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2009-04-16 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2071252

New user

Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - Open
Hi Scott.  I am interested in joining your group.

I am 38 and have been active most of my life.  The last couple of years I lost my motivation, however, so this year I decided to get back into shape.  Initially I just started weight training at home and then a friend told me of a triathlon she was training for and asked if I wanted to join.  I thought it would be a great way to keep me motivated so I joined.  I have been training on my own for about a month.  The more I research and the more I train, the more I am getting hooked.  I am really getting hooked and I'm excited to do my first race at the end of May. 

I have a lot of questions, especially about equipment and transistions, but mostly I am just looking for someone I can talk to to help keep me motivated. 

Looking forward to hearing from you.  Thanks

Jonathan Kenney.

-Jonathan Kenney.

2009-04-16 9:25 PM
in reply to: #2071252

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Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - Open
I would like to join too. I am 48 years old, married with two kids. I have never done a tri before. I have signed up for two sprints to date. One is June 6 and the other is June 28. If I like them I would like to do one in July, one in August and an Olympic in late Sept.

I am 6' tall and my weight got out of hand until last year. In May I joined Wieght watchers and started walking. In 10 1/2 months I have gone from 285.2 lbs. to 199.6. I have played ice hockey for most of my life. I never tried running much as I have flat feet, but a local tri store set me up with some GREAT Brooks shoes and now I run about 45 miles/week. My strength is cycling. I was a competive cyclist in my teens and 20's. I rode 24 hr marathons and once completed 415 miles in 24 hrs. I gave up serious riding in order to graduate college. I am a good swimmer but my technique, if there is any, stinks. I know I can do the runs. I have no experience transitioning so I have to try doing bricks. Our house has a pool, but it takes 106 lengths to do a mile!

I look forward to any help I can get. hope you'll have me.
2009-04-16 11:01 PM
in reply to: #2071252

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - Open
Welcome everyone,
I hope you find this group motivating and also useful as you truck along your new venture. It is always exciting for me to hear where everyone is at training wise. There are so many different things to discuss and ways we can help each other that I am anxious to get started.

Probably a few house keeping things that will make this group more enjoyable for everyone:
1) Please try to keep your training logs updated as much as possible. This is a great way to see what we are doing and help each other along the way. Please also know that I will never criticize you for not doing your workouts. Life happens and we are here to encourage each other. I have missed my fair share. My number one priority is to enjoy the sport but it is not a have to.

2) Add the other members of the group as friends on your training log. This makes keeping track of each other much easier. It is also fun to "inspire" each other.

3) Please be an active participant in the group. Your input is crucial to the group success. The more we all input the more we learn. I am by no means the know it all. This is a collection of experience and I think we can all learn from each other. I am just the facilitator.

4) And last, feel free to ask anything. If you have a question and ask chances are others have it too and just didn't verbalize it. I have tried a lot of different things and not all of them have worked well but I am happy to share.

Enjoy the group. I am excited to get to know you all. I probably will let the group get pretty big as the drop out rate is pretty high. The last group I did we were up to about 12 and ended with 4. Just the way it goes.

2009-04-16 11:32 PM
in reply to: #2071252

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Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - Open

How do we ad the other members to our training log?


2009-04-16 11:41 PM
in reply to: #2071252

New user

Lakeland, Fl
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - Open
Hello everybody!  I would like to join so that I can participate in a Tri-event. I have been running short and mid distances, from 5k to 1/2 Marathon (Gasparilla 1/2 2:08:30 Mar 1, 09) and thinking going into a tri event would be great cross training.  I am not a strong swimmer, but do know the basics from childhood learning, so that would really be my weak point and would be focused upon most I think.

Age 43, current weight 229 ( would like to get down to about 180 in time) single male with all over work hours and exercise fits in whenever I can.

I am looking at the Ft De Soto Publix Family Fitness sprint event for my first, this would allow for enough time in training and not a full length right off the bat. Kinda get your feet wet (pun intended!) situation.

Thanks, Ed.
2009-04-17 12:16 AM
in reply to: #2071252

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Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - Open
If you still have room I would like to join as well.   I live in Japan and we don't have to many Tri's here but I would like to be ready for one when the oppertunity arises.  I'm curently recovering from a few surgeries and would like to try to take it slow but "slow" is very hard for me.   I have 2 daughters who will be joining me this summer and I look forward to training and being a single dad. 

2009-04-17 1:02 AM
in reply to: #2082098

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Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - Open
Hi, Scott!

I would like to join your group! I'm a Mother of 2 (Jasmine 5 & Sofia 2). I start doing triathlons about 4 years ago. I have done a bunch of sprint distances and 2x oly. Swimming is my strongest event & running is my worst. I did reach a goal this year by running my first 1/2 mary. It was so much fun and I am hoping it will help me in my running section of the tri.

I look forward to hearing about everyone's experiences! My 1st tri this season is a Sprint on May 31st!!

Happily Training,
2009-04-17 5:48 AM
in reply to: #2071252

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Providence, R.I.
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - Open
Hello again,

Here is my repost from page 1 with a little extra....

Room for another?

My name is Bill, I'm 36, married, with a 6 year old son, and I am seriously hoping I become addicted to this.

I have yet to do my first tri but I've been loosely traininig for about a month now. I am currently following the 2x Oly Plan from BT.   I was a competitive swimmer throughout high school and part of college. But that was about 17 years ago now.  I was always in good shape (165 lbs at 6'2").  That is until college and the weight came on.  At my worst I was 298 then back down to  240 and then back up to 284 and I finally decided to put an end to it all and decided to try triathlons. To date I have lost around 22 lbs and plan to keep going  and keep off the weight for good.

Back when I was 240 I took up a little bit of running and did a few 5k races.  The races were fun but the training and constant running kind of got to me.  The idea of training for a tri suits me so much better.  Being able to mix up the training between swim, bike and run is perfect for me.

My main goal is to lose the weight and keep it off but most of all have a blast training.  Multi sport excites me to no end. My ultimate goal os to shoot for completing a HIM next year and who knows after that.

I have a few races this year so far.  My first is the Crabman Sprint in RI in July and then possibly a couple other sprints in early August (Newport Navy Tri and possibly the Wild Dog tri - both Sprints) and capping it all off with a relay swim in the Firmman HIM in Narragansett RI. 

There is so much more to write but so little time.  Thanks again for the opportunity to join  the group.

Bill P.

Edited by trinigen 2009-04-17 5:52 AM
2009-04-17 7:02 AM
in reply to: #2071252

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A cubicle in Jacksonville, FL
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - Open

Hi Scott,

Is there still room in your group? I'd really like to join. I'm a married father of 3 (5,4, and 17 months) and I work full time (plus some) and will be 45 next week. I swam competitively from when I was 7 until I was 19. I was an avid cyclist when I was younger (till I got a car) and had always had a 'dream' of doing a triathlon. I found this website in early march right after I had the "I'm gonna do it" moment, and got really fired up. I picked the Michael Pate total Sprint training plan, and have been logging my training and most of my nutrition. I have my sights set on a race in early August, and am also thinking of maybe doing one in early July. I have TON of questions, and would really like to become an active participant in the group.

2009-04-17 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2071252

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - Open
Welcome everyone. I am going to go ahead and close the group so we can head down the tri road together.
2009-04-17 11:34 AM
in reply to: #2071252

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New York City
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
Hey Scott-

I would like to join your group. I am 45, 5'10" and about 195 pounds. I live in New Jersey and I am a lawyer in NYC. I am married with no kids.

I have been active sporadically over the last 20 years, usually because work gets busy and derails my training. I finally bought a bike in fall 2007 and did my first triathlons last year: a sprint at Harriman State Park, and a sprint in Montauk, NY. I had so much fun that I am hooked.

This year I am doing Wyckoff, NJ, on June 20 ( .5 mile swim, 17 mile bike, and 5 mile run), and NYC on July 26 (Olympic).

I usually get my best training done on weekend mornings. Tomorrow, I am riding the Wyckoff course with the local Tri group. If I am lucky, I get one bike, one run, one swim, and one strenght training session in per week.



2009-04-17 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2091128

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New York City
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - Open

Did not realize the group had closed when I wrote my post. The site had it listed as open. Hope you can still fit one more.

2009-04-17 12:01 PM
in reply to: #2091748

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - Open
JohnOD - 2009-04-17 9:40 AM


Did not realize the group had closed when I wrote my post. The site had it listed as open. Hope you can still fit one more.


Welcome John!
2009-04-17 12:07 PM
in reply to: #2071252

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
So the question was aked how do we add friends. Here is the secret recipe

Go to your training log at the top is "settings" once there click on "training log customization" Once there go to "friends" Once there just enter all of the screen names of your friends and at the end push update and a link will appear on the main page of your training log.

Let me know how it goes.
2009-04-17 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2071252

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
As we start out one question I like to start with is "how well do you feel set up to succeed?" Do you have the right gear? Have you noticed that your feet hurt or you sink instead of swim. Is the bike a painful experience? Or are you set up well. Feel llike you have what you need to be successful etc. Thoughts?
2009-04-17 12:22 PM
in reply to: #2071252

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Providence, R.I.
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.

At this point in my Tri – life I feel I am set up to succeed.  This year my main goal is to get the weight off and complete my races and most of all have fun.  

Gearwise I think I am ok (for this year).  I find myself getting ridiculously excited about the new running shoes my wife surprised me with last night or the tri shorts I got last week.   

My bike right now is a mountain bike with road slicks on it and I am comfortable with it for now.  I have yet to really get out on the open road with it.   Maybe this weekend.  

My swim is definitely my strong point.  It seems I haven’t really forgotten anything over the 17 years of no lap swimming.  

The run scares me a bit though.  It has never ever been a strong point for me and I am currently just working on building up volume.  On good days I can do 3.5 miles.  Most days I find myself watching the clock hoping for it to be over.  I just need to get past that point right now.  I keep hearing it comes with time and I am really hoping it does.  Like I said my run is the most disconcerting part of the race.

My next year goal is to go from complete to compete.  I so miss competing against both myself and others in a race type environment. This most likely will mean a new bike and more time needed for training.  But we’ll face all of that next year Smile

Edited by trinigen 2009-04-17 12:57 PM

2009-04-17 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2071252

New user

Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
Hi Scott,

Just got back from a 10 mile ride and saw 2 new articles to read and came across your group.  Would like to join if you have room.  Will give you all the details when I get back from work tonight and tell you my story.  Like the verse.  My life verse is Gal. 2:20


Edited by Prophet22 2009-04-17 12:29 PM
2009-04-17 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2071252

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A cubicle in Jacksonville, FL
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
I feel like I'm set up fairly well to succeed, considering right now success for me is crossing the finish line. From a gear perspective, I've got a good pair of goggles and tri-shorts for the swim, I've got a 'like new' 7 year old hybrid bike that I had to dust off (I also added toeclips-a.k.a. cages), and a decent pair of New Balance running shoes. Not sure what else I might need.... any suggestions?
2009-04-17 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2091844


Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.

I find I tend to sink and my biking feel ok so far.  I'm only two week away from my sprint.

2009-04-17 5:55 PM
in reply to: #2091844

Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
holt1997 - 2009-04-17 11:09 AM As we start out one question I like to start with is "how well do you feel set up to succeed?" Do you have the right gear? Have you noticed that your feet hurt or you sink instead of swim. Is the bike a painful experience? Or are you set up well. Feel llike you have what you need to be successful etc. Thoughts?

I feel pretty well set up to succeed.  I have a bike, albeit an old Nishiki steel framed beast that weighs about 28 lbs.  I'm seriously considering buying a new road bike (probably not tri specific), but I haven't convinced myself to plunk down the money.  The main gear things I don't yet have are a tri-suit and a wetsuit.  I have a scuba wetsuit but everyone says that you don't want to swim in those.  I haven't seen a XXXL swimming wetsuit at the sites I've looked at, so we'll see what happens there.  I don't absolutely need one, my target race has a water temp of about 70 most years, but some years it's only 66.

Have I noticed my feet hurt from running?  Yes, but much less than I expected.  I've had a lot of feet problems, having been diagnosed with arthritis and gout at different times.  I don't completely believe I have either.  I think my feet sometimes just get pissed off at the rest of me because of my weight.  So far, I have not had my feet hurt more than a day from a run, and even then it's been pretty mild.  My longest run so far has been 2.6 miles, this past Sunday and if the snow stops by this Sunday I'd like to go at least that far again.  I did 2.5 on the treadmill last night and I hate the treadmill, I just get very bored.

Biking feels pretty good, I've done a couple of rides around 15 miles.  If there is one thing I dislike more than the treadmill it's the stationary bike, so I really hope the weather gets back to spring soon.  We were in the 60s & 70s in February, but March and April have brought their share of crappy days.

Swimming.  Swimming is what I thought would be the most straight forward.  A few years ago (well, more than a few) I had gotten into swimming to try to lose weight and was able to get into it pretty quickly.  Not this time.  For whatever reason, it's been a struggle.  I did manage 500 yards without really stopping a couple of weeks ago, but lately I just haven't put in the time.

Overall, I'm hopeful that by August when the Rattlesnake Tri is, I'll be able to string the three events together.  I'll be slow, but I think I can get through them.  I actually wish the event was in July, so I may do one of the other ones out here in July.
2009-04-18 11:25 PM
in reply to: #2091893

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
trinigen - 2009-04-17 10:22 AM

At this point in my Tri – life I feel I am set up to succeed.  This year my main goal is to get the weight off and complete my races and most of all have fun.  

Gearwise I think I am ok (for this year).  I find myself getting ridiculously excited about the new running shoes my wife surprised me with last night or the tri shorts I got last week.   

My bike right now is a mountain bike with road slicks on it and I am comfortable with it for now.  I have yet to really get out on the open road with it.   Maybe this weekend.  

My swim is definitely my strong point.  It seems I haven’t really forgotten anything over the 17 years of no lap swimming.  

The run scares me a bit though.  It has never ever been a strong point for me and I am currently just working on building up volume.  On good days I can do 3.5 miles.  Most days I find myself watching the clock hoping for it to be over.  I just need to get past that point right now.  I keep hearing it comes with time and I am really hoping it does.  Like I said my run is the most disconcerting part of the race.

My next year goal is to go from complete to compete.  I so miss competing against both myself and others in a race type environment. This most likely will mean a new bike and more time needed for training.  But we’ll face all of that next year Smile

Well it definately sounds like you have your priorities right. Having fun is very important especially if you want to be a triathlete for more than a season. It is a huge bonus for you that swimming is your strong point. I would bet that for 90% of us it is our weak point. You are doing the right thing too by working on your run if it is your weak point. Do build up slowly and ease into it. This and getting "fitted" for a pair of running shoes will really help prevent injury in the future. You might even incorporate some run-walking into your routine just to get your distance up a little. You can try running for 10 minutes and walk for 1. I used to have IT band trouble. When I first started running and this routine did a lot to make the pain go away. Just a thought. Something to try. Sounds like you are discovering too that the gear is fun. There is a lot available and it is amazing what kind of options are out there for us gear junkies.

2009-04-18 11:29 PM
in reply to: #2091896

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
Prophet22 - 2009-04-17 10:23 AM

Hi Scott,

Just got back from a 10 mile ride and saw 2 new articles to read and came across your group.  Would like to join if you have room.  Will give you all the details when I get back from work tonight and tell you my story.  Like the verse.  My life verse is Gal. 2:20


So what two articles did you run across? Gal 2:20 is good. Really frames who we are in Christ. I like it. Yep we have room. Welcome to the group.
2009-04-18 11:35 PM
in reply to: #2092272

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
triat45 - 2009-04-17 12:17 PM

I feel like I'm set up fairly well to succeed, considering right now success for me is crossing the finish line. From a gear perspective, I've got a good pair of goggles and tri-shorts for the swim, I've got a 'like new' 7 year old hybrid bike that I had to dust off (I also added toeclips-a.k.a. cages), and a decent pair of New Balance running shoes. Not sure what else I might need.... any suggestions?

Sounds like gear wise you have a great start. It is easy to go crazy with gear when the essentials are pretty basic (though the gear is fun) I think what you will find is after a few miles under your belt you will see if you need or want anything else. I do highly recommend renting a wetsuit as they make a huge difference. Wetsuits are for a lot more than just protection from cold temps. They make you more bouyant and move through the water more efficiently. When it comes to open water swims it is much more enjoyable in a wetsuit unless you are in a place with really warm water. As this group progresses also we will be talking a bit about how to make ourselves more efficient and comfortable without spending a bunch of money. I always joke that I could spend $1000 on aero bars that save 1/4 pound or skip lunch one day...the weight savings is the same and one actually saved me money
2009-04-18 11:38 PM
in reply to: #2092727

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
millk3 - 2009-04-17 2:42 PM

I find I tend to sink and my biking feel ok so far.  I'm only two week away from my sprint.

So do I understand that swimming is a weak area. How is the running going? How long have you been training. Have any particular program you are following?
2009-04-18 11:48 PM
in reply to: #2092873

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: The Great Adventure - closed and ready to go.
BobJ123 - 2009-04-17 3:55 PM

holt1997 - 2009-04-17 11:09 AM As we start out one question I like to start with is "how well do you feel set up to succeed?" Do you have the right gear? Have you noticed that your feet hurt or you sink instead of swim. Is the bike a painful experience? Or are you set up well. Feel llike you have what you need to be successful etc. Thoughts?

I feel pretty well set up to succeed.  I have a bike, albeit an old Nishiki steel framed beast that weighs about 28 lbs.  I'm seriously considering buying a new road bike (probably not tri specific), but I haven't convinced myself to plunk down the money.  The main gear things I don't yet have are a tri-suit and a wetsuit.  I have a scuba wetsuit but everyone says that you don't want to swim in those.  I haven't seen a XXXL swimming wetsuit at the sites I've looked at, so we'll see what happens there.  I don't absolutely need one, my target race has a water temp of about 70 most years, but some years it's only 66.

Have I noticed my feet hurt from running?  Yes, but much less than I expected.  I've had a lot of feet problems, having been diagnosed with arthritis and gout at different times.  I don't completely believe I have either.  I think my feet sometimes just get pissed off at the rest of me because of my weight.  So far, I have not had my feet hurt more than a day from a run, and even then it's been pretty mild.  My longest run so far has been 2.6 miles, this past Sunday and if the snow stops by this Sunday I'd like to go at least that far again.  I did 2.5 on the treadmill last night and I hate the treadmill, I just get very bored.

Biking feels pretty good, I've done a couple of rides around 15 miles.  If there is one thing I dislike more than the treadmill it's the stationary bike, so I really hope the weather gets back to spring soon.  We were in the 60s & 70s in February, but March and April have brought their share of crappy days.

Swimming.  Swimming is what I thought would be the most straight forward.  A few years ago (well, more than a few) I had gotten into swimming to try to lose weight and was able to get into it pretty quickly.  Not this time.  For whatever reason, it's been a struggle.  I did manage 500 yards without really stopping a couple of weeks ago, but lately I just haven't put in the time.

Overall, I'm hopeful that by August when the Rattlesnake Tri is, I'll be able to string the three events together.  I'll be slow, but I think I can get through them.  I actually wish the event was in July, so I may do one of the other ones out here in July.

I hear Denver got a lot of snow in the last day or two. Makes that outdoor training kinda tough. I agree though with training inside. It gets boring and I have a very hard time just mentally doing it. As far as the wetsuit goes, whoever told you not to swim in a regular wetsuit was right on. The shoulders in a tri wetsuit are designed for reaching and the suit will also breathe a little more and on and on. As far as size goes, its out there. Just keep looking. I could poke around for you too if you want me to.

I also think that you will find you are ready for a tri before August. Believe me when I say that you are never "ready" for a race but you will be prepared. Depending on your goals you might consider a tri bike. I bought mine for $1000 used and it has been great. They are designed to make the transition to a run much easier and I still go for rides with my family too. I actually prefer my tri bike over a road bike because my hands go to sleep on a road bike but not on the tri bike. You might also look at the post I wrote above for running the 10 minutes and 1 minute walk routine. It might work for you as well.
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