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2009-12-29 11:57 AM
in reply to: #2582077

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
scooter4867 - 2009-12-29 10:29 AM My Goals for 2010:

1) Actually finish a program ~ Have started programs in the past, but always seem to stop in the middle.  I will be starting the 16 week Sprint - 2x Balanced program on January 4th.

2) Lose 15 lbs while training (Right now I am at 5'8" 175lbs) and stay in shape through out the year.

3) Find a actual Sprint to compete in ~ I live in Aurora CO and not sure if we even have one in the area.


Hey Randy, I didn't realize we were neighbors.  You're not going to stop in the middle this year, we'll keep you on the straight and narrow.  There are several sprints in the area depending on what you're looking for.  Rattlesnake has a sprint tri in mid August at Aurora Reservoir, and the Boulder Sprint is in June up at Boulder Reservoir.  Highlands Ranch also has a sprint tri in the summer but it is a pool swim. is a site that lists all races by state and date. 


2009-12-29 11:58 AM
in reply to: #2582150

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
sbreaux - 2009-12-29 10:57 AM
scooter4867 - 2009-12-29 10:29 AM My Goals for 2010:

1) Actually finish a program ~ Have started programs in the past, but always seem to stop in the middle.  I will be starting the 16 week Sprint - 2x Balanced program on January 4th.

2) Lose 15 lbs while training (Right now I am at 5'8" 175lbs) and stay in shape through out the year.

3) Find a actual Sprint to compete in ~ I live in Aurora CO and not sure if we even have one in the area.


Hey Randy, I didn't realize we were neighbors.  You're not going to stop in the middle this year, we'll keep you on the straight and narrow.  There are several sprints in the area depending on what you're looking for.  Rattlesnake has a sprint tri in mid August at Aurora Reservoir, and the Boulder Sprint is in June up at Boulder Reservoir.  Highlands Ranch also has a sprint tri in the summer but it is a pool swim. is a site that lists all races by state and date. 


Parker also hosts a late season sprint that is also a pool swim. 
2009-12-29 12:01 PM
in reply to: #2582105

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
jlags14 - 2009-12-29 10:40 AM 2010 Goals:

Short term
- Start spin classes by early Jan
- Get in the pool by mid-Jan
- Drop 10-15lbs by Feb
- Nail down a training plan by mid-March  

Long term
- Get to competition weight 170-175 by June
- Complete first Olympic (June) - goal time TBD
- Complete first 70.3 (July) sub 5.5 hours

And of course make my new wife smile as much as possible

Those are great goals, especially the happy wife part!  That makes training so much easier.
2009-12-29 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Here are my goals for 2010:

Short Term:
-Get back into a regimented workout routine
-Get back into eating a good solid diet
-Take swimming lessons so I don't drown in September
-Drop 10lbs and get back to a decent workout weight

Long Term:
-Get a bike and get some time in on the road before the race (haven't ridden since the old BMX days)
-Learn as much as I can about Triathalons
-Finish Sprint Tri in September (with a respectable time)
-Feel energized and excited about being in shape
-Spread the energy and excitement and become a more active family!!!

Now...let's get motivated!


2009-12-29 2:39 PM
in reply to: #2582402

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
triwolfpack - 2009-12-29 12:24 PM Here are my goals for 2010: Short Term: -Get back into a regimented workout routine -Get back into eating a good solid diet -Take swimming lessons so I don't drown in September -Drop 10lbs and get back to a decent workout weight Long Term: -Get a bike and get some time in on the road before the race (haven't ridden since the old BMX days) -Learn as much as I can about Triathalons -Finish Sprint Tri in September (with a respectable time) -Feel energized and excited about being in shape -Spread the energy and excitement and become a more active family!!! Now...let's get motivated! David

Sounds like a good plan.  I ran today even though I am fighting a cold.  Feel awesome now.
2009-12-29 8:31 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
OK....anybody have a good Strength routine? I'm kind of winging in at the local Y using the machines and was wondering if anyone had something a little more specific for tri-training. I'm not herculian by any means, but know I need to keep the bones and joints limber. Any advice would be great.

2009-12-29 10:09 PM
in reply to: #2583108

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
triwolfpack - 2009-12-29 7:31 PM OK....anybody have a good Strength routine? I'm kind of winging in at the local Y using the machines and was wondering if anyone had something a little more specific for tri-training. I'm not herculian by any means, but know I need to keep the bones and joints limber. Any advice would be great. Thanks David

Hey David.  I've used many routines in D3's website, mostly the core workouts, but also incorporating some strength exercises into my workouts.   Me personally, I don't do any lower body strength work during tri season.  I don't want to do squats one day and then not be able to run the next two days because I am sore.  I've done some leg strength exercises this off-season, but I'm starting to ween myself off of them as I start building up my run volume.

At the bottom right of the page, there is a section titled weight training and core strength.   Core strength will be most important for tri's.  
2009-12-30 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2583260

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Thanks for the info. Great website which I will incorporate in my strength training!
2009-12-30 9:34 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
One other note.  When replying to inspires, hit the reply button, and the "inspiree's" blog will pop up and then you will be able to reply with your response. 

2009-12-30 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group OPEN!!!
I think I am going to open up the group to let a few more people in.  The more the merrier (sp?) right?


Edited by sbreaux 2009-12-30 9:49 AM
2009-12-30 10:48 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group STILL OPEN!!!

2009-12-30 11:44 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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New user

Subject: RE: sbreaux's group STILL OPEN!!!
Goals, hmm...  Once I state them then I'll really have to take them seriously.

From a training / racing perspective:

1) Los Angeles Marathon in mid March.  Last year I did 4:28 so this year I'm hoping for something in the 4:00-4:10 realm.

2) Vineman Half Ironman in July.  I really have no idea about time targets on this one as it'll be my first.  But somewhere in the <6:00 would be cool.

3) 10K in September.  I take part in the Malibu Tri as a relay member doing the running.  I'd like to do a 45 min 10K.

4) Continue to really enjoy the morning workouts and stay injury free.

From a life perspective:

1) Stay happy and healthy

2) Have some good fun with the wife and son.  We have a couple of nice trips planned.

2009-12-30 12:39 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Subject: RE: sbreaux's group STILL OPEN!!!

Hi Scott! Do you have room for one more? I'd love to join your group. Just registered for my first HIM next June and am seriously nervous already. I could use someone checking in to make sure I'm training consistently! 

If you've got room I'll post more about my story, goals, etc. Thanks!

2009-12-30 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2584304

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group STILL OPEN!!!
hollybushellehill - 2009-12-30 11:39 AM

Hi Scott! Do you have room for one more? I'd love to join your group. Just registered for my first HIM next June and am seriously nervous already. I could use someone checking in to make sure I'm training consistently! 

If you've got room I'll post more about my story, goals, etc. Thanks!

Absolutely, welcome to the group.  Are you registered for Boise 70.3?
2009-12-30 1:55 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Subject: RE: sbreaux's group STILL OPEN!!!
Hi Scott!  I'd love to join your group if there's still room!  I'll post my bio now, and get back to you with my goals, etc later tonight or tomorrow.

NAME: Melissa/ Missy

STORY: This will be my second year of triathlons.  I swam off and on when I was a kid, up until sophomore year in high school.  In college I got lazy and was really irregular about working out (usually just hitting the weight room or ellipticals.  Sometimes I'd do laps in the pool).  After college, I got even lazier, stopped working out completely, and gained a lot of weight, hitting a max of around 190 lbs.  In 2007, I decided to get healthier, so I became vegetarian, and started practicing yoga, lifting weights, and running.  At the time I couldn't run longer than a minute or two without getting winded.  That same year, I met an avid ironman triathlete, and I seriously thought she was crazy.  But the idea of doing triathlons stuck in my head.  Last year, I finally decided to take the plunge and register for my first Triathlon - the Chicago Olympic.  Then I discovered BT and joined a tri club, and everyone I met told me it was a horrible idea to do Chicago for my first one.  They convinced me to do a couple of smaller races first, and make Chicago my A-race.  So that's what I did.  My first tri was a long sprint (660yd swim, 17.4mi bike, 4.3mi run) in May, followed by my first Olympic in June.  I caught the racing bug, and last minute decided to do another Olympic mid-August, about 2 weeks before the Chicago Olympic.  Even after tri season ended, I still had the racing bug, so I did my first half marathon at the end of September, which all happened to by my first running race ever.  I did a second half marathon at the end of November just to burn off the extra Thanksgiving calories, but somehow managed a 4-minute PR!

FAMILY STATUS: I'm a single gal living alone in a big city.  My parents live about 30 miles away in the suburbs.  I have a sister living in LA, one in Michigan, and one in NYC.

CURRENT TRAINING: In the off-season, I've mostly been focusing on strength training.  About three weeks ago, I fell down a flight of stairs and hurt my tailbone, so I haven't been training much for the past few weeks.  I'm planning on doing my first marathon late April and my first HIM in July.  Marathon training starts this week, and I'll start incorporating swim & bike training into my schedule around February.

WEIGHTLOSS: I went from a high of 190lbs after college to 135lbs in 2009 when I first decided to start training for triathlons.  Ironically, I gained about 10lbs since starting my tri life, but I think that's because my tri club friends enjoy going out for beers and eating burgers & fries after our workouts.  I would like to re-lose those 10 lbs and maybe another 10 more, so I'm going to have to watch my beer & french fry intake a little better.  Luckily I'm still veg after 3 years, so burgers aren't an issue for me!
2009-12-30 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2584536

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group STILL OPEN!!!
yogachic - 2009-12-30 12:55 PM Hi Scott!  I'd love to join your group if there's still room!  I'll post my bio now, and get back to you with my goals, etc later tonight or tomorrow.

NAME: Melissa/ Missy

STORY: This will be my second year of triathlons.  I swam off and on when I was a kid, up until sophomore year in high school.  In college I got lazy and was really irregular about working out (usually just hitting the weight room or ellipticals.  Sometimes I'd do laps in the pool).  After college, I got even lazier, stopped working out completely, and gained a lot of weight, hitting a max of around 190 lbs.  In 2007, I decided to get healthier, so I became vegetarian, and started practicing yoga, lifting weights, and running.  At the time I couldn't run longer than a minute or two without getting winded.  That same year, I met an avid ironman triathlete, and I seriously thought she was crazy.  But the idea of doing triathlons stuck in my head.  Last year, I finally decided to take the plunge and register for my first Triathlon - the Chicago Olympic.  Then I discovered BT and joined a tri club, and everyone I met told me it was a horrible idea to do Chicago for my first one.  They convinced me to do a couple of smaller races first, and make Chicago my A-race.  So that's what I did.  My first tri was a long sprint (660yd swim, 17.4mi bike, 4.3mi run) in May, followed by my first Olympic in June.  I caught the racing bug, and last minute decided to do another Olympic mid-August, about 2 weeks before the Chicago Olympic.  Even after tri season ended, I still had the racing bug, so I did my first half marathon at the end of September, which all happened to by my first running race ever.  I did a second half marathon at the end of November just to burn off the extra Thanksgiving calories, but somehow managed a 4-minute PR!

FAMILY STATUS: I'm a single gal living alone in a big city.  My parents live about 30 miles away in the suburbs.  I have a sister living in LA, one in Michigan, and one in NYC.

CURRENT TRAINING: In the off-season, I've mostly been focusing on strength training.  About three weeks ago, I fell down a flight of stairs and hurt my tailbone, so I haven't been training much for the past few weeks.  I'm planning on doing my first marathon late April and my first HIM in July.  Marathon training starts this week, and I'll start incorporating swim & bike training into my schedule around February.

WEIGHTLOSS: I went from a high of 190lbs after college to 135lbs in 2009 when I first decided to start training for triathlons.  Ironically, I gained about 10lbs since starting my tri life, but I think that's because my tri club friends enjoy going out for beers and eating burgers & fries after our workouts.  I would like to re-lose those 10 lbs and maybe another 10 more, so I'm going to have to watch my beer & french fry intake a little better.  Luckily I'm still veg after 3 years, so burgers aren't an issue for me!

Welcome, sounds like you took the plunge head first.  I am also doing a spring marathon, so we can push each other during those weekly long runs.  I just weighed myself today, and I want to lose 10lbs too. 


2009-12-30 2:21 PM
in reply to: #2584172

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group STILL OPEN!!!
miguelthai - 2009-12-30 10:44 AM Goals, hmm...  Once I state them then I'll really have to take them seriously.

From a training / racing perspective:

1) Los Angeles Marathon in mid March.  Last year I did 4:28 so this year I'm hoping for something in the 4:00-4:10 realm.

2) Vineman Half Ironman in July.  I really have no idea about time targets on this one as it'll be my first.  But somewhere in the <6:00 would be cool.

3) 10K in September.  I take part in the Malibu Tri as a relay member doing the running.  I'd like to do a 45 min 10K.

4) Continue to really enjoy the morning workouts and stay injury free.

From a life perspective:

1) Stay happy and healthy

2) Have some good fun with the wife and son.  We have a couple of nice trips planned. 

I think you will be amazed at how much different marathon 2 will be from marathon 1.  You know what to expect, where you're likely to start hurting and how to handle nutrition.  You may surprise yourself with a sub 4hr.  I hear Vineman is a great race, and someone else in our group may be doing it as well. 
I will be the first to say that you cannot let triahtlon training consume your life.  Take time off, a week or so, just to rejuvinate the body and mind.  Taking a family trip is a great way to do that. 
2009-12-30 4:01 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group STILL OPEN!!!

scooter4867 (Randy)
triwolfpack (David)
jlags14 (Jonathan)
Miguelithai (Michael)
Laurak11 (Laura)
Daisymouse (Daisy)
Bob2010 (Bob)
Hollybushellehill (Holly???)
Yogachic (Missy)
sbreaux (Scott)

Please include our members in your friends list and inspire as much as possible. 
2009-12-30 4:52 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Subject: RE: sbreaux's group STILL OPEN!!!

Looking forward to training with the group! Here's a bit about me.

Name: Holly, 29 years old (in a few days!)

Story: I ran cross country and track through high school and one year of college and have always loved to ski. A year out of college I tore my ACL in a ski accident and running became painful so I took up mountain biking and pool running. Pool running turned into attempts at lap swimming (which was a huge step for me because I've always been terrified of the water). Two summers ago I registered for my first tri and have done a couple of sprints and a couple of offroad Xterras. Swimming is still my weakest leg and I could use a lot of help there. I love to do anything outdoors and spend a lot of time skiing, mountain biking, hiking, etc. I just took up skate cross country skiing last winter. I seem to stay more interested in training when fun is mixed in and I hope to do some more mountain bike racing, offroad tris, and xc ski racing this year.

Family Status: Currently it's just me and my dog, Sula, who is a great running and biking partner! I have a boyfriend who lives a couple of hours away. I'm trying to convince him to sign up for a tri this summer!

Current Training: I sort of go with the flow. You can see from my logs that my training has been not so consistent. I've just registered for my first HIM on June 6, 2010 so I'm planning to start the Beginner HIM BT program in a couple of weeks. Goal is to stick with the plan!

Weightloss: My weight fluctuates a bit from winter to summer, but not a whole lot. I became a vegetarian 3 years ago and seem to have a fairly healthy diet. I want to be sure that with increased training I'm getting enough protein and paying more attention to nutrition. Any tips would be great! I'm about 5 lbs heavier than I'd like to be.. currently at 113. I usually feel good around 105-108. Hoping to get there before the HIM in June.

Goals for 2010: 

1) Do a half marathon (Snowjoke on Feb. 27th)

2) Finish the Oliver HIM on June 6

3) Improve swimming

4) Butte 50 mtn bike ride

5) Train consistently and have fun!

2009-12-30 5:09 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group STILL OPEN!!!
Can I join if there's still room?

Name: Kate

Story: I swam a lot at school but never ran about 8 years ago I first encountered the idea of trialthons and thought they'd be great if you were fit and lean, I was neither. I love outdoor active sports like climbing and scuba diving but was pretty unfit. I read slow fat triathlete and that changed my world. I'm still trying to get better and running is still a chore but I hope that 2010 will be a good year for me.

Family Status: I got married 3 weeks ago and currently am really out of shape so am looking for triathlon training to get me back into shape. We also have a cat!! I work away a lot so another goal for this year is to work out how to schedule training around travel.

Current Training: I started 3 years ago but am almost back to square one and need to get back into it. I tend to stick to sprint tri's and endurance races but I'doing a 26.3 km running race in October so need to train for that.

Weightloss: At present I'm at my heaviest and I need to lose weight but it's somewhere I've been before and I know I can get it down. I need to work on keeping it down as I love food and that plus the travel make it hard for me to stick to routines!

Goals: Improve my running, especially distance, improve my cycling for a big race in September, loose weight and improve my core tone.

Fingers crossed you'll have me!

2009-12-30 5:15 PM
in reply to: #2584874

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group STILL OPEN!!!
sbreaux - 2009-12-30 3:01 PM MEMBERS

scooter4867 (Randy)
triwolfpack (David)
jlags14 (Jonathan)
Miguelithai (Michael)
Laurak11 (Laura)
Daisymouse (Daisy)
Bob2010 (Bob)
Hollybushellehill (Holly???)
Yogachic (Missy)
sbreaux (Scott)
kate_r (Kate)

Please include our members in your friends list and inspire as much as possible. 

2009-12-30 5:15 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group STILL OPEN!!!
Apologies in advance for the long paragraphs; when I hit 'submit' all my line spacing disappears.My goals aredo my first OWS race, coming up fast - it's on more consistent in my training by getting up early and attending more club sessions, despite the humiliation.lose the final 7kg to get to my goal weight of 55kgKarri Valley triathlon in February
2009-12-30 5:21 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!!
Welcome Kate and Holly.  With that, I am now closing our group.  Please ask as many questions as you'd like and if I don't know the answer, I will find it for you.  My strengths are running and biking, so I can definitely relay my experiences over the last several years.  As for swimming, its still a learning process. 

Kate, remember that when you travel to pack your running shoes, running shorts and a watch.  That's really all you need.  I used to travel a lot and found even the nicest hotels had crappy cardio equipment. 

Edited by sbreaux 2009-12-30 5:22 PM
2009-12-30 7:00 PM
in reply to: #2584365

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Subject: RE: sbreaux's group STILL OPEN!!!

sbreaux - 2009-12-30 11:59 AM
hollybushellehill - 2009-12-30 11:39 AM

Hi Scott! Do you have room for one more? I'd love to join your group. Just registered for my first HIM next June and am seriously nervous already. I could use someone checking in to make sure I'm training consistently! 

If you've got room I'll post more about my story, goals, etc. Thanks!

Absolutely, welcome to the group.  Are you registered for Boise 70.3?

I considered Boise but decided on the Persona Oliver in BC because I have never been to Canada.

2009-12-30 9:44 PM
in reply to: #2585181

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group STILL OPEN!!!
hollybushellehill - 2009-12-30 6:00 PM

sbreaux - 2009-12-30 11:59 AM
hollybushellehill - 2009-12-30 11:39 AM

Hi Scott! Do you have room for one more? I'd love to join your group. Just registered for my first HIM next June and am seriously nervous already. I could use someone checking in to make sure I'm training consistently! 

If you've got room I'll post more about my story, goals, etc. Thanks!

Absolutely, welcome to the group.  Are you registered for Boise 70.3?

I considered Boise but decided on the Persona Oliver in BC because I have never been to Canada.

I checked out the race website and looks like a great event.  I'm sure the water may be a little chilly in June.  I haven't been to Canada either, and hope to do IM Canada one day.

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