BT Development Mentor Program Archives » GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring Rss Feed  
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2009-04-12 8:26 PM
in reply to: #2072085

Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes

NAME: Barbara, age **

STORY: After my second child was born I joined a beginner-to-4-mile running program for women. My first runs were around the track pushing my son in a stroller. I enjoyed it, and proceeded to run myself into injury a few times in the next few years by overdoing it. It occurred to me that maybe I should cross-train, duh!, so at age 46 I learned to swim and a year later entered a local tri-it kind of sprint triathlon. Loved it! I've done two other sprints since and enjoy the comraderie of triathlon competitions, and the focus and goals of training. Other than that, no athletic background (I was a dancer).

FAMILY/LIFE STATUS: Best husband in the world who is a little puzzled by my triathlon dedication but after twenty years of marriage to high-energy me, is totally used to me doing something active. Two great kids. Full time job at the Medical Center.

CURRENT TRAINING: average 7 - 8 hours per week. Just getting back to running - had to back off quite a bit after tweaking a hamstring this winter. I seem to get injured too often. Spent Dec - Feb really working on my swimming. Which is in need of work ;-)

THIS YEARS RACES: Sprint, May 3; possibly one in June, and one in October; half marathon in November

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I am a pretty dedicated and regular exerciser, and log my workouts daily; enjoy interacting with and encouraging fellow mentees

GOALS: Fun and fitness. Sure, I would like to get faster but at my age, is that really gonna happen?

** 49

2009-04-12 9:18 PM
in reply to: #2078818

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes
Ken in AZ - 2009-04-11 10:33 PM Hey Gordo and everyone... My stuff:

CURRENT TRAINING: Weight train 3x a week, try to get an additional 4-5 hours of aerobic work in ... HR for aerobic stuff always under 130BPM, ala Phil Maffetone.



Ice cream makes me gain weight fast as well.

With the MAF training -- do you do any periodic testing of your run paces?

2009-04-12 9:26 PM
in reply to: #2079287

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes

My 2 biggest areas of challenge:  How to rest/sleep, and nutrition.

I have relied on sleeping medication for so long that my body just doesn't know how to sleep on its own.  So, some days I feel OK, and can train, and some days I am just cooked.  My doc has me on Restoril, but really feeling that sometime this week I just need to make the change to something more natural, like Hammer REM Caps or Formula 303...

Nutrition.  I was completely addicted to ice cream every night -- a good amount of it.  I have spent the last week logging my food intake and tracking weight watcher points (wife supports this), but stagnant in weight loss...  Could use some help on nutrition.


Sleep -- a concern over addiction to sleep meds is why I've never taken any.  Pretty much any sort of chemical tends to have a huge neuro-chemical effect on me.  It's why I like exercise so much.  OK, some tips...

We can't control when we fall asleep but we can control when we wake up -- if I want to sleep at night then I need to take responsibility to getting myself up in the morning.  Sounds simple but when I violate this one, it can take me over a week to get myself back in a groove.

If you might be hooked on the sleep meds then you should ask your doc for help -- we were talking about this at our recent Tucson camps with a doc/nurse couple.  She had a procedure where she didn't take pain meds but she did take sleep meds.  Coming off them was very tough for her and she had a transition period of insomnia.

I think a change to something more natural makes sense -- my personal choice is to strip out sugar, caffeine, alcohol when I really want to improve the quality of my rest.  Replacing with another product (for me) would still leave me with the programming that I need to take something to fall asleep.  With my personality that would be a challenge to manage.


If you have your food log -- next step -- cut have of the junk food out and replace with veggie/lean protein.  Don't knock it all out -- that's too radical.  Just trim half and slow down when you eat the sugar/starch.

Focus on a nutrition strategy that is based on choice (choosing good food) rather than denial.

More in my library -- the articles document a long journey I took back to health.

2009-04-12 9:30 PM
in reply to: #2079339

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes
Reno8 - 2009-04-12 10:17 AM Would love to join in.

Name:  Steve Williams

Where you can help me:  1) MOTIVATION, 2) Swimming.  These are my two limiters.  I really love to times, but then at other times it is REALLY hard.  With is all about the endurance which I KNOW comes from time in the pool.  I am a good swimmer, I just need that extra motivation to get wet.



The fact that you have a buddy helping you with the plan will assist on motivation -- make us accountable to someone wider than ourselves.

Another thing that helps me is a training log that I fill in each day -- my main goal these days is "no zeroes"  just do a little something each day.  If I can keep that rolling then I hit my larger goal of personal health.

Join a group of athletes of similar ability or make "swimming meetings" -- having a squad, or a buddy, that follows up if you don't show can help you establish a habit of swimming.

Once you have the habit going... you don't need to worry about motivating.  Habit and routine are a lot easier than willpower.

2009-04-12 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2079967

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New user
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes
GordoByrn - 2009-04-12 7:18 PM
Ken in AZ - 2009-04-11 10:33 PM Hey Gordo and everyone... My stuff:

CURRENT TRAINING: Weight train 3x a week, try to get an additional 4-5 hours of aerobic work in ... HR for aerobic stuff always under 130BPM, ala Phil Maffetone.



Ice cream makes me gain weight fast as well.

With the MAF training -- do you do any periodic testing of your run paces?


Thanks G
Yes, I try to do a "MAF Test" once a month.  However, I have not been consistent with workouts, which is a main focus for me right now.  I will probably do a one mile test at 135 BPM beginning of May as a benchmark.  I am not sure if 130 BPM is too slow (I tend to get bored at that pace), and may experiment with going to 135... which is my true MAF HR.  That lands me at about 77% of MHR...

I find that if I go above that for a any period of time, or even go too long at that HR, I burn out and need to rest a few days.

Edited by Ken in AZ 2009-04-12 9:37 PM
2009-04-12 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2079755

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes
cjhild - 2009-04-12 5:59 PM Thanks for your input Gordo, I appreciate it.

you want to be VERY careful with adding extra training, or extra intensity

I have already screwed this up (and probably already answered my own question before asking you), but I doubled my run time/distance for one run a couple of weeks before my sprint on March 8th.  The next day my heel hurt pretty bad.  When walking with my shoe on it was uncomfortable, without a shoe it was excruciating.  I stopped running until my event then ran pretty hard on the run during the race.  The next day the ball of my foot felt the same sort of pain and the heel hurt again.  After the race I stopped running for two weeks and then started to introduce treadmill only walk/powerwalk/run/powerwalk/walk intervals.  I did that for a couple of weeks and just started to run on the road once a week.  The pain has been subsiding and the heel feels good today.  I have gotten much better with my stretching and that seems to have helped.  Been reading trying to figure out what I have and how best to approach it.  Thinking it could be plantar fasciitis, I have been approaching it as though that is what I have.  How would you recommend I handle easing back into running/walking?  I have been reading some of your posts in that Word document, should I work one of the walking plans for awhile with no running?  If so, how long before I consider running at all? 

Tip -- wear shoes ALL the time while rehabilitating your injury -- even when you go to the bathroom at night.  Slip out of bed into shoes.  Consider a night split if you think you have PF.

Aim to get your run frequency back with shorter 20-30 min run/walks.

Do the calf extension program that you will find inside this article...

Do the exercises daily for two weeks then drop down to 3x per week.  If you do not have the strength for single leg then.... up on two legs; drop down slowly on one leg.

Learn from your injury so you don't smoke yourself again.


2009-04-12 9:36 PM
in reply to: #2079878

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes
twohearted - 2009-04-12 7:14 PM

Is there room for one more?

NAME: Karen Apostal

STORY: Did a 5K and a 4 miler and am now ready to move on to a Sprint Tri.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to Steve and have 5 kids and 4 Grandkids.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently using a BT silver sprint plan. I usually train 5-6 days a week. Also incorporating a 10K plan for a race on May 9th.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: A 10K and Sprint Tri in May, if all goes well another Sprint in August and an OLY distance in Sept. I am planning a 1 mi. OWS in August and would love to finish the season with a Half Mary in Oct.

Although OWS scares the heck out of me, running seems to be the hardest of the 3 for me. I take 2 steps forward and 1 step back. It has been a very slow process for me. 

WEIGHTLOSS: Would like to lose 10 more pounds. I have lost 20 since last August when I seriously started thinking about doing a triathlon.

I have lots to learn and have heard that you are an excellent mentor, would love to be part of the group.




Welcome Karen -- we have room!
2009-04-12 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2079888

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes
BabsVa - 2009-04-12 7:26 PM

GOALS: Fun and fitness. Sure, I would like to get faster but at my age, is that really gonna happen?

You won't find out if you don't try.  If I had listened to conventional wisdom then I never would have tried to race elite as a 32 years old former finance guy.  That would have been a shame.

Speed's a bit of an illusion anyhow -- just choose the right training partners and you'll always be fast!


2009-04-12 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2079657

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New user
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes
So, since I am new to this site and the mentor program -- can you explain how it works?

Guess that's a question for Gordo or anyone who has gone through the mentor program...

2009-04-12 9:40 PM
in reply to: #2079995

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes
Ken in AZ - 2009-04-12 8:35 PM
GordoByrn - 2009-04-12 7:18 PM
Ken in AZ - 2009-04-11 10:33 PM Hey Gordo and everyone... My stuff:

CURRENT TRAINING: Weight train 3x a week, try to get an additional 4-5 hours of aerobic work in ... HR for aerobic stuff always under 130BPM, ala Phil Maffetone.



Ice cream makes me gain weight fast as well.

With the MAF training -- do you do any periodic testing of your run paces?


Thanks G
Yes, I try to do a "MAF Test" once a month.  However, I have not been consistent with workouts, which is a main focus for me right now.  I will probably do a one mile test at 135 BPM beginning of May as a benchmark.  I am not sure if 130 BPM is too slow (I tend to get bored at that pace), and may experiment with going to 135... which is my true MAF HR.  That lands me at about 77% of MHR...

I find that if I go above that for a any period of time, or even go too long at that HR, I burn out and need to rest a few days.


Tell me more -- how many minutes at, say, 140 bpm would require multiday recovery?

2009-04-12 9:41 PM
in reply to: #2072085

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes

Great to see a lot of people with kids in the group. Looking forward to working with everyone.

Right now my biggest concern is work out frequency. I only get about 5 times a week to work out. Unfortunately between a toddler, job, and school it just is. What's the best way to make the most out a workout. Intensity? Length?

What's the best use of short windows? ie the less then 30 min. blocks I can get more often. Strength training, high intensity?

2009-04-12 10:06 PM
in reply to: #2072085


Subject: Still accepting?
Hi Gordo, 

Are you still accepting mentees? If so, I'd like to join. Below are my stats.

Name: Laura Buchholz/ go by laura b. (lots of Laura's growing up so used to the last initial)

Age: 42

Story: "Bought" myself a student trainer for my 41st birthday to help me complete my first triathlon. I ended up completing 3 sprint races finishing 9th (1:38 - Lake Waramug, CT), 3th (1:26 - East Fork State Park, OH) and 5th (1:22 - Portage, WI). I like to travel to do triathlons and prefer beautiful scenery and state parks.

Goals: Improve technique - especially in the swim. Do as well or better this season. Go up to Olympic distance in Aug. if ready. Am currently registered for spring but race director said I could switch if I was in proper shape. (I'd rather do 3 sprints than hurt myself by pushing too far too soon.)

2009 Races: Boulder, CO June 6th, Rochester, MN July 18th, Ithaca, NY August 2nd

Family: Married to a cool professor dude. We travel all summer in an RV. Makes training fun and ever changing.

Current Training: Started the Beginner's Sprint Gold Plan in March. Doing well but spring yard work and work activities have me slightly below the "planned." Feel free to check out my log.

Weight Loss: I'd like to lose 5 lbs. I'm at a healthy weight. I just want to "lean out" for the season and build some muscle in the process.

How you can help: I'm on my own this year and would like some buddies. My student trainer graduated and I spent my $$ this year on tri toys. I train by myself due to my schedule and when the pool is available to me. (University pool so it's busy with classes and team training a lot - after Memorial Day I'll have more options when the outdoor pool opens up.) I'm interested in this group b/c you're from Boulder and I'm a little nervous about running a race there as a flat lander. I will be in the area 2 weeks prior but I hear the water is brutal cold on the extremities. Can you swim with non-webbed gloves in Tri-races? This one's for charity. I just want to survive and do my best at altitude. (I also see that some of your other mentees are from the midwest. I spend a lot of time in Madison, WI so it might be nice to chat with someone who I could run into this summer.)

OK - I've been long winded enough and I need to work on an exam. Let me know if this group has room for me or if I need to search elsewhere.

Thanks - laura b.

2009-04-12 10:14 PM
in reply to: #2080003

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New user
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes


Tell me more -- how many minutes at, say, 140 bpm would require multiday recovery?


Hmmm... I don't know if I could quantify that at this point.  I guess I would have to 'try it,' and much of it depends on the stresses going on in my life at that point.  And also, how the sleeping is going.  I appreciate what you said earlier about the sleep meds... and that's a tough one.   The doc's solution was to change from one med to another, but I am going to give the natural remedies a shot and then eventually have a goal to rely on nothing... I like what you said about 'controlling' waking up ... that lit a light bulb...


2009-04-12 11:33 PM
in reply to: #2079851

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes

especially the calves

I have been doing a lot of downward dog lately. 

Thanks for the link I will check it out.

2009-04-12 11:38 PM
in reply to: #2079287

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes
I was completely addicted to ice cream every night

I have been there Ken.  I am quite embarassed to admit that one of my desserts a few times a week used to be a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream with milk.  Had to be around 1,500 calories...just for dessert!  I have finally broken that cycle.  Good luck with it, you can do it.
2009-04-12 11:50 PM
in reply to: #2079996

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes

Tip -- wear shoes ALL the time while rehabilitating your injury -- even when you go to the bathroom at night.  Slip out of bed into shoes.  Consider a night split if you think you have PF.

My wife thought I was going crazy before...Laughing

The calf raise video is perfect, much easier to "see" what you are talking about.  Thanks.

2009-04-13 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2079888

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes
BabsVa - 2009-04-12 8:26 PM

NAME: Barbara, age **

GOALS: Fun and fitness. Sure, I would like to get faster but at my age, is that really gonna happen?

** 49

Heck yeah that can happen!  I didn't start running seriously until I was 39 years old.  Flash forward nearly seven years  and I PR'ed in every distance since that time.  Now I just need to translate that into triathlon, especially swimming and transitions! Welcome aboard.
2009-04-13 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2080426

Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes
SSMinnow - 2009-04-13 9:57 AM
BabsVa - 2009-04-12 8:26 PM

NAME: Barbara, age **

GOALS: Fun and fitness. Sure, I would like to get faster but at my age, is that really gonna happen?

** 49

Heck yeah that can happen!  I didn't start running seriously until I was 39 years old.  Flash forward nearly seven years  and I PR'ed in every distance since that time.  Now I just need to translate that into triathlon, especially swimming and transitions! Welcome aboard.

Ha! You and me both. Hey you are FAST! Congrats on your BQ and you go girl for the big race! I am slllow in the swim and yup it took me about 5 minutes in T1 in my race last spring ... no I did not stand there with the hair dryer getting ready to ride ... or take a phone call ... don't know WHAT I did but it did take 5 minutes.

Yeah let's figure out this swimming thing together, OK? 1 thing I have learned - swimming has to be the first workout of the day. It needs more focus and energy, mental energy, than I realized. This past winter I cut way back on cycling, and running, to focus on swimming. I guess I got a little better but Dara Torres I am not. Good thing I love the challenge of swimming.

Edited by BabsVa 2009-04-13 9:06 AM
2009-04-13 9:15 AM
in reply to: #2072085

Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes
Good luck to everyone.  G is a great mentor, and you will learn alot.  G, if you don't mind, I am still going to stalk this new group.

2009-04-13 9:21 AM
in reply to: #2072085

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes


4x25 10 sec RI
2x50 10 sec RI
2x75 10 sec RI
2x100 15 sec RI
4x50 15 sec RI

10 min walk
10 jog
2 min walk

Gordo- what rest interval should I be using for the 650?  Should I be doing anything else when doing the 650 (drills, warm up, cooldown, etc)?  I wanted to get to 30 minutes so I added some sets of 50.

I started the calf raises today, I was able to do sets of 10.

2009-04-13 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2078429

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Extreme Veteran
Wahiawa, Hawaii.... but now in Florence, KY..
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes
GordoByrn - 2009-04-11 6:58 PM
Boom808 - 2009-04-09 7:06 AM

Name- Boom

Story- Quit smoking and decided to run a marathon last november....  After completing the marathon i decided i want to get into tri's for the cross training because i didn't lose any weight marathon training... actually gained weight... too much beer and wings

Family Status- Single with a Girlfriend and 2 English Bulldogs (Bacon and Ham Bone)

Current Training- Found a "Fisher Price My First Tri book" and am using that training plan.

2009 Races- I finished my first sprint march 5th and finished 5th in my age group..  During the Tri realized, i love this stuff....   also realized that i have alot of training ahead of me because i can swim worth a **** ......  next race is on may 9th another sprint,....  thankfully i can only get stonger from here right?

Weightloss- was up to 220 in December....  Am down to 190 and hopt to get down to 180 or 175....  really a number doesn't really matter....  would just like to lose my love handles. 

What will make me a good mentee - I'm motivated... Um... i don't think... i execute...  Drill Sergeant said i'm a killer....  i'm motivated, ready to learn, train and i'm really excited about this new lifestyle!



Question for you about your swimming -- how relaxed do you feel in the water when you swim?


Not relaxed at all....  I mean it has nothing with the water it's my breathing...  i feel like i struggle with breathing.  I try to bilateral breath all the time but i can only do it for maybe 75 meters...  once the bilateral breathing stops... i'm usually tired?  So inturn, i then feel uncomfortable because my breathing is labored.  Breathing sucks so then i get tired and then i get uncomfortable then i'm not relaxed any more. 

Thanks in advance for the help.


Edited by Boom808 2009-04-13 9:34 AM

2009-04-13 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2080005

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes
mtntord - 2009-04-12 8:41 PM

Great to see a lot of people with kids in the group. Looking forward to working with everyone.

Right now my biggest concern is work out frequency. I only get about 5 times a week to work out. Unfortunately between a toddler, job, and school it just is. What's the best way to make the most out a workout. Intensity? Length?

What's the best use of short windows? ie the less then 30 min. blocks I can get more often. Strength training, high intensity?

This is going to sound a bit strange until you try it... the best way to train when you have five slots per week is to train five slots per week.  In other words, make the most of what you have and be very consistent.

I would be very cautious about length and intensity until you have established a habit of training for, say, twelve weeks.  Chances are, you will be going a bit too intensely at the start and you'll have some unplanned off-days while you sort out "steady" pacing.

Best use of short windows is walking, or running.  Not a lot of equipment required, good bang for your buck.

Read this article for some ideas on how intensely to train...

You will think I am insane when you try the moderate efforts out as a new athlete -- it feels nothing like you expect exercise to feel... it is moderate and pleasant!  :-)

2009-04-13 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2080041

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Still accepting?
laurabuchholz - 2009-04-12 9:06 PM Hi Gordo, 

How you can help: I'm on my own this year and would like some buddies. My student trainer graduated and I spent my $$ this year on tri toys. I train by myself due to my schedule and when the pool is available to me. (University pool so it's busy with classes and team training a lot - after Memorial Day I'll have more options when the outdoor pool opens up.) I'm interested in this group b/c you're from Boulder and I'm a little nervous about running a race there as a flat lander. I will be in the area 2 weeks prior but I hear the water is brutal cold on the extremities. Can you swim with non-webbed gloves in Tri-races? This one's for charity. I just want to survive and do my best at altitude. (I also see that some of your other mentees are from the midwest. I spend a lot of time in Madison, WI so it might be nice to chat with someone who I could run into this summer.)

Thanks - laura b.

Hi Laura,


Wetsuit gloves -- it's not so cold you'll need gloves -- besides, when they get wet they blow out your deltoids REALLY fast!

Cold Water... you can use a neoprene cap (Blue Seventy make them), place your race cap over top, not under.  You can also double-bag your head with a silicon cap under your race cap.  Both techniques work well.

For cold water racing... do a dry land warm up by light running to get your bore temp up.  Only go shin deep in the water, get cold water on your hands, face, neck.  Stay a little easier than usual to settle in.

The 5430 Sprint course isn't too steep -- but you are climbing for most of the early miles -- so remember that if your speedo says you are going "slow".  If you get to Boulder early then you can ride the course pre-race to check it out.

Check the BAM (boulder area masters) website to see if they are doing open water swims (T/Th) when you arrive and you can check out the reservoir in advance too.

2009-04-13 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2080486

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes
BBDope - 2009-04-13 8:15 AM Good luck to everyone.  G is a great mentor, and you will learn alot.  G, if you don't mind, I am still going to stalk this new group.



Don't mind at all.  


2009-04-13 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2080497

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn -- Open For New Short Course Triathletes
cjhild - 2009-04-13 8:21 AM


4x25 10 sec RI
2x50 10 sec RI
2x75 10 sec RI
2x100 15 sec RI
4x50 15 sec RI

10 min walk
10 jog
2 min walk

Gordo- what rest interval should I be using for the 650?  Should I be doing anything else when doing the 650 (drills, warm up, cooldown, etc)?  I wanted to get to 30 minutes so I added some sets of 50.

I started the calf raises today, I was able to do sets of 10.


Right now -- aim for a comfortable rest interval -- you want to get to the point where you only need to rest 10s after those and, ultimately, can swim that distance comfortably without stopping.

If you max at 10 reps -- then best to do double leg for the first two weeks.  Then mix double with single.

For ideas on swim workouts in that duration/distance...

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