BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - CLOSED for training! Rss Feed  
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2011-01-02 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3272577

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
mashmead - 2011-01-02 1:47 PM Our dog is a lab mix but she's not such a great runner.  She gets distracted very easily and runs at her own pace.  About a month ago I ran in a 12k race in town and there was a lady running with her dog and they were both VERY fast.  They finished in the top 15 or so overall.  They beat a lot of us.  Needless to say, I don't expect to see our dog winning races anytime soon!

Jake is a lab mix too...and gets distracted very easily and runs at his own pace too!! But being part isn't slow :-(

2011-01-02 2:38 PM
in reply to: #3272638

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
merholmgren - 2011-01-02 2:30 PM Is there a way to subscribe to this feed so it is easy to get to?  Also how do you add our group members as friends?

There are a few ways to make this "easy":
1) Toggle the e-mail notifications at the right hand bottom corner and you will receive an e-mail when the thread is updated.  (Sorry this may cause a lot of e-mails...I'm on BT a lot...)
OR another way I find it
2) Click on "New Threads" and the "2011 BT Mentor Program" is towards the top.  If you don't see our specific thread, you can click on the actual Mentor Program forum and you should find ours on the list...
Any other suggestions?

Adding group members as friends:
In training log, find your friends section.  (Marmadaddy will probably be there) Click the "+" button and that will bring you to a section in your account settings that allows you to enter your friends.  Clear as mud??

ETA:  I just found this article, it will probably be a lot more in depth than the few lines I typed:

Edited by lkct01234 2011-01-02 2:39 PM
2011-01-02 3:14 PM
in reply to: #3272638

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
You can also bookmark the thread.
2011-01-02 4:22 PM
in reply to: #3256444

Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
NAME: Knewbike/ Kevin

STORY: 42 yo male. Starting 2nd full year of triathlon, 3rd of running.  I have off and on run 5 and 10k's, starting up for a while then quitting.  I did a couple of triathlons in 2004 and let that go.  I am hopefully on track for good this time.  I have dreams of AG placement and getting faster, but I will have to be a lot more consistent.  I really like trail running and road cycling.  I don't mind swimming, but I hate the getting wet part.  I have an on my feet job (I am an overeducated Autobody painter) and training is difficult this time of year

FAMILY STATUS: Married 20 years.  One 10 yo daughter.  Wife has done a couple of tri's and we hope to enter a couple of the same ones this year (sprints) as we think our daughter will be old enough to watch on her own.

CURRENT TRAINING: Haphazard,  just finished up doing a trail 50K on sort of a whim.  Now that i've got that out of my system I want to focus on shorter stuff.

2010 RACES: Trail Marathon, 1 duathlon, 2 sprints, 2 oly's , Battle of Waterloo (10 leg adventure triathlon), Steelhead 1/2 IM, IMMOO,  The Huff Trail 50K

2011 RACES: Plans for 1/2 trail Marathon, 4 sprints, 2 oly's, and Battle of Waterloo (A race), Dances with Dirt relay

WEIGHTLOSS: Lost 10+ lbs last year on way to Ironman.  Down to 156 @ 5'9" Would like to stay here.  Was briefly at 200 lbs about 8 years ago, but weight is largely not a concern as when I focus on it I am able to make it go away.

MENTEEWORTHINESS:  I am well rounded and largely not a jerk, unless provoked, but then I feel bad.  Excercise keeps me on an even keel.  Have always been a bit of a loner but I hope I can give and get support.

2011-01-02 4:31 PM
in reply to: #3272781

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Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
NAME: Hnewman/Heather

STORY: 40 yo female. I'm a start-and-stopper; get heavily into running, usually, fall victim to an arthritis flare (had since I was 16) or, last year, an injury, and get derailed. Starting again this month with the blessing of my new sports med doc.

FAMILY STATUS: Married 20 years.  One 10 yo daughter. Hubby's post just above there.

CURRENT TRAINING: Nearly nonexistent. I was on house arrest for the last six months with severe plantar fasciitis (no response to injections, cast/crutches for 12 weeks, PT for 12 weeks, wasn't approved to do -anything- including swim! Finally set free a week or two ago).

2010 RACES: Martian Half Marathon, Hawk Island sprint tri, Triceratops sprint tri, Flirt with Dirt 5K, probably a shorter one or two I'm forgetting.

2011 RACES: Hawk Island, T-Rex sprint series, Flirt with Dirt, another half marathon in the fall, Army 10 miler if I can get in...

WEIGHTLOSS: Lost 20 pounds last year, gained some of it back over my forced inactivity/self pity. That's my primary goal for this year.

MENTEEWORTHINESS:  Exercise is the only thing that keeps me sane. Need MOAR!

2011-01-02 4:55 PM
in reply to: #3272544

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
lkct01234 - 2011-01-02 1:17 PM

WELCOME MARY!!  So glad to have another husband-wife team in the group...we now have 2 1/2!  (McFuzz can be an honorary member!)  It sounds like you also had an awesome first season! CONGRATS!!!

As Dave mentioned: injuries happen and the key is being patient!  He waited 3 years til he could start running again :-(

Sounds like you have some achievable goals for 2011 - AWESOME!!!!

Cool!  Thanks for the honor. 

Name:  McFuzz (Mike)
Status:  Married for 23+ years to BAMBAM66.  4 boys (23, 20, 17, and 17) and 1 grandson (8 weeks). 
Background:  Lost 35 pounds getting ready for a 2-week backpacking trip with my middle son in 2005.  Climbed the mountains, had a ball, but when I got back, I knew I needed something else to keep myself going.  A friend suggested running (I'd "graduated" from the elliptical to "running" earlier that year).  Didn't appeal to me much, but triathlons did.  I'd been a lifeguard and swim instructor in HS and college and had even guarded for a triathlon back in 198(2-4?)  I bought my 10-speed to commute to/from the lifeguarding job. 
2010 Races:  3 marathons (Flying Pig in May, Screaming Pumpkin in October, and Tecumseh in December) and 1 ultramarathon (30-miler in October, the day after Screaming Pumpkin).  DNS'd Steelhead (HIM) as my only triathlon. my butt kicked in a 1.2 mile open-water-swim in Kona in July. 
2011 Races:  Signed up for Vineman (140.6) July 30th.  It'll be my second IM.  Also looking at Pittsburgh (May) and Marine Corps (October) Marathons. 
Weightloss Goals:  Packed on a few pounds over the holidays, so I want to get back below 170. 

Bonus:  I got to hang out with Lisa and Dave and a few other BT'ers the end of 2010.  Lots of fun!! 

2011-01-02 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN

Hopefully you still have room for at least one more!

NAME:Kenott / Ken

STORY: I just turned 40 last year and got the triathlon bug from my wife from her first tri season in 2009.  I have no competitive sports in my background at all but have really enjoyed competing.  My first BT name was I Kenott Swim because I couldn't really swim any distance in the beginning of 2010.  I decided somewhere along the way to give myself some credit when I completed the olympic swim with no wetsuit, fins or boat.  I am still terribly slow int he water but I am getting better.  The bike was the area that came to me quickly since I have had bikes most of my life.  I never had a road bike until late in 2009.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to Kerikadi (BT also) with 5 kids.  2 teenage boys and 3 little girls.  With a big family and a wife that is also a tri-geek it's has been fun getting the workouts in.  My have managed it pretty well so far and hope to continue to do so.  It appears Keri has selected a different mentor group this year (we were in the same group in 2010).

2010:  (1) Half Marathon, a few sprints, a couple of bike legs in a couple of family sprint relays, (1) Oly

2011: Half Marathon - 2.20, 70.3 4.10, a few sprints and an Oly

WEIGHTLOSS:  aiming for 180 lbs.  I was 185 at my best point last year and slid again over the holidays.

MENTEEWORTHINESS: I hope to ask good questions and possibly provide a bit of support for all those crazy enough to invest the majority of their free time and money into this sport.


2011-01-02 7:15 PM
in reply to: #3272831

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi Ken! It's great having the husband/wife teams here! I'd say you've proven that taking the "Swim" part out of the "Kenott" is well earned.

And welcome! I think we do indeed have room in the asylum.
2011-01-02 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3272781

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hey Kevin! I can definitely relate to the "loner" part. It's something I really had to struggle with when I started bike racing -- that group rides were the ONLY way I was going to improve. Yes, consistency will go a long way toward results. It's that base on which the speed is built.

A trail 50K? Wow. I know, it's not THAT much more than a marathon, but still. I'd like to maybe jump into a couple trail 10Ks this year. Cross country was my first foray into distance running, way back in high school.

Awesome! And welcome!
2011-01-02 7:24 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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New user

Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
Name: Justin

Story: 40 yo. Did one sprint last year and thought I was going to die on the swim. I had no real focus on training and kind of just did what I felt like. I feel like I need a lot more structure to get to my goal of feeling like I had more structure when I trained. (if that makes any sense). I would like to do 1 or 2 sprints this year and then maybe an olympic next year if I get the hang of it all. I would like to be a part of your group if there is still room.

Family Status: Married 3 kids
2011-01-02 7:28 PM
in reply to: #3272794

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hello Heather, and welcome! Yes, hopefully the injuries have completely healed, and you're clear to get back on the horse (or bike, or running shoes...). Great to have another husband and wife team! This is great!

I, too, feel like my sanity starts slipping away if I miss too many days. I've had 3 off as of today -- two due to wedding and honeymoon, and the third because my cold is NOT getting better. :^(  Oh well, it'll be gone soon and I'll have forgotten it was there (the cold, not the wedding).

Looks like some great goals/races planned. Awesome!

2011-01-02 7:32 PM
in reply to: #3273073

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
Welcome Justin! The swim tends to be the biggest hurdle for most triathletes, especially those that come from a running background. But you survived, and now you're ready to do again!

As for structure, maybe one of the BT plans could help. Or there are a lot of training plans out there. My philosophy tends to be a little less structured, but covers the bases. I mostly just allow for things like weather, and if I really DON'T feel like doing a particular workout on a particular day. I think you'll find that the jump from sprint to Olympic won't be that difficult.
2011-01-02 7:40 PM
in reply to: #3272781

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
knewbike - 2011-01-02 4:22 PM NAME: Knewbike/ Kevin

STORY: 42 yo male. Starting 2nd full year of triathlon, 3rd of running.  .....

FAMILY STATUS: Married 20 years.  One 10 yo daughter.  Wife has done a couple of tri's and we hope to enter a couple of the same ones this year (sprints) as we think our daughter will be old enough to watch on her own.

CURRENT TRAINING: Haphazard,  just finished up doing a trail 50K on sort of a whim.  Now that i've got that out of my system I want to focus on shorter stuff.

MENTEEWORTHINESS:  I am well rounded and largely not a jerk, unless provoked, but then I feel bad.  Excercise keeps me on an even keel.  Have always been a bit of a loner but I hope I can give and get support.

WELCOME KEVIN!!  Awesome to have ANOTHER husband-wife...that makes 4 couples! :-D

It sounds like you've got some experience and just looking for a bit of a nudge.  It's interesting because Triathlon is not a team-sport...but that doesn't mean we're not cheering each other on out there!!

50K?!!?  Wow!  I'm impressed and "on a whim"?!!?

I just "got" a 9 yr old (will be 10 in a week+) daughter...I hope to not be the evil step-mom...
2011-01-02 7:44 PM
in reply to: #3272794

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
HNewman - 2011-01-02 4:31 PM NAME: Hnewman/Heather

STORY: 40 yo female. I'm a start-and-stopper;.....

FAMILY STATUS: Married 20 years.  One 10 yo daughter. Hubby's post just above there.

CURRENT TRAINING: Nearly nonexistent. I was on house arrest for the last six months with severe plantar fasciitis ....

2010 RACES: Martian Half Marathon, Hawk Island sprint tri, Triceratops sprint tri, Flirt with Dirt 5K, probably a shorter one or two I'm forgetting.

2011 RACES: Hawk Island, T-Rex sprint series, Flirt with Dirt, another half marathon in the fall, Army 10 miler if I can get in...

MENTEEWORTHINESS:  Exercise is the only thing that keeps me sane. Need MOAR!

WELCOME HEATHER!!  I can related about the start-and-stopper...just one season laying low and I packed on the pounds :-(  And lost A LOT of my fitness :-(

A martian half marathon?!?!  That sounds like fun!  Were there lots of costumes?!??  It sounds like you guys have some fun races "up" there!

I'm still trying to stay sane...doesn't really happen...
2011-01-02 7:45 PM
in reply to: #3272830

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
McFuzz - 2011-01-02 4:55 PM
lkct01234 - 2011-01-02 1:17 PM

WELCOME MARY!!  So glad to have another husband-wife team in the group...we now have 2 1/2!  (McFuzz can be an honorary member!)  It sounds like you also had an awesome first season! CONGRATS!!!

As Dave mentioned: injuries happen and the key is being patient!  He waited 3 years til he could start running again :-(

Sounds like you have some achievable goals for 2011 - AWESOME!!!!

Cool!  Thanks for the honor. 

Name:  McFuzz (Mike)
Status:  Married for 23+ years to BAMBAM66.  4 boys (23, 20, 17, and 17) and 1 grandson (8 weeks). 

Bonus:  Lisa and Dave got to hang out with McFuzz I got to hang out with Lisa and Dave and a few other BT'ers the end of 2010.  Lots of fun!! 

Welcome honorary member!! 

I fixed it for ya....
2011-01-02 7:49 PM
in reply to: #3272831

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
Kenott - 2011-01-02 4:57 PM

Hopefully you still have room for at least one more!

NAME:Kenott / Ken

STORY: I just turned 40 last year and got the triathlon bug from my wife from her first tri season in 2009.  I have no competitive sports in my background at all but have really enjoyed competing.  My first BT name was I Kenott Swim....

FAMILY STATUS: Married to Kerikadi (BT also) with 5 kids.  ....

2010:  (1) Half Marathon, a few sprints, a couple of bike legs in a couple of family sprint relays, (1) Oly

2011: Half Marathon - 2.20, 70.3 4.10, a few sprints and an Oly

WEIGHTLOSS:  aiming for 180 lbs.  I was 185 at my best point last year and slid again over the holidays.

MENTEEWORTHINESS: I hope to ask good questions and possibly provide a bit of support for all those crazy enough to invest the majority of their free time and money into this sport.



It's so great that you joined your wife!  I know there are a lot of supportive (and non-supportive for that matter) non-athletic spouses...but I think it's one better when they join in!

If Kerikadi wants to join in as an honorary member, she is more than welcome too also!

Sounds like you had a good 2010 and 2011 sounds even better....go HIM!!

I think another reason you're great for the group is because you made the cool box around your info... That impresses me :-D

2011-01-02 8:03 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
I am trying get my training partner registered on the site.  She is a little technologically challenged.  Save 1 space in the group for her.  Her name is Heidi Tucker.
2011-01-02 8:39 PM
in reply to: #3256444


Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN

I'd like to join your group to keep me motivated and be part of a community of athletes.
STORY: I'm a 52 year old elementary school teacher.  I participated in triathlons for 5 years in the 1980s.  After having kids, I've been somewhat active, walking the dogs, swimming,  yoga, biking,and going to the rec. center for workouts.  No running.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, two daughters 23 and 16.  Two step-sons 28 and 25.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently training for my first sprint triathlon in 26 years.

2010 RACES: None

2011 RACES: Verdigris, OK Spring Fever Triathlon

WEIGHTLOSS: 10 pounds
2011-01-02 9:23 PM
in reply to: #3256444

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Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
Yes, there were definitely people in costume at the Martian marathon, and little aliens hold up the mile markers. The course is unremarkable (out and back on a park road closed to traffic), but it was a terrific event. If I thought I'd be ready for it in time this year - it's in April, and the sports med doc said no way - I'd be out there. Broke my PR last year even with the PF, although as Kev will tell you in weak moments, that's not saying much. I'm sloooowwwww.
2011-01-03 4:38 AM
in reply to: #3256444

Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
David and Lisa.

Thanks for welcolming me in.  Congratulations on your marriage.   Must be an exciting time.

I definitly need a nudge.  It's so easy to take a day off when it's cold and you have to be at work before 7.  I really have no set workout plan right now which is part of the problem. What I'll probably do is follow a 1/2 marathon plan with some biking thrown in pretty soon.  I want to work on speed this year.  I look forward to being part of the group.
2011-01-03 5:53 AM
in reply to: #3256444

Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
Ok.  I've added my 1st 2 workouts of the year which I'll try to make a habit.  (Haven't been logging lately).

2011-01-03 6:05 AM
in reply to: #3273126

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
lkct01234 - 2011-01-02 7:49 PM
Kenott - 2011-01-02 4:57 PM

Hopefully you still have room for at least one more!

NAME:Kenott / Ken

STORY: I just turned 40 last year and got the triathlon bug from my wife from her first tri season in 2009.  I have no competitive sports in my background at all but have really enjoyed competing.  My first BT name was I Kenott Swim....

FAMILY STATUS: Married to Kerikadi (BT also) with 5 kids.  ....

2010:  (1) Half Marathon, a few sprints, a couple of bike legs in a couple of family sprint relays, (1) Oly

2011: Half Marathon - 2.20, 70.3 4.10, a few sprints and an Oly

WEIGHTLOSS:  aiming for 180 lbs.  I was 185 at my best point last year and slid again over the holidays.

MENTEEWORTHINESS: I hope to ask good questions and possibly provide a bit of support for all those crazy enough to invest the majority of their free time and money into this sport.



It's so great that you joined your wife!  I know there are a lot of supportive (and non-supportive for that matter) non-athletic spouses...but I think it's one better when they join in!

If Kerikadi wants to join in as an honorary member, she is more than welcome too also!

Sounds like you had a good 2010 and 2011 sounds even better....go HIM!!

I think another reason you're great for the group is because you made the cool box around your info... That impresses me :-D

Thank you.  My mentor group in 2010 helped keep me from doing every wrong my first season.  I found plenty of trouble regardless so I have a handful of things that are definitely part of 2011 that will not hold me back like they did in 2010.  The cool box came up as an accident.  I can probably replicate the cool box in a pinch. Keri decided to join a seperate mentor group this season.  I jumped in her group last season.  It was handy that a good percentage of us were local and part of my tri community.

Off I go to swim & run today - HIM training volume is pretty intense.  Throwing a goal of sub 6 on my first one could be the death of me.  Do others struggle to set a goal to just finish?  Even in my first race at each distance I had an aggressive goal and a conservative goal.  Since some things are out of your control (flats / weather / trains / traffic control), I think you need both.  I will be happy to finish my first 70.3 regardless of the time, but time will definitely determine how happy I am.

"Pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever" - Lance Armstrong
2011-01-03 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3256444

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
Since there are a number of people here interested in weightloss, I figured I'd post a few before/after pics.  The difference was about 35# lost over a 6-month period, but the before pics were from several years before. 




mike_cropped.JPG (85KB - 7 downloads)
face_cropped.jpg (24KB - 9 downloads)
body_cropped.jpg (19KB - 4 downloads)
2011-01-03 10:07 AM
in reply to: #3256444

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Jackson, MS
Subject: Training plan
So coming off a long stretch of rest, I'm trying to figure out where to start.  My run base isn't terrible-- was up to 8-9 miles before the knee injury a few weeks ago and just did my first run last week (no pain, yay!)
Did my first ride since September the other day, which was so-so.
Haven't gotten in a pool in months.

Where do I start?  I was looking at maybe following one of the winter maintenance programs.  I probably only have enough time for the 4-7 hours/ 20 week program.  But it looks like that plan starts out SUPER easy (i.e. 10 minute run). 

Should I go ahead an use this program?  Use it but just jump ahead a few weeks?  Start the 7-10 hr/week schedule?  The first tri here in Mississippi is in May, but it's just a super-sprint.  Suggestions?
2011-01-03 10:08 AM
in reply to: #3273197

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Briderdt and Lkct's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi Libby! And welcome!

You, too, were part of the early years of triathlon. The sport, especially the equipment, sure has changed since then, but the spirit is still there. I made a re-entry into tri after about 10 years out in 2004. It's a journey well worth the effort.
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