BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SMeador's Group - FULL! Rss Feed  
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2011-01-09 10:54 AM
in reply to: #3263166


Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Hi Am would like to join you group. I have never done a triathlon before but would like to. I have a couple of friends that do them and have a lot of fun. I am a mother of 4 and a stay at home mom. I am not sure how to get started. And would like to have a supportive group to help answer the questions I might have.Thank you Carrie

2011-01-09 3:09 PM
in reply to: #3263166

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open

Hey everyone!  Welcome to the group.  Seem like we have a nice mix of strengths here.  That is always a great thing.

Feeling really good today after the 15K yesterday.  Slept for 9 hours last night, which is so rare for me, but I think my body needed it.

Did a 1.5 hour trainer ride today.  Riding in my training pace is hard, but I felt good.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday

2011-01-09 3:11 PM
in reply to: #3263166

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Hi Dodgersmom!!!

I got in an hour spin today.  It felt good!
2011-01-09 3:45 PM
in reply to: #3287743

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Welcome Stef. \
I wish my two furkids would run with me. They both walk well on the leash but don't want to go very far.
2011-01-09 3:46 PM
in reply to: #3287861

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Welcome diamond. I hope that our group can an an encouragement to your training and racing.
2011-01-09 3:49 PM
in reply to: #3287964

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Wecolme majustic! Here is a link to a good Beginner Triathlete (BT) article about getting started.

New Year’s Resolution: First Triathlon -

Edited by smeador 2011-01-09 3:50 PM

2011-01-09 3:51 PM
in reply to: #3288335

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
No workout for me today. Will only be in the pool and on the bike for probably the next 2 to 3 weeks. I hurt my right leg doing the 15k yesterday so that Marcy (dodgersmom) didn't chic me at the finish line. Going to check with the podiatrist tomorrow about a PT referral. Through all of the 14+ training runs for Ironman Arizona (IMAZ) I get hurt doing a 15k.

Edited by smeador 2011-01-09 3:52 PM
2011-01-09 5:28 PM
in reply to: #3263166


Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open

Edited by diamond 2011-01-09 5:32 PM
2011-01-09 5:41 PM
in reply to: #3288336


Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
I did spin today too and I even got my two sons to join me ages 18 and 21 --it was great! I need to choose a training program to get ready for sprint tri this summer or to do the half marathon here in may but i am having a hard time committing to a regimen. I really don't like running all that much and 13 miles seems like forever!!! I don't want to win any race i just want to finish to the best of my ability. When I do runs for time etc sometimes it really kills it for me--any ideas on whichtraining plan I might like either for a hm or sprint tri? I got to get a focus---
2011-01-09 5:48 PM
in reply to: #3287964


Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
welcome majustic! you will be so glad you do it!!! you need this for yourself and you will be a better mom because of it. i can remember quite well when my kids were little i needed my workouts to clear my mind and keep my sanity! Hang in there and as far as your first tri---Go For it Girl!
2011-01-09 5:59 PM
in reply to: #3288616

Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open

diamond - 2011-01-09 5:41 PM I did spin today too and I even got my two sons to join me ages 18 and 21 --it was great! I need to choose a training program to get ready for sprint tri this summer or to do the half marathon here in may but i am having a hard time committing to a regimen. I really don't like running all that much and 13 miles seems like forever!!! I don't want to win any race i just want to finish to the best of my ability. When I do runs for time etc sometimes it really kills it for me--any ideas on whichtraining plan I might like either for a hm or sprint tri? I got to get a focus---

I feel like a regimen isnt as important as getting the miles or distance in. But if you are someone that really needs and likes structure there are alot of training programs specific to a half marathon on running websites and if youd like I could send you  a link to the half program that I am currently using. IMO, if you were able to do a half marathon, you could train easily for a sprint tri. I guess the real question is what are your goals? IS this your first time for a half as well as a tri? Maybe training for a half and a sprint at the same time could be exausting and overwhelming. 
What I have done ( but I am no expert) was to do my first season and prepare for a few sprint tris. I did 5 last year and REALLY loved them. During the off season this year I  have done the transition program from Sprint to Olympic but for my runs I have been doing my Half Mary training. I feel like I am in good enough shape to take on both at this point and the running portion should help me in the future. 
As you will find out, training is one step at a time. I have no intentions of "winning" any races anytime soon, but plan to compete to my best ability. Its all one step at a time.
Oh and WELCOME TO THE GROUP!  great first step. We have all been where you are now and would love to help and share experiences.  

2011-01-09 6:10 PM
in reply to: #3282991

Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
smeador - 2011-01-06 3:57 PM Welcome to the group!

So that we can get to know each other please post a little about yourself. Maybe something along these lines:











Please also add each team member to your friends list and setup your training logs so we can watch your growth!

To add a friend: Choose Settings (wrench at the top), Training Blog Customization, Friends Tab. A list of group members is at the very top of this thread.
To share your logs: Choose Settings, Training Blog Settings, Privacy Settings.


IF YOU HAVENT FILLED THIS OUT YET PLEASE DO! I know I am not the leader of this group but would like to know everyones background so we can help motivate each other. Scott, I hope Im not overstepping my boundries here. 
2011-01-09 6:38 PM
in reply to: #3288639


Subject: RE: bikermanmo
I have never done a half mary - I have done a sprint tri 6 years ago---so i guess i m kinda starting over again. Please send me your training program for the half-- i am still deciding if i m going to go for the half or the tri---your input is much appreciated...thanks
2011-01-09 8:00 PM
in reply to: #3288639

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open

Using the swimming and cycling as cross training during your HM training should be a good base to do a sprint.

2011-01-09 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3288847

Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
smeador - 2011-01-09 8:00 PM

Using the swimming and cycling as cross training during your HM training should be a good base to do a sprint.

2011-01-10 6:25 AM
in reply to: #3263166

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
So what's everyone up to today??

I walked the furkids this morning and tonight after school I'm going to spin again.  I keep my spin bike at my friend's house so that I have someone to spin with.... but my weeks are tightly scheduled so I don't have a whole lot of flexibility in terms of my workouts. 

I swim on Tues/Thurs with the masters group here.  Wednesday I shoot trap and sometimes PPC - so I have to sneak a quick workout in before I go to the range.  My weekends are a lot more flexible - and I set up my training plans so that I can usually have Fridays off to just relax (and sometimes go for a drink with the staff).

However - I managed to get a couple of my friends to help me move my mom's treadmill to my house - YAY!!!!! - which is going to make fitting runs in A LOT easier.  (My parents winter in Florida and it was -17 here yesterday ...)  So I'm hoping that I can sneak in extra workouts in the morning to take the rush off after-school plus on days where it's brutal out I can get my longer runs in. (I hate the treadmill.)

2011-01-10 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3263166

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Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Hi Scott, Marcy & Adam.... I'd like to join this group!

NAME? Tom Cook

STORY? 2008 completed Ironman Lake Placid, then 2 months later while racing 1/2 ironman in Rhode Island hit by a car at mile 55.6 the date Sept 18th, 2008 (almost at transition, seperated shoulder, 8 stitches) and then signed up for Ironman FL 2009 and had severe bike injury while training ride on Sept 19th, 2009....fractured back, broken collar bone, two fractured ribs and severe concussion...6 days in hospital, 3 months out of work recovering.

Since then my only training has been gaining weight and an occassional run.

FAMILY STATUS? Married 14 years, 14 year old black lab named Guinness.

CURRENT TRAINING? not much....will start today. Just renewed my YMCA membership and bought a new indoor spin bike.

ARE YOU A NEWCOMER TO ENDURANCE SPORTS OR A VETERAN? Used to be a veteran...not I guess I could call myself a newcomer again.

UPCOMING RACES? Want to do Montreal 1/2 Ironman (did it in Sept 2009 6:00:30 one week before my accident). Possibly Marine Corps Marathon in October.

WEIGHTLOSS? Greatly needed

WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM ME AS A MENTOR? Motivation, laughter, accountability

WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM BEING A MEMBER OF THE GROUP? To post positive feedback, encouragement, expertise & friendship


I guess it's time to get started. I'm still very nervous about riding outside. I have only done one outdoor ride since the accident and it was at the state campus of NY without much traffic.

2011-01-10 7:31 AM
in reply to: #3263166

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Ha!! Guinness!! AWESOME!!!

Welcome!! Nice to meet you - and good for you for taking on new challenges after a considerable obstacle. 
2011-01-10 7:31 AM
in reply to: #3263166

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open

Hi Tom!  Welcome to the group!

Today is an off-day for me.  But I may sneak a swim in after work and get it out of the way for the week.  We are in a cold patch here in North Texas.  I know, a cold patch for us is nothing compared to the folks up north.  For us though, 30's are COLD.

I will run in the cold as long as it is not too windy or raining.  Biking in the cold is just something I have no interest in doing.  We had rain and some snow here yesterday so even running outside today is dangerous as there are lots of icy patches.

This is a recovery week for me.  1.5 on the trainer yesterday.  My usual swims Tuesday and Friday, bike Tuesday and Thursday, Run Wed and Friday and bike Saturday.

Have a great Monday everyone

2011-01-10 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3263166

Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
HAPPY MONDAY!!!!   Welcome to the group Tom! I will say it takes alot of courage to jump back on after an accident like that. I have great respect for people like you. Its great to see others joining our group. We have a great range of athletes here and its exciting to have the encouragement and motivation to keep going. 
 My week started great with an awesome spin class and circuit training this morning. I am starting to shed some pounds and I feel lighter which is always great motivation to keep going. I think the reason for such energy this morning was due to my HORRIBLE feast at Incredible Pizza last night. For those of you who dont know what that is, its a pizza buffet ( AW that sounds horrible) with games and such, meant for kids but we had a group of us "older" kids go last night. IT WAS UNBELIEVABLE! Needless to say I naturally ate too much. lol.
I hope you all have a great week and keep checking in! its great to see others progress! 
2011-01-10 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3263166

Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
SOooooo, I had a guy in my spin class today tell me that if I were training for an OLY that I might as well just do the 70.3. He said the distances are very close and that if I could do a OLY I could do a 70.3. What are you guys thoughts on this statement?

2011-01-10 8:53 AM
in reply to: #3289498

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
bikermanmo - 2011-01-10 8:44 AM SOooooo, I had a guy in my spin class today tell me that if I were training for an OLY that I might as well just do the 70.3. He said the distances are very close and that if I could do a OLY I could do a 70.3. What are you guys thoughts on this statement?

Honestly? I think there are a lot of people out there that have no idea what they're talking about.  *sigh*

No - training volumes would be quite different for the two distances.  Depends on what you want to do.  Going from a 1500/40/10 to 2000/90/21.2 is doubling the distance.  (Except the swim...

You could easily do Olys on 1/2 training - but you were originally looking at OLYs as your focus right? 
2011-01-10 9:19 AM
in reply to: #3263166

Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Yes, it was my goal to do OLY. this year, half the next and then full the next. I feel like it takes a while to build up to ironmans, but have never done it before. This guy seemed pretty cocky in the class as well. He was saying he swims a 500 in right around 5:00. is that even possible? if so I am an embarrassment to the sport :-(
2011-01-10 10:16 AM
in reply to: #3289232

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open

Going to try a short and easy Z1-2 ride on the Computrainer today.

2011-01-10 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3289316

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Welcome Tom! It is great to know that through all of the challenges you have made it back to the sport.
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