BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session) Rss Feed  
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2012-01-03 8:51 AM
in reply to: #3967733

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open
bcagle25 - 2012-01-03 9:41 AM

Alright guys I just want to post some links of a great running program that I am in the middle of doing and has worked out great for me. The key with this program for myself is not to get faster, but stronger (both mentally and physically) over these 3 months. I have been a consistent 20/mi a week, 3-4x a week runner forever now need to increase that drastically for IMWI. In 2 months so far I have risen to 30/mi a week and a consistent 6x a week runner with some weeks at 5x.

The BarryP program has a good history and has recieved great feedback from others. It works on the principle of a ratio 3:2:1, with your distance/time following that raio. 3 short runs, 2 middle runs, 1 long run, all starting out at a very easy pace and short distance and increasing from there. Here are the links below, if you have some free time this week check it out and tell me what you think. If you are looking to do a run focus this is a great was to build volume, or for some early season base work.;search_string=barryp%20part%201;#2548394;search_string=barryp%20part%202;#2554186;search_string=barryp%20part%203;#2564153

I've looked into this plan and know a lot of people who like it.  Unfortunately, I seem to do best with 3 days a week so I do a tempo, interval, and long run.  I sometimes go up to 4 days a week but 5 is definitely too much for me.

2012-01-03 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open
Hi Ben and team, I'd like to join you guys if you'll have one more?
2012-01-03 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3967694

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open
bcagle25 - 2012-01-03 8:26 AM


Justin welcome to the group! You are working in the aviation industry doing what? I had a friend that is a pilot and another that was a stewardess (however it's spelled), they seemed to have a lot of trouble with keeping a good sleep routine if any, but the perks were great!

I myself completed my first triathlon in a HIM and a year later was at the start line for IMWI, so it can be done! It's a great ambitious goal to strive for. I cannot speak enough for Master's. I did it last year and even with the small class I learned a lot, and dropped over 3 minutes off my HIM swim time.

I work in Air Traffic Services also known as FSS here in Canada (thus my name 'justinfss') Sort of like a air traffic control tower but instead of controlling we "advise" what the pilots should do to avoid getting too close. It is shift work though and I can definately relate to the sleep issues, something I am working on with my Naturopath right now, but I know that losing some weight will go a long way to help!

That is awesome that you did the HIM and then IM the next year, definately something I would like to strive for as well. Looking forward to upping my training time, in a managble, injury free way! Gonna check out the run plans later on today after work!
2012-01-03 12:06 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open

Here is our list so far...










2 spots left!!!

If your name is above you are in! I am going to close this group at 10 and keep it on the smaller side so we can get close knit, and I can better track everyone individually.

2012-01-03 12:26 PM
in reply to: #3968291

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open
bcagle25 - 2012-01-03 1:06 PM

Here is our list so far...










2 spots left!!!

If your name is above you are in! I am going to close this group at 10 and keep it on the smaller side so we can get close knit, and I can better track everyone individually.


Just to throw it out there, I'm going to adding everyone to my TL for easy access to post "inspires" on your logs.

Having doen this group thing before, it makes it alot easier and I highly reccomend it.  If you need help with how to do it, just ask.


2012-01-03 2:13 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open 2 Spots left!
Do u have room for one more? If so, I'll post my info.--Ali

2012-01-03 2:26 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Roseville, CA
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open 2 Spots left!

I would like to join.

Name: Brian Miller

Family: Married with 2 daughters that are 7 and 4.

Story:  I am very active but have not done a triathlon yet. I keep talking about it but Motocross, wakeboarding etc have taken precedence in the past. Those hobbies are getting tough being 40 so I am going to commit this year after being injured last year.

Current Training: Last year I followed a 16 week plan and it was working for me, so I am going to do the same this year although it will be 15 weeks to the race. I am really excited since today I am picking up a Cervelo P2. Last year I debated on getting a tri bike and decided to wait, but I could not pass up on the current "share the ride" promotion.

2011: I started the year training for an Olympic, after 2+ months I injured my shoulder which required surgery and lots of rehab. Basically took me the rest of the year to get back to strength.

2012: Going to do an Olympic in April and if all goes well a HIM in August. Eventually my ultimate goal is to so an Ironman.

Weightloss: I packed some weight on over the holidays (long story but had 2 vacations and a family emergency, so I have not been home much) Normally I am about 175 (above 180 now) and want to be around 165.

Why I want to be a part of this group. Last year I was part of a mentor group and enjoyed it. However, it fizzled away after about a month and a half. Since this is based on longer distances that hopefully means everyone is more commited.

2012-01-03 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open 2 Spots left!

Here's my info..

Name: Ali/Omahabritt

Story: In a 40yr old SAHM, who loves to be active, challenge and push myself to do more and has always had the Ironman on my life list for as long as I can remember.  With both kids in school full-time, it's a great time to amp up my training for something bigger.  I've done lots of 5K's, about 6 Half-Marathon's, several Urban Adventure Race's to mix it up, and a couple Try-A-Tri's that always leave me wanting more.  My goal is a Half Ironman this year and hopefully Wisconsin Ironman in 2013.  I'm a runner first, and biking has always been fun and relatively easy for me, swimming is my problem, as I don't get in the pool unless I'm forced (haven't been in since Sept).  I've always enjoyed training programs, but the Half IM and IM, ones are are more techinical than I'm used to, and I'm a bit scared.  I've had success with simply training distances greater than what the race is with speed workouts, hill, bricks, etc thrown in and been injury free.  Heart rate training, swimming drills, and focusing on cadence and gears, etc are all new to me, but I'm up for the challenge.

Family Status: Married, 12yrs, together for 19yrs, which boggles my mind. Two kids, boy-8 and girl-6.

Current Training: After slacking off the 1st half of last year, I've built up over the last 6 months to working out 5-6 days a week (1hr to 2 hrs each day), and have worked up to a long run of 10 miles at least once a every other week.

2011 Races:3 5k's, 2 - Urban Adventure Races (1 short, 1 long), Trek up the Tower

2012 Races: So far--2/25-Trek Up the Tower, 5/6-Lincoln Half, 6/2-Urban Adventure Race, 6/10-Half Ironman Kansas?

Weightloss: 30lbs

What will make me a good mentee: I've got lots of questions, think a group setting is a great way to stay motivated and learn best practices.  I've always taken comfort in finding a training plan and sticking with it to the letter, but with other races in the mix, I don't think that will be possible this year. Looking to see how others deal with adjustments to their training plans (ie. how can I loosen up and not freak out about it).

My 1st workout of the year was an hour "boot camp" class followed by a 3 mile run.
2012-01-03 8:32 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open 2 Spots left!

Thanks for holding my spot, here is my info.

Name: Matthew Fahy, 43, executive at software firm in Richmond, VA

Family: Married with 2.75 yo daughter.

Story:  I started running a few years ago and now have 2 years of triathlons. I definitely have the tri bug and have a lot of fun competing against myself mainly.  I try to get better each year and my primary goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle while keeping it fun.

Current Training: I started the 30 week Iron Fit training program last week.  I also started strength training for the first time in my life a few weeks ago.

2011: I did my first Ironman last year at Couer d'Alene, an amazing experience for me.  I also did a couple HIM, half marathon, and a sprint. 

2012: My A Race is Ironman Lake Placid, with a half marathon, olympic and half ironman as prep races. My goal is to beat my time from IMCDA of 13:29 at IMLP.

Weightloss: Not a huge goal of mine, but looking to knock some more lbs off through training and healthy eating.

Why I want to be a part of this group. I was part of a mentor group my first year in 2010 and it really helped keep me get up to speed on many basic concepts, I learned a lot by sharing questions and experiences with a group. Last year I joined a couple of mentor groups and had a really good experience again training for my first IM.  I look forward to having fun during the 2012 season with everyone here!

2012-01-04 5:12 AM
in reply to: #3949904

Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open 2 Spots left!

Do you have a spot for one more?  Quick info - did a half and full length last year (tri's #2 and #3) very slowly (the whole bucket list thing) and now want to get faster.  Meaning middle of the pack.

Happy New Year and thanks!~Justen

2012-01-04 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open 2 Spots left!
I would like to be one of "the last two spots" if they are still available.

Name: Jason/wannabefaster

Background: 2012 will be my 5th year of tri and I finally feel like I am geting the hang of it. 2011 was a banner year for me.....I got a Kona lottery slot so I raced my first IM at the birthplace of IM. It was a spectacular experience and has me inspired to do more and go faster so I can get back to Hawaii one day. I also Boston Qualified at my only marathon in 2011. I am fastest on the run. Getting better at biking and swimming has been a long process for me but I am determined. I do pay a coach to write me a pretty aggressive training plan.

Family: Spectacular wife who is incredibly supportive of the tri experience and two kids, nine and 14, who are slightly less enthusiastic about the hours of training.

Last years races: 1 Marathon, 1 Olympic, 2 HIM, 1 full aquabike, and IM Hawaii!

This years races (so far): Boston Marathon (April16), Eagleman HIM (June 10), IMAZ (November 19), plus a bunch of other stuff that I will fill in as I go.

I participated in the last cycle of mentor groups and really enjoyed it. It was great to share training stories and to have people give an encouraging word when things got tough. If you will have me, I look forward to being an active participant in the group.

2012-01-04 10:27 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed(NInja school is session)

Here is the final list complete. Group will now be closed at 13 members and everyone that posted is in.

Here is our list so far...














2012-01-04 10:28 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open 2 Spots left!
I have a busy day today, but I will log in some time tonight and respond to everyone that is newly joined and keep up the group discussions as well. I am looking forward to this group, my expectations have already been exceeded and we have a good diversity of athletes, new, vets, long dist, marathoners, ultra, should be a blast!
2012-01-04 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open 2 Spots left!
BIO Finally! NAME: Andrew Robbins - Based in North West England, Runcorn near Manchester.

STORY: Like everyone else turning 40 I took a good look at myself and realized that I was a heart attack waiting to happen. Changed my life style took up tri lost weight (2009 242 lbs, 2010 217 lbs, 2011 234lbs - really annoyed with that one!!)
In 2009 I completed 3 super-sprints and a 10km, carried this through in 2010 completing 3 more super sprints and taking minutes of my times!
However, 2011 was a tough year. Ankle injuries and work pressures meant I could only manage 1 race but still reduced my time. I spent a lot of time in 2011 working on my swim and running. But seem to plateau in my training

FAMILY STATUS: Married 15 years, no children

OTHER SPORTS: I am attempting to qualify to represent Wales at the European Curling Championships in Sweden in 2012

3 x super-sprints (500m or 400m Swim, 20km/23km Bike and 5 Km Run)
1 x 5 Mile Race (Olympic Park in London, finishing in the Olympic Stadium)
Couple of 5kms

Swim: Struggle to complete the 400m using Front Crawl – had lessons, fundamentally my stroke is fine. Just fitness and nerves when swimming in a group
Bike: Need to work on Endurance and Speed. Got a turbo trainer so look for inspiration in workouts
Run: Endurance and Speed again. Fastest tri 5km is 34 mins.
GOAL FOR 2012:
My favorite race is in September these are my times for last year and what I want to achieve in 2012 in brackets. Last year I finished 54th out of 60 in my age group. Swim (500m) – 00:11:13 (00:10:00), Bike (20km) – 00:47:31 (00:40:00), Run (5km) – 00:34:07 (00:30:00) – Which is 13 minutes of my time!
I yo-yo between structured training and just messing about – and need some focus!
Plan to swim 3 times a week; strength training 2 times a week; run 3 times and follow an indoor cycling programme until the weather improves.
Articles/Plans I intend to look at are:

Swim: 700 Yard workouts -
Bike: Plan to follow the Winter Cycling programme -
Run: Following a 5Km and 10Km run programme that got me through the races last year. From a local health care provider in the UK
2012-01-04 10:54 AM
in reply to: #3970551

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open 2 Spots left!
Scanned through everyones bios and a think I will the going fot the shortest distances of the lot here!!

My aim is Olympic distance in 2013; had the pleasure of see Jonathon Brownlee destroy the field in the London tri last summer and so want to run in Hyde Park, Run and Swim in/around the Serpentine and then the cycle course takes you around Buckingham Palace.

So I hope I can learn from all you guys in the coming months and years!!

2012-01-04 7:52 PM
in reply to: #3949904

Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

Thanks for having me!  More data:

Story:  Always had finishing a full length as a goal (for 20 yrs or something) and I started actually going after the dream two years ago.  The first year I spent 6m getting ready for a local sprint, kept moving through the whole thing, and loved it!  Last year, I was only really planning to do a half IM, and I was one of the lucky ones that got a spot in IMWI.  So I finished the half in June, slow but always moving, and started IMWI.  Halfway thru the bike, I had a cramp induced crash that basically broke my bike, and ended my day; I was on track to finish.  My wife suggested I find another race to carry the fitness to, and I found B2B in NC and finished it in a bit over 15 hrs.  Time for a new bucket list #1.

Family: Married with 2 young'uns

Goals:  Last year was about finishing, which I did like a turtle.  I trained to be slow.  This year, I want to be middle of the pack - ish.  I think that is a reasonable goal; all races this year (not sure which but it will be in the 3-4 event range) will be Oly or shorter.  I am looking to do another IM distance in 2 or 3 more years, when I have a better idea how to prepare.

Training:  Right now, I am easing back into it.  Given I live around Boston, my first race will likely be around June 1, so I will be unstructured but active (focus on strength and slow cardio, however) for the next month, and start something more formal after that once I know what I am training for.   Focus will eventually be on speeding up my bike and run.

I hope everyone has a injury-free and happy new year!

2012-01-04 9:48 PM
in reply to: #3971681

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
jsenc2002 - 2012-01-04 7:52 PM

Thanks for having me!  More data:

Story:  Always had finishing a full length as a goal (for 20 yrs or something) and I started actually going after the dream two years ago.  The first year I spent 6m getting ready for a local sprint, kept moving through the whole thing, and loved it!  Last year, I was only really planning to do a half IM, and I was one of the lucky ones that got a spot in IMWI.  So I finished the half in June, slow but always moving, and started IMWI.  Halfway thru the bike, I had a cramp induced crash that basically broke my bike, and ended my day; I was on track to finish.  My wife suggested I find another race to carry the fitness to, and I found B2B in NC and finished it in a bit over 15 hrs.  Time for a new bucket list #1.

Family: Married with 2 young'uns

Goals:  Last year was about finishing, which I did like a turtle.  I trained to be slow.  This year, I want to be middle of the pack - ish.  I think that is a reasonable goal; all races this year (not sure which but it will be in the 3-4 event range) will be Oly or shorter.  I am looking to do another IM distance in 2 or 3 more years, when I have a better idea how to prepare.

Training:  Right now, I am easing back into it.  Given I live around Boston, my first race will likely be around June 1, so I will be unstructured but active (focus on strength and slow cardio, however) for the next month, and start something more formal after that once I know what I am training for.   Focus will eventually be on speeding up my bike and run.

I hope everyone has a injury-free and happy new year!


Justen, congrats on finishing B2B after IMWI, it was surprisingly hot that day and many did not finish and times were slow all across the board. I was a real tough day out their for everyone! I was one of the crazy guys on Timber lane on the big hill in an American flag cape, speedo and wearing my aero-helmet and HRM, remember seeing me/us?

Always smart to take off an year after doing a first IM, IMO. You learn a lot training for the distance, and sometime it's best to take what you learned and apply it to shorter distances while you continue to increase your volume. Doing shorter distances will help you build more muscular strength, icnrease your speed, and naturally your IM time will go down on your next attempt, course dependent obviously.

You have a great wife that suggests doing another IM right after one. Many guys would envy you for this!

2012-01-05 4:57 AM
in reply to: #3949904

Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

You may have helped me up... I think the top of Timber Lane (literally a few yards from the crest) was where I got my cramp!  It was a beautiful day, results not withstanding.  Overall, the crowds and race were awesome; would definitely consider that race again.

In terms of learning from racing last year, I think the main thing was to really know the bike course ahead of time if possible.  Both races I did had hidden challenges that would have been more obvious with more time on the course.  Particularly IMWI; I grew up near Janesville, and thought I would be really comfortable with the land (having ridden that area a lot).  However, I was not really comfortable on the bike until the last part of the first loop, just before I biffed.  You spend so much time on the bike, and as much comfort as possible is really important.

No big ones for me this year, that is for sure!

2012-01-05 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3970551

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open 2 Spots left!

andrew.robbins - 2012-01-04 10:46 AM BIO Finally! NAME: Andrew Robbins - Based in North West England, Runcorn near Manchester. STORY: Like everyone else turning 40 I took a good look at myself and realized that I was a heart attack waiting to happen. Changed my life style took up tri lost weight (2009 242 lbs, 2010 217 lbs, 2011 234lbs - really annoyed with that one!!) In 2009 I completed 3 super-sprints and a 10km, carried this through in 2010 completing 3 more super sprints and taking minutes of my times! However, 2011 was a tough year. Ankle injuries and work pressures meant I could only manage 1 race but still reduced my time. I spent a lot of time in 2011 working on my swim and running. But seem to plateau in my training FAMILY STATUS: Married 15 years, no children OTHER SPORTS: I am attempting to qualify to represent Wales at the European Curling Championships in Sweden in 2012 PLANNED RACES FOR 2012: 3 x super-sprints (500m or 400m Swim, 20km/23km Bike and 5 Km Run) 1 x 5 Mile Race (Olympic Park in London, finishing in the Olympic Stadium) Couple of 5kms WHAT DO I NEED TO PROGRESS: Swim: Struggle to complete the 400m using Front Crawl – had lessons, fundamentally my stroke is fine. Just fitness and nerves when swimming in a group Bike: Need to work on Endurance and Speed. Got a turbo trainer so look for inspiration in workouts Run: Endurance and Speed again. Fastest tri 5km is 34 mins. GOAL FOR 2012: My favorite race is in September these are my times for last year and what I want to achieve in 2012 in brackets. Last year I finished 54th out of 60 in my age group. Swim (500m) – 00:11:13 (00:10:00), Bike (20km) – 00:47:31 (00:40:00), Run (5km) – 00:34:07 (00:30:00) – Which is 13 minutes of my time! TRAINING PLAN FOR 2012: I yo-yo between structured training and just messing about – and need some focus! Plan to swim 3 times a week; strength training 2 times a week; run 3 times and follow an indoor cycling programme until the weather improves. Articles/Plans I intend to look at are: Swim: 700 Yard workouts - Bike: Plan to follow the Winter Cycling programme - Run: Following a 5Km and 10Km run programme that got me through the races last year. From a local health care provider in the UK

Andrew, very cool on your quest for the curling championships, that is a sport I have always wanted to try and always find myself glued to the TV during the olympics.

I read through your bio and my bigggest advice comes from the bold part above. Being consistent riegns supreme. In years past that is when I find myself making the biggest gains and becoming the most fit. Write down a weekly schedule, maybe even with weekly goals and progress off that. Continually taking time on and off and back on will not give you the proper gains you may be looking for. Any questions just ask!

2012-01-05 8:13 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

Holidays are over and the new year has started, so that means it is time to get back to worK! This is a fresh start for everyone whether that is good or bad, but its a chance to re-evaluate everything. Starting off the new year on a good note is always a chance to build up some momentum to carry you through the rest of the winter.

What is everyones workouts planned today? I got in am early swim, have a run in a bit, and then settling back on the trainer finally after work tonight.

2012-01-05 8:17 AM
in reply to: #3970222

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open 2 Spots left!

wannabefaster - 2012-01-04 8:54 AM I would like to be one of "the last two spots" if they are still available. Name: Jason/wannabefaster Background: 2012 will be my 5th year of tri and I finally feel like I am geting the hang of it. 2011 was a banner year for me.....I got a Kona lottery slot so I raced my first IM at the birthplace of IM. It was a spectacular experience and has me inspired to do more and go faster so I can get back to Hawaii one day. I also Boston Qualified at my only marathon in 2011. I am fastest on the run. Getting better at biking and swimming has been a long process for me but I am determined. I do pay a coach to write me a pretty aggressive training plan. Family: Spectacular wife who is incredibly supportive of the tri experience and two kids, nine and 14, who are slightly less enthusiastic about the hours of training. Last years races: 1 Marathon, 1 Olympic, 2 HIM, 1 full aquabike, and IM Hawaii! This years races (so far): Boston Marathon (April16), Eagleman HIM (June 10), IMAZ (November 19), plus a bunch of other stuff that I will fill in as I go. I participated in the last cycle of mentor groups and really enjoyed it. It was great to share training stories and to have people give an encouraging word when things got tough. If you will have me, I look forward to being an active participant in the group.

Raced Kona and BQ? wow those are lifetime goals for me and you did it in 12 months...congrats! 2012 looks even better for you getting to race Boston and race another IM. I hope racing Kona has given you the motivation you need to get back to the big island....I myself cannot wait until I get my chance to toe the line their, hoping to get for my first KQ in Madison in 2013, this year should be a big indicator if I am on the right path.

2012-01-05 8:27 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Workout today is a 10 mile run. It's supposed to be 64 here today, which is unheard of in Nebraska in January. I'm going to enjoy the sun and warmth, and try and remind myself that winter is not over yet!!
2012-01-05 8:29 AM
in reply to: #3972332

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

Omahabritt - 2012-01-05 8:27 AM Workout today is a 10 mile run. It's supposed to be 64 here today, which is unheard of in Nebraska in January. I'm going to enjoy the sun and warmth, and try and remind myself that winter is not over yet!!

And I thought we were having a warm winter here in Wisconsin! 64 degrees! I would kill for that right now, but I will settle for the 45 we are going to have tomorrow. That all said I wouldn't mind a bit of snow at some point...snowboard is getting very dusty.

2012-01-05 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Brian, I looked at your blog and noticed you did the Lake Geneva Tri. I did the Half as a relay (I did the run) a couple of years ago. Our biker had the same complaints about safety. Beautiful course, but that's the hilliest half run I've ever done!! I'M excited to be part of this group, learning and getting to know you all!
2012-01-05 9:27 AM
in reply to: #3972298

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open 2 Spots left!
Yep. 2011-2012 have been great to me so far. The goal is to keep the mojo working.

I have figured out that the secret is that there is no secret. You just have to do the work.

I am very much on the margin of being able to qualify for Kona but that won't stop me from trying. Hopefully the rest of my life will be a long if I keep putting in the work I can get back. Fabulous experience.

I trained last night from 10pm to 12 mn because of family/job/life. That means I overslept and did not swim this morning. Sometimes something has got to give.
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