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2010-02-12 10:56 AM
in reply to: #2667145

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
JustMike - 2010-02-10 10:04 PM Welcome Holly, nice to have you! 

I agree, it's really difficult to fit it all in. 

So, what are your plans for increasing power on the bike? How did you determine that was a limiter?  It's interesting that you bring this up because power on the bike and the run (quads I think) are both pretty significant limiters for me.  Do you train with a power tap?

I recently went to a college kinesiology lab to have my VO2Max tested along with my body fat, the rate at which i burn calories on the bike, and some other stuff.  The VO2Max test was a max effort test, and my legs were done at around 340ish watts I think, while my heart rate was still only in the 150s.  It was really disappointing.  So, anyway, I'm also very interested in developing leg strength this year.   So far my plan has been anerobic intervals, spending lots of time in power zone 3 on every ride as even that is rather difficult for me, and resistance training (kettlebells).  So far I've made some huge improvements, but I've only been working on this about three weeks. 

As far as determining that this is a limiter - When I go out for a ride and it's easy wind, light on the hills I can ride for quite a while at a pretty good pace.  However, once the wind starts up and/or I hit the hills I completely fall apart.  Right now I am trying to ride 3 times a week so my "plan"  is to be more consistant with my weight training (which I have not been in the past), spin class once a week, interval training on my own once a week and join up with a cycle group.  I figure going out on group rides will tend to push me a little harder than I do on my own.  

I have never trained with a power tap....I really don't even use my HR Moniter, though I guess I should probably start.  Has using power tap really made a big difference for you?  

2010-02-12 11:19 AM
in reply to: #2669918

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
HollyW - 2010-02-12 6:56 AM
JustMike - 2010-02-10 10:04 PM Welcome Holly, nice to have you! 

and join up with a cycle group.  I figure going out on group rides will tend to push me a little harder than I do on my own.   



Group riding alone has helped me the most.  There is no better motivation to push hard than to risk losing the group and the draft.  And because most groups will let the stronger riders pull most of the way, even if you are drafting the whole time it builds confidence because you're going much faster than you could if you ride on your own.  Then, once you're can slowly take short turns pulling the group...even if it's just for 30 seconds.  But each time you'll start to build more confidence and be able to pull longer.  I used to draft 100% of the way on a 25-40 mile ride...but now I find myself pulling here and there for a minute or two as it has become too easy to draft the whole time.

Good luck.
2010-02-12 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2668767

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
tri808 - 2010-02-11 5:43 PM
RowHR/Pace label
(Ex. "1 - Easy")
Range data label
(Ex. "151-155")

Using the HR zone calculator from BT, I plugged in 172 into the lactate threshold box and got the following calculations.  Does this seem right? 

It does look right.  From my experience in the lab I can tell you that LT is more of an area than a hard number though, and the correlation between heart rate and LT can vary a bit based on your current health, hydration, temp, etc. 

You'll know you are at threshold when your breathing starts getting a little ragged, so that might be a good way to validate.  Also as the season goes on your LT might get higher.  Joe Friel recommends doing some fitness field testing every 4th week (easy week).  That doesn't mean  you have to do a LTHR test every time of course. 

BTW, I wish my LTHR was 172, thats awesome!  Mine is about 144. 

2010-02-12 2:12 PM
in reply to: #2669918

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
HollyW - 2010-02-12 10:56 AM
JustMike - 2010-02-10 10:04 PM Welcome Holly, nice to have you! 

I agree, it's really difficult to fit it all in. 

So, what are your plans for increasing power on the bike? How did you determine that was a limiter?  It's interesting that you bring this up because power on the bike and the run (quads I think) are both pretty significant limiters for me.  Do you train with a power tap?

I recently went to a college kinesiology lab to have my VO2Max tested along with my body fat, the rate at which i burn calories on the bike, and some other stuff.  The VO2Max test was a max effort test, and my legs were done at around 340ish watts I think, while my heart rate was still only in the 150s.  It was really disappointing.  So, anyway, I'm also very interested in developing leg strength this year.   So far my plan has been anerobic intervals, spending lots of time in power zone 3 on every ride as even that is rather difficult for me, and resistance training (kettlebells).  So far I've made some huge improvements, but I've only been working on this about three weeks. 

As far as determining that this is a limiter - When I go out for a ride and it's easy wind, light on the hills I can ride for quite a while at a pretty good pace.  However, once the wind starts up and/or I hit the hills I completely fall apart.  Right now I am trying to ride 3 times a week so my "plan"  is to be more consistant with my weight training (which I have not been in the past), spin class once a week, interval training on my own once a week and join up with a cycle group.  I figure going out on group rides will tend to push me a little harder than I do on my own.  

I have never trained with a power tap....I really don't even use my HR Moniter, though I guess I should probably start.  Has using power tap really made a big difference for you?  

I think the group rides are an awesome idea!  My local tri club has a 20Km TT every Tuesday night, and that has been a great opportunity for me to work on all things bike racing related, but I would love a group ride as well. 

Honestly, the powertap has been the third best investment in triathlon I've ever made in my opinion.  First being a run technique clinic and the second being a bike fit.  It changed everything for me.  I'm a data junky/science nerd, and the PT has a huge learning curve, but wow, yeah, it made a big difference.  Everything was suddenly different when I could take speed, wind, and hills out of the equation and stop measuring myself by velocity and start measuring by power.  My training got much more focused, and getting the most adaptation out of the time I can invest is what this is all about.

2010-02-12 2:54 PM
in reply to: #2670361

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
LT does differ in each exercise right?  I would expect my LT on the bike to be quite a bit lower.

2010-02-13 4:28 PM
in reply to: #2657825

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Destin, Florida
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
NAME: Tim Cunningham aka Richie

STORY:  I am 5'6" and currently weigh 195.  Over the last 2 years I have been forced to realize that I am way overweight and out of shape.  I am in the National Guard and over the last 2+ years I have failed 5 fitness tests and been demoted twice.  My latest failure was in December, which was my wake up call.  I started doing a Couch to 5k program in January, but really want to do a tri.  We have a mini-triathlon in June that I want to participate in.

 Married, 2 kids.  I am a computer geek. I sit in front of a computer all day.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been running 3 days a week utilizing the Couch to 5K program.  I am starting to train this week for the mini tri. I am still looking for a good program, any suggestions.

2010 RACES:

My First Tri - Eglin AFB 19 June
Destin Crab Trap Triathlon - Destin, FL 9 October

Goals for 2010...
Weight down to 155
Pass my military fitness test
Complete my first triathlon

2010-02-14 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2663412

Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
Hello there Mike! Congrats on your amazing accomplishments! I'd definitely learn from this and I'd love to join your group.My name is Justin, I'm 35, 6'1" and about 185 lbs and currently live in Montgomery AL. I'm likely moving in June, so I don't really know my tri schedule.I'm a decent swimmer, a slightly-below-average biker, and a horrific runner. I've done a bunch of sprints and a few olympics, but I've never really trained specifically for a tri. Every time I've done a tri, I come out of the water feeling great, start getting passed by a few people on the bike, and by the time I get to the run, I'm getting passed by geriatrics pulling their walkers and oxygen tanks! But somehow I've always felt incredible at the finish line, and my goal is a 1/2 IM this fall or next spring (depending on where I move to and how my running progresses). My goals:- smartly manage my running; able to run 15 miles without injury- get comfortable on my new tri bike- increase brick training- 1/2 IM fall of 2010P.S. Hey imbr0gli0 - seems like you're nearly my twin! Hope to see you at some tris this spring/summer!
imbr0gli0 - 2010-02-09 11:09 AMHi Mike, I'm Paul. I would like to join your mentor group. I am 33 years old and live in Mobile, Al. I am 5'8" and 175 lbs. Currently, I am running about 21% bf. I have completed one super sprint triathlon in September of 09' which capped off about 8 months of weight loss for me. I started my weight loss journey at 220 lbs. I have leveled off at my current weight and can't seem to drop any more. I did slack off the aerobic training during the winter and went to heavier weight programs. I am now back on track with my triathlon training and have several races planned soon.My planned races include: *Bold Eagle Triathlon April 25th (Olympic Length)*Three Mile Bridge Swim May 29th (5K Swim)*Grandman Triathlon June 5th (Sprint Length)*Coastal Triathlon September 11th (Olympic Length)*Several 5K's and a 10KCurrently, I am not a fast biker or runner. I can generally hold my own on swim speed. My goals are:*Improve overall speed and distance.*Complete the races listed. I don't have any set time goals for the first two races. I will set some time goals for the second two races.*I want to build to a Half Ironman next year and a Full Ironman in 2012.*I also want to lose enough fat to get below 10% bf. My biggest obstacle is making myself get out there every day. I have to train early or late because of work, and I train alone. This makes it too easy for me to skip out on training. I am using the training logs and currently following the 12 week Olympic training plan. I would love to join your group to get a little encouragement, accountability and some tips along the way.
2010-02-15 6:29 AM
in reply to: #2670465

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
tri808 - 2010-02-12 2:54 PM LT does differ in each exercise right?  I would expect my LT on the bike to be quite a bit lower.

That's exactly correct!  How is zone based training going for you?
2010-02-15 8:52 AM
in reply to: #2673129

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
JustMike - 2010-02-15 2:29 AM
tri808 - 2010-02-12 2:54 PM LT does differ in each exercise right?  I would expect my LT on the bike to be quite a bit lower.

That's exactly correct!  How is zone based training going for you?

Since testing my run, I haven't been able to try it out.  I did my first bike/run brick on Sat, but forgot which zone I was supposed to be in for the run...or actually, didn't even know which one I was supposed to be in.  I kept it at about zone 3, but I think I should have slowed down to zone 2.  In any case, I was happy that my legs responded well and surprised I ran as fast as I did.  It was a 31 mile group ride that averaged about 20 miles per hour (I did very little pulling) and a 3.5 mile run at about a 8:50 pace.

I'm going to try and test my LT for the bike on Tuesday while on the trainer. 

2010-02-15 9:05 AM
in reply to: #2657825

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cabot, Arkansas
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
Id like to join your group.
Im Ryan, 27, married for 7 yrs, with an 18 month old little girl. 
I ran track in high school and got my first road bike in college.  Last yr i decided to put the 2 together and do a tri.  I hadn't run or ridden in a couple years and had gained quite a bit of weight sitting behind a desk!  I started training about 8 wks before my first tri.  I had set a goal that id do a sprint in '09, sprints and olys in '10, a half in '11, and .......  dreams of kona...... lol
I finished the sprint and then got busy with life.  Besides my 8-5 desk job as an engineer, i have a shop building street rods on the side.  Now its time to get back on the ball!!!  I need some people to help keep me on top of training!  As you can see from my log........... Its been awhile
2010-02-15 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2671611

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
Welcome Richie, I'm a computer geek too.  I do networking/security actually.  I also started on a couch to 5k, I think thats a great idea.  I'd say to consider the beginner sprint program on this site if you're looking for a tri plan! 

2010-02-15 10:24 AM
in reply to: #2672774

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
globetruck - 2010-02-14 7:06 PM Hello there Mike! Congrats on your amazing accomplishments! I'd definitely learn from this and I'd love to join your group.My name is Justin, I'm 35, 6'1" and about 185 lbs and currently live in Montgomery AL. I'm likely moving in June, so I don't really know my tri schedule.I'm a decent swimmer, a slightly-below-average biker, and a horrific runner. I've done a bunch of sprints and a few olympics, but I've never really trained specifically for a tri. Every time I've done a tri, I come out of the water feeling great, start getting passed by a few people on the bike, and by the time I get to the run, I'm getting passed by geriatrics pulling their walkers and oxygen tanks! But somehow I've always felt incredible at the finish line, and my goal is a 1/2 IM this fall or next spring (depending on where I move to and how my running progresses). My goals:- smartly manage my running; able to run 15 miles without injury- get comfortable on my new tri bike- increase brick training- 1/2 IM fall of 2010P.S. Hey imbr0gli0 - seems like you're nearly my twin! Hope to see you at some tris this spring/summer!
imbr0gli0 - 2010-02-09 11:09 AMHi Mike, I'm Paul. I would like to join your mentor group. I am 33 years old and live in Mobile, Al. I am 5'8" and 175 lbs. Currently, I am running about 21% bf. I have completed one super sprint triathlon in September of 09' which capped off about 8 months of weight loss for me. I started my weight loss journey at 220 lbs. I have leveled off at my current weight and can't seem to drop any more. I did slack off the aerobic training during the winter and went to heavier weight programs. I am now back on track with my triathlon training and have several races planned soon.My planned races include: *Bold Eagle Triathlon April 25th (Olympic Length)*Three Mile Bridge Swim May 29th (5K Swim)*Grandman Triathlon June 5th (Sprint Length)*Coastal Triathlon September 11th (Olympic Length)*Several 5K's and a 10KCurrently, I am not a fast biker or runner. I can generally hold my own on swim speed. My goals are:*Improve overall speed and distance.*Complete the races listed. I don't have any set time goals for the first two races. I will set some time goals for the second two races.*I want to build to a Half Ironman next year and a Full Ironman in 2012.*I also want to lose enough fat to get below 10% bf. My biggest obstacle is making myself get out there every day. I have to train early or late because of work, and I train alone. This makes it too easy for me to skip out on training. I am using the training logs and currently following the 12 week Olympic training plan. I would love to join your group to get a little encouragement, accountability and some tips along the way.

Hi Justin, glad to see and hear that you're using the logs, that will make things easier for sure!  I am a pretty bad runner as well.  When I started I ran 15 minute miles.  Two years later, I just did an 8:00/mi interval though, so improvement is possibly with frequency! 

A friend of mine gave me this advice about getting faster on the run:

Ways to get faster running:
1.  Increase your training load (frequency, duration, intensity)
2.  Improve your form
3.  Don't get injured

  i'm a huge fan of #2 these days.  It's free speed!  I'd encourage everyone to do a running clinic or read some books or spend some time working on running form.
2010-02-15 10:26 AM
in reply to: #2673314

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
onevette80 - 2010-02-15 9:05 AM Id like to join your group.
Im Ryan, 27, married for 7 yrs, with an 18 month old little girl. 
I ran track in high school and got my first road bike in college.  Last yr i decided to put the 2 together and do a tri.  I hadn't run or ridden in a couple years and had gained quite a bit of weight sitting behind a desk!  I started training about 8 wks before my first tri.  I had set a goal that id do a sprint in '09, sprints and olys in '10, a half in '11, and .......  dreams of kona...... lol
I finished the sprint and then got busy with life.  Besides my 8-5 desk job as an engineer, i have a shop building street rods on the side.  Now its time to get back on the ball!!!  I need some people to help keep me on top of training!  As you can see from my log........... Its been awhile

Welcome Ryan,

It sounds like you have a very busy life.  I can certainly relate to that.  I was busy helping my fiance move all weekend.  Yesterday I loaded a truck, drove 8 hours, unloaded that same truck, and finally got my 4 miler in at 11:30.  It was a loooong day!  Anyway, welcome and hang in there.  The rewards are worth the effort!
2010-02-15 10:56 AM
in reply to: #2657825

New user

Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
Hey Mike,

I'd love to be a part of your group.  Info is below.  Let me know if you still have room.

Name: Michael

Age: 25
Weight: 193lbs
Height: 5'11'
Location: Chicago, IL

Story: Ran cross country/track in high school, had tryouts planned for running in college, broke my right fibula senior CC season (during the race/still finished), recovered, broke it again during my senior track season, decided against running in college, got a bike, did a team tri, placed, went to college, enjoyed college, drank/partied (maybe a little too much), graduated, got a job, now I'm 20 pounds heavier than I want to be, signed up the the CHI Tri in August and ready to shed the weight.

Current Training: Working on my weakest link (swimming) 3-4 times a week and running/biking in my off days.  Went from zero to 900m at a time in the pool since NOV, still a long ways to go but a good start.

2010 race(s):

Quad Cities TRI - On the waiting list
Chicago TRI - 8/29/2010

Weightloss: In DEC I was 203, Currently 193, wish to be 175...


2010-02-15 8:30 PM
in reply to: #2673461

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
JustMike - 2010-02-15 10:26 AM
onevette80 - 2010-02-15 9:05 AM Id like to join your group.
Im Ryan, 27, married for 7 yrs, with an 18 month old little girl. 
I ran track in high school and got my first road bike in college.  Last yr i decided to put the 2 together and do a tri.  I hadn't run or ridden in a couple years and had gained quite a bit of weight sitting behind a desk!  I started training about 8 wks before my first tri.  I had set a goal that id do a sprint in '09, sprints and olys in '10, a half in '11, and .......  dreams of kona...... lol
I finished the sprint and then got busy with life.  Besides my 8-5 desk job as an engineer, i have a shop building street rods on the side.  Now its time to get back on the ball!!!  I need some people to help keep me on top of training!  As you can see from my log........... Its been awhile

Welcome Ryan,

It sounds like you have a very busy life.  I can certainly relate to that.  I was busy helping my fiance move all weekend.  Yesterday I loaded a truck, drove 8 hours, unloaded that same truck, and finally got my 4 miler in at 11:30.  It was a loooong day!  Anyway, welcome and hang in there.  The rewards are worth the effort!

Wow Mike, just reading about your weekend made me tired.  Tongue out

Happy Monday to all.....did everyone get their workouts in over the weekend?  I got a swim, bike & strength session in but no run.  I did finally get to ride my new bike outside for the first time on Saturday.  It was awesome!!!!!  I was so excited to be outside I didn't even mind all the wind.

So, what/when is everyone's first race of the season?  I am starting my 16 week training plan tomorrow for an olympic distance on June 6th and was wondering if you all have gotten started on your "plan" for the season or are you even using one?  I am always amazed by the people who are able to just wing it from day to day and don't have to use a training plan or set/scheduled workouts.  I guess that's because I would never get anything done.
2010-02-15 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2674516

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cabot, Arkansas
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
My first will be the Iron Mountain Sprint on 4-24-10.   Probably need a wet suit for one that early, ehh? 

2010-02-15 9:19 PM
in reply to: #2657825

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Destin, Florida
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
Although, I have been doing the Couch to 5K program for a couple of weeks, I am going to start incorporating biking and swimming starting tomorrow.  It is unusually cold here in the panhandle of florida, so I am going to do a spinning class tomorrow, and try to run on the treadmill.

My first race is actually a 5K on Memorial Day, and then a My First Tri on June 19th.  I am finding nutrition to be the most difficult.  I have started eating healthier and actually find that I'm not hungry and not eating nearly as much as I thought I would.

I'm down to 194 as of this morning with a ways to go. 
2010-02-15 9:20 PM
in reply to: #2657825


Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
Hello all, I am in the army and wnted to do something new. I would like to join the group ad get some motivation and help out where I can.

I've been in the military for a while. I've been running regularly since high school. I've done one sprint some years ago and would like to get to Kona by 2012.

My main goal is weight loss, I am currently 205 at 5'11" would love to get down to 185.

2010-02-16 7:32 AM
in reply to: #2674589

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cabot, Arkansas
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
jayhawkrichie - 2010-02-15 9:19 PM Although, I have been doing the Couch to 5K program for a couple of weeks, I am going to start incorporating biking and swimming starting tomorrow.  It is unusually cold here in the panhandle of florida, so I am going to do a spinning class tomorrow, and try to run on the treadmill.

My first race is actually a 5K on Memorial Day, and then a My First Tri on June 19th.  I am finding nutrition to be the most difficult.  I have started eating healthier and actually find that I'm not hungry and not eating nearly as much as I thought I would.

I'm down to 194 as of this morning with a ways to go. 

Huh?  If I think about running I get hungry!!! 
2010-02-16 8:04 AM
in reply to: #2674537

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Extreme Veteran
Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
My first race is June 19th, a sprint. There is a Duathlon April 25th that is the same course as the Sprint so I may do that.
I hired a swim coach and start with him this week.
2010-02-16 8:26 AM
in reply to: #2674921

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Destin, Florida
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
onevette80 - 2010-02-16 7:32 AM
Huh?  If I think about running I get hungry!!! 

Well, that not hungry feeling was only over the weekend when I wasn't able to run because of the freezing cold, so I don't expect that will be the norm.

I'm sure after the spinning class today, I will be hungry.

2010-02-16 5:54 PM
in reply to: #2657825

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
Here's a question for anyone in the group.

What (if anything) do you eat immediately following a workout?  A few months ago I was taking meal replacemnts from GNC.  I bought on sale and in bulk, so it came out to about $1.40 per 300 calorie serving.  It was easy and convienent to carry with me to the gym and mix and drink right after a workout to start the recovery process.  I'm not sold that these things will make you magically stronger...but you can't deny that the vitamins, protein, and low fat content are not the worst choice for a quick meal.

I recently ran out, so I was going to buy more, but just wanted to get some other opinions from the group. 
2010-02-16 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2674537

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
onevette80 - 2010-02-15 8:49 PM My first will be the Iron Mountain Sprint on 4-24-10.   Probably need a wet suit for one that early, ehh? 

Cool, that one is just around the corner.  Open water swim in April....Brrrrrr - I imagine that would be cold even with a wet suit. 
2010-02-16 9:11 PM
in reply to: #2674589

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
jayhawkrichie - 2010-02-15 9:19 PM Although, I have been doing the Couch to 5K program for a couple of weeks, I am going to start incorporating biking and swimming starting tomorrow.  It is unusually cold here in the panhandle of florida, so I am going to do a spinning class tomorrow, and try to run on the treadmill.

My first race is actually a 5K on Memorial Day, and then a My First Tri on June 19th.  I am finding nutrition to be the most difficult.  I have started eating healthier and actually find that I'm not hungry and not eating nearly as much as I thought I would.

I'm down to 194 as of this morning with a ways to go. 

Nutrition has been tough for me as well.  The more I work out the hungrier I get.  Keeping track of what I eat and going grocery shopping more often instead of eating out all the time has helped me tremendously. 
2010-02-16 9:31 PM
in reply to: #2676543

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Destin, Florida
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
HollyW - 2010-02-16 9:11 PM

Nutrition has been tough for me as well.  The more I work out the hungrier I get.  Keeping track of what I eat and going grocery shopping more often instead of eating out all the time has helped me tremendously. 

i have stopped eating out, and tracking what I eat has helped. I also have taken to planning my meals the night before and cooking on the weekends for the coming week. 
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