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2012-01-13 7:02 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Hello Ken and welcome!

With the weather in Wisconson, you may have wanted to go out for your training in ice skates instead of running shoes. 

When will you find out the lottery results for the Bjorklund  1/2?

Glad you have joined the group and feel free to post any comments or questions.

2012-01-13 7:07 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Hey there Court....of course you can join the group.

The "tri bug" is definitely contagious!  I can speak from experience as it hit me last year and absolutely love it!

I have been wanting to get a group/ministry started for a while and it came together, believe it or not, during my first sprint triathlon last April.  The Second Wind was established after that race and it has been amazing to see what God is doing. 

I love in your family status that addition of the turtle.  Does the turtle have a name?

When you said you are working toward a "HM", are you referring to a half ironman?  If yes, which one? 

Glad you found the group and feel free to post any comments or questions.

2012-01-13 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3987910

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Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
The turtle is named Lenny (Law and Order fame) and the HM is a half marathon.  Thanks for having me.
2012-01-13 12:24 PM
in reply to: #3988006

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

It was brutally cold here in the Houston area yesterday (Yes I'm sure it's not as cold as what some of you other guys are used to, but when you are not used to it anymore high 30's is pretty cold).

I'm not a huge fan of the cold and I was tempted to not do anything, but since my girls had Track and Field practice I went ahead and ran/walked about 4.5 miles last night. Didn't watch the time (< 1 hour) just wanted to make sure I had a steady pace and focused on my breathing.

Will check my bike over the weekend, make sure it's in working order and start training on that as well. Swimming is sidelined for at least another 2 weeks, due to my crazy schedule at the moment.

And thanks for having me

2012-01-13 7:51 PM
in reply to: #3955634

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN


Daniel here.  I just stumbled into this site and am very interested and curious.  I am 52, a teacher, married (27 years) with two sons (24 & 20).  I have signed up for a sprint tri in July in Door County, WI. 

I can write much more but will see if this group is open.  I am motivated and curious.



2012-01-13 11:28 PM
in reply to: #3955634

Lake St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Hello All! Is it still possible to join this group?

Name: Darrell

Story: Just starting to get into triathlons. I did a sprint last August and I loved it. I am a former collegiate runner who ended my career with a broken ankle. Next thing I know it is 8 years later and I am 50 pounds heavier. I am around people working out all day as I am a PE teacher, but it has been hard for me to find the motivation to get out the door each day. I can bring a lot of valuable knowledge of running to the group as I have been a runner for 14 years, and I am a high school cross country and track coach.

Family Status: Married 3 1/2 years with a baby on the way.

Current Training: I am just getting started after a very long layoff. Working on building a base for 2012.

2012 Races: I haven't picked out the exact races yet, but I plan on doing a few sprints and maybe end the year with a oly.

Weight Loss: I would love to get back down to my college racing weight, but I don't see that one ever happening. I would like to lose 25 pounds to get back down to 180 and then we can go from there.


2012-01-14 11:08 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
I did 4 mile runs yesterday and today.  Feeling really good and strong. Anyone else out in the cold and wind this morning?
2012-01-14 9:35 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

I'm Scott


Hi Chick

I found the group because as I was reading through mentor pages and your story was familiar.

I started running 2 years ago and have completed 8 marathons and 7 Half's as of today but am running the 13.1 LA half tomorrow so it will be 8 and 8.  

I have been cycling a little for the past year, and recently started trying to swim.  Definitely will be joining a class soon.  I decided a mentor group would be good so I had somewhere to look for information and encouragement.

I am signed up for my first Tri, a sprint on February 25th and then another in March.  I did it simply to see how it went and to get a baseline to train from.  My goal is to get into Tri shape over the next 6 months and complete a 1/2 Ironman before December.  Not sure if that is realistic but figured I needed a goal so that is it.  

2012-01-15 6:21 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Hello Daniel,

The group is still open, so glad you find us.  Glad to have you a part of the group.  My wife is a high school teacher, so we have a little something in common.

Looking forward to having you as part of the group.  


2012-01-15 6:29 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Hi Darrell and yes, you can join the group.  Glad to have you.

I used to run in college as well.  Once I graduated, that is when I basically stopped running.  What events did you do in college?  I was mainly a jumper (high, long and triple) and then focused on the 400m and 400 hurdles.

Looking forward to any knowledge you can share on running as I would guess the group would benefit from any tips.  Feel free to share at any time.

With the training you will be doing for tri's, you will see some of the weight come off.  I can attest to that as I am a clydesdale for a triathlete.  That is anyone under 40 years old and over 200 lbs.   A year ago I was around 220.  Now I am around 203. 

Looking forward to having you with the group.



2012-01-15 6:34 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Hi Scott.

Let us know how the LA Half goes.  Congrats on 8 and 8 for marathons and half's.

Your goal for a Half Ironman (aka HIM) is attainable.  You have the running base and experience and some cycling already.  You also have plenty of time to get comfortable with the swimming.

Glad you have joined the group and early congratulations on your half finish for today.  Please share with the group how that went today.    



2012-01-15 6:41 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Good mornin everyone!  I hope you have had a great week of training.  It has been a decent week for me.  Have a 30 mile ride planned for today.  It will be a chilly one with temps staying in the 40's here in NC today.  

Yesterday I ended up doing what I will call cross training.  Came out of "retirement" to play in a street hockey tournament.  I used to play in a league for a few years and stopped about 2 years ago.  A friend asked me if I would consider playing in the league's annual Ironman tournament.  Of course, the word "ironman" caught my attention.  The format of the games was a 12 minute running clock with no breaks.  There were no subs either.  We played 3 round robin games, were then seeded and stated a single elimination tournament.  We went 2-1 in our 3 games.  I actually scored 3 goals in those games (I could never score when I played in the league by the way).  Then in the first tournament game I scored the only goal and we won.  Went to the semi-finals and lost 1-0.  In that game I took a slap shot to the chest.  Man did that hurt and I have a nice welt from it.  Today I am definitely sore.  It was still a lot of fun. NOw, back into "retirement" from hockey.

2012-01-15 6:44 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

One last post this morning.  Feel free to add me as a friend on your training log.  I post all of my training there.  

To do that, at the top of the BT site, select "Settings".  Then select "Training Blog Custimization".

Click on the "Friends" tab and enter my user name "cup06champs".  At the bottom select "Update Friends.

On your training log, all of your friends show in the bottom-left section.

2012-01-15 9:08 PM
in reply to: #3991017

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
cup06champs - 2012-01-15 4:34 AM

Hi Scott.

Let us know how the LA Half goes.  Congrats on 8 and 8 for marathons and half's.

Your goal for a Half Ironman (aka HIM) is attainable.  You have the running base and experience and some cycling already.  You also have plenty of time to get comfortable with the swimming.

Glad you have joined the group and early congratulations on your half finish for today.  Please share with the group how that went today.    


Thanks Chick,

Today went about as planned, I was using the race as a tune up for Surf City which is Feb. 5th.  

I finished in 1:53:52 against a goal of 1:55.  I was able to keep the heart rate around 155 with a max of 170 on one hill and in the sprint to the line.

Overall it was a good race although I was totally unimpressed with the coordination.

Also wanted to say thanks for he words of encouragement in your email.  I need to get serious about the bike and learn to swim properly.  I look forward to any information you can share on how to improve and prepare for the HIM.


2012-01-16 6:26 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Great job beating your goal of 1:55. Sounds like it was good race for you. Good luck in your final preparations for your Feb. 5 race.
2012-01-16 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
Hi folks.....Dan from NW Indiana. Have room for one more?

2012-01-16 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
Hi Dan,

Yes, the group is still open. Where in NW Indiana are you from?
2012-01-16 7:58 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Thanks Chick.....I'm in Schererville, which is just across the state line from IL.....about 20 miles south of Chicago. I 'm an almost 49 year old recovering couch potato. A little less than 2 years ago I looked at myself and my fitness (or lack thereof) and decided enough was enough. So I began cycling and watched my nutrition. Soon as I began feeling better and losing a bit of weight, I entertained the idea of running. So, off I went, oh so slowly, run, walk, run walk, until about a year ago I entered a local 5k. Nothing stellar, but I finished, sub 30 minute. Soon another race followed, and I trimmed a bit more time off which got me thinking....if I can cycle and I can run....why not go for the full monte. So I signed up for my first tri, which I ran last June. As summer unfolded I did some distance cycling events and runs, but did not do another tri. I'm back looking to change that. Personally, I'm married for 23 years with 4 kids....two out on their own, 1 in college and one still home. I kinda took a rest period from Halloween to the New year, but have been back training since the first. As I gave up my gym membership, I do not at this time have a venue to swim....I'll work on that later. I have no firm schedule for races but want to repeat the race from last June to prove to myself I can improve my time. I'm pretty much up in the air beyond that. I am an extemely poor swimmer (which flies in the face of having nowhere to train now....)so I may concentrate on some duathlons this year....who knows. My training logs should be open so critique's are welcome and expected as we go along.


Edited by SFD156 2012-01-17 10:55 AM
2012-01-16 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

I grew up in Chicago Heights, IL. I am sure you know where that is. If I remember, that is about 30 minutes from Shereville. Moved to NC once I headed to college.

Thanks for sharing the information and look forward to providing any assistance in your training.
2012-01-17 10:53 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

  I am very familiar with the Heights.....I grew up in Lansing and graduated from Marian Catholic HS....a long long time

  Well, I'm getting back into the swing with training. I'm trying to alternate runs with bike trainer rides for now as work schedules allow. I was never very fast in the run but I really feel the fitness lost in the "off time". But, I'm working in the miles and will slowly build a base back up. I had a great feeling 3.3 mile run last night. I slowed down a bit more than usual and concentrated on steady pace. I suffered through some IT band issues last year so I'm ramping up miles and pace very, very slowly. Happy training all.


2012-01-17 2:09 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Hi all, thought I'd check in today. 

I've made it into the pool again on Friday and this time felt a little better. I went beforehand to get properly fitted for some decent goggles and it turns out that makes a big difference. As with all things, proper equipment is key!  Still not fast and running out of air much faster than I'd like but at least I did not look like a flounder missing a fin anymore.

Family issues have taken me out of the swing the past month. It's always a catch 22... things get stressful, hard to exercise but exercise is the key to beating stress!  I am carving out time for it now.

Finally looks like winter here in Wisconsin. Enjoying the white stuff and hope to get the snowshoes out this weekend.  Hope you are all getting out there doing what you love!



2012-01-17 9:24 PM
in reply to: #3995507

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
cathyv - 2012-01-17 12:09 PM

Hi all, thought I'd check in today. 

I've made it into the pool again on Friday and this time felt a little better. I went beforehand to get properly fitted for some decent goggles and it turns out that makes a big difference. As with all things, proper equipment is key!  Still not fast and running out of air much faster than I'd like but at least I did not look like a flounder missing a fin anymore.

Family issues have taken me out of the swing the past month. It's always a catch 22... things get stressful, hard to exercise but exercise is the key to beating stress!  I am carving out time for it now.

Finally looks like winter here in Wisconsin. Enjoying the white stuff and hope to get the snowshoes out this weekend.  Hope you are all getting out there doing what you love!



Thanks now I know how to classify my swimming ability, lol, I am in the flounder missing a fin category but working hard to move up the food chain.  

Keep carving out time for training, it is worth it.


2012-01-17 9:40 PM
in reply to: #3991016

Lake St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
cup06champs - 2012-01-15 6:29 AM

I used to run in college as well.  Once I graduated, that is when I basically stopped running.  What events did you do in college?  I was mainly a jumper (high, long and triple) and then focused on the 400m and 400 hurdles.

Looking forward to any knowledge you can share on running as I would guess the group would benefit from any tips.  Feel free to share at any time.

With the training you will be doing for tri's, you will see some of the weight come off.  I can attest to that as I am a clydesdale for a triathlete.  That is anyone under 40 years old and over 200 lbs.   A year ago I was around 220.  Now I am around 203. 

Looking forward to having you with the group.

I was a distance runner in college. Focused mainly on the 800/1500 during track season instead of the longer distance like I ran in cross country.

I am like you also in that I qualify for the clydesdale division now as well. I just barely qualify as the most I have ever weighed is 208, but that is still a long way from my college racing weight of 150.

2012-01-17 9:47 PM
in reply to: #3955634

Lake St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

So I am very new to triathlons. While I know a lot about training for running I do not know a whole lot about combining the three events. I am learning more every day, but for now I am turning to the book "Essential Week-By-Week Training Guide" by Matt Fitzgerald.  Today was my first day following one of the schedules.

Has anyone used the book and if so what were your thoughts?

2012-01-18 5:34 AM
in reply to: #3996365

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Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

I haven't read this book, but I have found learning is the biggest asset we have to our training.  I read everything I can about training.  Good luck


UTMrunner - 2012-01-17 10:47 PM

So I am very new to triathlons. While I know a lot about training for running I do not know a whole lot about combining the three events. I am learning more every day, but for now I am turning to the book "Essential Week-By-Week Training Guide" by Matt Fitzgerald.  Today was my first day following one of the schedules.

Has anyone used the book and if so what were your thoughts?

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