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2009-01-10 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1878962

New user

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Greetings, Jeff et all-

 I'm a 51 year old mom, grandma, RN and Scrabble nut.  I'd love to join your group for advice and encouragement.  I am crazily considering trying my first Triathlon in late June in Bellingham.  Crazy because as of today I'm very overweight and unfit!  But I am motivated and unafraid of hard work.  Four years ago I took off 80 lbs., slowly and healthfully, with lots of exercise and diet changes. I was feeling great, not quite to my goal, but fit and healthy.  I maintained my new weight for over a year.  Then a series of health issues and other challenges came along.  I have Crohn's disease, and for awhile had to be on very high doses of steroids.  Long story short, I've regained much of what I'd worked so long and hard to lose.  Not all, but most.  The Ben and Jerry's didn't help.  Now I'm stable health-wise, on much lower dose of prednisone, and ready to get back to work. 

 When I was losing weight before, I did strength training, treadmill or elliptical machine (or walking with my boxer) and some swimming.   Years and years ago I used to do long (though somewhat leisurely) bike rides with husband and friends, up to 40 miles, but haven't biked much in a looooooooong time. 

My aim would be to enjoy the process of preparing to do this, along with the satisfaction of acheiving a difficult goal.  While I would probably not like to be the very last one across the finish line, it's more important to me that I finish than anything else.

I'd be grateful for any help I could get from you and the other group members.

Erika in Blaine WA

2009-01-10 8:33 PM
in reply to: #1899963

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open


You are in my group as there's really no official signing up. You're free to stay, go, find someone else, etc.

You add friends by going to your own page and clicking on the "change display settings" located just under your calendar and above the "Planned races" area in the left-hand column. When you open up that page you'll see boxes across the middle of the page. The one to open is labeled "friends." When that opens there will be a verticle column that starts with "friend #1." In that box type IRONVIKING then hit "apply" down at the bottom of the page. Now go to the top of the page and click "training log" and you should be back on your training page. If you look in the left-hand column toward the bottom of the page you should see my picture and my name under it. Now, if you click on my picture you'll go to my page and find the link to our forum.

Another thing you can do after you add friends is to go to their page and "inspire" them. On the right-hand side of your friends current days training box it says "inspire me." If you click that a text box opens and you can send a message to that person. If you see a red number on your own page that means someone has sent you an inspire (I just sent you one.) You can reply to a persons inspire by clicking on the "blog" box in the inspire text box. A copy of the message you received will appear and if you scroll down to the bottom of that message and type a reply, then hit "post message," it will go back to them. 

When I started tri training I did a sprint after training for three months so it can be done. I'm not going to tell you not to do the one in May but I will say that if you really want to do that one then today has to be "day one" of training for it. There is a "couch-to-sprint" training plan on the BT programs page. It's a twelve week plan and should be just about right. You can look at it and if you like it just click "import" next to the plan name. That way the daily workout will show up on your page and you'll know what to do.



2009-01-10 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1900090

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hi Erika,

Welcome to the group. A sprint by June is more then doable and I hope I can help you get to the starting line. Sorry about the health issues but I'm glad you're stable now.

A sprint is a 500 yd swim/12 mile bike ride/ 3.1 mile run, give or take a little. Where do you think you are now in your ability to do any one of these distances even if it were a run/walk combo?  



2009-01-11 7:19 AM
in reply to: #1900214

New user

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hey Jeff,

 I could swim 500 yards, very slowly.  I could bike 12 miles if hills were not involved, and I could walk/run 3.2 miles (today probably 98% walk, I've truly never run unless someone was chasing me with ill intent).

 The event that I'm considering, Lake Padden Triathlon, seems to be somewhere between a sprint and the next category, I think: it's a .5  mile swim, 21 mile bike ride (hilly) and about 6 mile run/walk; so I have a ways to go.  Because of the weight and injury concern, I think I need to start building endurance with bike training.

On the plus side: my work schedule leaves me with a good amount of time to devote to training, and I am committed to building up to 10 hours/week.

thanks!  Erika

2009-01-11 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1900460

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open


If you can currently do all that then you're well on your way. Lake Padden looks to be a little more then a sprint but less then an Olympic and that's okay. When is it again?

Bike training is definitely low impact as is swimming and it's okay to focus more on one or two of the three events at first. You will want to start walk/jogging just to build up your base. When you bike make sure to do some hill riding at least once a week to build leg strength.

Look at the date for the Padden tri and count back 12 weeks. That's your jump-off point for more intense training.


2009-01-11 3:41 PM
in reply to: #1878962

New user

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hi Jeff!

My name is Emily and I was wondering if you have room for one more newbie?   I am 35 yeas old, married and a mom to a 3 year old.   In December I decided that I wanted to do something big for myself before my 35th year ended and after seeing the ad for a tri in September, I am in!

I am all signed up for an Olympic tri in the middle of September.   This weekend was my weekend to come up with a plan.  I have been lurking on the site for about a week.  I think I have picked a good training plan and do one or two sprints before to practice.

Currently, I work out at least 3 to 4 times a week.  2 mornings I do crossfit, 2 mornings strength training.  I have run 2 10K's and a few 5K's although, at this time, my cardio is no where close to where it needs to be.   Last weekend I ran 3 "hilly" miles with only a few walking sessions.  

Swimming is going to be my challenge.   I have not actually "swam" for as long as I can remember.   I am thinking about signing up for lessons but plan to hit the pool for the first time tomorrow night to find out where I am at now.   I have biked before but it has been a while.  I need to purchase one, is it ok to train on a spinning bike until I do?

If you have room, I would love to join the group.   I am very goal motivated and competitive, but am definitly going to need to be held accountable for my training.   With a full time job and a family, I am sure I may need a bit of motivation from time to time.  


2009-01-11 8:33 PM
in reply to: #1900926

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Greetings Emily,

Welcome to the group. It looks like you've done some homework already. I think an Olypmic distance event in September is a good call. You'll have plenty of time to build a solid base and then go for broke June, July and August.

You can use a spin bike to train. Heck, you can even use a cruiser if it's the only thing around. It will be interesting to hear about your pool experience, and there's nothing wrong with taking lessons. When I first started tri training in 2006 one lap in the pool did me in, but with persistence one lap became ten, and ten became forty, etc.

Hills make for a great run workout as do intervals on the track. Did you find a plan on BT? Consider yourself held accountable.


2009-01-11 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1878962


Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Is there a way to link our training logs to your blog site?

2009-01-11 9:31 PM
in reply to: #1901479

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Yeah you just have to add me to your "friends" list.

On your page, on the left-hand side, is a line that says "change display settings." It should be located just under the calender. When you open that page look for the box that says "friends." Open that page and there'll be a long list of white boxes-friend #1 friend #2,etc. Type the persons BT name in there. In my case it's IRONVIKING. If you add me to your friends you can quickly go to my page. On my page is a quick link to this mentor group blog.

2009-01-12 6:04 AM
in reply to: #1901431

New user

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Thanks Jeff!

Today is day one of training.  My training plan is a 12 week sprint plan.  I can't figure out how to tell you the exact one, but it is at the silver membership level.   My thoughts are that because the Olympic is far out (9 months) I am going to do the sprint plan and then the sprint to olympic plan.   What do you think?

I got my scheduled 15 minutes of running in this morning.   I was able to make it the entire 15 minutes.   Tonight I will give swimming a shot and let you know what happens.

I think I am going to like the blogging ability of this website.   Should we use this forum just for questions/comments, etc?   How do you normally set up the mentor program.

Everyone else....I look forward to completing this program with you and learning a lot more about you.  


2009-01-12 6:27 AM
in reply to: #1901735

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

I think doing the sprint plan first then stepping up to the olympic one is a great idea. Too much too soon could cause burnout or injury. The sprint plan will get you used to training for the three events and the olympic plan will take you to the next level in volume and distance.

You can use your own page to blog and track your workouts, and even add more "friends" and send them "inspires." Personal training pages can get quite elaborate and unique. As far as this forum and the mentorship goes, I'm mentoring for the first time this year so I don't have a norm.

Keep at it.

2009-01-12 1:28 PM
in reply to: #1878962


Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

I am experiencing ankle and shin pain on my right leg after my runs. My shoes are pretty old and have noticeable wear on the heel area. But would they be responsible for my ankle and shin pain?

Can I work this out with "targeted" stretching?


2009-01-12 4:50 PM
in reply to: #1878962

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Glen Ellyn
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open
Hi Jeff,

I'd love to join your group. You have quite an inspirational story!

NAME: Jim Rose

STORY: I'm 44 married and have 2 daughters, 5 and 18 months. I've been fairly athletic having played baseball in college and semi-pro post college. I've run 4 Marathons (PR of 3:45), 10 Half Marathons and many other races. I became bored with running only back in 2006 and decided to jump right into a triathlon by signing up for The Steelhead 70.3....before I even purchased a bike! It was quite an experience to say the least...I ended up having spine surgery in 2007, rehabed and completed Accenture Olympic last summer. So my Triathlon experience is 2.....

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm currently running 12-15 miles per week and riding 40-50 miles on the trainer.

2009: I've signed up for the following:

Indianpolis Half Marathon (5/2)
Maumee Bay State Park Olympic (6/21)
And one other as yet to be determined Olympic toward the end of August.

WHAT I NEED: More consistency. Up until this point, my training has been sign up for an event, train, take time off, repeat. I'd also like to explore the benefits off HR training. And I'm also going to need some help with the "blended training" i.e. a running event and a triathlon.



2009-01-12 6:21 PM
in reply to: #1878962

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hi Jeff,

I am interested in being in your group if there is still a spot open.  I am not a  total beginner (I did 2 sprints in 1999 while in college) and have always been active.  I am slow and need to lose about 10-15 pounds.  I have been training since July using Joe Friel's Total Heart Rate Training as a guide.  I was gearing up for a 20 K in Feb., but my knees are getting sore, so I have revamped my goals and made my annual training plan, picking out my summer races. I will cut way back for a few weeks until my knees calm down again. (I would like to do this until I am 70, so I have no problem cutting back when needed).


My A races are sprints this summer, one in Aug. and on in Sept. with lots of 5K's and training sprints thrown in to keep it interesting. I only like to race about once per month.  I am married with a four year old son who loves to come to races!




2009-01-12 7:19 PM
in reply to: #1902638

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

I would do a couple of things Joe. If your shoes have obvious wear, as you described, you should probable scrap them for some new ones.

Second, at the very least go to the forum here on BT and scroll down to the injuries section. You can look up what ailes you and see what the recommendation is. I would also say maybe until you get a diagnosis lay off running. Does it hurt no matter how far you run?

Keep me posted.


2009-01-12 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1903088

User image

Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hi Jim,

Welcome to the group. Where did you play ball? I got to that bored with running area too and started tri training. I'm really glad I did. I kind of jumped into a 70.3 early on myself so we have that going for us.

It looks like you've a great training base going with bike/run. How's your swimming? I use a Garmin HRM with a cadence sensor for my bike. I highly recommend it. If you add me as a friend to your training page you can use the shortcut I pasted on my page for this forum. It will make navigating a little easier.

2009-01-12 7:31 PM
in reply to: #1903234

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hi Stacy,

Yes, there's room in the group for you. Do you ever ice your knees? Sometimes that helps me. How long have you been training for the 20k? HR training is the way to go for me too although I'm not familiar with that book. I learned about HR training after going through cardiac rehab. Your way is easier!

If you add me to your page as a friend you can use my page as a shourt cut to this forum. It makes it a little easier to get here.


2009-01-13 12:34 AM
in reply to: #1878962

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open
Hi. Margie here.

Have not done a triathlon but have wanted to do one for the past 2 years.
I am a swimmer true and blue - up to a mile a day. Prob is I love the pool part too much and get all Zen like after a good swim.

Want to kick it up a notch but need lots of support. Planning on a couple tri's this summer (I live in Chicago) and I want to start training now, not when all these programs I'm seeing begin in March / April. Like I said the swimming's down pat. I NEED RUNNING HELP, DESPERATELY!

Oh and not to mention losing weight - kinda goes hand in hand.

Thanks - TTYL Margie
2009-01-13 6:29 AM
in reply to: #1903840

User image

Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hello Margie,

The side-effect of training is weight loss, so we have that going for us. I'm not sure which programs you're talking about that begin in March/April, is that in your area? There are programs here on BT you can use starting now, or anytime really.

So you've really got a handle on the swim, sounds like, how are you with biking? I imagine it's still a bit brisk in Chicago. Do you swim at a fitness center that has stationary bikes and treadmills? Tell me how I can help you with running.


2009-01-13 5:54 PM
in reply to: #1878962

New user

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hi Jeff,

If you've got room for one overweight middle-aged mom of three and won't hold it against me that I live in Seattle and am a Husky, I'd love to join your group.  I too am signed up for the Lake Stevens 70.3 and am just starting again to get back into it.  I've done about 10 sprint tris - the first in 1984 when I was just a pup (turning 50 in April) but haven't done any for awhile and am currently out of shape, big time.  Swimming and running have always been easy enough for me - while not fast, I have no trouble training but it's the bike that is so daunting.  Need a new bike at some point - think I should get some miles in first with the old clunker and then graduate to clip ons before getting a new one.  So, looking forward to your wisdom and from the others in the group - if you'll have me.


randi - that is my real name but it was taken when I signed up so I chose a name that if I'd had another daughter, I would have named her... 


2009-01-13 6:54 PM
in reply to: #1905534

User image

Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hi Randi,

Plenty of room for a Husky. We Ducks are good like that. Having done several tri's you obviously know some of what to do, so feel free to ask questions when you need to. I have a shortcut to this forum on my training page so if you enter me as a friend on yours you can use the shortcut.

Talk to you later.


p.s. Quack!

2009-01-14 6:08 AM
in reply to: #1903369

User image


Glen Ellyn
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open
Good Morning Jeff,

I'll go ahead and add you as a friend today. I also have to get my training plan updated and loaded.

I pitched at Toledo back in the mid-80's and then played a little ball after college in various summer leagues. I haven't played since then, so I thought swimming would be another way to abuse my shoulder

My first of many conundrums is whether or not to train via HR. For all of my previous events, I've pretty much looked up a training plan and rolled with it. I'd like to push myself a bit more this year and improve my times. Accenture last year was a 3:15, but that was with a horrific swim (wetsuit issues) and with very little run training do to back rehab. I think my run time was around 54 minutes.

Would you recommend HR training and if so, are you aware of any good resources? I've seen Joel Friel's book recommended a couple of places.

Have a great day and thanks!

2009-01-14 6:56 AM
in reply to: #1906389

User image

Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Morning Jim,

Thanks great about college ball. I was hoping my son would stick it out and see where he would go but he lost interest after his shoulder injury. He was a good south-paw.

I do use HR training and have heard Joel Friel's name pop up from time to time. HR training got me to the finish line of the 2005 Seattle Marathon after my heart surgery, but what also helped there was knowing my VO2max. I know that if my HR goes over 152 I'm tapping into my reserve.

I don't know if you've checked out the articles on HR training here on BT but there are a couple that provide good basic info. There's a 2 part article-"Heart Rate Training for Triathletes" you may want to read. And of course you can thumb through Joel Friel's book at your local book store to see if it can help. In short, yes, I recommend HR training. The Garmin Forerunner 305 I use has an optional bike cadence monitor that provides pedal rpm and mph and helps me during specific training sessions when I want to stay at a specific rpm.


2009-01-14 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1878962

New user

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open


Got a question concerning the training plans.  Does it matter how you move things around?   I understand that it probably doesn't if you want to switch your rest day to another day.  But if it says you need to bike and run on Wed and Swim and Strength on Thursday, Could you do any combination on any day (bike and strength, swim and run)?   Just swap things around?

I hope that was clear.    I am sure it doesn't have to be cookie cutter, but I did not know if there was a method to the combinations.   Also, my plan does not have any Brick workouts (that I can tell).   When they say do 2 things, does it have to be done right immediatly after the other?  Should I jump out of the pool and go straight to the treadmill or can I do one in the morning and one in the evening?    Do I even need a practice run with the Sprint distance tri?

 So many questions!   Thanks for your help.   Day 1 and 2 of training were excellent.   Today is #3!

2009-01-14 2:43 PM
in reply to: #1903920

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open
Hi Jeff.

I'm wondering how I can get notices when you reply? Am I missing a setting in the forum?

I value the team effort and would benefit from in person training. I workout at a health club and am in the pool almost every day. I swim about a mile non stop. I have been focusing on my upper body therefore using a leg float so I can concentrate on using my lower body for the bike / run portion. The caveat - this has been going on for min 6 months

I get out and do the bike on occasion but mostly stretching and crunches after the swim.

I just need to get past the pool. Ex: I finally loosened up after an hour in the pool and I did not want to get out, lol. I had a boat load of energy, took the float out and started checking my time. It was great but it was also 9:15pm. lol.

At this point - endurance is what I need! Mucho endurance. I need to kick everything up a notch, now. And I totally dislike running, BTW. So this is a true blue personal challenge.

The Mar / April programs are on site in Chicago. I really want to start asap and prefer an onsite coach but the $$ is not there right now for me.

I just need someone to kick me in the pants and get going!!!

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