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2010-01-08 7:12 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
It looks like you might have 1 last opening.  I'd love to take it if it's still available!  Sealed

I'm pretty much a newbie to Tri's (I completed a Mini about 2 years ago).  I lost around 30 lbs last year and began running with my local Women's Only Beginner Running program last July-September.  I've been hooked ever since! 

My husband has been running along with me for the majority of last year (he hasn't been as diligent in our 9 miles/week goal) and I've also recruited him to sign up with me for this Sprint Tri that we've signed up for in May '10.  I couldn't be more excited!

Edited by innocentali 2010-01-08 7:14 PM

2010-01-08 7:12 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
Sorry for the double posts!  It gave me errors every time and said it couldn't find the server.  Embarassed

Edited by innocentali 2010-01-08 7:15 PM
2010-01-08 7:13 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
Sorry for the double posts!  It gave me errors every time and said it couldn't find the server.  Embarassed

Edited by innocentali 2010-01-08 7:15 PM
2010-01-08 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
Hi Everyone! Anne, thanks for starting this group--I can tell you are exactly the kind encouraging person we need!

We have some new people and some very athletic folks so there is a nice mix. I am not exactly a naturally athletic person. I have exercise enduced asthma and hate using the inhaler, so I run/walk--emphasis on walk. Fast walkers can usually out perform me but I hate to just walk fast so......I run til I'm all red in the face and breathing hard and then I slow down and catch my breath and do it again. Because running is so hard for me, it is my favorite because lord knows I couldn't run as a kid without an attack (no one knew what was wrong with me then so I never got an inhaler and just figured I'm weird or something).

I only learned to swim properly at 40, but I took lessons from some excellent teachers and although I am a slow swimmer, I think my form is actually pretty good and I've learned to love the water. Open water swims are so much more fun than a pool and the nearest pool is about 35 miles away so it will be effort, but I'll get there yet.

The bike.....well, I'm more of a mountain bike fan too, but I do have a pretty little dainty roadbike. It is scary to be out in traffic, but for the races, this is controlled.

My baby is actually 17 months old now and it has taken me that long to regain some degree of fitness and find the time and balance to train a bit. I don't know how you are managing with such a little one, Anne! I still have trouble making any "me" time.

My husband is not a triathlete, but he walked hours and hours with me this past summer and we are itching to get out on the mountain bike trails as a family again. I am a chiropractor in practice now for 17 years. My real name is Pene, but I love the symbolism of the Phoenix.

This is a very busy group--while I am writing this, there are 3 more posts Hope we can keep up this enthusiasm!
2010-01-08 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
Enkidu/Laura--I just re-read your post and had to smile a bit Just make sure the swim suit you use won't make certain female parts fall out! I bought a bargain suit at Goodwill and used it for the first time a couple months ago--to my horror, it is impossible to use without flashing folks! The tri people usually provide you with a swim cap that has your registered number on it--but check on this. I find a cap very helpful so my hair doesn't get in my eyes. I actually used a nosepiece because I just can't seem to manage without one and no one ever told me I couldn't. If you do an outdoor tri, I would really recommend a wetsuit--they help you with buoyancy and keep you warm--cold water makes it hard for some of us asthmatics to breathe.
2010-01-08 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
At none of my tris did they include a swim cap so I was glad I'd purchased a bright blue one on my own.  At one tri they were refusing to let anyone swim with black, grey, or other neutral lake-water-colored caps so get yourself a brightly colored one.  Despite my never getting a cap as part of the race, I know lots do give caps, color coding the swim heats.  I sometimes see BT folks asking what they should do with their 15 extra caps... you might post in the classified and see if someone will just mail you an extra.  I don't have an extra one or I would!  they are pretty cheap anyway.  And peeps race in "regular" gear too - no NEED to invest in tri-specific clothing.  Some women swim in a onepiece with a sports bra under and then toss on shorts in T1.

Biking on a mountain bike is totally acceptable.  I just rode mine with knobbies the first time.  I giggled when I passed those on roadies.  here I come rat-a-tat-tat...  I've seen one-speed beach cruisers and other upright bikes as well as slow as a turtle riders on pricey tri-bikes.  just make sure your bike is safe and you're good to go.

And many races are on at least partially closed bike courses.  Often the right lane of a double lane is coned off just for bikes.  Look for race reports for prior years' races and you can get a sense of how well run YOUR race is.


2010-01-08 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
WOW! I'm calling us Done, Full, The END!

First off- Laura- for your first tri, if your current suit you are practicing in is in good shape, stick with that. For most triathlons, even mini and indoor ones, you want to minimize the amount of time you have to spend changing clothes in transition. You said your swim is in an indoor heated pool- is the whole race indoors? For races, I normally do not wear a tri suit (they are too expensive for me to invest in and I'm too self conscious to wear one). Instead, I wear a sports bra and bike shorts for my swim, or a bathing suit with bike shorts over top- run to the transition area (this is normally where everyone has their bikes and gear set up); toss on a bike jersey and socks and shoes and helmet; hop on my bike; back to transition, take off my helmet, toss on a running belt (you can buy one, or you can make one out of a simple piece of long elastic purchased from a fabric store and stitched together to form a belt that you can pin your race number to) and my hat and take off. Most races require you to wear a swim cap and they will provide the swim caps in your race packet (they assign colors based on age group and the distance you are racing). I would recommend picking one up and practicing with it. I'm not sure what your budget is for a swimsuit, but could I please suggest something? sells great Grab Bag Suits by top companies like TYR and Speedo. I got one for Christmas and they are normally $30 or less. Worth the investment for me, because a suit like that can last me at least 1-2 years in the pool. The deal with the Grab Bag suit is you have no idea what it will look like...

Scrap the flip turn. SERIOUSLY. This is your first tri. If you get into it, and are really enjoying the swim, investigate local swim classes. You might be able to find one that is geared towards intermediate swimmers, or triathletes. Most triathlons are Open Water Swims so there is no flip turn- just you avoiding whatever crap is floating in the water. I'm a former swimmer, and I can DO flip turns, I just don't, unless for some reason my husband and I are racing during practice (then I just do it to show off).

2010-01-08 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Welcome to innocent ali! Congrats on the weight loss, and the running success. Looks like we have a lot of runners here!

Lovey, glad you are feeling encouraged already!

Phoenix- I have an unfair advantage; I was mid-Olympic Training Plan when I found out I was pregnant; I did a 2.3 mile run, puked, came home, puked, took 3 pregnancy tests and sobbed and sobbed. WHY? Because that day I almost broke a ten minute mile. I continued to bike and swim (and walk) while pregnant, but was not allowed to run or race (oh yes, there are women who race pregnant). I loved passing guys at our local tri club's open water swim, and when we would get out of the water they would freak because I had a big old pregnant belly! Very fun for me.

(HOLD ON- Fight Club is on and Brad Pitt is distracting me)

Okay, so Phoenix- because I continued training, it's easier for me to get back into doing it post-baby, and force myself to have me time. Plus, if I don't exercise, I get horrible daily migraines, and i know I must avoid those because I can't take all the meds while nursing (oh yes, I forgot that part- I'm balancing this and breastfeeding which is a whole different nutrition issue, eating as a triathlete AND as a nursing mom).

We have two tritahletes in this house, and swim caps everywhere. Let me see what I can scrounge up. In the meantime, here's a challenge for the weekend:
FOR MY VETERANS, post a list of what you think a newbie needs as BASIC Training equipement for a tri. Also give them tips about where to spend their money if they are on a budget (for instance, has those great cheap grab bag suits, but you have to be willing to wear some crazy swimsuit you have never seen- I'd rather do that and save my money and go to the expensive running shop and get properly fitted for running shoes to avoid injury).
2010-01-08 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Arcata, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Thanks so much!  Hearing your reponses has me feeling more relaxed already.  Anne, if you come across an old swimcap that would be great. Let me know. Oh, the swim is the only part indoors, bike and run are outside.  Thanks again for the help.
2010-01-08 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Arcata, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
is there an easy way to get to this thread without looking through the whole list of mentor threads?  if not, thats okay, I just want to make sure I'm not missing something.
2010-01-09 6:48 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Laura- I do not know a shortcut; I always scroll through all of the mentor groups on the forum. It will get easier as the year goes on- our group was fairly active last year so we never had to scroll far, especially once we got archived and the April/May groups started up. If anyone knows of a shortcut for her, let us know.

Mike (the husband) and I are having morning coffee and discussing tris. I told him about my challenge for the veterans this weekend- make a list of basic training equipment a newbie needs. Here is what we agree on:

For the swim:
Swim suit of some kind; this does not have to be an athletic/racing suit, but you can get a fairly inexpensive one (around $30) by ordering a Grab Bag suit from (this is what I do). ALSO- Speedo makes a better-coverage swimsuit. I bring this up because the racing suits only go up to a size 40 (equivalent of a size 14) and at one time I needed a bigger suit than that. I ended up buying mine at a Dick's sporting goods store and it was in the $40-$50 range. I used it for 3 years (lasted a LONG time, and that is with weekly use). SWIM CAP, Goggles.

For the bike:
BIKE, any kind; Bike Shorts- please please please get some, I recommend ordering from, they always have good deals and their shorts last for years. You do not need a fancy bike jersey, just toss on a sports bra and a t-shirt. HELMET- please do not be silly, be safe. You need a helmet. And you CAN NOT race without one- meaning they will not let you out of transition. You can get a relatively inexpensive adustable one- put it on and tighten straps, etc, to make sure it fits. I ordered mine from Nashbar (it has glitter flowers on it- makes me go faster, right?). You may also want to invest in some sunglasses that are for biking (and wear them on the run, too). OR- just wear your own sunglasses (they will be cuter than the racing ones and it saves money). Why the glasses? to keep the bugs out of your eyes when you ride outside. We also recommend taking your bike to your local bike shop for a tune-up before your first race, or before you take the bike out on the roads for the first time to make sure brake lines, etc are in good order. If you want to get fancy, you can get a bike computer and hook it up on you bike to keep track of your speed and distance. These range in cost from $25 on up; again,

For the Run:
Here is where we encourage you to save up and spend some serious cash. And by serious, I mean $100. You need a proper fitting pair of running shoes. By fit, I mean you need a professional at a real running shop to evaluate your stride and figure out of you need a neutral shoe, or if you pronate. A properly fitted running shoe costs more than buying a shoe online, or at a department store, but it will help you avoid injury. It also means you don't always get a super-cute shoe. I HATED my first pair of runners- Asics, and they were green, and I wanted pink- but that was a big lesson for me- it's not about how the shoe looks, but what it does for your foot. (Also- just wear them to run/bike, do not wear them for recreational use, and replace your shoes every 350 to 400 miles- but I do break that rule) You can run in any clothes, so you don't need to go out and buy fancy stuff. I throw on lots of light, breathable layers for my winter runs along with gloves and a hat. IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO BUY YOUR SHOE AT A RUNNING SHOP- meaning you have to save some cash- I guess an option would be to get fitted, listen closely to what they say about what kind of shoe you need (key words are neutral shoe, pronate)- then hop on here and some of our veteran runners can help guide you to a shoe and you can try and get it cheap online. Then promise yourself that, when you are able, you will go back and find a way to financially support that running shop (our local run shop sponsors lots of triathlons and sponsors our triathlon club, so I ask for gift certicates to them each year for birthday or Christmas).

MAN am I sore after just two days back on the bike. My ladyparts are not happy. Thank goodness for padded bike shorts or I would not be on that bike at all. It's VERY cold here today, but I am going to fit in a run because the roads are clear. Bundle up and get out there, ladies! Cynthia, how is the weather out on the West Coast?

2010-01-09 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2604091

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
enkidu87 - 2010-01-08 7:51 PM

Hi... great to read all your posts.  I have soo many questions and I know they are just beginning, it will be great to have the support of everyone.  My first name is Laura, by the way.  Enkidu is my cat   I went to the doctor and got medical clearance today, he was a bit leary but a triathalete himself and gave me the go ahead, as long as I listen to my body.  So perhaps, in addition to my log I will include how my body's feeling as well as Anne suggested what changes I can make or need to make.  So far so good, a bit sore but not too much more than usual.  Anne, I do incorporate CORE workout, every single day, strengthening my abs and back muscles is essential to my well-being. 

To throw some questions out there.  The swim.  I currently have been practicing swimming in an old one piece racer back one-piece swimsuit.  I am looking at buying an additional suit, most likely from a thrift store (I am saving all my money for grad school and have little to invest in triathalons unfortunately).  My swim will be in an indoor heated pool, is a racing suit appropriate?  What about a swim cap?  I have never owned a swim cap, but I do use goggles.  Is all of this acceptable?  Would you suggest a swim cap?  Also, I know professional swimmers often do the flip turn at the end of the lanes.... I haven't a clue how to do this, would learning help me to decrease my time? 

I, too, will be using my old mountain bike.  I was wondering if there is some kind of device that can track speed or rpm?  I have been training on a stationary bike (due to the half a foot of snow on the ground currently) and I think it will be important to be able to ride at a consistent speed and be able to monitor this.   If this device exists, approximately how much does one cost?  Do you have any brands or models that you particularly like?

Aside from that, I have really enjoyed my first week of training.  Tomorrow will be my first day of rest.   Good luck to everyone!!!

With the swim, I'd get a reliable suit that covers you up. I am- eh hem- well endowed up top and I always want to make sure my ladies are in place.  And that the bottom of my suit doesn't creep to places where it doesn't belong. 

I def. agree with nashbar  or dick's right now. They both have good sales.  I'd get a basic swimsuit and wait on the racing suit for now.  Swim caps can be cheap, but the suggestion to get one in a bright color is great. I have a hot pink one I bought and a red I got from a race last year.  I use the red in the pool and hot pink for my open water swims (OWS) so people can spot me. 

And regarding flip turns, I don't even bother. It's something I think I'll learn later.  What's important now is that you learn how to swim correctly and efficiently.  Look up Total Immersion swimming.  You'll get a lot of good tips and videos. 

Great job on your first week! Enjoy the rest day!
2010-01-09 8:42 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Hey all. I read this article a few weeks ago and thought it would be good inspiration for all of us regardless of where we are with tris and/or our athleticism.  Happy training!
2010-01-09 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

I am going to jump in because I love to talk tri and I don't work on Saturdays so I have some time to offer some experience. 

First of all:  I am very out of shape.  I am very inconsistent in my training.  I strength train 2x/week right now ONLY because I signed up for a year package with a trainer (they caught me at a weak moment when I had lofty goals and was willing to take the investment to get me there).  I have not restarted a training plan but am hoping to look for one this weekend.  I have broken every resolution but one already.  The most important resolution to me is still intact, finding something positive in every event or workout, every time I move my body.  I find on this site and in the triathlete world that there are a lot of people who analyze their workouts and are so critical of themselves.  I want to celebrate every success, no matter how little.  I will find the positive.  I would like to do my train for my tri's and feel a sense of accomplishment that I gave my all.  That is my goal.

Swimming:  I am the non-expert in this.  The last swim I did was on New Year's Eve and I had a headache when I started but my headache went into a 10/10 migraine after the swim.  I am a little leary to swim right now and only have one tri planned with a short swim.  All the other tri's are also du's so I can bail on the swim if I need to.  Most event planners will let you switch from a tri to a du if you contact them.   Cap-I have long hair.  I eat my hair if I don't have one.  You have to have it for the tri.  I have never done when where they have not given one but I just threw out a bunch so I only have one left and its a silicone one that I got at Dick's.  At tri's I swim in my sports bra (I am extremely well endowed and the girls always need support or they would touch the floor), tri top (sleeveless, clingy, dries quick) and my tri shorts. 

Bike: I have seen people do ironman's on single speed mountain bikes.  Don't worry.  If its got 2 wheels, you are the engine.  You may not break speed records but it will get you to T2.  Don't worry about speed on a stationary.  Cadence is more important.  You want to save your legs from fatigue so you want to ride comfortably and keep your cadence at 80-90 rpm's.  I check this on a stationary (on the trainer) by do a 10 second check with my hand over my right knee.  I count how many times my knee hits my hand in 10 seconds with a goal of a steady 15x every 10 seconds.  If its less than that I dial down my gears to an easier gear.  As far as the road, its scary no doubt.  It never stops being scary.  It is a fear and an awareness that you must always have.  Its the guys that get cocky on their bikes and think that they have more rights than cars that take chances.  Stay on quiet roads.  I prefer parks with fitness trails where there is no car traffic.  There are many rails to trails throughout the US and a website that can tell you where they are located to see if one is near you. Those are old railroads that are now bike trails.  Sometimes asphalt, sometimes gravel so hybrid or mountain tires are better than slicks.

Run: I have asthma.  There are many people who carry inhalors with them.  Best thing is to use your inhalor before you run, even if you don't need it. Improving your lung capacity does help.  As you build from walking to running, and do that slowly, you will see that you can handle running with your asthma.  You have to build into running though and do it slowly.  Try to keep your heart rate in zone 1-2 so you are not breathing so heavy, you will find that with consistency you will eventually be running with your heart rate in zone 1-2. 

It is so nice to see all the questions and the posting.  I am not sure how to do links to this forum but I will work on it.  Please make sure that everyone puts each other on our friends list.  Some people use security on their logs and only their friends can see their logs. To do this go to settings, to blog customization, to friends, then put in the names of the group members. 

My goal this weekend is to choose a training plan.  What is every one else's weekend goal? 

2010-01-09 11:12 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
to find our thread easily - you've got two options.

One, scroll to the bottom of this page and click "toggle email notification"  turning this on will make BT send you an email everytime someone posts and the email will contain a link to our page.  But that means you could get 15 emails a day if we are all prolific posters.  Easy to delete all but one and click thru.

The other option is to grab the linky url above and paste it into your training log page.  Then you only need to go to your training log (which you're doing at least 4-5 times a week anyway, right?!) and click on our thread link.

2010-01-09 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
It's cool (high 40s) and foggy this AM and we're off to IKEA to get organizational help for the kids toys toys toys.  Having both their borthdays right after xmas makes us a bit overwhelmed...and they haven't had the bdays yet!!  It should be sunny and ~60 later today.

I haven't thought about the must-have list for tri-ing too much yet, but in skimming the others' posts I would add, which I didn't see, a tube repair kit.  I had one ride where I had 4 or 5 flats in 20 miles.  It was miserable.  But I did not call the sag wagon!  Just was late to dinner. 

Happy weekend!

2010-01-09 11:35 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I LOVE Ikea...Cynthia, have fun there. I also love organizing. TOO much.

And reading your weather report, I got seriously jealous because I just ran in sunny TEEN temperatures. TEEN. Brrrrrrrrrrr.

Jo, man did I need to read your post today. I just got done blogging on the training log about how down I felt during my run because I let myself walk about .1 miles. I need to remember the positive! This was my second run post-baby, and my longest, so I need to just be happy I could do that. (All without being cleared by my physician- WARNING- that is BAD- everyone should get cleared by a family doc prior to training and I am breaking major rules by training prior to geting the all clear from my OB- so do not do as I do).

Also- I do not make new year's resolutions. Mainly because I never keep them.

Hoping everyone gets some kind of activity in this weekend!!! Jo, I'm working on picking a training plan, too. What about everyone else? Have you started checking out training plans? I need to do a run-focused plan since my first event is a 7 mile leg of a relay in the Flying Pig Marathon in Cincinnati on May 2nd. I'm racing with my brother, my cousin, and hopefully my husband if his back is healed. (Mike is very slowly recovering from a herniated L5 disc and a torn L4 disc with serious sciatic nerve issues).

We played Wii Fit with the kids this morning- love having it in the winter time, but once the warm weather hits the Wii gets super dusty. That's a good thing, I think!

Jo, interested to see which training plan you pick.
2010-01-09 2:26 PM
in reply to: #2604817

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Arcata, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Thanks Cynthia! I'll defintely post it in my training log.
2010-01-09 5:23 PM
in reply to: #2604117

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please

Lovey, I did notice you were in Columbia... that's great!  Are you doing the Celebration?  I'm up near the PA, MD, DE border.  I'm excited to see the sprint tri so close to home.   VERY nervous about the swim, but I felt better in the pool today than the last time, so that is encouraging.   I'm such a newbie:  today I realized that the 25 yard pool is a 25 yard LENGTH, not per lap.  So I have been swimming twice as far as I thought.  lol 

2010-01-09 5:27 PM
in reply to: #2604349

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I wanted to ask the same thing!   The simpler the better!
2010-01-09 5:29 PM
in reply to: #2604817

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Great tip, Cynthia... Doing the same

2010-01-09 7:55 PM
in reply to: #2604843

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I've tried multiple times to import the Michael Pates - 22 week Triathlon program, and I must be doing something wrong...

I click on 'import', and it takes me to a page that promotes the other membership options of the site:

Has anyone else experienced trouble with this?

2010-01-09 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
My bike bag has a spare tube, 2 CO2 cartridges and a patch kit and a few other stuff.

Joyce - the Celebration Sprint wasn't high on my list because it was the same course as Iron Girl. I was planning to do a sprint before Iron Girl. I was thinking about the Philadelphia Women's Triathlon on July 11th. There will also be a new tri in DC on June 20th by the same people who organize the Nation's Triathlon. They haven't put the info out yet.

2010-01-09 9:08 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

ok, so I am working on getting my head out of my a$$.  I chose my training plans to begin next Monday.  Jan. 18 would be 20 weeks before my 1st tri and with the surgery and flying off to Florida on Thursday to Sunday for a work meeting, I would be good with that one.  I chose the 3x/week balanced 20 week sprint.  I know I will only swim 2x/week so I will exchange a run so it will be a 2-3-4 plan for me.  After that my olympic, my A race, is 9 weeks later so I chose the 8 week balanced lifestyle which is actually a 9 week plan.  I am excited now.  I will move my body every day this week to get ready to start training.  Woo Hoo!!! 

I have not had trouble importing the plans but I am a silver member.  If you are not a member, you cannot import plans and I think bronze can only import certain plans.  With as much as I use this site, silver is definitely worth it to me. The 3x week balanced sprint plan is a bronze plan though, it only give you minutes and does not describe what the workout should be. 


2010-01-09 9:37 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!



Edited by jogo 2010-01-09 9:43 PM
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