BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Slidell4Life's Group - CLOSED for Training Rss Feed  
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2009-12-27 4:22 PM
in reply to: #2578480

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Phoenix, AZ
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - OPEN
krisko - 2009-12-26 6:13 PM Chad, I'm a new triathlete looking for a mentor if you have room in the group.

NAME: krisko/Chris

 I am a 41 year old male and was a non-athlete until 18 months ago.  In Feb. 2008 I got up to 211lbs (5'10") and used the Atkins diet and lots of walking to lose 35lbs over 2 months.  Several months later I started running and took to it right away.  I completed my first half marathon after 3 months of running and first marathon a few months after that. 

FAMILY STATUS: I'm married to a non-athlete and have a 9yo girl (Katie) and a 10yo boy (Chris).  My son is a cross-country runner and got to the USATF National Championships in 2009.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm currently in week 10 of P90X (12 weeks total) and riding 3 or 4 days a week.  Unfortunately I haven't run in weeks but that's going to have to change as I have half marathon to train for.  I have swim lessons starting on January 5th.  After P90X, I plan to hit the s/b/r hard, about 10 workouts per week.

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  I ran 2 marathons, 3 half marathons and numerous shorter races in 2009.  PRs were 3:47, 1:45, and best 10K is 47:45.  I have done no triathlons.

2010 RACES:  First event is the ING Atlanta half marathon on March 21.  First triathlon scheduled is the Peachtree City International on May 15 (Int. distance).  My 'A' race is the Augusta Half Ironman in late September and I will do 3 or 4 other triathlons.  I will probably do a fall marathon as well, perhaps Rocket City in December.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm 5'10", 178 lbs.  Optimal shape would probably require a 15lb weightloss but I'm not concerned with weight as long as I don't gain any.

STRENGTHS: My strength is running and I think I can get decent at the bike.

WEAKNESSES: Too soon to tell what my weakness would be, bike or swimming.  I am definitely most nervous about the swim but I'm won't be concerned about it unless my swim lessons don't go very well.  The coach is a triathlete and all the students are triathletes so I expect to get a lot of knowledge.  My bike has been very weak to this point (6 weeks of riding, most on trainer) but I'm told I'm where I should be as a new rider.

GOALS:  I'm not too concerned with setting time goals in my first year of triathlon.  The only time goal I've got is a sub-6 hour HIM and don't really know enough about the various distances to set other goals.  Mostly all I want is to stay healthy, have fun, and to learn.

Hey Chris. Welcome to the group and congratulations on your weight loss and marathon. That's quite impressive. Sounds like your son is fast. Maybe he can give us some tips for a faster 5k. :P
It looks like you have your season lined up well. Be sure to let us know how your swim lessons go. I'm interested to see how you improve.
As for your goals, I looked at your 13.1 PR and a sub-6 HIM sounds very attainable.

2009-12-27 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2578492

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Phoenix, AZ
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - OPEN
sympatric - 2009-12-26 6:28 PM Chad, I would like to jump into your group if possible. Crazy I was reading your info here and it just made me laugh. I have been racing for 3 yrs and am pretty much addicted. I have been playing soccer my whole life and also have gone under the knife, or laser. I have had major jaw surgery in my lifetime, though not from anything as cool as a cycling crash. Crazy! Anyway I enjoyed my last mentor group and really like the accountability that it provides. Let me know. Some info about me is below. NAME: sympatric / Patrick STORY: This will be my 4th Triathlon season FAMILY STATUS: I am married with no children...yet. I have 2 mutt dogs that are my running buddies. CURRENT TRAINING: Currently I am training, if you want to call it that, for The Austin Marathon Feb, 14. This will be my first marathon. THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2009 I did a number of touring rides, a couple of sprints, 2 Oly., and finished my first HIM. 2010 RACES: This year I am just taking it easy, I have a marathon in February and haven't figured out my Tri season yet. Probably won't do any long distance racing this year. Just want to get faster and have fun. WEIGHTLOSS: I am not too worried about my weight, just want to be healthy Let me know. Thx.

Welcome, Patrick. Was your 2009 HIM at Longhornman? I hear that's a really great race. We'll have to find you some fun races this year.
2009-12-27 4:27 PM
in reply to: #2578581

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Phoenix, AZ
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - OPEN
Kat25 - 2009-12-26 8:37 PM Chad,
I would really like the opportunity to join this group.  I have decided that the 2010 Tri for a Cure in Chandler will be my first triathlon, sprint that is. I am completely new to this sport and would love the motivation and mentorship.

Hi Katherine, of course you can join! You're local to me, well about an hour drive away. I'm up in Glendale. I've heard great things about the Tri for the Cure. You're going to love that.

Be sure to buzz by the "Arizona" forum and say hi. They are a good group, and they do rides and swims almost every week. They have crazy parties with ridiculous photos.

Edited by Slidell4life 2009-12-27 4:28 PM
2009-12-27 4:31 PM
in reply to: #2578645

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Phoenix, AZ
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - OPEN
PhillipT - 2009-12-26 11:49 PM Chad,
I would like to join your group. I am 43, married 23 years, no kids, 1 dog, and 5 cats. I love to swim and have been doing that for over a year now. I do 2 miles 3 times a week and love it. I want to start somewhere and do a triathlon next year. I was in the Army 7 years and kind of got a resentment towards running so I need to work on my running. I am going to get the bike fixed and see where I am on that. I need all the direction I can get. Thanks so much!

Phillip, another swimmer, eh? Perfect. We'll help you find love for running. I think your first step is to find a race and register. Once it's on the calendar, you'll have to get moving on that bike and run.  It sounds like your swim is in great shape.  Welcome to the group!
2009-12-27 4:33 PM
in reply to: #2578496

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Phoenix, AZ
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - OPEN
aquagirl - 2009-12-26 6:35 PM Hi Chad!  

Hello, Helen. I like your avatar. Krystyna is also from Canada. Do you know her?  :P
2009-12-27 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2578775

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Phoenix, AZ
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - OPEN
rundadrun - 2009-12-27 7:08 AM Hi my name is Tim. I would like to join your group.

EXPERIENCE: I,ve run for the past 2 1/2 yrs. I really enjoy the long run but have had set backs due to over use. I also bike. Just bought a nice roadbike and like doing distance on it too.

Weight loss: sure. Two years ago I took off 48 lbs and felt really great. However, I was'nt really educated about doing it right  and took off muscle mass too. Some has come back on, so I would like to take 10-15 off.
Eating: I need some help here.
Did I see someone was from Pittsburg? I'm from that area but now reside in the midwest.
Family: yes, seven of us plus short fat dog.

Welcome to the group, Tim. Overuse is the scourge of run training, in my opinion. I'm dealing it a bit right now since ramping up my mileage this winter. I had to take this weekend off for a bit of recovery. Do you have any races planning for 2010 yet?

2009-12-27 4:38 PM
in reply to: #2575105

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Phoenix, AZ
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - CLOSED
Everyone, I hope my wall of posts above doesn't look funny. I wanted to say hi to everyone, and I think I've accomplished that.  
It looks like we have a great group with a lot of different abilities and goals. There is a lot of knowledge to be shared.


Did anyone get any new fancy gear for Christmas?

Edited by Slidell4life 2009-12-27 4:41 PM
2009-12-27 5:47 PM
in reply to: #2579154

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Extreme Veteran
Price, UT
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - CLOSED
I splurged and bought myself a new road bike-Specialized Dolce. Have had a 30 year old Viscount that I have put miles on for 30 years-It was bought for someone several inches taller that me and then given to me after only one ride as he got sore. But this bike (Dolce) was built just for me and it sure makes a difference. Been doing miles on a mountain bike and single track for a couple years as well
2009-12-27 7:40 PM
in reply to: #2575105

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Extreme Veteran
Kingwood, TX
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - CLOSED for Training
Thanks for the replies Chad!  The wife got me a CycleOps Fluid 2 Trainer.  She gave it to me a couple of weeks ago so I have been hitting it pretty hard - giving me a chance to get caught up on the TIVO!

How's about you? Any good gear?
2009-12-27 8:35 PM
in reply to: #2579107

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - OPEN
Slidell4life - 2009-12-27 5:02 PM 

Krystyna, welcome to the group! You can be the voice of youth for us. So you're planning on 2 HIMs and one IM by Aug? You must be starting training soon, eh? That's going to be a fun season. I'm look forward to seeing how you do at Penticton.

Yep, training has started! Well, it started back in September. I had to pretty much start from scratch because I was malnourished when in Peru for 6 weeks (attempting to remain vegan in the rainforest was... an unwise idea). I lost a lot of weight, both fat and, regretfully, muscle! I got myself an online coach for this endeavor into the Ironman world. Thankfully, I don't spend money on anything else (like booze, drugs and women!!) and the investment in getting a coach was well worth the effort. He keeps me in line, tells me to not freak out when I start freaking out, and has set up a well thought out training schedule for me. I would have had NO idea where to begin IM training without the coach. And it's tailored to my needs (swimming is a piece of cake, I need hardcore bike training, and run training!). 

Is anyone part of a tri club or something like that? I've always wanted to know what the atmosphere and training are like in one of those. There aren't any in my area.

Edited by krystyna47 2009-12-27 8:35 PM
2009-12-28 6:46 AM
in reply to: #2579124

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - OPEN

Slidell4life - 2009-12-27 4:22 PM Hey Chris. Welcome to the group and congratulations on your weight loss and marathon. That's quite impressive. Sounds like your son is fast. Maybe he can give us some tips for a faster 5k. :P

The funny thing is that I was inspired to run by my son rather than the other way around.  I did two miles run/walk with his team and realized it wasn't all that difficult.  Running was always something I wanted to do but not at 211lbs.

I also got a Cycleops Fluid 2 trainer for xmas.  It's great but it's hard to get outside now with the convenience of having a trainer in the basement.

Chad, do you recommend the training log on BT?  Should I use it when I put together a plan or start logging workouts right now?  Also, in my first year of tris should I even be concerned with interval/speed work in s/b/r or should I just put in the time?  2 years ago when I ran a race distance for the first time, I didn't even have a time goal in mind.  I would set a goal the second time I raced that distance.  Thanks.

2009-12-28 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2579417

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Phoenix, AZ
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - OPEN
krystyna47 - 2009-12-27 6:35 PM

Is anyone part of a tri club or something like that? I've always wanted to know what the atmosphere and training are like in one of those. There aren't any in my area.

I am a member of First Wave Tri here in Arizona. We have group rides, swims, and runs. There are many, many levels of athlete in the club so the training groups often have a few pace groups. There are some guys who compete with each other on the ride, but I didn't even know that was going on for a year or so. When I was in the back pack, I didn't know what was going on up front.
2009-12-28 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2579641

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Phoenix, AZ
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - OPEN
krisko - 2009-12-28 4:46 AM

Chad, do you recommend the training log on BT?  Should I use it when I put together a plan or start logging workouts right now?  Also, in my first year of tris should I even be concerned with interval/speed work in s/b/r or should I just put in the time?  2 years ago when I ran a race distance for the first time, I didn't even have a time goal in mind.  I would set a goal the second time I raced that distance.  Thanks.

I highly recommend the training log on BT. In the past I have logged workouts using pen/paper, then Excel, then another website. I found BT about in Oct 09, and I have never found a better way. Also, if you log your workouts all of the group members can see them and that will help answer questions.

As for speed work, there are some different opinions on that. I think speed work is great for swim training at almost every level. Bike intervals are great for breaking monotony. Run speed work should be added after an athlete has a good base; too soon, and you could risk overuse injuries. That said, I really enjoy the track, so I hate to tell people to skip it.
2009-12-28 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2579359

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Phoenix, AZ
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - CLOSED for Training
JeffIrvin - 2009-12-27 5:40 PM Thanks for the replies Chad!  The wife got me a CycleOps Fluid 2 Trainer.  She gave it to me a couple of weeks ago so I have been hitting it pretty hard - giving me a chance to get caught up on the TIVO!

How's about you? Any good gear?

I didn't get any gear. My wife got me a Triathlon calendar, which looks awesome.
2009-12-28 10:10 AM
in reply to: #2579998

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Extreme Veteran
Price, UT
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - OPEN

I found using the log easy and very motivating-I hate having the blank squares when I was too busy to train. I am just getting started back into anything competetive and surely can use all the motivation I can get

2009-12-28 10:46 AM
in reply to: #2580016

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Extreme Veteran
Kingwood, TX
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - OPEN
Artist - 2009-12-28 10:10 AM

I found using the log easy and very motivating-I hate having the blank squares when I was too busy to train. I am just getting started back into anything competetive and surely can use all the motivation I can get

I agree with Terry about the BT logs!  Especially the monthly calendar view - it really motivates me when I look back and see a couple of blank boxes. 

I'd asssume too that in order for us to help eachother out with our training that everyone using the logs would make it that much more productive? 

2009-12-28 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2580096

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - OPEN
JeffIrvin - 2009-12-28 11:46 AM

I'd asssume too that in order for us to help eachother out with our training that everyone using the logs would make it that much more productive? 

That and being able to look at the graphs gives you a visual indicator as to how you've progressed over the last month, and whether you are falling behind in one sport.

Does anyone know how to see those s/b/r graphs over longer than the 5 week period displayed in our personal logs? I'd like to see how my training has progressed over the last months in terms of volume (time).  

Edited by krystyna47 2009-12-29 9:50 AM
2009-12-28 1:10 PM
in reply to: #2580369

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Phoenix, AZ
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - OPEN
krystyna47 - 2009-12-28 11:03 AM
Does anyone know how to see those s/b/r graphs over longer than the 5 week period displayed in our personal logs? I'd like to see how my training has progressed over the last months in terms of volume (time).  

If you click on the "Jump To: Year" link near the top of your training log, you'll see a year in review. Scroll to the bottom for totals.
2009-12-28 6:48 PM
in reply to: #2575105

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Extreme Veteran
Kingwood, TX
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - CLOSED for Training
Yeehaw! Just found a 1/2 Mary on January 10th in Sugarland (about 45 mins from my house). The wife is off from work so we both just signed up! Nothing I love more then when a race can fit in perfectly to your training!
2009-12-29 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2580926

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - CLOSED for Training
JeffIrvin - 2009-12-28 7:48 PM

Yeehaw! Just found a 1/2 Mary on January 10th in Sugarland (about 45 mins from my house). The wife is off from work so we both just signed up! Nothing I love more then when a race can fit in perfectly to your training!

Awesome! I love racing close to home, there's a certain comfort to it! I think I'll sign up for a local aquathlon. It's very short (1.5k run, 500m swim, 1.5k run) but I've never done an aquathlon and I sorely miss racing. 


Edited by krystyna47 2009-12-29 9:49 AM
2009-12-29 7:37 PM
in reply to: #2575105

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Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - CLOSED for Training
Been working a few days and haven't been online I did get myself some new wheels for christmas they were handmade at my LBS so they are a little beefier for my Clydesdale self. Before I started wheel shopping I was unaware of weight limits for wheels. 

Looking forward to training again and hoping to actually do a Tri this time.

2009-12-29 8:32 PM
in reply to: #2583041

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Extreme Veteran
Kingwood, TX
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - CLOSED for Training
lanceho - 2009-12-29 7:37 PM Been working a few days and haven't been online I did get myself some new wheels for christmas they were handmade at my LBS so they are a little beefier for my Clydesdale self. Before I started wheel shopping I was unaware of weight limits for wheels. 

Looking forward to training again and hoping to actually do a Tri this time.

Just learned something new again!  What type of wheels did you get? Carbon? 
2009-12-29 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2583041

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Phoenix, AZ
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - CLOSED for Training
lanceho - 2009-12-29 5:37 PMBeen working a few days and haven't been online I did get myself some new wheels for christmas they were handmade at my LBS so they are a little beefier for my Clydesdale self. Before I started wheel shopping I was unaware of weight limits for wheels. 

Looking forward to training again and hoping to actually do a Tri this time.
sweet! New dancing shoes. You'll have to post a picture when you get them.
2009-12-30 2:38 AM
in reply to: #2579116

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Valencia, CA
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - OPEN
Slidell4life - 2009-12-27 2:14 PMWelcome to the group, Josh. That Malibu tri always looked fun to me. Did you see any celebrities out there?
I'm glad you're a strong swimmer. I know lots of folks need lots of advice with that discipline. We can help ease you into a regular pattern of running. Does your 12 week plan currently have you running a lot? If so, how do you feel out there?

Thanks, Chad. The Malibu Tri was a lot of fun, but the parking situation there is a nightmare. And I think with the absence of Matteo and J-Lo this year, it was more like they had some "celebrities" competing.

In answer to your question about running, I'm following one of the free 16-week plans on this site, but with the holidays I basically just started with Week 5. I don't know what you'd consider "running a lot." The longest run on my schedule is a 39-minute session that doesn't happen until Week 10, and up to this point my longest run has been 20 minutes -- which ended up being just under 2 miles. So far my body hasn't hassled me too much, as I'm only running 2 days a week.

Do you think I need to add another day of running? Right now my 7-day cycle goes:Swim/Bike (short/short) - Off - Swim (long) - Run (short) - Bike (long) - Off - Run (long)

2009-12-30 8:39 AM
in reply to: #2575105

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slidell4Life's Group - CLOSED for Training
How long will my tires/tubes last?  I'm doing roughly half my riding on a trainer, doesn't that break down the tire faster?  I'm putting in about 4 hours a week (60 miles?).
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