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2009-01-05 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Tampa, Florida
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - OPEN
If there is still space I too would love to join your mentor group.

NAME: Jessica

STORY: I went to my doctor for a physical about a year and half ago and he told me that I was fat and that I needed to go on a low-fat, low-carbohydrate, sodium and alcohol free diet. I just could not accept that, so I decided to modify my diet and change my lifestyle, particularly by getting more exercise. So I joined my gym and got to work, and then one day, some random guy in the lane next to me asked me if I was training for a tri. I was completely baffled, had no idea what he was talking about. The he says, "Well, I see you upstairs on the bike and treadmill and then here in the pool, so I figured maybe you were training for a triathlon." I laughed and said,"Nooooo, not this fat girl." I was always a good swimmer, never ran futher than a mile until I was 28, never rode a road bike in my life. But then a couple days after running into that guy, I woke up and thought, why the hell not? I had read somewhere that signing yourself up for a competitive athletic event was one of the best ways to force yourself to commit to a program, so you don't embarass yourself on game day. It works.

FAMILY STATUS: I am single, no children. One very clingy, needy and shaky chihuahua.

CURRENT TRAINING: I took a lot of time off after breaking my ankle last January, and then spraining it in June. My current training plan is hybridization and personalization of a couple different programs.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Sadly I didn't compete at all this past year.

2009 RACES: I plan to do at least 3 sprints this spring, and my first olympic this summer. I am also contemplating doing the San Antonio Rock and Roll half-marathon in the fall.

WEIGHTLOSS: Uhhhh, well, it's been more of a gain lately, but I'll get back to you on this.

MOTIVATION: My doctor slapping me on the hand.

MY GOALS: Lose 30 pounds by July, and finish my first oly.

2009-01-05 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Grand Blanc, MI
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - OPEN
HI Mike,
if there's still room, I'd like to join your group.

Story: I am 41 and live outside Flint, MI. HS athlete but only lifted weights until a few years ago. Decided to take up running 2 1/2 yrs ago. Also ran Las Vegas a few weeks ago, my 2nd marathon of 2008. Unfortunately, I'm battling a bad case of ITBS and had to walk/run the final 13 miles. Ran one sprint last summer. Excellent swimmer, decent runner, no bike experience whatsoever. Goal is to run 1/2 IM this year and full IM in 2010.

Family: married 10 yrs. w/ 3 daughters. Wife is a runner so we get to train some together.

Current training: Just finished running Las Vegas marathon. Battling ITBS, so only running up to 5 miles, 3-4 days per week. Just starting swimming again, up to 1400 yds, 2-3 days per week. Biking, just started my trainer last week and am up to a whopping 27 minutes!

This year's races: a couple of sprints in June, an oly, and 1/2 IM in August. Various running races: 25k in May, 10 miler in Aug, marathon in October.

Weightloss: blessed w/ being 6'4" and 185 lbs, one of the lucky few who can eat whatever I want and not gain an ounce!

I look foward to your advice and wisdom, especially on the biking portion of it.
2009-01-05 1:39 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - OPEN

I would like to try out the group. Here is my info.

NAME: Melanie

age: Turning 30 on Saturday (that means a more competitive age group this year and for the next 20 or so years)

STORY: One of the things I do is volunteer with St John Ambulance as a Medical First Responder. 3 years ago I was providing medical coverage at the Niagara triathlon and I saw people of all shapes and sizes and ages competing. I though to myself that I could do this. I'm in shape. The year passes and I forgot about that thought. Now a year later I am at the Niagara Triathlon providing medical and the same thought from the previous year comes back to me - I can do this. But this time I didn't let this thought be just a thought. That is when I decided I wanted to be a triathlete. About a month later I saw there was a triathlon club at my Y and I joined it. The following summer I competed in 4 triathlons. It was great having the support of my friends at the race. My parents even came to watch my first race.

However once I got to my the run part of my first race the thought that was going through my mind was - "I am crazy. Bodies aren't meant for this." But I pushed though it and made it.

FAMILY STATUS: I am currently single - living at home with my parents. I live in the Niagara region in Ontario, Canada.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently at the gym a lot working out. I am part of the triathlon club at my local Y. Every Sunday there is an hour swim practise followed by a 45 minute cycle and then 20-25 core exercises. Although that practise starts at 6:30AM I make it pretty often. There are also Brick practises (run/cycle combo) every thursday but I can't usually make those. In october I joined a running club to help me with my running as I find that to be the weakest of the 3 disciplines for me. Most of the people I run with are marathoners but since it is winter outside they are not doing the huge distances at the moment. I have been consistently running approx 5 miles with them once a week - I call that my endurance practise as that is usually my limit. They might say otherwise as they keep jokin with me when I am going to do a marathon.

I also have shin splints so I have to be careful when I am running. I probably push myself too much. I do have a heart rate monitor. I don't usually use it to for my speed. Maybe I should. I might need help in that area.

Did I mention I used to be a lifeguard for 10 years. I am not scared of the water. I also swam on a masters swim team about 10 years ago for about 3 years. I was faster when I swam with them.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: This past year I did the Welland Try-aTri, Niagara Try-a-tri, Grand Island Summer Sizzler (almost sprint distance) and the Milton Woman only sprint distance. I also did about 8 5km races to help with my running. I still plan on doing a bunch of 5km races this year.

2009 RACES: I want to improve on my times for sprint distances and maybe attempt a triathlon distance race. I'll probably end up doing 4 races. I have a few in mind but have not confirmed anything yet. There is still snow on the ground right now so I have time. My teammates won't let me chicken out anyways.

WEIGHTLOSS: Last year I lost about 20 pounds. I have no idea how I did it as I have always trained. After the new year pounds just started shedding. I gained maybe 5 of that back. I would still like to lose another 10 but I am more concerned about being healthy. If anyone can help me with the nutrition side of the sport, that would be great. People say that triathlons have 4 components not 3 - swim, bike, run, and nutrition.

MOTIVATION: I want to try and push my body to see what I can make it do. I also wanted to earn a medal but my age group is way to competitive that that is not going to happen.

MY GOALS: I would like to conquer the sprint distance. I am defining conquering by finishing a race and feeling that I could not have gone faster, that I felt good doing the race. And feeling that I could move on to the next distance. Right now competing for 3 -6 hours is not appetizing for me. Yes I did a sprint distance last year, but I felt defeated with the run - granted 80% of that course was uphill.

Plus I may try a triathlon distance. I know with the training I could do it is doable I just don't know if mentally I am there yet.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you better.

2009-01-05 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1885573

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New user

Subject: RE: mjewen's group - OPEN
Hello Mike and everyone else,

Here is the information regarding the indoor triathlon in February (the information was provided through

Race will consist of Swimming, Biking, and Running. Time will determine each stage as well as transitions. --- 10 Minutes Swim in Lap Pool (2 triathletes per lane) --- 10 Minutes Transition-1 to Cycling Studio --- 30 Minutes Bike on Cycling Studio Bikes --- 5 Minutes Transition-2 to Upstairs Treadmills --- 20 Minutes Run on Treadmill ---

Transition time allowed is more than generous. DO NOT FEEL RUSHED. From the pool you will have 10 minutes to change in the locker rooms, and from the cycling studio you will have 5 minutes to change shoes if necessary and head upstairs to the treadmills.

Event Day - Scoring:
Simply put, the more distance you cover in the time allowed, the higher your score will be. Total scores will be based upon number of participants (also known as inverted scoring). The winner of each of the legs will earn the most points possible. (Ex. First place in swimming will earn 96 points, second place in swimming will earn 95, third earns 94, all the way down to one point.) THE WINNER OF ONLY ONE OF THE LEGS WILL NOT NECESSARILY WIN OVERALL.

I'm using this as a performance base for my triathlon training journal. It shouldn't be too difficult. The nice part is that it's indoors (February in Chicago can be pretty nasty).

If you have any other questions, please let me know. Thanks.

Have fun,

2009-01-05 2:19 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - OPEN

Hi, I'm currently looking for a group to join.

I found this website a couple of months ago, and I have been training for at least the last month and a half.  I'm really looking forward to participating in a Tri (then more), and I'm very focused on improving in all areas.

I'm 35 and in a place in life where I want to get in much better shape (like when I was a bit younger), and I think triathlons would be the ideal place for me to accomplish this.

Please let me know if you have any room for one more.

Thanks -Scott-

2009-01-05 3:19 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Just an update to welcome the last members to our group - Jessica, John, Melanie and another Scott - and to officially close the group at 12. 

Here is our group:

Mike - mjewen (mentor)

  • Roxann - martymngirl
  • Scotty - redbaron84MN
  • Jim - jk809
  • Sandy - sandy43
  • Beth - trirific10
  • Victor - vamazzeo
  • Steve - sloimpac
  • James - james.budge
  • Jessica - jessicacrouchrt
  • John - nole runner
  • Melanie - mellymedic
  • Scott - slickster

Judging by the number of posts, a lot of you are either fairly new to site or "lurkers" those who follow the threads but don't post much.  Nothing wrong with either, just stating a fact.  For this group to work well, we'll all have to participate (as best as time allows, I know it is tight for many).  You taken a good first second step by signing up for a mentor group (even better signing up for my group).  The first few include making the commitment to start working out with a race as a target along with other goals, finding BT, etc.  Hopefully sone of the next steps will be participating in the group, following a plan or maintaining consistency in your training/diet/weight loss and reaching your goals.  

BT has a wealth of info, not all of which I've discovered yet.  I would encourage all of you to start using the training log to log your workouts and activities.  This will help with accountability to the group.  We can help motivate each other thru the tough times.   Many of you have stated you are following or starting a plan.  If you are at the right level on BT you can import plans right into your training log.  Or just log your times/distance as you workout.  There are some neat charts/graphs available.  My logs are accurate back to last fall when I started my marathon training.  Previously I used Garmin training Center for run/bike workouts and SportsTrack for everything.  I have started logging all my worker here on BT but will probably continue with the others as well.  I may drop my hand written notebook and just print out my BT logs periodically. 

Along with logging your training, please go into your training log and give your BT blog a name.  Then add the rest of the group as friends.  Click on display settings, then the appropriate tab to view/change settings.  For friends and add each of us by screen name listed above.  Type all or part of the name, highlight the proper name and click submit.  Also, make sure your logs are either public or at least open to friends.      

Within the next couple of days I'll post more on my thoughts on getting us started.  At any time feel free to post questions on our thread.  I'll try to always chip in with my response but anyone should reply based on their experience.  PLease reply on the thread so we can all see the reply, unless it happens to be something personal and not to be shared.  Remember, we are not coaches, just offering advice based on our knowledge/experience. 

Also, I will be referring to each of us by first names rather than screen/BT names.  Just an fyi, my BT name is m (first name - Michael/Mike) j (middle name - Jerome) ewen (last name - pronounced U-win). 

Let's ROCK & ROLL!!!!


2009-01-05 4:04 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Hey all,

For those of you interested in the swim drills on youtube, here is a link to one and there are plenty of clips to watch aside from that one!. I also think there were some clips on transition tips in the bunch.

Another site that might be useful is..

I have not used the site but found it posted elsewhere on BT and thought it looked like it might be interesting.



2009-01-05 4:21 PM
in reply to: #1887588

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
trirific10 - 2009-01-05 4:04 PM

Hey all,

For those of you interested in the swim drills on youtube, here is a link to one and there are plenty of clips to watch aside from that one!. I also think there were some clips on transition tips in the bunch.

Another site that might be useful is..

I have not used the site but found it posted elsewhere on BT and thought it looked like it might be interesting.



Beth, I really want to thank you for passing these on to me earlier.  I really found all of the drills to be beneficial.  They are helping me formulate my plan for self training prior to the training plan beginning.  This tool is awesome for all levels.  From basics to refinement. 

I now have a direction to go.  one step at a time.  Starting this week with kicks.. next week will be breathing.. then arm strokes.. then.. put it all together.  Come mid March when the plan starts.. I should hopefully be ready to truly work it.  LOL

 thank you!


2009-01-05 4:29 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Great article on setting up your training log features....

2009-01-05 5:36 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Use this link to access our mentor group thread quickly, this is better than what I posted above.  This gets you to the last page of our thread. 

Here is a short article on the benefits of a training log.  I find many of Active's articles to be pretty simple often stating just the obvious but they are typically short and to the point.

2009-01-05 5:42 PM
in reply to: #1887682

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
mjewen - 2009-01-05 4:29 PM

Great article on setting up your training log features....

Thank you Mike.

I have started using the training logs, and in doing so, I really think I need to now consider the membership.  I need the half marathon one in my calendar also, so I can really focus on both trainings... or work the two together. 

this is good info. 


2009-01-05 6:58 PM
in reply to: #1867684

New user

Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Hi everyone!

I'm really excited to tell everyone I made it to the gym for day one of my training plan.  When I looked at the activities involved, I thought it looked too easy.  After being on the treadmill for 20 minutes and swimming the 100 meters...I can guarantee it wasn't so easy. HaHa.  I feel really good and hope I can keep this enthusiasm for the whole 22 weeks.  Thanks in advance for all your support.  After reading everyones posts I feel somewhat intimidated!  I'm sure walking for 20 minutes is no big deal for most of you.  I will just take this one step at a time....and finish with a big bang!

Any advice is always appreciated!  Thanks again for letting me be part of this group Mike...and btw when is your birthday??  You mentioned having a birthday this month.

Sandy (day one done!)

Edited by Sandy43 2009-01-05 6:59 PM
2009-01-05 9:34 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
Hello everyone

Well I made it to the gym today. I normally don't have too much of an issue with that. I did my 3rd cycle class in 3 days. Some of you might be shaking your heads at that as I am but I found out that one of the members of my triathlon club would be teaching the monday night class so I wanted to check it out.

I am not following any of the BT training plans as I often do longer distances than they suggest. I feel like I would be back tracking. am I thinking wrong if I am concentrating on sprint distances?
2009-01-05 10:13 PM
in reply to: #1888410

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Sandy, great job on day one.  That is the big step.. getting started.

I also hit the gym tonight.  Though right now, I am technically on a taper week for my half marathon, I do have some easy distances for me just to keep moving.

I am also trying to use the swim as a cross train.  I am just 3 months post foot surgery, so I am trying to keep my foot happy so I CAN do the half in 2 weeks.

so tonight I did a short 30 min walk as my warmup, then hit the pool.  I warmed up with a couple laps of my familiar side stroke, then went to work on the kick.  I was using a kick board, and trying to do the kick as shown on the videos.... GOODNESS!!  either I am doing something wrong.. or something... I swear I didn't move at all!!  hmmmm.. I am soooooo a scissor and frog kick girl!

I ended up doing about 20 minutes in the pool.  Don't know the distances... but kept doing laps and working the kick.  But mostly doing the strokes I do know.  side stroke and back stroke.   that will benefit me also, as I have not been in the water since high school...  I love the water, and was quite comfortable.. just cannot seem to get the flutter kick to work for me!!  Thank goodness I have 7 months!  LOL.  It will come.. that IS the purpose of the drills, right? 

Any suggestions on the kick would be greatly appreciated.

but I did the time... 


2009-01-06 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1867684

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Grand Blanc, MI
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
thanks for adding me to the group! I look forward to learning/sharing with all of you.
Good luck to all!
2009-01-06 8:25 AM
in reply to: #1888503

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

I was a swim instructor for 10 years I might be able to help you out.

I know what you mean by the fact that when you kick you don't move. I used to have a lot of students like that. Here are a few tips and suggestions.

1. If you are using kick board, make sure you keep you head low. The higher your head, the more your feet might drop or that you'll arch your back (might cause back issues)

2. Try using flippers to get the motion and the relaxed feeling.

3. One way I used to teach my students is to practise flutter kick on their side. Since you like sidestroke you might like this drill.

Depending on how easy you float, would depend on what buoyancy device I would give someone. The best I find are the dumbbells that people use in the aqua aerobics classes. you would put one in each hand with one arm above the head and one arm at your side (like superman). the arm that is up is the arm that you swim on. With your ear touching your arm or shoulder, you swim on your side practising your kicking. your mouth should be out of the water the whole time so that don't have to worry about when to breath.

If no dumbells are available you can also use a pool noodle or two. and even add a water belt if you want.

Make sure your kicking stroke is not too big. some people try and do huge kicks when they should be small.

Make sure the kick comes from the hips and not the knees. But don't lock your knees keeping your legs straight.

I hope this helps you a bit.

2009-01-06 9:28 AM
in reply to: #1888855

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

mellymedic - 2009-01-06 8:25 AM Roxann, I was a swim instructor for 10 years I might be able to help you out. I know what you mean by the fact that when you kick you don't move. I used to have a lot of students like that. Here are a few tips and suggestions. 1. If you are using kick board, make sure you keep you head low. The higher your head, the more your feet might drop or that you'll arch your back (might cause back issues) 2. Try using flippers to get the motion and the relaxed feeling. 3. One way I used to teach my students is to practise flutter kick on their side. Since you like sidestroke you might like this drill. Depending on how easy you float, would depend on what buoyancy device I would give someone. The best I find are the dumbbells that people use in the aqua aerobics classes. you would put one in each hand with one arm above the head and one arm at your side (like superman). the arm that is up is the arm that you swim on. With your ear touching your arm or shoulder, you swim on your side practising your kicking. your mouth should be out of the water the whole time so that don't have to worry about when to breath. If no dumbells are available you can also use a pool noodle or two. and even add a water belt if you want. Make sure your kicking stroke is not too big. some people try and do huge kicks when they should be small. Make sure the kick comes from the hips and not the knees. But don't lock your knees keeping your legs straight. I hope this helps you a bit.


ohhhh Melanie.. I think this WILL help a ton!!  I will do the drills on my side... didn't even think of that..  sweet!!  I will let you know how that goes.  My next swim is later in the week.  so we shall see... small pool at the hotel, but it will do.

Thank you!


2009-01-06 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1888002

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL


Good job getting started! Don't be intimidated by anyone elses logs, the main person you're doing this for is yourself, and I think competing with yourself is the most important thing.  I'm really just starting myself, and I have to always remind myself nothing happens overnight, it takes time, just keep working hard and the results will follow.

Keep up the good work!

Edited by Slickster 2009-01-06 9:51 AM
2009-01-06 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1867684

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Grand Blanc, MI
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
Ok group, first question for you......
I'm an above average swimmer and just got back into the pool last month after a fall/early winter lay-off. My training goal right now is to just gain endurance, no drills. Right now I start off w/ about a 500yd warm-up and then do a "ladder" 200/150/100/etc. with about 1 min rest in between sets. I would like to work my way up to 1600yds non-stop. Is this ok AND when would you recommend adding some drills?
2009-01-06 11:43 AM
in reply to: #1889128

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
I would actually start off with the drills first. You want to get the proper technique down. Once you have the drills you want to apply that more to your swims and build up the endurance using the proper techniques.

My swim coach says you have to do about 3 or 5000 strokes before your body will change. Otherwise you will go back to your old habits.

Plus you don't want to build up your endurance using bad habits and then it will be harder to break them.

2009-01-06 12:10 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL


You had a question about your times and how they will match up.  Most result sites will list the swim times pace per 100 yds, the bike in mph and the run in pace per mile, in addition to listing the total times for each of the 3 legs plus both T1 and T2.  So convert your times to these standards and check out the results of some of your local races.  Remember your standalone training or racing times will likely vary from your triathlon race times.  Seldom do you train at a race pace.    

Each race is different, a lot depends on who shows up.  I have a guy in my region who is nationally ranked very high at some of the longer distances, if he shows up, he wins my AG and everyone else is competing for 2nd at best.   

Early on, I didn't care much about where I placed, I was out there to learn and compete against myself.  I am still mainly competing against myself but have found I am moving up within my AG.   

With the times you listed you won't embarass yourself, don't worry about that.     

2009-01-06 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL


I totally agree with Melanie.  Swimming is so much technique based you should not forget about doing drills.  A great tool is to get a video of yourself swimming if possible and do some self coaching.  Video does not lie (right Scotty? We videotaped each other when he was home for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We both have flaws we easily saw on video).   I try to do some drills early and also in the the middle of my swim workouts.   

2009-01-06 12:39 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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St. Cloud, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

My Dad's right about video tape.  When I used to teach kayaking, I would put my students through a routine that would involve all the different strokes they had learned, then we'd watch the video together.  It's a great tool because you can actually see what you're doing, even if you think you're doing right.  Dad and I both continue to struggle with the flutter kick.  Since then I have worked on that issue and started bilateral breathing and even tried flip turns, although my push off is still a little all over the place. 

Wow Dad, I never thought you or mom would call me Scotty, but with two Scotts what can you do?  You could always call me Scott E. Laughing

2009-01-06 3:56 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
At the bottom of the thread there is a feature to toggle e-mail notification on or off.  You may opt to use this to receive an email when our thread gets updated. 
2009-01-06 7:22 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
I have a question. I am taking the olympic training plan and modifying it to fit my schedule. If you remember I am training to conquer the sprint distance yet I am taking the olympic plan. Sometimes I am not ging to do the distance mentioned, I'll do less but I like the structure that is there for running.

Here is the question. On a weekly basis I want to document my planned workouts for the week. Is there a way to do that. At the moment I am going to put comments for that week to know what I am supposed to do.

Edited by mellymedic 2009-01-06 7:27 PM
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