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2011-01-16 1:50 PM
in reply to: #3302833

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Welcome Michelle (Chelli) I think we are the perfect group for you. We have a bunch of newbies, or some not so newbies looking to get better and me I might not know it all but I've been competing for 6 years now, so I have so experience, on my 3rd year as a triathlon coach with USAT (so mentoring here is how I give back to the sport) I don't coach for money - i LOVE LOVE LOVE helping someone cross that first finish line. AND I've lost 73 1/2 pounds so I have been where some of you are.

It doesn't matter how fast you are, it matters how much you tri (not try). We can work on some things, maybe a question of the day? First one to ask will be the one I answer for all? For example, don't remember who, but one of you commented on running a 10 min mile. Want to get faster. Stop limiting yourself. When you set out thinking I "can't" run faster you won't. Work on a short distance (like 2 houses) and run FAST. I am a HUGE believer in the run/walk/run Jeff Galloway theory, it does make you a faster runner. I was quite skeptical but after trying it out, have found it to work.

Our group to date is:

TxTriMom - (do you have a real name)
Twalker0475 (Tiffany)
Peanut14 (another nameless one?)
Shawnakay (I'm guessing Shawna)
IDMTNGRL (#3 who needs a name)
JHellwarth (Jennifer)
Lori0826 (Lori)
Chelli (Michelle)
WWLani (Lani - that's me)

That's a total of 8 not counting me. I think I'll cap it at 10, anyone have a name we could call ourselves?

2011-01-16 4:34 PM
in reply to: #3294941


Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open

Hey ladies.  I had a great post written and it didn't post =-(  So here goes my memory!

I am so happy to be in this group.  We all seem to be very motivated.  Not only am I a newbie to triathlon training, I am new to blogging!

My first question is...did you meet your goals last week?  

My goal this week is to bike 3 times and walk once.  It is time to get ready to run.  I HATE kills my knees.  I couldn't tell you a time for a mile, because I think the last time I ran a mile was in high school...12 years ago!

For the other sports. I love swimming.  I was on a swim team as a kid, but haven't been in the water in forever.  I expect it to come back to me  once I get in the water.  I love biking.  I even had a paper route when I was a kid!  However, I was in an embarrassing yet scary bike accident 19 years ago that still makes me nervous to get on a bike.  I have been doing all my riding indoors as of now; however, Santa brought me a Cannondale for Christmas, so I am ready!  It is time to get back in the water, get over my spill, and suck up the knee pain (hopefully that gets better as I lose weight!)

Lani and Tiffany, I also live in New Jersey.  I am up in Hoboken though.  I would love to join you on the NJ Tri route practice run.  I know I will not be ready for the actual race, but I would love to practice on a 'real race route'!

As I have said many times, I have recently started training for my first tri.  This happens to be the goal that I think is actually going to keep me motivated to lose the many many many pounds that I need to lose.  I have considered joining WW, but would love to do it on my own.  Thoughts?

Tiffany,  I saw that you completed the SheRox tri.  I am hoping that is my first tri.  How was it? How many woman?  I am so nervous!  I am also worried that I am not going to be ready in June. I do have two other races I in mind, just in case is at the end of July and the other is mid-Sept.   

Ok ladies...I am done rambling...I do have one you think an overweight, yet very motivated me can be ready for her first tri in June?  Is that a realistic goal?  There is also a 4-mile Colon Cancer race that I would like to run at the end of March…can I be ready?

Have a great Sunday night and Monday! (We do need a group name!  We all seem to be real, down to earth, and very motivated.)


Edited by chelli121 2011-01-16 5:52 PM
2011-01-16 6:53 PM
in reply to: #3273560


Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
So, I love the quote about sucking at 3 sports... that is totally me!   Not satisfied with doing one poorly.... need to affirm that I'm bad at all 3!  He he!   Thanks for a giggle.

Someone asked what kind of bike I have.  Last Spring I got a Trek 1.1, it's a roadbike, I really have no excuse to be as slow as I am, but, I did get quite a bit faster making the switch from my mountain bike to a roadbike... so hopefully this year I can get better again.  

Chelle, I totally think you can do a race in June... the first one I did was a Danskin (I've done it 3 times now) and the all women races are GREAT!   They generally are big races, with lots of people, but there are lots of women, just like you who just want to DO it!   Everyone was much more supportive there than in a co-ed one (from my experience).   I would definitely say try to do a women's only one for your first, you won't regret that.   AND, don't be afraid if you can't, by that time, run the full distance, or if you still have to occasionally walk your bike up a hill, there will be so many others there doing the same! 

I've just realized that the pool is closed tomorrow for Martin Luther King Day... so I will have to go swimming 2 days in a row later in the week.... so that'll be rough.   I have to get up to go to the pool at about 4:45, so it involves planning and some serious peppiness in the am to get out of my warm bed to drive there.   Ah well, it's part of my goal for the week! So swim I will!    I will be going for a run on my lunch break though tomorrow! 

2011-01-16 8:34 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
My name is Kara by the way!
2011-01-16 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Hi Kara

Chelli - sorry to hear about the bike accident years ago, that is one of my worst fears, I would highly recommend you take the League of Bicycle Associations Road Safety 1 course. Scared the cr*p out of me to take the class (not the classroom part but the road part, I had to ride on a BUSY road, make a left in front of the MALL ON A HOLIDAY WEEKEND with oncoming traffic and negotiate some pretty tricky intersections. One of the best things I ever did though. While cars passing me close still unnerve me I am comfortable riding out there now

How about Lani's Real, Down to Earth and Motivated group?

Edited by wwlani 2011-01-16 8:45 PM
2011-01-16 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3303459

NW Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
I also think of myself as not being good at any of the three. It turns out that if you trust the training, you can finish a race--no need to "excel" at any particular event--just show up and do it! The thing I love about triathlons is that all sorts of people--all ages and sizes and levels of skill--show up to have a good time and support one another. At least that's been my experience.

My goal for this week--though I think I said it already--is to pick and commit to a plan.  Starting small...

I look forward to getting to know everybody!


2011-01-17 6:16 AM
in reply to: #3273560


Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Lani's Real, Down to Earth and Motivated.... I like it!
2011-01-17 12:51 PM
in reply to: #3273560


Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
One run down!  Took a wrong turn (actually missed the turn I was planning) and had to run up an incredibly large hill that I wasn't planning on!  So, my time was a little slower than I'd expected, 36.35 minutes, 3.30 miles.  I was sad that I had to walk a little on the hill, but this thing was extreme! 

Tomorrow, run at lunch and swim in the am.
2011-01-17 5:48 PM
in reply to: #3304475


Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Yay Lori!!

I just got one ride in myself. (I saw a ZZ Top look alike!) Switched it up this week and did my endurance ride today instead of on Friday (my 30th bday!)...I want to get in and out of the gym that day!  

I am wondering how my performance averages to other (overweight) newbies.  I rode 55 min. at a HR of140-155, avg. 64 RPM, 4min. mile and I feel great.  I could have ridden longer.  I did find it difficult to stay at that HR.  I just wanted to ride faster and challenge myself with more hills!

I think I am going to add the Couch to 5K to my current plan (Beginner's Exercise Plan).  I am feeling the need to do more and I am really enjoying it.  I have never enjoyed working out at the gym in my entire life.
2011-01-17 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
This was a busy weekend for us...cub scout pinewood derby w/sleepover Sat. then wrestling match Sun. I did get a 10k run in on the treadmill Sat. morning and took Sun. as my rest day. Unfortunately, I caught a stomach bug and am feeling like total doodie no swim as planned today. Hoping this is just a 24hr thing.Welcome to our new group members! I also worry about getting struck by a car while on the bike. I think I would worry less riding w/a group, though maybe this is a false sense of security.I would absolutely recommend a women's only triathlon for your first, I was very happy that I started w/Sherox last year. There were 400 women who participated in the Asbury Park tri last year. It was a very relaxed atmosphere, and they have a free mentor program so you have the opportunity to meet up with a group for rides/runs/OWS clinics. I only went to one OWS clinic but it made all the difference in calming my nerves for the actual race. I also lost about 45 lbs in 2009. I cut out processed foods and ate small meals meals every 2-4 hours and incorporated weight training in addition to cardio. I gained 10-15 back last fall during marathon training...fell into that trap of thinking I could eat whatever I wanted because I was burning so many calories...not so much! I'm working towards getting that 10-15 back off now.My goals for this week have been modified due to my illness...I'm going to swim & bike once each, run twice, and aim for 2-3 strength training sessions.
2011-01-17 10:07 PM
in reply to: #3273560


Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
I hope its not too late to make it into your group.  My name is Rob and I am a 40-year old firefighter and father of two.  I am new to the triathlon world and plan on the Robert J.Aaron Memorial Triathlon in Montauk this June.  I consider myself in pretty good shape, in the past year I have completed the P90X and Insanity workout programs but I think this training will be a real test that I am looking forward to.
I joined the local YMCA and have begun swimming and signed up for a swimming class.  I found a 16 week 2X a week program on this site that I am looking at, if you have any suggestions I would appreciate it.
I look forward to the help and support I can get from you and the group.

2011-01-17 10:30 PM
in reply to: #3305542

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Never too late (at least not yet) welcome Rob Heading off to slumber soon - morning comes early!
2011-01-17 11:05 PM
in reply to: #3273560

New user

Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Hi, well my first suggestion would be for a name like "newbies unite" cheesy I know, but catchy. I would like to join your group. 

I am 49 years old wanted to do a sprint tri in 2006 but got plantar fasciitis in my left foot, began training again in 2009 and  you won't believe it but got plantar fasciitis in my right foot. For those who do't know it is an inflammation of the fascia in the foot, a layer of tissue covering the tendons and there is not a whole lot you can do for it but wait it out, I tried laying off running, anti-inflammatory medications and even several injections into the fascia....but alas time was what it took. Anyway, since I only have two feet I feel confident that this time I am going to complete the race!!!!

I was a competitive swimmer as a kid, and have been biking 15-20 miles 3-4 times a week for a year but am really bad with running, I have knee problems and just have a difficult time running more than 5 minutes at a time, sooo you can see my challenge area for a tri.  

I just finished registration for a rookie tri-athlon in Austin Texas on April 17th and am very excited. Love this website and would love  some motivation and mentoring. I am unable to find anyone in the area to train with, I live in the most southern part of Texas, the weather is pretty good all year round which is good for training, but there is a limited amount of people who do triathlons

I am in decent shape, a little overweight, but very much the novice to tri races, I have done 2 bike tours of 30 miles which I really enjoyed.

I am a Family Nurse Practioner, but currently am taking a break from work, I have three children 23, 21 and I am free to train and am looking forward to completing my first triathlon. 


2011-01-18 8:51 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Lani, would love to join your group.  I'm 52 years old, decided to do a triathlon for my 50th birthday, having never done anything athletic in my life.  Since then, I've done 8 sprints and 5 half marathons.  KARA, I'll be running the Houston Half in a couple of weeks and saw you were doing the full.  Started training for halfs because I've always hated to run. 

If there is still room, I can post a better intro later.  Just got back from a long weekend at Disney World and need to get to work.

2011-01-18 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3305954

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Lisa - would love to have you join us but I'm not the one doing the full Houston - I'll look back and see who is
2011-01-18 2:53 PM
in reply to: #3273560

New user

Good Question!?!?!?!?
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open

Count me in too.....please! 

My name is Raul I am 44 years old.  I have been a police officer for nearly 23 years now.  I am married and have 13-year-old twins.  I live in the DFW area.  I am a complete noob to triathlons.  I was always very athletic in H.S., sometimes running 3x a day.  For that reason, I think I burned myself out.  The thought of running just made me ill, (not to mention 23 years of eating doughnuts...just kidding).  

In July I started to exercise.  I have lost 40 pounds since that time.  I'm not necessarily eating better, more like portion control.  I go to the gym every morning before going to work, Monday - Friday, and if I can sneak one in, I'll go in on Saturday.  I lift every other day and then swim.  I also bike (stationary) and run (treadmill) on the other days.  I decided I would like to try triathlons to keep goals set to keep myself fit. 

I am all over the place on what and where I want to race.  I had originally set my tri date as May 1st.  However, I have been chomping at the bit and am looking at one in March.  I am fortunate enough to live in an area where I can find one or two triathlons a month, beginning next month.  I would also like to do the Hotter-n-Hell this year (100 mile bike ride in 104 degree, 30mph windy weather).        

So, if you'll have me, I'd appreciate it!



2011-01-18 4:19 PM
in reply to: #3307041

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
Welcome Raul! Wow a firefighter AND a police officer - we should be a safe group Glad to have you with us. I'm going to post a recap later tonight. Can everyone post JUST their race schedules (if you know) so we can get an idea of who is working on what.

In the meantime - how about I answer a burning question you have about tri's - what do you want to know?

2011-01-18 6:58 PM
in reply to: #3306038

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
wwlani - 2011-01-18 9:25 AM Lisa - would love to have you join us but I'm not the one doing the full Houston - I'll look back and see who is

Great to be a part of the group! LANI, I didn't think that you were the one doing the Houston Marathon ... it is KARA. It will be nice to have a couple of other Texans in the group, so they can understand better when I start griping about the weather! 

Here's my bio as promised ...

NAME: lufferly-Lisa

STORY: Currently 52 years old.  For my 50th birthday, with some extra time on my hands after my daughter graduated from high school, I decided to become a triathlete, having never been involved in any athletics EVER. My family thought I'd finally lost my mind. I've always liked to swim, enjoyed biking, and HATED running. I literally couldn't run from one street light to the next in my neighborhood. Since then, I've lost 28 lbs, completed 8 minisprints/sprints, 5 half marathons, a 10 mile run, and a handful of 5Ks and 10Ks. I've worked full time as a legal nurse consultant for the past 18 years, after working as a CCU RN for 8 years. I have a 30 mile commute each way, so spend that time catching up on my reading. If I spent as much time running, as I do reading about running, etc I'd surely be a pro!

FAMILY STATUS: Married with four kids - son, age 30; son, age 23; daughter, age 22; and son, age 12. The older kids are out of the house, at least for the present time (my daughter is currently on the National Tour of Mamma Mia), so just recently converted all of their bedrooms to guest rooms (while I had the chance)!  My husband has been unemployed since October (he was offered a transfer to Oklahoma City but we opted to stay here as my step-father had just passed away and my mother is here), but no worries right now as he has full severance through October '11 and I LOVE having a house-husband.  He's actually had several good leads but I told him not to even think about going back to work until at least January. I haven't had to clean the house or do laundry for months!

CURRENT TRAINING:  I started running with a group associated with USA Fit in '09 and met some great ladies to run with. We meet early on Saturday mornings for our long runs together in preparation for the USA Fit/Houston Halfs. I've finally been able to change my mantra from "I hate running" to "I CAN do this", albiet slowly.  I did the St. Jude Half Marathon in Memphis in December and am registered for the Houston Half on January 30th.  Once that is finished, I'll start back to swimming and biking.  I've joined a masters swim team and hope to start that up in February when they begin their "Swimming 101" classes.  I have access to a gym with a pool and a trainer for my bike.

2010 RACES: 2 sprint tris, 2 half marathons, 2 5Ks, 1 5 mile, 1 10K, and 1 10 mile.

2011 RACES: Registered for the Houston Half on 1/30.  I'll sit down with my calendar after that and figure out my schedule which will likely be similar to last year ... although I'd love to do an olympic distance race at some point.

WEIGHT LOSS: I've lost 28 lbs since starting my training and would like to loss about 10 more. I'm 5'9" and 170 at present. I have hypothyroidism, so my metabolism tends to be a little screwy. I try to eat fairly healthy, and think I don't eat enough rather than too much.

Still playing catch up from my trip, but am looking forward to getting to know everyone.  I am still in contact with members in my last two mentor groups and was excited to meet one of them personally when I was vacationing in Minnesota this fall.


Edited by lufferly 2011-01-19 7:50 AM
2011-01-19 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3307242


Subject: RE: wwlani's We need a catchy name group - Open
So far, my schedule for the spring/summer;

March 27; 5K
April 23(ish); 5k
June 26th; sprint tri
July 10th; half ironman
August 27-28; 2 day MS bike ride (75 miles Sat. 75 miles Sunday)
Sept 25(ish); sprint tri

Probably another couple 5k's in there somewhere, not sure where yet; but that's my plan.
2011-01-19 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Our group is growing by leaps and bounds!  Glad to have you, Rob, beany81, Lisa and Raul!  I'm going to try to add my name to my signature so that it will be easy to reference when responding to posts.

Rob - I haven't done P90x or Insanity but hear a lot of great things about ought to have a great base for starting triathlon training.

beany81 - What distance tri are you looking at doing?  Glad the plantar fascitis is gone...will you be more prone to have issues with it again since you have in the past? 

Lisa - I, too, have a house husband right now...he did carpet/floor installation but work just dried up when the economy tanked and he has been a SAHD since the beginning of 2010.  He is NOT happy about it as this also means he has full-time daddy duties as we have a 3YO daughter home with him all day (and currently potty training!) 6YO son in kindergarten only half the day (our 8YO son is in school full day so he gets a break there Wink).  We also share a long commute in common - I drive 55 miles each way.  I listen to audio books at times, and don't know what I would do without XM radio!  Do you have any good suggestions for books you have listened to lately?

Raul - I can relate to chomping at the bit to get a race in early this year...I did my first tri in late Aug last year and didn't get the opportunity to squeeze another one in before the season ended, so this year I am anxious to get one in early so I can get at least one more in!  The weather in PA is not really conducive to tri's until May, but that is okay as I will need that long to work up to the olympic distance I am signed up for!
2011-01-19 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL

Here is my race schedule so far:

Feb. 6 - Super Bowl Sunday 10K
Mar. 19 - St. Patty's Day 5K
May 1 - Lehigh Valley Half Marathon (tentative)
May 15 - Red Bank Olympic Distance Triathlon
July 23/24 - NJ State Triathlon (tentative)

That's as far out as I have planned so far.

Edited by twalker0475 2011-01-23 6:09 PM

2011-01-19 9:33 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Okay, Lani, here's my burning question:  How much more difficult is an olympic distance tri than a sprint distance?
2011-01-19 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3273560


Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL

I would love to tell you, but I've never done a Olympic distance, I know it may be a little crazy, but I'm jumping from Sprint to Half.... UGH!   Now you made me even more nervous!  =)

I'm a little bitter about my training this week, Monday the pool was closed, holiday, Tuesday we had a bad ice storm, pool closed.  Today I got up to go, looked out the window and all the roads were SHINY with a full coat of ice from overnight.... so I determined it wasn't worth driving and risking my life to swim... so no swim today.   I ran on Monday and don't think I'll get another in until tomorrow... if the ice melts!  

Ah well, Spring will come someday to New England!
2011-01-19 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3308537

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Tiffany - It wasn't that much difficult, the swim wasn't really that much harder - (and that is my weakest link) the run was the hardest as I was tired - glad to be running but tired (probably didn't help that the bike portion was FLAT and while I thought that was a good thing, it just means you are ALWAYS peddling. At least with hills you climb up but can coast down). Nutrition was a bit trickier too - but it can be worked out.
2011-01-19 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3308773

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
I feel your pain Lori - wanted to swim Monday (family home never got there) Tuesday ICE STORM Wed work Fri another storm Got in a run today at least
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