Other Resources My Cup of Joe » Cat Saves Boy from Dog Attack. Rss Feed  
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2014-05-16 3:58 PM
in reply to: BrianRunsPhilly

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Sunny Southern Cal
Subject: RE: Cat Saves Boy from Dog Attack.

Originally posted by BrianRunsPhilly

Originally posted by SevenZulu


So not only did the cat save the boy, but it looks like it's going to put him through college, too!  And all our cat does is destroy curtains and crap in the dining room.  It ain't fair, I'm telling you.  It ain't fair.

Must be you. My cats usually have dinner prepared and the house cleaned by the time I get home.

What you don't realize is that your cats have secretly hired a maid whom they let in after their poker parties while you are working.  Haven't you noticed the faint smell of cigar smoke occasionally?

2014-05-16 4:59 PM
in reply to: Kido

New user
Key West
Subject: RE: Cat Saves Boy from Dog Attack.
Originally posted by Kido

I would love to hear from an animal expert what instinctual thing kicked in with the cat.  Protective of the child?  Protective of their "territory"?  Self protection?  I would have figured a cat would have run unless some other bigger intuition kicked in.

I am not a Cat Expert in any official licensed sort of way, but have had cats (and all types of furry pets) all of my life and now live with FOUR. (Yes, crazy cat lady). My recently departed #1 kitty (who incidentally I rescued as a Kitten in Ukraine) was like a dog in a lot of ways (greeting me at the door, coming when called, liking to play rough but never scratching). In any event, last year I had a neighbor's pit bull that got through a slat in the fence and broke through my back screen door and tried to get one of my other cats. My Ukrainian stud of a cat went after him. If I hadn't been there I am sure the Pit would have won that fight, but my cat was not going to run. We live in Florida and he definitely believed in standing his ground.

Anyway, despite what some might say, I firmly believe after 60 years of living with cats and dogs that many of them will protect those they are attached to and, of course, protect their territory. I can tell you that if that cat had self-protection on their mind, you wouldn't have seen them in the video. When my 3 other cats saw the pit bull, they made a beeline inside the house through the cat door. Only Zen, my super stud, came out after him.

Some breeds too are more like that than others. Zen was a Siberian. Glad this kitty was there for that little boy and his mom. Sad that the owners of the dog did not control and probably did not train or treat him properly.
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