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2010-04-14 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
I've gone through everyone's posts and it looks like we have a great group! I'm not going to inividually reply to each of you because that would defeat the purpose of the group. Any time you have a question please post to this thread. This is our home now and where we all questions can be asked and hopefully answered. I am going to go through your training logs so make sure you're updating them!

trysprintolympic - Do you have any questions about how you plan your training out? You say you need to run often are you running right now?

Kinesio - Great job! Have you picked your next race?

Osfan4life - Is the race you signed up for a sprint? Why are you avoiding running? Is it because you don't have the time or just don't care for it as much? I strongly urge you to get outside on your bike. The road is sooooooooo different from indoor! You'll go into your race feeling so much better if you've ridden your bike outside. 6 weeks is a decent amount of time to get comfortable on your new bike take advantage of it!

cggale - Do you have any questions for your first tri this weekend? Have fun in INDY!! I'd say I'd see you there but with 35,000 people it's highly unlikely!

StrayDog - Welcome to the group! What races are you doing/when? What is your pace when you run and how do you feel about your run (aside from not running often enough)?

toddski310 - my best advice is to have you and your wife plan out your training each week and share that information with each other. I know exactly when and what my husband's plan is each week and he knows mine. It really makes life so much easier.

movingsouth - I see you want to get faster... faster is always a great goal! So what are doing right now to help you with that?

enann - have you considered Galloway running (walk/run)? This may be the ticket to avoid further injuring your hip!

kz9jvq - The sprint you're doing in May is your first right?

2010-04-14 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
What am I doing to get faster?  haha!  staying healthy is the #1.  This winter was marred with sinus infections and colds that gunked up my airways in a horrendous fashion.  mix in a few trips and kids' crazy needs and it was an awful "training" winter.  My logs are accurate minus a few kickboxing and core sessions. 

That said, here is the current status:

I printed out my training schedule so I'm reminded I need to move. (Though I forget to look at it this AM before heading to the gym so I improvised my workouts.)

I visited the June 6 tri site and and am mulling the deep water, 63* swim.  I have a wetsuit but have yet to use it.  63 seems cooooold especially to tread water to start!  I emailed my tri-buddy to get her psyched up (or out) too.

I reserved gym playcare for my kids the next 2 days so I can exercise kid-free.  I might switch one day to the Grandparents and run outdoors instead - haven't called my folks yet to see if they are in need of a grandkid visit!

Now, I need to grab a protein snack, my belly is rumbling from my workout.

2010-04-14 2:25 PM
in reply to: #2772211

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
I do have a question about my first tri. 

I've been checking on the weather and so far this Sunday is going to be partly sunny low 40s in am and 60s in the afternoon.   So I'm looking at temps in the low 40s for the race (starts at 9am).  I purchased a two piece tri-suit and plan to wear that.  The swim is indoors..thank goodness.  However, do I need to bring some outerwear such as long sleeve shirt or light windbreaker for the bike portion?  I don' like being cold, but I do tend to sweat a lot.

Ha, as far as the Indy mini marathon goes.  It does get a little crazy with 35,000 people. 
2010-04-14 2:40 PM
in reply to: #2792027

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
I HATE being cold! If I were you I'd put a nice big fluffy towel in your transition area (assume there may be 2 with an indoor swim, one outside and one in a locker room?). I'd dry off a bit and throw on a tighter fitting zip up long sleeve...something you can easily take off prior to the run.

If you are going to change your shirt after the bike you'll need to wear your number on your waist. If you don't already have a race belt to clip your number to you can pick one up pretty cheap. I biked this morning and it was 40 degrees-ish outside and it was damn cold even with layers on. You may even consider a pair of gloves for the bike that you can take off for the run.

On cold days hills are a bonus...they heat you up fast! Not sure if this is a hilly course or not?

Just make sure you try out whatever shirt you're going to wear because you don't need a parachute on your back slowing you down!
2010-04-14 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!

My training plan needs some tightening. Right now I kind of do a hybrid of three plans plus whatever I have time for and whichever sport best fits my work schedule. My next race is the half-marathon which will be my first and I really want to do well. I just don't have much time for long runs lately!

2010-04-14 7:13 PM
in reply to: #2772211

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Yes the sprint I am doing in May will be my first Tri.  Does that raise any thoughts or pointers based on what you are seeing in my training log?!? 

Looking forward to it and I am training over my actuals for the race.  I have been doing bricks once a week for the last month and I was planning to set my HR limits for the bike and run on my Garmin to keep my on track during the race.  Not quite sure about pre-race prep though...

2010-04-15 12:24 AM
in reply to: #2772211

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Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!

Hey Heather. Thanks for letting ME in the group. HeHe.
PACE: I run anywhere between a 8-10 min/ mi. on avg. There are a lot of hills around here I usually train on them and I run at 3500' which is the elevation here. When I go to sea level I appear faster of course. Lately I just go on "feel" regarding my knees.

RACES: My next two races are a Half Mary on May 2 or 3. The next one is a Relay race of 12 person team. Each person runs 2-3 legs. Total race dist=216.6mi. The next is a sprint tri in August and another sprint in Sept. Then to see how I feel ....maybe a HIM in October, but nothing scheduled.

How I Feel about the Run: I feel unstable at times. I know there is fluid accumulation on the left knee. Nothing serious. All the soft tissue is intact. MRI performed this month. So, I will continue to train. It has me more cautious though. As the days go on I feel really sketchy about unstable terrain but I have increased my distance. Last week I did a 7.8mi run @ 10min pace and felt pretty good. I did ice after and paid closer attention to recovery. Of course now I have a damn back strain which really pisses me off and it just seems that lately I work so hard to go forward and then another set back. I need to get out of this pattern because if I stay here in the "funsucking" attitude I will quit. I don't do the non fun thingy well. Like two elephants screwing, a whole lotta rustling around in the bushes and nothin' getting done. Ok then, thanks for listening, I will go take a lap now coach.

2010-04-15 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Hey folks,

Looks like I'll be off to a slow start in this group.  My last three weeks of training have been interrupted repeatedly by kids' stuff, visitors and doctor/dentist appointments.  Today I had to have a tooth extracted and the periodontist told me I need to take 1-2 weeks off from exercise or risk losing the bone graft he put in after the tooth came out.   I'm way bummed.  I know I'll get enough training time in to get to the finish of my next oli in 8 weeks, but I'll hardly be peaking.

My biggest worry is gaining weight while being sedentary.  I hope I can keep any encroaching weight gain at bay.
2010-04-15 2:28 PM
in reply to: #2772211

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!

Take care of that bone graft.  You can make up the conditioning but issues with the graft are permanent!   You're doing the right thing following doctor's orders.

2010-04-15 3:23 PM
in reply to: #2792667

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
kz9jvg your workouts look fantastic. Very impressive training for your first triathlon! You'll do great!
2010-04-15 3:26 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Hey Spleen heal quickly! You won't gain weight if you're eating extra "clean". Just look at the next 1-2 weeks as a super healthy eating project and you're preparing your body from the inside out for training! ;O)

Okay everybody let's hear what your training plans are for the weekend?

I'll go first - Saturday 42 mile bike ride followed up with a 30 minute run.
Sunday - 10 mile run

Let's hear it?!

2010-04-15 5:40 PM
in reply to: #2794648

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
hlipusch - 2010-04-15 3:26 PM Hey Spleen heal quickly! You won't gain weight if you're eating extra "clean". Just look at the next 1-2 weeks as a super healthy eating project and you're preparing your body from the inside out for training! ;O) Okay everybody let's hear what your training plans are for the weekend? I'll go first - Saturday 42 mile bike ride followed up with a 30 minute run. Sunday - 10 mile run Let's hear it?!

For me, I'm going to take it easy on Saturday.  Probably an easy bike ride or a nice walk.  Sunday is my race day which will be a 400 meter swim, 10 mile bike, and 3.2 mile run.  The weather is now going to be in the high 30s in the morning.  Not  going to enjoy that.  But I'm still very exited!! Smile
2010-04-15 6:03 PM
in reply to: #2794637

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Thank you Heather!  I know my pace looks slow on the bike.  One of the constraints is that I am using a mountain bike.  Also riding a hilly course but the plus there is I get in the hill training all the time!

How are your workouts going?
2010-04-15 6:07 PM
in reply to: #2794648

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
For this weekend:

Friday I have a 39 minute swim.  Going to shoot for 1500 meters and do 2x300m in there.
Saturday - off day.  May just do a hike and finish some chores that I am behind on.
Sunday - Brick  77 minute ride - should equate to about 21 miles.  Followed by a 39 minute run - which should be about 4.6 miles.

Oh yeah going to practice transitions on Saturday too.
Next week is my first taper week.
2010-04-15 6:09 PM
in reply to: #2794935

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Good luck on the race this weekend cggale! Looking forward to your report!!!!
2010-04-15 9:26 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
I'd like to get a long ride and a long run in this weekend, not in that particular order! It's supposed to be yucky and rainy here though, so it might not go down like that.

The vagueness of my workout plans probably indicates the need for a more specific training plan! Let's shoot for a combined three hours of exercise - probably 120 mins on the bike and 60 mins running?!

2010-04-16 7:23 AM
in reply to: #2794979

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Sounds like a great plan for the weekend. Just curious why the odd numbers for training times?

Edited by hlipusch 2010-04-16 7:27 AM
2010-04-16 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2794935

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
That is a very cold tri I agree!!! Make sure you have gloves and something to put over your ears. I wear a very thin headband type of ear cover under my helmet and that's worked well for anything over 35 degrees on the bike. I guess you'll have incentive to bike really really fast just to get it done! HA!

Can't wait to hear how you do...good luck!

Edited by hlipusch 2010-04-16 7:27 AM
2010-04-16 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2795682

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!

Re: the odd numbers, I am following a BT 16 week sprint 3x balanced plan.  I am on week 2 of month 4 and the peak durations for the long days are 77 minute bike and 39 minute run.  I know they raise them by a percentage of time on increases and only round to the nearest minute instead of 5 minutes.  I do vary them a little though.  By the time I finish a 77 minute ride, it may be 80 minutes because of winds though for example.

2010-04-16 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2796116

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
I would have to round the numbers up myself. I don't know why but odd numbers would confuse me! ;O)
2010-04-16 9:05 PM
in reply to: #2794648

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Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
hlipusch - 2010-04-16 1:26 PM Hey Spleen heal quickly! You won't gain weight if you're eating extra "clean". Just look at the next 1-2 weeks as a super healthy eating project and you're preparing your body from the inside out for training! ;O) Okay everybody let's hear what your training plans are for the weekend? I'll go first - Saturday 42 mile bike ride followed up with a 30 minute run. Sunday - 10 mile run Let's hear it?!

Weekend plan:
Fri Swim. WU 200, WO 800 race pace, CD 200
Sat Run: 7 mi. ( I may throw a bike in here)
Sun Run: 11 mi.

2010-04-17 9:12 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
hilpusch - did my first outdoor road bike yesterday, and i loved it! honestly, i haven't been riding outdoors b/c i was scared to go it alone my first time on the cleats/petals...but it was so fun! after getting over the "crap i'm gonna fall" feeling, it was nice to be out there. and this is probably me being way naive, but i didn't mind the cars so much, like i knew they were there and tried to stay aware of them, but it didn't ruin the ride.

the tri i'm signed up for is a sprint - a 400 m pool swim, a 14.5 mi bike, and 3.1 mi run.

re: running. never have liked it, and ACL surgery (many moons ago) has left me with some nagging knee pain that doesn't make me like running any more than i did. anyway, i try not hating it, mostly by saying it's good for the dog, but it's still no good. fortunately, i enjoy swimming and biking.
2010-04-18 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2797146

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
hlipusch - the odd numbers do seem kind of strange but I have been working with them for a while now so guess I have gotten used to them.

Question for you.  In planning race strategy, I am planning to go off of target HR for the bike and pace and target HR for the run.  Going to have to go off of RPE for the swim.  So the question is, how much should you go up or down for your bike and run in the race from  what you are doing on bricks?  I was going to try to determine the optimal HR from training distances similar to the race distances.  Any ideas here?

2010-04-18 5:35 PM
in reply to: #2772211

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Hey guys,

I did my first triathlon today and overall I really enjoyed it!!!  However.......

My results did not show up because I later found out my timing chip number did not match my bib number.  I was pizzed because I gotta remember so much stuff anyway, the last thing I thought I needed to do was make sure my timing chip matched my bib number.  Who knew??  This has never happend to me before.  Anyway, I e-mailed the event people and hopefully they'll get it figured out so I can actually post something later.

It's frustrating because you work so hard for something and actually finish, but it's not even recognized.  Yell

Overall, I think I did pretty well.  I felt smooth and steady the whole time.  I got through the swim part which took forever to start btw.  My bib number was high, so my start was waaaaaaay in the back.  LOL, my sister did the race and she was finished with the whole thing by the time I was done with the swim!!  She got second overall in the womens....dayumm she's fast. 

The bike was cold but it was sunny, so it wasn't bad at all.  My husband and kids were cheering me on which was super. 

The run was steady, but my legs of course felt like lead weights.  I finished with my sister waiting for me with a big hug and congratulations.  I felt really good after the race.  No pain or soreness which is a plus.

I will for sure continue on this tri journey. 

2010-04-18 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2799898

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Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
cggale - 2010-04-19 3:35 PM Hey guys,

I did my first triathlon today and overall I really enjoyed it!!!  However.......

My results did not show up because I later found out my timing chip number did not match my bib number.  I was pizzed because I gotta remember so much stuff anyway, the last thing I thought I needed to do was make sure my timing chip matched my bib number.  Who knew??  This has never happend to me before.  Anyway, I e-mailed the event people and hopefully they'll get it figured out so I can actually post something later.

It's frustrating because you work so hard for something and actually finish, but it's not even recognized.  Yell

Overall, I think I did pretty well.  I felt smooth and steady the whole time.  I got through the swim part which took forever to start btw.  My bib number was high, so my start was waaaaaaay in the back.  LOL, my sister did the race and she was finished with the whole thing by the time I was done with the swim!!  She got second overall in the womens....dayumm she's fast. 

The bike was cold but it was sunny, so it wasn't bad at all.  My husband and kids were cheering me on which was super. 

The run was steady, but my legs of course felt like lead weights.  I finished with my sister waiting for me with a big hug and congratulations.  I felt really good after the race.  No pain or soreness which is a plus.

I will for sure continue on this tri journey. 


But you finished. THat;s the important thing. That is awsome. Sounds like you had fun doing it too.

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