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2009-01-01 2:42 PM
in reply to: #1879993

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

Happy New Year Everyone!

I was wondering if there is anyone who can tell me how I can learn to use this website better.  For example; how do I upload a photo? How do I get to this "blog?" with out going through Forums, 2009 Mentors and then searching for madcow? I am muddling through at this point,  but if there is somewhere I can go to learn more, that wold be fantastic.  Thanks.

2009-01-01 2:56 PM
in reply to: #1881352


Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

I finished the 5K this morning, but don't normally run outside when the weather is cold and was not well prepared for it.  I actually was VERY overdressed and became overheated.  I had to stop and walk several times and had a finish time of 34 minutes.  It was motivating to get out with other fit people to start the new year though and I am pumped about training to see if I can get my time lower by this spring.  I am going ice skating with the family in a little bit, so maybe that will give a little exercise too.  Have a great new year!  Melanie

2009-01-01 3:04 PM
in reply to: #1881352

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
sahebb - 2009-01-01 12:42 PM

Happy New Year Everyone!

I was wondering if there is anyone who can tell me how I can learn to use this website better.  For example; how do I upload a photo? How do I get to this "blog?" with out going through Forums, 2009 Mentors and then searching for madcow? I am muddling through at this point,  but if there is somewhere I can go to learn more, that wold be fantastic.  Thanks.

Happy new year, too!

If you look at the top of the page you will see buttons for "programs, articles, races, routes, training logs, forums and gear reviews". If you click on the training log button, that will take you to your log.

If you click on the "album" button which is just below the "races" button you can go to people's albums. You can create your own there.

If you want to make an avatar (picture next to your name), click on "Control Panel" on the top left part of the screen, you can upload an avatar picture there.

Also, you can click on the "Logs" button at the bottom of your last post as well. That will take you to your log or if you click on the logs of somebody else, it will take you to theres.

Hope that helps.

2009-01-01 3:08 PM
in reply to: #1881366

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
gotscott1 - 2009-01-01 12:56 PM

I finished the 5K this morning, but don't normally run outside when the weather is cold and was not well prepared for it.  I actually was VERY overdressed and became overheated.  I had to stop and walk several times and had a finish time of 34 minutes.  It was motivating to get out with other fit people to start the new year though and I am pumped about training to see if I can get my time lower by this spring.  I am going ice skating with the family in a little bit, so maybe that will give a little exercise too.  Have a great new year!  Melanie

Melanie, congrats on your 5K finish. Being around active people is very motivating. I am sure you will be able to lower your 5Kk P.R. by the spring. Just keep at it and you will be shooting for sub 25 minutes by the summer.

Have fun ice skating.

2009-01-01 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1881382

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
Congrats on your 5K Melanie!! Way to start off the year!!
2009-01-02 6:34 AM
in reply to: #1867072

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Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
Let me start by saying good job with your 5k.  So yesterday I was a slug but today I will run after work, I will check back in tonight and see how everyone else is doing.

2009-01-02 9:27 AM
in reply to: #1867072

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Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

Great 5K Melanie!!

 I am still struggling a little navigating the site, but getting better.  Have "long" bike today (40 min) and need to do indoors since its frigid here with snowpack on the roads.  They have all new equipment at the Y so I'll have to ask for help, which I like a little less than asking for directions

Tom Question - I get really freaked out when I get water in my nose when doing my TI pool drills on my back and side.  What's the best way to keep water out of your nose when swimming?  Is there something I should focus on?

2009-01-02 3:36 PM
in reply to: #1882516


Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

First of all, I feel so blessed and encouraged by your nice comments on my 5k!!  I am with Kevin about new equipment at the gym.  They put new equipment at ours and everyone was so upset about it that they sold it and put the old stuff back!!  I swam for 30 mins today and tried to improve my 5k time by running on the treadmill.  I have to say it is much easier on the treadmill where I can crank up my music, run without hills if I want to (of course, I usually want to!) and wear normal running clothes.  My time today was 30:40.  Sub 24 sounds amazing!!  I watched YouTube videos to try to get my swimming strokes a little better.  I should have paid more attention when I was taking my kids to swim team practice--it looks much easier when they are doing it!!

Questions--What is the best thing for middle aged women  like myself to wear in a triathlon? Also, I have a Trek hybrid bike--I know it is not the best for racing, but will have to do for now.  Are there any adaptations that you would recommend that I make to it to help?

2009-01-03 8:43 AM
in reply to: #1867072

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Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
I would say wear what you feel comfortable wearing and can still perform in.  I did my first last year and saw people wearing everything.  I wore tri shorts and can tell you I was glad on the bike.  Well today I'm gonna hit the gym for a swim as long as the roads aren't too bad, and then jump on the trainer to night for a bike.  Good luck guys/ gals and have a good weekend....
2009-01-03 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1867072

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
Good morning everybody. Yesterday was a mrathon soccer taxi day for me, so sorry I couldn't back to you earlier. More runnng around for me today, so I got in an aerly trainer ride
2009-01-03 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1882516

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
Kevin G - 2009-01-02 7:27 AM

Tom Question - I get really freaked out when I get water in my nose when doing my TI pool drills on my back and side.  What's the best way to keep water out of your nose when swimming?  Is there something I should focus on?

I am not totally familiar with TI, but am pretty sure they are some of the normal swim drills. How are you breathing? Is it out of your mouth or out of your nose?

For a while I was having problems because I think I was holding my head at a weird angle, but I exhale out of my nose, so I just focused on blowing extra hard out and making sure I had my head completely out of the water when I was inhaling. You might also want to try swimming nose plugs. You can find those at any swim shop and maybe some sporting goods stores.

2009-01-03 11:28 AM
in reply to: #1883091

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
gotscott1 - 2009-01-02 1:36 PM

Questions--What is the best thing for middle aged women  like myself to wear in a triathlon? Also, I have a Trek hybrid bike--I know it is not the best for racing, but will have to do for now.  Are there any adaptations that you would recommend that I make to it to help?

As for what to wear, Tri shorts are your best bet. You can swim in them and they have a small bike pad in them that dries pretty quickly. The pad is small enough that it shouldn't bother you during the run, so there is no need to change clothes during the race. For the top, I know you can find a tri top, usually made by the same company that sells tri shorts. You can buy a one piece suit, but some people don't like the one piece because you have to strip down to use the bathroom. Or they have the two piece suits. I know my wife used a sports bra under her tri top for more support.

If you have a triathlon store near you, you can go in and try these on to see what fits. Here are some examples of the types of clothes out there. My wife got a Reebok outfit at REI, but I looked up tri clothes and didn't see any. If you have an REI near you, you might want to go in a check it out, just in case.

For your bike. You will have no problems with a hybrid. Wait until you are sure this sport is for you before you drop large sums of cash into a bike. If you have knobby tires, you might want to go with more of a slick tire, if they make them for your size rim. Go into your bike shop and see what they have or can order for you. Other than that, you should be fine.

Edited by madcow 2009-01-03 11:30 AM
2009-01-03 7:43 PM
in reply to: #1867072


Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
Thanks for the advice.  I need to start looking around.  Went to the gym for spinning class and all the New Years crowd was there and I couldn't get a bike!  I had to work on my own which was okay, but not as much fun.  Hope you all are having a good weekend!
2009-01-04 8:50 AM
in reply to: #1867072

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Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
Good morning all, wasn't able to get a swim in yesterday, my wife reminded me of all the stuff I had promised to do for her....So I've had a knee injury for the past 5 weeks the doc told me I was only limited by the pain and that it should clear up after a month or so.  I was told the the cartilage in my knee was thinning out.  I'm going crazy not being able to put in a long workout, and the pool I can only swim the width since they haven't installed their goverment regulated covers yet...just wanted to complain to someone, on a good note I'm gonna start riding my mt bike to work starting Monday morning.  Have a good Sunday all.
2009-01-04 11:10 AM
in reply to: #1884129

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Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
Thanks for the advice Tom.  I am breathing out my nose and in through my mouth, so I'll try to exhale more forcefully.  Back is really sore today so I am going to rest and do some housework.  Kids go back to school tomorrow!
2009-01-04 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1867072


Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
I did the full length of my sprint tri today at the gym on the treadmill and stationary bike.  I did it backward so that I wouldn't have to use the equipment dripping wet.  It was really fun and I did it without feeling like death afterwards.  I still can't do the full 400 yard swim without alternating between 50 yds of freestyle and 50 of breast/backstroke.  I watched the youtube videos of correct stroke patterns and know mine is all wrong, but it is giving me something to work toward.  I have the luxury of working on a school schedule, so along with your kids, it is back to work for me this week. 

2009-01-04 5:37 PM
in reply to: #1867072

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

You did awesome today Melanie!!!   I hope I can find somewhere to swim this week.  The sprint tri I am training for is a half mile swim and a 12 mile bike; which I hear is mostly up hill. YIKES!!! And of course the 3.1 mile run.  When do you run your first sprint tri and where is it being held?  I don't think you'll have any problem finishing!




2009-01-05 7:44 AM
in reply to: #1867072

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
Shawn, I know all about not getting on the long workouts. I just wish I had one open weekend (with no rain) so I could train like I want to. But It is a long season and right now, family comes first. Hope you got all of your errands done, so you will be free to train soon.
2009-01-05 7:50 AM
in reply to: #1867072

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

Melanie, that is awesome!
Keep working on those distances, especially the swim.

For sprint races, I like to train doing double the race distance. So if your swim is 400 yards, then my long swim workouts will be (at least) 800 yards. You won't have to do the whole 800 in one set, but having the confidence to know the 400 is easy will really help you with your race. Nerves are a crazy thing and I have seen people who could do the distance, quit races because they THOUGHT they couldn't swim the whole way. Right now, you should just get confortable in the water and slowly building your straight swims in length.

2009-01-05 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1885699

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
Stacey, from your logs, you will have no problem with the run and I think you have to longest time before your first race. So you have plenty of time to work on your swim and bike. Hopefully you will find a pool this week so you can get after it!
2009-01-05 7:55 AM
in reply to: #1885235

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
Kevin, very consistant work so far. It must really help having an experienced traithlete living under your roof.
BTW, that pizza looked great.

2009-01-05 8:02 AM
in reply to: #1867072

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

Triathlon Training Challenge

Ok, so I want to try and put together a challenge ever y once in a while, just to push all a little bit. I totally understand if life gets in the way and you can't finish the challenge, so don't stress. It is just a little something to keep us focused on training, especially during the off season. Also, if you are using a training plan and the challenge is different, then stick with your plan!

Since we all are able to run in this winter weather the first challenge will be a run challenge.

No matter what your distance or pace, try to run 3 times this week. If you can, get in one run that is a little longer the rest. If you want to be so bold, you can let us know which days you are going to run, so we can hold you acountable.

Have fun!


2009-01-05 8:04 AM
in reply to: #1867072

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
I will go first. My daughter is out of school today, so I will take her with me to the track and get in a little speed work (if you can call it that), then I will try to run at lunch or at my daughter's soccer practice on Wednesday and then I will run Friday morning.
2009-01-05 4:44 PM
in reply to: #1886392

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
I ran 3.0 mi today and plan on running Wed, Fri and a long run on Sunday. I plan on 5mi on Wed, 3mi Fri, and 7mi Sun. I am off work tomorrow because I worked this past weekend, so I will be visiting the local pools and gyms to check them out.  Laughing
2009-01-05 4:54 PM
in reply to: #1867072

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

Tom says I can still join.  He's such a nice guy!!

NAME: Oliveview/Sherri

STORY: I did my first sprint a few years ago.  It was at the end of the season and it was great!  The next year I did 2 sprints and a 1.5 mile ocean swim.  The next year I did another sprint and I just lost the love   (Maybe I'll say more about that later).  I did nothing last year as I was in a cast or brace for almost a solid year.  I had a stress fracture in my foot that reappeared a year later as a full fracture.  The bone died and I had to have the bone grafted.  It took a solid year to get over it and now after a case of tendonitis in my knee, I am much better and ready to do at least a sprint this year. 

FAMILY STATUS: I am 42 years old and I am married to Ralph.  We have three children (8, 6, and the baby will be 5 next week).  We homeschool and I stay at home with the children during the day and go to work every evening when Ralph gets off work.  I also work every weekend.  We take MMA as a family and I am getting my brown belt this weekend.  Our children are VERY busy and we stay on the go much of the time.  My dh and I are both Cub Scout leaders and are involved in various other commuinty activities.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have only been doing my MMA for the last year or so (maybe 2) with any consistency. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  There is a sprint almost at my backdoor in May.  I think I should do that.  If that goes well without me getting in my head then I will consider some other races this year.  Even though I am not racing the VA Triple, I will be there as madcow's crew chief.  I think I need a training plan that covers that!!

WEIGHTLOSS:  I have 100+ pounds to lose.  I would like to do a race without someone yelling "you're such an inspiration!"

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