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2009-01-10 9:03 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Oh come on Ironwoman!  How many bike seats did you go through to find the right one before your IM?

By the way, I made Oprah's turkey meatballs tonight instead of the optional bike ride.  But I will do at least 1 hour tomorrow while watching IMOO on my DVR!

2009-01-11 10:10 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
I think I had three different seats over the course of 2-3 months while riding inside. Turns out my sit bones are wide (go figure) I use the Specialized Avatar Gel seat in 155 width.

Thankfully my local bike shop just kept working with me on swapping out the seats otherwise it could get awfully expensive...

Turkey meatball......sounds delish!

Edited by Tamio 2009-01-11 10:11 AM
2009-01-11 12:07 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

I can't remember all my saddles but they include profile tri-stryke (too soft, felt cut-out on rides over 15miles), a terry saddle (just too wide), and a few others.  After lots of research last summer, I found that if you go to a bike shop that carries Specialized, they can truly "fit" you to a saddle.

Specialized has this gel thing that you sit on to measure your sit-bone width----and they actually take the time to do it by whether the majority of time you are aero or upright-roadie, mountain, hybrid, etc.  I was skeptical, but immediatly I felt a difference and I am now probably over 400 miles on this saddle and still very happy!

My saddle- Specialized Jett 143.

Hey--how did Sunday's workout go?

2009-01-11 12:40 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Sunday's workout(s) went well....60 minutes on treadmill at lower M pace and 2700 yards in the pool. The roads have GOT to get cleared and the weather has GOT to get better - the treadmill is the dreadmill...
2009-01-11 12:48 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

I hear you!  After much bad publicity, Chicago is finally adding more plows and salt.  We have snow coming this week, so we'll see.  I really prefer not to do the treadmill.  It was so beautiful running in the snowfall on the lakefront yesterday.

Glad to hear you got in the double!  I think I might be off to LBS to check out a compact crank for my roadie and fantasize about a guru or cervelo tri bike!

Hey--what about our other members?  Or is Sunday your off day?

2009-01-11 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
I finally got sometime to relax now and have time to write.

Sundays is normally a big workout day with my triathlon group but I skipped it due to my birthday and going out. I did however make it to the gym. I tired to do a zone training with my heart rate monitor but the machine kept on saying my HR was too high and was lowering my speed. Finally once it reached 5 miles an hour and I said screw it and raised the HR rate. And once again I started at 5.5 and the machine kept on lowering it. I said screw it again and did the remaing of my 32 minutes (23 left by that point) on the random setting at level 4. I did notice that about halfway through my workout my HR was actually lower then then when I started.

Next time I want to do zone training, I'll do my own adjusting of the speed.

On my way to the gym I was thinking that I should be running outside. It was gorgeous out. Just under freezing, blue skies and no wind. But I wanted to do weights so I went to the gym.

Last night I went out with some people in my triathlon club. I mentioned that I was contemplating an olympic. There may be no backing out of it now.

2009-01-11 5:43 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Melanie- Happy Birthday!  And what a way to start a new year by setting a great birthday wish--your first OLY!

Treadmills are frustrating, especially if you try to use their HR monitors.  Glad to hear that you did at least put in the time.   What sort of strength program are you following?  I am just looking for some ideas...


2009-01-11 5:48 PM
in reply to: #1900016

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Nice work running in the snow! I am one of those "you people are crazy!" Is it not slippery? I'm concerned with falling? well and I'm not running 1.5 hours either. I am getting the motivation from you all though to try more outside runs, at least when it isn't in the negatives.

Today I went skiing so no structured tri activities.

As for strength training, I too find that if i work my legs they are too sore for running or biking the following day. I did do Yoga yesterday which was more challenging than I thought and I feel pretty good today so I'm going to try and get that in once a week along with core most days and maybe once day of upper body.

Thanks for the suggestion on running the figure eight. I think this would help alot. I still wear the knee brace while playing soccer (and skiing) because i don't think the stabilizing muscles are strong enough, but actually targeting them with training would  probably help.

Alright, soon I will figure out how to upload my workouts. Have a good evening ladies! Thanks!

2009-01-11 6:41 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
At my gym they set up weight programs for you. I have 2 programs set up for me - an upper body one and a lower body one. Each one takes me about 30-40 minutes. I would do one of these plus cardio and then on top of that I would do 20 minutes of core/abs.

the exercices of are a combination of free weights and machines. Some of my lower body excerices are lunges (great for the butt - but makes you sore the next day), squats using a sqaut rack, leg extensions, hanging leg raises.

2009-01-11 9:20 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Peanut- Hey, skiing counts!  If I recall, there are some nice thigh burners when you don't fall going downhill!  (Uh, and I would also wear the brace for soccer and skiing).

I have not lifted in about 5 years for the same reason as you--muscle soreness causing lack of desire to workout the next day  That being said,   I was not so much into strecthing post-workout as I am now.  So cross your fingers that will work this week....if I get to the gym at lunch!

When it snows--I try to run in the bike lanes on the streets--or else facing the cars so we see each other.  Risky, but luckily I live in an area where there are tons of pedestrians and runners, so drivers are on the look out.  Not saying they like it, but they are on the look out

Let's see how this week goes....I am expecting to fall off the wagon.  This usually happens after 3-4 good weeks!

2009-01-11 9:26 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Let's see how this week goes....I am expecting to fall off the wagon. This usually happens after 3-4 good weeks!

We won't let that happen. We are all a team.

If we don't see a log that your working out, Watch out.

2009-01-12 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Well Monday morning and I got my first workout of the week in already. It has been a long time since I have done a morning workout before work.

I just wanted to wish everyone a good training week. Log lots... Don't fall off the band wagon. Be strong.
2009-01-12 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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nearby the city of brotherly love
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Hey guys! Finally got a chance to jump on in here!  Hope everyones workout week starts off with a bang! I hit up the bike for some intervals this do i need to get my butt in gear!

Little more about me--I"m a scientist at a large pharma company (chapstick and advil are discounted here--amen!) so most days i'm on my feet fiddling with something in the lab...otherwise i'll be at the desk cranking out data or notebook entries.  I feel it's the perfect job though--I get to come to work and play all day!  The day usually starts with an early workout for me, since work starts at 7, and once i get home, it's dinner, chores or climbing (great way to keep your upper body in shape over the winter!) and bed.  I don't think for a second I could do all the trainning for longer distances if it weren't for my family and boyfriend (he's so patient!).  they play such a huge part in it!

ITB issues:  I've not tried the foam roller, and haven't had issues lately with it, but as someone else mentioned, once the mileage gets past the single digits, I usually feel it after a few weeks.  I've found going to my PT guy helps out.  Usually he'll work on in for a good 15 minutes (I guess with what they call deep tissue massage) and I'll notice a difference in a 5-10 days.  After most tri's i've done i'll make a note to stop by his office and get worked on!

I hope I'll be able to read more on the group--it's nice to have some comrades for training!



2009-01-12 2:01 PM
in reply to: #1884714

New user

Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Hi everyone!  Our computer at home is down for now so I am only able to communicate during my work hours (I'm with Tami...shhh, don't tell!)  On Saturday I met with my local group of inspiration--four ladies who are all competing in their first triathlon with me.  We drafted a mini training schedule and all agree to start reading and participating on the beginner triathlete board.  I find this board so helpful and I know they will, too!

My meeting with my group was a real eye opener.  It seems I am the only one who counts cycling as my biggest weakness.  Can you believe I though the tube and the tire were one in the same?  I kid you not, I thought the term 'tube' was slang for tire!  It seems I have quite a lot to learn.

A bit more about myself....I, too, am a member of the almost 30 club.  I'm 29 (30 in May--the day before my first triathlon), married to a wonderful but non runner/cycler/swimmer husband, and mom to a loving rescue pup (yorkie mix and as hyper as can be).  I'm a busy attorney as is my husband, so finding time to work out is a bit difficult.  We both wake up at 5am to get our morning workouts in, then typically return to the gym for strength training in the evening 3 days a week.

I can't remember who it was, but someone said she/he is also training for a marathon at the same time as the tri.  I'm training for a marathon in June, so we are in a similar situation.  I think the marathon training will only improve my tri training, but I guess only time will tell. 

I'm looking forward to training with you all!  Talk to you soon!

2009-01-12 9:19 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Burrrr---windchill of -20 degrees here tomorrow...followed by blizzard like conditions on Wed.  Looks like I will get to know the treadmill very well

Marissa- the cross-training with bike/swim while training for the marathon will definetly help you in those later miles of the race.  Also, it is a nice mental break.  Hey- isn't there someone in our group with 5 marathons?  Tami, you probably can advise here too.  

Melanie- nice job on starting the week off right!  I have yet to do the morning workouts this new year.  Is tomorrow one?

2009-01-12 9:24 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Burrrr---windchill of -20 degrees here tomorrow...followed by blizzard like conditions on Wed. Looks like I will get to know the treadmill very well

I normally run outside with a group wednesday nights. I believe this will be my first run where it will be extremely cold. I think it will be around -15C without the windchill. Back in November I bought a runnning jacket for the true frigid weather. I think I will have to pull it out this week for the first time. And this is one of those weeks where you get the reaction "Are you crazy to run outside???" Hell I am asking myself that. The treadmill looks very nice for my long run but I am not gonna let mother nature take me down.

Edited by mellymedic 2009-01-12 9:25 PM

2009-01-13 6:40 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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nearby the city of brotherly love
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Melanie, you get props from me for hitting up the run outside in those temps!!!  I was out there this morning for the first time in weather below 20F and was wondering every second why I actually went outside. 

Edited by hannawho 2009-01-13 6:41 AM
2009-01-13 7:17 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
re: swimming, biking, marathon training....benefits? Heck ya!

Cross training in and of itself is incredibly beneficial - let alone when you are pushing yourself in all three sports. Running is hard on your body - the impact resonates everywhere. By cross training you will be training so many more muscles throughout your body - not just running muscles. These other muscles will aid in the affect of the impact of running.

Mental aspect - There are mental benefits as well. I know that I was excited to go swimming instead of running - or jumping on my bike instead of always just running. Just nice to change things up a bit.

Muscle memory and weight always running and never changing things up, your body becomes more efficient at whatever activity you are if you just run and you don't change your workouts a whole lot (besides mileage), your body will become more efficient and will burn less calories. Here is where not only cross training comes into play, but also speed work and hill training while running.

Recovery....swimming an cycling for a couple weeks after a marathon will aid in recovery. After pounding the pavement for 26.2 miles, your body needs a break! What better then a jump in a pool or lake! Or just spinning our your legs at 90 RPM. Sounds great to me...sounds much better than pounding the asphalt a few days after a major running event...

Ok - I kind of just did a brain dump....hope it all makes sense....
2009-01-13 7:18 AM
in reply to: #1903927

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Yeah this is a very cold week. Not the week I will start running outside in the snow maybe next week will be the week. I'm not too bored of the treadmill yet considering I can watch tv too.

I had a few questions about heart rate. 1. Anyone have a heart rate monitor they would recommend? I have a Timex one that only lasted about a year and half. Maybe this is normal 2. I did a lactic treshold test on the bike and my zones are much different than if you would have calculated them stricting based on age. Just wondering what others base their zones on and if you would recommend I do a lactic treshold test in running and swimming also. If so, do you know how?

Thanks and I hope everyone is having a good week!

Happy Birthday Melanie!

2009-01-13 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
I use the polar RS 100 - it works just fine and is all I could ask for...

Heart Rates = I, too, do lactate threshold testing to set heart rates. This is MUCH MUCH more accurate than just doing a math formula. For running heart rates, I just add 10 beats to each zone for cycling to get my running heart rates.
2009-01-13 9:09 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Burrrrr. My ultra cold jacket is in need of zipper repair.  So I get to wimp out and go to the gym

Heart rate monitor---Garmins don't do too well wet (no swimming) and will not last an entire Ironman.  I bought a Polar sd400(?) and I love it.  The footpod tracks distance etc.  My friend got a cheaper one (I think $80) which has a smaller footpod but works just as well.

Uh---one of my goals is to train via HR in '09. At home I have a link to a recent discussion that outlines hw to do a Lactate (LT) threshold test for running.  I plan on doing that soon, but with an aching achilles and soon to taper for New Orleanshalf-marathon, it might wait till Feb.  Tonight, unless someone beats me to it, I'll post the LT test guidelines.

I did a computrainer class last year and had the LT test on the bike completed.  So I will use that.  And yes, there will be a difference in levels between biking and running. (Lots of recent discussions on forums).

Sorry I could not be more help.

2009-01-13 5:47 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
In terms of training within a HR interval, I found this article on a forum:

My questions are this

1 - has anybody here tried this

2- if you don't have a lap counter on your HR monitor can you still do it?

3- how do you calculate the different zones. MY HR monitor will only tell me how long I've been in a zone - one zone that is. The one that I tell it to be in.

4- what is the training bible?

by the way I have a polar HR monitor

Edited by mellymedic 2009-01-13 5:53 PM
2009-01-13 5:49 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Here is an article I got on base training from my triathlon club.

This might have explained why my HR was higher in the first 15 minutes than it was in the last 15 minutes of my run (at faster speeds too).

2009-01-13 6:23 PM
in reply to: #1884714

New user

Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

melly, I can't really help since I've never trained with a HR monitor.  Just bought a new Garmin last week complete with a HR monitor, so I should know more after a few week of use.  Great article, though!  Thanks for sharing!

I have a question for you all, especially the experienced triathletes:  What do you where to race?  I like the idea of a tri suit because if I understand correctly, you would where that one outfit for the entire race.  That being said, the though of donning such an unflattering getup has me a bit worried!  Function over fashion though, right?!  So I'm wondering what everyone has found that works.  As an alternative, I was considering wearing a 2 piece speedo and putting on padded bike shorts for the cycling and running.  What works for you all?

Hope you all are having a fabulous day!  I'm leaving here ASAP to go for a bike ride before it gets dark.  Tomorrow I start training for the swim with some of my fellow newbies to the sport. =)

2009-01-13 6:29 PM
in reply to: #1905617

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
I have a question for you all, especially the experienced triathletes: What do you where to race?

I wore my bicycle shorts, and shirt with bra for the run and bike. For the swim I would still be wearing that however I would be wearing it under a wet suit. This way when I got out of the water I would just need to strip off the wet suit. Note to new comers, if your wet suit is tight buy body glide to make it slipe off easily.

Some of you who live in places like florida may not need a wet suit cause you'll over heat. There were one or two races last year that I did that you didn't necessarily need a wet suit but I wore it anyways as it helps with buoyancy.

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