BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Birkierunner's group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-01-10 1:26 PM
in reply to: #3943815

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN

Welcome to the group Melissa and Jeff!

Melissa, you're only welcome to the group if you don't rub it in when your logging a bunch of bike miles in warm weather while most of us are freezing up here.  Although, its been freakishly warm here the past few weeks. 

Jeff, congrats on the birth of your twins!!  I think you'll be busy for the next few years!!  Yeah, New Brighton was a fun race....although I did sleaze my way on to the overall podium a bit since Scott Penticoff took a wrong turn on the bike course...but I'll take it :-)   Look forward to seeing you on the race scene this season...but it looks like you'll be racing out of town quite a bit.  We've still got a lot of room for more peeps in the group. 


2012-01-10 3:24 PM
in reply to: #3943815

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Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN

Would love to join this group.  I have seen Birkierunner around this site for years and have always respected your skillset and know I could learn a lot from for you.  I also love the mentor groups as a means to toss around ideas and learn from others on the many different areas of triathlon.  Here are some facts and figures about me:

NAME: sbsmann/Scott

STORY: I am 43 (44 in March) and have been a casual runner for decades. I have always used running as cross-training for whatever sport I was active in at that time.  I've never been fast and didn't really start running races with any regularity until 2008.  In 2008, I jumped in head first and did a bunch of shorter running events.  In 2009 I did my first and only marathon and also started doing a lot of half marathons.  I jumped into triathlon in 2010 and have done a bunch of sprints, Oly's and my first HIM at Racine last year (2011).   

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 10 years this April.  Ironically the week of my anniversary also coincides with week 1 of my 20 week IM training plan.  Since we are spending that week in Europe to celebrate, I suspect I will be skipping week one of my training.  We have no children so I have plenty of time to focus on swimming, biking and running.

CURRENT TRAINING: As of right now, I consider myself in unstructured running maintence mode.  I have not biked or swam since October.  I decided to get away from those two sports for a while in order to rest up a nagging neck issue.  I've seen several Doctors about that issue and thankfully after MRI everything came back okay.  I do need to work with a PT to help strengthen and loosen up my neck and shoulders (I spend far too much time at a PC).  My goal was to start up all three sports in January (ie now).  From January to end-of-April I will consider it a build phase in which the workouts will be a bit more structured with the intent of getting myself acclimated to the daily grind and to also increase my endurance to a point where I am ready to enter the fun and excitement of a 20 week IM plan. The final phase is the 20 week IM plan which I will most certainly be using one of two BT plans.

2011 RACES: Did two sprint tris, one Oly distance and the 2011 crescendo for me was Racine HIM.  I was happy with all my results in 2011 except my poor display at Racine.  After much review and analysis of that race, I determined my run was most affected not by the extreme heat, but more mental than anything else.  I was so consumed with "just wanting to finish" my first HIM that I found myself walking too often when I'm not sure I really needed to walk.  I did finish, but after reviewing HR results and my hydration/nutrition, I truly believe I was in a good enough situation where I could have pushed harder on the run.  Furthermore, at the end of the race I felt like I finsihed with too much gas in the tank.  I chalk that race up as a learning experience and look forward to blowing away that time in the future.

2012 RACES:  The only thing set in stone is IMWI2012.  I will also do either High Cliff, Door County or Racine HIM as training before IMWI.  I might also throw in an Oly distance race in 2012, but not sure yet.  Knowing myself pretty well, I will really need to focus most the summer on training for what will certainly be a brutal and challenging Ironman in Madison.

WEIGHTLOSS:  My only concern nowadays is staying at my desired weight and not falling below that level.

2012-01-10 4:49 PM
in reply to: #3982391

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN
sbsmann - 2012-01-10 4:24 PM

WEIGHTLOSS:  My only concern nowadays is staying at my desired weight and not falling below that level.

Chocolate ice cream ... that's how I keep my weight up.

Seriously, though, you guys are very serious about your training. Consider me both motivated and intimidated!

I promise not to brag on our nice winter weather here - although, may I note just this one time that we suffer mightily all summer long! Brutal humidity. By the end of the summer, I am so ready to move that I need fall and winter to convince me not to put the house on the market.

My membership update hasn't processed yet so I can't transfer my training plan over. Did I mention it is a 16 week plan? I did a shorter one last year (13 weeks, I believe) which was fine, but I just need some structure right now to stay focused, so I decided to start earlier.

Scott, btw, did your neck issue come from swimming?

2012-01-10 4:52 PM
in reply to: #3943815

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN

Hey Jeff... good to see you here!  (and that you'll be out at REV3 Dells as well, thanks for the note)!

What are you riding this year?  I'm heading into year three with my B2 and still loving it! 


2012-01-10 5:03 PM
in reply to: #3943815

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN

Wow, this is turning out to be a great group.  I love the variety!!!

Well, I went to get X-rayed  yesterday just in case it was more severe than I thought.  Big toe has 3 cracks in it, but the swelling is already going down.  I'll be in the water in the next few days (when the pain goes down a bit), probably not back on the bike until next week.

Question: how much should I increase my swim and bike to maintain my current fitness level?  I have IM California in about 9 weeks and I feel like I'm almost ready with a little bike work... I'm a runner 1st so when I don't run I feel like I'm losing ground.  Probably no running for at least 4 weeks, maybe 6!!!

I'm still going to do those Xterra races, just after Ironman next time.

2012-01-10 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3982615

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN
Mitchparadise - 2012-01-10 5:03 PM

Wow, this is turning out to be a great group.  I love the variety!!!

Well, I went to get X-rayed  yesterday just in case it was more severe than I thought.  Big toe has 3 cracks in it, but the swelling is already going down.  I'll be in the water in the next few days (when the pain goes down a bit), probably not back on the bike until next week.

Question: how much should I increase my swim and bike to maintain my current fitness level?  I have IM California in about 9 weeks and I feel like I'm almost ready with a little bike work... I'm a runner 1st so when I don't run I feel like I'm losing ground.  Probably no running for at least 4 weeks, maybe 6!!!

I'm still going to do those Xterra races, just after Ironman next time.

Just happened to read this one (link below) earlier this week... somewhat appropriate to you question above...

Minnesota Tri News

Edited by ball6135 2012-01-10 9:37 PM

2012-01-11 10:24 AM
in reply to: #3943815

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN

Ow, Mitch, 3 cracks in one single toe? That sounds very painful, but good news that it doesn't require surgery or anything. I hope it heals up quickly for you.

Just dropping by to update my log for today's 8 mile run. I ran about half at my usual pace and then began the walk intervals at a 3:1 run/walk ratio. Has anyone else here ever tried the Galloway method? Chi running? Any other injury-prevention thing?

Back to work now...

2012-01-11 10:57 AM
in reply to: #3983058

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN
ball6135 - 2012-01-10 7:36 PM
Mitchparadise - 2012-01-10 5:03 PM

Wow, this is turning out to be a great group.  I love the variety!!!

Well, I went to get X-rayed  yesterday just in case it was more severe than I thought.  Big toe has 3 cracks in it, but the swelling is already going down.  I'll be in the water in the next few days (when the pain goes down a bit), probably not back on the bike until next week.

Question: how much should I increase my swim and bike to maintain my current fitness level?  I have IM California in about 9 weeks and I feel like I'm almost ready with a little bike work... I'm a runner 1st so when I don't run I feel like I'm losing ground.  Probably no running for at least 4 weeks, maybe 6!!!

I'm still going to do those Xterra races, just after Ironman next time.

Just happened to read this one (link below) earlier this week... somewhat appropriate to you question above...

Minnesota Tri Ne

Thanks!  These article really help, both mentally and physically.  Already starting to get itchy!

2012-01-11 11:04 AM
in reply to: #3983878

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN
melanfi - 2012-01-11 8:24 AM

Ow, Mitch, 3 cracks in one single toe? That sounds very painful, but good news that it doesn't require surgery or anything. I hope it heals up quickly for you.

Just dropping by to update my log for today's 8 mile run. I ran about half at my usual pace and then began the walk intervals at a 3:1 run/walk ratio. Has anyone else here ever tried the Galloway method? Chi running? Any other injury-prevention thing?

Back to work now...

Thanks!  Very painful but just down, not out....

I hear great things about the Galloway method in regards to injury prevention.  Do you heel strike?  I have changed my form to a more natural running form, a midfoot strike.  I now wear Newtons.  You should look into them.  (Google Newtons, they have great videos etc... on their site) A more natural running stride is much more efficient and easier on your body.  Since I've changed to a natural stride I have broken all my running records this year and trained run injury free (of course 'till last weekend!)  I believe in the natural running form so much in fact that I'm going to get certified as a natural running coach.  I got my uncle back running after 10 years. He thought his knees would never let him but he's back..

Just some thoughts!

2012-01-11 11:50 AM
in reply to: #3943815

Issaquah, WA
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN

I had a planned ride yesterday but had a rear flat tire that took me way to long to fix. By the time I was done I didn't have time for the ride. It was a good reminder that I need to practice tire changing. Any tips for making this go faster would be appreciated.


2012-01-11 11:54 AM
in reply to: #3983878

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN
melanfi - 2012-01-11 10:24 AM

Ow, Mitch, 3 cracks in one single toe? That sounds very painful, but good news that it doesn't require surgery or anything. I hope it heals up quickly for you.

Just dropping by to update my log for today's 8 mile run. I ran about half at my usual pace and then began the walk intervals at a 3:1 run/walk ratio. Has anyone else here ever tried the Galloway method? Chi running? Any other injury-prevention thing?

Back to work now...

Great job on your 8 miles!

I read the Chi running book and try to incorporate as much as I can. The forward lean helps me strike midfoot, maintaining a "C" shaped torso has helped me run "tall." It's made me realize the importance of running mindfully and paying attention to how I feel while running. I think it helps me to have better form and I have had fewer issues with piriformis (which was crippling last year) and low back aches. And I stretch a lot after every run--I really feel it when I don't. 

I have also started using compression garments while running. I think the socks and tights have helped ward off cramps and maybe injuries. (I don't use  both socks and tights at the same time) Anyone else have thought on using compression garments for injury prevention?

2012-01-11 12:06 PM
in reply to: #3943815


Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN
Hey, I am new and have just started getting the information to get going, I would really like to get into a group and to have someone help me along the way. Is there still room and if so what can I do to start being involved.
2012-01-11 12:12 PM
in reply to: #3943815

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN

Lisa, oh that's a drag about the flat. My only advice is to practice it now and then. I had a rash of flats (well, maybe 3 doesn't qualify as a rash, but it was several in a row) on my old bike last year and got to the point where I could change a tire in maybe 10 minutes. That's fast for me! Even after all that, though, I still go watch whenever someone gets a flat on a group ride so I can watch an expert do it.

Beth, that's good to hear that Chi running form helped you with those issues!

That's great that you got your uncle back into running, Mitch! I'm looking into those Newtons - I keep hearing about them, thanks for that tip! Turns out that we have a retailer right here where I live, and I might go try a pair on. It's about time for new shoes anyway.

2012-01-11 12:31 PM
in reply to: #3943815

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN

It does seem strange to be "taught" how to run, but I am a believer.  I couldn't run 1 mile without knee pain 5 years ago... I litterally sent an email to a local tri coach with the subject line "Help - I can't run"... I can't say that everything that I did will work for everyone, nor am I a speedy runner, but sub 2 hr. half's are now on my "resume" where I would never had even considered running a 1/2 much less a full marathon back then. 

I was in Newtons for a few years until I did my first IM...  turns out, I ended up walking too much during the "run"... would recommend not doing that to yourself!!!  LOL... I'm now in Saucony Mirage and have 2 IM's in them and several 1/2's...  I run Saucony Fastwitch for sprint / oly distance (similar shoe but a bit less structure to it and "fun" to run in)

2012-01-11 2:07 PM
in reply to: #3982391

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN
sbsmann - 2012-01-10 3:24 PM

Would love to join this group.  I have seen Birkierunner around this site for years and have always respected your skillset and know I could learn a lot from for you.  I also love the mentor groups as a means to toss around ideas and learn from others on the many different areas of triathlon.  Here are some facts and figures about me:

NAME: sbsmann/Scott

Welcome to the group Scott!!  I've done Racine several times, before and after it became a 70.3, and have some good memories from it.  That walk down the beach to the start is pretty unique.  Have had some very hot temps there as well.  We'll be cheering you on in your quest for IMWI.

2012-01-11 2:09 PM
in reply to: #3984133

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN

brick0572 - 2012-01-11 12:06 PM Hey, I am new and have just started getting the information to get going, I would really like to get into a group and to have someone help me along the way. Is there still room and if so what can I do to start being involved.

Welcome Gregg!  We still have room and we've got a great group shaping up.  For starts, take a look at other bios in the group and write one up for yourself so we know more about you.  Feel free to start asking questions as well.


My hard drive on my laptop crashed so I'm computer-challenged at the moment.  Bear with me folks.

2012-01-11 2:48 PM
in reply to: #3984101

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN
NWrunner - 2012-01-11 11:50 AM

I had a planned ride yesterday but had a rear flat tire that took me way to long to fix. By the time I was done I didn't have time for the ride. It was a good reminder that I need to practice tire changing. Any tips for making this go faster would be appreciated.


Here 'ya go Lisa...LOL   But seriously, practice is the only way to get comfortable with it.  Plenty of other vids on youtube that demonstrate proper technique.

2012-01-11 4:34 PM
in reply to: #3982580

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Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN
melanfi - 2012-01-10 4:49 PM
sbsmann - 2012-01-10 4:24 PM

WEIGHTLOSS:  My only concern nowadays is staying at my desired weight and not falling below that level.

Chocolate ice cream ... that's how I keep my weight up.

Scott, btw, did your neck issue come from swimming?


@melanfi....mmmm....I love ice cream and a whole host of other fattening food and drink!  I am a lucky one I guess because I can eat and drink what I want and rarely put on weight.  Although if I quit working out it does come on gradually.  I've been as high as 225 (well before Tri) down to 160.  I am currently 171 and have to fight to stay out of the 160's.

As far as my neck, I don't really know what caused the issue.  I have a ton of tightness in it and I am hoping through stretching and strengthening with a PT it will get me back close to100% soon.  Only time will tell, but I need to get in the pool and on the bike soon to test it out!

@NWrunner.....Regarding the tire changing skills, I had a fun incident a few weeks ago where I blew out a tire on the trainer.  I changed that tire, filled it up, and was putting the wheel back on the bike when it exploded more or less in my face.  That really got the heart pumping.  I got to change it a second time and it worked like a charm.  That was good practice !

@Birkie...I prefer to call that mile long walk up the beach a bit odd!  You'd think they could avoid that somehow, but overall I like the course and it's very convenient to me where I live.

2012-01-11 10:05 PM
in reply to: #3943815

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN

Jim,  I hope there's room for one more in this group.  


STORY: I'm a 37 yr old mother of two and a wife to a husband who travels frequently.  I am a physical therapist and exercise physiologist, but didn't become interested in endurance sports until I ran my one and only marathon.  I did my training with Team In Training and really enjoyed the group runs and camaraderie.  I became interested in triathlon a few years ago when my brother became active in the sport.  I'm a fantastic cheerleader, but never considered participating, mostly because of the swim. brother completed Ironman Wisconsin last year!!!  I felt if he could do that, then I could at least try a sprint.  My own triathlon journey started with 4 other people who all ended up backing out for various reasons, but I finished stronger than I expected and had a great time. 

2012 GOALS:  I know this is the wrong way to go about triathlon (having only done 2 sprints), but I am registered for Ironman Racine 70.3!!!  I've already told other people so now I WILL do this.  I'm also doing the Cellcom Green Bay half marathon.  I have a few other races tentatively scheduled including the Rev3 Wisconsin Dells.

I look forward to benefitting from your experience and guidance.  

2012-01-12 7:03 AM
in reply to: #3985301

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN
JKreuzig - 2012-01-11 10:05 PM

Jim,  I hope there's room for one more in this group.  

 STORY: I'm a 37 yr old mother of two and a wife to a husband who travels frequently.  I am a physical therapist and exercise physiologist, but didn't become interested in endurance sports until I ran my one and only marathon.  I did my training with Team In Training and really enjoyed the group runs and camaraderie.  I became interested in triathlon a few years ago when my brother became active in the sport.  I'm a fantastic cheerleader, but never considered participating, mostly because of the swim. brother completed Ironman Wisconsin last year!!!  I felt if he could do that, then I could at least try a sprint.  My own triathlon journey started with 4 other people who all ended up backing out for various reasons, but I finished stronger than I expected and had a great time. 

2012 GOALS:  I know this is the wrong way to go about triathlon (having only done 2 sprints), but I am registered for Ironman Racine 70.3!!!  I've already told other people so now I WILL do this.  I'm also doing the Cellcom Green Bay half marathon.  I have a few other races tentatively scheduled including the Rev3 Wisconsin Dells.

I look forward to benefitting from your experience and guidance.  

Yes!!!! We still have room!  From past experience there are a few dropouts in mentor groups so I will probably close it at 15 and hope a bunch of you hang around thru spring and beyond.  As I mentioned above, Racine is a nice race and you still have plenty of time to prep for it.

What is your first name?

2012-01-12 9:01 AM
in reply to: #3943815

Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN
This group is starting to get rolling! I am sitting here coming out of a bout of food poisoning, which I got shortly after my 1st post. I thus have met my race weight of 150 a bit early, but can barely walk up and down the stairs. Go figure! I made a bet with the wife that I could go sub 5 in muncie this year. I did not do a 1/2 last year but believe I was in sub 5:30 shape. It will definitely be a stretch to pull off. It's time to put together a real exercise plan to achieve this. I've got a little over 6 months. I have not used any of BTs plans I usually have taken a running training program and added or substituted biking on some days and fit in some swimming. I don't have unlimited access to a pool. When it gets warmer ther are some excellent lakes to swim in around me. What plans have worked for you, and what plans left you lacking in motivation?

Edited by knewbike 2012-01-12 9:07 AM

2012-01-12 9:14 AM
in reply to: #3943815

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN
I have had real good luck using the triathlete magazine book: essential week by week training guide by Matt Fitzgerald, has plans finally distances as well as time/performance levels for each distance
2012-01-12 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3943815

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN

Whew, sorry to hear about the food poisoning! That sounds awful.

JKreuzig, that 70.3 sounds like an awesome goal to me. Nothing wrong with aiming for the longer courses! What is your training plan like?

Edited by melanfi 2012-01-12 9:40 AM
2012-01-12 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3985871

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN

knewbike - 2012-01-12 9:01 AM This group is starting to get rolling! I am sitting here coming out of a bout of food poisoning, which I got shortly after my 1st post. I thus have met my race weight of 150 a bit early, but can barely walk up and down the stairs. Go figure! I made a bet with the wife that I could go sub 5 in muncie this year. I did not do a 1/2 last year but believe I was in sub 5:30 shape. It will definitely be a stretch to pull off. It's time to put together a real exercise plan to achieve this. I've got a little over 6 months. I have not used any of BTs plans I usually have taken a running training program and added or substituted biking on some days and fit in some swimming. I don't have unlimited access to a pool. When it gets warmer ther are some excellent lakes to swim in around me. What plans have worked for you, and what plans left you lacking in motivation?

Kevin, glad to hear that you're recovering from the food poisoning.  Doesn't sound like too much fun.  Hopefully your energy levels will return soon.

With regard to training plans I think its important to do some reading on tri-specific training.  A run training program is set up much differently than a tri program because it doesn't have to worry about recovery from one sport while training another sport.  So, simply substituting biking on some days is not a strategic way of designing an overall plan.  Over the years I have not followed a specific plan.  I tend to read a ton of information that is available out there and pick out parts of a plan or philosophy that fit my own thinking on endurance training. 

I would suggest that you take a look at the free half-ironman training plan offered here on BT, if for nothing else to see how training for the 3 sports fit together.  I realize that getting pool time is a limiter for you but you'll have to modify things when you can get in the water as your schedule allows.  Is the pool limitation due to your schedule or physical location of the pool or both?

There are plenty of resources out there for half ironman training plans.  As a mentor, I think I should be careful about recommending non-BT sources.  As I said, I would check out the free plan on BT to get a feel for general s/b/r scheduling.  I think its OK for me to recommend training books...Jeff mentioned Fitzgerald, and there are other others like Gail Bernhardt (Training Plans for Multisport Athletes), and Tom Rodgers (The Perfect Distance:Training for Long Course Triathlon (half ironman, not full IM)).  Although Ironman-specific I have heard good things about Don Fink's book (Be Iron Fit) as it apparently helps folks with time management tips.  Of course, the Triathletes Training Bible (Joe Friel) and Going Long (Friel and Byrn) are very popular books and contain great information.  However, you'll need to be prepared to do a little bit of the work yourself in designing a plan using them because they don't necessary give you entire canned plans for a HIM or IM.  I'll get on my soapbox for 2 seconds here and say I get frustrated when I see an athlete (not saying anyone here) that wants a free x-week training plan for a race and will blindly follow the plan without taking the time to learn the simple basics of endurance training, the how's and why's of various types of workouts that have specific purposes, etc.  Life inevitably gets in the way of following a canned training plan to the letter, so if you need to juggle workouts around you should have some basic knowledge to help you decide how to make changes on the fly.  Off my soapbox.

On a totally un-related topic....what is your favorite beer? 

2012-01-12 11:16 AM
in reply to: #3943815


Subject: RE: Birkierunner's group - OPEN

Hi Jim,


I am hoping your group is still open and if so can I join?

About me:  I am a 38 y.o. wife and mom to 4.  I stay home with my kids so travel is not my issue but often sick kids or kid activities can throw a wrench in my plans.  I am an avid cyclist, I can swim (not very efficiently) and I can run - when being chased.  Just kidding but running is my least favorite of the three activities.  I have done many biking events including centuries.  I have also competed in a duathlon in the past.  I have always wanted to do a tri and this is the year.  I have already signed up for three.  A sprint in June and an International in July and August.  I am fairly active with spinning and different strength classes. I really just want to be successful with these events.  Anything I can learn from you and the rest of your group would be great.


Thanks for your time,


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