BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group/Full for the Season Rss Feed  
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2012-01-10 6:22 PM
in reply to: #3982504

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Hopkinton MA
Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open

tribeagle - 2012-01-09 5:14

 I went 4:09 at Twin Cities and would really love to get under 4:00.

WOW  that's awesome!

2012-01-11 5:43 AM
in reply to: #3982733

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Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open
Erincsg - 2012-01-10 7:22 PM

tribeagle - 2012-01-09 5:14

 I went 4:09 at Twin Cities and would really love to get under 4:00.

WOW  that's awesome!

x2!  Most impressive.

ETA: Welcome to the group Courtney.

Edited by ebshot 2012-01-11 5:44 AM
2012-01-11 5:51 AM
in reply to: #3966875

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Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open

Well, I missed my 64 ounces of water yesterday.  I was only about 8 short and I only had one Diet Coke and no beer.  I call that an almost win.

Today is another crazy day in the life of me.  I have a million loads of laundry to do today and some finish work on Pinewood Derby cars (got both cars cut out yesterday).  It's the afternoon when things really pick up.  IICAPS, bball practice, Cub Scouts, more therapies all from 3:30-8:30.  I'm only double booked at 7:00.  Not bad.

Running this morning and then maybe riding the drainer (shocking I know).  Tomorrow is weigh in day.  Hopefully I'll be down a pound or 10. 

2012-01-11 6:31 AM
in reply to: #3966875

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2012-01-11 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3966875

Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open
Morning all.Something is wrong with my computer so I am posting from my phone. Welcome to the group Chris and Courtney. Chris...please provide a little bio.....experience in the sport, past events,goals for the year....and any other interesting facts!!!!Courtney....impressive running times....any plans to run Boston?I love upstate NY....went to college in Oneonta. I ride a lot in the summer on the Cape. Truro is beautiful...I love ocean place better to bike. I will often get up at 5 am and ride the rail trail from Dennis to Wellfleet. It's a great ride....if u get up before the tourists descend with dogs and babies.How's the water challenge going? For our new folks...trying to drink a minimum if 64 ounces a day. Erica, beer is dehydrating so for every beer u should add another 8 ounces of water. That will keep you going. LolYesterday I went for a ride outside. I had to do a one hour workout of speed intervals. Ride one minute as hard as you can then spin easy for two. Increased time of interval by a minute to a max of 4 minutes and the do the interval descending....well I flatted after 45 minutes. So I called for a sense in freezing. I did however drink my 64 ounces.lolHow often are you all doing some work?
2012-01-11 9:53 AM
in reply to: #3983749

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2012-01-11 10:36 AM
in reply to: #3966875

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2012-01-11 10:57 AM
in reply to: #3983909

Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open
chr15 - 2012-01-11 11:36 AM Just read the last paragraph of your intro Mav. Will Old England do instead of New England?

I have always wanted to live in Old England but I had to settle for New England.
2012-01-11 10:59 AM
in reply to: #3966875

Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open
Okay guys, I am having a HUNGRY day.  I am starving!  I have been chugging water but I am still hungry.  And not I want to eat but stomach growling hungry.  I just ate lunch but am still hungry.  *sigh* 
2012-01-11 11:41 AM
in reply to: #3966875

Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open
EricaI have one as many as u want!I challenge u to eat less than 750 calories the remainder of the day....let's see if we both can do it. I am working tonight....lots of temptation...the person who wins doesn't have to do 50 crunches tomorrow.
2012-01-11 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3966875

Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open
Chris...old England works just as well. Lol. Welcome. You can join today calorie challenge as well

2012-01-11 11:54 AM
in reply to: #3983909

Hopkinton MA
Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open

chr15 - 2012-01-10 11:36 AM Just read the last paragraph of your intro Mav. Will Old England do instead.....

London-to-Boston is a short hop --c'mon over!!

2012-01-11 12:21 PM
in reply to: #3966875

Hopkinton MA
Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open

water going fine today, and nutrition still on track (true, it's only 1pm).

Do any of you follow a particular diet plan - paleo, vegetarian, no soy/dairy/wheat/whatever, ZONE  - 40/30/30 calorie distribution, etc.?  or just generally try to keep it fairly lean & wholesome?  

2012-01-11 12:47 PM
in reply to: #3984080

Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open

mav - 2012-01-11 12:41 PM EricaI have one as many as u want!I challenge u to eat less than 750 calories the remainder of the day....let's see if we both can do it. I am working tonight....lots of temptation...the person who wins doesn't have to do 50 crunches tomorrow.

Oh you are on!  Get ready to crank out 50 crunches (although I could benefit from 50 crunches for sure).

(but I'm still really hungry)

2012-01-11 12:48 PM
in reply to: #3984164

Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open
Erincsg - 2012-01-11 1:21 PM

water going fine today, and nutrition still on track (true, it's only 1pm).

Do any of you follow a particular diet plan - paleo, vegetarian, no soy/dairy/wheat/whatever, ZONE  - 40/30/30 calorie distribution, etc.?  or just generally try to keep it fairly lean & wholesome?  

I track my calories using LiveStrong and try to eat a balanced diet.  Low calorie and such.  I give myself one cheat meal a week, usually pizza and a beer or two.  Really trying to keep the alcohol to once a week too. 
2012-01-11 2:53 PM
in reply to: #3966875

Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open

Got room for more?

Mav I think you were part of a group I was in back around 2010 season and you always left me greats "inspire me"s ( I recognise your picture)

Well this is my second crack at Tris,  First was 2010 and I completed my first Sprint (Sharons Back) and immediately regretted that I had not signed up for more, aside from the run leg of Title 9 where I used my jealousy of all the competitors to put up one of my best (still slow) 5k times. I swore I would do 3 in 2011

I got married a few months later (thus the screename) and was pregnant before I could even believe it was possible. So No 2011 Tris.

So here we go again, but this time with a 6 month old and a husband in the mix

Few months ago I got a saw an ad (on Facebook of all places) for a discounted rate on the DC tri, and I was signed up.  The idea of going by all the monuments seems fun and Ill have plenty of time to take in the sites at my pace :p

Really glad to see everyone else here is juggling a lot and still training, Just what I need!

2012-01-11 2:57 PM
in reply to: #3966875

Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open

Thanks to all of you who think I run fast!  I would LOVE to do Boston some day, but I think it's more of a long term (4-5 year) goal.  I was kind of hoping to BQ at Twin Cities.  At the time, my BQ time was 3:50 and I think I was in shape to have done that, but I made a rookie pacing error and went out WAY too fast (despite going with a pace group).  I have not been near that time again.  Plus my BQ time has gone to 3:45 and that seems out of reach at this point.  However, at 45, the time goes to 3:55 and that at least seems in the realm of possibility.

As for eating plans, I am not currently logging everything I eat, but I did when I lost weight before.  I am trying to eat cleaner (and less) and see what happens.  If I'm not getting anywhere, I'll start doing the nutrition logging again.  And, like Erica, I'm trying to keep the beer to a minimum (like maybe just when we stop to fill the growler on the way home).  I've just got to say that I think Erica deserves a beer or two with a schedule like hers!

Edited by tribeagle 2012-01-12 7:42 AM
2012-01-11 6:46 PM
in reply to: #3966875

Hopkinton MA
Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open
i've been using to track food & exercise calories for about a year; I lost 25# last year and have kept it off, the last 7-8# aren't going anywhere fast.
2012-01-12 3:41 AM
in reply to: #3966875

Subject: ...
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Edited by chr15 2012-01-12 3:42 AM
2012-01-12 5:00 AM
in reply to: #3966875

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open

Hello everyone, and Mrs. MAV-

My name is Joel, MAV has been training me for the last year or so for triathlons, and training me in life for the last 25 years. I currently reside in Uxbridge MA, and work in Lincoln RI where I swim at CCRI's pool (3$ a day!!) I'm looking forward to this group this season.

I started Triathlons last year and did two sprints (Westboro, and Buzzards Bay). I am signed up for the Mooseman Oly this season, and hope to do 3-4 more this summer.

Welcome everyone, and thanks for the invite Mrs. V

2012-01-12 5:10 AM
in reply to: #3985429

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2012-01-12 6:25 AM
in reply to: #3966875

Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open
Morning guys.  The scale was kind to me today.  I am down 5 pounds since last Tuesday.  Always nice to see results.

Oh, Marianne, I had a total of 503 calories yesterday after we made our little wager.  It helped that I got insanely busy in the afternoon so I had no time to eat or even think about eating.  Gotta love that.  I think I'll do some crunches anyway, I need to.

Not much on tap for today.  I'm not sure if I can run or not, Liam has had a croupy cough for over two weeks w/o any improvement so I am calling the doctor today to see about bringing him in.  If he's home all day I'll ride the trainer, if not I'll run.

Any snow up north?  Only rain down here.  Okay, enough randomness.  Off to get the kids ready for school.
2012-01-12 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3985481

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2012-01-12 3:58 PM
in reply to: #3984562

Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open
TriB4Bride - 2012-01-11 3:53 PM

Got room for more?

Mav I think you were part of a group I was in back around 2010 season and you always left me greats "inspire me"s ( I recognise your picture)

Well this is my second crack at Tris,  First was 2010 and I completed my first Sprint (Sharons Back) and immediately regretted that I had not signed up for more, aside from the run leg of Title 9 where I used my jealousy of all the competitors to put up one of my best (still slow) 5k times. I swore I would do 3 in 2011

I got married a few months later (thus the screename) and was pregnant before I could even believe it was possible. So No 2011 Tris.

So here we go again, but this time with a 6 month old and a husband in the mix

Few months ago I got a saw an ad (on Facebook of all places) for a discounted rate on the DC tri, and I was signed up.  The idea of going by all the monuments seems fun and Ill have plenty of time to take in the sites at my pace :p

Really glad to see everyone else here is juggling a lot and still training, Just what I need!

Welcome to the group!!!!!! Sounds like you have had a whilwind year!!! Good for you for signing up for a tri. Nothing like a race on the horizon to motivate you to train.

Erica juggles more than anyone I know....I am in awe of her organizational skills and Erin is a close second!!!!!!!


2012-01-12 4:00 PM
in reply to: #3985481

Subject: RE: Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group Open

ebshot - 2012-01-12 7:25 AM Morning guys.  The scale was kind to me today.  I am down 5 pounds since last Tuesday.  Always nice to see results.

Oh, Marianne, I had a total of 503 calories yesterday after we made our little wager.  It helped that I got insanely busy in the afternoon so I had no time to eat or even think about eating.  Gotta love that.  I think I'll do some crunches anyway, I need to.

Not much on tap for today.  I'm not sure if I can run or not, Liam has had a croupy cough for over two weeks w/o any improvement so I am calling the doctor today to see about bringing him in.  If he's home all day I'll ride the trainer, if not I'll run.

Any snow up north?  Only rain down here.  Okay, enough randomness.  Off to get the kids ready for school.

OK Erica...GIANT FAIL FOR ME!!!!!! Exteremely stressful night at work....I did great til I got home around 1 am...I ate everything in sight. Here's 50 crunches for you. Probably the only training I am going to get done today.

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