BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2010-12-29 4:25 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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east hampton
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi everyone, if it's not too late may I join your group? 

Name: Laura Sumayah

Background:  I'm 27 years old, from Long Island, New York.  I'm VERY new to tri., but really want to compete in the sprint triathlon that is happening in my area in July and have just started training for it last week.  I feel inspired to be athletic, to train, to have this goal.  I'm not a couch potato, but I'm not in great shape either.  for the last few months i've been recovering from a year long lower back/it injury that happened due to my previous career in organic farming.  I've been spinning and doing some weight training for a few months.  In the less snowy months I bike commute to work, I love to bike.  Earlier in my life I played a lot of tennis, but have never competed in an athletic event. I have never been a runner and have always wanted to, so i joined a once a week running club.  It's slow going! My body is naturally anaerobic, my heart rate shoots up high and comes down fast, i'd be a great sprinter, I'm looking forward to retraining myself.  None tri related, I work for a local newspaper and am also studying for the GMAT's because I hope to apply to business school in the fall.

Family Status:
single, just moved home with my parents to get back on my feet as I apply to school.

Current Training: 
Just getting started with this, my plan looks like spin class/biking 2 times a week, running 3 times a week, swim 2 times a week. I currently go to spin 3 times a week and am on my second week of running. Swimming group starts next week.

Weightloss: I'm 5'8 and currently around 180 pounds, but my measurements are shrinking even though the scale is staying the same.  I'm about 20 pounds heavier then I was 2 years ago, mostly due to the back injury which has made me more sedentary and then got me off the fitness wagon.

Goals for 2011:
I'd love to compete in the Montauk sprint triathlon in july and the Mighty Hamptons Triathlon in september.

2010-12-29 4:39 PM
in reply to: #3256073

New user

Seattle, WA
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - OPEN
Ooh Ooh! Me, me, me! (Please!)

Story: I am a true beginner.  At the end of 2009 I hopped on a scale and realized I was TOO FAT.  I started a couch to 5k training program and went from there.  I recently finished my 2nd half marathon and am training for a full in May.  Running doesn't really do it for me though.  I enjoy it, but I get bored and have been thinking about (/reading about/obsessing over) triathlons for a long time.  I've decided it is time to jump in head first!  I am in the best shape I've ever been in (which isn't saying much ) and can't wait to work towards something new. Swimming has never been my strong suit, but I'm very comfortable in the water so I suppose I have that going for me.  Been doing spin classes for awhile, but haven't been on a real bike since I was probably like 15.  Ahh well.  I'll be turning 30 this year, as well as getting married.  I figure, why not top it all of with completing some major life goals.    Now to find a balance in my time.........

Family: I am engaged to the love of my life and can't wait to get married and start poppin' out some babies!

Current training:  Mostly just maintenance runs right now.  Official marathon training starts Jan 9th and swimming/biking will be my cross training days until I'm done with that.

This Year's Races: A few 5ks, 10ks, Rock 'n Roll Seattle 1/2 marathon, and Run Like Hell Portland 1/2 marathon (no triathlons ever)

2011 Races:  BMO Vancouver Marathon, a sprint triathlon or two (haven't chosen yet) and I would LOVE to complete and Olympic distance by the end of the season...still trying to choose races though.

Weight Loss: I'm down 40lbs with about 10 to go to my goal weight 
2010-12-29 4:45 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hey Michael
I would like to join your group if you have room for a Canadian ?
Live in Vancouver
51 years old
Married 20 years, 3 grown kids, my Iron Sherpas, best team ever
Competetive sports all of my life, soccer,baseball,hockey.
Started running and cycling as I got older because it was easier on the body
Tri's for 4 years now
4 Oly's
2 Sprints
Completed IM Canada 2010(awesome!) 13:59:20
Have not done much since Sept, Managed to injure my Achilleis during Ironman(sucks), So I am just getting back to Running and back on my bike  trainer, 3 times a week running and starting to do some more cycling, have not swam since race day. No real reason besides the injury but I should have dome some swimming  to maintain I just was burnt out so I backed right off. Time to ramp up again So excited to get back at it. Lurking on the site for a few years now and was in a mentor group last year before IM  and it helped imensley. Great to bounce stuff off of others. Always liked your posts very informative and helpfull

Races for 2011

Sprint in April
Oly in June
Half IM in July
various running races thruout

look forward to hearing back from you
2010-12-29 6:59 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi Michael, room for another Brit?

Story: tiesim - tiernan. 32 yrs young, male, married, 1st baby due in April. Played amateur rugby for 15 yrs and decided in 2010 time to start planning post rugby so signed upto some triathlons and got hooked. Tri raced 4 times this yr oly and sprint distance. No spectacular times. 1.25 sprint. 2.55 oly. plus some half marathons pb 1.49. and 10k 46min, details in my log.

Current training:  turboing at home 30 miles pw, running 12 miles pw, swimming not enough. Just refinding my mojo after a hectic social few months

2011: feb 2 half marathons, march a 10k, baby in april, uk im 70.3 in June and another 70.3 in sept. More to be added baby permitting

Weight Loss: im 6ft 2. I started 2010 at 210 lbs and finishing at 210lbs, I want to drop 20lbs but won't unless I can sort out my diet as I pretty much eat what I want and binge in the bad things a fair bit.

Edited by Tiesim 2010-12-30 6:22 PM
2010-12-29 7:06 PM
in reply to: #3266870

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - OPEN
Welcome Kathy!

"Finishing and having fun" is what it's all about as far as I'm concerned.
2010-12-29 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3266876

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - OPEN
Welcome Laura!

The good news for you is that it is relatively easy to turn a sprinter-type into an endurance type.  Going the other way is tougher.

Don't worry so much about weight.  If the measurement are coming down, you are going in the right direction.  Muscle is denser than fat.  I pay much more attention to the mirror than I do to the scale.

2010-12-29 7:10 PM
in reply to: #3266907

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - OPEN
Welcome Dave!  I think we can make room for a Canadian.  Smile  Especially as Vancouver is just about one of my favorite places to visit in North America.

2010-12-29 7:13 PM
in reply to: #3267083

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - OPEN
Welcome Tiernan!  So we've got two doing UK 70.3.  Heck, if finances were better, I'd join you!  Baby in April is a big deal!  With all of the parents in the group, I'm sure you can get some good advice about how to balance baby and training.
2010-12-29 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3256073

Mariaville Lake NY
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hey Michael,

  My name is Rick and have not been very active or very good to my body for most of my life.  My wife and i were in Lake Placid during the Ironman in 2001 and was just blow away by the amazing endurance of the athletes! At the time I had no clue what was involved in the sport(distances) . Fast forward to the winter of 2009  and not feeling very good about myself and started to exercise and ride my bike. Something that i enjoyed doing years ago. Then a funny thing happened I started to see results and had lost 20 lbs. But, i wasnt working torwards anything. Being competative i needed something to sink my teeth into to keep me going. Thats when i rememberd IMLP. So off i went to my laptop and found out that there were such things as sprint tris. I signed up for one before really knowing anything about  what was involved. Then i found BT and i started training with a purpose! Since then i have completed two sprint tris and am hooked.
   I am planning  3 to 4 sprint distance races with maby a 5k  or two in between in 2011. One of the things i would like to add to my training is a  Mentor Group . I would really like to join your group as your story is similar to mine! 
2010-12-29 7:42 PM
in reply to: #3256073

New user

Seattle, WA
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey there,

Just want to make sure my message is showing up to everyone else since everyone around me seems to have gotten a "welcome".


2010-12-29 7:53 PM
in reply to: #3256073

New user

Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hello Michael, my name is Jason.  If you have room for another person, I would like to join your group.

Name: Jason (jbm1421)

Story: I have never competed in a triathlon.  I decided to take on the challenge after one of the guys I work with competed in a few races last year and he talked about how much fun it was and how great the people are in the sport.  I'm also looking to get back in shape and live a more healthy life.  I was a pretty active runner up until about two years ago (was transferred to a new squad and my new assignment required longer and non-scheduled work hours and days). 

Family Status: 37 yoa, married for 12 great years to a wonderful woman, have two great boys ages 6 and 10, one dog, one cat, five fish, and one hermit crab. 

Current Training: I run either outside or on the treadmill when I can or when motivated.  I have a road bike that was a birthday gift from about four years ago that I haven't ridden much but need to get on and ride.

2011 Races: I have sigend up for the Columbia Triatholon set for the end of May 2011.  I would also like to try another race or two.

Weight Loss: I'm 6'3" and 215 lbs.  I would like to get down to 190 or 185 (my college lacrosse weight many many years ago). 

GOAL: I have followed the sport for the last few years and read about so many people that have taken that step and the challenge and then they competed and finished a race.  I want to take on that challange and learn about the sport.  I look forward to being part of your group (if you still have room) and learning and helping as much as I can.  Thanks. 

2010-12-29 7:54 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Alright everyone, with that latest flurry of activity, we are now official closed, but open for business!  There is the possibility of one more person, who contacted me privately earlier, but other than that, we are now who we are, and ready to roll.

I'd like to start with a few simple ground rules and suggestions.


First and foremost, everybody's opinion here counts.  It doesn't matter how much experience or knowledge you have.  If you have an opinion, feel free to express it.  We will all respect everybody else's views, and if we disagree, we will say so respectfully.  Healthy debate is fine.  Mutual encouragement and sharing of information even more so.  Disrespect is not.  If I think you're wrong, I will tell you so in the most respectful terms, and in what I think is your best interest as an endurance athlete trying to achieve your goals.  I hope everybody else will do the same (including to me!).

With that in mind, and as we've all already shared first names, I'd prefer that we address one another by our first names.  I personally believe that it helps us to overcome the temptation (encouraged by the anonymity of the internet) to say things that we'd never say to someone in person.  I will certainly address all of you by your first names, and hope you will do the same.

In a minute, I'll share a bit more information about myself with you.  Feel free to share as much, or as little, personal information about yourself that you are comfortable with.


The logs here on BT are a great resource.  I strongly encourage you to use them.  I've logged every minute of my training since I joined BT, and I can tell you in no uncertain terms that keeping track of your training in this way has enormous benefits.  First, for yourself, you can go back and see, with the benefit of hindsight, what works and what doesn't work for you.  Second, when you ask a question, others can look at your logs and give you a far better response than they could not having any clue about your training history.  It really does make a huge difference.  Finally, as far as this group is concerned, the logs are a great way for us to give one another regular support (via the 'inspire' function -- if it isn't clear how to use it, ask).  If you log your training, I promise I will check in to your logs from time to time and try to give you support and advice as I can.  I encourage you all to do the same for each other.


Any and all topics related to triathlon are fair game here.  And if you want to have a conversation about other stuff, that's fine too.  It is clear that we have a lot of beginner triathletes in this group (go figure, on a site called ''!), so especially early on, I will suggest a number of topics to discuss that I think will be especially helpful for beginners.  But I have no crystal ball.  You will get the most out of this group if you ask the questions that you feel you need answered.  Don't worry if the question is ill-formed or unclear.  We can sort that out in discussion.  Above all, do NOT be embarrassed by a question that you think is 'too basic'.  There is no such thing!


So here's a little bit more about me, just if that helps you to understand where I'm coming from.  If you don't care about biographies, you can skip this part!  I've learned from my previous two mentor groups that people eventually ask, so here it is.

I grew up in Wisconsin.  I was a classically trained musician from age 3, and by the time I got to college ('University' for the Brits...), I was very much headed down the path of becoming a professional French Horn player, which I in fact did for exactly 3 months (Cleveland Symphony), when I realized that it wasn't for me.  I went back to school and finished two degrees, one in physics and one in philosophy, and then to graduate school in philosophy.  I taught at Indiana University for 10 years in its History and Philosophy of Science department, and I am now at the University of South Carolina, in the Philosophy Department.  We moved here in 2004 because both my wife's and my family live here.  I turned 40 in 2008 and realized that I was out of shape, drank too much, and was unhappy with myself physically.  Perhaps most of all, I did not want to be that example to my kids.  So (after several earlier but quickly aborted attempts) I started running.  I made most of the beginner's errors, which led to injury, but fortunately the injuries were minor.  I started educating myself about endurance sport, and I soon grew to love running.  In December of 2008, I ran my first marathon.  Meanwhile, I had become fixated with the idea of doing a triathlon.  I learned to swim, and did several races from sprint to HIM, and in August of 2009, I did IMKY, which is when my love/hate relationship with IM began.  This past year, I surprised myself by getting relatively fast, so I set myself the goal of qualifying for the ITU long course world championships, which was convenient because the qualifier race for Team USA was right here in South Carolina.  I managed that, and went on to do the Beach to Battleship iron distance race this past Novermber, which solidified that love/hate relationship I mentioned before!

I have spent an inordinate amount of time reading and studying triathlon.  I read both scientific and 'popular' literature, and also have discussions with whoever will listen.  I suppose it is part of my obsessive personality that I now want to learn as much as possible about the sport that has dominated my attention for the past 2 years.  I love sharing what I've learned with others, and learning what they have to offer.


OK, enough about me.  I'd like to start things off (in addition to ANY questions you have or topics you'd like to discuss) with a question aimed at starting a discussion on consistency.  I believe very strongly that consistent training is the path to success.  You cannot go 'hot and cold' with endurance training.  It's all about getting out the door on a consistent basis.  What are the challenges that you face getting out the door X number of times per week?  (X will be different for different people.  The value of X isn't the point.  The point is:  whatever goal you have set yourself for the number of times you hope to train per week, what are the biggest obstacles you face to achieving that goal?)  And what ideas do we have for each other about overcoming those obstacles?

Edited by Experior 2010-12-29 10:02 PM
2010-12-29 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
To Rick, Hannah, and Jason:  Welcome!  My posts got mixed up.  You are in!  I'll respond individually in a moment,
2010-12-29 7:57 PM
in reply to: #3267139

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - OPEN
Welcome Rick!

IMLP has fascinated me for a while.  I'm not sure when I can get there, but what a race!
2010-12-29 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3267147

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Welcome Hannah!

If you're already comfortable in the water, then you're halfway home.  Now for the hard (but fun!) part...
2010-12-29 8:01 PM
in reply to: #3267158

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - OPEN
Welcome Jason!

It sounds like you are on your way.  How is swimming for you?

2010-12-29 8:15 PM
in reply to: #3267172

New user

Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - OPEN
Well...when I was growning up I was on the neighborhood swin club for a few years if that counts (which it probably doesn't).   I can swim and have been around and in the water much of my life.  However, it has been a long long time since I swam laps.  
2010-12-29 8:22 PM
in reply to: #3267185

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - OPEN
jbm1421 - 2010-12-29 9:15 PM Well...when I was growning up I was on the neighborhood swin club for a few years if that counts (which it probably doesn't).   I can swim and have been around and in the water much of my life.  However, it has been a long long time since I swam laps.  

Well then you have just identified task #1:  Get back in the pool!  Your previous experience will serve you very well, but you do need some time to 'reawaken' your swimming past.
2010-12-29 8:25 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
One thing I forgot to mention, everyone.  There is a very useful feature here that allows you to add other people as 'friends'.  I would suggest that we all add one another as 'friends'.  Doing so makes it much easier (i.e., quicker) to get to one another's logs.  (Go to Settings -> Training Blog Customization -> Friends).  I will also create a little table of everybody in the group and you can easily copy and paste that into your blog for easy access.  I'm headed for bed right now, but I'll do it tomorrow.
2010-12-29 10:33 PM
in reply to: #3256073

New user

Seattle, WA
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks Michael!  

My biggest obstacle seems to be not using my time effectively.  I know I have PLENTY of time to train (I don't have kids yet and I am a professional photographer making my own schedule).  I still, like anyone, have a million things to do, but I sit around figure out what to do when and how and why and in what color (oh wait, that's just the lists) rather than just doing it.  As I write this I am halfway through a (very pretty) color coded training schedule.  Which, if I were doing my usual thing, would be remade 8 or 12 times before I actually START training.  I'm pretty sure I just need to make myself appointments in my calendar just like I would for a client...
2010-12-30 6:14 AM
in reply to: #3267083

New user
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - OPEN
Tiesim - 2010-12-30 12:59 AM Hi Michael, room for another Brit?Story: tiesim - tiernan. 32 yrs young, male, married, 1st baby due in April. Played amateur rugby for 15 yrs and decided in 2010 time to start planning post rugby so signed upto some triathlons and got hooked. Tri raced 4 times this yr oly and sprint distance. No spectacular times. 1.25 sprint. 2.55 oly. plus some half marathons pb 1.49. and 10k 46min, details in my log.Current training:  turboing at home 30 miles pw, running 12 miles pw, swimming not enough. Just refinding my mojo after a hectic social few months2011: feb 2 half marathons, march a 10k, baby in april, uk im 70.3 in June and another 70.3 in sept. More to be added baby permittingWeight Loss: im 6ft 2. I started 2010 at 210 lbs and finishing at 210lbs, I want to drop 20lbs but won't unless I can sort out my diet as I pretty much eat what I want and binge in the bad things a fair bit.

Hi mate good to see a fellow Brit in the group but more importantly...see you at Wimbleball, it's going to be fun mate! Neil

2010-12-30 8:47 AM
in reply to: #3267162

Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED

In response to Michael's question, m?y biggest training obstacle is time.  During the week I am out the door every morning at 6 and go nonstop until about 8 in the evening.  Any weekday training occurs after my son is in bed.  My plan for the coming weeks is to join a gym with a pool so that I can swim /run over lunch and potentially get in some training before work.

Edited by Jeff1975 2010-12-30 8:50 AM
2010-12-30 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3256073

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED

In response to Michael's opening question for us, one of the biggest challenges for me to 'get out the door' is balancing my other sport interests (ice hockey, martial arts) with tri training.  One of my other limiters is I really don't like running (probably because it is my worst discipline).  Scratch that, I enjoy trail running (despise the treadmill), but early darkness this time of year limits my ability to go during the week after work.  Love swimming and am very comfortable in water, I'm just not fast, and I've always enjoyed biking.  Again, I'm no speed demon, but I'm probably average speed and really enjoy it.

And although my other sports don't directly support my tri training, the strength and core workout I get from Tae Kwon Do is beneficial as well as the stretching and balance.  And hockey, well, that is just plain a great way to get a workout! Smile

Rick, I'm so glad you were moved to tri by IMLP!  I have never competed there, but watched friends race it in 2009 and volunteered in 2010, and have plans to watch/support friends again in 2011.  LOVE the beauty of the region and the awesomeness of the determination/speed/ability of the athletes.

And it is great to have some fellow females in this group, Hannah and Laura!

2010-12-30 10:20 AM
in reply to: #3267162

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Griffin, Georgia
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
The great thing that I have found about training for triathlon is that you get to do different things each day.  In the past when I just ran, swam, biked or lifted weights, it got boring and repetitious.  Being able to mix it up each week helps me stay motivated to get out the door.  I'm following the 20 week Sprint 3x balanced program.  This program does each of the three sports 3 times per week.  3 swim/bike days and 3 run days with 1 day rest.  The program is set up to progressively increase the length of the workout each week with a recovery week every fourth week.  I know that I can miss a workout if I am sick or have some other obligation come up.  I also know that missing too many will put me off schedule and will make the future workouts of increasing intensity that much harder.  I have to follow it or I will not be ready in April.  I think following a set program like this has helped me stay motivated.  Also, I have started this and I have told too many people what I am doing.  I will feel too much like a quitter if I do not train consistently so that I can complete the event.  This being my first tri, that is my goal, COMPLETE.

The hardest part of getting out the door for me is the swim.  I have to travel 40 minutes one way to the pool.  I also have to coordinate that with my son who is going to try the triathlon with me.  Sometimes we have to switch some days around or combine different excercises so that we can complete the workouts each week.  For the bike and run, I do those right at my house.  I have some land and we have two loops for the run that total 1.42 miles.  It is good because we are training on a trail which lessens the impact of the run on my overweight body.  It is also relaxing to be in the woods and not be on the road with vehicles and their exhaust.  I live in the country and there are numerous back roads around here that I use to bike on.  I have several different routes and that keeps it interesting.  I am riding an older Trek 820 mountain bike.  It comes in handy on some of the roads that are dirt. It does not have shocks so it rides more like a road bike than a regular mountain bike does.

So so far we have boredom/keep it interesting and schedule/be flexible.  Weather obviously plays a role also.  If weather looks bad on a bike or run day I just try to switch some days up for that week so that everything gets done.  I also know that my bike is probably my strongest event so that if I have to miss a day it is the first one to go.  Run is my second in best.  At least I know that I can walk/run a 5K.  So swim is my most important item.  Swim is the hardest for me because it is just so different and I have not swam for competition in 28 years.  Since weather cannot impact swim training I have definitely made a committment to getting into the pool 3 times a week.

How about just being tired.  The other day I was tired and just did not feel like it.  I had already swam that day and needed to do a 44 minute bike.  I almost did not do it.  I finally convinced myself by saying let's ride a little different route until the time is up.  Just relax and ride but don't push too hard.  So off I went.  I biked for 47 minutes and while my pace was a little slower than normal I was glad I got the ride in.  It made me feel better from the excercise and knowing that I had completed all of that days training.  So if your tired just go do it and try to change it up a little for that day and take it a little easier.

OK, I am done.  I did not think I had this much to say.  I hope I didn't get too far off track
2010-12-30 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3266063

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - OPEN
njc65 - 2010-12-29 11:11 AM Hi Michael. I have identified a few races that I'll do, will add/amend to them in due course. Current 2011 as follows:

30/01 - Ferriby 10 miles (run)
06/03 - Clumber Park Duathlon
20/03 - East Hull 20 miles run (possible depending on fitness)
April - Sprint Triathlon somewhere
08/05 - Beverley 10k (run)
15/05 - Hull 10k (run)
29/05 - OLympic Triathlon somewhere
19/06 - UK 70.3 - Wimbleball
(Jul - Aug) TBA
11/09 - Leeds Olympic Triathlon

What do you think?

Hi Neil.  This post slipped by me earlier -- sorry.

That looks like a great schedule.  Your Oly is about the right distance from the HIM.  Don't underestimate how much that 20 mile run will take out of you.  I wouldn't schedule a sprint the following week (but two or three weeks later should be OK).
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