BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full Rss Feed  
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2011-01-05 6:34 AM
in reply to: #3278059

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2011-01-05 11:37 AM
in reply to: #3257607

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Amen to that.  Thank you for all you do to support our freedoms.

One thing that I am looking forward to is some help on the bike. This is my weakest link. I don't really understand what I should be doing when I ride and race. I just get out and mash for the most part.

How should I be riding hills? Sitting or standing?

When doing longer rides should I be working on cadence or on going fast for as long as possible?

I find I fry my quads pretty quick when I what am I doing wrong?

Any tips would be really appreciated.
2011-01-05 1:01 PM
in reply to: #3276818

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open
Hey Jimmy,

Congrats on your accomplishment! 80 lbs weight loss is amazing! Keep it up! It's amazing how a little success breeds more success. Once the pounds start coming off, the confidence builds and ambition to push the envelope comes along with that.

My problem is, sometimes just a small hiccup along the way can throw things back off course. Hopefully being on the boards here will keep me accountable to drop the remaining pounds and finish my first Tri.
2011-01-05 9:42 PM
in reply to: #3257607

East Windsor, NJ
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Just doin' my part to keep this topic at the top of the forum list.  Smile
2011-01-05 9:46 PM
in reply to: #3257607

East Windsor, NJ
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
While I'm here...can anyone recommend supplements to take while training?

Also...running with headphones/music...I do it but have been told it may act as a motivational crutch...which would be gone at race time as races don't allow it.  What's your take?

2011-01-06 6:52 AM
in reply to: #3257607

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Good morning!!!!!!! And welcome to everyone new, I will be on tonight to greet and answer more questions in detail, glad to see a nice full group

What is everyones workout for the day?

2011-01-06 9:22 AM
in reply to: #3281396

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
30 minutes on the spin bike completed this morning at medium intensity, and 1500m swim this afternoon.
2011-01-06 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3281136

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Olindo517 - 2011-01-05 10:46 PM

While I'm here...can anyone recommend supplements to take while training?

Also...running with headphones/music...I do it but have been told it may act as a motivational crutch...which would be gone at race time as races don't allow it.  What's your take?


I'm curious about this too. I run with music all the time, which hasn't been a problem in 'running only' events.
2011-01-06 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3257607

New user

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full

20 minute walk-It will probably do 30 since that is about how long it takes me to walk the loop and it is what I have been doing.
100 yard swim
2x12 - leg extensions, leg curls and leg press if I can figure out what machines those are. Smile


2011-01-06 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3281396

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Here's an equipment question I thought of:

What is the usual outfit that a man (in my case) would wear for a HIM? (In the summer, so hopefully warm water, and no wetsuit necessary)

I have shorts for swimming, some for cycling, and others for running. Is there a different item of clothing when participating in an event with all three sports? Do I change clothes at the transitions?

2011-01-06 10:08 AM
in reply to: #3281396

New user

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full


I ran 2 miles this morning and rode 4...plan on hitting the pool tonight for lap swim! 

2011-01-06 11:56 AM
in reply to: #3281812

Subject: ...
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Edited by FoggyGoggles 2011-01-06 11:57 AM
2011-01-06 12:04 PM
in reply to: #3281396

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2011-01-06 12:40 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Work out for last night:

Circuit 1: 5 x 5 reps (heavier working sets)
  Incline dumbbell press 
  Flat dumbbell flys
  dumbbell pull overs

Circuit 2: 21-15-9 reps
  front to back standing shoulder press (barbell)
  hammer curls
  hang cleans

Circuit 3: 21-15-9 reps
  inside out curls

Intervals on treadmill: 12 x 1 minute on, 30 seconds off @ 6:30 mile pace. Streth


Easy 3 miles. Core work. STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH.
2011-01-06 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
I have a couple minutes to answer some questions, will be back on tonight to welcome all the new members of our team.  I can answer questions, added motivation about 3-4 times a week, if someone can help another persons question, feel free to. This is an open forum for everyone to help out if they want.

Todd - The bike portion of the race is all about maintaining a strong pace, if you "mash" the pedals, you will be taking energy that you will need for the run. What climate are you in weather wise? And I can give you some pointers on the bike. Riding hills will make you better at riding hills, it doesnt make you faster on the flats, so it depends on what your race course will be, if its hilly, then practice riding hills, if its flat, then riding hills are not required. On long rides, focus on maintaining a strong cadence (75-90 rpms) Your legs are fried for pushing a too big of a gear.

Rob - Supplements like creatine? I only take a multivitamin. Race fueling is a different subject
       - Running with headphones will help motivate you and help fight getting bored. In a race, your mind is constantly going, you wont notice that you have no music, you will be worried about people in front of you, in back of you, the race, the finish line. So training with them will be fine

Robert - I suggest a good pair of tri shorts, you can swim, bike and run in them, they are light, lightly padded for the bike and good for running with out even noticing the pad. If you dont want tri shorts, if your race has a changing tent (contact the race director to see if they provide one), then you can change your outfits, other wise you have to do everything in the same pair of shorts.

2011-01-06 2:53 PM
in reply to: #3281136

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2011-01-06 3:02 PM
in reply to: #3282823

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
FoggyGoggles - 2011-01-06 3:53 PM
Olindo517 - 2011-01-05 9:46 PM While I'm here...can anyone recommend supplements to take while training?

Amino acids, protein shakes and a product called ZMA are all I use. The amino acids and ZMA help with the recovery process of muscle break down. Reduces the soreness time as well.


L Glutamine is also a good recovery supplement
2011-01-06 3:19 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
I'm with Foggy on this one. Aminos, Protein and L Glutamine is all I use for recovery. A nice glass of milk isn't too bad either if you like milk.

Big Daddy...or anyone who has some insight...I'm in Southern California in a rather hilly area with access to long flat rides so I can ride just about all year round.
What about on the stationary trainer? Would a higher cadence at a small gear be best? Is there certain form points I should focus on?

What is the theory behind the gearing so I can understand them better? Any good books or articles?

The bike is definitely my focus for the next few months so any and all info is very much appreciated.

I need the idiot version if you've got it. Thanks Everyone!!!
2011-01-06 3:55 PM
in reply to: #3282897

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2011-01-06 7:15 PM
in reply to: #3257607

East Windsor, NJ
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Thanks folks....I'm currently taking a 'performance' multivitamin...which I believe just means I paid more for it..hehe....but that's ok...cause I break them in half...taking only a half vitamin per day. 

I also take protein drinks.  I will look into the amino acids, ZMA and the other one...

Wrk out today:  raced home from work to bang out 8.1 miles on the bike...then rushed out to get my daughter to her basketball game.

Here's another question:  shin/calf compression sleeves.  I strained both calves some time ago and running w/ a sleeve feels better...but I heard that depending on it too much may cause muscle to weaken...any thoughts?
2011-01-06 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
For today: my workout--30 minutes on the gym stationary bike--I used the hill interval program. I was planning on doing some arm work (weights), but I ended up lifting and carrying a pretty heavy snake in the morning, and also cleaned out and restocked the walk-in refrigerator at the zoo--that's enough for my arms at the moment!

2011-01-06 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3257607

New user

Fort Hood
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full

I am going to be in the visinity of an air base.  I am not sure if we will have a large concrete airfield to ride on or not.  I hope so.  I am heading to an area I have never been before.  I have my trainer anyway. I am going to set it up in my trailer or at the gym.  Running shouldnt be a problem.  Im not sure how easy it will be to get to a pool.  I am least worried about my swim though. Its a good thing I like my job.  I think there is actually a marathon on the base I am going to to that they do as a satalite to the boston. I might start training for that next week for the last month or so I am here.  I really need some running motivation lately!
2011-01-06 8:43 PM
in reply to: #3257607

New user

Fort Hood
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Workout today was a 3 mile run, light weight training.  Had to sqeeze it in between work and taking care of my son tonight!
2011-01-06 9:08 PM
in reply to: #3273211

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open
Valerie - Welcome, I am going to start a Monday Morning Motivation post on our group, it looks lot of people would benefit from it. Your first tri was a real tri, you still swam, biked and run!!! So you are an official triathlete after that race, welcome to the club!!

Brian - Welcome to the team, sign up for a race, then you are no longer working out, but training.

Tim - Welcome!!! Small world, I did Tri for Joe in 2010, it turned out to be my favorite race, the swim was just so wacky that you couldnt help but laugh during it, the bike was flat as a pancake, but all the potholes made it like a salom course, so we raced in the same race together, pretty cool. I might do it again this season. Also I would like you to check out Cincy Express, Cincinnatis local tri club, I know some people on it and in my opinion, the best tri club in Ohio

Rob - Welcome!! Usually in local races, the field is made up of 60% first timers, what were you nervous about that race? I have no doubt you can do one too, once you do, I bet you will be hooked

Adrian - Welcome and thank you for helping keep servicing our country, triathlon is a good challenge and freaking fun, with your back ground, you will succeed with your goal

Justin - Welcome to the group, to get back on track, sign up for a race, that will motivate you

Mark - Kona is how I got into triathlons and many others as well. Having family support is HUGE!!!

Jimmy - Wow, your story is like watching Kona on tv, congrats on getting healthy. Nice solid training plan!!!

Bob - Welcome, its ok, 2011 is the year to get back on the wagon. Protein snacks will help curve your cravngs

Todd - Welcome, I am interested to hear how tri training and crossfit work together, keep me posted on that

Ryan - Welcome and thank you for helping keep servicing our country, I love you want to finish "comfortably" at a HIM!!! Trainer work on the bike is a great way to really be a step ahead of others on the bike, you can train on things that are not safe on the road.

Jyrjki - I dont think your age is a problem at all, it seems alot of racers are middle age

2011-01-06 9:19 PM
in reply to: #3282897

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
I'm curious, where do you get a glutamine supplement from? Is is a separate pill? Included in some other supplement? Is it in the vitamin aisle, or have to go to a GNC to get it?

And is there a different supplement to take for the other 'amino acids', and the glutamine would need to be separate? Or why not just have all the amino acids from one source?

Thanks!! I'm learning a lot already in this group!
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