BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2009-12-31 8:11 AM
in reply to: #2579858

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

Ok group, The best piece of advice I got was "work on your limiters".

I know lots of great runners and cyclists that have a hard time swimming. They enjoy running or cycling so that is what they do all of the time. They run 4 days a week, bike 3 days a week and swim every once in a while. They go into a race and all of the time they gained on the bike and run is lost on the swim. They should have been swimming 3 to 4 days.

So, seeing as swimming is the limiter for most of this group, our first challenge is to get into the water. I hope you all have access to a heated pool. We should try to spend AT LEAST one hour in the pool every time. You don't need to swim for one straight hour, but that time should include warm up, cool down, drills, main set and just general goofing around in the water (floating, swimming underwater, etc).

The best part about swimming is it is all about technique. You can be totally out of shape, but have great form and you will fly through the pool, likewise, you can be in great shape with terrible form and sink like a rock. Swimming comes down to 2 things, technique and comfort. So, being comfortable in the water is half the battle. The technique will come.

If you have a Master's swim coach at your pool, check with them to see if they can help you with your stroke. Most coaches will want you to join the group (for a fee), but will usually let you try it once or twice for free. Even if you don't join, they are more than like happy to help with your form.

If you don't have a master's program, you can also find someone at the pool who looks like they know what they are doing and ask them to look at your form and give you any tips. Most swimmers love helping others with their form. You would be surprised to know that they may have already watched you swim and know what is wrong with your stroke before you even ask! There really is nothing else to do in the water except watch other swimmers :)

A good website to check out is Swim Smooth. I am a pretty good swimmer and still think about what I saw in some of the videos from this website everytime I swim.

Another website that a lot of triathletes use for help with their stroke is Total Immersion. I have never used it, but I know lots that swear by it.

Swim Drills: This is something that some people don't do, but I think is very important. I try to spend a good part of one workout doing drills. They don't take very long and I use them as part of my warm up:

These are most of the drills I do. I add a catchup drill, but this is a good place to start

Good luck and have fun

Edited by madcow 2009-12-31 8:16 AM

2009-12-31 8:22 AM
in reply to: #2585769


Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
I've taken a couple of days off at once, but I start feeling like garbage if I miss too many days in a row!!

Got my 3-miler in this AM.  Won't be any midday workout today.  I'm having lunch with my wife.  It's supposed to get near 50 on Saturday.  Hopefully, I can get a bike ride in.
2009-12-31 8:37 AM
in reply to: #2585844


Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

Great advice Madcom.  I once read a comment that I try to use as my mantra when I don't feel like swimming.  Great champions work on improving their weaknesses; that's how they become great.  The example they gave was Michael Jordan.  He was a scoring machine that couldn't be stopped but ppl complained that his defense wasn't good enough.  He made that his focus and later won the Defensive Player of the Year.  Just one step towards greatness. 

It's a great point too that improvements in our strong areas will never be as great as the improvements can be in our weak areas.  (sadly for me, I'm weak at running and worse at everything else!!)

I wanted to add too that there are a lot of Total Immersion clips on YouTube as well.  You can start here ( and work through all the additional clips.  I've actually watched the DVD before.  My problem isn't technique right now, it's BREATHING!! 

I'll tell you that I cannot relax in the water now, even when I think I am.  I know because when I roll to get a breath, I gasp for air.  That gasping continually puts air in my stomach and I get insanely bloated when swimming, painfully so.  I've only been swimming for ~3 weeks now so I'm still trying to work it all out.  I feel better pinpointing my problem though.  Identifying the issue is the first step towards correcting it.

2009-12-31 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2585872

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

mbbransc - 2009-12-31 6:22 AM I've taken a couple of days off at once, but I start feeling like garbage if I miss too many days in a row!!

Got my 3-miler in this AM.  Won't be any midday workout today.  I'm having lunch with my wife.  It's supposed to get near 50 on Saturday.  Hopefully, I can get a bike ride in.

Enjoy your lunch. Keeping the wife happy, will make you happier in the long run, especially if you want to go long in the future

2009-12-31 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2585919

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

mbbransc - 2009-12-31 6:37 AM

Great advice Madcom.  I once read a comment that I try to use as my mantra when I don't feel like swimming.  Great champions work on improving their weaknesses; that's how they become great.  The example they gave was Michael Jordan.  He was a scoring machine that couldn't be stopped but ppl complained that his defense wasn't good enough.  He made that his focus and later won the Defensive Player of the Year.  Just one step towards greatness. 

It's a great point too that improvements in our strong areas will never be as great as the improvements can be in our weak areas.  (sadly for me, I'm weak at running and worse at everything else!!)

I wanted to add too that there are a lot of Total Immersion clips on YouTube as well.  You can start here ( and work through all the additional clips.  I've actually watched the DVD before.  My problem isn't technique right now, it's BREATHING!! 

I'll tell you that I cannot relax in the water now, even when I think I am.  I know because when I roll to get a breath, I gasp for air.  That gasping continually puts air in my stomach and I get insanely bloated when swimming, painfully so.  I've only been swimming for ~3 weeks now so I'm still trying to work it all out.  I feel better pinpointing my problem though.  Identifying the issue is the first step towards correcting it.

Great video.

Taking in too much air is a problem for a lot of triathletes. That alone has ended more races than blowing up on the bike and run for some of my friends. At least you figured it out and can work that problem out, I'm sure

2009-12-31 11:03 AM
in reply to: #2579858

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Okay - so I upgraded to Bronze and built my plan for all to see. I still have many modifications to make with days off and known conflicts, but the crux of the plan is there for all to comment on if they choose.

2009-12-31 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

Same here..jumped to Bronze!!

Thanks for the swim workout videos.  I have seen a few before but this also helps.

Did a workout and ate well today.  I am off in a bit to a New Years Eve Party.  I will have a few beers but I have to work in the morning.  Tomorrow is my day off from workouts.  Anyways, Happy New Year to my new friends!! 

Edited by bad91 2009-12-31 9:32 PM
2010-01-01 7:48 AM
in reply to: #2579858


Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Happy New Year to all.  Thanks for posting the swim site info, I will be watching today.  One of the reasons I moved to tris was that I nearly drowned at 8 and have been terrified of putting my face in the water. At 50, figured it was time to do something about it.  About 6 months ago, the Masters coached actually laughed when I asked him if I could join and he watched one of my laps. Found a different coach/program and have progressed to bad swimmer. All part of the challenge!  I am getting more comfortable in the pool.

Technical question as I am fairly new to the site.  To locate this thread is there a way to find it other than scrolling through all the rest?   
2010-01-01 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2587435

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

[email protected] - 2010-01-01 5:48 AM Happy New Year to all.  Thanks for posting the swim site info, I will be watching today.  One of the reasons I moved to tris was that I nearly drowned at 8 and have been terrified of putting my face in the water. At 50, figured it was time to do something about it.  About 6 months ago, the Masters coached actually laughed when I asked him if I could join and he watched one of my laps. Found a different coach/program and have progressed to bad swimmer. All part of the challenge!  I am getting more comfortable in the pool.

Technical question as I am fairly new to the site.  To locate this thread is there a way to find it other than scrolling through all the rest?   

Well, we will get you from bad swimmer to good swimmer before you are through with this sport.

To find this thread, I just copy and paste the URL and add it to my long term goals section of my logs, so I can just click it and it will take me to the last page of this thread

2010-01-01 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2579858

New user
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Happy New Year to everybody!

Next week is when my true training starts.  I started this past week with light swimming, running , biking to try to work the soreness out before next week.  It worked.  I am really itching to get going.  Thanks for the swim websites and you tube.  Very helpful.  I will be sure and post each day.

I was in one of these groups last summer and after about 1 month the group was down to less that 1/2, including me.  I am motivated to not let happen to me again.

Thanks for the support and the motivation.
2010-01-01 9:43 AM
in reply to: #2579858

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

Cool, I really want this group to stay together and keep posting. Together we can help each other reach our goals

2010-01-01 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Happy new year all - I did 4.5 today, really felt the champagne. Ugh. I am getting a full fitness eval tomorrow so I will post the year's starting point tomorrow.
2010-01-01 4:20 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Day off today....just getting off of work.  Gonna watch the Rose Bowl and play poker with the boys.  Oh yea, I may have a couple of beers.  BACK TO WORK tomorrow (meaning, back to working out)
2010-01-01 7:38 PM
in reply to: #2579858


Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Nothing wrong with a few beers.  I had a couple last night, and am close to 6 deep tonight! 

I was able to get up and get 7 miles in running this AM.  Felt great.  Did it in a little under 55 minutes, which is better than I was hoping for.  Tomorrow's forecast changed from a high of 50 to a high of 33.  HTH does that happen?  So, I won't be getting a bike ride in tomorrow.  If I do anything, I'll hit the treadmill.  We'll see how it goes. 

So question... what do you think the odds are on hitting a marathon on 03/21?  The longest I've ever run is a 1/2 marathon on 12/05.  There are two marathons on 03/21 I'm thinking about running, but now I'm wondering if I have time to build my mileage up to actually finish them. 

2010-01-01 9:02 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Answer depends on how well you want to do - if you are looking to finish you shoul dbe able to get an 18 miler or two in before first week of March which should get you to the finish.
2010-01-02 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2579858

New user
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
I hope everybody had a wonderful New Year's Day and got recovered from the night before.

I did not get my swim in yesterday or anything else for that matter.  I am suppose to swim for 30 minutes.  I watched alot of the Total Immersion videos yesterday.  I am going to take a couple of the training drills and practice those.  I don't mind swimming I am just real good at it yet.  From those videos I really have some things to focus on past just swim to one end and turn around and go back.  After swimming will do some core workouts and some lite arm workouts.

Question...Do any of you go to spinning classes?  I was going to start taking more classes in the evenings, yoga, spinning, ect..  Any advice?  I have done yoga and like it.

2010-01-02 8:42 AM
in reply to: #2588425

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

mbbransc - 2010-01-01 5:38 PM  

So question... what do you think the odds are on hitting a marathon on 03/21?  The longest I've ever run is a 1/2 marathon on 12/05.  There are two marathons on 03/21 I'm thinking about running, but now I'm wondering if I have time to build my mileage up to actually finish them. 

I am of the mindset that if I am doing the first of anything (5K, marathon, sprint tri, Ironman, etc) That I want to set myself up to have the most enjoyable time possible. For some people, that means training to get on the podium, for me that means making sure I can do the distance comfortably. I leave the racing for the 2nd or 3rd time I do something.

It looks like you have the base already, so if you can find a training plan and safely ramp up your distances, then go for it. If you can find another marathon a month or so later, that would be even better.

The key here is being injury free. It's a long season.

And remember, endurance racing is hopefully a marathon (pun intended) not a sprint, so the marathon will be there next year. You don't have to do all every race you want to do this year.

Good luck and let us know what you decide.

2010-01-02 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2588954

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

dbryson13 - 2010-01-02 6:33 AM I hope everybody had a wonderful New Year's Day and got recovered from the night before.

I did not get my swim in yesterday or anything else for that matter.  I am suppose to swim for 30 minutes.  I watched alot of the Total Immersion videos yesterday.  I am going to take a couple of the training drills and practice those.  I don't mind swimming I am just real good at it yet.  From those videos I really have some things to focus on past just swim to one end and turn around and go back.  After swimming will do some core workouts and some lite arm workouts.

Question...Do any of you go to spinning classes?  I was going to start taking more classes in the evenings, yoga, spinning, ect..  Any advice?  I have done yoga and like it.

Have fun in your swim.

I have done a spin class. I enjoyed it. The instructor was a triathlete, so sometimes she geared the class around what I was trying to do for the week (hills or intervals). The problem I had was the resistance wasn't great on the bikes at the gym and I felt like I was cheating myself. I wasn't getting the workout I could have gotten if I had trained outside. But, if it's cold where you are, then I would definitely do them. Great way to get the heart rate up.

I also tried yoga, but it kicked my butt, so I stopped going

2010-01-02 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2588964

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Can I throw my 2 cents about Mbbransc's comments about the marathon training.  

This is from my personal experiences.  I have run 3 marathons.  I trained but just ran and did nothing specific.  I think the longest I ever ran while training for the marathons was 11 miles.  I ran them with the mindset that I wanted to finish.  Each one, I improved my time.  My best was 3:59.  So you can do anything that you put your mind to.  With that said, I have learned about proper training (after I have did my marathons).  It starts with base training and different types of conditioning training.  

I just wanted to give some personal experience about my marathons.  I continue to run a 1/2 marathon with my cousins in Fargo, ND every May.  

Good luck (I know you don't need it) because you will succeed. 
2010-01-02 6:51 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Great work everyone - lets all keep this enthusiasm throughout the year. I had my fitness assessment and boy was it just a marketing ploy to sell me HR Monitor and personal training at 800/month plus VO2Max testing at $140. My take away - keep doing what I am doing, but maybe mix it up a bit with endurance and intervals instead of just endurance.  Also maybe add some strength and stretching routines. Although these last two are hard to fit in with work, kids, and 3 sports for training.
2010-01-02 7:22 PM
in reply to: #2579858


Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Well, it never got above 29 today and the wind was whipping!!  Weatherman said it won't get above freezing until Tues afternoon when it will reach 34.  I am definitely not used to this!  I didn't do anything today except help my mother-in-law with some computer issues and watch some football. 

The two marathons on 03/21 are very convenient for me.  That's why I was targeting them.  I was actually targeting my first marathon last November but injuries put an end to that.  I think I may start ramping up my long run each weekend and see how it goes.  If I sense anything not going smoothly, I'll have to postpone the race. 

I've never done a spin class but have heard they help build up the muscles for cycling. 

2010-01-02 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2589835


Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
scottgreenstone - 2010-01-02 7:51 PM Great work everyone - lets all keep this enthusiasm throughout the year. I had my fitness assessment and boy was it just a marketing ploy to sell me HR Monitor and personal training at 800/month plus VO2Max testing at $140. My take away - keep doing what I am doing, but maybe mix it up a bit with endurance and intervals instead of just endurance.  Also maybe add some strength and stretching routines. Although these last two are hard to fit in with work, kids, and 3 sports for training.

FWIW, I think you are making the right decision.  Save you loot.
2010-01-02 9:24 PM
in reply to: #2589835

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

scottgreenstone - 2010-01-02 4:51 PM Great work everyone - lets all keep this enthusiasm throughout the year. I had my fitness assessment and boy was it just a marketing ploy to sell me HR Monitor and personal training at 800/month plus VO2Max testing at $140. My take away - keep doing what I am doing, but maybe mix it up a bit with endurance and intervals instead of just endurance.  Also maybe add some strength and stretching routines. Although these last two are hard to fit in with work, kids, and 3 sports for training.

Unfortunately, triathletes are notorious for being obsessive about buying speed. Manufacturers know this, so they look for any chance to get you to buy something.

Strength training and stretching were the first two things to go when I was training. Just not enough time in the day. I did try to get up early to stretch. That was the only time I could get it in.

2010-01-02 9:25 PM
in reply to: #2589879

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

mbbransc - 2010-01-02 5:22 PM Well, it never got above 29 today and the wind was whipping!!  Weatherman said it won't get above freezing until Tues afternoon when it will reach 34.  I am definitely not used to this!  I didn't do anything today except help my mother-in-law with some computer issues and watch some football. 

The two marathons on 03/21 are very convenient for me.  That's why I was targeting them.  I was actually targeting my first marathon last November but injuries put an end to that.  I think I may start ramping up my long run each weekend and see how it goes.  If I sense anything not going smoothly, I'll have to postpone the race. 

I've never done a spin class but have heard they help build up the muscles for cycling. 

 I feel sorry for you. it was 70 degrees here, so I went out for my bike ride.

Sounds like you have the marathon thing all figured out. Any chance of an injury and I would bail until you can do it right.

2010-01-02 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
I got back to the workouts after the day off.  I have to say that because I am in this group it forces me to do my workouts.  So I do like that.  That is because if I dont workout, I cant post anything.  I feel I have to post in my training log.  Did the bike ride today.  I start my first day of swimming tomorrow, UGHHHH.    We'll see how that goes.  Hope everyone is have a good weekend.
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