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2010-04-08 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN

Managed to get through the AM swim work (20 x 25 yards) out with no problem.  OK, one problem -- swallowed half the pool for the first time on what length.  This PM on the exercise bike and treadmill.

I'll be re-watching the TI video this weekend as I know have some frame of reference.  Also found out this AM that there are a couple of mini (150 yd swim, 5 mile bike, 1 mile run) events planned late this month / early next.  May have to take the plunge a bit earlier.

Take care.


2010-04-08 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
Me:  KidIcarus/Nick, single, currently exiled in Boston but hoping to move back to Phoenix this summer where I had been living the last 3 years.  The desert definitely purged me of my New England-self: I couldn't stand being here this winter.

  I signed up for Ironman Arizona in February on a whim.  I've never done a triathlon before.  I'm on a tight budget too, which isn't very conducive for getting started in this sport;  so needless to say I'm running a very 'grassroots' training campaign.

I did just buy my first bike 5 days ago, though I had been spinning the last two months at the gym so I wouldnt be starting on new legs when I could actually get outside and ride.

Ive ran on-and-off my whole life, and love it.  Ive always wanted to run a marathon, and looks like I'm going to, finally, in November.  =P

Swimming is going to take a lot of practice.  I'm comfortable in the water when I'm just paddling around, but when it comes to freestyle, face-down in the water for extended periods of time, I'm not comfortable at all.  I'm going to start hitting the pool daily very soon and hope to see quick improvements.

In short: I have A LOT of work ahead of me over the next 7.5 months, though I really wouldn't want it any other way.  I love being in over my head, and usually thrive in that environment.

Weightloss:  I'm around 184lbs (@ 6' even), down from 204lbs in December.  I would like to lose a few more, but I have a feeling theyre going to come off on their own as training volume increases over the summer anyways.

Ive been highly active on this site for about two months now.  I was (still am, actually) in a winter mentor group, and log my workouts daily.  I'm not the biggest cheerleader around, but I definitely like to encourage my friends on here.  Looking forward to getting to know all of you.  Thanks for having me!

Edited by KidIcarus 2010-04-08 9:03 AM
2010-04-08 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2776086

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
croixfan - 2010-04-08 5:18 AM Tim,

The sprints in Springfield, IL on 25 July (Stoneman Sprint Triathlon).  It's a 500 yard OWS.  There's a couple of others that are in June that are 400 yards and in the pool.  Those are the ones I'd like to be ready to participate in.  I've bought the TI book and video.  Biggest challenge is the breathing.  Yesterday I actually did 20 x 25 yards w/o stopping on any of the lengths!  For me this was a HUGE milestone as I could not even do 1/2 a length 3 weeks ago.  Heading down to the pool in 20 minutes for another shot at it.

On the fishing front it was tournament bass fishing.  Good news is that the tri's will take a lot less time.

I'll post some questions on buying a road bike later today.  Made the mistake of going to the LBS last weekend and got hooked.

Have a great day.


I do alot of that myself.  Well I use to do more.  I fished alot of Bass Club tournaments and benifit tournaments.  I still Have a Boat and love to Fish.  Glad we all have alot in common.
2010-04-08 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN

NAME:  Norcal_SAHD (David)

STORY:  I'm a 39yo stay at home dad to two girls (5 and 7).  I have a loose background in mountain biking for fun, but had never seriously exercised in my life.  I was a water skiier growing up, but never properly learned how to swim.  I most certainly never ran, unless someone was chasing me...  Most of my life (from 10yo till now) was focussed around motorcycles and motorcycle racing.  I still ride, but haven't raced in a few years.  Last year on a bit of a whim I bought a Tri-training book and signed up for a sprint tri at the end of last summer.  My wife and 7yo daughter also did their first Tri's on that weekend, it was a gas!  My daughter loved it (it was a short kids tri) and we're all looking to do more this summer. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married (11 years) with our 2 girls, age 5 and 7.   One overactive dog, and two lazy cats that don't like me.  We live about 30 minutes north of San Francisco (Novato) so I have good weather all year long.

CURRENT TRAINING: I followed a beginner super sprint Tri plan for my first Triathlon in September (pulled the training plan out of a book I'd bought), and it worked very well.  I then followed a 5k plan for running (found somewhere on the web) in preparation for a thanksgiving 5k fun run, and that too worked great.  I ran it in 25:40, which exceeded my expectations!  I used a somewhat modified Olympic training plan to train for my most recent race, an XTERRA sprint, which was 2 weeks ago.  I'm now trying to figure out how to plan a training program around racing 1x/month over summer...  I'll have some questions on that front soon!

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Did a Super Sprint in September (400yd, 8mi, 2mi) put on by (I loved them, and plan to enter as many of their events as I can!), and ran a 5k Turkey Trot while visiting my in-laws over thanksgiving.  I loved the 5k race itself, though the organization of the particular one I raced really sucked. 

2011 RACES: I completed the Xterra Real MTB Triathlon on March 28th in Folsom (.5mi swim, 16mi bike, 4mi run), the race report is in my logs.  I plan to do the 4 race series at Rancho Seco over the summer with  They offer both Sprint and Olympic length events, I don't know which I'll do yet, but for June will for sure do the sprint.  At those 4 weekends, they also put on kids Triathlons that my daughters want to race in.  My older daughter did one last year and loved it, my younger daughter needs to learn to swim first... 

WEIGHTLOSS: I weighed 225lb in January 2007.  That year my wife and I went hardcore South Beach Diet, and I lost 50 pounds by Thanksgiving 2007.  That was strictly diet based, I did zero exercising during that time.  Since then, my weight slowly crept from 175 at my lowest up to around 185 now.  I'm still living with an overall diet based on the South Beach concepts (no processeed food, lots of veggies, no sugar, basically a low GI diet which includes me cooking meals every day, no more store bought 'ready made' meals) but I'm not that hardcore about it these days.  I do enjoy a good (or bad, I'm not that picky) beer once in a while, and sometimes have some wine with dinner, but don't really drink much alcohol.  I'm not currently trying actively to loose weight, but I'd like to get back to 175.  I'm more focussed on getting in good shape though.  So far, I have not lost any weight since starting to work out, but I have dropped two inches in my waist.  More muscle, less fat, but still 185 pounds right now.

GOALS: Mostly looking to have fun and get a little better/faster at everything.  I am solidly lower middle of the pack in all three events.  I don't currently own a road bike, and so far don't really even like road biking.  I hope to MTB ride 1-2x/week, run 4x/week, swim 2x/week, and then throw in a little more biking either on the road or on rollers in my garage.  I'd love to do more XTERRA races, it was definately fun, but most of them are either too far away, too long, or just don't fit my schedule for this year.  I think I can train about 6-8 hours/week comfortably, but it's fairly hit or miss on a week to week basis due to life stuff.

2010-04-08 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2776466

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
croixfan - 2010-04-08 6:23 AM Tim,

Managed to get through the AM swim work (20 x 25 yards) out with no problem.  OK, one problem -- swallowed half the pool for the first time on what length.  This PM on the exercise bike and treadmill.


The biggest problem most people have when trying to breath is they lift their head.  When you lift your head, your legs sink.  Not only do you get less time to get a breath, but you also create a lot of resistance, which is contrary to what swimming is all about.

Lets see if I can articulate this.  On your breath stroke, you want to keep your body level in the water.  You want to think of yourself gliding on your opposite arm.  If I'm breathing on my right, I glide on my left arm, left ear close to left shoulder, using my left arm similar to a bouy.  The rotation for your breath comes from rotating your hips and extension of the left arm (like standing on your toes and reaching for something over your head).  Only part of your face should come out of the water.  I like to focus on only allowing one eye to come out of the water.

Hard to explain.  Ask away and I'll try to explain further.
2010-04-08 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
Alright Nick, welcome!  Wow, that is a lofty goal: Ironman Arizona.  We will try our best to steer you in the right direction.  I'm planning on heading to Australia for my first Ironman distance when I turn 40.  So, I still get two years to build up to it.

2010-04-08 10:10 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
David, TBF Racing puts on some great events.  I missed Xterra Folsom due to work.  But, I did ride the off-road duathlon in March.  Great times!  Are you planning on some of the practice tris they hold.  They also have quite a few Oly distance races.

I will probably make a couple practices, couple olys, and the MTB 50 miler.
2010-04-08 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
OK guys, we are getting a little group together here.  It looks like we have some similar hobbies and concerns.

Something I learned from another discussion group that I want to implement here is called the Question of the Day (QOTD).  Anyone can throw it out there for any given day.  Its a good way to stimulate discussion and get familar with each other.

I'll start.  What do you hope to gain from the Mentor Group?

This is my first time leading a discussion like this.  Richard coaxed me into participating.  I hope to be able to share my mistakes and the things I've learned while racing to make the sport more fun for you.  I love endurance sports, the lifestyle it promotes, and I want to share with as many people as possible.

I also look forward to hearing from you.  I'm sure there is plenty you will teach me at the same time.
2010-04-08 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Sun Diego
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN

QOTD:  What do you hope to gain from the Mentor Group?
Answer: Something I miss from a lifetime in uniform is the camaraderie of a bunch of Bothers focused on a common mission. From this group I hope to gain a source of learning and motivation from a group of people committed in a common goal. 

Training Plan for the rest of the week:
Today  AM: Treadmill Run (3 mile)  //  PM: Club Open Water Swim (1.1 mile) + T1 Drills
Friday  AM: NONE (Attending LODD Funeral)  //  PM: Treadmill Run (3 mile)
Saturday  AM: Bike (35 mile)  //  PM: Couples Yoga Class (No laughing… It keeps Wifey Happy!)Sunday  AM: Bike (22 mile) w/hill repeats  //  PM: Trail Run (2 mile)

David -  How long have you been in Novato?  I used to run the Fire Station on the flightline and fly medevac out of Hamilton Army Airfield when it was open.  Back then I rode for Sammy Hagar’s Red Rocker Team in Sausalito and loved bombing singletrack all over Mt Tam.  Whenever I visit I still enjoy running the trails behind IVC.  Next time I’m up we’ll have to grab a run (or ride) and a beer.

Tim - Capitola… That’s bitchen!  Back in the 80’s I used to spend many many days surfing between Moss to the Hook (and nights in Santa Cruz)… Good times.  A few years back I taught a CBRNE-WMD class at a Firehouse in Soquel… I think it was one of yours (?).

Bill - I like beer too!  Laughing

You all have a great day.

Edited by BigH2OChief 2010-04-08 11:52 AM
2010-04-08 12:05 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN

I would like in with you guys.  My name is Brian.  I'm 35 years old 6' 1" tall 170lbs.  I'm married with no kids.  I originally started running around the neighborhood for weightloss, but at 215lbs my knees couldn't take it.  I bought a bike and started riding.  That was 3 years ago, and I have since been able to run again.  Last year I did my first indoor tri and mainly focussed on mountain bike racing.  I'd still say that's my main focus but I'm moving more to tri's.  I did another indoor tri already this year, but my first real tri is an Xterra coming up in may.  I've already reached some of my goals this year but I have a few more:

1.  Complete the Xterra and conquer the open water swim- I haven't swam OW since I was 12

2.  Place above mid pack in the Sprint tri I'm doing later in the summer

3.  Maybe do a half IM later in the summer if I can squeeze it into my MTB schedule.

4.  Run a 20 minute 5k-  I'm under 22 right now

5.  Move up to sport class in my mountain bike racing

6.  I've already lost 15lbs this year.  I'm not stuck on this but maybe lose another 5-10

Current training:
-run 2-3 times a week between 4-6 miles
-Bike currently computrainer class on sat. and spin on wed. -soon outside!! 3 days a week
-swim 2 days a week for an hour and 1 day masters class
-weight lift 2-3 days a week
-core workout 5 days a week

Edited by Meulen 2010-04-08 12:09 PM
2010-04-08 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2777292

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
BigH2OChief - 2010-04-08 9:46 AM

 A few years back I taught a CBRNE-WMD class at a Firehouse in Soquel… I think it was one of yours (?)

I don't remember the class, but that is one of our stations.

2010-04-08 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi Brian!  Where are you located?

What races have you been riding for XC?  While I still ride a couple XC races a year, my main interest has shifted to endurance events.  Next year, I would like to do either the Breck Epic or the La Ruta.

I hear you about the OWS.  Its tough!  There's no way around it.  The more you practice the swim though, the more confident you will become.  I have a feeling we eill be talking about this alot.
2010-04-08 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2776941

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
brick94513 - 2010-04-08 10:16 AM OK guys, we are getting a little group together here.  It looks like we have some similar hobbies and concerns.

Something I learned from another discussion group that I want to implement here is called the Question of the Day (QOTD).  Anyone can throw it out there for any given day.  Its a good way to stimulate discussion and get familar with each other.

I'll start.  What do you hope to gain from the Mentor Group?

Well for me I saw Richard was in this group and after clicking on the group I saw that You were in to Trail running and MTBing.  I'm a country boy I live near the city but grew up hunting and bass fishing and to be honest I hate the big city and most of what goes with it other than a good job. 

So, Id much rather run a low key trail race or ultra , Ride my MTB (21 year old Beast GT TEQUESTA but we have history together ..)  than deal with the hassel of a big city marathon. Being out in the woods or country just feels good.  So I hope to mabe figure out some of the xterra Du's from you and keep working towards a Fall 50K ultra trail run.  I also grew up water sking but never learned to formally swim.  To be honest if it wern't for the fact that one day I plan to complete at least one Ironman I could care less if I ever learned to swim,  id be just as happy running and doing DU's.   I also try and keep my goals in line with what I can do and still have plenty of time with the family.  Just training for this 25K was a pretty time consuming comitment. 

I hope everyone that joins stays with us. Last seasons group that GO and I were in kept fading out and only a few of us would post, It got to where I felt like I was talking to myself sometimes.

So biggest thing Id say i'm looking for is a Group of Friends to share our training and accomplishments with and help each other out where needed.
2010-04-08 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2777588

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN

I'm in the Chicago Suburbs (Romeoville).  I did  a couple of the WORS (Wisconsin off-road Series) last season.  Basically, I got killed.  LOL  But it motivated me.  I've been working hard on it, and am really looking forward to it this year.  I've gone from 226 ftp to 256 so far, and have taken another 8 week course since that last ftp.  I'll be doing the final ftp on saturday.  The first MTB race this year is the Sylvan Island stampede.  I'm really looking forward to using my new power gains.  It's Sunday in Moline, Illinois. 

I'm sure we'll talk about the OW a lot.  I'm really struggling with this.  It's still cold around these parts and getting out with the new wetsuit is going to be a challenge before May 23rd.
2010-04-08 1:19 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
Got room for one more???

NAME: wplummer… Will

STORY: i would be Will, and i love training. I live in the suburbs of los angles-glendora, and i am 48 years old. i work as the IT manager for an arena, and have an irregular work schedule due to events.

i have completed one triathlon last july-carlsbad (1 mile swim 24 mile bike and a 5k run). i survived the swim-it was my first ows, and wont be my last. what was momentous for me to complete the event was that 5 months earlier i had partial knee replacement surgery-a story for another time.
i am an avid cyclist who loves the mountains. i may not be lance armstrong fit, but i always reach the summit.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with two kids-14 and 9 who participate in a slew of activities.

CURRENT TRAINING: since my knee surgery i have been running regularly. my ortho doc gave my the green light and i try to hit 100 miles a month. with the nice weather in socal i try to ride 3-5 days a week. my swim workouts are non existent due to budget cuts-where i swam last year has basically closed the pool until april 19!!!! i havent been in the water since last december and cant wait.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2010 malibu tri-i am doing the olympic distance. currently on a budget and some of the feees are steep-so only one race this year, but train everyday. i am also looking to do the 2011 70.3 in oceanside, and the 2011 la marathon.

WEIGHTLOSS: i could use some. i am built like a linebacker-6'2 235. strong, but trying to get leaner. hoping to up the bike volume to 250-400 miles a month.

thats my story and i am sticking to it.
2010-04-08 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2777619

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
SAWFISH50 - 2010-04-08 11:06 AM

I hope everyone that joins stays with us. Last seasons group that GO and I were in kept fading out and only a few of us would post, It got to where I felt like I was talking to myself sometimes.


Unfortunately attrition is always a problem.  When Richard and I talked about starting this group, one of our goals was to keep this group talking and sharing experiences and ideas.

What 50k are you looking at doing?

2010-04-08 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
Hey Will!  Another Californian.  I'm very familar with Glendora.  I grew up in Orange County.  My parents still live in La Habra.

I was going to come down to Bonelli Park for an off-raod tri this weekend, but  had a scheduling conflict.

I'm also planning on the Ocenaside 70.3 next year.
2010-04-08 1:46 PM
in reply to: #2777693

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
brick94513 - 2010-04-08 1:28 PM What 50k are you looking at doing?

Rockey Raccoon 50K.   They haven't updated the web page yet but I spoke to the director and it will be November 6th this year.  There is also a 50 & 100 Mile event of the same name at the same park in February but I'll wait another year before I bite off the 50 mi monster.  Here is the link.

Here is the link to this weekends 25K

Edited by SAWFISH50 2010-04-08 1:48 PM
2010-04-08 2:49 PM
in reply to: #2777709

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
brick94513 - 2010-04-08 11:33 AM

Hey Will!  Another Californian.  I'm very familar with Glendora.  I grew up in Orange County.  My parents still live in La Habra.

I was going to come down to Bonelli Park for an off-raod tri this weekend, but  had a scheduling conflict.

I'm also planning on the Ocenaside 70.3 next year.

hey anytime you want to ride GMR let me know. Bonelli is another great area to ride. thanks for adding me into the mix. i am looking gain more knowledge and become a become a better triathlete.
2010-04-08 3:01 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN

You guys got me jealous.  I use to ride the hills and trails on Camp Pendelton when I was stationed there in the 80's. I Rode my MTB to work most days.  I lived off base in Fallbrook. 

2010-04-08 5:37 PM
in reply to: #2776941

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN

I'm looking for a few things.  First, the chance to interact with some experience folks.  As a newbie, you've got lots of questions.  Second, the hope to make a few friends.  My job has me moving every few years and it's always fun to meet new folks.  Finally, looking for the extra kick in the aXX when I start to take time off!  Counting on all of you to help keep me focused.

2010-04-08 5:41 PM
in reply to: #2776620

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN


Hey another crazy tourney fisherman!  I just sold my Ranger 360V this past week.  With the move up to Chicago, going to focus on training and enjoying the city.  Started fishing tourneys around 20 years back.  Done clubs, buddy tournaments, the co-angler thing, and the boater thing.  Twice I've come within a single fish of winning a boat, ARRRRGGGGHHHH!  I'll miss the challenge, but not the time commitment.  As you know it's more time intensive than just about any other hobby.

Take care.


2010-04-08 5:44 PM
in reply to: #2776865

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
brick94513 - 2010-04-08 10:02 AM
croixfan - 2010-04-08 6:23 AM Tim,

Managed to get through the AM swim work (20 x 25 yards) out with no problem.  OK, one problem -- swallowed half the pool for the first time on what length.  This PM on the exercise bike and treadmill.


The biggest problem most people have when trying to breath is they lift their head.  When you lift your head, your legs sink.  Not only do you get less time to get a breath, but you also create a lot of resistance, which is contrary to what swimming is all about.

Lets see if I can articulate this.  On your breath stroke, you want to keep your body level in the water.  You want to think of yourself gliding on your opposite arm.  If I'm breathing on my right, I glide on my left arm, left ear close to left shoulder, using my left arm similar to a bouy.  The rotation for your breath comes from rotating your hips and extension of the left arm (like standing on your toes and reaching for something over your head).  Only part of your face should come out of the water.  I like to focus on only allowing one eye to come out of the water.

Hard to explain.  Ask away and I'll try to explain further.


Explanation makes sense and it helps.  My challenge is exactly as you describe -- keeping the head down, gliding and getting the hips to rotate.  I'll keep working on it and it will come.   Have swam 4 days in a row for the first time in my life.  Today actually had a couple of 5 second stretches where it felt "right".

Appreciate the help.
2010-04-08 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
And my final note for a bit.....

Think destiny is giving me a hint.  Wife gave me the mail this AM.  In it are two entry forms forms for mini-triathlons.  One's on the 18th of  April with only 100 yards of swimming, the other on 2 May with 150 yars of swimming.  There's also one on the 18th of April with "only" 300 yards of swimming.

May have to actually suck it up and jump in prior to the planned first one in July....

Stay tuned
2010-04-08 6:48 PM
in reply to: #2778410

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
croixfan - 2010-04-08 3:44 PM

Have swam 4 days in a row for the first time in my life.  Today actually had a couple of 5 second stretches where it felt "right".

I was once told this about swimming.  You have to swim 3x a week to maintain, 4x a week to see improvement, and 5x to excel.

Doesn't feel good when you get in that groove?
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