General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2014-06-18 12:15 AM
in reply to: EKH

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Originally posted by EKH

Re: my toe I've bought a hallux rigidus insole to wear in my walking around shoes. I tried to run in them but it has a carbon plate and is just to stiff for me to run in. Also, all my longer runs I've been running in Hoka's which have a rocker sole on them which seems to take a lot of the pressure off. So far I've been running 5 days a week (not very many miles) with very limited pain. The good thing is I'm a pretty decent runner and can normally run pretty good splits even with limited training. So my plan is to run when I can and try and focus on biking and swimming. I'm not planning on getting surgery anytime in the near future hopefully never.

My nutrient plan for the race is the one I used last year and it seemed to work. I took a GU every 30min on the bike and drank water no sports drink. On the run I ended up taking 2 more GU's plus some gatoraide. So I ended up taking in 500 calories on the bike and 200 calories in GU plus some sports drink on the run. Although I'm just doing the half not sure I would stick with this plan if I was doing the full.

The big question I'm kicking around is what to do when I have to go through the aid station and pick up water. I will carry 24oz in my aero drink holder and another 24oz on my down tube but I will need 1 more bottle to finish the bike leg. Last year I had a pretty good wreck in the aid station getting a bottle of water. When I grabbed the bottle on the fly it was soaking wet and ended up slipping out of my hand while attempting to put it in the down tube and caused me to wreck. I ended up getting a flat tire out of the deal and tons of road rash on my elbow and hip. It ended up costing 10min in the race. I know it was a fluke and probably wont happen again but I'm a little gun shy. Not sure if I just need to pull over and get a bottle, try and carry enough with me that I don't have to stop, or just suck it up and face my fear and take it on they fly like I have done in the past.

Well sounds like the only thing I would add is to be very cautious this summer with the run, as you plan. Pushing a tad too much can jeopardize the whole race. Again, very sorry to hear about the toe. Can you compare the Hoka shoe to the newtons? I need a new pair and I am partial to the Newtons, but have seen the Hoka and talked to a guy about them...

Nutrition: glad you can make it on that. No way I could. I am about 350-400 on the bike alone/ hr sometimes. I am experimenting more this summer, so I will be dialed in for sure.

As for the aid station riddle. I saw the pic on your profile, yeah, you left some DNA on the course for sure! Been there and done that too many times in road racing. Two things come to mind: Tri bikes are less stable and some volunteers mean well of course, but have never handed up water. depending on how you will use the water bottle would determine my plan. For me, in my 70.3 I just tossed my least fav bottle on the ground and replaced it with theirs (bottle cage is clear and ready this way). I also slow unless a mtb race. That is my typical MO. I will likely do the same this go round. I am curious as to the size of the bottles they will use. If awkward size, I guess I will collect the bottle and stop on the side - never worth the crash ( in hindsight, easy to say that). That's my plan though.

2014-06-18 12:31 AM
in reply to: mwfosler

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Matt, Matt, Matt....

I could share my weekly stuff, but it may not mean much to you. I actually need to input my last couple of weeks (I document stuff manually first,, then drop in data to this website for other reasons).

I will share this link. This is a very basic trng plan that will ensure you finish. That is better than sharing my data from last week. This is not my plan I am following, but this is a good one. I have found the simpler to read and plan, the more likely I will do the work and follow. Structure and consistency are the two principles I recommend. You work that plan for a few weeks and like it, I will share the one I am actually using. Similar, but a little more detail and intensity.

Last week went something like this - 13 hours of work (120 miles on the bike, about 8000m in pool and 20 miles running ). That is not exact, but close. Also, I do very little interval work. None on the bike yet, but a touch running (1x/wk). As for hills, I heard the rollers are really tame, nothing like Windhaven hill west of the Tri Shop. More critical is heat acclimation for the run - one hot run each week and practice running a touch after most rides.

For open water - there is an open water 'challenge swim' on July 13 at Little Elm. they have 3 different distances (750m, 1500m and 4km). You might want to 'jump in' to that event for some good practice. I will be there for the practice as well.

Be wary of info overload. set your weekly plan, DO the plan, plan your rest and stay healthy. The only group rides I would do in your area are the ones the Tri Shop does on Saturday morning (ask Stearns about them). RBM rides are for roadies and good, but not for us right now.

Hope this helps.
2014-06-18 3:15 PM
in reply to: Todd13

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Garland, Texas
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Todd and EKH,

Thank you for your input on the Redman bike course and training information. The weekly goals I am looking at are close to the training plan you showed.

I will have to look into the open water swim that you talked about on July 13th, but it sounds like something that would be beneficial. When I trained for the half ironman a couple years ago I did Sunday morning open water swims in Little Elm with Tri-Now coach Frank. I will look into starting those again next month.

The bike routes I ride along are part of the RBM rides, but I try to stay away from their groups as riding by myself allows be to get used to the arrow position.

- Matt
2014-06-19 9:03 AM
in reply to: Todd13

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
I've never ran in Newtons so I can't compare the two. I've put about 250-300 miles on a pair of Hoka Bondi 2's and really like them. Even though they aren't a light shoe (a little over 11oz) they don't seem heavy or clunky when running in them. The only thing I don't like about them is the soles seem to wear out much quicker than a normal shoe. The soles are already showing a ton of wear on them when normally shoes for me aren't showing much wear after 250-300miles. I'm really kicking around the idea of running Redman in them this year. I also ordered a pair of Hoka Rapa Nui 2's and ran about 10 miles in them and absolutely hated them and sent them back. Hoka does have a new shoe coming out in July called the Huaka which are suppose to be under 10oz and appear to have a lot of cushioning like Hoka's are known for. I may have to give them a try as well.

I don't know if you guys have a facebook account? I don't but use my wife's to check in on the Redman facebook page. When it gets closer to the race there is a ton of good info being shared on it such as water levels, water temp, road conditions, etc. here is the address

2014-06-19 12:06 PM
in reply to: EKH

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

I did Redman in 2013 and it is a great course! It is a little mind numbing running 4 loops on the run though, so prepare for that.


The swim is great and the bike course can be rough in some spots, hopefully they will have fixed the roads. Do not worry about "hills" at all.


My one advice is that if you are going to be running in the dark, remember a headlight because some portions of the run are not well lit and that makes it tough to run in the grass.


I wil be back in 2015 God willing!


2014-06-24 8:52 AM
in reply to: jford2309

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Just got done making my reservations at the Country Inn and Suites. I got a 1 bedroom suite for $86 plus tax. That is hard to beat! I've stayed there the last two years and the 1 bedroom suite is nice it has a separate room so I can go to bed earlier and the family can stay up in the living room without bothering me. Works out great if you have a family.

How is everybody's training going?

2014-06-24 12:15 PM
in reply to: EKH

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Originally posted by EKH

Just got done making my reservations at the Country Inn and Suites. I got a 1 bedroom suite for $86 plus tax. That is hard to beat! I've stayed there the last two years and the 1 bedroom suite is nice it has a separate room so I can go to bed earlier and the family can stay up in the living room without bothering me. Works out great if you have a family.

How is everybody's training going?

The one on NW Expressway? Or the one near airport on north side?

training? I don't need no stinking training! Seriously, getting in about 10-12 hrs / wk spread over 2-3 swims, 2-3 bikes and 3 runs. Really feel a need for some weight trng (core and shoulders), but don't seem to find the time
2014-06-24 1:58 PM
in reply to: Todd13

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Country Inn and Suites
13501 Memorial Park Dr
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73120
Local Number: 405-286-3555
2014-06-24 4:56 PM
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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Originally posted by Todd13

Originally posted by EKH

Just got done making my reservations at the Country Inn and Suites. I got a 1 bedroom suite for $86 plus tax. That is hard to beat! I've stayed there the last two years and the 1 bedroom suite is nice it has a separate room so I can go to bed earlier and the family can stay up in the living room without bothering me. Works out great if you have a family.

How is everybody's training going?

The one on NW Expressway? Or the one near airport on north side?

training? I don't need no stinking training! Seriously, getting in about 10-12 hrs / wk spread over 2-3 swims, 2-3 bikes and 3 runs. Really feel a need for some weight trng (core and shoulders), but don't seem to find the time

Sounds like you are getting in a good workload with 10-12 hours and your still about 3 months out. IMO I wouldn't worry about strength training until after the race.

You getting comfortable in aero yet?

Edited by EKH 2014-06-24 4:57 PM
2014-06-24 9:14 PM
in reply to: EKH

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
thanks for the contact info - will make rsv tomorrow.

Yeah, I have tinkered with elbow pad locations and can now ride 3-4 hours without issue. Definitely comfy. I think it was just weak neck/shoulder muscles. Swimming workouts going well too. Will miss a few days next week due to travelling, but all is good.

You easing back into it?
2014-06-25 7:05 AM
in reply to: EKH

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but make sure to bring a flashlight or headlamp if you will be on the run course after dusk. It's absolutely pitch black out there, no lights except at aid stations and those lights don't illuminate any farther than the area right around the aid station.

It will start getting dark around 7:30 that time of year in OK, so unless you're planning on a 12/sub-12 day, I'd bring a light.

2014-06-25 12:23 PM
in reply to: thedallasceliac

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Thanks for headlight info - I guess I will just have to change my whole training schedule and go sub 11 hours; no biggie. Bwahahahaha. I wish things were so easy. I will pack a little headlamp - I have one. I did check the moon data (11% visible - waning; ie: no real help).

I do have more questions if anyone can help and I know things change so the details could be different this year, but here it goes...

1. water bottles on the bike: are they the thin bottles you buy by the case? I imagine so. In MTB races, I have been given actual cycling water bottles so I want to plan accordingly. screw on lids or the pop-top like Ozarka has?
2. water stations: are they about every 10 miles or stretched out farther apart?
3. changing tent: do they have one? I think I want to change into running shorts. I don't think I am setting any land speed records so a couple of minutes will be worth it to me.
4. tracking devices: did I read somewhere that your family can track your progress electronically or was that in a different race somewhere else?

2014-06-25 12:52 PM
in reply to: Todd13

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Originally posted by Todd13

Thanks for headlight info - I guess I will just have to change my whole training schedule and go sub 11 hours; no biggie. Bwahahahaha. I wish things were so easy. I will pack a little headlamp - I have one. I did check the moon data (11% visible - waning; ie: no real help).

I do have more questions if anyone can help and I know things change so the details could be different this year, but here it goes...

1. water bottles on the bike: are they the thin bottles you buy by the case? I imagine so. In MTB races, I have been given actual cycling water bottles so I want to plan accordingly. screw on lids or the pop-top like Ozarka has?
2. water stations: are they about every 10 miles or stretched out farther apart?
3. changing tent: do they have one? I think I want to change into running shorts. I don't think I am setting any land speed records so a couple of minutes will be worth it to me.
4. tracking devices: did I read somewhere that your family can track your progress electronically or was that in a different race somewhere else?


1. The last two years the water bottles have been Ozarka sports bottle with the pop top. They yank the tops off before handing them out at the aid stations. So there is no closing the bottle which isn't a problem if you are putting them on your down or seat tube but could be a problem if you are putting them between your aero bars.

2, Aid stations on the bike are about 10 miles apart although I think there is an aid station within the first few miles of the start of the bike. I'm pretty sure the aid station close to the start is where you special needs bag will be stored so you will hit that aid station the second time at mid point of the bike leg. There is an aid station every mile on the run.

3. Yes there is a changing tent.

4. Not sure on the tracking device. I'm pretty sure there is because last year people kept talking about it on the facebook page but I never looked into it.

Hope this helped.
2014-06-25 12:56 PM
in reply to: EKH

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

Yes I'm easing back into running. It is going pretty good so far. My foot started hurting a little bit this week so I've ran a couple of times on the treadmill at very slow pace. The thing that helps me with the running on the TM is I can set it at a slow pace but when I run outside I have trouble holding a recovery pace run. I end up losing focus and I'll look down at my watch and I will be running about 1min a mile faster than I planned on.
2014-06-25 3:37 PM
in reply to: EKH

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Garland, Texas
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
My training has been going well. I did 11 hours last week with a long swim of 2500 yards (1 hr) and a bike of 82 miles (5 hours). I need to focus on the shorter workouts during the week, but I will get there.

I am attempting my first century ride on Saturday during the Cow Creek Country Classic. I have 8 hours to finish so I will just be taking it easy and enjoy a fully supported ride. My wife decided that on Sunday we will complete a sprint triathlon for my birthday, so I get a chance to finish my first sprint tri ever. Nothing like setting 2 PR's in one weekend. It should be a fun packed weekend.

Thank you for providing information on the hotels in the area. I will look at getting one booked shortly.

2014-06-25 3:48 PM
in reply to: mwfosler

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread

Good luck on the century ride and sprint tri.

You said the century is fully supported and it is nice to have nutrient at the aid stations, but doing a century is also a great time to work on your nutrient for the race. It might be a good time to take your own nutrient and see how it plays out over a 100 mile ride. Just an idea. Either way have fun!

2014-06-25 11:29 PM
in reply to: EKH

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Matt -

What a great week of work - BEASTMODE! Yes, good luck on your upcoming events. Emile is right, that century is a great opport. to work on stuff for Redman - nutrition, salt tabs or Enduralites, favorite socks, tri shorts, etc.

Have fun and post up. Cool that your wife is involved. My wife rides some and has done some tri's also. Very cool.

2014-06-27 1:03 PM
in reply to: EKH

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Garland, Texas
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Thank you for the recommendation to use the supported century ride as a chance to test out my nutrition plan. I will carry homemade energy bars and shot blocks that I need for the ride and plan on using the aid stations for water and gaterade only.

After this weekend I will update my profile picture to show the bike.

My wife did the HIM with me a couple years ago, but she enjoys running much more than swimming or biking, so she focuses on her marathons.

- Matt
2014-06-30 3:23 PM
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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Just giving everybody heads up that today is the last day for the cheapest rates. I just signed up.

Matt - How did the century go?

12 weeks to Redman!

Edited by EKH 2014-06-30 3:42 PM
2014-06-30 5:12 PM
in reply to: EKH

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Garland, Texas
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
EKH - The century went great! I was not exactly sure what to expect with so many people starting at once, but after about 10 miles I was able to stay in the aero position the rest of the ride. The weather was great with the temperature reaching 88 by the time I finished and the sun stayed behind the clouds most of the ride. The wind was either a head or cross wind from mile 10 to 70 which slowed the the middle of the ride down a little, but I made up some good ground the last 30 miles with a tail wind

I ended up finishing the 102 mile ride in 6:12 including the 6 stops to refill the water bottles. My actual time on the bike was 5:59, so I met my lofty (for me) 6 hour target of riding time. I drank really well on the bike consuming a 32 oz bottle of either water or Gatorade each hour. I learned that I need to add a pouch on either the downtube or on the aero bars to hold my food after I pull it out of my jersey pocket. I had trouble opening the Ziploc bags and once I opened them I had a full energy bar that I was hanging on to. I would rather learn that now than in 12 weeks (thanks for the countdown). I felt strong at the end, maybe it was the tail wind, but I felt as thought I could run for a little while if I had to.

The sprint tri on Sunday went really well. It was 150 yard swim, 10 mile bike, and 3.1 miles. I do not know my official splits or overall time yet (I forgot my watch, my bike computer wasn't working, and the race has not publicized the overall times yet (not an officially timed race so they do not have the splits)). During T2 I lost a minute as I had to fix my wife's bike because her chain came off when she mounted the bike and she didn't know how to put it back on. I think during the transport from Saturday and Sunday her derailleur got bumped. I felt strong on the run kept a good pace. I think my time is around 1:05, but not for sure.

My weekly numbers are shown below. I am going to celebrate the July 4th holiday with a low volume week to recover from a busy weekend.
Total - 10 hours
Bike - 8.5 hours
Run - 1 hour
Swim - 0.5 hours

- Matt
2014-07-01 12:23 PM
in reply to: mwfosler

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Matt - Awesome job on the century and sprint! It always feels really good to finish a long ride strong. Sounds like you need a bento box to put on your top tube to put your nutrient in. I normally don't use energy bars on rides but when I do I usually cut them up in small bit size pieces in put them in a bento box so I can just easily grab a bite size piece when I need one.

Todd - How long does your masters swimming class usually last? How many yards to you guys typically do in a workout? There is a masters swim class about 45min from house and I have kicked around attending it once a week during the summer while I'm off work. It's just a long ways so not sure it would be worth my time or not. I now all masters classes are different but just trying to get an idea.

Last weeks totals:
Swim: 2hrs 16min
Bike: 5hrs 47min
Run: 2hrs 53 min

Total: 10hrs 56min

2014-07-02 8:17 AM
in reply to: EKH

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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Todd you were asking about athlete tracking on race day. Somebody asked the exact same question on the Redman Facebook page. This was the response from the race director.

David Wood
We do arrange for a tracking system via our timing company. We will post a tracking link on the home page of the site and the spectators page

2014-07-04 3:42 PM
in reply to: EKH


, Oklahoma
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Hello Everyone!! My name is Justin and I just registered for the Half Tri last month. It took me a while to do it, but I finally did it. This will be my first Tri and I'm pretty excited. For training I've mostly been focusing on the swim. Yesterday I completed a 1750 yd swim in 40 minutes. It was my longest swim so far ever and it was at an indoor pool. My only bike training has been on a trainer at the gyms where I'm at. I've been averaging about 18 miles on the hills option on the trainer. I'm not at home and I don't have an actual bike to ride on, but will be home soon. So I can get that going. I guess I can say I'm pretty experienced at running, I've ran 5 half marathons and 1 full marathon within the past year. I just want to finish! Looking forward to this new experience!!
2014-07-05 10:25 PM
in reply to: #4937467

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Justin - congrats on joining the adventures! I never get bored with triathlons.
Matt- great progress, really tremendous century ride and you are a good man for doing the tri with your wife
Emile - masters swim avg's about 2400-2800 m and thanks for tracking info. Been out - father died 2 weeks ago. We weren't close, but still a lot to deal with and some travel.

My trng is rusty, but don't worry about me - I suffered through a century ride yesterday and designed 'fatigue run' of 9 miles this morning. I am not sure that was smart ( I was following advice of my trng partner ). I think I will do my own research on those. LARGE week planned this week with a 4km Open Water Swim (OWS) swim planned for Sunday.

My unsolicited tip for the week: count your cadence on the run and target 163-170 steps per minute. it's all about efficiency - I make adjustments everytime my cadence is below 165 and on faster runs I run 167+ or I adjust.
2014-07-10 8:36 AM
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Subject: RE: Redman Full Distance Triathlon : Official Thread
Justin you picked a great race for your first tri. Are you following a training plan for the race?

Todd sorry to hear about your dad. How did the 4k ows go? Starting next week I plan on doing 1 ows a week.

I ran a 5k on the 4th of July. I haven't been running much and I really pushed it through the race and my legs have felt trashed all week. So this week has been tough between my legs feeling awful and having to drive my youngest son 2hour round trip Sun-Wed to wrestling camp has made training challenging.

I have never counted my cadence while running. I will have to try it this week and see where my cadence falls.

Edited by EKH 2014-07-10 8:37 AM
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2009-09-21 11:56 AM rayd
date : July 14, 2009
author : scoobysdad
comments : 0
Excerpts from the full-length movie of three BT'ers following their dreams to Ironman. Meet BT'er tripletmom01
date : November 20, 2007
author : mikericci
comments : 0
Executing this full Ironman plan for 17 weeks would give people with one Ironman under their belts very good preparation for a 2nd and 3rd. Preferably, you should have a 6:30 or faster HIM time.
date : July 10, 2007
author : Ontherun
comments : 0
Having three seasons under my belt I thought I knew what I was doing. That all changed with a few new challenges and a bunch of new friends.
date : July 30, 2006
comments : 0
If a heart patient can do these things, then so can those of you who haven't been split open like a fish and sewn back together.
date : June 4, 2006
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 2
I was not an official; I simply observed the race and the officials doing their thing. Here is what I saw:
date : October 30, 2005
author : mikericci
comments : 0
This program should be used for an athlete who has been following the progression of the Half Iron Distance program and is 12 weeks out from their first Iron distance race.
date : October 26, 2005
author : mikericci
comments : 0
This Intermediate 20 week plan is a quick ramp up in overall volume, but with 20 weeks to train only, it is a gradual and safe approach because of the alternating weeks of the long run/bike.
date : April 3, 2005
author : sherrick
comments : 19
This training plan is written to prepare you for your first Ironman. While just a beginner’s plan, the hours per week start at a significant 8 hours.