General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Weigh in Wednesday Rss Feed  
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2011-01-12 4:25 PM
in reply to: #3261140

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Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
Still at 200 but feeling a hell of a lot better for exercising every day for the last 2 weeks.

2011-01-12 6:53 PM
in reply to: #3261140

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
Didn't get to the gym today b/c I caught a stomach bug. Looks like everyone is making progress.
Hopefully, I'll get to gym tomorrow and the scale will be good to me.
2011-01-13 2:59 PM
in reply to: #3295896

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Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday

" b/c I caught a stomach bug " is a totally legit reason - feel better soon!

2011-01-13 3:42 PM
in reply to: #3261140

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Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
Couldn't get on the scale yesterday so I did first thing this am.  177.  Slowly but surely headed in the right direction.
2011-01-13 4:58 PM
in reply to: #3261140

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
Made it to the gym today and weighed in at 219.4 so down two pounds from last week.

Some of that may be water weight due to bug I caught but I'll take it.

2011-01-19 3:50 PM
in reply to: #3261140

Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
237, same again this week. Better than gaining I guess. I ate horribly this week too, I deserved to gain weight. Oh well...keeping at it again. Going to have a big drop this next week. Biggest loser

2011-01-19 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3261140

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
Weighed in yesterday at 219.4. Only down .2 pounds but I was expecting a gain with the eating I did over the weekend so I'll take it. Couldn't weigh in today since I couldn't get to the gym.

Starting weight: 221.6
Current weight: 219.4

Two weeks in so at a good pace but would really like to see a 218.5 next week.
2011-01-20 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3261140

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Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
I lost 2.2 this week, down 4.2 in the past 2 weeks...
2011-01-26 11:50 AM
in reply to: #3261140

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Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday

Back after a week away and although I didn't loose I'm pretty pleased to still be sitting at 169 after a week of Hawaiian food. Here's to getting back into it all! 

How's everyone else doing today?

2011-01-26 1:08 PM
in reply to: #3261140

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Extreme Veteran
Strong Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
I'm almost 3 weeks into phase 2 of my weight loss goals.    First 25 pounds were just a by-product of training for my first olympic.   Went from 207 to 182 from May to September last year.  I've been training like a madman the last 2 months because I have both CdA and AZ on my schedule this year, and decided to actually start tracking calories.   Gotta look good for our trip to Hawaii the first week of April. 

Anyways...I'm currently at 175.4.  Goal before Hawaii is 165.   Ideal race weight is 155.

My net caloric limit is 1600, and I've been able to manage that no problem.

Good luck to everyone here!
2011-01-26 1:49 PM
in reply to: #3261140

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Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
Ugh.  Just noticed I didn't check in last week. 

174.5 as of this am.

2011-01-26 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3261140

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Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
held steady last week, this week, I'm down another pound to 190 even.
2011-01-27 4:49 PM
in reply to: #3261140

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
Late entry but I did manage to weigh in yesterday. Came in at 219.8 so I'm a little annoyed b/c I was 218 at one point over the weekend and 218.4 on Tuesday.

Hoping next week will be better.
2011-01-29 9:01 AM
in reply to: #3261140

Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
ok I want in also I usually weigh in on saturdays but I will make the change I am getting a little fustrated so maybe this will help some . currently 263 goal is anything below 220 by may 7th my first sprint tri. so thats 43 lbs or more and I have been holding steady at 260 ish for the past few weeks hoping for a break through
2011-01-30 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3261140

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Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
I know it is not Wednesday but thought I would start from last wednesday. I was 139.7 and I want to be at least 129 actually 125 is my desired racing weight. No rush but want to get there as soon as possible in a healthy way.
 Love this idea, should keep me honest!
2011-02-01 12:32 AM
in reply to: #3261140

New user

Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
I'd like to join in. Did my first sprint tri last year and got hooked. Recovering from knee surgery so can't run, but have been swimming and walking. Running is my favorite activity so looking forward to going for it soon. Current weight is 167, goal is to be under 150 by August.

2011-02-02 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3261140

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Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday

168 this morning, down 1 from last week. I'm surprised that I lost & didn't gain this week, my grandfather passed away so I haven't really been working out and I've totally been comfort eating (funeral potatoes anyone?).

This week my goal is going to be 2. I need to get back with the eating better and exercising to get the endorphins up and get out of this funk.

2011-02-02 4:19 PM
in reply to: #3261140

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Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
174  Undecided  Little disappointed but I finally was cleared to run today so hopefully that helps.
2011-02-02 4:24 PM
in reply to: #3261140

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
I know i'm late in jumping on board but may I...pretty please?? A year and a half ago I was at my ideal weight of 135 and loving the tri life. Fast forward through a move, depression, deaths, everything you can think of and i've managed to get up to 169. *Tears starting* Needless to say, I need some butt kicking (and accountability) to get back down to where I should be!!
2011-02-02 4:26 PM
in reply to: #3335879

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
bumbbles21 - 2011-02-02 1:39 PM

168 this morning, down 1 from last week. I'm surprised that I lost & didn't gain this week, my grandfather passed away so I haven't really been working out and I've totally been comfort eating (funeral potatoes anyone?).

This week my goal is going to be 2. I need to get back with the eating better and exercising to get the endorphins up and get out of this funk.

I am so very sorry to hear about your Grandfather...I just lost my stepson last week so I hear ya on the comfort eating!! Keep your head up

2011-02-02 4:58 PM
in reply to: #3332343

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
CSeabrok - 2011-02-01 12:32 AM

I'd like to join in. Did my first sprint tri last year and got hooked. Recovering from knee surgery so can't run, but have been swimming and walking. Running is my favorite activity so looking forward to going for it soon. Current weight is 167, goal is to be under 150 by August.

Welcome to BT. Congrats on getting in your first tri this season.

2011-02-02 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3261140

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
Good news...lost a few this week.

Came in at 215.6 from 219.8 last week.

I did weigh myself in the AM prior to really eating or drinking much so I think 217.5 is more accurate. At this point, I'll take a lower number any way I can get it.

I managed get in a few quality workouts and stayed away from the alcohol.

Hope everyone has a good number this week.
2011-02-09 10:53 PM
in reply to: #3261140

New user

Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
Still at 167. I did some good swimming workouts but bad eating habits got me. Did my first workouts on the elliptical--per my doctor need to do elliptical before running. Hurt alot more than expected--which I guess means my knee isn't ready for running--bummer.
2011-02-10 9:30 AM
in reply to: #3261140

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Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday
1/5 198
2/10 195.5

at least its moving in the right direction and my running is much improved...
2011-02-10 10:44 AM
in reply to: #3261140

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Subject: RE: Weigh in Wednesday

Before vacay and Christmas:  208

Jan 12 -  204

Feb 2 - 199

Feb 9 - 196

Goal - 165.

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