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2009-04-09 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN





Two years ago I started weight watchers because I was frustrated with all the weight I had gained in my 30's (about 70lbs)  I did not gain this weight with my children, but actually when my youngest started school and I started a full time job ie (can you say fast food)!  I had been thin all my life and was accustomed to eating what ever I wanted and not gaining an ounce, and it was hard to change that up.  I worked out intermitently, but nothing to brag about. I finally got serious and lost 50lbs with WW and started working out regularly. I was inspired by a friend of mine who did the Danskin Womens Triathlon last year and loved it.

 In December I joined Madcows mentor group (I will also remain a member of that group as well) and have been hooked ever since.  The reason I wanted to join this group is because mostly men post on madcows, and I would like a female perspective on doing triathlons.  I swam as a kid but nothing competitive, and I haven't biked outside in years Tongue out, I do run a little bit.

 I enjoy downhill skiing, water skiing, running, swimming and hopefully biking soon. I start training with a Tri Coach May 2nd.

I live in western, MA and spring is trying to get here, but it is slow in coming. I work full time at Berkshire Medical Center as a Molecular Pathology Technologist (DNA Stuff), and like everyone else, I am trying to juggle all the demands of life.


Family Status

Fantasticaly, happily married to a wonderful man and my best friend,  we have 2 boys and a girl, one grand daughter and another grandchild on the way.  Two labs, one yellow and one black, two quarter horses, and a cat.


Current Training

I train 5-6 days a week and feel like I’m missing-out on something on my rest days as well.  I am mostly running, and strength training using Debbie Siebers DVD's.


Last Year’s Races

None. I'm a newbie

This Year’s Races

3/16/09 Wassac St. Patrick's Day Classic 4miler (First race ever) I ran 37.04

7/26/09 Danskin Womens Triathlon in Webster MA

5/10/09 Womens Running Race Pittsfield, MA 5miler

I hope to add more races as the year progresses.

Weight Loss

 I would love to lose another 20, but am finding it very difficult.  I am always hungry, I wish I didn't love food so much!


I'm so excited about getting started! I second: " Here's to a life-changing 2009!"

Edited by sahebb 2009-04-09 4:30 PM

2009-04-09 5:45 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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West Fargo
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Guess I should make a quick mention that I'm headed to WI for the Easter Holiday. I'm at the mercy of my mother in law and her food/cooking (AKA: Mrs. Cream and Sugar Butterton). I do mean that in the most loving way. However, I'm hoping to escape some major traps and snares in the diet department while away. My training planned until I get back is :

Friday: 50 min cross train
Saturday: 8 mi run
Sunday: Stretch & strength
Monday: 5 mi run

Return home Monday night. I'll check back in then. Hope you all have a fabulous Holiday!

2009-04-09 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2074678

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Shannon, welcome to the group!  Since triathlon is an endurance sport, that's great that you could swim "forever."  That comes first.  Then speed.

That is completely tragic that 1) you had kidney stones and 2) that they prevented you from making it to the race.  Ugh!  I'd be so bummed.  We're glad you're back at it, though.

Lots of folks do their first tri on a mountain bike.  The manager at my local bike shop said his wife did her frist tri on one.  Absolutely no shame in that.

So, 5 weeks until a half mary, huh?  I just finished Hal Higdon's 10K plan and it was awesome.  I'm glad his half mary plan's working well for you.  That progress you're making is incredible and the joy it's given you is inspiring.

I figure the boards will be pretty quiet over the holiday.  I'm stoked to see that you've already got a plan in place for this time.  So smart.

Again, welcome aboard and, if we don't hear from you, have a wonderful holiday!
2009-04-09 7:36 PM
in reply to: #2074682

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Wow, you are quite the outdoor adventurer!

That is phenomenal that you've hired a tri coach.  That is one of THE best things you can do.  Danskin is an incredible series.  You'll be so glad you did it.

A couple of my old mentor groups still post and stay in touch.  That's perfectly cool. 

Again, welcome aboard!

2009-04-09 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2068936


Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Is there room for one more?





Our local Y started offering a Tri training class for beginners.  Some friends took the first class and they were hooked.  So they talked me into siging up for the second session.  It has been a long time since I set a goal that was solely for me and about me.  Motherhood (especially being a stay-at-home mom) has a way of doing that to a person.  I love my children and taking care of them, but I'm a much better mother when I get some time to myself.

I've not participated in any competitive athletics since high school. I've been the typical 'gym mom' - spin classes, aerobics, treadmill, etc.  But I haven't been as consistent with it as I need, so as a result, I gain and lose the same 7-10 pounds every year. It's a vicious cycle.  I'm hoping tri training will help me with the consistency I've been lacking.


Family Status

Married with 3 kids ages 9, almost 6, and 2.5.


Current Training

I'm training 5-6 days a week running and biking.  Next week I start adding in the swimming. I have never swam for fitness, so I'm a bit stressed about it.  My Tri training class starts on 4/26.


This Year’s Races

6/27/09: Go Tri Sports Sprint in Greenville, SC

After that ????


Weight Loss

I'd like to lose 8 more pounds.  I think at my age (36), that is as low as I can realistically go.

Edited by melsc1 2009-04-09 8:59 PM
2009-04-09 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2075198

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
You betcha!  Welcome aboard, Melissa!  That's good to hear you're taking a tri class at the Y - especially with friends.  That'll make a huge difference.

Training for a triathlon was just the thing I needed to get me out the door and serious about physical activity.  Hopefully it can be that for you.

Let's just get you through the first tri and see what might be on the horizon after that.

You all will find that I'm a big advocate of the Total Immersion method of swimming, especially for newbies that have never swum.  You can check it out at, but I'll post more about it later.

Again, welcome to the group, Melissa!

2009-04-10 6:27 AM
in reply to: #2072500

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
lkagop - 2009-04-08 9:18 PM

Figure skating?  Oh, now that is fun!!!

Triathletes ARE crazy! 

I just joined my tri club and our kick-off training session was awesome.  I'm so pleased that you've got that local support.

That's too bad about that back pain while swimming.  Next time you're swimming with the club, have some of the guys and gals take a look at you while you swim to see if they might be able to spot the cause.  Not saying they will, but other than your doc, that's what I'd do.  That's great that what turned out to be your least fav has become your favorite.  I think swimming's peaceful.

Congrats on your personal record on the 5K!  That's awesome!

Any ideas on what your first road bike will be?

Again, welcome to the group!

I did have my coach check my form in the water last Tuesday. We figured out that I'm not relaxed enough and my shoulder hunch up. Something to think about next time I swim.

I'm not sure about the road bike. So many out there. I have a specialized mountain bike that I love. A guy a the tri-club wants to sell me his son's bike. It's a Guercicotti (??) an Italian bike. Looks cool but scares me LOL There's another brand I want to check out, OPUS - There are made here in Quebec.

Today is a rest day for me but I'll do some strength training here at home. Mostly shoulders, back and core. Tomorrow morning is a swim/run training with the club.

I'm going back to read the new bios now

2009-04-10 6:59 AM
in reply to: #2073508

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
lkagop - 2009-04-09 9:30 AM

Welcome to the group, Jennifer!  Do you prefer Jennifer or Jen?

Congrats on finishing your first du!  What a feeling!

That's just terrific that you've lost those 15 pounds.  Sorry about your foot injury, though.

That'll be really cool doing a race on your birthday.

I have so much respect for artists.  I wish I could paint or draw for expression and I just admire those who can.

Looking forward to being a part of your tri journey and following your blog as well.  Again, welcome to the group!

Actually Jen is best for me. The Du was a great experience, I did well on both the run portions, 5K and 2 miles, but the bike part was waaaay harder than anyone let on. No flats and all hills. It really tested me, but I got through it OK, slow, but I got through it. There are not many hills by were I live so I have to go out of my way to ride some place I can get a hill workout in. In the end I won my age category, ha that was funny because there was very little competition, but hey it was my first ever medal, so I was jazzed.

Losing weight is the hardest thing. I still have 15-20 more to go. For me slow and steady is the only way to do it, but if it takes another two years that's OK with me, just long as I can keep it off.

Looks like we have some real interesting ladies in our group, I am excited about this mentor group!

I will head down to New Orleans today, stay at an apartment a friend is lending me and then I will race tomorrow. Tonight there is a big race expo. Never been to one of those, so I am pretty excited about it. Looking to buy a new running hat, hope I can find one. Cheers!
2009-04-10 8:34 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Hi - hope you still have room for me.

I'm 62 - used to be a runner - messed up my knee - had surgery - orthopedist said I can't run long distances but sprint tris are ok - registered for 1st tri in July.  I live in Minnesota and we still have snow which makes training harder.

I'll post a more complete bio later - I would love to be a part of this because I live in a small town and nobody does tris here.  Just found this forum.


2009-04-10 8:46 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Just wanted to say "HELLO!" to everyone here.  Sounds like we've got a good group.  I'm looking forward to a female perspective also, especially from those who are juggling kids, spouses, work (and being a SAHM definitely counts as work!).  My kids are older than some here, but I still have to work my training around them.  We're trying to get the oldest one ready for college next year - so much paperwork! - and the younger one doesn't drive yet so we have to cart her around to soccer practices/games/etc.  I've started going to the gym in the morning before work to get my swimming in - it's also a lot less crowded at that time - so it's one less thing to have to try to get into the evening schedule.  It hasn't been easy to drag my butt out of bed (I'm so not a morning personSmile), but you do what you have to do, right? 

I got 700m in the pool done this morning and I'm hoping to get a 4 mile run in tonight, although that may not happen.  Today is me and DH's wedding anniversary and I'm not sure if he has anything planned.  He is taking me out for lunch thoughLaughing.  I'm hoping to get a long swim in tomorrow morning and hopefully a bike ride in the afternoon since it's supposed to be a nice day, then a long run on Sunday morning before we head to my brother's house for Easter dinner.  If I don't make it back over the weekend, I hope everyone has a good one!

2009-04-10 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2075505

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
mekira - 2009-04-10 7:27 AM
lkagop - 2009-04-08 9:18 PM Figure skating?  Oh, now that is fun!!!

Triathletes ARE crazy! 

I just joined my tri club and our kick-off training session was awesome.  I'm so pleased that you've got that local support.

That's too bad about that back pain while swimming.  Next time you're swimming with the club, have some of the guys and gals take a look at you while you swim to see if they might be able to spot the cause.  Not saying they will, but other than your doc, that's what I'd do.  That's great that what turned out to be your least fav has become your favorite.  I think swimming's peaceful.

Congrats on your personal record on the 5K!  That's awesome!

Any ideas on what your first road bike will be?

Again, welcome to the group!
I did have my coach check my form in the water last Tuesday. We figured out that I'm not relaxed enough and my shoulder hunch up. Something to think about next time I swim. I'm not sure about the road bike. So many out there. I have a specialized mountain bike that I love. A guy a the tri-club wants to sell me his son's bike. It's a Guercicotti (??) an Italian bike. Looks cool but scares me LOL There's another brand I want to check out, OPUS - There are made here in Quebec. Today is a rest day for me but I'll do some strength training here at home. Mostly shoulders, back and core. Tomorrow morning is a swim/run training with the club. I'm going back to read the new bios now Patricia

Hopefully making those small changes to your form can help with that back pain. 

Specialized is a great brand.  I haven't heard of the others, but no matter what brand of bike - and I'm sure you already know this from being a mountain biker, so this is really for the whole group - just make sure it fits.  Fit is THE most important thing.  If you can get a used bike in great condition - that fits, of course - go for it.

Have a great rest day and a good training session with the club tomorrow.

2009-04-10 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2075549

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
blujay65 - 2009-04-10 7:59 AM
lkagop - 2009-04-09 9:30 AM

Welcome to the group, Jennifer!  Do you prefer Jennifer or Jen?

Congrats on finishing your first du!  What a feeling!

That's just terrific that you've lost those 15 pounds.  Sorry about your foot injury, though.

That'll be really cool doing a race on your birthday.

I have so much respect for artists.  I wish I could paint or draw for expression and I just admire those who can.

Looking forward to being a part of your tri journey and following your blog as well.  Again, welcome to the group!

Actually Jen is best for me. The Du was a great experience, I did well on both the run portions, 5K and 2 miles, but the bike part was waaaay harder than anyone let on. No flats and all hills. It really tested me, but I got through it OK, slow, but I got through it. There are not many hills by were I live so I have to go out of my way to ride some place I can get a hill workout in. In the end I won my age category, ha that was funny because there was very little competition, but hey it was my first ever medal, so I was jazzed.

Losing weight is the hardest thing. I still have 15-20 more to go. For me slow and steady is the only way to do it, but if it takes another two years that's OK with me, just long as I can keep it off.

Looks like we have some real interesting ladies in our group, I am excited about this mentor group!

I will head down to New Orleans today, stay at an apartment a friend is lending me and then I will race tomorrow. Tonight there is a big race expo. Never been to one of those, so I am pretty excited about it. Looking to buy a new running hat, hope I can find one. Cheers!

That's really smart to make sure you get some hill training in.  That's teriffic you won your age group!!!  You still won!  Good for you!

I've never been to an expo, either, but it does sound like a lot of fun!  Best wishes for your race tomorrow, Jen.  Looking forward to reading the race report.

Safe travels!
2009-04-10 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2075734

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
LadyNorth - 2009-04-10 9:34 AM Hi - hope you still have room for me.

I'm 62 - used to be a runner - messed up my knee - had surgery - orthopedist said I can't run long distances but sprint tris are ok - registered for 1st tri in July.  I live in Minnesota and we still have snow which makes training harder.

I'll post a more complete bio later - I would love to be a part of this because I live in a small town and nobody does tris here.  Just found this forum.


Welcome aboard, Denise!  Though you've still got snow, you've still got plenty of time - especially with a running background - to be ready by July 1.  Looking forward to the full bio when you get a chance.
2009-04-10 9:24 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Eden Prairie, MN
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Hi Lora,

I'd love to join your group! 

About me:

JeannieMc/Jeannie (yeah, I was really creative on my username lol)

I am doing the Lifetime Fitness Sprint Tri on July 11, which will be my first triathlon ever. 

In January 2008, I was really overweight (I'm 5'5" and at the time, I weighed 230).  I started Weight Watchers at that time and in an effort to ramp up the weight loss, I started walking on a treadmill every night while watching tv.  After a while, I started running through commercials, then longer and longer periods, until I was running 4-5 miles every morning (and not watching tv while I was doing it anymore).  I also started working with  a trainer, and lifted weights 3x per week.  Over 7 months, I lost 70 lbs.

That's the good news.  The bad news? I've plateaued since then.  I have about 20-30 lbs more I"d like to lose but seem to have lost my stride.  I am very goal oriented and competitive, and tend to be the most motivated when I have things to shoot for.  A friend of mine signed up to do her first tri this summer, so I figured this would help light a fire under me and get me moving again like I should be.

I ran a few 5k's last year so I'm not as concerned about the running portion.  I have not biked much at all .... just a few times at the gym. I did just get a new road bike and took it out for the first time yesterday....what a blast!  I have swam off and on over the past month. My biggest concern is just getting back into a consistent, regular workout.  Last spring I was as regular as you could possibly be, now I struggle to stay on track. I'm hoping the accountability will help me get back to the consistency I need and want!

I'm looking forward to getting to know you and learning more.

2009-04-10 9:25 AM
in reply to: #2075770

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
soccermom15 - 2009-04-10 9:46 AM

Just wanted to say "HELLO!" to everyone here.  Sounds like we've got a good group.  I'm looking forward to a female perspective also, especially from those who are juggling kids, spouses, work (and being a SAHM definitely counts as work!).  My kids are older than some here, but I still have to work my training around them.  We're trying to get the oldest one ready for college next year - so much paperwork! - and the younger one doesn't drive yet so we have to cart her around to soccer practices/games/etc.  I've started going to the gym in the morning before work to get my swimming in - it's also a lot less crowded at that time - so it's one less thing to have to try to get into the evening schedule.  It hasn't been easy to drag my butt out of bed (I'm so not a morning personSmile), but you do what you have to do, right? 

I got 700m in the pool done this morning and I'm hoping to get a 4 mile run in tonight, although that may not happen.  Today is me and DH's wedding anniversary and I'm not sure if he has anything planned.  He is taking me out for lunch thoughLaughing.  I'm hoping to get a long swim in tomorrow morning and hopefully a bike ride in the afternoon since it's supposed to be a nice day, then a long run on Sunday morning before we head to my brother's house for Easter dinner.  If I don't make it back over the weekend, I hope everyone has a good one!

I have one step-son heading off to college this year, too, and the other one doesn't drive yet either, so I completely understand.

I'm inspired that you're able to get up so early and get it done.  I work from home so it's not like I have to be anywhere, but I think I'd feel like I wasn't cheating people out of my time if I went ahead and got it done so early.

Happy Anniversary!  Definitely no worries about missing out on a run tonight.  You've got the best excuse!    Have a Happy Easter, too!
2009-04-10 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2075882

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Ha ha.  I think you've got a great username.  Welcome aboard!  I love your story about just walking a little bit every night and the next thing you know you're running 4-5 miles!  That's cool.  Congratulations on the weight loss as well!

Jeannie, I do think having this goal of a tri, plus doing the race with a friend, will put you in the right frame of mind to train right.

Ooooo.  New road bike!  Awesome.  Whadja get?

So, you're good on the run already.  That'll be a plus.  So, you just need to work on the bike and swim.  Plenty of time, especially for a Sprint.

Nothing gets you faster on a bike than just time in the saddle.  You can buy a little bit of speed with your bike, but it won't pay off nearly as much as hard work will.

I always recommend Total Immersion (TI) for new swimmers.  The creator of this technique just launched a new DVD that I haven't checked out yet, but if you go to your local library, do a search for Total Immersion: Freestyle Made Easy.  That video changed my life.  I've cut my time in half over the last few months thanks to TI.  I mean, I really need to cut it in half again to rock-it, but it's been incredible for me.

Again, welcome aboard, Jeannie.

2009-04-10 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN


I'm 62.  I started running at age 57 and ran my 1st(and only) marathon at age 60 (Twin Cities 07).  Last year, while training for the Whistlestop Marathon in Wisconsin, I tore my meniscus.  I had knee surgery in Sept and foot surgery in Oct - on crutches and boot for 2 months.  My orthopedist advised against long-distance running but said I could do Sprint triathlons (she's a triathlete) as long as I don't train on concrete/asphalt.  I am very, very excited about doing a tri.

Family status
1 daughter in 1st year of college (we had her late in life)
4 step-kids - my husband is a great-grandfather
1 dog, 3 cats

Current training:
Just learned freestyle in January using the Total Immersion book/DVD.  I can swim 9 laps now - but pretty slowly.  The nearest lap pool is 30 miles away but I get there twice a week.  The swim part is my greatest fear - but I plan on switching to side-stroke off and on if I get in trouble.  I won't be able to open water 'til June

I'm running 3 miles/3xweek on treadmill.  I'm least worried about the running part.  I'll up distance and speed gradually.  I'm not supposed to train on concrete/asphalt so when the local golf course is snow-free and dries out, I'll ask if I can run along the edge.

I've done very little biking.  My little town just opened a fitness center (whoopee) and I've been training on upright bike.  I think I'll be able to bike outside next week (the snow's melting fast).  I'm getting a new bike - either an entry level road bike (Redline) or a hybrid fitness bike (Trek 7.1)

1st Tri
July 25 - Bemidji

I'm retired so I have a lot of time available for training.  I really admire you women with jobs/young children who make the time

2009-04-10 12:37 PM
in reply to: #2076237

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
LadyNorth - 2009-04-10 12:20 PM

I'm 62.  I started running at age 57 and ran my 1st(and only) marathon at age 60 (Twin Cities 07).  Last year, while training for the Whistlestop Marathon in Wisconsin, I tore my meniscus.  I had knee surgery in Sept and foot surgery in Oct - on crutches and boot for 2 months.  My orthopedist advised against long-distance running but said I could do Sprint triathlons (she's a triathlete) as long as I don't train on concrete/asphalt.  I am very, very excited about doing a tri.

Family status
1 daughter in 1st year of college (we had her late in life)
4 step-kids - my husband is a great-grandfather
1 dog, 3 cats

Current training:
Just learned freestyle in January using the Total Immersion book/DVD.  I can swim 9 laps now - but pretty slowly.  The nearest lap pool is 30 miles away but I get there twice a week.  The swim part is my greatest fear - but I plan on switching to side-stroke off and on if I get in trouble.  I won't be able to open water 'til June

I'm running 3 miles/3xweek on treadmill.  I'm least worried about the running part.  I'll up distance and speed gradually.  I'm not supposed to train on concrete/asphalt so when the local golf course is snow-free and dries out, I'll ask if I can run along the edge.

I've done very little biking.  My little town just opened a fitness center (whoopee) and I've been training on upright bike.  I think I'll be able to bike outside next week (the snow's melting fast).  I'm getting a new bike - either an entry level road bike (Redline) or a hybrid fitness bike (Trek 7.1)

1st Tri
July 25 - Bemidji

I'm retired so I have a lot of time available for training.  I really admire you women with jobs/young children who make the time


You are so fortunate to have an orthopoedist who's a triathlete.  That is just so admirable picking up running like that, though I'm sorry about the injury.  Meh!

That's committment driving that far to swim.  It's great to meet another TI swimmer.  It really is wonderful, isn't it?

Definitely get on the road with any bike as soon as you can.  Hmm, without knowing anything about those 2 bikes other than one's a road and one's a hybrid, I'd really recommend the road bike.  If the handlebars on the hybrid are straight across, then I'd definitely lean toward the road.  Those bars will be a bitter enemy in the wind.

Again, welcome to the group!  We look forward to having you on board!
2009-04-10 1:20 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Lora, do you have room for one more?  My winter mentor group is still going, and I was feeling guilty about wanting to join another group, but I've been watching your thread and noticed there were a couple of others who were in other groups too, so I guess it's okay. 

I'll post a bio if there's space for me.
2009-04-10 1:30 PM
in reply to: #2075971

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Eden Prairie, MN
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Thanks Lora.

I got a fairly entry level road bike ... it's a Trek 1.5 Triple WSD.  I went out biking with my 16 year old son and he was SO shocked that I could keep up with him ... my bike is a lot faster than his mountain bike! 

I did get a DVD called "The Essential  Triathlon Swimming" but havent watched it yet. I've heard great things about Total Immersion, I will look for that.  I did see that we have a TI program here in my city but it makes me a little nervous .. .I am an ok swimmer but I dont want to show up to some practice where everyone's this total expert.

Hope everyone's Friday is going great!


2009-04-10 1:47 PM
in reply to: #2076609

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
JeannieMc - 2009-04-10 2:30 PM

Thanks Lora.

I got a fairly entry level road bike ... it's a Trek 1.5 Triple WSD.  I went out biking with my 16 year old son and he was SO shocked that I could keep up with him ... my bike is a lot faster than his mountain bike! 

I did get a DVD called "The Essential  Triathlon Swimming" but havent watched it yet. I've heard great things about Total Immersion, I will look for that.  I did see that we have a TI program here in my city but it makes me a little nervous .. .I am an ok swimmer but I dont want to show up to some practice where everyone's this total expert.

Hope everyone's Friday is going great!


OMGsh!  If I had a TI clinic where I lived, why I'd...Anyway, if you've got the money I would definitely check it out.  They won't expect you to be a great swimmer.  That's why they're there.  You could also call them ahead of time and discuss your level, if that would make you feel more comfortable getting some feedback beforehand.

That's awesome that you got to impress your son.  Those are the days...

2009-04-10 5:50 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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New user

Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN


Trigrltri - Real name Theresa



I was a chubby kid who thought that she was not good at sports due the chubbiness. In reality I had undiagnosed and untreated asthma. Since I have gotten my asthma under control I have found that I have a lot more energy and am able to more athletic things that I ever thought possible. I am more active now at 38 than I ever have been before. I have swum across the Columbia River three times and I have become a fairly avid hiker and recreational bike rider. From this legacy I still have some emotional responses to running and biking and an abiding doubt that I will be unable to accomplish things.

I have been sporadically trying to increase my fitness level and motivate myself to go to the gym for the last year or so. My best friend (since we were kids) said “Let’s pick a goal and train for it.” Without missing a beat I said "Well there is this Triathlon in Bend (Oregon) that looks good so lets do that". I found a training program on this site and we started the NEXT DAY. That was 10 weeks ago. Yeay us! Since then I have committed to a few other activities this summer.


Family Status

Married for a decade with 4 dogs; two beagles, two doxies. I am a high school teacher and my husband is a professor.  We have aging parents that have increasingly needed our support and help also taken some of our time. I also must mention my best friend and training partner who really is family. It has been really nice to have her as a partner in this activity.


Current Training

I am lucky that I live in Track Town USA   - Eugene Oregon. Running is an amazing force in our local community and there are an abundance of running venues and interest in the sport. I also belong to YMCA where I work out in the winter and which has a 25 yard pool. I will probably switch to an outside pool with a 50 meter length pool when it opens in the spring.


For the last 10 weeks I have been training 6 days a week. We started with Michael Pates Total Sprint - 22 Week plan, but we have been doing more swimming and run/walking since those two activities are coming up earlier. I also really hate biking on a stationary bike, but love biking outside.


I sprained my ankle about a month ago (unrelated to training), so I stopped “running” and swam more. It is back to feeling good and strong so I am just being really careful with it. I am currently running on a high school track since it is cushy for the ankle and easy to keep track of the distance.  Right now I can honestly only run about ¼ to ½ of the time and my 5K time is just under an hour. I am working on running a bigger percentage of the time and walking faster in between. I have horrible form and get out of breath easily.  I am doing a 5k in early May, the swimming portion of an Olympic tri in later May and two sprint triathlons this summer/fall.


Previous “Races”

Roy Webster Swim Labor Day 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2006, a one mile swim across the Columbia River.


This Year’s Races

5/3/09:  5K during the Eugene Marathon Weekend (Eugene, Oregon)

5/17/09: Duck Bill Thrill Olympic Tri. (I am on a relay team and will be swimming only)

7/19/09: Deschutes Dash Sprint Triathlon

9/13/09 Lincoln City Sprint Tri


Weight Loss

Weight has always been an issue with me, but ironically I find that I am more at peace with my weight than most women. I was a chubby child who grew into a fat adult.  I currently weigh 240ish and have been as high as 290. I would love to weigh less, but right now I am focusing on getting fit and more active. If I lose weight in the process great, but if not that is ok too. Running is hard at my weight and current fitness level, but it is getting easier. In the 10 weeks I have been actively training I have not lost any weight, but I feel stronger and better than I have in years.


What Will Make Me a Good Mentee?

Triathlon training is what I think I have been seeking my entire life.  I have a lurking nature, but will try to be an active member of this community.

2009-04-10 6:03 PM
in reply to: #2076237

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New user

Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Denise -

I spent two years in Bemidji, MN and I see you are doing your Triathlon there.  What small town are you in? If you are at all close to Bemidji I would suggest you check out the BSU pool and Indoor Track. While I was there it was a lifesaver through winter. What a great facility.

Keep warm and spring will come.

2009-04-10 10:10 PM
in reply to: #2076581

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
serendipity - 2009-04-10 2:20 PM Lora, do you have room for one more?  My winter mentor group is still going, and I was feeling guilty about wanting to join another group, but I've been watching your thread and noticed there were a couple of others who were in other groups too, so I guess it's okay. 

I'll post a bio if there's space for me.

Absolutely!  Yeah, I still keep in touch with my last 2 mentor groups, the one from last April being the most active.  Looking forward to the bio...
2009-04-10 10:16 PM
in reply to: #2077173

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
trigrrltri - 2009-04-10 6:50 PM


Trigrltri - Real name Theresa



I was a chubby kid who thought that she was not good at sports due the chubbiness. In reality I had undiagnosed and untreated asthma. Since I have gotten my asthma under control I have found that I have a lot more energy and am able to more athletic things that I ever thought possible. I am more active now at 38 than I ever have been before. I have swum across the Columbia River three times and I have become a fairly avid hiker and recreational bike rider. From this legacy I still have some emotional responses to running and biking and an abiding doubt that I will be unable to accomplish things.

I have been sporadically trying to increase my fitness level and motivate myself to go to the gym for the last year or so. My best friend (since we were kids) said “Let’s pick a goal and train for it.” Without missing a beat I said "Well there is this Triathlon in Bend (Oregon) that looks good so lets do that". I found a training program on this site and we started the NEXT DAY. That was 10 weeks ago. Yeay us! Since then I have committed to a few other activities this summer.


Family Status

Married for a decade with 4 dogs; two beagles, two doxies. I am a high school teacher and my husband is a professor.  We have aging parents that have increasingly needed our support and help also taken some of our time. I also must mention my best friend and training partner who really is family. It has been really nice to have her as a partner in this activity.


Current Training

I am lucky that I live in Track Town USA   - Eugene Oregon. Running is an amazing force in our local community and there are an abundance of running venues and interest in the sport. I also belong to YMCA where I work out in the winter and which has a 25 yard pool. I will probably switch to an outside pool with a 50 meter length pool when it opens in the spring.


For the last 10 weeks I have been training 6 days a week. We started with Michael Pates Total Sprint - 22 Week plan, but we have been doing more swimming and run/walking since those two activities are coming up earlier. I also really hate biking on a stationary bike, but love biking outside.


I sprained my ankle about a month ago (unrelated to training), so I stopped “running” and swam more. It is back to feeling good and strong so I am just being really careful with it. I am currently running on a high school track since it is cushy for the ankle and easy to keep track of the distance.  Right now I can honestly only run about ¼ to ½ of the time and my 5K time is just under an hour. I am working on running a bigger percentage of the time and walking faster in between. I have horrible form and get out of breath easily.  I am doing a 5k in early May, the swimming portion of an Olympic tri in later May and two sprint triathlons this summer/fall.


Previous “Races”

Roy Webster Swim Labor Day 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2006, a one mile swim across the Columbia River.


This Year’s Races

5/3/09:  5K during the Eugene Marathon Weekend (Eugene, Oregon)

5/17/09: Duck Bill Thrill Olympic Tri. (I am on a relay team and will be swimming only)

7/19/09: Deschutes Dash Sprint Triathlon

9/13/09 Lincoln City Sprint Tri


Weight Loss

Weight has always been an issue with me, but ironically I find that I am more at peace with my weight than most women. I was a chubby child who grew into a fat adult.  I currently weigh 240ish and have been as high as 290. I would love to weigh less, but right now I am focusing on getting fit and more active. If I lose weight in the process great, but if not that is ok too. Running is hard at my weight and current fitness level, but it is getting easier. In the 10 weeks I have been actively training I have not lost any weight, but I feel stronger and better than I have in years.


What Will Make Me a Good Mentee?

Triathlon training is what I think I have been seeking my entire life.  I have a lurking nature, but will try to be an active member of this community.

Welcome to the group, Theresa!!!

Wow!  We've got a couple folks who have some open water swim experience.  That's awesome.

That's also terrific that you're doing this with your best friend.  I think you've got an incredible attitude about the sport.  I think triathlon was what I'd been looking for my entire life, too.  I'm glad you've found it!

You've got a great, diverse racing schedule lined up.  Looking forward to being a part of your journey!

Have a great night!!!
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