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2009-01-18 8:06 PM
in reply to: #1915063

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!
I'm studying Exercise Science at uni and have sort of learnt to measure body fat with calipers. It is all to do with how competent the person measuring is - if they are well trained, they will be able to hit the right point and get accurate, comparable results. Also, the readings for the calipers are inputted into an algorithm, which has been calculated based on "normal" levels. So it really is only a prediction.

Bioelectric impedance uses an electric signal to pass through the body, measuring impedance (really?) of the tissue. As you know, water is a good conductor of electricity, thus the signal passes through the water much more easily. Muscle is mainly water (~70% I think) and fat is ~10%. So, if you are really hydrated, you will get a lower body fat reading, as your body thinks there is more water (muscle) there. Likewise, if you are dehydrated, you will get a higher fat level.

As I said, these are based on "normal" people, and we know triathletes are not normal people.

Congratulations on the weight loss to date. I'm a bit sceptical about those detox/cleansing things, but if it works for people, then that is good. But, as you mentioned, you do have to be careful that it isn't just water weight being lost.

Becoming a triathlete: randomly talked to a couple of my friends about it at uni, decided it would be fun to do. What I enjoy most about it: having a long term goal (ie the race) and working towards it, knowing that if I suck, it's my own fault for not training hard enough.

How is the weather where you all are? Here in Australia, or Brisbane at least, it's been around 30 degrees celcius for about the last 2 1/2 months, with another couple of months of this temp to go.

2009-01-18 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1915444

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!

stuart_little_9 - 2009-01-18 8:06 PM Bioelectric impedance uses an electric signal to pass through the body, measuring impedance (really?) of the tissue. As you know, water is a good conductor of electricity, thus the signal passes through the water much more easily. Muscle is mainly water (~70% I think) and fat is ~10%. So, if you are really hydrated, you will get a lower body fat reading, as your body thinks there is more water (muscle) there. Likewise, if you are dehydrated, you will get a higher fat level.

Thanks for the input.  At my gym we use a Biodynamic machine and it uses the electrical current.  I've never thought of the hydration levels affecting the results.  We have a few people that get scores way above their real body fat.  So I'll start paying more attention to the H20 levels that the machine provides.

Edited by BamaDC 2009-01-18 8:27 PM
2009-01-18 8:46 PM
in reply to: #1915063

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!

phoenixrising404 - 2009-01-18 3:04 PM  I do have a couple questions though: When is it time to get a coach? How do you test body fat? I think the bio-impedance scales are inaccurate for athletes because using calipers, my BF was WAY lower than on the impedance scale and I think it has something to do with the inflammatory factor? 


The Coach.  Last year I completed IMKY and my training was sporadic.  I finished in 14:19.  I swam easy 1:14 and biked even easier 7:00:01, you have no idea how pissed I am about those two seconds.  My fastest split on the bike was my last.  And I talked and goofed off on the marathon.  Would I change anything, NO.  Yeah I'm sure I could have broken 13:XX, but I had a blast.  And I could walk well the next day.  We were on the 15th floor and I climbed that twice the next day.  About a week after the race, I started thinking man with some proper training I could do alot better.  That along with tighter time constraints, I decided I wanted a coach. I'm 3 months in with my coach and I'm very pleased.

BF - Stuart had a great post on the bio-impedance machines.  I'm sure I'm constantly dehydrated and/or inflammed due to training.  I do my body fat by machine every two weeks first thing in the morning.

2009-01-19 1:30 AM
in reply to: #1915495

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!
I was just having a quick look around the internet after my post on Bioelectric Impedance, and read something that did not occur to me, but which does make sense. It measures all body fat, not just subcutaneous (as measured by skin folds). I didn't realise this at the time, but it does make sense.

With skin folds - if you're not overly worried about a few % points here and there, and are looking more for weight loss, the overall fat value isn't that important. Just make sure the values of the skin folds are decreasing on subsequent tests. Obviously, if you're training hardcore and need to be pretty accurate, it is best to have the test conducted by someone well trained (ie most PT's/exercise physiologists, not your "expert" friend).

BIA - as you said Mark, it's best to do first thing in the morning, after a toilet stop. However, make sure you're not dehydrated from a night out (or in) on the booze (do you have that word in America?), or excessively hydrated from a late night training session. Whatever the case, make sure (as with any test) the conditions are the same for each test you do.
2009-01-19 1:47 AM
in reply to: #1915063

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!
phoenixrising404 - 2009-01-18 3:04 PM
To everyone: how did you first decide to become a triathlete? And why? What do you most enjoy about it?

For me it is the challenge that drew me towards triathlons. The multisport aspect keeps things interesting. I also like having a goal for which to train for. Once you sign up for a race there is no other option but to get ready for it. I am constantly impressed with how much the human body adapts to what you throw at it.
I get a great feeling of accomplishment when I cross that finish line... That is what makes it all worth it, especially when you impress yourself with a time that is better than expected.
2009-01-19 1:59 AM
in reply to: #1915444

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!
stuart_little_9 - 2009-01-18 8:06 PM
How is the weather where you all are? Here in Australia, or Brisbane at least, it's been around 30 degrees celcius for about the last 2 1/2 months, with another couple of months of this temp to go.

It has been really cold here in Chicago recently. Last week we had temperatures lower than -20Celsius. Not that much fun. Also an added challenge when you are trying to train. It makes for a lot of long and boring sessions on the treadmill and bike trainer...
30C degrees would be nice..

2009-01-19 6:59 AM
in reply to: #1915761

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!
Less than 20 deg is freezing for me. The weather in Brisbane I imagine would be similar to Jacksonville (that's the only city I could see near the coast that was close and looked familiar to me). It's about the same distance from the Tropic of Cancer/Capricorn.

Was anyone not a "morning" person before they became a triathlete? I always set my alarm for 9am (I'm a student, and I'm on holidays) but struggle to get up before 10. I've never been very good at getting up early. How long did it take you before you were able to easily (as easy as it gets anyway. I'm glad I don't have to live in sub zero temps like some of you do!) get up at an earlier time? What's the best way to train yourself to be able to get up early.

I've got some questions about the lifetime of gear. How long does a pair of running shoes usually last, Before you should get new ones?
Also, I've heard that a bike chain will last around 4000k's (2500 miles), but I guy I know says he replaces his at around 2000-2500k's. Thoughts? How long do tyres usually last, on normal wear, providing they don't get damaged? Should wheels or gears ever need replacing (barring damage/upgrading) in the normal life of the bike?
2009-01-19 7:03 AM
in reply to: #1903586

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!
Forgot to ask: Heart Rate Monitors!!!

I think I should have one, but there are so many to choose from. I need recommendations!!!
Would you recommend one that can double as a bike computer, or just a standard HR monitor, that can be used for everything?
I don't really want to pay for one of those Garmin ones, as I don't really need the GPS. But, would one such as Polar with the footpod that measures distance/cadance/step length etc be good?

I know it all depends on budget, but I want a good value one, with a few bells and whistles, but not one that will have me paying it off longer than my uni debt.
2009-01-19 10:39 AM
in reply to: #1903586

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!

I became a early morning person when I had my frist child.

HR Monitors and other tools. 

1. Old Sigma Sport HR monitor.  Its 3 years old and I paid 39 dollars for it.  It only tells you max and currnet HR.  Simple but it works and it out lasted two Nike HR monitors.  Similar to this model.

2.  Garmin 301.  Bought it 2.5 years ago.  A little big, but works great.  It nice seeing pace and HR during runs.  Also, its fun to look back and see your progress.  I got mine on sale at 2.5 years ago for 99 dollars, but here it is.

3. Current primary HR monitor is a Polar RS 200.  I needed this HR for non Garmin runs.  I need to know average HR for my workouts and the Sigma DIdn't provided this.  It can be linked up with a foot pod.  Here.

4.  Swim watch is a Timex Ironman 100 lap watch.  All I use it for is time/100.

5. My newest tool is a Powertap SL wired in a Mavic open pro.  I bought this used on ebay for 650 USD.   The seller had a buy now option and it was online for 10 minutes.  I'm still learning all the options, but I'm sold that training with power is the way to go.  The amount of info it provides is amazing, when paired w/ cycling peaks WKO.

These are the tools I use.  My bike is a mass produce Taiwan frame w/ 105 components.  When the engine gets bigger, I'll splurge on a fancy tri bike and race wheels.  But right now my money is going to coaching and a tri-camp July. 

2009-01-20 3:50 AM
in reply to: #1903586

Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!
Anychance i could join this group?
25y/o male here with one year worth of training 'experience'..
Goal is to do a HIM in this life time.
Other than that, my goal is to beat a colleague who is better than me in all aspects of a tri.. he is like a never ending battery and i just dont get why i cant catch him...
Let us know if i satisfy the criteria for joining... i lurk alot more than i post in this forum..
2009-01-20 5:48 AM
in reply to: #1917525

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!
Lurkers of the forums, UNITE! Welcome. Are you a triathlete? Then you satisfy the criteria. Best of luck.

Mark - that's a mean looking machine you have there! Thanks for the info on HR monitors. I have the Timex Ironman 100 lap watch, which I got with the speed/distance function. However, I lost the component that held the battery in the gps transponder, so it doesn't work anymore. I was thinking about a Polar HR monitor, and was leaning towards one of the RS models.

2009-01-20 9:20 AM
in reply to: #1903586

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Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!

Hello Mark,

 I am interested in joining your triathlete group!!!  My name is Sean and I live in Kingston, Ontario, Canada (and yes it is freakin' cold here right now!!!)

About me....well I am 31 years old and 215 lbs...oh yeah and 5'11"...not a great combination...I have been in the Canadian Forces since 1997, and last year I decided to make my life even more interesting and came to the Royal Military College of Canada to become an officer and get an undergraduate degree (I am currently in 2nd year Psychology).  I am married for going on 8 years now, and I have 2 small children, Paxton, 4 and Addison...she'll be 2 in March...So put all that in the blender and I have little to no time for anything, so I decided that I would start doing triathlon....

 I was sick of my weight and have a dream of once again some day being under 200 lbs...figured this was the best way...and I was a little inspired by my Commanding Officer here at the college, who is a world class endurance athlete...He just finished 2nd at the Ultraman in Hawaii in November and is currently training for his 2nd RAAM.  He's 47 and if he can do it, why can't I?

 Last year I competed in my first Duathalon here in Kingston and after I got over the pain, I feel in love....loved the feeling of finishing...This year, I have upped the ante and on 09 May will be competing in my first Spring Distance Triathlon here in Kingston...I also hope to do a Half marathon at some point this year as well....

I have no idea what else to write except that I hope we can chat some time and you can help me focus...I have started the 16 week 2x balanced spring program which takes me right to race day in May...

 Cheers, Sean. 

2009-01-20 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1917525

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!

skuzy - 2009-01-20 3:50 AM Gday Anychance i could join this group? 25y/o male here with one year worth of training 'experience'.. Goal is to do a HIM in this life time. Other than that, my goal is to beat a colleague who is better than me in all aspects of a tri.. he is like a never ending battery and i just dont get why i cant catch him... Let us know if i satisfy the criteria for joining... i lurk alot more than i post in this forum.. Cheers.

Welcome, I see from your account your from Australia as well.  Stuart is also from Australia.  In HIM and IM training it’s all about consistency over time.  I'm sure you'll be able to meet your goals. 


When I started training I to had a partner that would wear me out. I also was a lurker then I realized what am I worried about I'll never meet most of these people anyway.


What distances have you raced?



Edited by BamaDC 2009-01-20 1:21 PM
2009-01-20 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1917834

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!
seanstad - 2009-01-20 9:20 AM

Hello Mark,

 I am interested in joining your triathlete group!!!  My name is Sean and I live in Kingston, Ontario, Canada (and yes it is freakin' cold here right now!!!)

About me....well I am 31 years old and 215 lbs...oh yeah and 5'11"...not a great combination...I have been in the Canadian Forces since 1997, and last year I decided to make my life even more interesting and came to the Royal Military College of Canada to become an officer and get an undergraduate degree (I am currently in 2nd year Psychology).  I am married for going on 8 years now, and I have 2 small children, Paxton, 4 and Addison...she'll be 2 in March...So put all that in the blender and I have little to no time for anything, so I decided that I would start doing triathlon....

 I was sick of my weight and have a dream of once again some day being under 200 lbs...figured this was the best way...and I was a little inspired by my Commanding Officer here at the college, who is a world class endurance athlete...He just finished 2nd at the Ultraman in Hawaii in November and is currently training for his 2nd RAAM.  He's 47 and if he can do it, why can't I?

 Last year I competed in my first Duathalon here in Kingston and after I got over the pain, I feel in love....loved the feeling of finishing...This year, I have upped the ante and on 09 May will be competing in my first Spring Distance Triathlon here in Kingston...I also hope to do a Half marathon at some point this year as well....

I have no idea what else to write except that I hope we can chat some time and you can help me focus...I have started the 16 week 2x balanced spring program which takes me right to race day in May...

 Cheers, Sean. 

Welcome, I feel like a wus because I'm fussing about 30F.  You do have a busy plate. Let me know what info you need or how I can help.

2009-01-20 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1917551

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!

stuart_little_9 - 2009-01-20 5:48 AM Lurkers of the forums, UNITE! Welcome. Are you a triathlete? Then you satisfy the criteria. Best of luck. Mark - that's a mean looking machine you have there! Thanks for the info on HR monitors. I have the Timex Ironman 100 lap watch, which I got with the speed/distance function. However, I lost the component that held the battery in the gps transponder, so it doesn't work anymore. I was thinking about a Polar HR monitor, and was leaning towards one of the RS models.

Its no Cervelo.  The geometry fit me well, and its a very stiff.  But, if your into very aerodynamic bikes then don't buy this one.

Like I said earlier I have a RS200 and its great.  But I don't have any experience w/ the footpod.

2009-01-20 1:56 PM
in reply to: #1918396

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Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!
Literally, I don't know very much...I have a friend here who is coaching me in swimming...she has competed at the World Military Games and is on her way back this year...(we're in the same program) and I think she is trying to kill me...I guess my biggest thing is maybe some literature to start reading on how I should be doing this...I have started this week posting on my training log, so I don't know how you can see it, but maybe you could monitor it and see what I am doing right and wrong, and where I maybe putting myself at risk for say overtraining injuries....

2009-01-20 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1903586

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!
Welcome New members! I have enjoyed all the posts latelyt !

I have one of those expensive HR monitors, a Garmin, and to tell you the truth, I almost never used it. I think it is not so good for someone starting out to pay toooo much attention to HR, but rather use the standard tried and true method: if you can't talk while running or biking, you are training outside of your recommended range and are going anaerobic. Anaerobic training is good sometimes, but it is NOT fat burning, and you aren't exactly building your engine in that range, you are pushing it to overheat so to speak. But, once your engine is built, and you want to be sure you are not overtraining, then it is good. You know you are overtraining when you feel really weak, dizzy, are losing unexpected weight, and you can't get your heart rate UP. Or when it is lower than expected for the level of exertion you are putting out.

Enjoyed the info on the waterproof lap watch for swimming! Been looking for one of those! I think those are useful because it takes too much time for me to squint and try to see the clock on the wall and figure out if that lap was faster or not. Better to just go all out and analyze it later. I am looking for a GPS type watch for open water swims so you can know how far out you have gone and can know when to turn around and head on back to shore to correlate with your level of training. I tend to swim alone in the lake and it is scary when you get to a point where you feel yourself getting REALLY fatigued and you have a LONG way to go to get back to shore.

A fun Q: Do different IM's have different tatoos? The Irondudes here have a red IM 140.6 on their right calves. I have seen others with an IM in a flower and other designs...Bama...did you get the brand???? I am not inked but would consider it if (when) I become an ironchick
2009-01-20 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1918493

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!

seanstad - 2009-01-20 1:56 PM Literally, I don't know very much...I have a friend here who is coaching me in swimming...she has competed at the World Military Games and is on her way back this year...(we're in the same program) and I think she is trying to kill me...I guess my biggest thing is maybe some literature to start reading on how I should be doing this...I have started this week posting on my training log, so I don't know how you can see it, but maybe you could monitor it and see what I am doing right and wrong, and where I maybe putting myself at risk for say overtraining injuries....

This was the first triathlon book that I read.  Good book that covers most of the basics.  Looks like it can be had for cheap.

2009-01-20 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1918386

Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!
BamaDC - 2009-01-21 6:15 AM

Welcome, I see from your account your from Australia as well.  Stuart is also from Australia.  In HIM and IM training it’s all about consistency over time.  I'm sure you'll be able to meet your goals. 


When I started training I to had a partner that would wear me out. I also was a lurker then I realized what am I worried about I'll never meet most of these people anyway.


What distances have you raced?



In terms of actual races, ive only 2 enticers, 1 sprint, and 1x14km run race.... this was all 2008..
where i spent most of the year doing base training...
im hoping to participate in alot more during 2009...
2009-01-20 6:07 PM
in reply to: #1918786

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!

phoenixrising404 - 2009-01-20 3:52 PM Welcome New members! I have enjoyed all the posts latelyt ! I have one of those expensive HR monitors, a Garmin, and to tell you the truth, I almost never used it. I think it is not so good for someone starting out to pay toooo much attention to HR, but rather use the standard tried and true method: if you can't talk while running or biking, you are training outside of your recommended range and are going anaerobic. Anaerobic training is good sometimes, but it is NOT fat burning, and you aren't exactly building your engine in that range, you are pushing it to overheat so to speak. But, once your engine is built, and you want to be sure you are not overtraining, then it is good. You know you are overtraining when you feel really weak, dizzy, are losing unexpected weight, and you can't get your heart rate UP. Or when it is lower than expected for the level of exertion you are putting out. Enjoyed the info on the waterproof lap watch for swimming! Been looking for one of those! I think those are useful because it takes too much time for me to squint and try to see the clock on the wall and figure out if that lap was faster or not. Better to just go all out and analyze it later. I am looking for a GPS type watch for open water swims so you can know how far out you have gone and can know when to turn around and head on back to shore to correlate with your level of training. I tend to swim alone in the lake and it is scary when you get to a point where you feel yourself getting REALLY fatigued and you have a LONG way to go to get back to shore. A fun Q: Do different IM's have different tatoos? The Irondudes here have a red IM 140.6 on their right calves. I have seen others with an IM in a flower and other designs...Bama...did you get the brand???? I am not inked but would consider it if (when) I become an ironchick

So what Pene is talking about using is the RPE method.  This works for most individuals, and alot of coaches use this in training plans.  Through metabolic testing I found I'm an odd ball.  My "Base" training is about 10 beats more per minute this as compaired to last year.  So the gadgets and testing have actualy helped me.

"You know you are overtraining when you feel really weak, dizzy, are losing unexpected weight, and you can't get your heart rate UP. Or when it is lower than expected for the level of exertion you are putting out."  But this is very true for me.

I use my GPS for every outside run.  I enjoy seeing and having my pace and HR data.  When I run my half marathon in feb. I think it will be interesting to go back and compare the data between the two races.

As far as tatoos, I'm out.  If I qualified and finished the Hawaii Ironman or finished Ultraman I would seriously think about it.

Nice questions

2009-01-20 10:57 PM
in reply to: #1903586


Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!
HI there,
Do you have room for me in your group? My name is Debbie, (41)I live in Nova Scotia and I've registered to do IMF in November. This is my first IM and a dream for a long time. I started off running about 7 years ago, 6 marathons plus many other distances. Best time was 4:17. I always wanted to do tri's but could not swim so a couple of years ago a got some crapy lesson and since then have finally figured it out. Last May I swam 2.4 miles in a pool but it took me almost 2 hours. I did one sprint distance last july and had a great time except for sighting. Due to family stuff I was inactive all summer until Nov. and just ran disney a couple of weeks ago. My current pool time is 1.5 hrs (all they will allow), I can run a marathon and have only been biking on stationery bike (1.5 hrs) at a time. I did train last winter in S. Carolina on my road bike and felt very comfortable. I have lots of extra weight on due to "family stuff" over the summer and just now focusing on getting rid of it. I'm able to exercise a long time without tiring but not fast. Maybe with weight loss... I've learned a lot about fueling, problem solving during races but have yet to master fixing a flat. I plan on doing a HIM in Aug and an Olympic in Sept. then Flordia IM in Nov.

Anyway, I'm a correctional officer and I work shift work, 12.5 hrs shifts, nights and days so not much consistency. My boys are teenagers and mostly on their own so I have time. I was planning on using the free IM training plan on the web which would start March 1. do you think in order to do this I should hire a coach? Should I be weight training?

As you can see I need help to get to Flordia! But I am willing to do what it takes...thanks for any help you can offer.

2009-01-21 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1903586

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2009-01-21 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1919504

Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!

debbiec - 2009-01-20 10:57 PM HI there, Do you have room for me in your group? My name is Debbie, (41)I live in Nova Scotia and I've registered to do IMF in November. This is my first IM and a dream for a long time. I started off running about 7 years ago, 6 marathons plus many other distances. Best time was 4:17. I always wanted to do tri's but could not swim so a couple of years ago a got some crapy lesson and since then have finally figured it out. Last May I swam 2.4 miles in a pool but it took me almost 2 hours. I did one sprint distance last july and had a great time except for sighting. Due to family stuff I was inactive all summer until Nov. and just ran disney a couple of weeks ago. My current pool time is 1.5 hrs (all they will allow), I can run a marathon and have only been biking on stationery bike (1.5 hrs) at a time. I did train last winter in S. Carolina on my road bike and felt very comfortable. I have lots of extra weight on due to "family stuff" over the summer and just now focusing on getting rid of it. I'm able to exercise a long time without tiring but not fast. Maybe with weight loss... I've learned a lot about fueling, problem solving during races but have yet to master fixing a flat. I plan on doing a HIM in Aug and an Olympic in Sept. then Flordia IM in Nov. Anyway, I'm a correctional officer and I work shift work, 12.5 hrs shifts, nights and days so not much consistency. My boys are teenagers and mostly on their own so I have time. I was planning on using the free IM training plan on the web which would start March 1. do you think in order to do this I should hire a coach? Should I be weight training? As you can see I need help to get to Flordia! But I am willing to do what it takes...thanks for any help you can offer.

Welcome to the group.  The good thing is you have 9 months, and it sounds like a solid background in one of the sports (running).  What type of pace do you ride on the bike?  What’s your longest ride to date?


When I signed up for IMKY, I had run one marathon.  I never finished a HIM, due to medical reasons and a truck mirror to the rib cage and my longest ride was 60 miles.  I read several books and created my own training plan.  But the BT site has several good plans and I think if you’re a gold member you can receive some sort of coaching support.????  The main thing is to get a plan and stick with it. 


As far as getting a coach it’s up to you.  I got a coach because I have big goals for 09 and I need the advice of someone more experienced... and it helps to know I have to report in to someone.  Also, if you do choose to get a coach think what type of plan they are giving you.  I mean is it a plan you have to schedule your life around, or is it like my coaches system were I send my available hours and he molds it to my schedule.


I weight train 2-3 days a week.   I'm my own boss; I own a 24 hour gym so I can always get into a gym.  So my coach can work in a few more workouts.  But we both believe in strength training.  One for sport specific strength and to help with biomechanical imbalances that develop due to training.


If I need to clarify anything please ask.

2009-01-21 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1903586

Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!

Group Members.  Try to keep your logs open to at least the group members.

BT Name Real Name 
BamaDC Mark 
stuart little 9Stuart

2009-01-21 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1919978

Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group - OPEN!
JeepFleeb - 2009-01-21 9:41 AM

Room left for one more?

Sure, how is everything going over in lovely Texas?  I would like to introduce everyone to Aaron.  He's been my coach since Nov. and if you’re thinking about getting a coach I can't recommend this guy enough.


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