BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!! Rss Feed  
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2009-12-30 8:07 AM
in reply to: #2583476

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

rTanja - 2009-12-30 7:55 AM Room for one more? 

NAME: Tanja
STORY: will turn 25 1st of january I'm from Iceland and live there. I started running last summer, something I thought I could never do, used to be a ballerina and running is not something dancers do, hehe. I gained a lot of weight during my pregnancy and after I had my daughter. In september 2008 I changed my diet, and in january (a year ago) i started exercising. I have lost 32kg/around 70pounds. Last summer I was in a weekend seminar and without knowing it before there was a running course (I wouldnt have gone if I had known). I got inspired from the teacher, finally realized I really could run and ran 10k in a marathon race two weeks later It took longer time for me than most of the people, but at least i finished. I ran again two weeks later another 10k in another race and was over 5 minutes quicker. Now I want to train for 1/2 marathon and Triathlon, the Olympic length.
FAMILY: Not married, but soon to be. Mother of 21 month old girl. 
TRAINING: not a good swimmer, but I know how to. Just need a little practice. I only bike in the gym at this time of year. there is to much snow here at the moment to bike. Try to run outside at least 2-3 times a week. But want to get more serious and make a good schedule for all my training a.s.a.p. 
2010 Races: They have not given out dates for races here yet. But I plan to take place in as many runs as possible and one triathlon  
INJURIES: none so far. have some old ones, but they have not been bothering me. 

best regards

Welcome Tanja!!!  Great job with the weight loss!  We will find a training plan for you that gets you ready for the tri!

2009-12-30 8:10 AM
in reply to: #2583510

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

geoffgm - 2009-12-30 8:28 AM Hi everyone, I'm hoping to join up. My name is Geoff. I'm currently living in Wisconsin and attending college and working part time. I'm 29 married with an almost 18 month old son. I quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago. I decided that I wanted to do something I would never have done while smoking so I started running. I liked running once I got used to it, but wanted a little variation so I started biking. Through searching for more information I found BT. I was never an athlete, but while in the Navy I ran 1.5 miles every six months for our physical test (and my only exercise). That would almost cause me to pass out, and I needed about 3 days to recover. After finishing the couch to 5K I don't think twice about running a few miles, and I love the feeling. I am still new to the site and slowly learning my way around. I have lost 15 lbs already and still have another 20-25 to go. I have completed the couch to 5K program, and gearing up for the 20 week sprint training. I'm a little scared of the swim just because it has been so long since I've been in a pool. I'm more confident about the run. I'm still trying to get more comfortable on the bike. I have a sprint race planned in June. I'm very excited and look forward to working with others towards our goals.

Hi Geoff!  Your story of how you got from running to biking to tri's is similar to mine!  Welcome to the group! 

2009-12-30 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2578675

New user

Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

Name:   Asztrid

Hope I can join your group

STORY: I am 38 old female who is just starting to take better care of herself. I have 3 children one of which is getting ready to go of to college. I live in CT and as part of getting myself back into a healthy lifestyle I started to run. I have always dreamed of competing in a triathlon but had not found a way to blend it into my work life balance and after getting sick the goal or hope was lost.   I have gained about 70 pounds in the last 5 years due to being sick and have issues with my lungs. I feel that the treatment they gave me stole some of my life away because in order to treat my issues the meds I took made me gain lots of weight and then I felt worst about myself and the lungs got worst, big snowball effect. So in May when my girls asked if we could start to do some of the hiking trips and running that we use to do I was determine to get back in shape and  lose the weight. I started by running 5 min a day and felt like a fool going to the gym and walking out so fast, but hey it was about me not them. I keep going now I can run 4 miles and bike 8 miles. I love running and biking always have. Running and biking made me feel alive. I pulled out an old journal I wrote when I was 19 and in it was a list of things to accomplish before I turn 40 yrs old and on it was my goal of wanting to do a tri before I turn 40. Talked to a new doctor and he said go for it and remember it will not be easy but I bet you can do it. So here I am ready to go for my goal and by the way I lost 30 pounds since May and no longer taking as much of the meds. I am looking forward to crossing the finish line even if I am the last one. I just want to finish and go back to the first doctor that told me I will never be able to run and look him in the eyes and tell him to never say never to someone every person is different.

Wish List - to find a group that will keep me going even when I fell like giving up

2009-12-30 8:46 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - open
Hi!  Still got room?? 

NAME: BoomerNJ aka Chris

DEAL: New to Tri, ran my sprint first last year (Metroman in Asbury Park, NJ) & LOVED IT!!  I also did several 5k's & 5 milers until I started having problems with plantar fascitis (sp?), which cut my season short.  My older brother is a multiple IM finisher, including Kona in 2000 & I have used him as both an inspiration & a mentor.  Now I want to get closer to his level & finish a 70.3 this year.  I have registered for the Timberman in NH in August, HIM distance, and the Runapalooza 1/2 marathon in Asbury Park, NJ in April (I'm training with my running club for that one).  I am not in bad shape, but have an extra 40+ lbs still to lose (lost 30lbs over the last year, which is how this all started). 

FAMILY:  Just got engaged, wedding in 2011!

WEIGHTLOSS:  Need to lose 40 - 50lbs still, but in fair to good endurance shape.

I need all the help I can get!

2009-12-30 8:56 AM
in reply to: #2583666

Subject: RE: kenj's group - open
ctmom38 - 2009-12-30 9:33 AM

Name:   Asztrid
but hey it was about me not them. I keep going now
Wish List - to find a group that will keep me going even when I fell like giving up

Girl, you nailed it on that one.
If we as individuals are going to cross the finish line, it has to be all about us as a single entity. No one else is going to do it for us.
Good call.
2009-12-30 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2578675


Subject: RE: kenj's group - open
If you got room I'm in!

A little about me.  My name is Jonathan and I'm 26 and living in Oklahoma.  I have always been a swimmer and rower but have hated running most of my life becasue when I was a teenager I had a lot of knee problems.  My wife has always been a runner so she has been motivating me in that regards and I am going to be running my first Marathon on January 10th at Disney World, which proves with the right support anything is possible. (I ran my first 5k ever February 2009) I think one of my biggest struggles now is finding the time to do the training that I know it will take.  My goal for 2010 is to complete a half IM. I'm also looking to drop about 20lbs during the training. The biggest time drainer that I have is that I'm a CPA so the first 4 months of the year suck for being able to train. 

Last year my wife and I completed a sprint and the cap tex tri Olympic distance in Austin and I loved the challenge and fun of the races and hope to compete in a lot more this year. 

Edited by hillman2000 2009-12-30 9:21 AM

2009-12-30 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2578675


Subject: RE: kenj's group - open
Hi, this is all new to me but if there is still room I would love to join the group and give this a try.

My name is Chrisanthia, I am 42 years old and I live in Edmonton, AB, Canada.

 I have not done any races or triathlons but an active lifestyle and healthy eating are very important to me. I started reading and studying topics on nutrition, spirituality and holistic lifestyles when my children were young because I wanted to do what was best for them. Also, I got tired of being prescribed pills for every little problem that I went to my doctor with.

The problem is that I am inconsistent with sticking to anything for a long period of time. I love the idea of doing a triathlon and even volunteered for one; but I think fear held me back from actually doing one myself. I was in a controlling and difficult relationship as well which didn't help my low self-esteem any.

 I have three wonderful, healthy sons, ages 20,19,and 18 who are all very active. I am separated from their father but have a terrific and supportive boyfriend.

 With the new year almost here I find myself once again re-evaluating my goals and what I would like to accomplish and doing a triathlon is still something I would love to do. I do not believe in coincidence so when I came across this site I new that this could be just what I need to get to the finish line.  I am ready to conquer my fear and raise my self-esteem.

2009-12-30 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2583666

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

ctmom38 - 2009-12-30 9:33 AM

Name:   Asztrid

Hope I can join your group

STORY: I am 38 old female who is just starting to take better care of herself. I have 3 children one of which is getting ready to go of to college. I live in CT and as part of getting myself back into a healthy lifestyle I started to run. I have always dreamed of competing in a triathlon but had not found a way to blend it into my work life balance and after getting sick the goal or hope was lost.   I have gained about 70 pounds in the last 5 years due to being sick and have issues with my lungs. I feel that the treatment they gave me stole some of my life away because in order to treat my issues the meds I took made me gain lots of weight and then I felt worst about myself and the lungs got worst, big snowball effect. So in May when my girls asked if we could start to do some of the hiking trips and running that we use to do I was determine to get back in shape and  lose the weight. I started by running 5 min a day and felt like a fool going to the gym and walking out so fast, but hey it was about me not them. I keep going now I can run 4 miles and bike 8 miles. I love running and biking always have. Running and biking made me feel alive. I pulled out an old journal I wrote when I was 19 and in it was a list of things to accomplish before I turn 40 yrs old and on it was my goal of wanting to do a tri before I turn 40. Talked to a new doctor and he said go for it and remember it will not be easy but I bet you can do it. So here I am ready to go for my goal and by the way I lost 30 pounds since May and no longer taking as much of the meds. I am looking forward to crossing the finish line even if I am the last one. I just want to finish and go back to the first doctor that told me I will never be able to run and look him in the eyes and tell him to never say never to someone every person is different.

Wish List - to find a group that will keep me going even when I fell like giving up

Welcome to the group!  Great job on your weight loss!  We will do our best to keep you going!!

Could you either add the rest of the group to your friends list or switch your blog to open to the public so the rest of us can get to your page to inspire you!!!  Thanks! (At least I think that is why you don't have a link to your blog at the bottom!)

2009-12-30 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2583696

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

BoomerNJ - 2009-12-30 9:46 AM Hi!  Still got room?? 

NAME: BoomerNJ aka Chris

DEAL: New to Tri, ran my sprint first last year (Metroman in Asbury Park, NJ) & LOVED IT!!  I also did several 5k's & 5 milers until I started having problems with plantar fascitis (sp?), which cut my season short.  My older brother is a multiple IM finisher, including Kona in 2000 & I have used him as both an inspiration & a mentor.  Now I want to get closer to his level & finish a 70.3 this year.  I have registered for the Timberman in NH in August, HIM distance, and the Runapalooza 1/2 marathon in Asbury Park, NJ in April (I'm training with my running club for that one).  I am not in bad shape, but have an extra 40+ lbs still to lose (lost 30lbs over the last year, which is how this all started). 

FAMILY:  Just got engaged, wedding in 2011!

WEIGHTLOSS:  Need to lose 40 - 50lbs still, but in fair to good endurance shape.

I need all the help I can get!

Welcome to the group!!! You have some ambitious goals, but sounds like you have a plan to get there!!!  Congrats on the weight loss and the upcoming nuptuals!!!

2009-12-30 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2583730

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

DougJ - 2009-12-30 9:56 AM
ctmom38 - 2009-12-30 9:33 AM

Name:   Asztrid
but hey it was about me not them. I keep going now
Wish List - to find a group that will keep me going even when I fell like giving up

Girl, you nailed it on that one.
If we as individuals are going to cross the finish line, it has to be all about us as a single entity. No one else is going to do it for us.
Good call.

Good point!!! 

2009-12-30 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2583807

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

hillman2000 - 2009-12-30 10:20 AM If you got room I'm in!

A little about me.  My name is Jonathan and I'm 26 and living in Oklahoma.  I have always been a swimmer and rower but have hated running most of my life becasue when I was a teenager I had a lot of knee problems.  My wife has always been a runner so she has been motivating me in that regards and I am going to be running my first Marathon on January 10th at Disney World, which proves with the right support anything is possible. (I ran my first 5k ever February 2009) I think one of my biggest struggles now is finding the time to do the training that I know it will take.  My goal for 2010 is to complete a half IM. I'm also looking to drop about 20lbs during the training. The biggest time drainer that I have is that I'm a CPA so the first 4 months of the year suck for being able to train. 

Last year my wife and I completed a sprint and the cap tex tri Olympic distance in Austin and I loved the challenge and fun of the races and hope to compete in a lot more this year. 

Welcome to the group to you as well Jonathan!!!  I am doing the Disney marathon as well!  Leaving New Years day to fly down and spend some time with the in laws before heading to the house of mouse!!!

2009-12-30 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2583880

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

Chrisanthia - 2009-12-30 10:41 AM Hi, this is all new to me but if there is still room I would love to join the group and give this a try.

My name is Chrisanthia, I am 42 years old and I live in Edmonton, AB, Canada.

 I have not done any races or triathlons but an active lifestyle and healthy eating are very important to me. I started reading and studying topics on nutrition, spirituality and holistic lifestyles when my children were young because I wanted to do what was best for them. Also, I got tired of being prescribed pills for every little problem that I went to my doctor with.

The problem is that I am inconsistent with sticking to anything for a long period of time. I love the idea of doing a triathlon and even volunteered for one; but I think fear held me back from actually doing one myself. I was in a controlling and difficult relationship as well which didn't help my low self-esteem any.

 I have three wonderful, healthy sons, ages 20,19,and 18 who are all very active. I am separated from their father but have a terrific and supportive boyfriend.

 With the new year almost here I find myself once again re-evaluating my goals and what I would like to accomplish and doing a triathlon is still something I would love to do. I do not believe in coincidence so when I came across this site I new that this could be just what I need to get to the finish line.  I am ready to conquer my fear and raise my self-esteem.


Welcome to the group!!! We will do our best to help you reach your goal this year! One step at a time!!!

2009-12-30 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

That puts us at 13 which I think is a good number for us!!!  So I will list us as closed!

I have the following people:

We have quite a diverse group with an international flavor!! I am looking forward to helping all of us reach our goals in 2010!!! 

I would suggest adding all of us in your friends so you can get to each others blog easily to offer inspires and comments on workouts!  As I think I mentioned above, if you provided an e-mail address in your settings, you can click on the toggle notification button at the bottom of any of this page so you know when someone has posted. 

If you see a post and have some advice or opinion, don't be shy about offering it!  (Just keep all comments respectful!)

Edited by kenj 2009-12-30 10:43 AM
2009-12-30 10:27 AM
in reply to: #2578675

Subject: RE: kenj's group - open
Hi There,
I've been to this website a few times over the last year and even attempted to get off the couch and train for my first sprint. I lasted about 8 weeks, started to look and feel really good and then blah, blah, blah. It's the story of my life, I'm the best at procrastination and terrific and starting things but never finishing. I'm hoping that by joining this group, if you'll have me, that you will help to keep me motivated.

I'm 47, married with 2 children, 19 and 14. I have never really trained for anything before or excelled at any sport. I have never liked the gym scene, but do enjoy social activity. I've tried skiing, I skate, I swim, I bike, I play baseball, I golf, basically I'm in for anything outdoors. I'm on a mission this year to loose this extra 50 lbs that somehow has creeped up on me one year at a time at about 5lbs a year. I have always been a sturdy girl, but now it's lookin a little jiggly. I've joined weight watchers to help keep my food intake in check and now I need to boost the activity level.

I have started walking/hiking 3 times a week and will be starting the "couch to sprint" program Jan 4th. One of my Xmas presents this year was a heart rate monitor watch...I just have no idea how to use it. I'm trying to work out at 80% for the 45min walks. Does that sound about right? 

I'm looking forward to many weekly chats.
Have a healthy happy new year.

2009-12-30 10:42 AM
in reply to: #2584002

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

go4girl - 2009-12-30 11:27 AM Hi There,
I've been to this website a few times over the last year and even attempted to get off the couch and train for my first sprint. I lasted about 8 weeks, started to look and feel really good and then blah, blah, blah. It's the story of my life, I'm the best at procrastination and terrific and starting things but never finishing. I'm hoping that by joining this group, if you'll have me, that you will help to keep me motivated.

I'm 47, married with 2 children, 19 and 14. I have never really trained for anything before or excelled at any sport. I have never liked the gym scene, but do enjoy social activity. I've tried skiing, I skate, I swim, I bike, I play baseball, I golf, basically I'm in for anything outdoors. I'm on a mission this year to loose this extra 50 lbs that somehow has creeped up on me one year at a time at about 5lbs a year. I have always been a sturdy girl, but now it's lookin a little jiggly. I've joined weight watchers to help keep my food intake in check and now I need to boost the activity level.

I have started walking/hiking 3 times a week and will be starting the "couch to sprint" program Jan 4th. One of my Xmas presents this year was a heart rate monitor watch...I just have no idea how to use it. I'm trying to work out at 80% for the 45min walks. Does that sound about right? 

I'm looking forward to many weekly chats.
Have a healthy happy new year.

Welcome to the group Heather!! Lucky 13!!!!

Training by HR is a bit confusing.  Coming up with HR zones to start out with is not easy.  You should be doing most of your running in Zone 1 or Zone 2.  There is the 220 - age formula to determine, but that is not as accurate due to conditioning.  The best way is to run a 5k as hard as you can and use your avg. HR from that, but if you are just starting out that is dangerous as it risks injury. 

My suggestion is to use perceived exertion for a while and compare it to your HR.  For most of your efforts you should be able to have a short sentence conversation.  Not easy enough to recite the Gettysburg address, but not hard enough that you can't speak in sentences. 

I'll get some more info on this and post later on! (Work is getting in the way! )

Edited by kenj 2009-12-30 10:45 AM
2009-12-30 3:14 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Here are a couple of good articles about HR training.  It is a 2 part series. 

Part 1

Part 2

I think they do a good job at explaining some of the philosophy behind HR training and how to properly calculate HR zones. 

Edited by kenj 2009-12-30 5:45 PM

2009-12-30 5:48 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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New user
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
I was just curious if there was a way to have this forum thread tracked so I can find it easier. Depending on how much we update it could use a few bumps here and there So today was supposed to be day two of my couch to 5k day, but I played 5 hours of golf, and have a nasty cold on top of it. I am thinking I will just do a late night walk and get my next training day in tomorrow.Any suggestions on the cold and running? I am doing the whole Vitamin C thing and some other homeopathic medicine I got.Also went fly fishing...the first time ever. I got a tree, some grass, a lili pad and my shirt so all in all a good first day out!
2009-12-30 5:51 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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New user
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
ken...the hr training seemed to work for me when I did it a while ago. My polar seems to have died though, which I think is just the internal battery on the heart monitor. Anyone have any suggestions on how to replace that? Additionally I looked at the Garmin 310xt and it looks awesome, but not worth it at this point?Welcome to everyone in the group...I am excited to keep the ball rolling.

Edited by selonimes 2009-12-30 5:59 PM
2009-12-30 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
I picked up the Accelerator Pulse by Tech 4 O and have been happy with it. It has an accelerometer to measure speed so it's not as accurate as the GPS. The heart rate monitor seems to be pretty accurate, i haven't noticed anymore than 2 or 3 beats off from other monitors (Hand sensors on the treadmill). You can swap out the battery on the chest strap easy. It was complicated to get figured out at first, but I've been happy with it. I've had it about 3 months. Under $70 on amazon it has been worth the money. I'm still a newbie, but I haven't wanted anything else yet.
2009-12-30 9:18 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Great group.  Thanks all for sharing;

- The Garmin 310XT is pricey but worth it.  I got it because I am running challenged and waiting for a mile to see my pace was just not working.  It's also good to share my routes on the run and bike with my coach.

- Still smoking?  I used to do 4-5 packs a day ...quit in 1988 along with booze and drugs.  Hypnosis worked on the smoking. 12 steps on the rest.  My cancer was not smoking related.  If you need a boost to quit, feel free to phone me and I will describe in detail the death of the woman who would have been my mother in law if she hadn't died of lung cancer that spread to her bone and brain.   Quit.  Please.  Quit.  Now.

- Anyone on Face Book?  I'm Scott Richardson, Urbana/Champaign Illinois network.  Live in Bloomington, IL. 
Send a friend request.

- Looking forward to sharing experiences, training etc.  I especially like the international flavor of the group. 




Edited by IceManScott 2009-12-30 9:19 PM
2009-12-30 9:36 PM
in reply to: #2585402

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
I used the Polar RS200sd HRM watch and footpod a while back and it was a great combo. It really helped me zone in and get feedback on my pace. After a while you'll probably find you can tell what your pace and HR's are before you look at the watch - but it's a good way to get used to the way *you* work.

Iceman - well done on quitting the cigs - that's a pretty huge challenge in itself! Never smoked personally but my parents took years to manage to quit and that was working as a team!

The group is going to be interesting - with the different seasons for some of us it's going to be great seeing how people are faring in an in-season plan whilst you're 'cruising' in the off-season plan! Laughing


2009-12-30 10:22 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

That's true.  Where are you in your competition year in the Southern Hemisphere now?

I'm about one month into the trainer work downstairs.  The coach has me doing low cadence with high weight lifting on the bike...exercises bike-specific muscle.  I run 2X a week and swim with the Masters Asso. 2X a week.  Swimming is all form work and some endurance now.  Running is base work and fartleks.  Getting into yoga for the first time ever.  But I will admit, I am probably lazy when it comes to the core.  I use kettle bells because they are a great workout and easy to do.  Medicine ball, core-specific yoga. 

Happy and safe New Year.

2009-12-31 12:50 AM
in reply to: #2585543

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
We're into summer here so season is pretty much half way through. My first attempt at a tri will be the last of the season as a try-it-out event before committing and settling into off-season training for the HIM in December 2010. Just really going to be building base and improving form for the next 8 months i reckon and then last 3-4 months developing speed & intensity etc.

I love working the core - when i was training a few years back i got into the cyclo-core (bike) set of routines. Not wanting to specifically endorse something but it really worked for me and provided great variety especially when i can't get out on the bike - it covers bike muscle/form improving routines as well as core, back, knee, hips and breathing routines. Actually just picking it back up and buidling it into my 3 month plan to end with the end of March tri which i'll try and post up on my profile.

Yes, a happy new year to the group!


Edited by lbishop 2009-12-31 12:51 AM
2009-12-31 3:53 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

I currently am using the Garmin Forerunner 305, which is the predecessor to the 310xt.  I have had it for probably 3 years with very few problems, none that needed anything more than reading the directions again.  It is relatively cheap compared to the 310 right now.  You can get them at Amazon, e-bay, and I think Costco and Best Buy.  Personally, if I was buying today I would probably spend the bucks and get the 310. 

As far as the polar, I have one and for HR it works great.  I had to change the battery a while back.  If you have a small screw driver for fixing eye glasses you can get the back off and get a battery at Radio Shack or someplace like that.  I'm sure a jewelry store or watch fix it store at the mall would do it as well if you aren't comfortable.  I use it if I am only tracking HR like on the trainer or treadmill, but the Garmin will do that as well if you just set it to indoor use!

To clarify my position, HR training is great!  Although I am currently using pace and power, I would highly recommend it.  It just needs to be understood how to properly set the zones and what to do with them after.  Most people starting out have the tendency to work too hard and get hurt and give up!  I don't want that to happen to anyone!


2009-12-31 3:59 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

One thing that I like to do is set monthly goals.  They may be as simple as following the training plan that I am on 100%, or specific run/bike/swim goals.  Just something to focus on for that month.  

If everyone would think about it and post a goal here we can all hold each other accountable encourage each other to reach the goal!!! 

Just some suggestions might be: 

Add a run sessions per week
Get to the pool 2 X's ever week
Find a plan and a schedule to start formal training
Start off season base building on the bike

I also post mine up top on my blog so I see them every time I log on!!!

Edited by kenj 2009-12-31 4:02 AM
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