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2011-01-07 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Hi Anne - great to have you in the group!  We lived in Ann Arbor for a couple of years and my sister-in-law and her husband live there now... seems to be an active Tri area.  My BIL is aiming for Cedar Point later this year.  I'll have to check his race schedule and see if you all have any overlap.  Our nieces are 6 and 9, so imagine the trouble they could all stir up together :-(psst.. if you think they're fun now, just wait!)


2011-01-07 8:57 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Stu, that cedar point race is AMAZING. Is your BIL doing the Full Rev or the 1/2 Rev? We watched a friend do his first full last year at that race. Fantastic day. It was my husband's original goal for a full but he had to have back surgery in July last summer. It's especially nice because the race is so family friendly, with the kids being able to play at Cedar point all day, and transition being right there in the parking lot. And the run is back and forth streets in downtown Sandusky, so you can see them at mile 1, go up a street and they pass you at mile 2, go up a street see them at mile 3.....very spectator friendly so you can cheer on everyone at mile 4 when the death march starts...

On the agenda today? A swim. I took the first week of kids back to school/back in lessons to try and figure out my training schedule. Looks like Fridays are going to be my best days for lap swim.

Laughed at the earlier comment about trying to get motivated to get in the pool. Check out how often we are at the pool- just me and the kids, this does not count the husband and his 2-3 swims per week:
M- Abby (oldest) swim team, 5:30-6:30pm; Jo (baby) and me, Waterbabies class, 6:15-6:45pm
W- Abby, swim team
Th- Abby, swim team; Sophie (3 year old) swim lessons 5:30-6.

OF COURSE they do not have lap swim available when I am at the pool for everything else, so I have to fit it in 1-2 times per week on M, W, or F at 11am.

Is anyone focusing on a spring running race? I have a lot of trouble getting motivated to run in the cold and I absolutely hate the treadmill. I chose the spring half marathon hoping that it would make my run improve (I run a very slow 11 to 12 minute mile) or help me enjoy running (I spend the whole run reminding myself that I hate running).
2011-01-07 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Stu- that wrap recipe looks good.  I love salsa.  No spinach in the house right now though otherwise I'd give it a try. 

My swim workouts are pretty low on time.  I have a pretty good cruising speed for an obese 40yr old woman, LOL!  I could see myself doing the workout you posted.  I like how you used back for a bit of recovery between faster free segments.  I just returned to the pool in late Oct.  I started with 200 wu (now it's all free, but had to build up to that at first)  a set of 10-12 50s and 200 warm down mixing in a few drills or other strokes.  I've improved the interval on the 50s a bit and done some sets of 100s instead on some days.  On Mon, I decided to time a 500 free to see how it felt and what time range I'm in, especially since I have a 10min swim coming up on 1/15 (part of indoor tri).  It took me 8:30, so 1:42 per 100 yd pace.  I'd prefer it to be closer to 7:30 at 1:30 per 100 pace.  Yesterday I tried some 50s and 25s at a quicker pace.  I found that I can't maintain a good pace for very long.  I'll try your workout next week maybe minus a 200 due to time.  It looks like fun.

Today looks like a rest day.  I would swim, but I'm working from home due to impending snow.  Yesterday I swam and ran/walked 3.1 miles.   I'm not sure I running again would be a good idea.  We'll see. 
2011-01-07 10:40 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN

NAME: Andrea
STORY:  abridged version. I’m a 40(almost 41) year old obese woman.  Started attending an exercise class 2 years ago, still go 2 times a week.  I got a treadmill late Jan 2010 for my birthday.  Started walking, but then switched to 30sec R/30sec W.  Used C25k to build up some endurance, but (for now) prefer intervals of running and walking to non-stop running.  Swam competitively age 8-college graduation and coached some after that.  My biking is weak.  I have a hybrid bike that I started using summer 2010.  I don’t have a trainer, so will wait until spring (March maybe) to cycle again.  I’m working on losing weight with WW.  I started early Dec.  According to BMI calculator, I need to lose almost 40lbs to just be overweight.

married with 5 year old son


Swimming 3 times a week but only 1000-1500yds each.  Run/walking on treadmill 3 times a week or going outside on rare weekend days above 45 degrees.


  • Jan=indoor tri, Feb=indoor tri, March=5K, early May=5K, late May=3.5M
  • There is a sprint series (1/4-mile swim, 8k trail ride, and a 5K trail run) that is Tuesday evenings mid-June to mid-Aug.  I’d like to do a few of these.
  • There is an Open Water Swimming Festival that offers ½ mile, 1 ½ mile and 3 mile swims in early September that I’m considering.  I think they also have a 1 mile swim in late July that might work better.
  • There is a women’s sprint tri in my area in mid-September that I’d like to sign up for.  I need to watch for registration dates as it does fill up.
  • There is a 10 K in early Oct.  I’m not sure about this, but I’ll see how my running progresses.

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS (if any):   Any progress is good.  I’d love to be overweight instead of obese.  That’s pretty far off, so I’ll set my first goal to be below 200lbs, which is within reach.  I can almost taste it.  (but if I taste anything that good I seem to gain 5 lbs.)

WHAT DO YOU HOPE THE MENTOR GROUP WILL PROVIDE FOR YOU and WHAT WILL YOU BRING TO THE GROUP:  I guess I’m looking for accountability and people to chat with about all three sports, fitting in workouts, weight loss successes and struggles.  I can probably bring some swim suggestions and can relate to other slow or overweight group members. 

2011-01-07 12:41 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Welcome Anne!
It's sounds like you have a very busy and healthy family- that's great!
I am considering a 4 miler in early March. It's a pretty competitive race though, so if I'm not under a 10 minute mile by then, I won't bother.
I don't like the treadmill either, but I like broken feet even less. So, I won't run in the dark, ,or if the roads aren't clear.
2011-01-07 12:44 PM
in reply to: #3283986

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
StlPhil - 2011-01-07 8:24 AM I'm just hoping to get in some physical activity today. "Demands of Life" have been CRAZY. Business has been nuts, a good thing, not necessarily good for your health though. Son is getting married on Saturday and that has brought on a whole other set of distractions.

I have to get back on track. I'm afraid I'm going to start looking more like a grape than a triathlete.
 : ( It will be late tonight, but maybe the bike trainer.


Congrats on your sons marriage! I imagine you're pretty busy wiht all the prep for that.

I completely understand the demands of life- My plans for a run have already been foiled. My little guy is sick, and I had to leave work early to go get him. It looks like I'll be on the trainer at about the same time you are.

2011-01-07 8:33 PM
in reply to: #3283867

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Hey there everyone.  Hope everyone has had a great day today.    Today I ran the foothills for the first time since Oct.  A bit of a cold start (20 degrees) and had to walk a few times on some of the steep hills, but finished the run.  My greatest challenge for this year is making the time to train without feeling guilty about spending the time away from my family.  Hoping to hit the pool tomorrow.

Stu- was hoping to try your wrap, but forgot the spinach while I was at the store.  Sounds like a great breakfast burrito if you added some scrambled egg whites.

Edited by TriVettee 2011-01-07 8:40 PM
2011-01-07 9:25 PM
in reply to: #3283986

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
StlPhil - 2011-01-07 8:24 AM I'm just hoping to get in some physical activity today. "Demands of Life" have been CRAZY. Business has been nuts, a good thing, not necessarily good for your health though. Son is getting married on Saturday and that has brought on a whole other set of distractions.

I have to get back on track. I'm afraid I'm going to start looking more like a grape than a triathlete.
 : ( It will be late tonight, but maybe the bike trainer.


Congrats to you and your son, Phil!  I think you're allowed to enjoy this weekend without worrying about anything other than your son's happiness :-)  We can get to making a fine wine out of your grape-like existence on Monday!

Also glad to hear business is going well.  Need more of that these days.  But I don't think I ever heard what you do in last year's mentor group.  When things calm down some, I'd love to hear.

2011-01-07 9:38 PM
in reply to: #3284225

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
AKR18 - 2011-01-07 9:57 AM Stu, that cedar point race is AMAZING. Is your BIL doing the Full Rev or the 1/2 Rev? We watched a friend do his first full last year at that race. Fantastic day. It was my husband's original goal for a full but he had to have back surgery in July last summer. It's especially nice because the race is so family friendly, with the kids being able to play at Cedar point all day, and transition being right there in the parking lot. And the run is back and forth streets in downtown Sandusky, so you can see them at mile 1, go up a street and they pass you at mile 2, go up a street see them at mile 3.....very spectator friendly so you can cheer on everyone at mile 4 when the death march starts... On the agenda today? A swim. I took the first week of kids back to school/back in lessons to try and figure out my training schedule. Looks like Fridays are going to be my best days for lap swim. Laughed at the earlier comment about trying to get motivated to get in the pool. Check out how often we are at the pool- just me and the kids, this does not count the husband and his 2-3 swims per week: M- Abby (oldest) swim team, 5:30-6:30pm; Jo (baby) and me, Waterbabies class, 6:15-6:45pm W- Abby, swim team Th- Abby, swim team; Sophie (3 year old) swim lessons 5:30-6. OF COURSE they do not have lap swim available when I am at the pool for everything else, so I have to fit it in 1-2 times per week on M, W, or F at 11am. Is anyone focusing on a spring running race? I have a lot of trouble getting motivated to run in the cold and I absolutely hate the treadmill. I chose the spring half marathon hoping that it would make my run improve (I run a very slow 11 to 12 minute mile) or help me enjoy running (I spend the whole run reminding myself that I hate running).

Anne- actually my BIL (Mike) did the HIM last year and loved it so much he's considering going back for the full this year if he can get the training in.  It would be his first IM.  If he does it, I might have to join him for the half just for moral support :-)  He had rave reviews of the race as well, mentioning many of the same things.

I'm also planning on a spring half mary, mainly just to keep my running base solid from the Fall.  I also have a tough time enjoying the running itself when it gets above 8 miles or so.  On Wed, I split it up with 2 miles on the treadmill, 6 miles outside, and 2 miles back inside.  It's my latest mind game to fight off the boredom of the dreadmill and the cold winds.  I have no idea how I'll manage this Fall when I get into marathon distance training... egad!  I do prefer running in the cold (which is not as bad here as in OH) to the heat and humidity of the Virginia summers, though.

Sounds like you're raising a bunch of tadpoles!  Excellent!  Swimming is great for the little ones... too bad no lap time for you :-(


2011-01-07 9:53 PM
in reply to: #3284323

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
rustymom - 2011-01-07 10:38 AM  I have a pretty good cruising speed for an obese 40yr old woman, LOL! ... On Mon, I decided to time a 500 free to see how it felt and what time range I'm in, especially since I have a 10min swim coming up on 1/15 (part of indoor tri).  It took me 8:30, so 1:42 per 100 yd pace.  I'd prefer it to be closer to 7:30 at 1:30 per 100 pace.

7:30 would definitely be cruising!!!  Are you doing masters?  Having that strong swim leg will be a great asset to you in the tris.  Sounds like you'll have a similar path as me... the run has been my challenge as well.  It takes awhile, but you'll get there.  Right now the most important thing is to stay injury free and build some base and experience.  You've done the high level athletics, so you know you have it in you!  Just a matter of time :-)

Funny thing happened at the gym the other day... someone mentioned that the masters coach was the former head swim coach at NC State (which is kind of cool in itself).  Well, my high school swim coach (back in New England) swam at NC State back in the early 70s and yep, the masters coach was his coach back then.  Kind of blew my mind!
2011-01-07 10:06 PM
in reply to: #3283867

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
slow turtle - 2011-01-07 7:03 AM Good Morning!

2 questions:
What does everyone have planned for today?
What is your biggest challenge that you face with training?

I'll answer my own questions. I have a run planned for right after work.
My biggest challenge is finding the motivation to get in the pool. I like it once I'm there, it's just the hassle of getting everything together, and driving to the Y, knowing that when I come out, it will be cold and dark.

Well Heidi, I did have a day off planned, but all the swim talk on the board motivated me to go for an afternoon swim (thanks guys!)

What I didn't have planned was what happened after I got back from the swim.  Had a call from my wife that our daughter was headed to the ER.  She had gone off the road at 60mph head on into a tree.  Thankfully, she was not hurt.  I was doing okay, knowing that she was safe with my wife in the ER, until I saw the car and then I started shaking.  The front is totally gone.  I don't think my wife should see it.  Give your little ones an extra hug for me tonight.  We're a very lucky family this evening. 


2011-01-07 10:33 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN

Whoa Stu! Thank goodness, your daughter is all right. In the battle between trees and people, trees usually win. I am happy for your family not in this case though. Count your blessings this weekend. I know you will.

No bike trainer tonight. I am ready to jump in the wine press Monday. I have a lot of excess juice to drop. ; )


2011-01-08 7:31 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Wow-Stu. That's scary. Did the ER diagnose any injuries? How's she feeling today?

I didn't get on the trainer either last night, Phil. Jack, my little guy, just wanted to snuggle. So, we hung out and watched Superman 2, while my husband and daughter went to a birthday party.

I signed my daughter up for some swim lessons that start today, at first thinking it would ba  good time for me to get in the pool. But, now it looks like there's only one lap lane at that time, so I won't plan on it.
2011-01-08 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Happy Weekend Everyone!

Still counting our blessings here this morning (no injuries other than a scrape, Heidi).  What's on tap for your weekend?  We know Phil's aerobic plans are dancing with his new daughter :-)  How about the rest of you?  Are weekends your time for long workouts or are they just another day?

Though we had a dusting of snow here, I'm hoping to get in a longish run today.  I've recently downloaded one of the HIM plans here on BT.  I mainly use as a guide for total training hours for the week and right now it is 7hr/week, so still an hour short and next week I'm going to lose 3 days for work, so I'll try to bank a few hours this weekend :-)

2011-01-08 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Stu, I'm glad to hear that your daughter is ok. Phil, enjoy the festivities. Monday will be fine for getting back to your regular plan.I'm just back from WW weigh in. I lost .2 pounds. I'll take it. This includes Christmas, a week long visit from my brother and niece, and New Years. I probably lost 2 lbs this week to make up for the prior weeks. Onward...Treadmill today. I'm going to run continuously today. Remember I've been run/walking intervals lately. It's mostly mind over matter. I'll shoot for 2 miles. Tomorrow I will return to intervals.
2011-01-08 10:38 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN

Off to the wedding. The tuxedo I bought in July still fits. A little snug, but looks good. I have avoided trying it on for month. : )

About dancing, my wife reminded me this is the first time I will be able to dance in 15 years. That is awesome.

Stu, how is your daughter feeling? The day after something like that can be uncomfortable.

Monday is my day of recommitment. I cannot wait.


2011-01-08 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3285850

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
TriVettee - 2011-01-07 9:33 PM Hey there everyone.  Hope everyone has had a great day today.    Today I ran the foothills for the first time since Oct.  A bit of a cold start (20 degrees) and had to walk a few times on some of the steep hills, but finished the run.  My greatest challenge for this year is making the time to train without feeling guilty about spending the time away from my family.  Hoping to hit the pool tomorrow.

Stu- was hoping to try your wrap, but forgot the spinach while I was at the store.  Sounds like a great breakfast burrito if you added some scrambled egg whites.

I love my bike trainer- I can still interact with the kids, while I get a workout in.

Today, I'm heading to the Y for an indoor run. We got 7 inches of snow last night.  I don't like to risk injury by running outside when the roads are slushy.
2011-01-08 1:36 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Does anyone here use Vibram Five Fingers?What's your opinion and experience with them?
 I've been researching them for a while, and am contemplating picking a pair up today.

Edited by slow turtle 2011-01-08 1:38 PM
2011-01-08 5:55 PM
in reply to: #3285850

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
TriVettee - 2011-01-07 9:33 PM My greatest challenge for this year is making the time to train without feeling guilty about spending the time away from my family. 

Finding the right balance for everything is definitely a big challenge for triathletes.  Let me throw out one idea to consider and that is the example you are setting for your kids (who despite being 17 and 19 are still paying attention).  My daughter, age 18, when she went off to college decided that one of her priorities was to exercise 4-6 days / week.  Now, after just completing her first 5K (she was not much of an athlete in HS), I can see the gears turning about improving her times and potentially working toward a sprint tri.  Her goal, like many of us, is just to be healthy, and setting those goals (races, training, whatever works) is the means to the more important end of good health.  I can say that my routine had an impact on her choices (not the only one for sure).  And btw, I think your family would want you to be healthy... maybe you should ask their permission!  I bet they will be very proud of your potential achievements!  And, I don't know about you, but I feel much more positive / happy when I exercise.  So lots of reasons to set the guilt aside and focus on the positive aspects.  Now, if you start training for an IM, you probably should have a pow-wow with the whole team :-)  But for sprints and olympics, you can use those as milestones for the more important goal of a healthy lifestyle.

Okay, stepping down off the soapbox now :-)

2011-01-08 6:41 PM
in reply to: #3286280

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Good afternoon all!

Stu- glad to hear your daughter is doing well!

My goal this weekend was to get in a swim.  Didn't get there today, (dreaded the idea of getting in the cold pool) but maybe tomorrow.  Planning a sprint tri in April (indoor swim), so it's time for me to get swimming.  I have a question though about swim training.  Since my goal for triathlons is to have fun and enjoy the training, is it necessary to follow a swim training plan, or is it just ok to work on increasing my distance?  I just don't enjoy doing sets.   I would much rather take my time and just try to increase the number of laps I can do.  But is that effective?
2011-01-08 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3286741

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN

 Got a pair for Christmas, but just went and had them fitted today, actually.  I needed a size larger than I received.  I am actually wearing them now. They are so comfortable.  My plan is to run a mile in them tomorrow at the Y, and then swim.  I guess you have to start slow when you start to run in them, increasing your run time by 5min each week.  My only question for those who already run in them is, once you are accustomed to running in them will it be hard to transition back to a running shoe? 

2011-01-08 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3287209

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
TriVettee - 2011-01-08 7:41 PM  I have a question though about swim training.  Since my goal for triathlons is to have fun and enjoy the training, is it necessary to follow a swim training plan, or is it just ok to work on increasing my distance?  I just don't enjoy doing sets.   I would much rather take my time and just try to increase the number of laps I can do.  But is that effective?

Effective in my book is whether it is the best method to achieve your desired results.  If the goal is to have fun and enjoy the training, then increasing your distance is just fine (and will improve your performance more than not increasing your distance).  Doing sets and sprint work (with increased distance) will increase your speed more all things being equal, so if that becomes your goal at some point down the road, you'll want to revisit the workouts.  But at the end of the day, you don't want to be doing something that deters you from going to the pool at all, right?

As you get into OLYs with longer open water swims (OWS), practicing in a lake and working on sighting becomes more important.  If you have lots of experience in open water, great.  But the first time in a wave start in a lake is very different from pool swims (especially in cold water / possibly with a wet suit).  But I'd love to hear from others' experiences :-)

Speaking of other swimmers, Andrea, how did your run go today?  (and btw, I would have been very happy to hold steady on the weight over the holidays, congrats!)
2011-01-09 6:54 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
My weekend started Friday with 4 hours in the car (thanks to icy roads) to Cincinnati to see my dad; stayed overnight, then we drove back home yesterday evening (3.5 hours). No workout for me yesterday- but YES normally weekends are my long distance days- a long bike and a long run, simply because my husband is around to help with kids.

LOVE the bike traininer too Heidi simply because my children can be in the basement with me while I do a workout. We have a normal trainer and a computrainer. When I had Jo in December 2009, 2 other girlfriends also had babies and the husbands gave them gifts- jewelry, a watch; my husband bought me a computrainer. Seriously, do you know ANY woman who gives birth and then wants to even remotely consider riding on a tribike? Yeah, not me. It was totally a gift for him (he just used my end of pregnancy/labor frustration as his appropriate time to ask if we should get one, and you could have asked me anything at that point and I would have said yes). But I used it during the summer and it really improved my bike time during races.

Right now it's time to stretch- my right hip and IT band are screaming from my swim workout on Friday. Then church with the children and the husband can fit in his run; then he is watching kids so I can run with a friend of mine (3 miles on snowy roads with a windchill in the teens)- then he leaves for a business trip.

I am such a happier mom (and more patient, somehow) when I fit in a workout. I used to feel guilty last year when Jo was so tiny and I spent time away from her. This year I look forward to it and count it as part of my "Keep Mommy Sane" plan.

Hope everyone had a good Saturday- and I hope it is warmer than the teens where you are! Hurry Up SPRING!

Oh- also more feedback on the Vibrams. Let us know how the running goes with them. I am intrigued but not so sure they are for me- I break my toes (a lot) and worry they would just be one more way I would get hurt.
2011-01-09 6:57 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
My continuous 2 mile run yesterday went well. There were a few moments where I thought that a 1 min walk might be good, but I quieted that voice and continued running. It felt pretty good. I was smiling during my cool down walk. I'm extra slow on the treadmill for some reason, but I still get a good workout. Today I'll return to intervals. Then tomorrow should be a swim and exercise class.
2011-01-09 7:37 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Wow Anne. You are having a busy weekend.
We are also having strong winds with blowing snow, and cold temps. My plan is to get in a bike ride today. That will be my reward for getting the house clean. I was going to take the kids cross country skiing for the first time, but I think the weather would cause it to be an unpleasant first experience.

I didn't pick up the VFF yesterday. I ran out of time, and decided it was more important to get to the gym.

Every one have a great day!
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