) and one girl (103lb mutt - yep she needs to run too)
Hubby has his own set of goals including a 1/2 Mary in the spring and starting tri's in the summer.

My education background includes a MS in exercise phys... You'd think I could do this with no problem, but b/t time and temptations... I often feel doomed.

This summer I hope to do one tri a month starting in June (and Jul, Aug, Sept).  I'm not looking to go any further than a sprint this year, but I do want to get down from 2:04 to 1:50 on my Aug race.  I figure that time should get me to MOP for my new age group.
My weakest link would no doubt likely be my swim due to anxiety, though my run is far from being an actual run... my bike is my strongest.

As well, in this journey I started, I hope to at SOME point loose 25 lbs...

I look forward to getting some tips on how to balance the whole kids, work, family, work, training plan

btw.... I'm a yacker


yackers are cool

Are you following any plan for the off season?  Do you want to start one?  Ithink you can move to MOP with alittle training.  Sprints dont take that much time- you just have to get out there and do it

2008-12-19 7:06 AM
in reply to: #1862575

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Lori- its awesome you have a coach- Iwish I could afford one

Why do you hate racing???  I LOVE racing- Id do it every weekend!

I found the best way to improve my biking is to ride with people faster then me.  I ride with a lot of guy friends.  Heck if Im going to let them kick my

2008-12-19 7:31 AM
in reply to: #1862381

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Northern Adirondacks
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - OPEN
tripletmom01 - 2008-12-18 9:23 PM


2 y old twins   Id like to tell you it gets easier...but I cant   Ialso love to bike and run and just swim because its part of thr tri... I am working hard on it though.

You are building your own MNT bike park??  That is AWESOME!

You have a great race schedule, now we just gotta get you in  the pool

how about throwing a hm inthere somewhere??

Yeah, I know. People ask me all the time if it gets easier, I tell them it just gets different! I was looking for some HM last night. There is one in Hyannis in Feb that I'm looking at and definatley the one in lake placid in July. We are trying to organize an off road tri for this summer so I will most likely make an attempt. I am excited to be a part of this group. It should be a good year!
2008-12-19 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1857658

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

I never could have done IM WI without a coach.  We also made a life long friend in the process as a bonus.  She is awesome, based out of SBR Coaching in Verona.  Yes, right on the bike course.

I have lots of Spinervals.  If you have a specific one you are wondering about, I can probably give you a review.

Hate racing?  That was probably a little strong.  Just some race anxiety during triathlons, not running races.  I don't race a lot.  Eric loves racing and the whole atmosphere surrounding it.  Maybe if I did it more often I would come to love it. 

This group is going to be so much fun!

2008-12-19 8:20 AM
in reply to: #1857658

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Kewaunee, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Tammy, I ride with my husband. At this point he is slower than me. He motivates me to ride hard though because he is always on my tail. There is a group if women who ride in GB. They are fast riders. I average around 18 mph. They ride anywhere from 19-21. Do you think I should give it a try this spring? Even if I can barely keep up?
2008-12-19 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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Northern Adirondacks
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Ok, so I have a question. Which is better for run endurance? using a HRM or using the run/walk method. I've done both in the past. I was just wondering if any of you have and what you'd prefer.

2008-12-19 5:25 PM
in reply to: #1862356

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - OPEN

I felt my Hamstring a bit doing squats yesterday, I'm not sure if it's an injury feeling or a "I'm not used to working so I'll just feel weird" kinda feeling. Going to ease them in I think.

I'm sure I'll do a few 5-10K's later this year and am looking to get some tri's in in 2010. Right now I'm just looking to drop about 60-80lbs. and get a good base in.

This mentor thing is already starting to work, I worked out yesterday and right now feel guilty about not working out today. After dinner I'll have to go down and set my bike up on the trainer, but I have blood work in the morning so I have to fast after 8:15.


Edited by Buddaha1964 2008-12-19 5:28 PM
2008-12-19 5:34 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

I used the run/walk method for long training runs for IM WI.  Used mostly 9/1 and 8/2 run to walk intervals in minutes.

Not sure I really cared for training that way.  I have seen some improvements in running this fall by just doing straight running without throwing in the walk intervals.  I do monitor HR and incorporate some speed work once in awhile.

I know a lot of first time marathoners use the run/walk method (Galloway).  The positive aspect is that it allows you to go further yet still keep your RPE/HR down.

IM WI was mostly a long, fast walk due to GI issues. 

2008-12-19 5:52 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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Kewaunee, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Even though I don't plan on doing anything close to an IM. I am going to try out the base building method of training this winter. I plan on doing a lactate threshold test over x-mas break so I know my zones. I am getting a hr monitor for x-mas from my parents.

 It is going to be hard to keep my heart rate down because I am one who thinks in order have a good run one must kill thy self.

2008-12-19 7:22 PM
in reply to: #1862975

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

TracyV - 2008-12-19 8:20 AM Tammy, I ride with my husband. At this point he is slower than me. He motivates me to ride hard though because he is always on my tail. There is a group if women who ride in GB. They are fast riders. I average around 18 mph. They ride anywhere from 19-21. Do you think I should give it a try this spring? Even if I can barely keep up?

Heck yeah- Id try far do they go??

2008-12-19 7:25 PM
in reply to: #1864047

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

mtntrainer - 2008-12-19 4:22 PM Ok, so I have a question. Which is better for run endurance? using a HRM or using the run/walk method. I've done both in the past. I was just wondering if any of you have and what you'd prefer.

From my experience Id say just run long with alow HR..... do you know your training zones?  the galloway method (the run walk thing) is effective esp for long distances.  there was girl during the run portion at IM that was doing this and we were together a lot- I was just walking when I had too- so we ended up with close to the same pace- until the end when I told myself no more walking  But thats my opinion- do what works for you of course.

2008-12-19 7:30 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Lori.... I was thinking about running today at work (productive- huh?) and how you prd your 10K a few months after IM...  I did my first marathin in March.... I didnt get any fastertraining for it and it wasnt really a great race either BUT after about a month of talking it easy I go out and run and bam Im suddenly faster (then I got hurt and had to take time off so got back to normal speed.) THEN trained for IM...didnt get much faster had an OK marathon for an IM...but a couple weeks later I have this new speed.   So Im thinking maybe that is just how the body works for some people.  I dont know just thinkin.
2008-12-19 7:32 PM
in reply to: #1864135

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - OPEN

Buddaha1964 - 2008-12-19 5:25 PM Tammy, I felt my Hamstring a bit doing squats yesterday, I'm not sure if it's an injury feeling or a "I'm not used to working so I'll just feel weird" kinda feeling. Going to ease them in I think. I'm sure I'll do a few 5-10K's later this year and am looking to get some tri's in in 2010. Right now I'm just looking to drop about 60-80lbs. and get a good base in. This mentor thing is already starting to work, I worked out yesterday and right now feel guilty about not working out today. After dinner I'll have to go down and set my bike up on the trainer, but I have blood work in the morning so I have to fast after 8:15. George.

George--Yeah thats awesome that your training  keep it up- but its OK to start slowly- just a little everyday

Fasting- BLECH!!!

2008-12-19 7:35 PM
in reply to: #1862602

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

MaesMama - 2008-12-18 10:01 PM My husband is very supportive... He brings the girl and they both cheer me on. He even comes to my bike rides and waits patiently for me to get back. My weakness is running and I have a friend who does marathons who has graciously agreed to help me find my inner runner. It will take plenty of time, but I think I can find her. My strength lies between swim and bike. I swam competitively in high school and cycling I just really enjoy. I spend a lot of time on the bike and in just 4 short years...I have become a decent cyclist. Tracy and Tammy...have either of you been to Pewaukee or Oconomowoc?? I spent a week there in March this year. I trained at a 24 hour fitness, just to keep my miles up. I am trying to hang in, without a gym membership this year... Had to cut it due to lack of financial backing. Kara

I actaully got fitted for my bike at Transition cycle in Pewaukee. 

Its awesome you swam competetively- that will help a ton...wish I would have

what kind of bike do you have?


2008-12-19 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1862751

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!


have you tried aqua jogging?  Im not a huge fan of it- but have done it when I was injured.  Supposedly thats what the pros do when they cant run so it must be somewhat beneficial.

Do you and Lori ride your trainers together??? So sweet

2008-12-19 7:41 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

OK- REALLY like this site- He has awesoem stuff on training and nutrition... a lot of it is geared to the IM athlete but there is also great stuff on nutrition.  Go the G- tips.  I also believe Coach Gordo now joined BT and is a mentor- we are VERY lucky to have him.

I also reccomend the Triathletes Bible by Joe Friel...good stuff.

2008-12-19 7:43 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Tracy AND everyone else here is an article about correct pedal stroke.,6610,s-4-41-15647-1,00.html

2008-12-19 7:47 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Ok- Ill stop boring you all now.  I have a crazy busy weekend.  I was suppose to go out for my brothers birthday tonight but my sister thinks shes going into labor so we will go a different day (which is great cuz I have a ton to do!)  I have to work Saturday AND Sunday, I have a christmas party as soon as I am done with work Saturday.  AND I have a 20 mile run to get in sometime!! that might wait til Monday.

What are you guys doing this weekend?

I am going to find time soon to talk a little about the way I TRY to get everything done, time management, efficiency....all that jazz

2008-12-19 8:58 PM
in reply to: #1862855

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

tripletmom01 - 2008-12-19 5:58 AM
geauxtri - 2008-12-18 9:44 PM Hi Gang... I'm Back... schew!!!

I'm Heather
My story...

btw.... I'm a yacker


yackers are cool

Are you following any plan for the off season?  Do you want to start one?  Ithink you can move to MOP with alittle training.  Sprints dont take that much time- you just have to get out there and do it


I've created a general plan that includes 3 week rotations of specificity training including some agility for ski season...  I wrote the first phase (of 8) but never found the time to implement it.  I used a combination of base plans I got off of a secret site personal trainers use, then I added my own innovations.  I figured I'd write each rotation as I neared it... but like I said, it's the implementation part I have the problems with.
And boy did I feel it after my first day on the mtn Wed... I'm still feeling it today. 

2008-12-20 11:06 AM
in reply to: #1857658

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Happy weekend everyone!

No, my husband and I don't ride our trainers together (hee, hee) but we do most of our outside rides together.  We work opposite shifts.  I work during the day and he works 2:00PM to 10:00PM.

Two swims and a run on the schedule this weekend along with some final Christmas present shopping.



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