BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kenail's Group - Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-01-09 3:24 PM
in reply to: #4552236

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Shawnee, KS
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN


Are you on Garmin Connect?  I found someone out there with your username "kenail".  I sent a request to connect so that you can view my training info. If so, it seems the interface will offer better information on my training for your feedback as compared to the BT Training Log.

2013-01-09 3:50 PM
in reply to: #4552236

New user

Alexandria, MN
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN

Hoping to join the group!

Name: Bryce Swenson

Story: I'm 30. I have been an athlete for most of my life but last year started running with a purpose and did my first half marathon last April. I got pretty into and ran 3 more halfs as well as a bunch of 10K's. I eventually got a little run down and decided to give the bike a tri. That led to swimming and here we are. I did three sprints last year and a duathlon.

Family: married w/a 1 year old boy

Current Training: I am just about to crank up my running for the Fargo Marathon in May. I am going to sprinkle in a few swim days and a long bike ride when I can. After that I plan on putting together a Tri plan. 

2013 Races: A few sprint tris, Fargo Marathon, few Olympic Distance tris, and then a few HIM. Also a few half marathons as I really like that distance. I want to get signed up for IMWI in 2014 for a longer term goal.

Weightloss:  I am 5'8'' and was closing in on 200 lbs when I started training last year. Now I am in the 170's and during the season last year ran my races around 160-165. Right where I should be I think since I wrestled 141 in college about ten years ago.


2013-01-09 4:56 PM
in reply to: #4569625

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN
Sounds good, Brent. Take your time and build the run slowly. You've got plenty of time!


Brenta0628 - 2013-01-09 9:43 AM

In August there is two triathalons that I was looking at, one sprint and the other one is a sprint/oly.  I hadn't decided.  I am trying to pick up my miles week by week for the 1/2 marathon, but also cross train to build my bike/swim.  I am building up pretty slowly due to my IT issues last year, that pretty much ruined my race season.  Right now I am comfortably running 3.5-4 miles without pain.  I am stretching daily now and starting more core/hip strength training.  Thanks for the tips.


2013-01-09 5:02 PM
in reply to: #4570657

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN
And let's give a big welcome to Bryce! Happy to have you join us and hope we can help answering your questions and with some advice. Looks like you've got big plans for this year and next. Good luck!

And IMWI rocks -- great race!


swenso - 2013-01-09 4:50 PM

Hoping to join the group!

Name: Bryce Swenson

Story: I'm 30. I have been an athlete for most of my life but last year started running with a purpose and did my first half marathon last April. I got pretty into and ran 3 more halfs as well as a bunch of 10K's. I eventually got a little run down and decided to give the bike a tri. That led to swimming and here we are. I did three sprints last year and a duathlon.

Family: married w/a 1 year old boy

Current Training: I am just about to crank up my running for the Fargo Marathon in May. I am going to sprinkle in a few swim days and a long bike ride when I can. After that I plan on putting together a Tri plan. 

2013 Races: A few sprint tris, Fargo Marathon, few Olympic Distance tris, and then a few HIM. Also a few half marathons as I really like that distance. I want to get signed up for IMWI in 2014 for a longer term goal.

Weightloss:  I am 5'8'' and was closing in on 200 lbs when I started training last year. Now I am in the 170's and during the season last year ran my races around 160-165. Right where I should be I think since I wrestled 141 in college about ten years ago.


2013-01-09 8:34 PM
in reply to: #4552236

New user

Alexandria, MN
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN
So I was wondering about thoughts on how much I should include biking and swimming while dong my running program, which is six days a week. I figured I would swim on the days I have an easy run and bike every other weekend in place of my medium length run. Does this sound like a good idea? I will have about two months after the marathon to focus on tri specific workouts, namely more bike time, to get ready for the HIM I will be doing. Does this sound like I can make it work?
2013-01-10 3:45 AM
in reply to: #4552236

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New user

Great Britain
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN

Hi Ken, - Can I join too? 

Name: Ash 

Story: I've recently turned 20, seasoned runner and all round athlete. I have had an injury for the last year but hoping to get the all clear on my tibia tomorrow (Fri 11th) I have a strong interest in all three disciplines, cycling and running being my strongest. I have just got back on the bike after 3 years of solid running but before that cycled road for 5 years from age 11 to 16.

Family: Single / Live with parents

Current Training: Just putting together a training plan, maybe I could send this to you to check once complete? I'm cycling about 35 miles a day atm, to and from work t build the base miles before stopping and heading out on training rides when my plan starts. Riding to work doesn't really fit in. I'm currently riding around 7 hours per week. 

2013 Races: A few standard distance triathlons towards the end of the season depending on the progress with my leg running. 

Weightloss:  I am 5'8'' and 120LBS - no real goals other than to become more lean. 

2013-01-10 9:04 AM
in reply to: #4552236

User image

Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN
I'd love to join this group.

Name: Eric, but 'neuronet' here

Story: I'm 42, and did five or six sprint tris, but then had a bad bike accident (flipped over bars) at the end of 2011, broke both radius bones, three ribs, and something in my hand. I'm now just getting back into training for two sprints this year. Right now ramping up basic endurance (20/20/40 minute swim/run/bike and then plan to do a sprint plan, as that is what all the sprint plans expect you to be able to do). I am presently up to 15/15/15.  Yes, wimpy I know, but moving up each week!

Long-term, my goal is two sprints this year, a sprint and oly next year, and half iron the year after that.

Family: married w/ a 2.5 year old girl.

Current Training: I presently work out in a 3 days on, one day off schedule, one of each sport each of the days, switching between "heavy" and "light" in alternate blocks.

2013 Races:  Two sprints, but not sure which ones yet depends how quickly I ramp up training.

Weightloss:  I am 6' 4", and weigh about 207. I want to weigh 195, but short term I just want to go below 200! Goal is to start eating better breakfast, and smaller more frequent meals that are more healthy than the usual.

Sleep: Sleeping well does wonders for my recovery, mental energy, and general mood. Unfortunately, I am a night owl, which is incompatible with having a 2 1/2 year old, so I am pushing myself to start going to bed by 11pm for a 7am wake up. My natural sleep time is 2am, and I am presently averaging about 1145 pm.

I really hope to learn a lot from everyone here and developing a group of BT-buddies. I especially am working on swim technique right now, even bought that total immersion book!

Edited by neuronet 2013-01-10 9:06 AM
2013-01-10 9:14 AM
in reply to: #4570605

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN
Randy --

Saw the invite and connected with you -- hope it's a useful tool for us to use.


Ranski - 2013-01-09 4:24 PM


Are you on Garmin Connect?  I found someone out there with your username "kenail".  I sent a request to connect so that you can view my training info. If so, it seems the interface will offer better information on my training for your feedback as compared to the BT Training Log.

2013-01-10 9:21 AM
in reply to: #4571011

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN
Bryce --

Good questions. I'll caveat this by saying I don't know what your marathon plan looks like. But I wouldn't ditch the medium-length run for a bike. I've found in my marathon training that the medium-length run was an important part of the training. In many plans, this run is done at a somewhat greater intensity than long runs, often as a "tempo" run, so it helps improve your speed and pushes up your aerobic threshold. I'd suggest swapping out an easy run for a easy-paced, but relatively long bike ride (emphasis on "easy-paced!). I'd add the swim on an easy run day. Two workouts a day is OK, if you're taking the run easy.


swenso - 2013-01-09 9:34 PM

So I was wondering about thoughts on how much I should include biking and swimming while dong my running program, which is six days a week. I figured I would swim on the days I have an easy run and bike every other weekend in place of my medium length run. Does this sound like a good idea? I will have about two months after the marathon to focus on tri specific workouts, namely more bike time, to get ready for the HIM I will be doing. Does this sound like I can make it work?
2013-01-10 9:26 AM
in reply to: #4571629

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN
Eric --

Great to have you on board. I like your long-term focus on your goals. I backpack (primarily on the Appalachian Trail), and there's a saying in backpacking: "Too far, too fast, too soon." I think it applies to triathlon as well. Take your time and build towards each new goal. I hope we can help.

BTW, this goes against a lot of people's conventional wisdom on BT, but I'm not a big fan of the TI swim stuff. Pick up a copy of this book and see what you think:

It's been very helpful to me.


neuronet - 2013-01-10 10:04 AM

I'd love to join this group.

Name: Eric, but 'neuronet' here

Story: I'm 42, and did five or six sprint tris, but then had a bad bike accident (flipped over bars) at the end of 2011, broke both radius bones, three ribs, and something in my hand. I'm now just getting back into training for two sprints this year. Right now ramping up basic endurance (20/20/40 minute swim/run/bike and then plan to do a sprint plan, as that is what all the sprint plans expect you to be able to do). I am presently up to 15/15/15.  Yes, wimpy I know, but moving up each week!

Long-term, my goal is two sprints this year, a sprint and oly next year, and half iron the year after that.

Family: married w/ a 2.5 year old girl.

Current Training: I presently work out in a 3 days on, one day off schedule, one of each sport each of the days, switching between "heavy" and "light" in alternate blocks.

2013 Races:  Two sprints, but not sure which ones yet depends how quickly I ramp up training.

Weightloss:  I am 6' 4", and weigh about 207. I want to weigh 195, but short term I just want to go below 200! Goal is to start eating better breakfast, and smaller more frequent meals that are more healthy than the usual.

Sleep: Sleeping well does wonders for my recovery, mental energy, and general mood. Unfortunately, I am a night owl, which is incompatible with having a 2 1/2 year old, so I am pushing myself to start going to bed by 11pm for a 7am wake up. My natural sleep time is 2am, and I am presently averaging about 1145 pm.

I really hope to learn a lot from everyone here and developing a group of BT-buddies. I especially am working on swim technique right now, even bought that total immersion book!

2013-01-10 9:29 AM
in reply to: #4571288

User image

Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN

Happy to have yo join us. By all means, contact me when you put together a training plan, I'd be happy to check it out. And I want to go on record as saying I'm jealous of your weight. As a 53-year old who's 5' 9" and 165, I can't imagine being that light! ;-)


Advsplash - 2013-01-10 4:45 AM

Hi Ken, - Can I join too? 

Name: Ash 

Story: I've recently turned 20, seasoned runner and all round athlete. I have had an injury for the last year but hoping to get the all clear on my tibia tomorrow (Fri 11th) I have a strong interest in all three disciplines, cycling and running being my strongest. I have just got back on the bike after 3 years of solid running but before that cycled road for 5 years from age 11 to 16.

Family: Single / Live with parents

Current Training: Just putting together a training plan, maybe I could send this to you to check once complete? I'm cycling about 35 miles a day atm, to and from work t build the base miles before stopping and heading out on training rides when my plan starts. Riding to work doesn't really fit in. I'm currently riding around 7 hours per week. 

2013 Races: A few standard distance triathlons towards the end of the season depending on the progress with my leg running. 

Weightloss:  I am 5'8'' and 120LBS - no real goals other than to become more lean. 

2013-01-10 12:38 PM
in reply to: #4571687

User image

Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN

kenail - 2013-01-10 9:26 AM Eric -- Great to have you on board. I like your long-term focus on your goals. I backpack (primarily on the Appalachian Trail), and there's a saying in backpacking: "Too far, too fast, too soon." I think it applies to triathlon as well. Take your time and build towards each new goal. I hope we can help. BTW, this goes against a lot of people's conventional wisdom on BT, but I'm not a big fan of the TI swim stuff. Pick up a copy of this book and see what you think: It's been very helpful to me. Ken

I just ordered it, thanks for the tip. I took a swim technique class and the instructor, Marty Gaal, was fairly critical of TI approaches, as he stressed that a tri swim isn't a leisure swim, but should be intense. Do you think the top three finishers are treating the swim as a relaxing tube-ride down the Rhine?

Thanks for the encouragement. My problem when I bailed on the oly was pushing too fast, thinking it should be easy, so not training enough and doing too much too fast. I am now really making the effort to build up, injury free <fingers crossed> as a lifestyle change.

2013-01-10 12:57 PM
in reply to: #4552236


Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN

Hi Ken - I see you still have room for more members

my info:

Name: Ramiro Rodriguez

Story: I'm 30. On July 2011 I realized I had gained a lot of weight. I was 210 at the time. I started running casually. I signed up for an 8k turkey trot and loved the atmosphere and whole process of racing. A few days later I signed up for my first half marathon which I completed March 2012. I started training for a full marathon. I saw an IM broadcast on TV and signed up for a sprint tri in August. I finished and had a blast. 

Family: married with no kids

Current Training: I've been reading the triathle's bible to try to formulate a training plan for the season. Currently I'm just running 3 times during the week 4 miles each time and a long run of 8 miles on the weekend. I'm biking on the trainer 40 minutes 3 times a week. Hopefully next week I'll be able to get in the pool. For this season I plan to run the same Half Marathon I did last year. With 3 Sprints and 2 Olys and hopefully do the Georgia HIM. I want to do a full ironman in 2014.

Weight: Currently I am at 185. I would like my normal weight to be 160.

2013-01-10 3:34 PM
in reply to: #4572249

New user

Alexandria, MN
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN
Hey Ramiro, I'm reading the same book and just about to get to putting a program together. Let me know what you come up with, I think it would be interesting.
2013-01-10 7:00 PM
in reply to: #4552236


Western Isles, Scotland
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN

Hi Ken, is there space for 1 more?

Name: Chris Plum

Story: I'm a 26 year old adult, 5ft 10" & 180 pounds who has been running & cycling for the last 10 years but nothing serious.  The plan is to complete my first Iron Man in September, wish me luck & much stubborness :-)

Family Status: Single, living with my mother.

Current Training: ??????Although i may train 4 - 5 times, totaling 8 - 10 hours a week, runs may be up to 10 or 15k, cycles maybe 10 - 25 miles.  Managing roughly twice a week in the pool, 800m to 1k but this is new for me.  I feel that i need to start increasing my distance but am weary of getting of causing myself injury or over training.

Edited by Plummers86 2013-01-10 7:14 PM
2013-01-11 3:44 AM
in reply to: #4571700

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New user

Great Britain
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN
kenail - 2013-01-11 3:29 AM Ash, Happy to have yo join us. By all means, contact me when you put together a training plan, I'd be happy to check it out. And I want to go on record as saying I'm jealous of your weight. As a 53-year old who's 5' 9" and 165, I can't imagine being that light! ;-) Ken
Advsplash - 2013-01-10 4:45 AM

Hi Ken, - Can I join too? 

Name: Ash 

Story: I've recently turned 20, seasoned runner and all round athlete. I have had an injury for the last year but hoping to get the all clear on my tibia tomorrow (Fri 11th) I have a strong interest in all three disciplines, cycling and running being my strongest. I have just got back on the bike after 3 years of solid running but before that cycled road for 5 years from age 11 to 16.

Family: Single / Live with parents

Current Training: Just putting together a training plan, maybe I could send this to you to check once complete? I'm cycling about 35 miles a day atm, to and from work t build the base miles before stopping and heading out on training rides when my plan starts. Riding to work doesn't really fit in. I'm currently riding around 7 hours per week. 

2013 Races: A few standard distance triathlons towards the end of the season depending on the progress with my leg running. 

Weightloss:  I am 5'8'' and 120LBS - no real goals other than to become more lean. 


Thanks Ken, I appreciate your help! 

I have noted that fact  


Here's to a successful year

2013-01-11 8:14 AM
in reply to: #4552236

User image

Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - Closed
Looks like we've got a good bunch. I'm going to close the group to anyone else.

2013-01-11 8:16 AM
in reply to: #4572249

User image

Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN
Great to have you Ramiro! Looks like you have a busy season planned. Let me know if I can offer any suggestions on how to structure your training going forward.


micronix - 2013-01-10 1:57 PM

Hi Ken - I see you still have room for more members

my info:

Name: Ramiro Rodriguez

Story: I'm 30. On July 2011 I realized I had gained a lot of weight. I was 210 at the time. I started running casually. I signed up for an 8k turkey trot and loved the atmosphere and whole process of racing. A few days later I signed up for my first half marathon which I completed March 2012. I started training for a full marathon. I saw an IM broadcast on TV and signed up for a sprint tri in August. I finished and had a blast. 

Family: married with no kids

Current Training: I've been reading the triathle's bible to try to formulate a training plan for the season. Currently I'm just running 3 times during the week 4 miles each time and a long run of 8 miles on the weekend. I'm biking on the trainer 40 minutes 3 times a week. Hopefully next week I'll be able to get in the pool. For this season I plan to run the same Half Marathon I did last year. With 3 Sprints and 2 Olys and hopefully do the Georgia HIM. I want to do a full ironman in 2014.

Weight: Currently I am at 185. I would like my normal weight to be 160.

2013-01-11 8:27 AM
in reply to: #4573048

User image

Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN
And welcome to you too, Chris!

You've got a big goal in front of you, but it's certainly an attainable one! My one piece of advice at this point would be to start extending your bike distance and mileage. Without a doubt, being able to handle the bike in the IM is key to a successful race, whatever your level. I don't know where you live and how practical it is to get out on the bike, but try to get on it at least 3x a week -- twice during the week and once on the weekend. Make the weekend your long ride and gradually increase the distance by no more than 10% each time, riding at a relaxed pace. The total mileage of your weekday rides shouldn't exceed the long ride.

For example, if you ride 20 miles on the weekend, do two 10 mile rides during the week. The next week, do 22 on the weekend and two 11 mile rides per week. Keep doing that until you're up to a 50-mile weekend ride and two 25 mile rides. If you start at 20 miles for your long ride, you'll reach that goal by April. Keep these rides easy -- you're building base endurance now, the other stuff can wait.

Then you'll be ready to start thinking about specific Ironman training! You'll have 4 months to go and a good bike distance base.


Plummers86 - 2013-01-10 8:00 PM

Hi Ken, is there space for 1 more?

Name: Chris Plum

Story: I'm a 26 year old adult, 5ft 10" & 180 pounds who has been running & cycling for the last 10 years but nothing serious.  The plan is to complete my first Iron Man in September, wish me luck & much stubborness :-)

Family Status: Single, living with my mother.

Current Training: ??????Although i may train 4 - 5 times, totaling 8 - 10 hours a week, runs may be up to 10 or 15k, cycles maybe 10 - 25 miles.  Managing roughly twice a week in the pool, 800m to 1k but this is new for me.  I feel that i need to start increasing my distance but am weary of getting of causing myself injury or over training.

2013-01-11 11:21 AM
in reply to: #4573575


Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN
Thanks Kenail,I went swimming today and it wasn't too hard coming back to the pool. I swam 1200 yards. I was proud that I this was also the first workout where I did all flip turns.
2013-01-11 12:39 PM
in reply to: #4552236


Western Isles, Scotland
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN

Thanks Ken,

Thankyou very much for accepting me into this group, of which this group looks to be coming together as a very experienced, diverse group.  Just think what we'll be like at the end!

I've got to say I was a little unsure about doing this myself but looking at some of the training plans out there, time is not one of the aspects i percieve to be an issue, providing i maintain the training.  Two area's i would like to work on would be my knee and back muscles.  My  right Knee, on the outside below kneecap, seems to be giving me issues on longer road runs.  My back just seems to be weak, not actually painful during the training but afterwards.  Being new to this i'm unsure if it is actually weakness, technique or warm ups/downs.

My weght I'd aspire towards 140 but also wonder could I strength train while also out pounding/riding/swimming.  With 9 months to go I thought it possible without over loading myself.  

2013-01-11 1:28 PM
in reply to: #4552236

User image

Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN

Did a "long" run for me last night: 17 minutes of jogging and 13 minutes of walking. I know this isn't a lot, but for me this is the most I've jogged since my bike accident.

Exciting for me, as I am near my short-term goal (at least for the run). When I hit this goal, this will trigger a sprint training program (once I can jog 20, swim 20, and bike 40 minutes (individually, not all together), I start the sprint program: this is all Phase One of my evil plan to do a half iron in two years.

Good news is no back pain, and negligible achilles pain! This is very encouraging. Must be sure to stretch, do calf raises, do core exercises go keep back and achilles in check. Scheduled day off, so must be sure to be diligent, so easy to do no stretching or anything on my day off.

So far so good. Smile

Off today, but plan to bike on roller tomorrow (11 minutes, as when I went from 10 to 15 my achilles said "Hey screw you" the next day, so will increment even more slowly...grr), and 14 minute swim on Sunday.

My sleep goal met too: went to bed at 1130 last night, which was my goal time! Getting closer to my 11pm goal time. Tonight goal is 1125. Let's go baby, inching backwards to being a responsible adult! Do I want my 2 year old daughter's laughter at 715 am to bring me joy or tiredness-induced impatience? One key is to do nothing stressful for at least an hour before my scheduled bed time. No doing stuff for work past 1025 tonight.

Edited by neuronet 2013-01-11 2:04 PM
2013-01-11 1:44 PM
in reply to: #4566661


Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN
thanks Ken, first I've heard of periodization - I'll have to figure out a productive way to work this process into my training plan to bridge the next 5 months to get to the 1/2 IM.  Very helpful!
2013-01-12 11:35 AM
in reply to: #4552236

User image

Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN

Thanks to the suggestion to our mentor Ken, for the book Swim Speed Secrets for Swimmers and Triathletes (by Sheila Taormina). I read the first couple of chapters closely, and skimmed the whole book last night. It resonates well with what I learned at the swimming clinic I went to (Marty Gaal's Powerstroke swim clinic) which focused almost exclusively on the stroke (high elbow catch and all that). In this book she opens with a great set of quotes from an early world-record holder, that goes directly against the recent obsession with lowering resistance and swimming through the smallest possible tube you can imagine to make yourself small (she basically tears total immersion a new one without calling it that). I like that she makes heavy use of the amazing book 'Swimming Fastest' which is my favorite book on swimming.

The math at the beginning? She could do a better job with it, but I will probably save that for a separate post in the main forum, where I compare the mathematics she uses, and the mathematics used by Laughlin (Total Immersion), in their respective books, to justify their approach.

I will definitely use the exercises and such in the book, and mix it with the other sources I have that focus on the stroke. As she points out, it really isn't that hard to get aerodynamic in the water. What is hard, and takes a lot more work, is getting that powerful elbow-high stroke shared by all the fastest swimmers (even those that had horrible "form" otherwise).

Edited by neuronet 2013-01-12 11:38 AM
2013-01-14 9:04 AM
in reply to: #4573896

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: kenail's Group - OPEN
Great job!

Funny how much the subject of flip turns will come up in triathlete forums (usually along the lines of "Flip turns -- who needs 'em!" I like to think of flip turns as being a great opportunity to work on my streamlining and core strength -- sort of like doing a short yoga pose 100 to 150 times in a workout. And being used to holding your breath under water is a good skill to have as a triathlete, particularly in a mass start swim, like in an IM -- believe me, you'll get pushed under a few times! :-)


micronix - 2013-01-11 12:21 PM

Thanks Kenail,I went swimming today and it wasn't too hard coming back to the pool. I swam 1200 yards. I was proud that I this was also the first workout where I did all flip turns.
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