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2010-01-01 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2587520

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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: CLOSED
Thanks so much Alice and Good Luck! Looking forward communicating with everyone on the group.

Well... I just signed up for the St. George Utah Sprint on May 15th!!!! What have I done

Edited by demireba 2010-01-01 10:19 AM

2010-01-01 12:52 PM
in reply to: #2583522

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: CLOSED
It is 20F here, which negative something Celsius. But I had a good race and set a PR (personal record) so that was great! I have for many years been running 10-minute-miles in short races, and it was really an amazing feeling to line up near the front and be able to stay with the 8-minute-mile pace balloon all the way to the end. I didn't quite make my goal of 24:00, but I did do 24:14 or 24:21, depending on my watch or the clock.  My race report is here. If you are new to BT, make sure you always create a race report (using the Race Log button) for each race you do. It helps you track your progress, and also it helps others on the site decide whether this is a race they would like to do in the future.

Bob/Demireba - Way to go for signing up! Terrific!!!! Now you just have to make the training happen!
2010-01-01 1:02 PM
in reply to: #2584321

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
ddiamond - 2009-12-30 1:45 PM Hi Alice!

I've been perusing the discussion forums for a couple of weeks and was undecided about joining a mentoring group until I saw your post. I would like to join your group - I have never done a triathlon but have been considering it. I started running (and I use the term run liberally - as at that point it was really more of a shuffle) last May/June. It started as a 1.5 mile shuffle and has turned into a consistent 4.5-5 mile run. I recently joined the YMCA and started swimming and most recently have hopped the bike a couple of times - the biking piece is what intimidates me the most. The last time I was on a "real" bike - well I can't quite remember - what does that tell you? I don't even have a bike now... I was an athlete throughout my childhood and adolescence and had the opportunity at the collegiate level but opted not to pursue the scholarship offers. Instead I was rather unhealthy (drank a lot of beer and ate a lot of pizza) but the natural athlete in me has come creeping back out and is really enjoying the running and swimming. I have really enjoyed that it is something that I can do for me. Doing things for me was something that I never really needed until I became a Mom. I am married, work full-time and have a 3 year old son and the reason I have been reticent to sign-up for a mentor group and/or commit to actually doing a triathlon is because I am worried about the training-work-family balance piece of it. You seem like a great person to connect with as you are someone who has already tripped over the stones I am currently tripping over.

Thanks Alice,
DJ Diamond

DJ -
Sounds like you are off to a great start!
I also didn't really have a bike when I signed up for my first triathlon, but borrowed one from a friend. I would encourage you to do the same. You don't want to spend a bunch on this sport until you've at least tried a race! I would really encourage you to search the Race area of the site and find something near you that is short and not too expensive and just take the plunge.
You obviously are way ahead of most beginners when it comes to running and swimming. The cycling is an easy part to improve on. You'll remember what it's like to ride right away. You may want to check into some sort of one-time class on road cycling safety and handling, so you can brush up and feel confident again. Cycling can be maddening when people are passing you on faster bikes. But you can feel better knowing that you can always save up and get a faster bike and put in more miles and you'll be right up there with them. It's not weight-bearing (jarring) and doesn't take as much technique as swimming, so if you are going to have a weakness, cycling is a good one to have.
Sounds like you are able to fit a good amount of training into your current schedule. Specifically, which sport do you think is harder to fit in? Do you have a period of time you can train in every day? Does your Y have free childcare? We use that A LOT in our household.
2010-01-01 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2584938

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
Avoneer - 2009-12-30 5:28 PM

I only get to train about 1 hour a day (at best) and also only when the kids are in bed.

Fortunately the wife is very understanding and lets me play once the chores are done.

I used to run 10k (sub 40 minutes), but picked up an achilles problem as well as ITB syndrome and haven't really run for about 5 years.

I do cycle to work though on a daily basis all year round and do anywhere between 50 and 100 miles a week - that was until I fell off in the ice 6 weeks ago and did some deep tissue damage to my shoulder (didn't break anything though).

I've also been lifting weights on and off for a few years and maybe have more bulk than desired and I've been really lazy this christmas and the bulk is ever bulkier.

I decided to look at triathlons to get me fit again, especially after reading about team Hoyt - I was truly humbled.

Anyway, I've been swimming 1 to 2 times a week over the last 3 months (apart from a 2 week break after the shoulder incident) and have gone from struggling to do 1 length breast stroke to swimming over 1 mile every session and being able to do 8 lengths none stop freestyle.

I must admit my lifestyle is a bit hectic with two under 4's, wife and a 15 year old from a previous relationship (who comes to stay every weekend) and I seem to perform best when told what to do and be given specific sessions.

I'd like to be able to go swimming twice a week, run twice a week, do some lighter weights to tone up once a week and use my cycle commute for the cycle training.

Anyway, any tips, plans, advice etc, will be greatly welcomed and I'm aiming to do at least a super sprint some time early summer to prove to myself that I can do it.

Sorry for all the waffle.

Pat (UK).

Hi Pat/Avoneer!
Your bike commuting is really terrific. That shows a lot of commitment, and cycling is the biggest piece of the triathlon, so knowing you have that training in the bag all the time is really a head start. How long is your commute?
Weightlifting is great in the winter, but I usually back off to either one session a week or none at all, once the weather gets nice. It allows me more time to focus on the swim, bike and run.

One hour a day should be plenty. I'm training for an Ironman on that schedule, at least until spring.

Do you belong to a fitness club that has a child care center? Or does your pool have childcare or swimming lessons that don't require the parent to attend? If you can train while your kids are at the fitness center or in a class, it might take some of the stress off your spouse, so they are not always "stuck with the kids at home" while you are working out. Instead, your wife could have some quiet time to relax or get things done without being dragged around to tea parties and diaper changes.
This would also force you to adopt a more strict schedule that might help you stick to your goals for the running and swimming sessions during the week.
2010-01-01 1:13 PM
in reply to: #2585245

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
afrutoz - 2009-12-30 8:56 PM I'd like to join in too.  I have two kiddos ages 6 and 7.  Married to fellow triathlete and we both have very demanding full time jobs...We started last year (our second season) with St. Anthonys and ended with the Augusta Ironman 70.3.  This year we plan to do New Orelans 70.3 in April, a bunch of olympic distances and then Augusta again...I wanted to do a full but for 2010 just not in the cards..I train a minimum of 10 and up to 20 hours a week..Lots of very early mornings and late evenings..Lots of sitters etc but this sport has changed my life forever in such a good way its worth the tough choices..I hope you can find room for me in your group...

Awesome!! Sounds like you could share a lot of tips yourself.
I've been reading a lot about doing shorter, harder sessions during the week to keep the training hours down. Also has a book with a training schedule for Half-Ironman on a limited time schedule that is good.

Do you and your spouse do the same races? My husband and I alternate so the other person can take care of the kids and cheer us on. We also are lucky to have an RV, which makes the whole thing a lot easier, since most of the local races here are at state parks. We move the RV over to the race site on race morning, and the kids can sleep in, eat their meals, have a home base, etc.
2010-01-01 1:18 PM
in reply to: #2585372

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
demireba - 2009-12-30 10:07 PM Hi,
After years of watching Ironman on t.v. I am finally taking the first step. I am a 45 yr. old male who swings in and out of shape. Living in Utah, I have access to one of the greatest outdoor playgrounds there is. i have recently gained backed a bunch of weight I had lost when i returned to the gym 5 months ago.

I am married, no kids and have a fairly busy schedule with my profession as well as working on a financial certification. I am not opposed to stretching myself and fitting in a disciplined training routine.

I have dreamed about doing triathlons since honeymooning in Kona back in 1994. I'm looking for some beginners tips on how I should go about getting started and of course looking for as much support as I can get.

Bob Kernan 

Awesome Bob! I'm so glad to hear you signed up for a race!
I would grab one of the free training plans from this site, or get a book at the library with training plans in it. You can use them as a guide and change things around to fit your work schedule. It sounds like you have a personality that would work well with a structured schedule. One of the training plans that you can check off each workout would probably be good for you. Or plan your own in Excel and print it out and mark off your workouts. Or use the training logs and plans on BT.
Also, make sure to bring your wife on board with your goals and schedule. I actually had a tougher time getting support at home back BEFORE I had kids, when we were each doing our own thing. I'm sure you have a good, strong marriage, but if you already work long hours and your wife isn't interested in training with you, it might seem like taking time away from her.

2010-01-01 1:21 PM
in reply to: #2585431

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
Qua17 - 2009-12-30 10:30 PM Hi Alice:  I'd like to join your group if at all possible.  I caught the tri bug back in June and wished I could have gotten into a group back then when I truly knew nothing other than the fact that I wanted to at least try a tri.  Before I got injured, I did one sprint distance and one duathalon and really enjoyed myself.   However, I finally got bit by the injury bug (as I always do) and I have not been able to do much since I hurt myself back in November.  However, I desperately want to give it another try and I need someone to help me take it slow.

Hey DQ!
Sounds like you need to find a solid training plan, either on BT, or in a book at the library, and stick to it, even if you want to do more or feel you can go longer.
Also, never increase by more than 10% a week. As you can see, going harder or longer doesn't end up making you better prepared for a race if you end up getting hurt!
What kinds of injuries are you getting? You might try weightlifting or yoga or something during the winter to strengthen the joints. Or maybe chiropractic.
2010-01-01 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2585442

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
dajotkjo - 2009-12-30 10:34 PM Hi Alice,

My name is Denise.  I am a full-time working Mom of 2 children, ages 5 and 6, who needs to take better care of herself.  I've signed up for a sprint triathlon in June since I work better if I have a definitive goal.  I was inspired when I read that you have children and manage to get your workouts in.  I am very lucky to have a very supportive husband.  It's been too long since I've exercised on a regular basis so I'm starting with the basics: getting to the point where I can swim, bike and run for 20-30 minutes without stopping. My short term goal is to change my lifestyle: exercise consistently, change my eating habits, etc. I've always wanted to participate in a triathlon and was pleased to find an event in Georgia designed for people, like myself,  who have never done one before.

Denise - Way to go! That is so great that you set a goal for yourself and signed up for a race!!!
I also need a goal to keep going. If I don't have a race schedule, I sit on the couch.
What training options do you have? Early morning workouts? Do you have a shower at work that would allow you to run on lunch?
Are you responsible for getting the kids to and from school? Or can you leave early to work out?

I'd suggest getting a good workout plan for beginners from the site here or from a book. That way you can stay on track and not increase too fast and get hurt. You can always change the days and times, as long as you get the workouts in each week. The order you do the workouts in only gets important as your goals change and you are aiming for longer or faster races.

I can't wait to hear about your progress!
2010-01-01 1:29 PM
in reply to: #2585530

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
kka - 2009-12-30 11:15 PM Alice:I too would like to join your group if you still have room. I am married and have 5 kids from 21 to 7. I am busy with work and family but want to get back into shape for myself and my family. I have run a marathon before and used to swim a lot while in school. I also started spinning this year but quit this summer. I am ready to put them all together and push myself with a tri. I hope to learn a lot from you and the other participants if you still have room. Thanks.Kevin

Kevin -
Glad you joined the group!
Sounds like you definitely have the capacity to do this! I would go ahead and sign up for a race so you HAVE to do the training. I'd also suggest bringing it up over dinner or a family meeting before you do it, and let your kids and wife know that you are doing this to be a good role model and feel better and live longer and be a better dad. If you get everyone on board, you're less likely to get derailed when things get harder in the summer and you have to fit in a long bike ride on a day when other commitments are competing.
Can you ride a bike to different things in the summer, like your kids' activities? Or can you ride to work?
Do you belong to a fitness club or anything?
2010-01-01 1:29 PM
in reply to: #2585577

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
askinner13 - 2009-12-30 11:45 PM Hello Alice,
I would like to join your group if there is still room.  Im excited about triathlons! I have only done an indoor TRI and know its nothing like the outdoors, but would really like to get there one day.  Would definitely enjoy learning from you and others here. 



Sounds like you already have a great start! What outdoor tri are you signing up for this summer?
2010-01-01 1:31 PM
in reply to: #2585666

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
nina44shell - 2009-12-31 4:37 AM Hi Alice, how do i join the program? I'm 49 year old female with the goals of an olympic tri in April and a 1/2 iron in November, i would like to be part of a group for motivation and advice. Thank you Michele

You're in!
What tris have you done in the past?

2010-01-01 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2585677

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
catroberts - 2009-12-31 6:00 AM

hi alice,

i would love to join your group!  i'm 38 with 2 boys (9 and 12).  i work full time at night, so my schedule is a mess.  my kids are active (boys scouts, football, baseball, piano lessons, trumpet lessons and swim team) so there hasn't been much time for me.  but i am changing that now!!  i am scheduling my training just like i schedule their stuff.  we'll see how that works!  i've done one sprint and fell in love with this sport/challenge.  my goal is a half iron in nov 2010 and a full iron in nov 2011 or sooner if i'm ready! 

look forward to being part of this group!


Hi Catherine!
Wow, that sounds like a difficult schedule. Are there any fitness centers open before the beginning or after the end of your shift? Do you get a lunch break you could use for a workout?

At our house, we put our workouts and other appointments on a dry-erase board at the beginning of the week for all to see. I know things will get harder for me as the kids get older and get into activities. We are actually doing our Ironman distance races last year (for my husband) and this year (for me) in anticipation of the scheduling getting more challenging.
2010-01-01 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2585678

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
operachef - 2009-12-31 6:01 AM Hello Alice!
I started training for triathlons last July - and did a supersprint (couldn't finish the swim - in open water - Ocean, 2 days after a Nor'easter - so, definitely not a pool swim!) but finished the rest, and finished the sprint.

My run time for my 5k was terrible - somewhere around 13:40/mile...ugh...but, I have since brought that down by 2 minutes (since September) and could still use a lot of improvement.

I have my own business - I am a personal chef, so my working hours can also be a bit wacky.  I have 2 kids - one is 11 with high functioning autism, and the 2nd is 2 1/2 years old...both demand a lot of, let's just say that some days training is very difficult to fit in, but I have found it to be a necessity so that I don't hurt anyone.   I have gotten up at 5 to get to the pool before my husband goes to work - he also has a full time job which he commutes to (90 min. commute).  I have also put the 2 1/2 year old in the jogger when I need to run, it is too cold, so I fit it all in when I can.

I look forward to working with you, and have lots of training questions!!!  What to work on!  I have difficulty with the training log here, but will work on it!

Wow, you are a rock star! I completely know what you mean about needing to do the workouts so you don't fly off the deep end with the kids and spouse. That sounds like a really challenging family situation. You are doing great. Where do the kids go when you are at work? Is there a way to tack on a workout at the beginning or end of a work shift, since you are already gone from the house?

I have found it useful to join a swim team for a few months to get in the habit of swimming 3 times a week at 5:30 a.m. I'm not sure I could get out of bed without knowing that team is there, which I paid money for. I've spent some time trolling YMCA sites for classes, like spinning or boot camp, that fit into my schedule.

It is definitely too cold for the jogger, now. Unless it is 30 minutes or less. A lot of blankets and scarfs could make that possible for a 30 minute run. Do you have a fitness club that has child care? Is there an activity your older child is involved in, where you could work out during that time?
2010-01-01 1:44 PM
in reply to: #2586134

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
MRand - 2009-12-31 10:40 AM Hi Alice,

I'd like to join your group.  I live in Maine and plan on doing my first triathlon(s) next summer         (2010).  I'm a runner and ran several marathons/half-marathons until I was sidelined this year with a torn meniscus. Because of the injury I was forced to find alternatives to running and started swimming and biking.   My knee has been repaired and I'm running again, but will limit myself to 3 days running per week and will cross train (bike or swim) on the alternate days.  Of course, being in Maine, I'm limited to biking on a trainer right now. 

Sounds great! You Maine-iacs are pretty tough, so I'm sure you'll be out on the roads as soon as it gets above 40 degrees!
Have you already signed up for your 2010 race? You should!
2010-01-01 1:46 PM
in reply to: #2586158

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
SquatSauce - 2009-12-31 10:48 AM


I am excited to see you having an opening in your group. I would love to join it. I share very simialr backgrounds to those who have posted.

My ID: Squatsauce (college nickname)
Real Name: Brandon Freel
Age: 38
Location: Elkton, Maryland (up in the northeast corner of MD near PA and DE lines)

I am married and a father of 3 kids (9, 5 and 15 months old). I played rugby for over 15 years and stopped playing fulltime about 4 years ago. I have always been active in martial arts (jiu-jitsu and Krav Maga) but with the kids its difficult to get out and go to class/ train the amount of time needed to progress without burdening my wife as we both work fulltime. Some college buddies of mine have been doing triathalons and adventure races. They finally talked me into doing them. I have made the comittment by buying a Garmin GPS watch, signing up on this website and finally purchasing a Trek road bike. I spent more than I should have on the bike but I hope it will last me many years. I also signed up for my first tri for next Sept. 2010 in DC (The Nations Tri). I also signed up for a sprint tri in Northeast, MD next July.

I have an indoor trainer that I ride on. I joined the local YMCA to use its pool. I have been running at night after the kids go to bed which is at times cool but also tiring as it keeps me up later than usual. I typically run at 9:30 pm. I have just started getting into using a heart rate monitor and readin up on how to use it for training. Currently I am just training in my Zone 2 heart rate range to build up my aerobic base. My buddies tell me that when I get within 16 weeks of the race I will need to change up my training.

Well that is my story in a nutshell. I am really interested in learning new trainign ideas. I have heard good things about this program and am looking forward to sharing with everyone!!



Sounds great, Brandon!  Check at your YMCA to see what childcare and kids classes they have. Maybe you can fit in some weekend or evening workouts where you take all the kids (or at least the little ones) to the Y and take them to the child care, so you can get a workout in, and simultaneously give your wife a break.

Nation's Tri looks terrific! If I lived that way, I would love to do that.
2010-01-01 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2586212

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
pathiel - 2009-12-31 11:03 AM Hi,

I'd like to join the group!  I'm 54 years old, have finished one half marathon walking/running (Virginia Beach), and would like to try a sprint tri this summer.  My goal is to finish -- my swimming skills are very basic but I mainly want to do this to have something to work towards.

May I join you?


Peggy - Welcome!!
Do you have a plan for your swimming? Can you join a Master's Team, or pay for a few (4-5) lessons at your fitness club or a local pool? If not, be sure to read Total Immersion - it's a great book for triathlon swimming beginners. Sometimes you can make an arrangement with a lifeguard to do some lessons on your schedule.
Also, make sure you sign up for that tri now, so you commit to it!

2010-01-01 1:53 PM
in reply to: #2586281

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
TexasTri - 2009-12-31 11:32 AM Hi Alice,I'd like to join your group. I'm currently in a running program and will run my first marathon in February. We run 18.6 miles this Saturday for training. So I feel it's mainly the swimming and biking that I need help on.I'm registered for the half Ironman in Miami on Oct. 30, 2010.I've never completed a triathlon and just recently caught the triathlon bug. I'm currently shopping for a bike and think I've found the one I want (a Blue Triad -- would welcome your opinion on this).I'm 47 and single.Thanks!TexasTri (Bob)

Wow, sounds great! That's amazing that you are shooting for a Half-IM your first year, but the running is the most taxing part, and you already are a seasoned distance runner, so that's great.
Make sure you make time in your schedule for some good long bike sessions in August and September. Like, block out an entire weekend day for it.
I would check out the gear reviews on BT for more info on the Blue Triad. As long as it fits you correctly, that's the most important thing. I am really small and short, so my bike choices were limited to two brands that have a short top tube and make frames with 650 wheels. Most average sized people have a lot of choices, but I don't know much about them since I only had two to choose from.  Be sure to get a professional fit BEFORE you buy the bike (so you get the correct size) and then go back after ward and have them configure the bike to match your fit.
2010-01-01 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2587908

New user

Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
Hello there Alice! Thanks for letting me be a part of this group and the experience.  I have learned a ton already reading through your other responses.
Well, I was thinking of doing the Chicago TRI 8/29/10 - Sprint Distance: .47mile swim, 13.64mile bike, and 3.1mile run.  My weakness is definitely the swim and am taking lessons now.  Swimming has been a challenge to say the least.  I have a few running races already scheduled: 5k, 10k, and a 1/2 right now.  I am so tempted to just sign up for the TRI but swimming (or lack there of) has me a little hesitant, ok very hesitant!   Competing in an indoor TRI, was fun.  I was second to the last in the swimming leg...
Each day I go swim, it does seem to get a little easier.

Thanks again!

2010-01-02 4:31 AM
in reply to: #2587912

Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN

Unfortunately, I can't leave the hospital at night for a break.

I joined a Bally's here and they are open at 5am, so I'm planning on going there after work when the boys are in school.  It has all  the usual gym stuff and a decent lap pool.  So I can be home by 8:30, if I workout for 1 hour, and hopefully asleep by 9:30am.  
I have to be up at 2pm to get dressed and ready for the day before my older son to gets home from school at 3pm and then my little one gets home at 4pm. 

Then starts homework, whatever sports practices are that day (mon and wed - swim team; tues and thurs - football; late wed and fri - baseball), Boy Scout meetings (mon), piano lessons (tues) and I have to make dinner and feed them. Both boys don't do all these events.  Jason (9 yrs old) swim, baseball(year round) and football (fall) and travel baseball team.  Hunter (12 yrs old) Boy Scouts, piano, swim team and baseball (spring only) and trumpet in the Junior High band.  And they both want to do a kids tri this summer!

Usually my husband is home by 6:30pm.  He will text me and figure out where he needs to go to pick-up someone or meet all of us, or if he can stay home.  

I leave the house at 8:30pm to go to the hospital and it all starts again. 
So I can get 5 hrs sleep on a good day.  I usually get about 4 hrs.

Hunter (12) and I are walk/jogging the Houston Half Marathon on Jan 17.
I'm also making my husband do a 5 mile trail run on valentine's day with me.
I'm planning on a Du  in Feb (3-15-3 i think) if I can get time off from work.
my first tri will be in April at the Lone Star Tri ... i'll do the sprint!

That's about all I've got for now!  I look forward to a great TRI year!

2010-01-02 7:22 AM
in reply to: #2587921

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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
Alice -

Congratulations on your personal best time - what an awesome feeling to keep up with the 8/milers!!!  Thanks so much for your response - I'm so looking forward to picking your brain!!!  How do you go about finding a swim team?  My older son used to be on one, but it's a kids' team.

Have you taken the TI workshops at all?
My husband has me signed up (Christmas gift) for some private TI swim lessons and I am looking really forward to it - I have read the book, and watched the video, but...the video is just so boring to watch - I'm a watch, try, watch then try type...

Yesterday, I just signed up for the Jersey Shore Tri Club open swim sessions in the bay in May.  I'm hoping that will help with my swim in the ocean - I love to swim in the ocean, but have never really tried to 'competitively' swim there, so there is a real difference.

This year, so far, I have signed up for "Born to Tri" in Asbury Park, NJ on 8/7 (sprint), NJ State Tri (Sprint Distance) 7/25, and a 1/2 marathon (Disneyland) 9/5.  I need to find myself a 10k to get an "official time" to disney for the 1/2 and I would really like to do an Olympic tri toward the end of the season, but am a bit panicky about the increase in swim distance.

At our Y we have childcare, but my little one almost always without fail gets sick after going there.  The older one can go to the XRcade when I go.  Sometimes I leave the little one with the babysitter in order to workout, but it costs extra $$$. 

I can't remember who it is that doesn't have a bike, but...I didn't have a bike last year, either, and borrowed my aunt's Eddie Fischer mountain bike.  I didn't know the difference until race day when people were passing me like I was going backwards with what appeared to be no effort and it was quite maddening.  However, I'm glad that I tried the bike out instead of buying one first - I wasn't too sure I would like the triathlon.   I bought a great bike at the end of the season and I love it!

Would it be better to PM you these types of posts, or put up on the forum?
2010-01-02 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2587905

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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
Alice:Thanks for taking this on. I took your advice and also signed up for the St. George Sprint Tri in May. I saw that someone else in our group did as well. I do belong to a fitness club and again, in keeping with your advice took my 12 yr old daughter with me today. She does not like to exercise but knowing I am doing this she came along. It was great. Again, thanks for the advice and for taking time to do this. Kevin

2010-01-02 7:05 PM
in reply to: #2587887

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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
Thanks Alice this is very helpful. Funny you should bring up the wife... she is actually entertaining doing this with me. Certainly not  a done deal yet, but just the mention of it is a great step forward!

I have my workouts picked out and will be in the pool as well as running and biking (indoors for now) starting Monday.

In the market for a used road bike now. I am going with a road bike vs. a tri bike because of dual use. Does that sound like a good idea? I am looking to spend about $700-1000 bucks.

BTW, I think it is truly awesome that you and the other mentors are so giving of your time. Speaks a great deal about the kind of folks you all are. Thanks so much!

2010-01-02 7:39 PM
in reply to: #2583522

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: CLOSED
I'll answer your individual responses as soon as I can.

Here's my time-saving tip for the day, for folks who have GPS watches:

Before you start getting changed for a run or bike, take your watch and set it outside and turn it on. By the time you are dressed, it will have found the satellite and will be ready to go.  This is helpful in the winter, too, when it's no fun standing around outside waiting for the Garmin to pick up the satellite.
2010-01-02 7:46 PM
in reply to: #2588109

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
askinner13 - 2010-01-01 4:48 PM Hello there Alice! Thanks for letting me be a part of this group and the experience.  I have learned a ton already reading through your other responses.
Well, I was thinking of doing the Chicago TRI 8/29/10 - Sprint Distance: .47mile swim, 13.64mile bike, and 3.1mile run.  My weakness is definitely the swim and am taking lessons now.  Swimming has been a challenge to say the least.  I have a few running races already scheduled: 5k, 10k, and a 1/2 right now.  I am so tempted to just sign up for the TRI but swimming (or lack there of) has me a little hesitant, ok very hesitant!   Competing in an indoor TRI, was fun.  I was second to the last in the swimming leg...
Each day I go swim, it does seem to get a little easier.

Thanks again!


Hey Adrian! Chicago is a great city because there are tons of triathlons in the area. The Chicago Tri is a pretty big venue. It's super fun, but also really crowded on the course, and you have to really know your rules about drafting on the bike. Plus the swim is in Lake Michigan. You might want to check out a smaller race with fewer people bumping into you on the swim, and in a smaller lake. Lake Geneva, WI, has one or two good triathlons. There's also one in Racine, I think, but that one is also in Lake Michigan. Galena is a good race, too. Check out for the race calendar there.
Also, there is a good group that swims in the summers in the early morning and on weekends at the beach on Lake Michigan at Ohio Street. There is even a lane line in the water along the shore, and people swim out and back. There's also a lifeguard on weekend mornings.
You may want to take your bike on the el (not sure where you live exactly) and swim a lap along the shore, then do a bike ride on the path where it's crowded. That would be good practice to do a couple times before the big race, if you decide to go for the Chicago Tri.
2010-01-02 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2588814

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Columbus, Ohio
Coaching member
Subject: RE: Alice Hohl's Family-Tri-Balance Group: OPEN
catroberts - 2010-01-02 5:31 AM Alice,

Unfortunately, I can't leave the hospital at night for a break.

I joined a Bally's here and they are open at 5am, so I'm planning on going there after work when the boys are in school.  It has all  the usual gym stuff and a decent lap pool.  So I can be home by 8:30, if I workout for 1 hour, and hopefully asleep by 9:30am.  
I have to be up at 2pm to get dressed and ready for the day before my older son to gets home from school at 3pm and then my little one gets home at 4pm. 

Then starts homework, whatever sports practices are that day (mon and wed - swim team; tues and thurs - football; late wed and fri - baseball), Boy Scout meetings (mon), piano lessons (tues) and I have to make dinner and feed them. Both boys don't do all these events.  Jason (9 yrs old) swim, baseball(year round) and football (fall) and travel baseball team.  Hunter (12 yrs old) Boy Scouts, piano, swim team and baseball (spring only) and trumpet in the Junior High band.  And they both want to do a kids tri this summer!

Usually my husband is home by 6:30pm.  He will text me and figure out where he needs to go to pick-up someone or meet all of us, or if he can stay home.  

I leave the house at 8:30pm to go to the hospital and it all starts again. 
So I can get 5 hrs sleep on a good day.  I usually get about 4 hrs.

Hunter (12) and I are walk/jogging the Houston Half Marathon on Jan 17.
I'm also making my husband do a 5 mile trail run on valentine's day with me.
I'm planning on a Du  in Feb (3-15-3 i think) if I can get time off from work.
my first tri will be in April at the Lone Star Tri ... i'll do the sprint!

That's about all I've got for now!  I look forward to a great TRI year!


Wow, that is AMAZING. You are superwoman! An hour a day is definitely plenty of time to train, even if you have to take a weekend day off. I understand that it can sometimes be even harder to train on the weekend, with the kids.
I'm only training an hour a day right now for an ironman-distance event, so you can definitely be well prepared for a sprint in that amount of time.
The only concern I would have is being able to train on your real bike you are going to ride, rather than a stationary.
Will you be able to do that?
Can you get a trainer that you can set up, and ride at home in the a.m.? Or will the kids be getting ready for school and bugging you? Maybe you can set up in the basement and close the door and pretend you're not home yet?
Any chance you can commute to work? There are a lot of showers in hospitals, but I guess you would be riding in the dark, so that probably wouldn't work too well, unless you live in a really bike-friendly place.
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