BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Tri for fun - Full up, closed Rss Feed  
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2010-01-03 1:06 AM
in reply to: #2590044

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
Welcome David!

2010-01-03 5:03 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
What turns my crank?  Great question. 

I would have to say that running is my main passion.  I have been a runner most of my life (I'm 41 but will be 42 in 2 days).  I enjoy running 5K's but 1/2 marathons and marathons are what I really enjoy doing.  I have a great group of friends that I run with and training up to an event is just as much fun as the event.  Unfortunately, they are only runners and do not want to get involved with biking or swimming. 

I also enjoy riding and get outside as much as possible but I have been doing an RPM class (spinning) 3 times a week during the winter months. 

Before my wife and I had our third child, I did a couple of sprint tri's and I was the guy that got passed in the swimming section by the next wave of swimmers.  I love the water but just am not a strong swimmer.   As a Christmas present this year, my wife told me to train for a HIM.  She knows the time commitment it takes and our 3rd child is now 15 months so it's a little bit easier now to be gone for a 5 hours ride.  So I can't wait until it gets warm out. 

I am really looking forward to the group.  Thanks for starting it. 
2010-01-03 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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frozen north till Spring
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed

thanks again for letting me be a part of this group!

my passions  going for a trail run or a nice long bike ride (any outdoor activity)

what gets me going or my motivation? the thought of weighing 220 again (i'm at 167 as of today)


Edited by mdslngr 2010-01-03 11:49 AM
2010-01-03 6:48 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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frozen north till Spring
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed

well i have the next 2 days off and i think iam just about over this cold so hopefully i can get a run in.

2010-01-03 7:20 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed

Hi Team,

I went to the wellness center yesterday and ran 6 miles.  Today I ran 3.  It helps to have my husband go with me.  It is so cold out -20 yesterday and -18 this morning! 

What turns my crank?  Well, I guess it is  when I achieve my goals.  I love the training for triathlons and pushing myself to see what I can do.  I love feeling strong.  When I work for the goal, it is not easily taken away from me.  I need to work at it everyday, but I enjoy it(unlike housework!).  It is something that I am good at.  I guess when I was training for those 8 weeks for the triathlon-I felt the best I had ever felt in my life.  It really makes me feel ALIVE like nothing else ever has.

Running is my first love, but I can overdo it and get injured, so it is nice to have the crosstraining to allow my legs some recovery time.  When I swam my first mile, it felt almost like I was sleeping-I was so relaxed and just felt like I could go on forever. 

Homeschooling my four children(ages 3,5,11,14) can be very taxing at times!  The training time gives me some me time and stress relief. 

I am excited to be a part of this group, because that is what I love about this sport, -the comaradery. 

Thanks for having me, I look forward to knowing each of you better as we work toward our goals!


2010-01-03 7:21 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hey Bobby...we are both getting over colds...oh joy!

I think I will stand a better chance of getting the runners on if I make a verbal commitment right now. I WILL do either a ride or a run tomorrow. I can think of someone else who has a day off, sniffling through a short workout I will report in tomorrow. Hope you are feeling better. Enjoy your short run tomorrow (brrr).


2010-01-03 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hi were typing at the same time as I was posting my previous comment.

I am amazed...homeschooling those diverse ages is a huge hat off to you big time. HOW do you find time to train??

Great job for getting out there! Wow...


Edited by arny 2010-01-03 7:23 PM
2010-01-03 7:37 PM
in reply to: #2591334

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hi Ann,

I added you to my friends.  Actually, I love homeschooling.  The most difficult part is feeling like we are never getting enough done.  Tomorrow will be difficult getting back into the routine.   Training is much easier in the summer.  The nice thing is my two older ones can watch the younger ones.  A lot of times, here lately, my husband and I go to the wellness center together before he works or right after.  When I don't do it I am most of the time, I get out there and do it-everyone is happier that way!!! HA HA!


I had a terrible sore throat last night that has been going through our family.  I stayed in bed until 2 this afternoon!!!  I felt much better for going out and doing something.  Plus, I really avoid sugar when I am not up to par and hydrate if I can remember(ha!)  Hope you are feeling better soon and can get in a workout!

2010-01-03 7:43 PM
in reply to: #2590285

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed


42 is a great age to be!  You will love it!  Guess how old I am!  

I must admit my eyes aren't the greatest, when I first read your profile name, I thought it was
islacker, instead of jslacker.  I thought-he should change his name.  No one can do triathlons and be a slacker.  Than I realized it must be your last name!

Congrats on your Christmas present-have you decided which HIM you will be doing?

Have a great one more day being 41!

2010-01-03 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed

wanted to mention the couch to 5K program.  I used it when I started to get back into running-no soreness!!  It was recommended to me by a friend of mine who is now doing marathons!
Just thought you might be interested in checking it out.

Looking forward to hearing how your Monday workout went!

2010-01-03 7:52 PM
in reply to: #2590132

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
davidson3 - 2010-01-02 9:45 PM If wife and kids are off the plate as an answer, then I guess I have to go with running.  I am a total newbie to it.  Did my first 5k in 7/08, and just kept going.  The first 21 miles of my first Marathon were a total high, and the last 5.2 showed me that at 38 I can still gut it out.  I dearly want to BQ in my 40-44 window.  I think I have a 3:20 in me somewhere.
I do love Tris, but running is what really gets me going.  The swiimin' and bikin' are great for crosstraining and keeping my sore knees healthy.  I have yet to match the feeling of accomplishment with going further than I've gone before. 

Oh, and I tend to ramble in posts.  Maybe that is info you should have had before accepting me into the group.



I have the gift of gab, too!  You are in the right group!
What races are you planning in 2010?  I am doing a 1/2 Mary in April or May.


2010-01-03 7:57 PM
in reply to: #2588433

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
Hi Dan,

When do your triathlon training sessions start at the YMCA?

Our wellness center has a winter challenge.  I am going to do two ironmans in two months.  It's pretty doable and helps with getting back into the routine of biking and swimming.

2010-01-03 9:04 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Nichi~I am actually starting the couch potato to 5K plan tomorrow which is what got me into running a few years back. Thank you! And I was just telling my hubby tonight how I don't know how people homeschool their children, I was soooo ready for bedtime. At the risk of sounding like a real jerk I'm looking forward to school starting tomorrow and getting back into a routine. My hat is off to you!

And now to what turns my crank, what a great question, as I would have said my kids(after saying I can't wait for school to start again). HA! I guess I would say the great feeling you get when you are in shape and can actually run a 5K or swim a 1/2 mile. Or the great feeling that goes along with it when you look in the mirror and say, I am lookin fine, woo hoo!! I am sooooo looking forward to that feeling again. I also love going out with the girls and letting loose, which only happens about twice a year these days.

I'm glad someone else said they were windy because I think I am too...

What kind of must have running music does everyone have on their ipod?
2010-01-03 10:04 PM
in reply to: #2591441

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
Hi nichi,

they start Feb 2.  i am going down tomorrow to sign and up join the Y to start swimming...i really to swim!

Got new running shoes today and starting running...ran 2.57 miles....that is good for me!  I am not a runner now ever have been!  i have a lot of work to do with running and swimming but i am excited for the challenge!
2010-01-03 10:31 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hey Gang
It is nice to be a part of this group.  I joined a Mentor group last year and it totally fizzeled out in a few weeks.  I can see that this time will be different.  I work nights in the ER, so most of my time at BT is bewteen 10p and 7a.  If you are ever up at those times check out the BT chat.

I had a great Trainer ride today while watching the Lions lose(what's new?).  I got a new saddle for Xmas.  An Adamo Road, bright red(so I can find it in transition).  Needless to say I was having numbness issues with my stock saddle, therefore the Adamo.  I am here to report that after 2 rides of 1hr + each, no numbness!!! 

Tomorrow I plan to run 6-8 miles outside.  I love running in the cold.  The first 10 min or so are a little chilly, but the nwhen the body heat cranks up, I love how clean the air feels, and the crunch of the snow beneath my feet really keeps me on pace.  This week I start my 18week training program for my 'A' race 25k in May.  Lets see how it all goes.  I have been focusing on cycling for the last 2 months, so I am excited to get back into a running program.

2010-01-03 10:52 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
I love reading through all of your replies. I start back to school tomorrow and have a bunch of time in the morning so I will write more then. Tomorrow I too start back to training. I am just excited to see the flab start going away again.It always amazes me how long it takes to lose a belly and how quickly it comes back. Oh well Christmas cookies were worth it. See you tomorrow and I have the next question all ready to go for you. Have a great night everyone.


2010-01-04 3:23 AM
in reply to: #2591392

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed

Actually, Jslacker was kind of a joke.  My last name isn't slacker but I have two sisters that are just animals when it comes to training and they were giving me a hard time one Christmas and told me that I should change my screen name from Jhibler to Jslacker.  So I did as a joke and it has stuck.  I am a slacker at heart. 

I never guess age because I always get it wrong but you are only as old as you feel and if you are doing Tri's,  you are younger then most.  I would guess 29 .  

I am off to the gym to get some swim time in.  Swimming is very hard for me.  I love running but getting into a cold pool at 5am is hard for me.  I much rather go out in 5 degree weather and run then get in the pool.   I can see this group is going to keep me honest. 
2010-01-04 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed

Good Morning Team! 

It's a very cold morning again.  I guess I am the slacker this morning, I opted to stay in bed instead of taking my husband to work.  One of our vehicles isn't working so I was going to take him in and go get him-swim in the morning and run in the afternoon at the wellness center.  We have a treadmill at home, so I can still do it, but I like getting out there and out of the house a bit.  Anyway, I won't get my swim in, but it's okay.  My main focus-at least until the 15th is my running.  The Winter Challenge at the Wellness Center starts on the 15th.

One of my goals for 2010 is to get better at routines-especially with the children and cleaning up after ourselves.  It's easier for me to make exercise a priority than cleaning the house.  I really have to work at it. 

My reward will be BT time!

Have a great day everyone,

2010-01-04 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Morning folks,

It's another chilly day here in VT, but at least the sun is out today and no wind.

What turns my crank? Besides sports and family, I love to cook and garden. I definitely have room to improve in those areas as well. I love the mountains, hiking, mtn biking (which i don't do often anymore), and camping. I grew up a very competitive soccer player, and played internationally with semi-pro teams. While I haven't played competitive soccer in many years, I started coaching my 8 year old's school team which I've done the past two years, and that has been a labor or love. I'm pretty active when I can be at my son's school, and last year organized a school running program and community 5K race. It was a huge success, and we're hoping to grow that program this spring. I can definitely see myself getting more involved in organizing racing events, I've volunteered at a few, and just love the race atmosphere.

I'm also a recovering ski bum . My husband and I met while ski patrolling here in Vermont, we spent a brief period living out in Colorado, but moved back east after our son was born. I only ski now on primo ski days. I'm a telemark skier, so when you don't do it often and aren't in shape, you can feel crippled for about a week after.

One of my major hurdles is finding daylight to train. I'm not a morning person (yet), nor am I an evening person. I love training in the afternoon, but my husband is a teacher, and works about an hour away and usually isn't home until after dark. I live in a gorgeous area to bike and run, and definitely don't take as much advantage of that as I should. I prefer to train with people, which isn't possible much of the time. My daughter used to tolerate jogs in the jogging stroller, but now she wants to push the stroller herself. Those were the good days when I could jog with her the 2.5 miles down our road to pick up my son at the bus stop, and jog back for a daily 5mi jaunt.

I did just learn that there is a pool a few blocks from where I go to school that I should be able to drop in at on class days. Swimming has been an extra hard logistic to fit in. There are plenty of lakes around me I can swim at, but if I don't have anyone to go with me, I won't go. The pools are fewer and farther away, like a 30 min drive away! I'm also thinking that I might hire a teenager to come and watch the kids one or two days after school for an hour or two so I can get some runs in. If I schedule it recurring on the same day each week, it's a workout I can plan on and won't have excuses not to do it.

My goals for this summer are the same as last summer - except to actually execute the plan! I think I may have had swine flu last summer, which really knocked me down for most of July. My goal is to get more efficient at swimming, to follow some sort of training plan consistently, and get faster in sprints. I'd like to do a few 5K's just to see how fast I can get at those, and I'll probably sign up for a half marathon just to keep myself somewhat honest at getting long runs done. Like I said, last summer training was a disaster due partly to my health as well as a lack of focus. I ran a half marathon at the end of the summer on almost no training, and had a decent result, so I would love to see what results I can get if I actually do the work.

Does anyone have any races lined up yet?
2010-01-04 9:47 AM
in reply to: #2590046

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
leclerc457 - 2010-01-02 9:55 PM I need a little help in finding a bike...I test rode about 10 bikes in the last two days.  The one thing I think that stood is I really like the Specialist Tamarac.  The problem is I found it at two different shops and one private sale.

The first one i found is a 2009 Tamarac Expert for $1,800 - here is a link to it: />
The next one is a 2008 Tamarac Pro for $3,000 - here is the link: />
Both these bikes are at two different local shops.  Both shops have a guy that works there who do Ironman's and they are the one's involved in the fitting.  Both are brand new.  From what I can tell, the major difference is wheels and cranksets.  Is it worth $1,200 for wheels and crank?  I think there is roughly 2 lbs difference in weight. 

The third is one I found on craigslist here -

One of the bike shops i went to today just got the Specialized dealership and they offer a very in depth fit for $150, I forgot what they call it, but they interview you and spend a lot of time dialing in everything.  The fitter is a professional tri too!  So if i buy this used one, I could bring it in for a good fit and go from there.

Any thoughts or comments would be much appreciated!


I don't know too much about that bike (or any for that matter). I think in the racing world 2lbs can be a significant difference. When I was purchasing my bike, I didn't have too many reputable shops around with much variety to try out. I was also 2 weeks out from my first sprint and wanted a bike pronto. From what i hear, bike fit is everything, and in some ways it seems a crime that the initial bike fit is a lesser fit than the $150 fit. My shop offered the same thing, although a basic fit came with the bike. I realize I'm pretty average proportionally, but it seems like nothing got tweaked much on the bike. Being that I'm still a pretty beginner rider, and haven't had awkward aches and pains, I'm not sold on getting refit just yet, but I have heard of experienced riders getting refit drastically after many years of a misfit.
2010-01-04 5:33 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: first day of the real training :)
Hope everyone had a fine day today. I woke still struggling with flu...did manage to do a short run/errands by walking vs driving--good for the belly flab and the environment.

Looking forward to the posts this evening...some of you had great plans...I might follow suit when I hear more since I definitely need motivation...


Edited by arny 2010-01-04 5:37 PM

2010-01-04 6:13 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Did a 7.5 mile run today.  I think my legs were tired from the 1:15 on the trainer yesterday.  Also, slogging through 4 inches of snow with my Stabilicers falling off and 15mph gusts does not help.  Mentally this was the first day of 18weeks of run training for my 5/8 25k.  I am shooting for sub 2 hrs. My pace today was not encouraging, but it was fun.
2010-01-04 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2593653

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frozen north till Spring
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
davidson3, how do you like running in the stabilicers?  i have started to look at some options for running in the snow

2010-01-04 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
I did my first brick workout today for the new year.  swam 800 yards and then ran 3 miles but had to walk the first 1/4 mile.  Swimming has been really hard for me to do.  

Anyone follow the Yasso 800 workout?
2010-01-04 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2587664


Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
What turns my crank?

Well...cold weather does not!!! Wife is insisting we run 10 miles tomorrow morning, it should only be 20 deg or so. Not happy about that right now.

I saw Scott likes to race off road cars. I am a big drag racing fan (NHRA). I have always wanted to have my own dragster for a hobby. Some day perhaps.

I also love to sail. I have a small sunfish sailboat that I play around on. Someday I would like to take some sailing lessons.

In case my user name confuses anyone, my name is Jeff not Nostang. I came up with that screen name from the fact I would someday like to have a 1967-1969 fastback mustang, my dream car (goes along with my drag racing interest). But for now I don't have on so hence "Nostang".

Perhaps my love of drag racing comes from the fact I am a much better sprinter that endurance athlete. Endurance sports are very challenging to me. I enjoy tri's and am attempting my first 70.3 this year. I am very slow but would love to get better. My run is slower than some people can walk. But hey, my motto is DFL>DNF>DNS.
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