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2009-06-04 6:35 AM
in reply to: #2193368

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - CLOSED

dcossey - 2009-06-03 4:32 PM

Hey Jeff...


Question, Is there a lot of time to get in the water before the start and get used to it?  I usually need about 15 minutes to get settled down.  With the Pro's starting early, do they let us slow old guys get in and splash around before the start?



You can get in the water early for splashing right after the pros go. In fact the more organized you are in the morning and the fewer trips you make back and forth to your T1 and T2 bags like a chicken with your head cut off (me) the better. And, if you remember your timing chip you don't have to stand in line until the last few moments to get a new one (me,) you'll have plenty of time to warm up.

2009-06-14 2:21 PM
in reply to: #1878962

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - CLOSED

I had a great day today at the Sunrise #3 Sprint Triathlon.  I was able to increase my average mph on the bike from 15.8 three weeks ago to 16.0 on a slightly longer course, with a hill and a bit of wind. Thanks for the drills, they worked and I will keep it up. My legs felt great on the bike. 

450 y swim - 9:47
T1 1:45 (faster than last time)
15mile bike - 56:20   16 mph
T2 :48 (faster than last time)
5K run 28:55  9:38 pace (a little slow for me)

I am still back of the pack, but as long as I see improvement I am happy and I had lots of fun.
Can I increase my long run and my long ride each week if I keep to the 10% rule for both or should I alternate?

2009-06-15 10:04 PM
in reply to: #2216483

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - CLOSED

swilburn - 2009-06-14 12:21 PM Jeff,

I had a great day today at the Sunrise #3 Sprint Triathlon.  I was able to increase my average mph on the bike from 15.8 three weeks ago to 16.0 on a slightly longer course, with a hill and a bit of wind. Thanks for the drills, they worked and I will keep it up. My legs felt great on the bike. 

450 y swim - 9:47
T1 1:45 (faster than last time)
15mile bike - 56:20   16 mph
T2 :48 (faster than last time)
5K run 28:55  9:38 pace (a little slow for me)

I am still back of the pack, but as long as I see improvement I am happy and I had lots of fun.
Can I increase my long run and my long ride each week if I keep to the 10% rule for both or should I alternate?


Wow Stacy you did great, and you enjoyed it too. Good deal!

On the bike/run question I would say keep the 10% rule as a guideline and if you felt extra energy for either one do more. The main thing in my book is recovery and I always listen to my body. But, having said that let me add that I've begun a ride with my legs feeling heavy but kept riding to see what would happen. The feeling went away and I had a great ride. Most of the time though, I know when I should cut back and do so. It's better to be over-recovered than over-trained.

2009-07-06 8:13 AM
in reply to: #1878962

Shanghai, China
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - CLOSED
I'm just 3 weeks away from my first race.  After training for over a year it suddenly doesn't seem like there's enough time to get 100% ready.  Surprised

I know everything won't be perfect, so what would you say are the top 2 or 3 things that a first timer should keep in mind?

2009-07-08 6:30 AM
in reply to: #2263969

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - CLOSED

DblTall - 2009-07-06 6:13 AM I'm just 3 weeks away from my first race.  After training for over a year it suddenly doesn't seem like there's enough time to get 100% ready.  Surprised

I know everything won't be perfect, so what would you say are the top 2 or 3 things that a first timer should keep in mind?


1) You said it yourself; things won't be perfect. Have a race plan and plan on it to go wrong. When that happens just focus on the moment. There are peaks and valleys and that's just the way it is.

2) Tapering is necessary. Don't worry that you've not done enough and continue to train hard until a few days before your race. It's better to be over-recovered than over-trained.

3) Don't try anything new on race day. It's easy to become rattled race day morning and make a knee-jerk decision to maybe change your nutrition, or adjust your bike, etc. Resisit these ideas and go with what got you there.

Is the Mid-Summer Olympic the race you're referring too? You can do it and do it well.

2009-07-09 6:40 AM
in reply to: #1878962

Shanghai, China
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - CLOSED
Jeff - thanks for the input.  Yep, the Mid-Summer Olympic is the target race.  I'll be flying in from China the weekend prior and need to get a couple things for the race.  So, hopefully all will go well and I won't have too much residual jet lag, etc.  Your right, the temptation is there to adjust a few things particularly since great bike shops and sports stores with loads of equipment, nutritional supplements and bike fitters are everywhere in the states.  I kind of feel like a kid in a candy store when I make it back.   Laughing

But, I have already told myself that I will indulge AFTER the race.

thanks again.

2009-07-18 10:06 PM
in reply to: #1878962

Shanghai, China
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - CLOSED
Hey Jeff, on my bike workout this past Wednesday I was hit by a motorist (a scooter I think).  I was doing about 35km/hr at the time and went done hard on my head and shoulder w/o any time to react whatsoever.  I really don't know what happened; I saw a blur from behind and then i was trying to get up off the road.  Nobody stuck around.  My collar bone was broken and required surgery to repair.  I now have a hook plate and seven screws holding my clavicle in place while it heals.  Dr says I can start physiotherapy on my shoulder in about 3 weeks.  It's disappointing because I was only a few weeks away from my first race after training for a year, but I want to try to get back into some form of workout routine as soon as I can.

Any advice on working through this?

Thanks, Martin.

PS - from the looks of things, my helmet prevented the outcome from being a whole lot worse.  The outer shell has some huge scrapes and the foam lining looks to have cracked in about 8 places as it absorbed the shock.  My head came away with very minor scrapes and a little bruising.  So, here's yet another plug for having a good helmet and always wearing it.
2009-07-19 8:22 AM
in reply to: #2293925

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - CLOSED

DblTall - 2009-07-18 8:06 PM Hey Jeff, on my bike workout this past Wednesday I was hit by a motorist (a scooter I think).  I was doing about 35km/hr at the time and went done hard on my head and shoulder w/o any time to react whatsoever.  I really don't know what happened; I saw a blur from behind and then i was trying to get up off the road.  Nobody stuck around.  My collar bone was broken and required surgery to repair.  I now have a hook plate and seven screws holding my clavicle in place while it heals.  Dr says I can start physiotherapy on my shoulder in about 3 weeks.  It's disappointing because I was only a few weeks away from my first race after training for a year, but I want to try to get back into some form of workout routine as soon as I can.

Any advice on working through this?

Thanks, Martin.

PS - from the looks of things, my helmet prevented the outcome from being a whole lot worse.  The outer shell has some huge scrapes and the foam lining looks to have cracked in about 8 places as it absorbed the shock.  My head came away with very minor scrapes and a little bruising.  So, here's yet another plug for having a good helmet and always wearing it.

Wow MArtin, I'm so sorry about this, but releived you weren't hurt much worse. As far as working through it I imagine it's quite a blow mentally and I can understand your frustration so close to Mid-Summer. One thing I suggesy, if you're still coming back to the states, is to go to the race and watch. Even though you won't be participating you can learn from watching the other racers and maybe pick out tips and strategy for next time.

For training I'm not sure what to recommend. Obviously you can't swim, and running would be painful. Do you have access to a stationary bike? You can keep your legs in shape that way. I imagine you could also walk. Do you have any idea what kind of therapy you'll be doing?

Again I'm real sorry this happened to you.


2009-07-19 7:59 PM
in reply to: #1878962

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - CLOSED

Very sorry to read about your accident. Glad that your injuries are not worse. Hopefully your previous training will help you to heal quickly.  My thoughts are with you.

2009-07-20 6:25 AM
in reply to: #1878962

Shanghai, China
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - CLOSED

That's a really great suggestion to get to a race to watch it!  I hadn't thought of that, but it would be great inspiration I think.  I won't be able to make the mid-summer because I've now had to change my flights.  But, I will try to find another race to check out while I am back for a couple weeks...or perhaps I can juggle flights/dr appointments again...anyway, I'll try to get to some race for sure.

I think I will try to start walking tomorrow and logging the walks; it will make me feel better anyway.  I also took my bike in to get it fixed up.  I didn't want to look at it anymore all banged up.  I took the opportunity to upgrade a few components.  :-)  Now I really want to get back out soon but riding may be a couple months away.  I'll know more about what I can and can't do in a couple weeks when they assess progress on healing.

Thanks for the recommendation - it's a really fantastic idea that hadn't crossed my mind.

2009-07-20 6:31 AM
in reply to: #1878962

Shanghai, China
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - CLOSED
Hi Stacy,

Thanks for your thoughts.  I appreciate it.  I feel fortunate that I only have this injury.  All the best and way to go with your races lately, you're on a roll!

Thanks again,

2009-07-20 10:17 PM
in reply to: #2295303

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - CLOSED

DblTall - 2009-07-20 4:25 AM Jeff,

That's a really great suggestion to get to a race to watch it!  I hadn't thought of that, but it would be great inspiration I think.  I won't be able to make the mid-summer because I've now had to change my flights.  But, I will try to find another race to check out while I am back for a couple weeks...or perhaps I can juggle flights/dr appointments again...anyway, I'll try to get to some race for sure.

I think I will try to start walking tomorrow and logging the walks; it will make me feel better anyway.  I also took my bike in to get it fixed up.  I didn't want to look at it anymore all banged up.  I took the opportunity to upgrade a few components.  :-)  Now I really want to get back out soon but riding may be a couple months away.  I'll know more about what I can and can't do in a couple weeks when they assess progress on healing.

Thanks for the recommendation - it's a really fantastic idea that hadn't crossed my mind.


Let me know how it all works out. Good luck!

2009-07-24 10:22 PM
in reply to: #1878962

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - CLOSED
Hi gang,

My A priority race of the year, River Cities Sprint Triathlon, is next Sunday (Aug. 2nd). I am excited, but not nervous. It's my first year back racing and I have gained so much fitness, knowledge, and confidence that the race times don't seem to matter that much. Of course I want to do my best and I plan to, but the journey was more important than the destination in this case. I have a heavy, awkward bike, but that can't be helped. Maybe next year, but until then I'll do the best I can with what I have. My training has been consistent and I am well prepared. This will be my first real taper of the year and I am curious to see how much difference being well rested makes.  Here are my proposed times for the race:

800 m Open water swim - 20 minutes
18 mile bike - a little over an hour
5 K run - a little under 30 minutes

I'll let you know how I do.

Martin, hope you are feeling better.

2009-07-25 5:04 PM
in reply to: #2307072

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - CLOSED

swilburn - 2009-07-24 8:22 PM Hi gang,

My A priority race of the year, River Cities Sprint Triathlon, is next Sunday (Aug. 2nd). I am excited, but not nervous. It's my first year back racing and I have gained so much fitness, knowledge, and confidence that the race times don't seem to matter that much. Of course I want to do my best and I plan to, but the journey was more important than the destination in this case. I have a heavy, awkward bike, but that can't be helped. Maybe next year, but until then I'll do the best I can with what I have. My training has been consistent and I am well prepared. This will be my first real taper of the year and I am curious to see how much difference being well rested makes.  Here are my proposed times for the race:

800 m Open water swim - 20 minutes
18 mile bike - a little over an hour
5 K run - a little under 30 minutes

I'll let you know how I do.

Martin, hope you are feeling better.


Go Stacy. We're pulling for you!

2009-08-05 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1878962

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - CLOSED
The River Cities Triathlon was awesome! I had so much fun and learned a lot. For my full race report, go here:  Briefly, I was very pleased with my bike time, considering I am riding a heavy hybrid.

800m swim - 20 minutes and change
18.2 mile bike - 1:07
5K run - 30:15 
Total time: 2:03 
I was hoping for about 2 hours, so I am pleased and I know that I can go under 2 hours next year. Thanks for all the tips!

2009-08-06 10:09 PM
in reply to: #2330777

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - CLOSED

swilburn - 2009-08-05 7:02 PM The River Cities Triathlon was awesome! I had so much fun and learned a lot. For my full race report, go here:  Briefly, I was very pleased with my bike time, considering I am riding a heavy hybrid.

800m swim - 20 minutes and change
18.2 mile bike - 1:07
5K run - 30:15 
Total time: 2:03 
I was hoping for about 2 hours, so I am pleased and I know that I can go under 2 hours next year. Thanks for all the tips!


Great job Stacy! That's a fantastic time too.


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