BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!) Rss Feed  
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2009-04-10 6:52 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - OPEN
BTW how can I mark this thread to make it easier to find? 

2009-04-10 7:43 PM
in reply to: #2077261

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - OPEN
 You can bookmark (favorite) it just like any other website.  Another thing you can do is click the "toggle email notification" link at the bottom of this thread. 
2009-04-11 4:53 PM
in reply to: #2070412

Plano, Tx
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - OPEN
Heres a question the first time I signed up with a triathalon I got slapped with a 10 dollar USAT (i think) fee. Is there anyway to avoid all these fees. 70 dollars a race is expensive for me.
2009-04-12 12:19 AM
in reply to: #2070412

Plano, Tx
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - OPEN
What is the max thickness you can use on a wetsuit for a triathalon and what type can you use?
2009-04-12 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2078336

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - OPEN

philz1982 - 2009-04-11 5:53 PM Heres a question the first time I signed up with a triathalon I got slapped with a 10 dollar USAT (i think) fee. Is there anyway to avoid all these fees. 70 dollars a race is expensive for me.

The only way to avoid it is to become a USAT member ($40) - So, for it to be worth it, you need to race at least 4 races.


2009-04-12 9:56 AM
in reply to: #2078844

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - OPEN

philz1982 - 2009-04-12 1:19 AM What is the max thickness you can use on a wetsuit for a triathalon and what type can you use?

Not sure, but just get a triathlon-specific wetsuit and you'll be fine.  Just no scuba-type suits

Or you can rent them from a place online.  (not sure the address)

2009-04-13 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - OPEN
Hey Mitch,

I am interested in joining your group if you have space for one more.  I enjoyed my last mentor group and will still be lurking on that thread as well.  This seems like a nicely balanced group of BT peeps.  If you'll have me, I will post my bio then.  Thanks!
2009-04-13 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - OPEN
Philz and Justin...glad to have you both.  I think that gives us a good size group so I will close the group to new members.  Thanks to all that have joined!
2009-04-13 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
Swam for the first time this do you think nose plugs are a good idea?  I seem to get a lot of water in that area lol.  I think they will help but if people have had issues I won't bother.
2009-04-13 10:34 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)

Looks like a great group, I have created a table below that lists all the folks who have asked to be included.  Where a training log exists I have linked to that log.  If you don't have a training log (or if it is private) you should create one or make it public.

Everyone should go ahead and add the Team members to their training log in their friends sections.  This will allow you to easily check out how your Team member are doing.  I'd like us all to be in the habit of supporting one another.  One of the easiest ways to do this is to check in on each other and leave each other "inspires"...either congratulating for a great job on a particular workout or event or checking in if something didn't seem to go right.

For that to even happen though, everyone needs to be in the habit of logging your workouts.  Also, try to log some of the other info (like sleep quality, injured, sick, etc.  Your training log is yours and it can allow you to store a tremendous amount of data that will help others see how you're doing and help answer training questions when you have them.

I am on the site a lot (not filtered at work) so feel free to PM me via the website if you have a question or just post in this thread.  The benefit of posting in the thread is that the other team members will also be able to help.  With that being said, let's get to work and if anyone has any suggestions for the Team let us know!

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Tri n 2 b FastJustin

2009-04-13 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2077224

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - OPEN
philz1982 - 2009-04-10 6:18 PM Mitch,

I'd like to join your group. I am trying to loose weight and be ready for my sprint tri come may 30th.

Philz - Can you give us all some more info about yourself?  Fell free to use the format that I used in the 1st message of the thread.  Everyone should use something approximating that format to introduce yourselves to the Team.  Thanks.

2009-04-13 10:46 AM
in reply to: #2080705

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
dewcubs - 2009-04-13 10:29 AM Swam for the first time this do you think nose plugs are a good idea?  I seem to get a lot of water in that area lol.  I think they will help but if people have had issues I won't bother.

I've never used them.  The only time I seem to get any water in my nose is sometimes on a flip turn.  I chalk that more up to the fact that I am still perfecting my flip turn technique....I am sure that sometimes I look quite silly while doing them
2009-04-13 10:49 AM
in reply to: #2078844

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - OPEN
philz1982 - 2009-04-12 12:19 AM What is the max thickness you can use on a wetsuit for a triathalon and what type can you use?

Philz - I concur with what Jeff has said regarding the wetsuit...get a tri specific one and you will be fine.  You also don't necessarily need them.  For a Sprint distance if the water temp is 68 or above you should be more than okay.  I think once you get to olympic distance and beyond they will be more beneficial.

Rgearding the $10 fee, if it is a USAT sanctioned event them you either have to have a USAT card (costs $40) or pay a 1 time exemption of $10.  USAT insures the race and ensures that minimum standards are met.  There does seem to be heathy debate in the community over whether USAT really provides a benefit.  But, your choices are (1) get a USAT card for $40; (2) Pay 1 time exemption of $10; or (3) find races not sanctioned by the USAT.
2009-04-13 10:56 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
Well, my weekend workouts didn't go as planned....too much family stuff going on.  But, got in a great run last night.  Ran harder than planned but feel fine this morning, just a bit sore.  Didn't get to the pool this morning but maybe tonight.  We'll see.
2009-04-13 10:58 AM
in reply to: #2080705

Newport Beach
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)

dewcubs - 2009-04-13 10:29 AM Swam for the first time this do you think nose plugs are a good idea?  I seem to get a lot of water in that area lol.  I think they will help but if people have had issues I won't bother.

If you need them to get comfortable in the water and to complete your swim workouts, then feel free to use them.  But, I would develop in your goals a plan to transition from having to use them at all.  For instance, you could do a set of short lengths without plugs, i.e. 50 to 100 yards, working on stroke and breathing -exhaling through your nose and then gradually ramping up to not using them at all.  It would seem to me that in a race, chances of something going wrong with the plugs could set the wrong tone for the duration.

2009-04-13 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)

Hey Group!

NAME: Justin (Tri_n_2_b_fast)

I am 39 and I absolutely love this sport! This is my second season of Triathlon. I began last April after a half-hearted challenge to do a Half Ironman with my now training partner. I served 6 years active duty in the USMC and then 3 years active reserves, before finally hanging up my boots. From highschool and through the Marines I did a lot of running. Running has always come fairly easy to me. I have 4 marathons, 5 half-marathons, and countless other runs under my belt. I can be rather hard headed at times, and after running the 2005 Houston Marathon without training (last run was October 04, 12.4 miles - race was in Jan 05) I finished in 5:28...but I was FUBAR! I stopped ruinning, gained 30lbs, and suffered knee pain, ankle problems, and even back issues. In March of 2006 I had reach 230lbs, 41.5 in waist... enough was enough! By Dec 07, I had lost 60 lbs, was down to a 31" waist... and my body was healed! No more nagging injuries! I really enjoy my training, and I have had some success at running and tris over the past year, of which I hope to improve on. I am thrilled at how this sport is growing and all the wonderful people I have met that are becoming involved!

FAMILY STATUS: Married (2 boys - 18 & 12)

CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently training for my first Ironman (Florida), I will be mixing in some sprints, an IM 70.3 (Buffalo Springs), and an Olympic before heading to Florida. I am using an online coach through Training peaks and I train a couple days a week with a partner using the same coach. I have a very busy work schedule and do not have much time during the week to train like I would prefer. I swim 3x's a week, run 2-3x's a week and I usually try and get 2-3 bike legs in. I am striving for consistency and balance in my training. I beleive in training smart! Hard training will come...but you must first be smart about it!

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I have set two new PR's for myself at the Marathon (Jan) and Half-Marthon (Mar) distances. I have a race coming up 4/26 in Corpus Christi, TX (Sprint Tri) another Sprint the following weekend, and then I have a HIM in June, an Oly in August and then the Big Show on November 7, 2009.

WEIGHTLOSS: I will drop 5-8 pounds as June draws closer for a race weight. And I will look to be the same weight for IMFL. My weight generally fluctuates between 170-174...depending on my weekend activities. Like Mitch and many others, I enjoy Cheeseburgers and Shiner Bock Beer!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  I too have spent a lot of time over the last year learning about triathlons and the associated training. I am willing to share with the group my experience and my current coach's advice/plans. I like to motivate others, and I enjoy others checking in on me and keeping me honest!

I got a lot out of my first mentor group I belonged to and that whole experience has really pushed me to improve further and drive me to push others to their goals.


Edited by Tri_n_2_b_fast 2009-04-13 11:12 AM

2009-04-13 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
Hey Gang! Reading everyone's bio's and it looks like we got ourselves a great mix of ages, personalities and experience levels.  I look forward to training, chatting and sharing a great tri season with every one.

I'll take this time to drop a few of my cents in the kitty, in regards to some of the questions already posted.

The wetsuit thickness... I don't recall anything in USAT rules about specific thickness.  The Tri specific wetsuits are typically between 2-4 mils in thickness.  Unlike the dive suits and surf suits, they are coated with a rubberized coating and are much more hydrodynamic.  In addition to that, they have the felxibility built in to the areas where a swimmer would need it (ie shoulders, knees, elbows).  So, if you are in the market for a wetsuit, (like other members have said) get a Tri or Swim specific one.  You can usually find decent deals on used ones (which work well for a first season of only one, two or three uses)  Then if this is the sport for you, lay down the money and get a new one.  If you can make it into a Tri-store and try some suits on, that would help you narrow your search for the right suit.  No sense in wasting money on a suit that is too tight, or doesn't fit right.  Just like bike fit and proper shoe fit, a wetsuit fit is critical.

Nose plugs... I would not recommend them, only because you should be blowing air out your nose while swimming.  Inhale as you turn your head and steady exhale while your face is in the water.  The air coming out of your nose will/should form a small air pocket around your nose and mouth as you turn your head to breath.  New swimmers, I highly recommend a coach, masters swim course or at least watch the Total Immersion Swim video.  Technique is the magic bullet for swimming.  Get that down and endurance/speed will follow.

USAT fees... real quick.  If you pay the $10 for the one day pass, and then decide to get the annual license, that $10 is deducted from the annual license.  Keep the USAT form you fill out and you enter that info on the registration form on the USAT website.  Like others have said, if you plan on doing at least 4 events (duathlons, aqua bikes, and aquathlons included) you may want to just sign up for the year.

Good luck everyone! 
*cheers* to a great Tri season!!! 
Our Mantra! "Stay Healthy & Have Fun!" 
2009-04-13 3:44 PM
in reply to: #2075610

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - OPEN
IceManScott - 2009-04-10 7:31 AM Hi,

I'm still a member of Todd's mentor group, which is continuing, but would like to join yours too, if I can.  I can use all the inspiration I can get, and I'm attracted by the fact you started as a cyclist.  Me too.  Most others seem to come by way of running - which is not my favorite thing.   Not that it matters totally, we all wind up in the same place, but I love bikes.  They saved my life.  

My name is Scott.  My friends call me IceMan.  I'm 57, a cancer survivor, and the outdoor recreation/travel editor at the local newspaper.  I'm approaching my one year anniversary to the woman of my dreams.  We went to high school together, but never meet until 3 years ago after she read about how I took up a bike in 2005 when my waist reached 
"50" in spring 2005.  That was more than 24,000 miles ago.  After I lost some girth, I went to a doctor for a long overdue physical.  No symptoms.  But, wham, cancer of the prostate.  I rode 17 miles the morning of my surgery to turn 3500 miles for the first half of 2006.  Ended that year with more than 7000.  Cancer does not have to stop you unless you let it.

As I kept losing weight, I started racing the bike leg of a tri-relay team for LiveSTRONG in 2007 and 2008.   I fell in love with the people.  They are so mutually inspiring.  Competitors, yes, but always pushing each other to do their best and celebrating with someone who does. What other sport do you find that?  Trick question.  The answer is none.

So after last year's race, I decided to try cross training to get out of a rut my body had fallen into.  If you keep asking it to do the same things, it will become quite efficient at it.   Mine did.  The weight loss slowed at a 40 inch waist.  

I knew running would be the limiter.  So I did a couch to 5K plan in 6 weeks and was running! I was on the swim team in high school many many years ago.  But I was a sprinter.  100 yards and done.  I joined Masters and the coach there is fantastic.  He had me swimming a mile in 6 weeks.   So now I have a bike coach through Robbie Ventura's Vision Quest, a Masters swimming coach and I joined the running club's intermediate coaching group and am now under 30 mins for 5K and running 7.5 miles. 

My waist is now at 36 inches, my original goal.  Still losing, still getting stronger.

Races this year are a sprint here near Bloomington, Ill. on June 6 and an oly on July 18 at the same venue.  After that, my bike coach wants me to do a couple of more Olys this year, and then we will consider a half IM in 2010 and maybe a full IM (if the legs hold up) in 2011, the year I turn 60.  I want the tattoo!  I'll work in a half marathon and full marathon sometime before.  

Scott ~ my hat is off to you brother!  Great job on beating cancer, losing weight, pedaling perfect circles and keeping it going with a goal of an IM at 60!  If you choose Florida as your race (lord willing) I will be there!  I would relish in an accomplishment like that!  Truly an Inspiration!  Continue to Livestrong and inspire!  Here's to THE tattoo!!!    *cheers*
2009-04-14 7:48 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
I'm hoping Florida, 2010 or 2011. 

New bike!  It's an Orbea Oru frame.  After that, I couldn't afford the Red and they say Force isn't worth the upgrade from Rival and after riding it, Rival works flawlessly.  Wheels were custom 32-spoke from a friend who manages a Trek Store in Chattonoga.  Getting used to the twitchy-ness and the position, but I love it.

Edited by IceManScott 2009-04-14 10:21 AM

(Scott's bike.jpg)

Scott's bike.jpg (45KB - 8 downloads)
2009-04-14 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2082760

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
IceManScott - 2009-04-14 7:48 AM I'm hoping Florida, 2010 or 2011. 

New bike!  It's an Orbea Oru frame.  After that, I couldn't afford the Red and they say Force isn't worth the upgrade from Rival and after riding it, Rival works flawlessly.  Wheels were custom 32-spoke from a frien who manages a Trek Store in Chattonoga.  Getting used to the twitchy-ness and the position, but I love it.

Very nice!  I am suffering from a little bike envy now! 

I was at a local Tri Club meeting last night which featured all the club's sponsors.  Zipp Wheels, a fully worked up P4, ISM saddles, all the latest and greatest gear... what's a Tri-geek to do!  I was good, and resisted the temptation to drop several thousands of dollars on toys...  If only money grew on trees, right?
2009-04-14 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
Still looking for the money tree.  ISM Adamo saddles are great.  I won't ride anything else anymore.

Full P4 build?  $10,000?

2009-04-14 11:35 AM
in reply to: #2083217

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
My oldest child consistently reminds me that I have enough bikes already (only 1 mtn bike and 1 road bike).  But she's only what does she know.
2009-04-14 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
I am going to purchase clipless pedals after my next tri in 2 weeks.  Any suggestions from you bike experts I would appreciate it?  What do you think of Speedplays's that are easy on/off and allow some movement especially for the knees?  Thanks for any help guys!
2009-04-14 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2076814

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - OPEN
I can't seem to get to my goal page to make adjustments anymore on my blog/training
2009-04-14 1:35 PM
in reply to: #2083680

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
Terps421 - 2009-04-14 12:42 PM I am going to purchase clipless pedals after my next tri in 2 weeks.  Any suggestions from you bike experts I would appreciate it?  What do you think of Speedplays's that are easy on/off and allow some movement especially for the knees?  Thanks for any help guys!

Speedplays are nice pedals.  The float or movement in the pedal is more in SP's (10-15 degrees), which allows for the movement for the foot / knee.  However, too much movement could be harmful, depending on your pedal stroke.  Additionally, when you go to unclip from the pedals, the more float you have the farther you have to turn your heel outborad to unclip... this usually results in low-speed / stopped fall-overs! 
Speedplays are some of the lightest pedal on the market and the are proud of them.

A better bang for the buck (IMHO) is the Shimano Pedals ~ Ultegra's (or for a lighter, more exspenive model - the Dura Ace) .  A great large solid platform (good transfer of power to the power train), relatively inexpensive (compared to speedplays), some movement (8 degrees of float), which is easier to unclip from, but still allows for movement, and fairly lightweight.  The clips bolt on to the shoes without any modifications, the pedals are easy to adjust and work very well.   If I had 4 Benjamins to drop on pedals ~ I would buy the latest and greatest Dura Ace & not the speedplays.

If all else fails, take your bike to the LBS and see if they will let you try the various pedals while on the trainer and see which fits your pedal stroke, bike fit, and budget.
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