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2011-01-07 12:01 AM
in reply to: #3282016

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Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
nevergivin - 2011-01-06 8:27 AM Good Morning everyone, I hope everyones training during the New Year is going well!

Here is my typical meal plan with some supplements I take, Im only taking supplements to help aid recovery. I have been loosing close to 2 pounds a week of bodyfat. I have lost 12 pounds since November 15 and have since doubled all of the strength training weights I use. My plan is once I get to my target weight and close to race season start I will increase my calorie count and Carb ratio.

M1. Oatmeal,Whey protien in Skim Milk

S1. 1 Multivitamin,1 Fish oil,1 Flax oil
M2. Whey Protien in Water,6 almonds
M3. Turkey Sandwich,Tea
M4. Whey Protien in Water,6 almonds
S2. (Pre workout) 1 Serving of Quake 10.0 preworkout
S3. (During workout)1 serving of Extend during workout
S4. (Post workout)Whey Protien with Glycomaize
S5. 1 Multivitamin,1 Fish oil,1 Flax oil

M5. Grilled Chicken, Salad,Water

Wow you are into it.  Talk to me some about about recovery drinks and use of the Whey Protein.  I have not used it before or even tasted it.  Why should I use something like this rather than other recovery drinks like plain old Choc. Milk.  I am sure it is heathier but what else.

I also use either water or Low Cal. Gatorade while running with additional GU's or Bloks for longer workouts.  What would something like Extend do for me that Gatorade wouldn't.


2011-01-07 10:32 AM
in reply to: #3258079

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Brian, I use what works for me. In my twenties and thirties my nutrition may have been different but this is my fourty four year old weight loss nutritional plan that supports weight loss,strength training,recovery, and Cycling, right now Im averaging about 150 miles a week on the bike.
My cycling team is sponsored by Zym, I use it during all workouts under 2 hours, Im not interested in adding more carbs to my body when I have plenty stored and any ingested will probably not get used anyway. Anything over that I will injest carbs every 20 min to get about 250 calories per hour so my performance will not suffer, thats including my drink also. I dont like gatorade unless its the only thing on the race course and I have no choice, but when I do I stay away from it or anything else that has any form of fructose, High Fructose,etc.
Im not a big fan of chocolate milk, way too much sugar for me, I wont say I dont like it but is on the bottom of my list for preffered post workout drinks. I am a huge fan of whey protien, it helps me get stronger and helps me recover. For me its economical,it fills me up and it wont trigger an Insulin spike. I have also tried Endurox and Accelerade and dont care for those also. I am very carb consious, allot of athletes over carb, some younger athletes can get away with that and at one time I could too. The reality for me is too many carbs give me cravings,binges, and store fat so I have to pay attention to that.
I like all Hammer products, they have quality ingredients, I dont use them often enough because they contain soy and Im allergic, heed I like allot though, it does not contain soy but I still dont use it because they use the same containers that they use for the soy based products. I do use thier gels and dont get a reaction so I use them allot, I buy them in tubs and use gel flasks so I dont have to deal with sticky wrappers and can buy in bulk.I just carry allot of pint sized tupperware containers with me in my training bag so I have them when needed.
What are you using now?
For whey I only use Optimum Whey Protien, its affordable, tastes and mixes better than anything out there and is extremely low in sugar. I like to mix protien with water or skim milk with a spoon only, the shaker cups and blenders are not for me.
2011-01-07 9:04 PM
in reply to: #3284473

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Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
nevergivin - 2011-01-07 8:32 AM Brian, I use what works for me. In my twenties and thirties my nutrition may have been different but this is my fourty four year old weight loss nutritional plan that supports weight loss,strength training,recovery, and Cycling, right now Im averaging about 150 miles a week on the bike.
My cycling team is sponsored by Zym, I use it during all workouts under 2 hours, Im not interested in adding more carbs to my body when I have plenty stored and any ingested will probably not get used anyway. Anything over that I will injest carbs every 20 min to get about 250 calories per hour so my performance will not suffer, thats including my drink also. I dont like gatorade unless its the only thing on the race course and I have no choice, but when I do I stay away from it or anything else that has any form of fructose, High Fructose,etc.
Im not a big fan of chocolate milk, way too much sugar for me, I wont say I dont like it but is on the bottom of my list for preffered post workout drinks. I am a huge fan of whey protien, it helps me get stronger and helps me recover. For me its economical,it fills me up and it wont trigger an Insulin spike. I have also tried Endurox and Accelerade and dont care for those also. I am very carb consious, allot of athletes over carb, some younger athletes can get away with that and at one time I could too. The reality for me is too many carbs give me cravings,binges, and store fat so I have to pay attention to that.
I like all Hammer products, they have quality ingredients, I dont use them often enough because they contain soy and Im allergic, heed I like allot though, it does not contain soy but I still dont use it because they use the same containers that they use for the soy based products. I do use thier gels and dont get a reaction so I use them allot, I buy them in tubs and use gel flasks so I dont have to deal with sticky wrappers and can buy in bulk.I just carry allot of pint sized tupperware containers with me in my training bag so I have them when needed.
What are you using now?
For whey I only use Optimum Whey Protien, its affordable, tastes and mixes better than anything out there and is extremely low in sugar. I like to mix protien with water or skim milk with a spoon only, the shaker cups and blenders are not for me.

I can pretty much stomach anything.  I use GU mostly in gel form and Shot Bloks; although this past year I puchased a flask for the bike and bought a container of Rasberry Hammer because it was easier than having to deal with wrappers on the course and cheaper in bulk.  I can't locate GU in bulk; haven't ever seen it in bulk.

Other than that not much else; no vitamins, special recovery drinks or tablets of any kind.  If I get into Half-Iron distance I am going ot have to come up with a better nutrition plan than what I used for my OLY; which wasn't anything special.  Kind of just doubling up on what I might do in a Sprint (pretty simple).  I might try the Whey Protein to see how I like it.  As I get older (47 now) I am guessing my recovery takes longer so any advantage I can get may be well worth it; as well as smarter training.
2011-01-08 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3258079

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Louisville, KY
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Happy Weekend!

Two things:

1. Pet peeve of mine. The swim article about making "the connection" during your stroke is a perfect example of what I don't like about so many of the supposedly helpful articles posted online on sites like BT. It takes seven paragraphs for the author to say " counter-rotation during the catch is really important". Now other people who have taken professional lessons recently, or who come from a swimming background may know what that means, but I have almost no clue. I know what the catch is, but the counter-rotation stuff is a mystery. Beth actually gave me a better clue in her posting than the article did. Also swim articles that talk about stoke technique but don't have illustrations or video to accompany are near worthless. Rant off.

2. Nutrition has really been bugging me lately. I've had a bad time being calorie compliant with my goals. Some of it is work/family schedule stuff, and some of it is just laziness on my part. I know I will race better if I can get some more weight off, but winter seems to be a really hard time for me to do it this go around. Anybody else really struggling right now?
2011-01-08 8:54 PM
in reply to: #3286821

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
jamesarr - 2011-01-08 12:28 PM Happy Weekend!

Two things:

1. Pet peeve of mine. The swim article about making "the connection" during your stroke is a perfect example of what I don't like about so many of the supposedly helpful articles posted online on sites like BT. It takes seven paragraphs for the author to say " counter-rotation during the catch is really important". Now other people who have taken professional lessons recently, or who come from a swimming background may know what that means, but I have almost no clue. I know what the catch is, but the counter-rotation stuff is a mystery. Beth actually gave me a better clue in her posting than the article did. Also swim articles that talk about stoke technique but don't have illustrations or video to accompany are near worthless. Rant off.

2. Nutrition has really been bugging me lately. I've had a bad time being calorie compliant with my goals. Some of it is work/family schedule stuff, and some of it is just laziness on my part. I know I will race better if I can get some more weight off, but winter seems to be a really hard time for me to do it this go around. Anybody else really struggling right now?

Jim, see if this gives a better understanding.
2011-01-08 10:22 PM
in reply to: #3286821

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Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
jamesarr - 2011-01-08 12:28 PM Happy Weekend!

Two things:

2. Nutrition has really been bugging me lately. I've had a bad time being calorie compliant with my goals. Some of it is work/family schedule stuff, and some of it is just laziness on my part. I know I will race better if I can get some more weight off, but winter seems to be a really hard time for me to do it this go around. Anybody else really struggling right now?

I have been up in my weight lately and am Lifetime member of Weight Watchers.  I go monthly and have knocked off 5.8 lbs. between my last two weigh-in.  What hits me hard it that we eat out a lot.  If I can cut that down to one day per week I am good.  My workouts generally knocks that off no problem and I don't deprive myself.  I try to do real well during the week when I can focus and am at work.  If I have good food around (fruit/ chicken/ the right bread/ tuna/eggs) then I tend to do better because I don't snack on all that other stuff (junk Food) laying around that my wife and son eat.

Hang in there!  You are not alone.

2011-01-09 12:08 PM
in reply to: #3285897

Augusta, GA
Subject: HIM nutrition
TriGuyBri - 2011-01-07 9:04 PM
nevergivin - 2011-01-07 8:32 AM Other than that not much else; no vitamins, special recovery drinks or tablets of any kind.  If I get into Half-Iron distance I am going ot have to come up with a better nutrition plan than what I used for my OLY; which wasn't anything special.  Kind of just doubling up on what I might do in a Sprint (pretty simple).  I might try the Whey Protein to see how I like it.  As I get older (47 now) I am guessing my recovery takes longer so any advantage I can get may be well worth it; as well as smarter training.

Here's a good Whey Protein shake recipe I got from Oxygen mag: 1 c. skim milk, 1 scoop chocolate Whey powder, 1 tab pnut butter, 1 banana, a splash of coffee, and ice. Blend. In off season when calorie conscious I reduce the pnut butter to a teaspoon or only use 1/2 scoop of whey. I've also added blueberries which taste great to me w/or without the coffee in there. I'm 47 too. What a surprise to realize I can't just drop 5 pounds like I used to! I find it's really easy to pack on the pounds with recovery drinks and protein shakes. That said, nutrition demands do increase w/intensive training and I'm kind of resigned to gaining weight during the racing season. 

Heavy training for a HIM means that I'm hungry all the time; the whey shakes really reduce hunger and stick with you. I get stomach growls  in longer distance races, so I've added peanut butter crackers which you can pop in your mouth and chew quickly. These are easier to choke down for me than bars and they fill me better. The other real foods I munch on are almonds, peanut butter M&Ms, and pieces of cut up bagel (downside: bagels can leave you thirsty). 

For what it's worth, in theory I like to avoid chemical products and don't love bars but I've found that I really have to use gels and protein powders some times. They just make life easier and the gels kick in faster than real food, which is ideal for a sprint. The bars I do like are Luna and some of the PowerBars like pnut butter. If I do use a replacement drink which is a must during long runs in GA summers, I use the low calorie ones from Hammer Nutrition. I also like their Endurox (is that the name?) pills which keep calf cramps at bay, but take w/caution as you need to drink a lot of water w/those.   

2011-01-09 12:28 PM
in reply to: #3282016

Augusta, GA
Subject: weight loss
Stuart, you are seriously dedicated with this food plan! I just don't have that kind of discipline: kudos to you for sticking to it!!! Jim, I'm with you on the lack of motivation. When it's cold I want to eat more not less! So I'm trying to sub a few heavier meals with some lighter options so I don't feel like I'm dieting. As soon as I start a "diet" I gain at least 5 pounds.

One thing I've been doing this month is trying to start a couple dinner meals w/a light soup. Here's a favorite that even my husband will eat: sauteed carrots and onions in blender w/some raw ginger, and chicken broth. Loaded w/vitamins too. You can make it creamy with a small of 1/2 and 1/2 or some tofu, just blend well so there's no chunks. (I'm not a tofu fan but it soup nobody knows it's in there.) Serving this warm and eating it before a beef meal really satisfies so I can cut down the portions.

Most guys I know regard soup w/a scowl, esp. my husband. We would eat pork at every meal if we could. When I serve soup alone w/a salad for dinner he'll usually head for the Doritos! Exception: French onion soup w/a hearty crouton and lots of cheese. Even w/a thick layer of cheese this dish is still much lower in calories than a beef or pork dinner. And you can always use low fat cheese or reduce the amount.

My 2 reliable lose weight lunches are tuna fish (very little mayo and added fruits, veggies & nuts) and scrambled eggs w/one egg and 2 egg whites and skim milk. Those mini cartons of egg whites are great and they keep at least a month. Whites are perfect for reducing the calories in an egg dish while adding protein. I throw in whatever veggies are in my fridge and some fresh or dried herbs, sometimes a scoop of cheese. 2 pieces of whole wheat toast. If I'll eat these 2 things for a week of lunches I feel lighter and don't get the 4pm munchies.
2011-01-09 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3287381

Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Jim, I agree that you have to be in a certain place to make use of the advice articles. The more fundamental the more useful, no matter what sport.
2011-01-09 12:49 PM
in reply to: #3258079

Augusta, GA
Subject: training plans?
Just out of curiosity, what kind of training plans are ya'll following now and how do you like them?
2011-01-09 1:09 PM
in reply to: #3258079

Augusta, GA
Subject: cycling hard
Stuart, What you said about really hitting it in the cycling workouts has inspired me to push it more. I tend to view those workouts as "off" days, esp. on long 35 mile rides when I have a habit of riding and chatting w/friends at the back of the pack to pass time. I'm trying to make a spin class at least 1x per week and to ride much harder than I have in the past. Thanks for that advice! Also, I hadn't thought about how core could help w/cycling...I'm going to up my core strengthening workouts to 2 per week to see what happens. I bet it will help w/running pains too.

2011-01-09 4:25 PM
in reply to: #3287381

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Louisville, KY
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Now, that's what I'm talking about. Short, sweet, and to the point. Video is a must have for these kind of topics, and it's so easy to do these days that anything else is low value by comparison. Thanks for the link.


What is it with guys and soup? My parents took me and my sons to this Mexican restaurant because I wanted to try the chicken soup they had been raving about. Yes, it was delicious and I was felt full when I was done with the large bowl they brought me. However, I also still felt hungry. Broth based soups just don't cover me on the hunger aspect, and this soup had lots of nice pieces of chicken in it so it wasn't a lack of protein. Now a nice creamy potato or thick tomato soup with grilled cheese will get the job done (for a lot more calories).
2011-01-09 7:17 PM
in reply to: #3288119

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Subject: RE: training plans?
bdroppleman - 2011-01-09 10:49 AM Just out of curiosity, what kind of training plans are ya'll following now and how do you like them?

I am planning to use one (Half-Iron Man Distance Plan) from my staple planning book Essestial Week-By-Week Training Guide by Matt Fitzgerald; beginning in Feb.  For some of this plan I am substituting some run workouts from a published plan in Triathlete Magazine also by Matt F.  If I go strickly with Sprint Distance this year (due to training time complications) I'll use some Sprint Plans from the Book with more intensity.  There are about 10 different level plans per distance which makes it nice to substitute various levels into one plan.
2011-01-09 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3288119

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: training plans?
bdroppleman - 2011-01-09 12:49 PM Just out of curiosity, what kind of training plans are ya'll following now and how do you like them?

Hi- I had been following one of the winter maintenance plans from BT, but I just got finished deleting it and subbing in a modified Sprint plan.  It was a good plan- I just needed a change. 

Now if I can just get outside for some longer runs/rides- one of the downsides to living in Boston is that we spend months with snow and ice everywhere- and as someone who spent their first 25+ years in South Carolina, it takes me a few months to get used to it every year. 
2011-01-10 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3258079

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Beth, I use soup when I am short on time, I also use our crock pot often because its easy and I can cook some in bulk.
I love the egg white advice, in fact Im going to order some this week, how do you use them? I am almost finished with the base training phase of my training and will begin to increase intensity over the next three months, I need to focus on recovery and nutrition so I dont overtrain, I think these will help allot with weight reduction and protien needs.
2011-01-10 6:13 PM
in reply to: #3258079

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Molly-Do you know Chris Foster, he got me started into triathlons.

2011-01-12 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3258079

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
I have a practice race this Sunday that will give me a chance to start to work on my bike skills,Cornering,sprinting,pack skills. For me my season will start in mid April but it helps me gradually work my way into race season.

Does anyone else have weekend plans?
2011-01-12 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3294446

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Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
nevergivin - 2011-01-12 7:39 AM I have a practice race this Sunday that will give me a chance to start to work on my bike skills,Cornering,sprinting,pack skills. For me my season will start in mid April but it helps me gradually work my way into race season.

Does anyone else have weekend plans?

I have a 1/2 Mary Sunday morning.
2011-01-13 10:36 AM
in reply to: #3258079

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
I will be doing a practice race Sunday. I hope the weather is good. Have fun Brian at your run!
2011-01-14 9:55 AM
in reply to: #3258079

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
Anyone else?
2011-01-14 12:18 PM
in reply to: #3299323

Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
Nothing here. My daughter has a gymnastics meet but I plan to workout in the hotel gym Smile.
I sorta did a 200 free time trial today (after a short bike and run): 3mins 1 sec.
13.1 go Brian!!

2011-01-14 1:12 PM
in reply to: #3299323

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
nevergivin - 2011-01-14 9:55 AM Anyone else?

Looks like its the rollers and treadmill for me this weekend.  Hopefully a swim on Sunday morning.

2011-01-15 10:40 AM
in reply to: #3299943

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
williemc432 - 2011-01-14 11:12 AM
nevergivin - 2011-01-14 9:55 AM Anyone else?

Looks like its the rollers and treadmill for me this weekend.  Hopefully a swim on Sunday morning.


I have yet to invest in rollers, some day!

Will, have you done any sufferfest videos?
2011-01-15 8:01 PM
in reply to: #3291096

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
nevergivin - 2011-01-10 4:13 PM Molly-Do you know Chris Foster, he got me started into triathlons.

Sorry don't know him. Do you know which side of town he lives on? 
2011-01-15 8:03 PM
in reply to: #3288119

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: training plans?
bdroppleman - 2011-01-09 10:49 AM Just out of curiosity, what kind of training plans are ya'll following now and how do you like them?

I'm using markallenonline with the extended coaching from Luis Vargas. Luis is great and a really good mentor. It is somewhat on the expensive side though 
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