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2011-04-08 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3437014

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN
Happy Birthday, Jules!!

2011-04-08 9:27 PM
in reply to: #3436929

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN
yolandamcp - 2011-04-08 7:33 PM

Hey all! This is Yolanda

My question about the training plan was about the swimming. Since I am a free member all it says is 1100/19min, Does that mean 1100 in 19 min? Because that is NOT happening! I swam 1700 in 55 min, maybe thats really slow.

If I am a bronze member will that be more detailed?

It depends on the plan.  I can take a look at it and let you know.

I tend to read those plans as 1100 meters (or yards) or 19 minutes, whichever is longer.  I do not swim as fast as what is in the plan either.

2011-04-09 4:39 AM
in reply to: #3437111

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN
spaceyg02 - 2011-04-08 9:21 PM
goofee girl - 2011-04-08 12:13 PM

Just a note that today is my birthday! And tomorrow I'm celebrating by training with TNT in the morning... we're doing a mini tri. Open water swim in the freezing lake!!! Looking forward to it. This will be my first tri in 19 years.

Happy Birthday!!!  May this be a year filled with many healthy blessings.

Thank you!

2011-04-09 4:39 AM
in reply to: #3437119

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Artemis - 2011-04-08 9:26 PM Happy Birthday, Jules!!

Thank you!

2011-04-09 4:41 AM
in reply to: #3437123

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN
Artemis - 2011-04-08 9:27 PM
yolandamcp - 2011-04-08 7:33 PM

Hey all! This is Yolanda

My question about the training plan was about the swimming. Since I am a free member all it says is 1100/19min, Does that mean 1100 in 19 min? Because that is NOT happening! I swam 1700 in 55 min, maybe thats really slow.

If I am a bronze member will that be more detailed?

It depends on the plan.  I can take a look at it and let you know.

I tend to read those plans as 1100 meters (or yards) or 19 minutes, whichever is longer.  I do not swim as fast as what is in the plan either.

Which plan are you talking about? Are there workout plans here?

And NO WAY am I swimming 1100 meters in 19 minutes! Surprised My best has been 1600 in an hour.

2011-04-09 5:26 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Happy B-day and what a smart/cool B-day gift you got yourself. How was the training?

2011-04-09 5:34 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

So ok,

Yesterday I thought I was just focussed. Today I'm still confident I will finish but I do feel butterflies. I think the 2 things that stress me a bit are:

  • To not get rushed during the sim and burn energy like that. I know that as long as I stay focussed and relaxed I can keep paddling along. But 5 seconds of having the adrenaline rush get to me will skyrocket my heartrate.
  • Not to rush the transition to much as that will eat up time. Rather be a bit slower and sure about what I do in the correct order

In regard to the latter I have to admit I did some practice transmissions today in my livingroom. I figured out how to lay down my jacket for an optimum in picking it up and putting it on. I guess whatever will make me feel good. As the race will be at night 7pm local I'm about to leave home to go and watch a run bike run to get my attention of my own race for a bit. Cool thing is that our top club members will be doing the run-bike-run. So that should be fun to watch.

Speak to you all soon.

2011-04-09 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: I'd like to join!

Name: Katiepony (Katie)

Story: 10 years as a professional horse trainer, now I work in an office all day.  Last year I got into Brazillian Jiu Jitsu--it changed my body, I was more fit than I ever was in my life.  I've always been a pretty strong biker, so last fall I did 5 cyclocross races.  Signed up for swim classes a couple weeks ago, now I'm working hard at having a great front-crawl.  All of a sudden I just realized I need to do a triathalon.

Family Status: Engaged (SO is on 5 month training trip), one 8 year old daughter, one dog.

Current Training: Working off a training plan that I found online.  Trying to get swimming DOWN.  I do take 2 classes a week, ride my trainer, and am running 2-3 times a week.

2011 Races: Well, I always bite off more than I can chew, so I want to sign up for the IronGirl Altheta at Hagg Lake on June 24th or so.  I'm worried it is too quick, but I'm not in it to win it, just do it.  

2010 Races: Cyclocross only. :-)

Weightloss: I am not worried about weightloss --I dropped about 15 lbs last year!

What Will Make Me a Good Mentee: I am dedicated to getting this done.  I move to Hawaii in July and I want to say I did something important before I went.  I know we all start at our own place and have our own journeys.   I'm excited to see where mine takes me!

2011-04-09 1:30 PM
in reply to: #3437239

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN
goofee girl - 2011-04-09 5:41 AM

Which plan are you talking about? Are there workout plans here?

There are!  BT has a bunch of workout plans.  Some are only available if you are a paid member, but the membership prices are very reasonable.

You can browse through all the free plans here.  Please let me know if you have questions!!

2011-04-09 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3437469

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: I'd like to join!

Welcome, Katie!  We'd love to have you join. 

Swimming classes are really helpful, so I'm sure that will be a good step for you.  It sounds like you have a good training plan down.

For your first tri, just finishing is a great goal! If it is an open water swim (OWS), I would recommend trying to swim in a lake or river ahead of time.  It can be pretty different!  Sometimes the IronGirl groups will have an organized practice swim at the event area.

2011-04-09 3:26 PM
in reply to: #3437245

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN
Niezels - 2011-04-09 5:26 AM

Happy B-day and what a smart/cool B-day gift you got yourself. How was the training?

Besides from the persistent FAIL that kept following me during the tri, I think I did ok. I feel good afterwards and even got a little sun on my face. Laughing

Maybe Artemis can help me with this... I'm totally freaked out by the OWS! I'm getting used to the cold water, but I can't imagine going almost a mile at this point. Basically, I start feeling like I can't breath, then my asthma kicks in sometimes, even if it doesn't, I'm clawing at my wetsuit to get it off my chest. I get a series of strokes in and then have to go to sweet spot. It feels like an eternity to finish the OWS and I've been last each time. Is there anything I can do to relax? Maybe I'm going too fast because my heart is pounding and I'm out of breath after stroking? I find that to be the worst part. The high heart rate and shortness of breath.

Any help here?

2011-04-09 3:28 PM
in reply to: #3437648

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN
Artemis - 2011-04-09 1:30 PM
goofee girl - 2011-04-09 5:41 AM

Which plan are you talking about? Are there workout plans here?

There are!  BT has a bunch of workout plans.  Some are only available if you are a paid member, but the membership prices are very reasonable.

You can browse through all the free plans here.  Please let me know if you have questions!!

Thanks! I'll grab a plan for the Sprint Tri I'm doing in the Summer. Oh yeah. I need to change my first post again... Heh.

2011-04-09 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3271134


Subject: I'd like to join!

Hope I can join the group! I'm new to .

Name: Jessika
Story: Past swimmer, soccer player but no longer can call myself even close to fit.   I completed several sprint triathlons and open swims a few years ago but have once again become overweight/unhealthy.  I loved the races when I did them previously, but have to get over the mentality that I'll 'never get back' to that point.

I am an ob/gyn resident who works A LOT, so finding the motivation to hit the gym at 5am is hard. Hoping that joining this will help!!!  I found a fellow resident who also would like to try a triathlon and she's helping with motivation.  One of my goals is to achieve a healthy lifestyle before I finish my residency.  I've got 14 months to go!

Family Status: Married with a 14month old daughter.   I also need to figure my daughter into workouts on the weekends.  Got a cheap bike trailer and have a jogging stroller.  It will make biking difficult and I may need to bike with my mountain bike on trails the majority of the time because I can't go out on the roads with my daughter.

Current Training: Made up a run/bike focused beginner one here.  Plan to start tomorrow!  Up this point was just swim/bike/run without a real plan.  Running is a mix of run/walk at this point.

2011 Races: Found a women-only sprint june 26th I hope to do and perhaps another one in August.  Money is tight and ~100$ fees are hard to justify!

Weightloss: Yes please! I am attempting to win the fight against food and the discipline to keep logging my calories.  Free food at the cafeteria during 24hrs shifts is the death of me.  My current weight ~205lbs, with a goal of 150lbs.

What Will Make Me a Good Mentee: I'm looking for some guidance, motivation, and support to get me through those mornings when I don't want to get up at 4am.  I've never logged workouts before and hope that knowing someone else can look at it will keep me motivated.  I'll take whatever advice is there

2011-04-09 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3437775

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN
goofee girl - 2011-04-09 4:26 PM
Niezels - 2011-04-09 5:26 AM

Happy B-day and what a smart/cool B-day gift you got yourself. How was the training?

Besides from the persistent FAIL that kept following me during the tri, I think I did ok. I feel good afterwards and even got a little sun on my face. Laughing

Maybe Artemis can help me with this... I'm totally freaked out by the OWS! I'm getting used to the cold water, but I can't imagine going almost a mile at this point. Basically, I start feeling like I can't breath, then my asthma kicks in sometimes, even if it doesn't, I'm clawing at my wetsuit to get it off my chest. I get a series of strokes in and then have to go to sweet spot. It feels like an eternity to finish the OWS and I've been last each time. Is there anything I can do to relax? Maybe I'm going too fast because my heart is pounding and I'm out of breath after stroking? I find that to be the worst part. The high heart rate and shortness of breath.

Any help here?

I had the same experience when I first started doing OWS.  The biggest piece of advice I can give is to practice a lot in the open water instead of the pool.  The more you do it, the more comfortable you will be. 

During a race, if you have that feeling, it is perfectly fine to stop, stick your head up, catch your breath, and keep going.  I've done it a few times during races.

2011-04-09 3:58 PM
in reply to: #3437781

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: I'd like to join!

Hi Jessika!

I totally understand how eating in the hospital is - I'm finishing up my PhD in a clinical lab and the hospital food is the only thing available late nights and on the weekends.

2011-04-09 7:16 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Extreme Veteran
South Lake Tahoe, Ca.
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

What's Your Motivation?

I guess I'm curious what everyone's motivation is.

Twenty plus years ago I was very active in sports. I was approx. 200 lbs., fit, and I couldn't stand being seditary. I soon became consumed by my career, got married, had a child, and a few years later got divorced. I would still go hiking and biking, but never really kept up my fitness level.

A few years later I remarried (now married 13 years). I told myself I was going to get back into the shape I use to be in. I never did. I look back now and see all the time that has passed. I quit smoking, I exercise regularly, eat well, and have lost all the fat that has acumulated over the years. That's not enough. I need more. I need goals.

I think my main motivation is to better myself physically and mentally. I don't want to find myself in the hospital from a heart attack and wonder why. We all have our demons and I'm not going to let mine control my life. I look at my wife and children and I want them to be proud of who I've become. I've set my goals and I'm striving to complete them.

I just feel better about myself and I'm in control of my future.


2011-04-09 7:57 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

For me, my big motivation has been the challenge that comes with tri training. I swam competitively in high school, but stopped working out when I got to college.  After I got married, I decided to start biking and swimming again.  Then, I thought about doing a tri, so I had to learn how to run.  Now I try to find new challenges, whether distance or speed.  I like to push myself.  Training and proving to myself that I can do something is a great thing for me.

I also find that signing up for races helps get me through the workouts day to day.

2011-04-09 8:00 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

My motivation?  Wanting to do something athletic--to be "good" at something.  I want to feel like I'm really using my life, not just hanging out waiting for something good to happen to me.

Plus, I've never been very coordinated, and while I am extremely strong, I've never worked to develop that.  I kind of feel like wasted potential.  I'm excited to see what my body will do if I give it a chance.

Good question!

2011-04-09 10:20 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Name:  Wade

Story:  42 y/o work-a-holic.  Father of 14 y/o son.  I have been competing in MTB racing for 10+ years.  I have many friends who have been hounding me for years to try a tri.  This is the summer that it will happen.  I have signed up for a Sprint in July.  My son also competes in MTB racing.

Current Training:  Heavy on cycling due to 14 MTB races this year.  12 series races, a 12 Hours Solo race and a 40 Mile point to point.  Will be working in swimming and increasing running.  P90X thrown in the mix for weights, plyo and calorie counting.

2010 Races:  12 race MTB series (4th in age group) and 12 hour Solo MTB Race.

Weightloss: 6-12 more.

Goals:  Finish first tri within top 25% of age group.  Improve my swimming.

2011-04-09 10:43 PM
in reply to: #3271134

New user

Alameda, CA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi there!

I'd like to join the group!


Personal Info: Molly, 24, 1 lovable pup, and 1 lovable boyfriend

Fitness Background: I've always been fairly able to lead an active lifestyle, but have never been driven to push myself through any sort of pain to be "super fit". I've always been active with outdoor sports (hiking, backpacking, climbing, etc.) and less with going to the gym. In fact, I'm the queen of coming up with excuses as to why I shouldn't go to the gym. I have recently gained weight due to recovering from ankle surgery/stress/big move across country/I've felt lazy and depressed. I feel like one of my biggest problems with getting fit is that I'm super self-conscious; I hate gyms b/c I don't want to look stupid, I hate running outside b/c I don't want to look stupid, and I'm terrified about getting in a bathing suit. 

Past Races: none, though I've always fantasized about completing one

Future Race: None officially signed up for, but I've been looking at the Mermaid Triathlon series here in the SF Bay Area as a fun entry-level, female driven race.

Goals: To feel comfortable in my body, get fit, complete a tri and feel good about it, know how to work out and what kind of plans I should be doing, learn about the gear needed


I guess what I need out of a mentor is help with training, gear, and continually telling me I don't look stupid out there trying. I haven't even started anything, and I'm still trying to learn this website, but I'd like the extra push. 

2011-04-09 11:42 PM
in reply to: #3438166

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Welcome, Wade!!

Those are some pretty impressive MTB races!!

2011-04-09 11:43 PM
in reply to: #3438185

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi, Molly! Welcome!!

Never feel like you look stupid out there trying.  We were all beginners once! And you trying is more than a lot of people do!!

2011-04-10 2:27 AM
in reply to: #3271134

New user

Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Hello. I'm Lisa Miller and I live in Wasilla, Alaska. I hope you will accept me into your mentor program. After looking through the profiles, I knew you'd understand my challenges, so here it goes. I've always loved competing in track and I was a track fanatic in high school, but after that I had a family ...five children to be exact, and I managed to stay in somewhat decent shape, but never dedicated to it completely, and even took up smoking...but this year, my husband and I took a trip to Hawaii and I decided to get back in shape, joined a gym and quit smoking. I've lost 12 lbs, so I'm 5' 5" and 150 lbs...sound like a lot still, but I'm muscular...working out 4 days a week and just loving it! I saw a poster at the gym about a triathlon here in August, nothing too serious, but I'd like to's called whynottri, and it's on the internet if you want to look at it. I can swim, but I'm not a really strong swimmer, so I seriously  need to hone my skills. I started stepping up on the running at the gym, but I know it's time to get outside and get some running you probably know, it gets cold here in alaska! It snowed this morning! Spring is here though so that will help. Since I quit smoking I can run so much faster and longer...that's been a huge motivator. I'm 43, so this life change has been a long time coming, but I want to be a better example for my children and grandchildren, and I want to do it for myself. Who knows, I might just love it and it can be my new addiction! I hope you'll accept a newbie such as myself into your program. I'm also going to need a bike and I really have no clue what kind to look for. I look forward to hearing from you.  Sincerely, Lisa Miller

2011-04-10 3:21 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

@ Jessika: wowzers $100 bugs for a sprint. I can imagine how hard it is to jistify that. Over here an sprint will do an average of 15 to 20 euro's. Maybe you can justify doing a sprint everyday during a 4 week trip to europe. It might just be cheaper on a daily base ;o)

@ Molly: During my race yesterday I had a look at everyone at the start of the swim. And I have to admit we all looked like dorks wearing a swimming cap. With me putting a solid 250pounds (not not all muscles) I was the biggest dork of all. However once you can get past the fact that you have to care about how you look, a whole world of fun opens. I even suggested to a friend to put pink laces in our shoes on our next races. Just to emphasize the dorkiness of the tri outfit.

In regard to motivation: It all started as an extra way to work on my weightloss and overall lifestyle. By now however training for tri's have the become primary goal for which an healthy diet is secondary. I love the realisation that after a certain amount of training you can do something you wouldn't consider remotely possibe of doing a few months before.

The race yesterday emphasized that. Though I don't have a time yet (will be published today I hope) I'm already proud at how solid my race went for having it be a first race and part of the trainingplan. I think I ran a time a bit over 40 mins. Overall the race was overwhelming and major fun. It is weird to feel so much different things in just 45 minutes. Below a list of all my emotions during the race

The anxiety just before the race. Can I really do this? Am I really doing this. The release of stress when you can finally start. The realisation that you started way to fast when 100m into the race not knowing how you will be able to finish the swim part and leave enough energy to get out of the water leave alone do a 5k run. Then the pride of finishing the swim in 11m something (the judge did shoot my time but is was really a blurry world at that point). Then despite being 22 out of 25 of the pack feeling like really racing for it. Getting stressed again during transition as my shirt got stuck between two benches. Getting outside to start the run having no real clue anymore where I am and how I will finish this. 300m into the run feeling small cramps in my calfs. Now really starting to doubt if I can finish this without walking a bit. Decided that if I started walking I wouldn't go running again and probably would quit the race. Decided that I would just need to keep running and see each lap how it would all go. First of 3 laps was painfull. I had some trouble to lower my heartrate that skyrocketed during the swim. During lap 2 it eased a bit and it was at a level I knew I could finish running. Joy and pride kicked in together with that realisation. decided to kick up to speed a bit. 100m later decided that was not a good plan. Needed to not care about any time and just enjoy the race at a more relaxing pace. Last lap I feel strong again and I can run a bit faster. However I do get past my either #24 or #25. I try to keep up with him which is hard so I let him go. 500m to the finish I realize that if I go for a sprint I could catcht the guy again and decide to go for it. At the last corner the guy gets warned that I'm right behind him at sprint pace. We sprint together to the finish. He wins. We both feel a lot of pain because of the final sprint. 1 min later we have a lot of fun about it and laugh/ and talk about the race.

I feel tired and proud. Relfecting to myself that at the start of december I wasn't able to swim more that 50m without drowning nor could I run for more than a minute. Can't believe the progress I made. Can't believe how much work I still need to do to reach some goals I've set for this year.

2011-04-10 4:56 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
My motivation for completing a tri is that I simply enjoy sports. I love the idea of swimming, biking, and running for sport and exercise. Yes, I would like to lose weight doing it, but I'm not too enthused considering I haven't lost any weight in two months training for my current tri. There's so much fun in all three sports and spending time doing them is simply worth it.
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