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2008-12-31 3:37 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
I'm back home!

Mike was supposed to get on here and post that I was out of town (M-W) in southern Ohio. I have a brother who is a Marine, and his wife and kids are in Cincinnati. I was down there taking down Christmas lights, fixing siding, and painting her living room. No workouts, and I certainly missed it. I guess Mike didn't post because he was too busy with workouts, work, and playing his new James Bond game on Wii.

Masters Swim- I think these are normally very organized swim groups, so much so that I am looking into joining ours. It is more like a practice, with a warm-up and normally a posted workout (written on a dry erase board or something that is set up at one end of the pool). Definitely check it out and let us know- sounds like maybe Ginny (ScubaGrrl) is doing one as well. Matt, let us know how it works out.

Ginny, the warm weather is over, and we're back in the middle of winter. I was loving the Cincinnati weather- no jackets- and wishing I could get a run in- lots of hills around where I was staying. But with my two kids, plus my nephews, it was impossible.

I'm hoping to have some time later this evening to check on everyone's workouts. I think most of the group is using training logs- if you aren't, please do. It's a great way for you to track your workouts. I love that I can go back to January of last year and see how much I have improved- or keep track of how many miles I've put on my shoes.

Speaking of which- I'm ready for new runners. Anyone else? Mine are getting sad. I only have about 200 miles on them but boy are they looking sad. I might try to wash them. Any tips?

2009-01-01 7:37 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

"Happy New Year" fellow "Fancy Pants-ers"

It's 39 degrees in Boise with a cold rain falling...and I'm doing an OWS at 10:00 hours MST.

The Great Polar Bear Challenge raises money for the Idaho Make-A-Wish Foundation.  Last year it was 15 degrees and blowing snow so it should feel like a tropical vacation this year.  I'm even thinking of doing a couple 'laps' before I crawl out of the lake and into a hot tub clutching three (or more) fingers of fine bourbon.  So, what's everyone else doing today?????

2009-01-01 9:44 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
WOW Jeff- tell us how those laps go after the Polar Bear swim. Brrrrr! And enjoy the hot tub and bourbon.

I'm cooking a big New Year's Day dinner later on- pork roast stuffed with rosemary, sage, and garlic; smashed potatoes; salad, rolls, and sauerkraut. I'm recovering from a massive migraine yesterday evening, so have been slow to get moving today. I think today I'm supposed to bike today but I am more in the mood for a run, despite our temps in the teens.

Happy New Year, everyone!
2009-01-01 10:59 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

I'm going to shoot for 20 miles on the trainer in the basement today before the Penn State game.  I was going to ride outside, but I just checked the temp and it's 20.  I'd run outside today, but not bike.  A bit too much of a wind chill for me.

I think I'm going to go and join the Y tomorrow, so I may be posting some swim workouts soon....

Anne - Take care of those migraines.  The only thing that cures them for me is sleep!

Jeff - I hope you enjoyed your plunge today.

How's everybody else doing?


on edit - made it 14 trainer miles before boredom and my son's nagging to move the wii to the basement got the better of me....

Edited by scout21 2009-01-01 12:57 PM
2009-01-01 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Brr on the polar bear swim!  How did it go?

Anne, winter is definitely back here in Ohio, I'm not happy with it either.  Ugh..although my 2 youngest daughters are excited we're going skiing/snowboarding on Saturday.  We couldn't go last week because of how warm it was.  It will be fun to get out and get my first time back on the boards this season.

Re Master's swim team - Mine is a very organized group...we have about 4 or 5 lanes with the first lane being the slowest.  As you improve and get faster they move you up to higher lanes.  We have a coach and he writes the workout on a board and then of course is right there to help explain it.  Since I never swam competatively I'm asking asking him what the heck is...a DPS swim or what do you mean descending?  Our coach is great and is always helpful and never makes me feel dumb.  He also alters the work out for our 2 slowest lanes.  So if he has the fastest lanes doing 6 100's he'll have us do 4 100's or 5 100's.  Our group does have competition and several of the people do go to the competations, but several don't.  Some people are just there to learn how to swim and to get the exercise.  Some go to every work out, others just to a few.  They usually have very flexible payment plans because they know they attract those type of people. 

I have thought about joining a gym with a pool, but having the other people to swim with and to "compete" against I think makes me work harder.  I'm really wanting to get out of the slow lane and feel I'm able to hang with the "big boys"

Hope everyone had a happy new year. 

2009-01-01 10:43 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
I tried to get out for a ride at 6am, but it was 59 degrees and windy. That's ice age weather down here. To top it off, the chest cold I just beat is now back. Apparently, that's what everyone has been experiencing. Oh well, taking the kids camping Saturday night for my son's 5th birthday (I'm not cheap, that's what he wants!) and will have to "start" the training regimen anew on Monday!

Happy New Year to all!


2009-01-02 11:04 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Jeff- take care of that cold! I had one nasty cold last winter - finally went to our family doctor and she suggested a product called Emergen-C. I drink that now whenever I start to get the first twinges of a cold (and that is often, because the #1 hobby of our toddler is Licking Inappropriate Germ-Crusted Items).

Gina- the sun is shining, but I hear it's bitterly cold (I'm staying in and hitting the trainers in the basement). Have a great run! I think I warmed up 1.5 miles into the run yesterday.

Polar Bear Jeff- still get chills thinking about that event you did yesterday. Brrrrrr! But great job.

Welcome to the new year, everyone. We signed up for our September race (East Tawas)- got a discount if we registered before Jan 1, and we loved the race last year. I signed up for sprint (chicken, right?) and Mike signed up for the HIM distance. I wonder if he remembers that the "hill" on Monument Rd is really more like the Steep Mountain Of Certain Death. Here's hoping our weather is better this year- apparently September in Michigan is the start of the cold rainy season that precedes winter. Anyone else signing up for races? We're assuming we'll be injury free (ha ha). Maybe just planning? With two tri-ers, two kids, two dogs, we have to plan everyting out on the Big Calendar.

And, on the migraines, my fantastic wonderful neurologist just called me as I was typing this to tell me she called in my prescription to break this migraine cycle. Woo hoo! I'm a non-meds kind of girl, and one of her kooky patients who tries to control everything with diet and exercise and supplements, so she knows it is bad when she gets a phone call from me. Yep, sleep often helps- and I'd love to sleep more. Maybe when my kids are older.

I'll stop back in later tonight and check logs. Happy Training!
2009-01-03 8:38 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
First swim workout is done.  I need LOTS more!  The masters group at my Y was very welcoming, the coach is great and said that she will work with me on the next few mornings when I'm there. 
2009-01-03 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
AWESOME! And what great encouragement to those of you out there who are considering a masters group. Thanks for sharing with us- and I hope the next few workouts go as well.
2009-01-03 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Hey Everyone-

Our new issue of Triathlete Magazine arrived today and it has a whole section geared towards newbies. Mike and I both saw it and went- we HAVE to mention this to the mentor group. Go grab a copy if you can.

And for those of us with weight issues, I have mentioned before I lost about 20 pounds a few years ago, then had a baby, then dropped the baby weight. I have hung out at the same weight, maybe losing five pounds with training, but dropping two whole sizes. There was a great article in a recent Triathlete Magazine that I was re-reading this morning, and in the Ask The Coaches section the coaches were pointing out that more important than your scale reading is your body composition. Pay attention to how your clothes are fitting in the waist. Muscle mass contains more water, which is why it weighs more, which is (ah HA) part of why I'm sturggling with weight watchers meetings. I'll have a huge training week, and follow their plan, but not lose weight- or worse, gain a pound. So I guess my point is this- as we train over the next few months, yes, step on the scale, but pay more attention to how your clothes are fitting as your body composition changes.
2009-01-03 9:47 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Well its great to see people are going to masters swim workouts. I have not gone to any but I have heard good things. It is great to learn from other people who are faster. Remember to ask alot of questions. I have found people love to talk about the sport and help anyone out. Keep up the good work. The 2009 season is just around the corner now is the time to put in the base mileage. Think slow and steady and remember to only increase 10% per week in mileage to stay injury free. I know this becasue I spent alot of time healing last year because I pushed it to hard to quick.

2009-01-05 7:55 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Today is one of those days when kiddos may interrupt the training schedule. I have some pretty tired legs, and would love to get in a long swim workout. However, the toddler is having some issues, so I'm pushing my swims to T, Th of this week and my bikes to either M, F, and a run W. I hope that works. The toddler has also decided to change her naptime, preferring to go down between 11 and 1, and guess when lap swim is? 11:30. The kids are why I only train for Sprints. I don't have the time for Oly or HIM training. And, seriously, there are not enough donuts in the world...

Speaking of donuts, Mike was threatening to hold one over me yesterday to get me to focus on my core workout. I have very little balance and fall off of the exercise ball frequently (much to his amusement). Anyone else doing Core workouts? I believe ours are Core 1, 2, and 3 from BT, right Mike? They are great because a strong Core really helps on the bike and in the swim. I'm sure most of you are already doing core stuff, but it's new to me this season. If you aren't, try adding in some core work to your routine.

Okay, that's our tip for the week- check into working your Core. Happy Training!
2009-01-06 9:15 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Good morning.  I got up early and hit the treadmill today.  It started ice/sleet on the way back.  I have family coming today and needed to get my workout out of the way before they get here.  It's going to be a tricky week to fit in training as my mother is going to be at my house for a week working on my daughter's wedding dress.  Luckily I usually work out at lunch so that shouldn't really cut into that...although explaining why I have to leave the house at 5 am to go swim might be a little different.

I had an assessment yesterday with a personal trainer at my gym I just joined.  He swears he can help me lose that last 10 lbs that I've been trying to lose for 3 years and also make sure I can run my half in 2 hours or less.  It all sounds really great except for the cost after my 3 free sessions.  As someone who has never spent money on herself for things like this I am already struggling with the guilt of the monthly gym membership and the cost of the Masters team.  I just can't justify spending another 1K.  I'm hoping that I can pick up enough from him during my next 2 sessions to figure out on my own how to do it.

I know I can come up iwht my own training schedule for the 1/2 marathon and I think I can finish in at least 2:15:00  But I'm hoping that by adding strength training (which I've never done much of) I can make sure that I lose that last 10 lbs. 

Anyone had any stories about how a PT helped you or didn't?  Or even if you struggled to lose that last 10 lbs and what changes you made to finally do it? 

Anne - I did read your post above about not looking at the scale, but instead paying attention to how your clothes fit.  I do feel my clothes fit better and look better, but when I get out the measuring tape, I haven't lost an inch.  So I think that may just be wishful thinking for me.   I'm definitely happy with how I look now as opposed to 4 years ago when I was 40 lbs heavier...but I am extremely frustrated with this last 10 that won't go away. 

Edited by scubagrrl 2009-01-06 9:21 AM
2009-01-06 9:19 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
I worked with a PT at a Y after having my first child; I did strength training and cardio, 3-4 times per week, and got down to my lowest weight since college. She definitely helped. But, since she was through a Y, she was not that expensive, plus we ended up being friends so I only had to do one training session every few months to change up my program. THat was also over 5 years ago; I'm sure things would be different now.

I saw you guys south of us were getting nasty weather. Nothing here, so I am headed off with the toddler to swim. Here's hoping the pool is not crowded; I need some peace!

Time out is always needed- just enjoy it. If you get a few workouts in, then it is a bonus. Take it easy this week and enjoy that family time!

Totally can relate on the spending money on self thing; I have a very hard time doing that. It's why I keep insisting on using my husband's old road bike (from high school). I just can't see spending money on something like that for me- especially since I don't know enough about bikes to appreciate a good one.
2009-01-06 11:11 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Okay, I'm not a paid spokesperson for the masters programs, but.....

I spent 10 minutes with the coach this morning after she watched me swim 2 laps.  She gave me a few tips, a few observations and a drill or two to do.  Well, in the next  50 minutes, I needed to rest less, I swam 400 yards farther and didn't feel nearly as fatigued as I did during my swim yesterday.  I'm really glad that I joined the Y, instead of just joining a gym with a pool.  The masters program at my Y was the main incentive to go the Y route, and I'm extremely happy that I did.

I'm really looking forward to a month or two from now when I have a higher level of comfort in the water.  My two most glaring problems were that I wasn't kicking well, and that I was keeping my head too high in the water.  Both of these things were cauing my hips to sink, and that was making my upper body work that much harder to keep myself going.


2009-01-06 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1889350

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
scout21 - 2009-01-06 12:11 PM

Okay, I'm not a paid spokesperson for the masters programs, but.....

I spent 10 minutes with the coach this morning after she watched me swim 2 laps.  She gave me a few tips, a few observations and a drill or two to do.  Well, in the next  50 minutes, I needed to rest less, I swam 400 yards farther and didn't feel nearly as fatigued as I did during my swim yesterday.  I'm really glad that I joined the Y, instead of just joining a gym with a pool.  The masters program at my Y was the main incentive to go the Y route, and I'm extremely happy that I did.

I'm really looking forward to a month or two from now when I have a higher level of comfort in the water.  My two most glaring problems were that I wasn't kicking well, and that I was keeping my head too high in the water.  Both of these things were cauing my hips to sink, and that was making my upper body work that much harder to keep myself going.


I agree the Masters program is awesome.  I was a lifeguard in high school but never swam competively.  I had the same problem my head was too high and I wasn't kicking well.  Probably because when I was swimming I was suppose to be looking for the person in front of me so I could save them...not trying to swim faster than people beside me.

Glad you are getting a lot out of your program

2009-01-07 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Ginny- I understand the frustration about those last 10 pounds. And- to be honest- I loved the article, but it was also written by two men. I am pretty certain (From living with The Boy Who Can Eat ANYTHING) that our bodies are different and that means weight loss is different. I really struggle with how I look and feel versus what our scale says. My attempt at my last 10 pounds is Weight Watchers, and we'll see how that works with training, especially once we get into traininng plans (I think I will start my plan for my first race in February?).

Anyway, keep us posted on the PT. And congrats to you for taking the initiative to work on those last ten pounds!

It's cold here in Ohio today, and I do not have a sitter for running outside, which meant a quick trip to the Y for some intervals on the treadmill. 21 minutes in, my toddler exploded, and the nursery attendants came running to me (they don't change diapers, and this one was a MESS). So - short workout day. Another example of training with small children.

Mike's shoulder is hurt. Yikes. Anyone else out there dealing with injuries?
2009-01-07 2:26 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Anne - Give Mike my condolences.  I hurt my shoulder a few years ago and was amazed at how much pain a PT can inflict with a 1 lb weight.  Hope it's nothing serious.

Ginny and Anne - Good luck with those last 10 lbs.  You can do it!  I'm proof.  I'm a weight watchers success.  I never went to any of the meetings or even enrolled in their program, but I did piggy back with my wife while she was going.  I'm not sure what my ideal weight is supposed to be, but as of right now, my BMI (I know that's not a great indicator of weight) is 24.0.  At my absolute heaviest, I was 197 lbs.  Which is A LOT on a 5' 8" frame.  I'm at 157.7 right now, so I'm within a pound of having lost 40.  This was done in two phases.  My first attempt got me down to around 170, then I got lazy and went back up to 180 or so.  This last time, not only did I get much more strict with myself about my diet, but that's when I started running.  I'm thinking that my ideal weight would be somewhere around 150 as I still have 19% body fat, but if I can keep myself between 155 and 160 I'd be thrilled.  The thing that helped me the most with my weight loss was keeping a food journal.  I just use a little spiral notepad - the kind that you used to write your homework assignments in.  Small, easy to keep in a kitchen drawer, and easy to use.  Every day get's it's own page.  Writing down everything really opened my eyes to exactly how much absolute crap I put into my body.

Everyone - I'm not dealing with an injury, but I do have a general question.  I've been running for the last 6 months or so, and have felt like I've been getting stronger and stronger.  I've always ridden my bike as well.  Since I started to think about tri's, I've been riding more seriously, and going for a really good workout instead of just a leisurely pedal.  Since I've started doing the bike more, I've noticed that my runs are more difficult.  I'm just seeming to fatigue sooner that I'm used to on my runs.  I have a garmin, so I keep track of pace/distance/etc.  I'm not running faster than normal, and I am increasing my mileage slowly, but this week is a cut back week and even on a short 3 mile run on Monday and today's 4 mile run, I was pooped.  I'm thinking that I might just be over-doing the legs a bit and maybe I should cut down on the bike a bit for now - at least cut back on the bike intervals and just pedal easy for 30 - 40 minutes.  I don't want to cut down on the run as I'm training for the Broad Street Run in May (10 miles), so getting miles in my Aasics is a priority right now.  I need to build to being able to race a 10 miler.  

Does my thinking seem to be on the right track?


Edited by scout21 2009-01-07 2:38 PM
2009-01-07 8:48 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Matt, Sounds like you're overdoing the 'hard' riding a bit.  A nice, casual 30-40 mile ride is GREAT to refresh tired legs and should be a frequent ride option.  You can't go out and hammer every ride.  Also,  I don't know about your bike fit, but you may want to start transitioning into a more 'triathlete' fit on your bike; seat more forward, bars slightly lower etc.  This will help save the legs a bit for the run.  Good Luck.
2009-01-07 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1892855

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Tell me alittle about your workouts on both the bike and the run. My thoughts are you should be doing at least 1 long ride and run per week and intervals atleast once per week for both the run and bike. Since your focus is a running race in May I would do one more run per week. My guess is your legs are tired becase you have increased your mileage and added swimming to your weekly schedule and that does make a difference. I think it will get better over time. Just make sure you keep your easy workout easy. If you would like some help on a workout schedule for getting ready for the May race just send me a note.
2009-01-08 7:07 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Hi Mike -

I'm following a smartcoach from 1/2 marathon plan.  I've modified it a bit just to even out the lengths of some of the runs.  For example on an 18 mile week, they call for an easy run of 2 miles, a 6 mile run with 4 miles of tempo, another 2 mile easy run and a long run of 8 miles.  An example of the change that I made was to change it to 3, 5 /w 3 tempo, 2 and 8.  I leave the long run alone, but just try and balance out the distances of the other runs a little more so that it doesn't seem like I'm doing one long run a week and one almost as long run a week.  This plan started with 13 mile weeks, and it builds up to a max of a 25 mile week two weeks prior to the end of the plan.

I think the problem was that I was overdoing it with the bike.  I was spinning easy for 10 minutes to warm up, then doing 5 minute intervals in a much bigger gear at a much slower tempo.  Now that I'm typing it out, how could my legs NOT be tired?  I'll just stick with the spinning for now until I adjust, then slowly add in harder bike workouts.  With the bike right now, I'm really just trying to build a little bit of a base so that I can go out and not have to start from scratch in the spring.


Edited by scout21 2009-01-08 7:10 AM

2009-01-08 7:40 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Sounds like you boys hammered out that leg question. I had not even thought about the fit- good point, Jeff. Matt, are you on a tri bike? Is it fitted to you? And good job on just spinning for now and building that base for spring- a very good choice, especially with the run race you are training for.

Spring surely does seem a long way off today; the weather forecast is just terrible for us for the next week, with no possible outside runs in sight. Negative windchills and snow do not make for a fun run!

2009-01-08 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

A road bike with aerobars, and it hasn't been fitted since I bought it.  Maybe that is in order.  I'll just spin for a while and see that it gets better.

Thanks everyone!


2009-01-09 9:49 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Keep us posted on those legs.

We're supposed to get a big winter storm tonight, so no swim for me today or tomorrow. This morning was spent running errands; this afternoon it's all kiddos, all the time, with doctor's appointments and school parties and trips in to Mike's work to sell girl scout cookies. Fun!

Anyway, everyone have a great weekend.
2009-01-09 2:54 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

I skipped the bike last night and swam this morning.  I was supposed to run 4 easy miles at lunch today, but it turned into a tempo run.  My problem was overdoing it on the bike.  I didn't feel 100% back to normal, but it was definitely better than the last two runs. 

Have a good weekend everyone!  I'm supposed to get together with high school friends, some of whom I haven't seen in over 20 years.  Hope we don't get snowed out!


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