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2010-01-04 8:05 AM
in reply to: #2587714

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Good morning everyone!  I have 60 minutes of weight circuits with my trainer this morning.  I'm going to buy a bathing suit as well, wish me luck that part will be a bit painful.

2010-01-04 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
30 min run
2010-01-04 5:40 PM
in reply to: #2593463

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Hi everyone, got my 60 minutes done, burned 550 calories, nice!!Just a note, only if you are interested, you can find me on twitter @ my blog is here: Nothing overly exciting, I started it after I agreed to do this.Hope everyone had a fabulous day.. my legs are sore from all the lunges.
2010-01-04 6:59 PM
in reply to: #2591917

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San Rafael, CA
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Happy to be a part of the group. Thank you! As for training today, I am taking a rest day. Long day back to work and a Meeting tonight, but will be running tomorrow. Hoping to do 4 miles outside weather permiting, otherwise I will be on the treadmill. Joining a Masters program so should be in the pool Wednesday. NOT looking forward to putting the suit on!
2010-01-04 7:25 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

I did not get to my 30 minute run today.  After the killer hills workout on the trainer I must be a bit dehydrated.  I have a major headache and just feel beat.  I usually move one workout each week to my off day on Friday.  Since it is only a 30 minute run I think I will do that.

Going to just sit on the couch, drink a ton of water and hope this headache goes away before bedtime.

Night all!

2010-01-04 9:46 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Ran for 30 mins today. Felt like somewhere between 3 and 4 miles. Weighed myself today and I surprisingly lost 2 lbs since a week or so before Christmas. I'm at 6' 190lbs. Trying to get closer to 180 as I think it will help both my run and bike. I think I'm going to bike for 45 minutes tomorrow at the gym. Still waiting on the call for my kickass new (used, thanks Craigslist) cannondale to be ready from the bike shop. I'm going to put swimming aside for a while since it is by far my strongest (swam a mile a couple of weeks ago in 35 mins without a problem). I the toughest part of the tri for me will be the bike to run transition (T2 i think?). Anyone have any tips for that?edit: any ideas why it won't let me put line spacing between paragraphs?

Edited by dfspence 2010-01-04 9:49 PM

2010-01-04 10:23 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
members of Dodgersmom group...just thought i would put all of the names in one place since i was adding you all as friends.  if i missed someone, please let me know


Life got in the way today with our furnace going out and had to sit around waiting for someone to show up and fix it so no workout today, swim 40 minutes tomorrow and havent swam in about a year so should be BRUTAL
2010-01-05 8:45 AM
in reply to: #2587714

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

Good Morning Gang!

Doug, are there any specific things you feel need to improve in your T2.  Actually, while I am slow in S/B/R, I usually have one of the fastest T times in my AG!  Do you use bike shoes and change to running shoes?  Do you wear socks?  I would be glad to help.

Cold again here in North Texas (and apparently in the rest  of the country).  Today high of 37 is going to seem balmy on Thursday and Friday when the highs will be in the mid 20's.  Lots of treadmill and trainer time in the next few days.

Tonight is a swim.  Hope I can find the pool. 

2010-01-05 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
found out my pool doesnt open until the 18th so switching to a 45 minute bike training today

eta: did my 30 minutes on the upright bike at the gym, can't wait to get my indoor trainer next week

Edited by bulldog520 2010-01-05 4:13 PM
2010-01-05 4:58 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Mom, I guess I don't mean the physical transition from getting from the bike to the run, rather the transition your quads have to make from cycling to pounding the pavement. I suppose it will come with the 'bric' training - biking immediately followed by running. Did 45 mins on the stationary bike at the gym. 11.4 miles. Legs felt great afterwards. I might bike again tomorrow, depending on what I can fit into my schedule.
2010-01-05 6:37 PM
in reply to: #2596187

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Sorry all, got kinda busy yesterday. The college where I work out still has the crazy hours (8-3) so  last night I was able to bum a 7 day pass at a local gym.  Was able to fit in a pretty nice core workout and a 30 min treadmill run at 2-3% incline.  Ran 3 miles, with two 1 min stops when walked at 15% incline. Then ran on small, hot indoor track for probably 1/4 mile. Really trying to work the run.  By the time I got the pass and worked out, it was late, didn't get home 'til 9:30 and had a hard time getting to sleep. The hubby is up every day at 3am, and I just couldn't get back to sleep.

Pretty tired tonight- was planning on a spin on the indoor bike- they don't have spinning- I'll push it off 'til Friday pm.
Got the friend thing working- thank you!  I'm thinking about signing up for a sprint duathalon in march.  It think it will be a good motivator for the run!
Enjoying my night off- talk tomorrow!

2010-01-05 6:44 PM
in reply to: #2587714

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Hi everyone!  My plan says swim tonight but when I went to our local to buy a bathing suit on Monday when I was off the darned store was closed for inventory!  So I'll swim on Sunday.  

Here's a question, for my plan, if I feel I can more should I?  for example  tomorrow I'm supposed to run for 12 minutes.  I've been working out for some time now although I'm far from someone that can run even 12 minutes in a row, would it hurt for me to make my minimum bikes or run 30 minutes?  I can't imagine it would and I really really need to work on my run.  Should I run til I feel 'good' about it?  Not to exhaustion or anything.  Maybe the plan I picked was a bit easy for the beginning but later on there looks like some kicking workouts in there (although there are only 3 bricks and they aren't until May).

What do you think?

Hope everyone is having a great night! 
2010-01-05 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2596367

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
talluleh - 2010-01-05 6:44 PM Hi everyone!  My plan says swim tonight but when I went to our local to buy a bathing suit on Monday when I was off the darned store was closed for inventory!  So I'll swim on Sunday.  

Here's a question, for my plan, if I feel I can more should I?  for example  tomorrow I'm supposed to run for 12 minutes.  I've been working out for some time now although I'm far from someone that can run even 12 minutes in a row, would it hurt for me to make my minimum bikes or run 30 minutes?  I can't imagine it would and I really really need to work on my run.  Should I run til I feel 'good' about it?  Not to exhaustion or anything.  Maybe the plan I picked was a bit easy for the beginning but later on there looks like some kicking workouts in there (although there are only 3 bricks and they aren't until May).

What do you think?

Hope everyone is having a great night! 

Just my 2 cents and others may disagree but I think i did the same plan before my first and I would actually suggest to do more running than that.  Running is the part that kicked my a$$ during my first tri so much that i took all of 2009 off of tris to focus on running to get better.

How much more depends on a few things?  what is the running distance your race(s) will be?  how much can you comfortably go right now (doing a run/walk is fine) but do you feel comfortable doing 20,30,40,50, etc. minutes?

2010-01-05 9:51 PM
in reply to: #2596672

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Thanks for the feedback Wade.  Honestly I would feel totally comfortable on a 'run' day to run about 45 minutes doing walk/run.  If I'm doing strength or bike on the same day it might be less than that.  Is there a different program you could suggest?  It's only the first week and my Try isn't until June and the Sprint is in July.  
2010-01-05 10:40 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
i think the plan is good but just a little light on the running since it's by time rather than distance.  whats your avg. pace in running and mph in biking?  i guess my biggest suggestion is to not get too limited by the time that you don't cover a good distance (more than you race will be).  You individually have to fine that fine line between training just enough to get better and overtraining.

I thought I was doing ok on my running but before this past year i had never ran more than 4 miles and never made it past a 5/1 run/walk split but after training this year, i did 2 half marathons and increased to 10/1 splits and shouldnt even need the splits but i can't trick my mind into that just yet. 
2010-01-05 11:06 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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San Rafael, CA
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Hi All,

So today I went to the pool and tried a Masters Group. First, I have not been in the pool since last September. My pool is only open April to October so my only option for a pool is to join a Master's Program. Tonight was tough. 1 hour straight of swimming after so many moths off. My foot started cramping so bad I had to get out about 5 minutes early. I think it will be good for me, but not sure how to work it into my training plan which has much shorter swim times and distances, but the Masters group won't allow me to do my own program. I can't wait until April to get into the pool, I have 1.2 miles to build to!

Plan is for a run tomorrow, hopefully outdoors, otherwise it will be on the treadmill. I have until Friday to decide if I am going to take the lottery slot I got for The Escape from Alcatraz. Letting fear get in the way on this one. It is a very intimidating course to me. Anyone done it?

On a side note, I am still trying to figure out how the forums work etc. When I want to post to this thread, is it better to use the reply to the last post or the main reply button at the bottom? Thanks!

2010-01-06 5:43 AM
in reply to: #2596776

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
That's amazing, I couldn't even imagine doing a half marathon, the 5K is daunting enough.  I ran a 5k 2 years ago in 38 minutes which is so slow but I was happy to finish and I wasn't even last!  I think with this long stretch of training I can definitely increase my time.  I was thinking I should be doing longer runs and bikes, closer to race mileage and I'd like to do more bike/run (brick) workouts.  The plans available all seem to be too easy (haha) or way too  hard for me at this point.  You are right, I have to figure it out for myself. 

Did you do anything specific in your training this year or was it just practice? How many hours a week do you train? 
2010-01-06 8:42 AM
in reply to: #2587714

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

Hi Gang!

Adena,  I agree with Wade on increasing the running, but you have to be very careful that you do not go too much and rick an injury. What plan are you useing?  Is it one of the BT plans?  I really do advocate a run/walk plan.  I just PR's a half marathon using a 4 1/2 - 1 interval.  The key is to have your plan and stick to it.  Even if I feel I do not need a walk break, I take it.  The half I ran before this last one I did not stick to the plan and blew up at about mile 10.  I have never felt so bad before.  This last one I beat that time by 13 minutes. Alcatraz!  That is a premiere race.  Personally I could not do it.  I suffer from severe motion (sea) sickness. It really sucks sometimes because there are races that I would love to do but cannotbecause of the swim.  Anything in an ocean is out for me.  Good thing I will never qualify for Kona!!  I am actually thinking about an IM in 2011 and I thing Louisville is the best race for me because it is a river swim with little to no chop.

Yesterday was a big FAIL with getting any workouts in.  Hubby's car is inthe shop (has been since Saturday) and he has my car so I am stuck at home (I work from home).  He had to work late so by the time he got home it was almost 7 and too late to get to the gym.

Today is a 30 minute run and I will try to make up yesterday's swim.  I may also hop on the trainer at lunchtime as I have no meetings!  

2010-01-06 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2596902

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
talluleh - 2010-01-06 5:43 AM That's amazing, I couldn't even imagine doing a half marathon, the 5K is daunting enough.  I ran a 5k 2 years ago in 38 minutes which is so slow but I was happy to finish and I wasn't even last!  I think with this long stretch of training I can definitely increase my time.  I was thinking I should be doing longer runs and bikes, closer to race mileage and I'd like to do more bike/run (brick) workouts.  The plans available all seem to be too easy (haha) or way too  hard for me at this point.  You are right, I have to figure it out for myself. 

Did you do anything specific in your training this year or was it just practice? How many hours a week do you train? 

i actually did most of my training from the 1/2 marathon run/walk plan in the marathoning for mortals book by john bingham but then hired a running coach for 3 months and really increased my weekly mileage.  my first 1/2 mary was in chicago in august and i did a 4/1 1/2 minute walk and like marcy said, followed it to a "T".  Ended up with a bruised foot after chicago (still not sure why) and had to take a month off.  By just my mileage building i was able to get to a 10/1 split for my 2nd half in Vegas in December and got off my plan a little and had nothing left by mile 11.5 but beat my chicago time by 30 minutes.  i was running about 10-15 hours per week before my december 1/2 due to my long runs.  right now i will be doing 5-10 hours per week of tri training until March and then 10-15 hrs before my 1/2 mary in April

Edited by bulldog520 2010-01-06 10:22 AM
2010-01-06 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2597205

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
dodgersmom - 2010-01-06 8:42 AM

Hi Gang!

Adena,  I agree with Wade on increasing the running, but you have to be very careful that you do not go too much and rick an injury. What plan are you useing?  Is it one of the BT plans?  I really do advocate a run/walk plan.  I just PR's a half marathon using a 4 1/2 - 1 interval.  The key is to have your plan and stick to it.  Even if I feel I do not need a walk break, I take it.  The half I ran before this last one I did not stick to the plan and blew up at about mile 10.  I have never felt so bad before.  This last one I beat that time by 13 minutes. Alcatraz!  That is a premiere race.  Personally I could not do it.  I suffer from severe motion (sea) sickness. It really sucks sometimes because there are races that I would love to do but cannotbecause of the swim.  Anything in an ocean is out for me.  Good thing I will never qualify for Kona!!  I am actually thinking about an IM in 2011 and I thing Louisville is the best race for me because it is a river swim with little to no chop.

Yesterday was a big FAIL with getting any workouts in.  Hubby's car is inthe shop (has been since Saturday) and he has my car so I am stuck at home (I work from home).  He had to work late so by the time he got home it was almost 7 and too late to get to the gym.

Today is a 30 minute run and I will try to make up yesterday's swim.  I may also hop on the trainer at lunchtime as I have no meetings!  

I agree, the biggest mistake is to do too much too soon and get injured, the base building will come along so I wouldn't go over your plan too much at this point just starting out
2010-01-06 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2597620

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Thanks to you both for the feedback! My current exercise program had me run/walk for 30 minutes for cardio, or stepmill for 30 minutes so I think 30 minutes walk run and working on bettering my current 3/1-4/1 split would be challenging without risking injury. 

2010-01-06 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
30 mins on the indoor bike today. 8.4 miles. I'll either swim tomorrow or take an off day.
2010-01-06 3:50 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
30 minutes on the treadmill today...2.61 miles...first run since Dec. 6th 1/2 mary and damn did it suck, lol
2010-01-06 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2587714

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Hey now, that doesn't suck!  I did 2.38m in 30 minutes and am pretty proud of myself.  You'll have a better run next time.
2010-01-06 10:35 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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San Rafael, CA
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

Ran 3 miles this evening with my dogs.  Felt good to run outside, although it was COLD. Need to get some running gloves. I did warm up about 1/2 way through, but as soon as I stopped I was freezing!  Back to the pool tomorrow. 

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