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2011-04-27 1:02 PM
in reply to: #3434094


Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

So I took your advice and I registered for the try-a-tri in Sept.  Also signed up for one of the clinics in August. 


2011-04-27 1:13 PM
in reply to: #3434094

Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

I'd love to join this group!!


Name: Heather

Story: I'm a newbie to Tri's.  I was an athlete years ago as a gymnast and cheerleader, did a bit of running on the side to keep shape but nothing major.  I stopped working out about 9 years ago b/c of a back issue, but after making it through 2 pregnancies and 4 years of being a Mom without any exacerbation of my symptoms I decided it was time to get back into fitness b/c I missed it and needed to find something to challenge myself physically and do for just "me" and not be Mommy all the time. 

Family Status: I'm married (9 1/2 years), live in the Atlanta, GA area, 35 years old.  I have 2 children (a 4 year old and an almost 2 year old)  I am a Stay at Home Mom so training is a tricky balance b/c we are still working on the transition for my youngest in staying in child center at the gym.  So, right now time without kiddos to train is a barrier, but we are moving in the right direction.  
Why I'd Like to Join This Group: I need the accountability and I want to learn all I can about this new adventure!

2011 Races: Completed an Indoor Tri in April, plan to do a Sprint in July, a Sprint in September and another Indoor Tri in October.

Current Training:  I joined a gym in the end of February and try for 3 to 4 times a week to do a mix of swim, run, bike and strength (though haven't been doing as much strength training as i need to be) I'm an average swimmer stronger in breast and back than free so I am working on that, never done any road biking except for tooling around with my kids, but I really enjoy running and think it will be my strongest area.  I recently have had some groin muscle issues and possibly IT band hip issues or SI issues that are now presenting with my increased activity level post pregnancy with so many years of no fitness routine.  I may get evaluated by a PT to be sure everything is in alignment before going full force so as to not have any major injury.  So, I have not worked out in a week and a half while resting and doing some stretching - my sister out of state who is a PT suggested I do so after telling her a bit about what I am experiencing (she's also a Marathon runner who is taking on the challege of Tri's this year with me!)

Weight Loss:  No weight loss goals for me, I'm probably needing to work in the other direction in getting a bit more muscle mass and I don't lose any weight with the increased activity level.  I am a tiny thing all of 5 feet tall and 97 pounds - so I need to work on making sure my diet is supporting my current increase in activity level.

What Will Make Me a Good Mentee: I'm pumped about taking on the adventure of becoming a Triathlete and want to learn as much as I can about it!


Edited by vettegirlhw 2011-04-27 1:25 PM
2011-04-27 4:17 PM
in reply to: #3434094


Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

I am new to triathlons, but not to competitive sports....The run will be my hardest skill to master, I think. I was an athlete in college, but my sports were sprint type ones (vball, bball, and sball) so the whole pacing deal is tough on that front for me.

I just ordered my bike, a Trek 2.1, which I'm really excited about. I pick it up Tuesday, and lay down a bit of money

I am looking to give and get encouragement and to share my excitement about completing events and also working on my body composition...I'm 36-yr old woman, 6'1", 185 lbs, looking not to build muscle, but let a little more of my muscle shine through...I've put a little more cushion on top of them in the past 10 years....Just 15-20 lbs to melt away...nothing extreme. I am pretty confident training for and doing sprint tri's will do the trick and be fun too. I think learning to love running will be a great experience for me.  My significant other runs 5ks-half marathons, and I'd love to join him once in a while at events too.

Looking forward to learning from all of you guys and gals too!


2011-04-28 7:15 AM
in reply to: #3434094

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Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

Welcome Dani. 

I bought a Trek 2.1 also about a month ago.  I really like it except for the saddle, that will be the first thing to go.  Pacing can be a hard thing to do especially with the excitement of an event.  If you don't already have one, I would look into a heart rate monitor to help recognize what your comfort levels are and for what duration.   I use the Garmin 305 and it has really helped me find the weak and strong spots in my training as opposed to just going out and training.

2011-04-28 1:43 PM
in reply to: #3467942

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
rwolf - 2011-04-26 10:02 PM

mbasta - 2011-04-26 9:29 PM

Welcome Randy! It's great to have a swimming expert on the team.

No worries about the take it when you can get it plan, as long as you get the sessions in most week it doesn't really matter what days they land on. Do your best not to put hard workouts back to back though.

Thanks.  That has been one of my problems because I feel that I need to catch up on what I missed.  I know it is wrong while I am doing it, but I do it anyways.  Maybe it will help if I know that other people are checking my logs to keep me straight. Wink

Don't try to catch up on missed workouts - just let them go! Your body needs time to rebuild and repeatedly "catching up" can hinder the process.

2011-04-28 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3468681

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
nicruns - 2011-04-27 10:23 AM
that's RIGHT we were chatting!
maybe something about being ontario newbies last year??
good luck with your half!! which one is it??
i'm hoping it's the same event as me... although that wouldn't do me much good since you'd start an hour earlier and i'd take nearly THREE TIMES AS LONG to finish!
so far the training has gone well!
i've struggled with injuries in the past (namely IT band troubles), but (knock on wood!) those seem to have been resolved so far this year (with lots of stretching, routine physio & my general paranoia that the same level of pain i was in before will return!)
it really does suck when your mind & body don't match up in terms of what you can accompish....
but we'll see. 2.5 weeks to go before the marathon!
it'll be my first- so i'm terrified....
but i had a good long run this weekend (34k), so that was a bit of a confidence booster
(well confidence in believing that the marathon won't be AS painful as i initially assumed it would be....)
however... i'm still TERRIFIED!
that's a LONG way to run all in one shot. (plus-- who knows what the weather will bring that day!)
but it'll be good to get it done (i'm SHAMELESSLY looking forward to the two post-marathon days i have booked off from work!)
& once i've recovered from that, it'll be back on the bike for me.
i've signed up for the becel ride for heart 75k event in early June.
i just want to take it as a long training ride (see where my fitness level stands after the off/winter season)

& then a week after that... i'll be heading off for my first tri of the year!
REALLY can't believe it's that time of year again!
but i'm excited.
this past winter felt long.
i was lucky enough to run through it, train twice a week with my masters swim group & take spin class approx once per week (until the running mileage wore me out!)...
bottom line: all i'm hoping for is some IMPROVEMENT in the end!

Sounds like you have an exciting race schedule!! We have different events because mine is in 4 weeks. I'm supposed to be doing the WIN marathon (half distance for me) in Whitby. "Supposed" to be because of a few glitches that might stop me. (See later post for explanation.)

2011-04-28 1:47 PM
in reply to: #3469358

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
Mac'sMum - 2011-04-27 2:02 PM

So I took your advice and I registered for the try-a-tri in Sept.  Also signed up for one of the clinics in August. 



Awsome! And good choice on the clinic. It will help ease your mind, you'll get some great tips and meet other people who are new and nervous too.

2011-04-28 1:50 PM
in reply to: #3469387

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
vettegirlhw - 2011-04-27 2:13 PM

I'd love to join this group!!


Name: Heather

Story: I'm a newbie to Tri's.  I was an athlete years ago as a gymnast and cheerleader, did a bit of running on the side to keep shape but nothing major.  I stopped working out about 9 years ago b/c of a back issue, but after making it through 2 pregnancies and 4 years of being a Mom without any exacerbation of my symptoms I decided it was time to get back into fitness b/c I missed it and needed to find something to challenge myself physically and do for just "me" and not be Mommy all the time. 

Family Status: I'm married (9 1/2 years), live in the Atlanta, GA area, 35 years old.  I have 2 children (a 4 year old and an almost 2 year old)  I am a Stay at Home Mom so training is a tricky balance b/c we are still working on the transition for my youngest in staying in child center at the gym.  So, right now time without kiddos to train is a barrier, but we are moving in the right direction.  
Why I'd Like to Join This Group: I need the accountability and I want to learn all I can about this new adventure!

2011 Races: Completed an Indoor Tri in April, plan to do a Sprint in July, a Sprint in September and another Indoor Tri in October.

Current Training:  I joined a gym in the end of February and try for 3 to 4 times a week to do a mix of swim, run, bike and strength (though haven't been doing as much strength training as i need to be) I'm an average swimmer stronger in breast and back than free so I am working on that, never done any road biking except for tooling around with my kids, but I really enjoy running and think it will be my strongest area.  I recently have had some groin muscle issues and possibly IT band hip issues or SI issues that are now presenting with my increased activity level post pregnancy with so many years of no fitness routine.  I may get evaluated by a PT to be sure everything is in alignment before going full force so as to not have any major injury.  So, I have not worked out in a week and a half while resting and doing some stretching - my sister out of state who is a PT suggested I do so after telling her a bit about what I am experiencing (she's also a Marathon runner who is taking on the challege of Tri's this year with me!)

Weight Loss:  No weight loss goals for me, I'm probably needing to work in the other direction in getting a bit more muscle mass and I don't lose any weight with the increased activity level.  I am a tiny thing all of 5 feet tall and 97 pounds - so I need to work on making sure my diet is supporting my current increase in activity level.

What Will Make Me a Good Mentee: I'm pumped about taking on the adventure of becoming a Triathlete and want to learn as much as I can about it!


Welcome to the team Heather! I agree that getting checked out by a physio while in the developing stages is a good idea. He/she can also make some training recommendations specific to your needs if there are any issues. It's easier to upkeep our bodies than it is to fix them!

2011-04-28 1:53 PM
in reply to: #3469884

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
AppletonTriathlete - 2011-04-27 5:17 PM

I am new to triathlons, but not to competitive sports....The run will be my hardest skill to master, I think. I was an athlete in college, but my sports were sprint type ones (vball, bball, and sball) so the whole pacing deal is tough on that front for me.

I just ordered my bike, a Trek 2.1, which I'm really excited about. I pick it up Tuesday, and lay down a bit of money

I am looking to give and get encouragement and to share my excitement about completing events and also working on my body composition...I'm 36-yr old woman, 6'1", 185 lbs, looking not to build muscle, but let a little more of my muscle shine through...I've put a little more cushion on top of them in the past 10 years....Just 15-20 lbs to melt away...nothing extreme. I am pretty confident training for and doing sprint tri's will do the trick and be fun too. I think learning to love running will be a great experience for me.  My significant other runs 5ks-half marathons, and I'd love to join him once in a while at events too.

Looking forward to learning from all of you guys and gals too!


Hi Dani! New toys are always fun! I hope you enjoy your new bike. I just bought the Specialized Dolce Elite last week and have been loving it. Up until now I was pushing a very heavy mountain bike!!

2011-04-28 1:54 PM
in reply to: #3470624

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
rwolf - 2011-04-28 8:15 AM

Welcome Dani. 

I bought a Trek 2.1 also about a month ago.  I really like it except for the saddle, that will be the first thing to go.  Pacing can be a hard thing to do especially with the excitement of an event.  If you don't already have one, I would look into a heart rate monitor to help recognize what your comfort levels are and for what duration.   I use the Garmin 305 and it has really helped me find the weak and strong spots in my training as opposed to just going out and training.

I agree with the heart rate monitor. I have one as well and it keeps me from pushing too hard. If it's in the budget it's a great buy, if not you can get away with using rate of perceived exertion.

2011-04-28 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3434094

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

Hi Everyone!

Welcome again to tri-curious. We are accepting a few more members (I haven't taken a head count yet, so I'm not sure how many more), but I thought that I would like to get started.

I think that the best way to operate the group is to tackle questions/concerns as they come in on your end, so post away! No question is stupid or silly. If you can help another team member don't be shy to reply. Sometimes I will put up general posts with information for the whole group in a different font colour.

I want to give everyone a heads up that I am out of the (my?) country from May 8-15 and don't expect to be online during this time, but will return here when I get back. Continue posting away and chatting with each other in the mean time.

Edit: I forgot to explain my training/race situation. I've had an unfortunate series of events that have brought my training to a hault temporarily. I reduced my training a tendonitis issue that is still active, and now my training has stopped due to undiagnosed cardiovascular issues. What I'm saying is don't pay attention to my very haphazard training log.

Edited by mbasta 2011-04-28 2:05 PM

2011-04-28 6:09 PM
in reply to: #3434094

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Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

Count me in! I need serious motivation.

Name: Marc

Story: I did a couple of try-a-tris 2 seasons knee acted up, and I couldn't run anymore, plus I had a baby, so training completely died..just trying to start back up now...even though I've wanted to forever. I'm not strong in any of the 3 disciplines..just scraping by.

Family Status: I'm married (5 years) with 3 boys (15,14,13) and 1 girl (20 mths). I work from home most of the time, but have to drive to Hamilton once or twice a week (1.5hr commute). We live way out in the country. Needless to say, my life is crazy busy, but since I have pretty flexible hours, I hope to bike during baby nap time, and run/swim in the evenings. The pool is about a 30 minute drive away, so I'll only go once a week. We have a lake about 5 mins away, but can't swim there until july-ish.

Why I'd Like to Join This Group: Seems like a group made up of normal people with very busy lives.

2011 Races: Will register for Guelph II (start of september) either a try-a-tri or sprint depending on my fitness.

Current Training: Got gym membership, doing some weight training and some treadmill walk/job..have to take it really slow so I don't screw up my knee. Went for my first swim last night (about 1500m workout). Bike is in the shop for tuneup, so I should have it back next week.

Weight Loss: I'd like to gain weight

What Will Make Me a Good Mentee: I need a super motivating group..this seems like a good place.

2011-04-29 6:17 AM
in reply to: #3472337

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
hexbinary - 2011-04-28 7:09 PM

Count me in! I need serious motivation.

Name: Marc

Story: I did a couple of try-a-tris 2 seasons knee acted up, and I couldn't run anymore, plus I had a baby, so training completely died..just trying to start back up now...even though I've wanted to forever. I'm not strong in any of the 3 disciplines..just scraping by.

Family Status: I'm married (5 years) with 3 boys (15,14,13) and 1 girl (20 mths). I work from home most of the time, but have to drive to Hamilton once or twice a week (1.5hr commute). We live way out in the country. Needless to say, my life is crazy busy, but since I have pretty flexible hours, I hope to bike during baby nap time, and run/swim in the evenings. The pool is about a 30 minute drive away, so I'll only go once a week. We have a lake about 5 mins away, but can't swim there until july-ish.

Why I'd Like to Join This Group: Seems like a group made up of normal people with very busy lives.

2011 Races: Will register for Guelph II (start of september) either a try-a-tri or sprint depending on my fitness.

Current Training: Got gym membership, doing some weight training and some treadmill walk/job..have to take it really slow so I don't screw up my knee. Went for my first swim last night (about 1500m workout). Bike is in the shop for tuneup, so I should have it back next week.

Weight Loss: I'd like to gain weight

What Will Make Me a Good Mentee: I need a super motivating group..this seems like a good place.

Welcome aboard Mark! Make sure you sign up for Guelph II sooner than later in case it fills up. I don't know about the Subaru Series, but MultiSport events are selling out.

2011-04-29 12:49 PM
in reply to: #3434094


Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
Hello my name is CPT Vincent Jackson and I am currently stationed at Fort Bliss in El Paso, TX.  I recently read a magazine about Triathletes and I became very interested in joining this group of athletic warriors.  I currently have no equipment but I will be looking into purchasing some in the very near future and beginning training with a goal of doing a sprint race in Las Vegas during the last weekend of August.  I would love to join this group if at all possible.
2011-04-29 1:39 PM
in reply to: #3434094


Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

Do you still have room?  If so, count me in!!! I'm a total newbie gearing up to do my first sprint tri in Tampa (Ramblin Rose).  I've downloaded the a 11 week training program on Sunday and started on Monday with hitting the gym at 5am. 


Edited by lisamt75 2011-04-29 1:41 PM
2011-04-29 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3434094


Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

Is there still room? I'd love to join. I'm a total newbie and I would love to have a group to talk to!


2011-04-29 2:53 PM
in reply to: #3434094


Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

Is there still room? I'd love to join. I'm a total newbie and I would love to have a group to talk to!


2011-04-29 3:24 PM
in reply to: #3434094

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New user

Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
If this group is still open, I'd love to join!  I've been working on getting myself in shape over the past year, and hope to get over the hump to being able to participate in Tris over the summer or early fall.
2011-04-29 3:53 PM
in reply to: #3434094

New user

Subject: RE: Tri-Curious


I was wondering if I could join your group?  I will be participating in my first Tri this August.

I am 53, married and have two High School aged boys.  I started working out in January to lose weight. I stumbled upon Beginner Trianthlete website and began using a work out schedule.  I found I like the variation and it gave me motovation to keep moving.  I have lost 20 pounds so far...but still have more to lose!

It would be nice to chat with others about this.  Thanks.




2011-04-29 4:22 PM
in reply to: #3434094


Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
I started to get back in shape 2 years ago, as well as losing weight.  I ran my first 5K 2 weeks ago (Boston) and am signed up for my first sprint triathlon in Sept.  I was on the swim team in college and have been biking a bit in the last couple of years.  I work out daily - twice a week with a personal trainer, but have no idea how to train for a triathlon.  My goals are to finish and have fun.
2011-04-29 7:15 PM
in reply to: #3434094

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

wow! all the best for a speedy & full recovery for you!!

SO excited. i got a wetsuit today!
(i held off on getting one last year, but i'm looking forward to being warmer in the water this time around!!)

hope everyone has a great weekend
(not sorry to see THIS past week come to an end)
TGIF! & happy training!

2011-04-29 8:41 PM
in reply to: #3434094


Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
I am a total newbie who has done only a little exercise in the last few years. I would like to join your group if it is still open.  I really do not even know where to start. I am 53.
2011-04-30 6:43 AM
in reply to: #3434094

New user

New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

Hi I would love to join your group, Just about to run out the door to a city clean up day...will post info when I get back if the group is still open.


2011-04-30 9:05 AM
in reply to: #3434094

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

I'd like in too please!  I'm pretty much a total newbie.


Story:  I'm searching for ways to live a healthy lifestyle.  I'm finding as I get older (35 yrs) my knees are taking an abuse from running, tennis, and softball.   I'd like to mix in a few other disciplines and move towards better shape for life.  I'd like to tri because for a goal and overall fitness.  

Status:  Married with no kids - but two cats that run our house.

Training: Bought the triathlete bible and just starting multi-discipline training recently.  What can go wrong - right?

Races:  None so far at all.  I'm trying to "time" myself at each discipline to see if I can do a sprint without embarassing myself.

Weight loss:  A little wouldn't hurt.  Lowering the body fat percentage is a goal rather than weight.  Unfortunately exercise isn't the problem - eating habits is.    When portion sizes were allocated being "fist" size I really wish they would have used somebody with a bigger hand....


I'm going to pick a tri and target that date but I have lots of questions about pace and general questions about how a tri actually works.  They are all simple I think - but there are a lot of things I don't know.  For example I used the internet and researched a bike to buy.  I found a great one and made the purchase.   But it doesn't come with pedals?  And I need special shoes?   Any of you would have laughed hard with the uncomfortable moment of silence when I'm trying to figure out why a $1200 bike doesn't come with pedals!

Looking forward to this - I think.



Palm Springs, CA, but still Edmonton, Ab at heart!

2011-04-30 9:21 PM
in reply to: #3434094


Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

I'm interested in joining this group.

Hi! I'm Beth. I'm 35 yrs old and play ultimate frisbee on a regular basis. I've ran one 1/2 marathon and have another one next week. I always need a goal to aim for to do my best. This is my first year for a triathlon. I'll be participating in a sprint tri June 5th. It's coming really close.  I'm looking to do better at the running portion and see what I can do better while swimming. I feel pretty confident cycling.



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