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2014-06-23 9:08 AM
in reply to: carriecook

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Subject: RE: Battle of Waterloo 2014...It's Back!!!
I've got a spreadsheet set up to try to figure out an estimated finish time, too. I've put what I hope are conservative numbers in for pace. There are still a few wildcards out there for me though...

Not sure how much additional drag carrying my shoes will create/slow down my swim
Heat - I don't do well in heat and expect to be out on this course at high noon
Hills - where I live is pancake flat - even rolling hills will be a big deal for me
Transitions - 9 of them! - don't want to underestimate all the time this will take.

2014-06-23 11:55 AM
in reply to: carriecook

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Subject: RE: Battle of Waterloo 2014...It's Back!!!
One more question... the cutoff times are given for legs 6 and 8. Is it safe to assume that those are the times to begin legs 6 and 8 or do you think it's to finish them? Normally I would say finish, but in this case legs 5 and 7 are the swim legs and those are the ones I'd think would enforce a cutoff time for the water safety crew to have a hard stop.

If the cutoffs are to finish legs 5 and 7 then I should be OK - if it's to finish legs 6 and 8 then I might be in trouble.
2014-06-23 2:35 PM
in reply to: carriecook

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Extreme Veteran
Grosse Pointe Woods
Subject: RE: Battle of Waterloo 2014...It's Back!!!
Originally posted by carriecook

One more question... the cutoff times are given for legs 6 and 8. Is it safe to assume that those are the times to begin legs 6 and 8 or do you think it's to finish them? Normally I would say finish, but in this case legs 5 and 7 are the swim legs and those are the ones I'd think would enforce a cutoff time for the water safety crew to have a hard stop.

If the cutoffs are to finish legs 5 and 7 then I should be OK - if it's to finish legs 6 and 8 then I might be in trouble.

I would assume its to finish 5 & 7. I would contact Epic @ [email protected] via email with your questions & concerns. I have in the past and Eva and the rest of the folks there have been very quick to respond and very helpful and positive as well.
2014-06-24 1:54 PM
in reply to: AeroBaldness

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Subject: RE: Battle of Waterloo 2014...It's Back!!!
Thanks for the contact info. I did send an email and Eva replied right back. It is indeed to finish legs 5 and 7. Furthermore she said they have never pulled anyone off any course and that the cutoff times are really intended to prevent 8+ hour finishers from registering - not to prevent someone who is capable of finishing under/around the posted cutoff time from finishing the race.

Man, am I breathing easier now.
2014-06-30 11:36 AM
in reply to: carriecook

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Subject: RE: Battle of Waterloo 2014...It's Back!!!
OK, I'm back with another question, this time about carrying shoes on the swim. Did you have any significant chafing issues with having the ziploc bag up the back of your tri top during the swim?

I tried this out for ~10 minutes in my pool at home yesterday. I found the shoes kept pushing up to the top of my tri top, between my shoulder blades, and were getting pushed back and forth some as I swam. I'm going to go out to the lake tomorrow to try a longer swim to see how I fare, but just wondering if you've done it already how you made out? Originally when I pictured doing this I thought I'd have the shoes on the small of my back where they'd be more stationary. Going to have to give this some thought.
2014-06-30 3:02 PM
in reply to: carriecook

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Extreme Veteran
Grosse Pointe Woods
Subject: RE: Battle of Waterloo 2014...It's Back!!!
Originally posted by carriecook

OK, I'm back with another question, this time about carrying shoes on the swim. Did you have any significant chafing issues with having the ziploc bag up the back of your tri top during the swim?

I tried this out for ~10 minutes in my pool at home yesterday. I found the shoes kept pushing up to the top of my tri top, between my shoulder blades, and were getting pushed back and forth some as I swam. I'm going to go out to the lake tomorrow to try a longer swim to see how I fare, but just wondering if you've done it already how you made out? Originally when I pictured doing this I thought I'd have the shoes on the small of my back where they'd be more stationary. Going to have to give this some thought.

Not from the bag or the shoes, but I did have to Glide my arm pits quite a bit as having the shoes in the tri suit did bind there. How are you putting the shoes in the suit? I did mine soles down, toes pointed forward. It does ride up the back and trying to get as much air out of the bag helps. Its still annoying, especially on the last swim, but to me was way more comfortable than towing a dry bag or just tucking the shoes in the tri shorts. Another trick of sorts to get the shoes to stay in place, try putting them in the tri top with the top's zipper down. The put in the shoes and zip the top up. This seemed to get things as tight as possible.

Rereading my post makes me seem nuts that I'd even want to try an event where this is even necessary

2014-07-05 9:28 PM
in reply to: AeroBaldness

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Subject: RE: Battle of Waterloo 2014...It's Back!!!
Same as you, I did toes pointing up to my neck and soles flat on my back.

Went out to the beach on Tuesday and there were whitecaps on the water (Lake Erie) - definitely not swimmable. Went back today and it was the same!! Strong wind blowing in from the lake. I don't think the water was rough enough to keep me out once last summer and this year I'm 0 for 2! So today I went to the YMCA and swam in my tri suit with my shoes tucked up my shirt there. The lifeguards think I am a nut, I'm sure. But I didn't find that the ziploc chafed at all (though I'll probably still use glide on race day) and my shoes stayed dry for a mile long swim (though I may double bag on race day, just in case). I found the shoes gave me a buoyant lift in the water too, which was nice. The only part of the swim they seemed to interfere with was doing turns. They also prevented me from rolling a bit but I know I don't roll as much as I should when I swim anyway so this won't likely hurt me too much.
2014-07-06 5:16 AM
in reply to: carriecook

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Extreme Veteran
Grosse Pointe Woods
Subject: RE: Battle of Waterloo 2014...It's Back!!!
Originally posted by carriecook

Same as you, I did toes pointing up to my neck and soles flat on my back.

Went out to the beach on Tuesday and there were whitecaps on the water (Lake Erie) - definitely not swimmable. Went back today and it was the same!! Strong wind blowing in from the lake. I don't think the water was rough enough to keep me out once last summer and this year I'm 0 for 2! So today I went to the YMCA and swam in my tri suit with my shoes tucked up my shirt there. The lifeguards think I am a nut, I'm sure. But I didn't find that the ziploc chafed at all (though I'll probably still use glide on race day) and my shoes stayed dry for a mile long swim (though I may double bag on race day, just in case). I found the shoes gave me a buoyant lift in the water too, which was nice. The only part of the swim they seemed to interfere with was doing turns. They also prevented me from rolling a bit but I know I don't roll as much as I should when I swim anyway so this won't likely hurt me too much.

Good news, no turns to worry about on any of the swims. Each are basically a straight shot. Last year, they had to make the 2nd swim and out and back due to weeds, but I doubt this will be the case this year. And, if it is, you can leave your shoes on shore for this swim.
2014-07-06 1:08 PM
in reply to: AeroBaldness

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Subject: RE: Battle of Waterloo 2014...It's Back!!!
Yep, turns should not be a problem!

Another bit of good news (well, for me anyway!) - went back today to look at the cutoff times and I see that they have increased them. Not sure what the intermediate cutoff changes are, but they seem substantial. The overall cutoff has been extended by 30 minutes to 6:15. It still sounds like they don't plan to pull anyone off course but this gives me a much more comfortable feeling that I will be an 'official' finisher!
2014-07-20 3:02 PM
in reply to: #5013872

Subject: RE: Battle of Waterloo 2014...It's Back!!!
So how did it go?!
2014-07-20 7:31 PM
in reply to: Spartypants

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Subject: RE: Battle of Waterloo 2014...It's Back!!!
That was the most fun race ever, hands down. I have never done more than a sprint before so I am pretty beat up right now… honestly wondering whether I will ever do another long course event! But it was a great time and just a really fun adventure. I loved the fact that even though there was ~14 miles of running, it was broken up by the swim. The first and last lakes were lovely; the swim through the lily pads was kind of horrifying but I guess that was part of the adventure, right? I used the ziploc bag method to keep my shoes dry and it worked perfectly. On the second lake (with the lily pads) I guess I didn't stuff it far up the back of my shirt enough and it popped out mid-swim, and I couldn't get it back in while treading water. I tried putting it up the front, but that didn't work, so then I kind of used it as a kick board to get through the lily pads while I side stroked. That actually worked pretty well. I made sure I had it secure up my back on the last swim though, because I wouldn't have wanted to swim like that over that distance.

We totally lucked out with the weather - yesterday was pouring and in a couple days it's supposed to hit 95F. Today was just mild and pleasant. The weather wasn't too hot, the lakes weren't too cold.

Wondering about numbers though - there were 82 registered and only 61 on the finishers list. Were there that many no-shows, or were there a bunch of DNFs? I heard one person cut their foot pretty badly but otherwise didn't see any carnage.

I finished in 5:18 so I beat both the original cutoff and the revised cutoff, which was enough to make me happy!

2014-07-21 6:58 AM
in reply to: carriecook

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Extreme Veteran
Grosse Pointe Woods
Subject: RE: Battle of Waterloo 2014...It's Back!!!
By far the hardest of the three I've done. I think it was tied to the Mill Lake swim. In 2011, they cut a path through the lily pads. In 2012, they changed the swim to an out and back because the pads and weeds were so thick. This year, we had to just plow though them and the extra kick needed wrecked my legs. I cramped like crazy for the rest of the race. During the last swim, I was just dragging my locked thighs through the water with zero kick. Amazingly, they had the PERFECT volunteers as we exited the final swim. These ladies were awesome, motherly would be the best way to capture it, and their incredible attention (and affirmation that just about everyone was suffering from cramps) was what I needed to trudge on.

This was the slowest of the three I've done too and was 14 minutes slower than 2012. However, the male overall winner was 45 minutes slower than the 2012 winner, so I am guessing the conditions slowed everyone. About the numbers, I'd guess there were probably 10 to 15 DNFs with the few others no shows.

Enough whining, its was and is still an amazing event. The swims were like glass and the trails were in awesome shape too. I never noticed it in prior years, but the run from Mill Lake to Crooked Lake offer some amazing views. And, the bike course was in very good shape considering the miserable winter we had. Great group of competitors too. This event has always had a different vibe with a very supportive group of racers. Finally, a top three all time medal, and a pint glass for an AG winning spot were all part of great swag (fantastic shirt too).
2014-07-21 11:25 AM
in reply to: AeroBaldness

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Subject: RE: Battle of Waterloo 2014...It's Back!!!
Great race yesterday and it WAS tougher than 2012. Besides being dragged underwater by lily pads, we also ran some longer trails both before and after Mill Lake. Not a huge difference but slightly longer than the routes shown in the course descriptions.

I think the leg cramps are just part of the deal with this format - something about going from bike to swim to run (and swim to run twice more). I thought I was just undertrained last time, but I got them in all the same spots (both in my legs and on the course) this time around.

Congrats Carrie on your race. I heard your name at the finish and saw you run down an unsuspecting competitor at the line!
2014-07-21 12:18 PM
in reply to: Jay-Z

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Subject: RE: Battle of Waterloo 2014...It's Back!!!
In hindsight I'm thinking that may have been bad form. Oh well. Live and learn!!
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