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2009-04-26 11:36 AM
in reply to: #2080346


Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
Hi Jerry,

I would like to be on the "team". Currently I am an active duty Marine with orders to Okinawa Japan, in the next few months. I am an aspiring young triathlete who tries to balance his time with "work" and training.

It would be great to meet some triathletes that can help me especially considering you in Japan. Kind of an odd occurrence!

2009-04-26 2:39 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Fort Wayne, IN
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

I would love to join your group. Here is my background.

I am 47 year old man in NE Indiana. I am desperately trying to get in better shape and still have the desire to capture the last gasp of youth while there is still time.

I have been swimming in a Masters program 4x/week for nearly 2 years. I average 14-15k yds each week swimming. I haven't biked since college but am looking to it.

Running is going to be my struggle. 12 years ago I had double hip replacement and along came additional weight. I am currently following a "from couch to 5k" walk/run program.

My sprint Tri (500yd swim, 10 bike, 3.1 Run) is in August. I also have an Open water swim (1 mile) in June. I did the open water last year and really looking to improve.

I have been encouraged by the others in this group and I hope I will fit in well.

2009-04-26 5:56 PM
in reply to: #2080346


Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
Hi- Jerry i was wondering if i could join your group if there is still room?
  My name is stef, im 21 and i come from a semi- strong swimming background. I cant keep myself out of the water, so i guess its a strong background. Im really weak in the run and the Bike section though. I currently work part time while i finish out my nursing degree so i have sometime on my hands to train.
  I havent ever done a triathlon but plan on doing at least two this summer. My concern is getting off my butt and just going for a run.I currently can go maybe 1 mile. I make the time to do the training but its always swimming or biking never running, so if running is your thing then this is the place for me!
 Weight loss isnt really why im doing a tri, its more to just do it. Im in pretty good shape considering what i used to be in. I probably to stand to gain some more. Its more like the group of people i hang around with are all triathletes and told me i should try one. The more i train with them, the more i like it.
Im just hoping you can help.
2009-04-26 6:42 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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New user

Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
NAME: Salamander Slim / Mike

LOCATION: near Portland, Oregon

STORY: Howdy! I'm training for my first triathlon this summer. I've never raced before, I'm a bad swimmer, and it's been a couple years since I was in shape. My wife got the triathlon bug, entered her first this summer, and convinced me that I should do it too.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 3 children (2 boys & a girl): wife (Jenn), Tynan (6), Kian (4) and Hope (16 months). It's kind of funny that Jerry has a Kiana & I've got a Kian Smile

CURRENT TRAINING: Starting with focus on good form and building endurance. Since I can barely swim, Jenn is working with me through the Immersion Swimming program. I go to a couple spin classes a week, and with the Oregon rain stopping soon I'll head outside. I've started running too - some treadmill & some outdoors. Finding the time to train is a challenge.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Blue Lake Mid-Summer Triathlon (August 2), sprint length.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm currently 185# (and 6'1"). I'd like to lose ~10 pounds, but mostly I'd like to be able to finish the race in decent shape.

2009-04-26 11:23 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Northern Minnesota
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
Please have room for one more...

NAME:  Tuckles,Sean(38 yo)

LOCATION: St. Hilaire, MN

STORY: I've never raced before.  I was on BT a couple of years ago doing a great job of getting in shape, but went back to school to get my degree. Needless to say, with a carpet installation business, wife, kids, bills, a two hour drive each day, and fulltime classes something had to give.  Plus I drove past(well...I didnt exactly drive past Wink) a Dairy Queen every day. Weight has been a problem, but I know I can conquer it.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 children (1 boy & 1 girl): wife (Stacy), Zachary(8), and Michaela(12

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been doing walking and some jogging.  Since the winter is almost over here I decided to start considering the biking outdoors again( but it is snowing right now...sigh. I am not sure how much time I can get in the pool but I will try.  I've got a treadmill and stationary bike that has gotten me through the winter without ballooning out of control.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I don't know about races.  I just like the way I felt when I was in shape.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm currently 240# , 5'10" tall. 
2009-04-27 7:18 AM
in reply to: #2110797

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

Learn to fix those flats because you never know when they will happen. Keep a few spare tubes around also, and always carry at least one with you when you go for a bike ride...I usually have two on me at all times.

Nice run.


2009-04-27 8:02 AM
in reply to: #2110940

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
John, Judd, Stef, Mike, Sean,

Welcome to the "Team"! If you aren't already, please start using the Log feature to keep track of your exercise...nutrition also if you want (tedious, but sometimes it helps)


Do you know what camp you are going to be stationed at? I work on Camp Courtney which is fairly close to Hansen and Schwab, but I live near Camp Foster which is close to Camp Kinser and MCAS Futenma. When you get on island and get settled in, let me know and we can do some training together. There are several base events that happen throughout the year, and there are lots of local events to keep you busy and interested.


Wow, 14 - 15k per week...that is awesome. I almost hit 20k this month, but have to put swimming on hold for the next week...ear infection Biking is great exercise...can't tri without it Complete your couch to 5k program and make sure you don't overdo your run training. For most of us, tri's are at our own pace, so there is no reason to hurt your hip again to get a smoking fast run...take the necessary time to build up gradually and you will be setting PR's in no time.


A strong swim will put you on the bike before a lot of other people. Build up your biking strength and endurance and you will stay at the front of the pack. Get stronger on the run and you have a chance for a top spot I have never really been a fast runner...I enjoy running, especially outside...and it is something I am looking at improving on my big race this year. I want to run both laps of the 20k...not run one and walk the last


Sounds like you are headed in the right direction. It is nice that you and your wife are interested in the you both know what is required and can work together to take care of the kids and chores while the other is training. Keep up with the is one event that people don't put a lot of focus on. If you improve your swim time in a race, that means you are ahead of the pack that is slower and gives you a better position on the bike and run if that is your thing.


I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream

That is one thing that I have cut back on a lot. It used to be once or twice a week we were headed to the local baskin robins for a triple scoop sundae...yummy. Saturday was the first time in almost 2 months that I had one...then I went for a run and swim

No need to worry about races this year. Just concentrate on getting healthy again. Consistent exercise, and healthy eating are what you need, and before you know it, you will be on your way.

Once again everybody, welcome to the group. Start logging exercise that you do so we can all keep track of each other and offer advice where needed. If anybody has any tips or opinions to share...please feel free. I don't know everything and am always looking to learn more.

2009-04-27 8:04 AM
in reply to: #2080346

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New user

Omaha, NE, USA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
Hi everybody.

Jerry, I am also interested in the bike training. Cadence etc... I spent a lot of time on Friday with the bike store owner. He adjusted the bike to fit me. Doing all sorts of stuff among them wrapping some weighted string just below my knees an seeing where they hung down to my feet. So I feel really good about the fit of the bike. He also set me up with some peddles and shoes and also sold me a pair of clipless peddles for my MT bike.

I am not big on timing any of my workouts. But that will probably change. When not in the gym on a treadmill or bike I really don't keep track of my times or distance. The Nike plus Ipod has helped with my runs. But I don't think it is very accurate. When I set it for a 10K and run the same route some days it is longer than others.

Any advice on a bike computer and or running computer. The simpiler the better. I can't figure out how to change my digital watch when daylight savings time rolls aorund. I have to ask my daugter to do it for me

2009-04-27 8:19 AM
in reply to: #2112280

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

Quick group of questions.

1. Approximately how many calories do you eat during the day?

2. How many times a day do you eat?

3. Do you skip meals?

4. What kinds of beverages do you drink...water, soda, juice, beer, wine..etc?

5. What is your approximate BMI (Body Mass Index)?

6. What is your approximate BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)?


1. 1800 - 2500
2. Five times (Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner)
3. Usually on weekends, I skip the snacks
4. Mostly water, occasionally ice tea, and now a Dr. Pepper once every week or two (used to be two to four 500ml DP's a day)
5. BMI - 30.1 (Obese)
6. BMR - 2994
2009-04-27 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2112289

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

For bike computers, I have only used cateye. I don't have one that measures cadence...i do it the old fashioned way(count), but it measures distance, speed (max and average), and total time spent. I also use a Polar F11 heartrate monitor to keep track of my exertion. For my runs outside, I usually ride the course on my bike, or drive it in my car to get the approximate distance...I hear Garmin Forerunner products are nice for keeping track of running and biking, but they are high tech, so you may not be interested.

2009-04-27 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2112349

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Here or there
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

1. 1800 - 2500
2. Six times (Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, Snack)
3. Usually don't skip any.

4. Decaf coffee 8-16oz, decaf iced tea 16-32oz, water w/ propel 32-64
5. BMI - 26.8 (Obese)
6. BMR - 3043

2009-04-27 9:19 AM
in reply to: #2080346

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Here or there
Subject: Cycling

A friend gave me a set of shoes and clip ins.  I put them on my bike this weekend and really liked them.  I could see a dramatic difference in speed by putting pressure on the entire circle, down, pull to the back, lifting up and pushing forward.  I assume this is better technique, but since I don't know anything about cycling I'm curious to know what I should be doing?  I did this for about 10 miles and managed to be above 20mph the whole time... HOWEVER, it definitely zapped my strength; although, I think I really hadn't eaten enough either.  So a primer on cycling technique would be helpful.  Recommendations?


2009-04-27 9:47 AM
in reply to: #2112349

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Marlboro, NJ
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
1. 1700 - 2200
2. six (light breakfast, snack , lunch, snack, dinner, desert/snack)
3. no, but I have light breakfast
4. Alot of water, 2 diet cokes w/lunch during the week (can't kick the habit) and primarily juice and iced tea at home
5. BMI - 25.1 (overweight)
6. BMR - 3022

Will - I have a cat eye computer on my bike also and found it really helpful with monitoring my biking. It does not track cadence but does do speed, distance, etc. Side benefit is when I ride with my daughter she gets a kick out of us going new distances as she is able to tell her friends we rode x miles.....! As for running, I have a timex hr monitor watch which is not overly technical to use (3 buttons and very easy directions for the technically challenged). I use it for biking, running and swimming as can track my times and hr.

I did my first road run this weekend and even though I have biked the distance, i mapped it as a route on this website and found it pretty accurate.

2009-04-27 10:39 AM
in reply to: #2080346


Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

Hey Jerry,

I would love to join this group and have you as a mentor.

I will give you a little bio about me.

NAME: Aimee/b2babywife

STORY: Hey everyone, I am a newbie just like a couple of you.  I had a friend at church mention doing a triathlon, well crazy me said I was interested and really I am.  I think this would be an awesome expeiriance and who knows I might acctually be good at it.  I was a competive swimmer for most of my life with a few state championships under my belt but I am NOT a runner nor biker so I am little nervouse about training for those 2.   I am a stay at home mom with some time to train pretty good, just need some butt kicking and someone telling me to get to it!

FAMILY STATUS:Married with 2 girls. Lillee (6) and Landree (2), we are stationed at Whiteman AFB...Jerry my husband went to school at Kaden High School and graduated there. MY FIL was stationed at Kadena for 6 years!

CURRENT TRAINING: Not training yet.  Picked out one of the free training programs on the site and am hoping to get started later this week or next wek

THIS YEAR'S RACES:As of right now I am only doing one race and that is the Johnson County Triathlon, its a spring one of course.  It is Augsust I am hoping I have enough time to get into shape for it.

2010 RACES:Well nothing here yet. GOtta see how the first one goes.

WEIGHTLOSS: I am trying to loose about 15 lbs. I am right now 5'6 130 but would like to weigh 115 lbs. I am most comfortable at that weight. I have had 2 babies so things tend to not go back where they belong.  I am trying to do P90X but I feel I willhave to stop that if I need to start training other wise.

On a side note....Can I ask what gear I will need to train??  and what do I wear to swim in for a triathlon.  I am used to just wearing my swim suit, goggles and cap....

Thanks and I am excited!

Edited by b2babywife 2009-04-27 11:17 AM
2009-04-27 11:31 AM
in reply to: #2080346


Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
1. I honestly dont know how many calories i eat a day i never really counted them. But i know i dont eat enough food to make an average of 1700 calories a day.
2.  I eat 3 times a day maybe 4 but thats not always, sometimes i only eat twice a day.
3. yea i skip meals.
4. water mostly, then juice.
5. BMI is 19.9 (normal range)
6. BMR 2447

I know i have really crappy eating habits but almost everything i eat is organic and non-processed. I rarely eat the bad sugars for you or the fast foods. I just have a problem eating, im never hungry, even after a work out, i have to force myself to eat something otherwise i lose that work out. i can go a whole day with out eating, i just forget to eat.
2009-04-27 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Omaha, NE, USA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
Hey Jerry.

These are terrible answers but the truth Frown

1. No clue.
2. Varies a lot. Don't usually eat well in the morning. I usually eat most of my calories at dinner.
3. Yes.
4. Coffee,Diet Coke,Latte,some water.
5.  27.1 Overweight
6. 3854

I really need to work on my nutrition.  Hoping for some inspiration in this area from you and the group. Smile

Stupid question -

What are swim/bike bricks - bike/run bricks?


2009-04-27 1:36 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Bergen County
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

Please add me to the group. I am currently on the sofa to sprint training program and looking forward to it...My first Tri is on July 26th in NJ. I travel alot with my job, but have made it a priority to become disciplned on losing weight and getting into better shape...To keep my eye on the ball, the first goal I set was to complete a matter where I placed, I want to say that I did it...I have gained quite a bit of weight over a few years, and am using this a tool to change my lifestyle and regain my perspective.
2009-04-27 1:55 PM
in reply to: #2112349


Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
1. Approximately how many calories do you eat during the day?  I have no clue, I have never counted

2. How many times a day do you eat?  2 or 3, but I do snack quite a bit

3. Do you skip meals? Yeah, usually breakfast and sometimes Lunch...I am a busy mom

4. What kinds of beverages do you drink...water, soda, juice, beer, wine..etc?  Anything and everything. I am a southern girl so I drink TONS of sweet tea.

5. What is your approximate BMI (Body Mass Index)? 20.4

6. What is your approximate BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)?1818

I eat horribly.....I need to eat better thats for sure if I am gonna train for this race in August!
2009-04-27 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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St. Petersburg
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

I was wondering if you had room for one more. I'm getting ready to do my very first tri on May 10th, it's the Danskin women's sprint in Orlando. In addition, my New Year's Resolution was to do an event a month, whether it is running, cycling, or a tri. So far so good, and I'm having a blast, the only problem is I have a hard time with motivation to get out there and train and was hoping to join a group like this to keep me going.

2009-04-27 2:21 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Millstadt, IL
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
1. around 2500-3000 (need to track this better)
2. 6 times (Cereal, workout - then breakfast, lunch, protein shake, dinner, snack)
3. usually skip a meal or two on weekends
4. water, and I brew my own beer, so I usually have 1 a day  sometimes fruit juice
5. BMI - don't agree with this concept, too many variables left out
6. BMR - 2995

Hopefully I'm going to start using the nutrition tracker here and get serious about dropping 20 pounds.  I'm almost 6'4", and I'd like to be around 195. 
2009-04-27 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2113131

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Millstadt, IL
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
wjt2003 - 2009-04-27 12:34 PM Hey Jerry.

Stupid question -

What are swim/bike bricks - bike/run bricks?


swim/bike bricks are simply doing the bike right after the swim.  bike/run is doing the run right after biking.  Usually the 2nd part of a brick is a shorter workout.  A bike/run brick could be as simple as 30 minutes on the trainer and a 15 minute run.  Depends on what you're training for.  The idea isn't so much to do a full run workout (or bike workout following the swim) as it is to get your body used to doing one right after the other. 

2009-04-27 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Northern Minnesota
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
1. 2500-3000
2. 5; breakfast, snack, lunch, big ridiculous snack before the family gets home, dinner
3. Not if I can help it.
4. Water, soda, skim milk, occasional beer (one a week at bowling)
5. 34.4
6. 3287

2009-04-27 5:30 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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New user

Fort Wayne, IN
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
1. I really don't know.  
2. 4-5 times (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner
3. sometimes I skip a snack
4. water and I have a diet mountain dew addiction. Then after my swim workouts on drive home I stop and treat myself to a lowfat chocolate milk.
5. BMI - 33+
6. BMR - 3327

2009-04-27 6:40 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
Do you have room for one more?

Hi everyone, I am Kendra and I would like to join the group. I live in Idaho with my husband, and two children (10 and 6). I am an investigator for the state. I started running 4 years ago in order to pass the police academy, but nothing serious. Last year, I had a friend who was training for the 150 mile run across the desert, and I was training with her. She encouraged me to do Tri's. I was ready, for my first race in April 2008, however, In Feb 08, I fell while running and shattered my leg, ankle and foot. I had surgery with several plates and screws, and after 6 weeks the bone doc said to run hard, the bones were healed. Although I hurt horribly, I ran and ran. The pain got so bad I had to go back to the doc. The bones were healed but I had tore all the ligs, musc, tend, from my knee down to my arch. The two doc's that put me together said I would not run/race again, and to be thankful that I can walk. I am making a slow recovery. The ankle still gives me attitude. I love to run, I hate to swim, and I loved to ride my road bike....until I was released to run again. My first race of any kind is a 12k next weekend. This summer is run focused. Once I figure out how to just run, I want to put the run/bike transition thing together. If the leg will not handle the training for the 1/2 merry I will do something else.
2009-04-27 6:53 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
Answer to group questions.

I keep track of everything I eat, which is 900 cal a day, on Fridays I have pizza so it is more.

I eat three times a day. Was following the Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle program calling for 5 times at 3000 cal a day...yuck! I felt like I was always shoving food in my mouth. I do eat some fruit or a protein shake somethimes between meals if I had a hard crossfit workout.

I rarely skip a meal, but once in awhile it happens.

I drink water, Pepsi Max, coffee on a reg basis.

I have not had my body mass done in a long time, after sitting on my bum for 6 mon, it was 30%. I am a solid 195 lbs, in a size 14.

MBR = 2434
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