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2009-01-03 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Patricia, I use my training log all the time. It is good to be able to look back and see the progress you have made with time. I like to look at others logs, I learn from what I read from them. I also like to send inspires and receive them, its fun. I hope you ladies don't mind if I add you to my friends list, it will make it easier to see how everyone is doing.

Edited by twohearted 2009-01-03 9:54 AM

2009-01-03 9:56 AM
in reply to: #1883448

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

 Feb Terri's Biathlon Relay
 March Julie's Sprint
 April Terris' Sprint, Patricia's 1/2 Marathon
 May Karen's Sprint
 June Jen's, Patricia's & Tiffany's Sprints
 July Ruth's Olympic
 Aug Ruth's Olympic
 Sept Karen's Olympic
 Oct Karen's 1/2 Marathon


Yeah! Ruth filled-in our year for us! I'm amazed at the training you're all doing! That will definitely keep me motivated.

To answer some questions- yes, my trip is a cruise. 12 day Mediterranean, including 2 days in Israel- which isn't looking good right now. So, keeping my fingers crossed for a cease-fire before then.  We also go to Athens, which of course is still rioting, so all-around things are a little shaky. I've been on cruises before without giving up my diet, so that should be okay. Now if the rest of the world would put down their weapons so I can travel that would be great. (said sarcastically).

I just found out the run I thought was 2 miles is actually 3. That shouldn't be a big deal, but since a the present time I can't even run 1/2 mile, that's a little concerning. But here's what I'm wondering. If that's basically a 5k, should I try to run one before the June tri- or should I just continue to train for my tri? Oh, and I tried that really cool "create a route" tool on here- which is AWESOME, by the way- and found out that my bike computer must have been calibrated wrong, so the loop near my house that I thought was 7 miles is only 5 miles. So when I was riding it twice to gauge how bad the tri would be, and I thought "well, that was 14 miles- 2 more wouldn't kill me" I was only riding 10 out of 16. Yikes!

2009-01-03 9:57 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Oh, and someone asked about getting here easier than finding it in the forums. I just bookmarked the forum with my browser. There's probably another way to do it, but that worked.
2009-01-03 10:08 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Thanks Jennifer, I just bookmarked this forum. I'm not very computer savvy sometimes
2009-01-03 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Hey Karen, thanks for asking about adding us to your friends. I'm so new here, I didn't know that was an option. I figured out how to do it through the control panel on my log. That's pretty cool! I checked out your log and realized there were lots of functions I hadn't seen before- like the ability to add notes/comments. That will really come in handy. Thanks again.
2009-01-03 12:29 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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West Richland
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Thanks ladies, I bookmarked the link (silly I didn't think of that) and added everyone to my friends list.

Now I'm looking for a training plan to try, I upgraded to silver so I could see everything.

I think I will take a long swim today (try for a mile, I have not done that in a while) working on my Total Immersion form!



2009-01-03 1:03 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the update Ruth.  You've got some good experience already. It will be nice to have your input.  Since you have done a few races and are looking to get faster, you should probably look into a training plan. Also, I've heard great things aobut the Total Immersion swim program and have thought about getting it for myself. 

A brick is typically a bike/run combo although is can refer to any combination of swim/bike/run done with a very short transition between the two.   Doing brick workouts (bike/run) can be benificial in getting the legs used to running off the bike.  It can feel very weird  at first when you jump off the bike and immediately begin to run.

BTW, BT has a glossary of terms that covers everything including some of the sayings/acromyns used in the forms.   The only way I've ever found it was to type in "glossary" in the site search.  There is probably a better/faster way...if anyone knows it let me know.

As far as finding this group, I too just bookmarked it to my favorites.

How exciting that several people are looking into new bikes.  New toys sure are fun!  I'm saving to get a tri bike.  Right now I have a road bike (Trek 2200 WSD) with clip on aerobars.  It's a great bike and has served me well. I probably won't be able to get enough coin together for a couple of years, (college tuition - yikes!) so until then the  "Pink Lady" (yes, I have a pink bike) will continue to be my trusty steed. Anyway, keep us up dated on the bike searches and when you get one - post a pic!

Lastly, there is soooo much stuff on BT.  I'm still discovering things.  There are so many helpful articles etc.  I learned how to do a flip turn by watching the video here on BT.  So, if you haven't already, go explore the site.


Edited by suzimmer 2009-01-03 1:06 PM
2009-01-03 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1863127

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Wow! Great to hear from everyone! I am going to try to get my training log going this weekend.
I do not have any specific tris picked out yet. We have 2 very active tri series where I live in Ontario (Canada), so I usually pick them according to when I can get vacation time. I will post them as soon as I know.
I am interested in any tips on improving my running, particularly how to keep my self from mentally giving up when the run gets tough. I am presently running 30 mins 3xweek, and am working my distance up slowly d/t plantar fascitis. I have never been a runner, and don't really like it. I need to make peace with the run!
2009-01-03 7:05 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

So, I went to the gym to sign-up. They have an indoor pool, and that's what I'm after. I was in there yesterday and was quoted a $30 sign-up and $24.99/mo. I thought that was good, but had to talk to hubby. Went back in today- they won't honor that price. The guy that quoted it wasn't there. I was ticked. Said, "forget it," and came home. Got on their site (24 hour fitness) and found they're having a 1-club special. $199 for the year. Total. No initiation. So they didn't bother to tell me that one was available. (website says it's available at the club too.) I signed up, paid, and now have a 1-year membership that nobody got paid a commission on.

So, while I was really upset about it, I ended up getting a better deal in the long run. I mention it because if anyone has a 24-hour fitness near them that's a pretty good deal. Online at

Hope it helps someone! It's WAY too cold to swim in the winter- even in California!

2009-01-04 12:36 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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West Richland
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

I'm no expert for sure but I find running to be very much a 'mind game'.  My body typically goes in cycles in which I feel like I just can't go on but if I stick with it I start to feel better.  The key for me is to hang in there when it gets hard and not stop.  I slow way down and try to relax as much as possible but I keep going.  It usually takes about 5 minutes but then I almost always start to feel better and can speed up a little (never very fast for me) and continue the rest of my run (I typically go 1 to 1-1/2 hrs now, usually 10-11 min. miles).  As I began to go longer and longer I discovered that I typically go in these kinds of cycles (usually at ~ 20 min. and again at ~40 min. I need to slow down a little and relax).  It's weird, but if I make myself  fight through and not stop completely it's a real boost mentally.  It's much easier for me to keep going when I realize that the pain is not permanent, if that makes sense. 

 Anyway, just my 2 cents.



2009-01-04 2:15 AM
in reply to: #1863127

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Thanks for the couple of bike recommendations, I definitely will check them out. That aside I need to find a bike clinic or beginners group to help me get started since I haven't been on a bike in some time. Honolulu is also not very bike friendly, to much traffic and hardly any bike lanes.

 Today I did plan on going to the Y to workout and swim but my 6 year old son begged me not to go, he says I exercise too much. Being we have mostly mom's here, how do you all find time to exercise and train and not feel guilty about it ( my son's an only child and he definitely is a mama's boy

 I am going on a group run tmrw AM prob about 5 miles...Last week I tried the 10 min mile group but kept falling behind and out of breath so will try the 12 min mile group. 

 Have a good night.  Terri






2009-01-04 8:49 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Hi Girls!

I have a nutrition question. I'm going for a 65 minutes run today. I find that gels are what are the easiest to digess for me before a long run. Now my question is : do I take one before I leave (like 15 minutes before) and then another one in the middle of my run? or is one enough before for a run that's more than one hour? It's 9:30 right now. I'm having a bagel and coffee. I'll probably be going out running around noon.

Terri : I have a teenage daughter (almost 15) so it's easier for me in the sense that I don't need a babysitter to go out and train but I still have to be there for my family and not always out biking or swimming or running. So I try to plan my training around my family. (especially now starting this week, I'm swimming 3 X week).
Monday : I run after work - Daughter's and hubby are not home yet
Tuesday : I'll be getting up early to go swimming at 6 am - so I'm home that night (we'll see how THAT goes lol)
Wednesday : running with the club - there's no avoiding this one
Thursday : I swim at night - Hubby works and daughter has gym class
Friday : off - or a short run after work
Saturday - morning with the club - daughter sleeps in and hubby works
Sunday - long run - nobody minds

Training mom and wife = happy mom and wife= better mom and wife. Sometimes they tell me to go out and train LOL It's not always easy to please everybody but I try and I'm very lucky to have a supportive husband and daughter.

Ruth - Thanks for the tip. I find that after 35 minutes I just want to quit. I feel very tired and my body just wants to stop right there. I'll try what you said, just slow down, relax and go on. Everytime I run I'm thinking how I'm going to do a half marathon if I want to stop after 40 minutes!!!

Jennifer - Congrats on joining the gym Even if they don't sound very honest!! This is the one where the pool is right?

This is long enough lol Have a great day
2009-01-04 9:39 AM
in reply to: #1863127

New user

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hello Ladies,

 So Saturday I went for my first swim in quite some time. I used to swim in high school but I havn't been in the pool for lap swimming since then (except for once several months ago). It actually went pretty well considering. I did 800y in a little over 20 minutes. I would do 100 rest for 30s-1m and then do another 100. I felt like I was getting some sort of rythm towards the end so I am looking forward to my next swim.

Thank you for mentioning the friends option on BT, I added all of you. I have been going through some of the information here on BT and there is so much. Susie, thank you for mentioning the video on flip turns. I used to be able to do them in my sleep but I have forgotten how so it was great to watch a few and hopefully next swim will be able to do them again (after practicing a bit).

Today I plan to go for a run. I have noticed it looks like most of you are running the entire time when you go out. I usually do a run/walk mix run 7min walk 1-2 min depending on how far I plan on going. This seems to help me break up the run a little and make it not so intimidating. I have never been a runner but I have suprisingly enjoyed it since I started in August. Anyway, do you think I should work on running straight rather than taking the walking breaks?

Have a great Sunday.


2009-01-04 9:46 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Ruth- thanks for the info on your body's cycles...I didn't even realize that was a possibility, being so new to "the game." I can honestly say I've never pushed through pain, and I know that has to stop or I won't get anywhere! That's one reason I'm doing this, I think. I've been able to push through a lot in life, but pushing my body has never been the case (except in childbirth, of course!) I think it's awesome you know about how often it happens so you can prep yourself for the "push through" part.

As far as working out with kids...the first time I tried to do this, we all joined the gym. The older 2 loved it, and they had a kids' club for the little one. It was really tough to schedule things around what they could/wanted to do. I never got in a good workout, unless I was alone. So I started going while they were in school, and then they were mad they never got to go.

This time, and for the last year as I've lost weight, I do things mainly when they're at school- that will especially be the case with swimming. But I realize that my job is more flexible than most. There will be days, however, that I'm going to be on the phone with lenders on the east coast at 6am and don't take a break until I get my kids from school, so those days will be tough to get in a workout. My oldest son (14 next week) runs cross-country, so if and when I can actually run, I'll be able to run with him (if he'll wait up for me!) He runs a 5:45 mile and a 20 min off-road 5k- and he's only done 3 5ks so far. So if I push myself, maybe I can run with him on his easy days!

My little one (now 8) likes to ride his bike while I jog or walk- so that helps a lot on the weekends, and I can usually talk hubby into going with me on a walk/jog. He could stand to lose 50 lbs or so. The biggest problem I have now is getting out of the house for a walk without the dogs! I have 2, but they really pull me, and then I'm stomping down the street- all I can think about then are my feet and shins, and knowing that's going to be a problem later!

2009-01-04 2:29 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi, everyone!

Jennifer, Congrats on the  gym membership.  Too bad it was bit annoying to get, but you ended up with a good deal. Time to jump in the pool.  I have not  been swimming for 2 weeks.  I finally got my Ironman M-dot tattoo so it has to heal completely before getting back in the pool.  Maybe next week.

Ruth thanks for sharing your cycle approach to running.   Many people I've talked to advocate the run/walk approach to making gains in running, which is simialir to what you've described.  Tiffany, taking walking breaks is not a bad idea, just limit the breaks to about 1 minute.  You can try to gradually lengthen the time between breaks by 1 minute increments.  Some people find it hard to start up the running  after a break. Then just slow down and speed up, what Ruth is doing.  Interval training, where you alternate fast and slow paces during a run is a good way to increase your overall speed over time.

Patricia, as far as nutrition for a 1 hour run:  A gel before is probably all you need, but if you find yourself feeling really dragged out toward the end, then you might need something at around 45 minutes.  You'll figure  out what your body needs.  Have you ever tried Sport Beans?  Sometimes I will eat 4 or 5 beans instead of taking a GU.  Anyway, just make sure you hydrate well, especially after and eat something soon after the run. There are some good videos and articles dealing with nutrition on this site.

Speaking of hydrating, that is what I find the most difficult when running.  I'm like a camel, I don't get thirsty and therefore forget to drink.  I also HATE to carry water bottles when running.  Tried the belts, hate the bouncing and sloshing.  I now bring a water bottle and drop it someone along the run and then pick it up on the way back so I at least get some water during my run.  I then try to drink a lot after.  I also like  G2, the low calorie gaterade.  

Terri, I can imagine how difficult it must be to juggle all the demands of being a single parent and then trying to fit in training.  I give you so much credit for doing what you are.  My boys, being older, really don't care if I'm around or not (unless they need money or food) In fact, as of this writing, they had only recently gotten out of bed. (It's 2 pm)

But I agree with Patricia, that getting in what I call "me time" is essential.  I know that I am a much happier and nicer wife and mother when I get my workouts.  If I have to miss, I get rather cranky.   And it's not just the physical part, it's doing something for yourself, by yourself.  Something I always tell the moms of the kids I teach is that you can't neglect yourself.  It's not selfish to schedule time (and sometimes you need to actually schedule it) for yourself. It will actually help your family because it helps you. A burnt out, stressed out mom is not doing anybody any good.  A little time away can do wonders.

Terri, maybe you can work out schedules with your friends where you take turns watching the kids so the others can train.  Just a thought.

Well, gotta go to the grocery store as my boys have just proclaimed that there is NOTHING to eat.  Hmmm... didn't I just go to the store a few days ago and spend way too much money? 

Enjoy your Sunday!


2009-01-04 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
I just saw that there's an "Icebreaker Swim" event in April near me. It's a 1/2 mile course, which is the same as what I'll be doing in June. It would then be the first open-water event I've ever done. It seems like it would be a good idea to do that before my tri. Here's the problem: It's 2 days after we get back from our vacation. So, I'm wondering- would you do that? Or, would you figure it was too soon after flying home from Italy to do that to yourself? Would it give me the incentive I need on the cruise to stay busy on my work-outs, or would I just be sorry I signed up?

2009-01-04 3:12 PM
in reply to: #1863127

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Ruth, thanks so much for the tips to help with my run. I'll try that when I run tomorrow.
2009-01-04 4:55 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Susie, I have found a training plan that I think will work for me. It is a BT  Silver Sprint Basic 12 week RPE plan. I imported it into my training calender. I have 5 weeks until I start this plan. My sprint is on May 31, I also am planning a 10K on May 10. Do you think that I can incorporate training for the 10K along with my sprint?




2009-01-04 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1885066

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Thanks for the insight about training and being a parent. I think having a set training schedule like you have may help my son, a routine may help his anxieties about me going out. Young kids are all about routines right! I agree with your training mom= happy mom= better mom. Thanks again
2009-01-04 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1863127

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Do any of you train with a heart rate monitor?? What formula do you use to determine max heart rate? I use the 220- 46(age) so mine is 174. While running I keep going up to my max and a little beyond, does this happen to any of you? I feel slightly winded but OK during this time should I slow down( I am trying to pick up speed since I am pretty slow already average 12 min mile) any thoughts??? 
2009-01-04 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1885497

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

3boyzmom - 2009-01-04 3:09 PM I just saw that there's an "Icebreaker Swim" event in April near me. It's a 1/2 mile course, which is the same as what I'll be doing in June. It would then be the first open-water event I've ever done. It seems like it would be a good idea to do that before my tri. Here's the problem: It's 2 days after we get back from our vacation. So, I'm wondering- would you do that? Or, would you figure it was too soon after flying home from Italy to do that to yourself? Would it give me the incentive I need on the cruise to stay busy on my work-outs, or would I just be sorry I signed up?

I think I would do it. Like you said it will give you the incentive to keep up some swim fitness on your cruise and it sounds like a very cool event. Sounds like swimming is coming along pretty good for you. I love to swim and I have come a long way but I am sooo slooowww. I'm starting to think I need a coach for a few private lessons. I swim at Lifetime Fitness and can get some private time for not too much$.

2009-01-04 7:49 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Yeah, I should mention that I'm a REALLY slow swimmer too. It might be comfortable, but it's slow. I think I'm worried about jetlag. Italy is 9 hours ahead of us, (I live in CA), so between the flight and the time difference, I'm just not sure.
2009-01-05 12:50 AM
in reply to: #1885877

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
I went to europe about 5 years ago... .the jet lag was awful, took about week or maybe even more to recover. Got my days and nights mixed up. I personally would not plan on doing events during the first week back. 
2009-01-05 10:32 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Oh my gosh- a WEEK?! I was thinking a couple days...yeah, no swim for me!
2009-01-05 12:31 PM
in reply to: #1886727

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

I do envy you though... a cruise in Italy, I need a vacation like that.   

 My exercise plan for today is a 60 min spin class, a 30 min swim and if I have time a 20 min run on treadmill. 



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