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2013-01-16 2:58 PM
in reply to: #4581380

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TMG73 - 2013-01-16 1:42 PM

Hello to all!! I want in!!!!! I can post a BIO ASAP as I am currently at work!!


2013-01-16 8:58 PM
in reply to: #4552962


Dynamic lower body weight training today. DB Squat jumps, bulg split squats, stiff leg DL's, calf raises, 30 minute interval stationary bike. Hope everyone's training is going well!
2013-01-17 12:13 AM
in reply to: #4552962

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Redding, CA

Welcome to the group Jim, Jim, Josh, and Travis.

I had a great swim workout yesterday. I usually do a couple of 50 yard or 100 yard warm ups and then do 100s or 200s until I reach 900 to 1000 yards. Yesterday I did a 100 warmup and then a 1000 yards continuous then a 300 and a 100 cool down. 1500 yards total.

2013-01-17 1:44 AM
in reply to: #4552962

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Had a very long day yesterday. It started at 4:15 am, with my two year-old demanding milk and a new diaper (he rarely wakes up like this in the middle of the night). Since I was then fully awake, I decided to do a 10k run. Bid my lovely wife goodbye as she left for an overnight work trip, went to work, and got in a nice 1500m swim at lunch. When I got home I was on solo dad duty, but then (foolishly) took advantage of the empty house to have some buddies over for drinks after I got our son to bed. Ended up staying up way too late and having a few too many drinks. 4 hours later the alarm was going off. The combination of lack of sleep and ramped up workouts yesterday has me totally drained today. I'm happy I have a day off (training, not work) today before my HIM plan begins this weekend.

I think this might be my last hurrah until after I complete my HIM. It was so much easier to do this kind of thing 10 years ago

2013-01-17 2:26 AM
in reply to: #4552962


Is there any resource be it book, video Etc that anyone would recommend for swimming technique? How did you all master your stroke?
2013-01-17 3:40 AM
in reply to: #4552962

New user

Airdrie, Scotland

Greetings from Scotland!

Would love to be a member of this group. Seems to be some knowledgeable people here.

I'm coming back to tri after virtually a year off. I did a couple of sprints and a standard in 2011. 2012 was not by best year fitnesswise. I'd describe myself as a recovering fat person. I'm at work at the moment so I'll provide more details later.

2013-01-17 7:07 AM
in reply to: #4582093


Taught myself, which worked out OK, but took a long time. I'd recommend lessons, if you can afford them.

I've read Total Immersion (Terry Laughlin), which is a ground-up approach, really good for people just learning or with weak technique. There are lots of TI clinics around the world. I haven't taken one, but lots of people like them. Search "Total Immersion" on Youtube to see some examples of the technique.

You can learn a lot watching online videos of Michael Phelps (or anyone else) swimming underwater.

I used to hang out at goswim a lot when I was learning. Now the site pushes a lot of product, but it looks like you could still learn some stuff there.

Biggest challenge is patience. It's hard to learn to swim well, as the experience is totally foreign to everyday life. You're in a different medium - one that requires you to plan your breathing - positioned in a different manner - horizontal - using different muscles - back and arms - to propel yourself. But you can do it and get better - thousands (millions?) do every year.

2013-01-17 10:06 AM
in reply to: #4581498

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Boulder, Colorado

BIO UPDATE! Lets do this!!

NAME: Travis

39 yrs old. Always been active. Played various varisty sports and started this journey while racing mountain bikes with friends in college (1993). Well in 2005, I picked up road cycling. Lost some weight and really found a passion for staying healthy. Started running in 2009 (off and on) and really like it. Just relocated to Seattle from Florida (crazy, I know) and found this area to be so active for multisport athletes. This last thanksgiving (2012) while watching the IM championships, I decided I wanted to be an IRONMAN! So I signed up for the Lake Stevens 70.3!!!! Here I am!

FAMILY STATUS: Divorced with 12 yr old Daughter.

JOB:  Sales! Hate it and currently job searching!

CURRENT TRAINING: Swim 3-4x week, Bike 1-2x week, Run 3-4x week


WEIGHT LOSS: Last year Jan 2012 I weighed 182. This morning 165!

Edited by TMG73 2013-01-17 10:10 AM
2013-01-17 10:07 AM
in reply to: #4582099

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Clairaig - 2013-01-17 3:40 AM

Greetings from Scotland!

Would love to be a member of this group. Seems to be some knowledgeable people here.

I'm coming back to tri after virtually a year off. I did a couple of sprints and a standard in 2011. 2012 was not by best year fitnesswise. I'd describe myself as a recovering fat person. I'm at work at the moment so I'll provide more details later.

Welcome!  Post a bio and we'll be all set!  I think I may close the group off after this one.  

2013-01-17 10:08 AM
in reply to: #4582093

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Extreme Veteran

jrg_715 - 2013-01-17 2:26 AM Is there any resource be it book, video Etc that anyone would recommend for swimming technique? How did you all master your stroke?

check out the total immersion series of videos and books at totalimmersion.netas well as

2013-01-17 10:13 AM
in reply to: #4582093

New user

Boulder, Colorado

jrg_715 - 2013-01-17 2:26 AM Is there any resource be it book, video Etc that anyone would recommend for swimming technique? How did you all master your stroke?


I am new to swimming! Just started around Thanksgiving. I dont want to start up any sort of Battle of what works best but after looking into Total Immersion, I also found SWIM SMOOTH! I have learned a great deal from this site and the animation (MR. SMOOTH) is awesome to watch!! Just check it out!


Edited by TMG73 2013-01-17 10:15 AM

2013-01-17 11:20 AM
in reply to: #4552962

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Redding, CA

I used the Total Immersion videos and book to teach myself freestyle swimming in 2011. I went from back of pack 2:20/100 yards in my first tri to a  middle of the pack swimmer at the races I did in 2012. I averaged 1:44/100 yards at the 4 sprints I did last year.

I've heard very good things about Swim Smooth and I know many like it a lot, but for me Total Immersion worked well. I don't really follow the drills anymore. Now I just go to the pool and swim.


2013-01-17 11:53 AM
in reply to: #4552962

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NAME: Laura/lalusp

STORY: I was a soccer player in high school and college. When I went to grad school I pretty much gave up working out all together. I then found group fitness classes and got back into the gym and found spinning to be my favorite. I had always dreamed of doing a tri, but never acted on it. My sister (amazing!) was going overseas and gave me her road bike. I road it once! Then my husband got a job and we moved to AZ. AZ just seems to be full to the brim with triathletes. So the urge to tri (haha, get it?) one came back. And then I got pregnant! After the baby, I was feeling pretty low body image wise, and decided to get back into the gym. Around June 2012, I decided no time is better and made a goal to complete a tri before my baby turned 1. So I signed up for an Olympic (I figured, why not go all out if I am going to train for it?). I finished my first ever RACE (I have never done any racing, not even a 5k before my tri) on Sept 23. I have never felt so accomplished or proud of myself. I had the HUGEST smile on my face when I crossed that finish line. I knew immediately that this was the sport for me. So I signed up for a HIM!  

FAMILY STATUS: Married to a marathon runner. Have a 3 1/2 year old and a 15 month old! And one very lazy dog!

CURRENT TRAINING: I work out 6-7 days a week. I go to the gym every weekday with my kids, so I am limited to what I can do there. I generally swim 2-3 times a week, and spin 2 times a week. I go for a long bike ride outdoors once a week and (used to) run once a week outdoors. I also used to run 2-6 miles on the treadmill (2 times a week); however, I sprained my ankle before Thanksgiving and reinjured it last week, so my running is VERY lacking right now. I am still swimming, biking and strength training until I feel it is strong enough to get back out there. I guess I am really worried about the run portion right now!


THIS YEAR'S RACES: First race ever = Nathan Olympic Tri in Sept.

2013 RACES:  St. George HIM early May. I plan to do an Oly in mid April.

WEIGHTLOSS: As a consequence of training for my Oly, I lost about 20 pounds of baby weight! Since then I have dropped about 5 more and am finally back to my pre-first baby weight! But I could afford to lose another 10-15 pounds. I am not focused on it, I think it will come off as I increase the mileage biking and running.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD GROUP MEMBER:  I have a lot of questions! I am a total newbie and want to get as much info as I can! I am particularly interested in getting as much bike knowledge as I can, as I love to ride, but probably know nothing about it! I just learned how to change a tire (it takes me like 30-45 minutes...pathetic, I know!)


2013-01-17 12:24 PM
in reply to: #4582725

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Extreme Veteran
Welcome Laura!  I have some friends doing St. George.  They say it will be a beast of a race.
2013-01-17 12:41 PM
in reply to: #4552962

New user


Hi folks.

well this is an interesting and inspiring group.  I don't know if you're still taking members, but if so, maybe you will let me in.....that is if i am not too old!  For some of you i could be your dad!

name: Petertri/Peter

Story:  I am 56 and was a competitive swimmer in my University years (before many of you were born). Married a long distance runner and took up running in my 30's and 40's.  I generally took care of my health and kept a work out log.  In mid career i really let things slip.  there are all kinds of excuses:  kids; work etc; but now i am basically where i was when i was  a younger lad.  My kids have left home to build thier own lives and althought i am still holding down a stressful and demanding job (Crimnal lawyer) i have some time to train and a need to train.  My beaugiful 24 year old daughter started training for an iron man competition here in Canada, and i began looking at the olympic tri as a means to an end. getting back into the game and getting fitter than i was this time last year. I can use all the advice i can get.  and by the way, my wife of 27 years is still the fittest woman i know.

Family Status:  mariried with grown kids (one still at home in University)

Current Training: trying the 20 training guide for the olympic triaathelon.

this years races:  living on the east coast of the great white north, the first race could be June of this year.


2013-01-17 2:19 PM
in reply to: #4582817

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Extreme Veteran
Great!  Welcome!  And with that I will be closing this group.  Happy training!

2013-01-17 2:38 PM
in reply to: #4552962

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NAME: Ron 

STORY: Last July I was on a call ( I am a firefighter) and we were air lifting a patient out to a Cardiac Center when one of the flight nurses who I have known for 20 years asked if was retiring soon. He looked down at my belly and patted it wow that hit me hard I said I have 20 years in and 5 to go. I know Steve was only joking but that day may have saved my life. I went back to the station and did not tell my crew what happened. It was just before lunch and we were watching The Price is Right and I commented on how good Drew Carrey looked and my medic said we started running and lost weight and even ran a 1/2 marathon. I asked my medic if he could train me to do a 1/2 marathon? He was an avid runner and excited to help me. I told my crew that day I was going stop cutting my hair ( 20 years buzzed head) stop drinking alcohol (I loved BEER and RUM) and run the Disney 1/2 Marathon in Jan 2013. To my surprise all of my crew said they would run it with me! All my family and friends were shocked but were great encouragement along the way. Training was hard and a couple mounts in my knee was killing me. Tom (my medic) said to cross train on a bike to strengthen my legs and that I did and 2 weeks later no pain. Early November I encouraged my wife and son to run a Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving Day and we all had a blast. We did a 5k run in December also at Sea World Orlando. I enjoyed running and biking so much I said when I finish the 1/2 marathon I want to do a Triathlon. January 12, 2013 myself and my crew (5 of us) completed the Disney 1/2 Marathon we all felt amazing! I signed up this past weekend for a BT gold membership and start training next Monday for my first triathlon. I love to learn about this multi-sport and will do whatever training is required to succeed. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married 12 years, one son Riley age 10

CURRENT TRAINING: Coming off my 1/2 marathon training and will start Monday 21st with a 3,3,3, intermediate triathlon training

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Cocoa Beach Sprint Triathlon April 14, Motivation Man Olympic Triathlon June 2nd, hopefully Disneyland 1/2 Marathon Sept 1st, Mount Dora 1/2 Marathon Dec.

2012 RACES: Turkey Trot 5k Cocoa Beach Nov, Reindeer Run 5k Sea World Orlando Dec, Mount Dora 1/2 Marathon Dec (used as training run)


WEIGHTLOSS: In July 2012 I weighed 256 pounds at the start of the Disney 1/2 Marathon 206 pounds. Fifty pounds went fast and I know I will never see it again!

2013-01-17 2:51 PM
in reply to: #4552962

New user

Airdrie, Scotland

NAME : Tony Marlow

STORY : In my early fifties now, I played football ( soccer ) at school and into my twenties. I don't have a sports background though as many triathletes do.  Marriage and kids resulted in vitually no exercise for years although I did the Glasgow Marathon in 1983. In 2009 I lost 49lbs through swimming and cycling. I thought I had bad knees but when my Brother-in-Law suggested I might get away with running after the weight loss I decided to get back into running and did a few 10K's. I completed some tris in 2011 but 2012 was a bad year. Lost my mojo, put on some weight and ended up with gout!

FAMILY STATUS : Just Anne and me at home now but I am so proud of my two Grandsons aged eight months and twenty three months

RECENT RACES : 2011 saw two sprint and a standard tri done. I completed four 10Ks in 2012 once I got started again with my best time being 54 mins.

2013 races : Signed up for a half marathon in Edinburgh in April. Planning a couple of sprint tris in early summer building up to a Standard Triathlon at the end of July. There is also a Middle Distance in August on my mind but we will see how the summer goes before I commit to that one.

WEIGHTLOSS : After the bout of gout I lost some weight and for what it's worth I'm now in the "normal" range for bmi - just! Losing 10lbs or so would really help.

INJURY : At time of writing I'm nursing a calf strain. I felt if first last Sunday while on a 8 mile run in the snow. Easing back gently into exercise again. Don't want to loose too much.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD GROUP MEMBER : I find fitness and nuitrition interesting subjects and am keen to learn more. I'm in touch with a couple of personal trainers so it will be interesting to discuss their ideas from a triathlon perspective.

2013-01-17 3:18 PM
in reply to: #4552962

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Did swim speed work today, supposed to be 2200m, but only made it 2000m. My shoulder was a bit tender so I cut out the last 2x100 RPE 7-8.

So here it is, the first of the advice I need. I am currently not running. At all. With my recent ankle sprain, I just can't get the miles in. I am supposed to be at 60 minutes for the long run of the week already. I figure I have at least 2 more weeks before I can get back to running, and I certainly won't be able to start at 60 min. To be honest, I have never run further than 8 miles in my life. And I am training for the half. Am I going to be able to make it? How can I adjust my training plan to still get up to the mileage I need to reach running if I can't start until the earliest 13 or 14 weeks out from the race? 


2013-01-17 4:34 PM
in reply to: #4552962

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Ocala, FL
Ron, I'm pretty sure I saw you at Disney.  I was waiting to cross the course where you ran through EPCOT transportation right before you enter the park to meet my wife (her day to run) and I saw a group of you guys in the black shirts with the reflective trim.  Totally forgot the Dept name, lol.  Great job!!
2013-01-17 5:01 PM
in reply to: #4552962

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Wilmington NC

Finally got my training logs uploaded.  Not happy when I look at the times.  I was hoping to be faster running right now. Could be the10 pounds from the holidays that I am carrying around.  The weather has been great here, ran at5:30 am and it was in the 60's, left work at 5 pm and it was in the 50's and raining- winter is back unfortunately.  Looks like we have a good group of people now. LET'S DO THIS!!!


2013-01-17 5:16 PM
in reply to: #4583144

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Extreme Veteran
lalusp - 2013-01-17 3:18 PM

Did swim speed work today, supposed to be 2200m, but only made it 2000m. My shoulder was a bit tender so I cut out the last 2x100 RPE 7-8.

So here it is, the first of the advice I need. I am currently not running. At all. With my recent ankle sprain, I just can't get the miles in. I am supposed to be at 60 minutes for the long run of the week already. I figure I have at least 2 more weeks before I can get back to running, and I certainly won't be able to start at 60 min. To be honest, I have never run further than 8 miles in my life. And I am training for the half. Am I going to be able to make it? How can I adjust my training plan to still get up to the mileage I need to reach running if I can't start until the earliest 13 or 14 weeks out from the race? 


Laura, it would help if we could access your training logs on BT.  Are they up to date?

Tackling HIM without ever running 13.1 might force you into a walk run strategy.  Have you considered using walk/run during your race?  I would start running NOW and at least get the frequency in.  Don't focus so much on distance until you can get a couple of base  weeks in where you're focusing on just getting out there and getting some time in.  The body will adapt quite well with the frequency and then you can start ramping up the mileage.

2013-01-17 8:03 PM
in reply to: #4552962

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I am working on the training logs. I just joined a couple days ago, so all I have up there are the 2 swims I did on Tues and Thurs. I did strength training yesterday due to a conflict in my normal schedule (usually spin on Wed). I physically can't run right now because of the ankle, still too sore. I am hoping another week or two off will give me enough rest to get back to the pavement! I plan to start out with just short runs, 1-3 miles the first week, going out 3 times a week and seeing how that feels on the ankle.
2013-01-17 9:38 PM
in reply to: #4583327

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That's wild we were the only group of firefighters that had black and yellow custom shirts that I saw all weekend. Did you do the full than on Sunday after you wife ran? Tom on our team ran the Goofy and I went back Sunday to cheer him on and watch him come in. Our whole team has decided to do the Goofy next year so I will have to make some new shirts for that race. Our department is Osceola County not an easy name to remember. 
2013-01-18 1:16 AM
in reply to: #4583572

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lalusp - 2013-01-17 8:03 PM I am working on the training logs. I just joined a couple days ago, so all I have up there are the 2 swims I did on Tues and Thurs. I did strength training yesterday due to a conflict in my normal schedule (usually spin on Wed). I physically can't run right now because of the ankle, still too sore. I am hoping another week or two off will give me enough rest to get back to the pavement! I plan to start out with just short runs, 1-3 miles the first week, going out 3 times a week and seeing how that feels on the ankle.

Laura, my advice is to make sure your ankle is completely healed before you start running again. It will be much worse for you in the long run (no pun intended) if you are 100% healthy before you start ramping up the miles than if you just bear through and aggravate your injury (which may not really manifest itself until much later in your training, when it's too late to adjust and you have to drop out of your race.) If you are worried about losing too much running fitness, the best thing to do is water-jogging. It's perhaps the most boring fitness known to man, but it is a low-impact way to mimic the specific muscle movements of running. If you can't do water jogging, the eliptical is probably the next best option, but it is not the same as running. Either way, this early in the season you want to be sure you are injury free, or it will be a long year.

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