BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL! Rss Feed  
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2010-12-24 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
hi there can i join the group plz, Bio to follow Wink

2010-12-24 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Hi!  I would like to join

Name: Serenity but call  me Seren

Background:  Always been competitive - horse shows, high school swim team, bodybuilding and now triathlons.   There was a period of time between bodybuilding and tri's where I just enjoyed extreme sports, mostly mountaineering.  It was during ths time that I really grooved on being out there for HOURS sometimes DAYs at a time.  There is just something magical that happens at the umpteenth hour.....Ego loss.  

But everything got put on hold 6 years ago.   My husband was a state trooper (retired now) and he got beat up pretty bad.  While the physical injuries healed...the emotional ones were just beginning.   Finally he truely began to heal last year and I needed to get myself moving.   I had gained 40 pounds from all the stress and inactivity but doing all the stuff we used to do together just didn't seem right without him.   Thus my addiction to triathlon began.    However right from the beginning I injured both achille tendons running on the beach and I still battle that to this day.  I still ran a full race season this past year but I had to really train smart.  

Family: Married for 18 kids just 2 kitties

Current Training:  I burnt out pretty bad after last season ( mostly coz I was stuck in a job I hated) and have trained haphazardly for the last 12 weeks.   But I finally got the hubby to start training with me and he is really pushing me now in the gym.  I ride the the trainer 2X week and do one long ride outside/weight lift 3X week/ climb or snowboard or XC ski once a week and run 2X week (also doing the couch to 5K with hubby 3X week).  Yeah... I really love to train!
This years Races:   Gunstock winter triathlon - January  and planning on cycling up 8 mountains in 5 states this year.  I will probably through in a few off road sprints with the hubby as relays.    I had originally planned for Puerto Rico 70.3 in March but I put it off for 1 year to really focus on strengthening the achilles. 

Long term goals:   IMNZ or IM switzerland, ultras
2010-12-24 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Hi Guys! Welcome.

Seren - While I have no interest at this time to go mountaineering (hate the cold ) I do enjoy short route rock climbing. Bouldering and sport climbing, I think its a great upper body workout and definitely helps my training.
2010-12-24 10:51 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Hi   I'd like to join as well.   Unfortunately, I'm literally walking out the door for a a family function and then working all weekend so I'll have to post my full bio tonight or on Monday.  Short story:  My name is Carrie Tate, I'm 37, living in WI, and I'm embarking on my first full iron distance journey (Ironman WI) in Sept.    More soon!
2010-12-24 10:58 AM
in reply to: #3260220

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Stickyrunner01 - 2010-12-24 6:34 AM
michgirlsk - 2010-12-24 12:04 AM Hi!  I'd like to join this group! NAME: Samantha

Hey, Samantha, Come on in!

Hammy injuries are no fun and they seem to get their neighborhood muscles involved way too often which causes a slow recovery from that type of injury. Are you doing any type of rehab exercises to try and strengthen and get healed up? HIM in your first season, good job!! I couldn't imagine doing a 5K open water swim, GAH.

I'm not seeing a professional or anything, but in the beginning I was trying various stretching and strengthening exercises I had read about online.  I actually thought that I was slowing my recovery because it didn't seem like it was progressing all that well.  I was still constantly feeling the hamstring when I made certain moves.  So then I stopped everything completely and (perhaps just in my own mind) it seemed like more progress was made.  Of course, it could have just been that I was doing the wrong exercises!  I just have this idea in my mind that if I use my hip adductors, it will only delay the recovery.... so the only thing I really know of to do is rest..

The one thing I am doing now though is after each swim I hit the hot tub or steam room and stretch for 10 minutes or so.  (Previous, no stretching was done at any time.)
2010-12-24 3:53 PM
in reply to: #3260214

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Pineville, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Hi, I'd love to join this group. I'm on vacation right now, but I'll follow up with a bio soon.Real quick... I did two sprints last summer and signed up for an oly in June. Lately my knee has been giving me problems, and I need help with running and avoiding injury... hope there is still room for me.

2010-12-24 9:23 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Name: dirkp / Dirk  Age: 41 but feel 25

Story:  I started running several years ago after noticing I couldn't carry a basket of clothes up stairs without getting winded.  I planned on running on the treadmill since "running is bad on your knees" and ran 200 miles or so on "the mill" in 6 months or so.  I signed up for a 5k race for my first race ever and didn't do to bad.  I then was talked into a HM in 2008 and was hooked on that distance.  Later, while training for a marathon I re-injured my knee (already had an ACL reconstruction 2004-ish) and my PT suggested cycling an swimming to provide balance for my training and kazaam...........triathlon.  The current situation with my knee and training is awesome.  This was my first complete year of triathlon racing and I have a lot to learn. I started training for Tri's in Sept. 2009.   I love training and I love to push myself.

Family Status: Married for 23 years,  2 girls - 15 and 17.  The oldest is a HS swimmer (Junior) and I love to watch her and occasionally train with her.  The youngest (Freshman) may run track in HS but she is undecided right now.

Current Training:  I train 6 days a week most weeks but when I have to drop a day I will double up on workouts so I can get about 2 swims, 3 rides and 3 runs a week in.  As I said above I love to train.

This year's races: 5k in April (21:00), HM in May (1:38:00) first ever tri was an Oly in June (2:29:41), Oly tri in August (2:24:32), Marine Corps Marathon (my A race and first ever marathon 3:26:06) and finally a 4 mile race on Thanksgiving day (27:16). 

2011 Races: Not sure.....2-3 Oly's, a sprint or 2, a HM and Probably the Air Force Marathon in Sept.

Goals:  I am striving to be a FOMOP triathlon racer but we'll see how I progress in that realm.  Primarily, I want to learn more and get faster.  Maybe lose about 5 lbs or so but nothing too serious.

Now for the important stuff..........I just got back home from seeing my family's for the Christmas season and was able to get a trainer ride in.  The intensity was kind of high with my avg. HR being 151 (mid Z3) for the working sets of the ride.  I rode 21.5 miles in 1:10:00 including the WU and CD.  My legs were a little trashed when I got done but I am feeling good now.  I am planning a 9 mile run tomorrow (yes I know it's Christmas) but I will see how the day progresses with my family.  I will not push my family away for the sake of a long run.

I am looking forward to getting to know all of you.

BTW: I have my logs opened.  I am pretty wordy when it comes to my logs but I can learn a lot from being so wordy.   It helps me remember how I have trained and what has and hasn't worked.

Edited by DirkP 2010-12-24 9:35 PM
2010-12-25 1:32 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Merry Christmas everyone!!
2010-12-25 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Merry Christmas!

I'd like to join if you still have room. I really enjoyed my last mentor group and want to do it again. I'll get a BIO up shortly.

The executive summary - I'm 28, started tri's in 2006, did my first HIM and full marathon this year. Next year I'm doing IMTX and need some motivation!
2010-12-25 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Got room for one more? This is my second time through the mentor program? On my way out the door will catch up later with bio of tris. Let me know....
2010-12-25 12:35 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Not sure if my last post went through/ Like to join the group....will catch up later....

2010-12-25 12:38 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
OK looks like the last one worked, on my way out the door. Was part of a group last year, it fell apart one by one, but was still fun while it lasted....

In my third year of doing tris' really need the motivation this to run to travel for about two hours to CT....I will catch up when get back...
2010-12-25 1:07 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
I hope there's still room for me to join.  I'm new to BT and to triathlon.


Background: I'm 44 years old and have been working for the last few years to get back into shape.  I am a very active and competitive person. I used to bike regularly, but raising kids, going back to school, and working was just too much.  Now, the kids are grown, I'm working regular hours, and it's time to concentrate on me.  I'm a middle school U.S. History teacher.  Exercise is a wonderful stress-reliever.

I recently had surgery on both legs for chronic exertional compartment syndrome.  This is a condition that I've suffered from for YEARS.  It made it impossible for me to run and over the years, it was getting more and more painful just to walk fast.  I was relieved to finally find out what it was, and that there was something that could possibly help me, so I had the surgery on November 23rd.  My recovery is going well.  I'm back to my full biking strength, I've started my running training, and plan to get back in the pool after the holidays.  

So, I'm TRULY a beginning runner and a beginning swimmer.  I can keep myself afloat and move forward, but I had never been taught to swim with my head down and breath to the side.  Believe me, this is NOT something that comes naturally if you're doing it for the first time at my age!!  But, I love a challenge. 

Family Status:  Married with 3 children (ages 22, 22, 20)  Finally time for me Smile

Current Training:  RPM (indoor biking class - 45 min) three times a week, Running (30 min walk/run intervals) three times a week, Swimming (indoor lap pool--60 min) twice a week, lifting (light weight/high rep) once a week.

2011 Races:  I want to do a few 5k runs, and my first sprint distance triathlon on Jun 25th at Winona Lake, IN.

Weight Loss:  Yes, but I'm not putting a number on it.  I figure with the exercise it will happen.  I lost a total of 7 lbs. last year and would be happy for that pace to continue.  I NEED to learn more about good nutrition.  

Overall Goal:  I want to let the athlete in me OUT!   

I look forward to getting to know everyone, hearing your stories, and working together to meet our goals! 
2010-12-25 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3261259

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN

Congrats on the desire to get into better shape.  Tri training will definitely get you there.

Make sure you take your time getting into the running.  It will make a huge difference in maintaining an injury free body.  I would recommend keeping a similar low intensity training plan and a very slow base building program.  Make sure you log all of your workouts and that your logs are viewable at least to your friends/mentor group.  This will help all of us provide input into your training.

As far as the swimming, take it seriously as this discipline is the one you can't just stop doing during a race.  If you are real new to swimming try doing a lot of drills that can be found on and use them a lot.  Probably one of the biggest things that will help with body positioning is your head.  Look at the bottom of the pool when swimming and don't raise your head when you turn to breath.  When you keep your head low and only turn your head you are able to hold your body in a straighter, more "level" position making your body more hydrodynamic or cause lees drag.

It looks like there are several people in this group from Indiana.  Where is everyone from?  I am in ft. Wayne In. as my profile states.

Edited by DirkP 2010-12-25 3:15 PM
2010-12-25 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3260220

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Western PA
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Hi, everybody!  I hope there's room for one more to squeeze into this group.

Name:  Tom

Story:  Last year was my first year doing anything athletic since high school. An out the blue announcement at the dinner table that I was going to tun a triathlon led to a vast outpouring of family support. My wife told me I had to get more life insurance before doing an open water swim. My son told me quite sarcastically that he'd "like to see that." And my kindergartener daughter said that she could beat me in a race. Laughing

Since then, they've come around. My son wants to run a kids triathlon this summer. My daughter doesn't want to do a tri but thinks a mud race would be lots of fun. And my wife bought me rollers for Christmas. Though she has shown that funny ironman video to everyone she knows telling them that this sounds just like conversations we have.

I'm a high school English teacher with a 72 mile round trip commute, so finding time to train, let alone balancing time training and family, has been tough. And the short winter days aren't helping. I'm hoping to put in more consistent training the next couple months and starting HIM training in April for Timberman 70.3.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with two kids. My boy's 8, and my daughter is 7.

CURRENT TRAINING: My goal is six workouts a week. Monday I'll be starting the 2x Balanced Oly program to work up to HIM training.

2010 RACES: 2010 was my first season. I ran three local sprints.

2011 Races: A couple local sprints, the Pittsburgh Tri Oly, and my A race: Timberman 70.3.

WEIGHTLOSS: I've lost 25 lbs or so from last season, but I've still got another 40 or so to go.

Goals: Complete Timberman feeling good. Finish IMLP in 2012.

2010-12-25 7:44 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope Santa was as good to you as he was to me! I didn't give anyone a list this year, and found that I caused a few people to get really creative with my gifts. Although it caused some of them a few more stressful moments, I thought that (and was right) Christmas would be more fulfilling this way!

Mentor notes: Group is now full at 18, including myself. However, if someone sneaks in before I get this post all finished then they are in as well.

Group Roster is as follows:
Tom - Stickyrunner 01
Emma - Emmanem
Ryan - Lastwachter
Jessica - Dreaming80
Seth - Smack
Dirk - DirkP
Shirley - Zhirley
Angela - music3196
Samantha - michgirlsk
Stavros - sicone
Seren - Seren
Carrie - spottedcow
Jayne - jfought
Tom - ladlehaus

--> For those of you who haven't typed out a bio, please, please do it as soon as possible! Also, everyone remember to add each other as friends.

--> Jessica, and everyone else, to subscribe to thread go to the bottom of the thread and there will be a box on the right-hand side that says "Actions, Toggle E-mail notification". Click on that and you'll be good to go! (Thanks Ron)

Now, I'm going to again post quite a few individual posts, so I again apologize... This should be the last time this happens

Edited by Stickyrunner01 2010-12-25 7:52 PM

2010-12-25 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3261412

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
sicone - 2010-12-24 7:15 AM Name: Stavros

Stavros, Get on in here! Welcome, Looks like you've caught the tri-bug. Now, let's get you ready for 2011!

Blinddave - 2010-12-24 9:09 AM hi there can i join the group plz, Bio to follow Wink

Sure thing, Try and get the bio up whenever you can!

Seren - 2010-12-24 9:52 AM Hi!  I would like to join Name: Serenity but call  me Seren

Seren, Welcome! My brother is a Trooper, have to be thankful every time they walk in the door after the shift! Glad to hear he's healing up and you two are becoming active again. I think you've got the earliest Tri in 2011 award for this group... JANUARY... BRRRRRR

SpottedCow - 2010-12-24 11:51 AM Hi   I'd like to join as well. My name is Carrie Tate

Carrie, Enjoy your weekend, but get that bio up at your earliest convenience

roserc - 2010-12-24 4:53 PM Hi, I'd love to join this group.

Oh yeah, the more of us, the better! Like I told the others, whenever you get a chance, get the bio up!

michgirlsk - 2010-12-24 11:58 AM

I'm not seeing a professional or anything, but in the beginning I was trying various stretching and strengthening exercises I had read about online.  I actually thought that I was slowing my recovery because it didn't seem like it was progressing all that well.  I was still constantly feeling the hamstring when I made certain moves.  So then I stopped everything completely and (perhaps just in my own mind) it seemed like more progress was made.  Of course, it could have just been that I was doing the wrong exercises!  I just have this idea in my mind that if I use my hip adductors, it will only delay the recovery.... so the only thing I really know of to do is rest..

The one thing I am doing now though is after each swim I hit the hot tub or steam room and stretch for 10 minutes or so.  (Previous, no stretching was done at any time.)

You know, sometimes simply getting an injury off your mind makes it heal. Hopefully you'll get stronger and all healthy before too long

DirkP - 2010-12-24 10:23 PM Name: dirkp / Dirk

Dirk, thanks for getting your bio up! Sounds like you are another runner turned multisport athlete! I saw you did Tri-Indy, I was there too! And, wow.. getting those workouts in already!

dhopman - 2010-12-25 11:30 AM Merry Christmas! I'd like to join if you still have room.

Plenty of room! Let's get you all ready for IMTX!

bfwhitt - 2010-12-25 1:33 PM Got room for one more?

Getting a little full, but who doesn't love rubbing elbows a little bit... Haha, Just kidding... More than welcome to join! I just ask you get the bio up whenever you can!

jfought - 2010-12-25 2:07 PM I hope there's still room for me to join.  I'm new to BT and to triathlon. Name:  Jayne

Everyone, let's suck in our guts so we can fit Jayne in! Welcome to both BT and this mentor group! Hopefully we will all have a good time!

ladlehaus - 2010-12-25 6:54 PM Hi, everybody!  I hope there's room for one more to squeeze into this group. Name:  Tom

Alright, I'll nominate myself as the one to sit on the suitcase to squeeze you in! We'd be happy to have you! Are you from the Pittsburgh area?

Edited by Stickyrunner01 2010-12-25 8:17 PM
2010-12-25 8:24 PM
in reply to: #3261336

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
DirkP - 2010-12-25 4:13 PM
It looks like there are several people in this group from Indiana.  Where is everyone from?  I am in ft. Wayne In. as my profile states.

I was thinking there are a fair number of midwesterners too.  I'm in the Detroit area.  My dad grew up in Indiana (Huntington), as did my cousins (LaGrange) so I visited both places once or twice a year growing up.  Two of my cousins got married this summer, so I was in Shipshewana and Fishers recently as well.  (I guess Shipshewana is Amish country, but they don't live there nor are they Amish, they just happened to find a nice outdoor venue there!)

I got in a swim workout today.  I've started incorporating some sets 1-2 times a week from this site recently:

The summary:  swim short bursts of hard 15-50m (total ~500m, or more or less as you choose) once or twice a week to improve your speed.  There are specific sets listed.
2010-12-25 8:31 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
I got an 8 mile run in early this afternoon.  I stayed fairly easy today and finished with a 7:58 avg for the run.  This is a pretty consistent easy run for me since finishing my marathon training.  I didn't feel like going out and almost only ran 5-6 miles instead.  I am really glad I ran the scheduled 8 and didn't cut back.  I have eaten way to much the past week to cut back anything that is going to burn calories.

I just finished a 20 mile trainer ride.  This was my second ride over the past 2 days and I tried not to get to crazy today.  My legs were slightly fatigued after the run ans I waited until after supper to ride.  I knew I needed to allow a bit of recovery and allow some fuel to get back into my system.  I kept the intervals a bit lighter than last nights ride but I was still challenged.  1:06:10 was my length of ride and an avg. of 18.4 mph including WU and CD. 

I have next week off and I am planning on nailing some extra workouts.  I am hoping for 3x for all 3 disciplines but I will have to cram some and make sure I get some time to do some things around the house.  By the beginning of January I will be in need of a recovery week for sure.  I haven't had one since the middle of November but I haven't tried to kill anything either.

How's everyone else's planned training going?

2010-12-25 8:31 PM
in reply to: #3261495

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
michgirlsk - 2010-12-25 9:24 PM
I was thinking there are a fair number of midwesterners too.  I'm in the Detroit area.  My dad grew up in Indiana (Huntington), as did my cousins (LaGrange) so I visited both places once or twice a year growing up.  Two of my cousins got married this summer, so I was in Shipshewana and Fishers recently as well.  (I guess Shipshewana is Amish country, but they don't live there nor are they Amish, they just happened to find a nice outdoor venue there!)

I got in a swim workout today.  I've started incorporating some sets 1-2 times a week from this site recently:

The summary:  swim short bursts of hard 15-50m (total ~500m, or more or less as you choose) once or twice a week to improve your speed.  There are specific sets listed.

Another Midwesterner here in Indianapolis...

Samantha, where did you find a pool open on Christmas day.. I tried and couldn't find one! That sounds almost like a fartlek type of workout that we used to do in running... "Speed play" is more successful than long intervals IMO!
2010-12-25 8:44 PM
in reply to: #3261502

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
DirkP - 2010-12-25 9:31 PM I got an 8 mile run in early this afternoon.  I stayed fairly easy today and finished with a 7:58 avg for the run.  This is a pretty consistent easy run for me since finishing my marathon training.  I didn't feel like going out and almost only ran 5-6 miles instead.  I am really glad I ran the scheduled 8 and didn't cut back.  I have eaten way to much the past week to cut back anything that is going to burn calories.

I just finished a 20 mile trainer ride.  This was my second ride over the past 2 days and I tried not to get to crazy today.  My legs were slightly fatigued after the run ans I waited until after supper to ride.  I knew I needed to allow a bit of recovery and allow some fuel to get back into my system.  I kept the intervals a bit lighter than last nights ride but I was still challenged.  1:06:10 was my length of ride and an avg. of 18.4 mph including WU and CD. 

I have next week off and I am planning on nailing some extra workouts.  I am hoping for 3x for all 3 disciplines but I will have to cram some and make sure I get some time to do some things around the house.  By the beginning of January I will be in need of a recovery week for sure.  I haven't had one since the middle of November but I haven't tried to kill anything either.

How's everyone else's planned training going?

We must have been posting at the same time! Nice run and ride!

Planned training starts tomorrow for my 16 week build towards the New Orleans 70.3. I am using the 17 week advanced full ironman plan from BT and hopefully it will set me up for a great year by going long in my early season training.

I am going to set up the trainer right now and get on the bike for an hour while watching some tv... should be a good time!

2010-12-25 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3261503

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Stickyrunner01 - 2010-12-25 9:31 PM

Samantha, where did you find a pool open on Christmas day.. I tried and couldn't find one! That sounds almost like a fartlek type of workout that we used to do in running... "Speed play" is more successful than long intervals IMO!

Yeah the gym I go to is open pretty much every day of the year... usually 24/7... they had shortened hours on Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve/Day.  Closed Christmas Eve at 3p, opened back up 3p Christmas Day... surprisingly they are not closing at all for 12/31, 1/1!
2010-12-25 9:05 PM
in reply to: #3261518

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
michgirlsk - 2010-12-25 9:57 PM
Stickyrunner01 - 2010-12-25 9:31 PM

Samantha, where did you find a pool open on Christmas day.. I tried and couldn't find one! That sounds almost like a fartlek type of workout that we used to do in running... "Speed play" is more successful than long intervals IMO!

Yeah the gym I go to is open pretty much every day of the year... usually 24/7... they had shortened hours on Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve/Day.  Closed Christmas Eve at 3p, opened back up 3p Christmas Day... surprisingly they are not closing at all for 12/31, 1/1!

I would love to have our pool opened for some extra days.  I do think they should be closed on Christmas and New Years Day.  I think everyone should have those days off to spend time with their families.  My pool is closed Thurs, Fri and Sat. this coming week.  I think that is a crock but thats the way it is there.  It's not a membership pool and you kinda pay as you go.  There is no commitment and its MUCH cheaper than memberships to other area pools.

2010-12-26 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
hello everyone!  I take it everyone survived Christmas?  Yeah I ate way too much.   Just roll me out the door!  The snowstorm here in the northeast is kinda cramping my style.  Planned for a long outside ride but looks like I will have to ssettle for the trainer instead.   My husband got me all kinds of winter cycling gear for Christmas.  I guess I will have to wait til next week to test it out.

I am doing the Winter Cycling Progam here on BT.  Jorge puts together an awesome program.  This will be my second season.    And  I am hoping to get a XC ski lesson in this week.   My tri is less than 30 days away and I don't know how to ski skate!   My husband wants to take the lesson with me and since he has just started to work out again he is sore all over.  But I will wait for him...this tri is just for fun see if I like winter triathloning. 

Happy Training everyone!
2010-12-26 12:12 PM
in reply to: #3261791

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
I would love to have some winter cycling gear.  So far I have not purchased any of this type of equipment but I haven't wanted to spend the money on it either.  I have not put the priority on other Tri related gear.  I also am sending my daughters to a parochial school and the tuition is cramping us more than usual so there are not a lot of extras since the beginning of this school year.

As far as doing a winter tri involving skiing, I think I'll pass.  I have already had 2 knee surgeries and I am not looking for another from skiing.  I'll take my chances at the other more traditional disciplines.

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