BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open Rss Feed  
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2014-05-17 7:08 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Sweet ride Alex!

Im riding an old clunker hand me down from a Tri Friend!
If its Free its for me!
I will upgrade mid season or at seasons end.
Just really need to tighten up the budget and find out what type/kind of bike I should ride.

2014-05-18 2:39 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Sandi - Glad to have you. Every year, I take a trip to experience beer in a different city. I'm looking forward to the day of getting to the west coast and drinking beers at lot of BDAAS members have been talking about. The one I dream of most is Deshutes - which Kevin, a fellow BDASSer is a big fan of (you'll meet him soon enough). Let us know how we can help you master the open water swim. We've alll been there - it does get better!

We visited Deschutes about six weeks ago...great food too! Right now I have the Deschutes Red Chair NWPA in the fridge, it's my new favorite to have at home.

On the open water swim...the distance doesn't bother me, nor does the open water portion of it, and since I'll be doing the try-a-tri I'm not too panicked about the crowd. My biggest issue is the temperature (of this particular mountain lake), in a way that I don't think a wetsuit will address, although I'm going to try some on and intend to buy one soon. I've actually trained previously for a 1.5 mile open water swim in this lake, in fact two years in a row, and have backed out each time simply because although I can GET IN the lake, and swim around, when I put my face in the water to actually get going, the cold takes my breath away. It's like I've never swum a lap in my life. I think it's really a conditioning/experience thing, but my ability to acclimate myself to it is minimal as the lake is hours away (and is only warm enough to practice in for a couple of months out of the year, beginning right around the time of the triathlon). I don't know if anyone has advice around this? A wetsuit won't really help my experience of putting my face in the very cold water, will it?

With that said, the distance isn't too far. I figure worst case scenario I spend three times longer than necessary doing a breast stroke, I just really hate to do this. I'm way too competitive and know I can be right up there in times if I can get over this. We ARE going to be traveling a month before the tri, and an hour away is a lake I intend to practice in several times. And I'm planning on getting there a few days early and doing the swim portion two days before the actual event, so I can get a practice swim in. I'm hoping this gives me enough preparation that I'll be able to handle the experience.

The other dilemma I have is the bike. I recently bought a hybrid bike, which is really ideal for my lifestyle and the type of recreational biking I'll tend to do. It's what I've been training with, and I'm feeling confident that the distance won't be a problem at all. However, as you'd expect, speed is definitely a problem with the hybrid. I just don't see how I can average much over 14 mph with it. My original plan had just been to train with what I've got and if I decide to really get into triathlons, then invest in a more appropriate bike. Practical. The competitive side of me hates this. :-) I look at last year's results....I know I can do the swim distance in 10 minutes, I can run a 5K in 28 minutes, so I just hate to take an hour for the darned bike portion. Someone keep reminding me it's my first event and to chill out, ok?

On a refreshing note, yesterday I discovered that it is exactly a 13 mile round distance trip from the 192 Brewery/Lake Trail taproom to Red Hook Brewery. Quite convenient training distance with a good parking spot at either end!!!!

2014-05-18 7:37 PM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by sandishr


Sandi - Glad to have you. Every year, I take a trip to experience beer in a different city. I'm looking forward to the day of getting to the west coast and drinking beers at lot of BDAAS members have been talking about. The one I dream of most is Deshutes - which Kevin, a fellow BDASSer is a big fan of (you'll meet him soon enough). Let us know how we can help you master the open water swim. We've alll been there - it does get better!

We visited Deschutes about six weeks ago...great food too! Right now I have the Deschutes Red Chair NWPA in the fridge, it's my new favorite to have at home.

On the open water swim...the distance doesn't bother me, nor does the open water portion of it, and since I'll be doing the try-a-tri I'm not too panicked about the crowd. My biggest issue is the temperature (of this particular mountain lake), in a way that I don't think a wetsuit will address, although I'm going to try some on and intend to buy one soon. I've actually trained previously for a 1.5 mile open water swim in this lake, in fact two years in a row, and have backed out each time simply because although I can GET IN the lake, and swim around, when I put my face in the water to actually get going, the cold takes my breath away. It's like I've never swum a lap in my life. I think it's really a conditioning/experience thing, but my ability to acclimate myself to it is minimal as the lake is hours away (and is only warm enough to practice in for a couple of months out of the year, beginning right around the time of the triathlon). I don't know if anyone has advice around this? A wetsuit won't really help my experience of putting my face in the very cold water, will it?

On a refreshing note, yesterday I discovered that it is exactly a 13 mile round distance trip from the 192 Brewery/Lake Trail taproom to Red Hook Brewery. Quite convenient training distance with a good parking spot at either end!!!!


Sandi - I totally know where you are coming from. Every year, I do a race in May here in MA. The water temp is usually between 50 and 55 degrees and I have had the exact same trouble. Everytime you put your face in the water - you have to suppress the reflex to breath. But last week, someone gave me some great advice to get over this and it worked last week during my swim. Prior to the race - don't put on the top of your wet suit (don't put your arms in) until you go for a pre race dip. The wetsuit will warm you up and make the difference between your body temp and the water more drastic which will increase the breathing reflex and the oh my god I'm going to dye feeling. So with 15 minutes before the pre race meeting - go for a warm up swim but spend serious time with your face under the water. Eventually - your skin will get numb and it will deaden the reflex. (It blew me away how well it worked.) Then when you get out - take the top of the suit off again until right before you head in for the swim. If you are doing a wave start by age group - be the first person in line so you have as much time as possible to acclimatize to the water. It made all the difference!

As for the bike ride - I've been there too. It's frustrating - but it will make you love your new bike all the more.

I love Red Hook. If I lived 13 miles from red hook - I'd set the record for most consecutive days running a HM!


Edited by Qua17 2014-05-18 7:39 PM
2014-05-18 7:53 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
I am beyond thrilled! Ecstatic in fact! After all the crap I have been through with my hip - today's ride made up for it. I rode 50+ miles with the guy I've been training with - and I felt great the entire ride. I chose a hilly route to really test myself with two weeks to go before the HIM and I had tons of power on the hills. They were still tough - but I didn't feel quite as fatigued when I got to the top and as a result - I flew down them. I feel like part of the change is that I am really getting my nutrition locked in!

After 35 mkiles, I stopped and grabbed a coke. I think you suggested that Charles and it was awesome. 5 minutes after I finish drinking it - I was hitting speeds close to 20! Oh, I'm going to have to do that again!

When I got home Four hours later - I could have ridden another hour - which bodes well for the HIM in two weeks. Next week, I want to bike to our local mountain 30 miles away. I figure if I can make it up that beast - I will be in the perfect frame of mond for the race.

To celebrate - the fam went out to dinner and I split a prime rib with my son. Even with that - I finished the day a thousand calories under for the day. Boom.

2014-05-18 8:35 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
So it's Sunday and I usually post a goal sheet at the beginning of the week that everyone can write down their goals for the week on. The benefit of doing so is: 1) By writing the goal, you are basically making a promise to yourself and the group that you are going to do your best to make the goal a reality by the end of the week. 2) It lets us know what you are working on so we can cheer you on here in the forum and also by leaving you an inspire on your training log.

To add your goal to the list - just click on the quote button, write your initials, and jot down your goals. It's a simple as that. If you have any thoughts on how I can make the goal page work better, please don't hesitate to let me know. Good luck. Hope everyone has a great week.

2014-05-18 8:37 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Goals for the Week 5/19/14

DQ - 1) Pack for Rev3, 2) Practice transitions, 3) Create a plan for rev3, 4) Ice everyday, 5) Lose 2 pounds

2014-05-18 11:06 PM
in reply to: 0

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
NAME: Cynthia

STORY: I have been doing tri's since 2009. Mostly sprints with a few OLYs in for good measure. I used to be way fat...think Rosie O'Donell...and now not so much but could stand to lose another 20. This is the last year of my forties and I guess I was not specific enough when I stated it had to be epic. Oh its been epic alright, but mostly epic fails! I mastered the art of starting over in 2013. I may lack mental toughness when it comes to pushing it unless push comes to shove...then bring it! My goals are usually to race with a pleasant face and find something good in everything.

FAMILY: Married to Mr. Wonderful...we hit 30 years this July...ha! and they all shook their heads and said it wouldn't last! Not even kidding here...his best friend, on our wedding day, tried to get me to leave Chris at he alter! Well we eloped there was not really an alter but you know... We have three adult daughters that have used our front door as a revolving door. Right now our eldest and our 5 year old grandson live with us. Oh and you will get sick of hearing about the grandson...sorry...but he is so fling flanging cute!

CURRENT TRAINING: I decided to use the intermediate sprint plan because it will meet my needs and challenge me in the area of speed. I am molasses slow.

THIS YEARS RACES: I did the HITTS OLY in Napa, CA as my first race this year. I was really unsure if I could finish because of lack of training. I survived and have signed up for 3 more this summer. I did a sprint last weekend and had a blast. Met a newbie and she kinda became a stage 5 clinger but I was honored to be able to help someone on their first tri!

2014 RACES: A Sacramento area tri club has Tri for Real series that I will do this summer. I paid and everything for three OLYs...maybe a half this fall...just maybe

WEIGHT LOSS: I was at 235 years ago and lost 70lbs by making small changes. I haven't lost any weight since I started triathlons but I have gained muscles. Which I lost 10 lbs of muscle earlier this year from a horrible infection in my chest/lungs. Got the muscle back due to yoga...aahhh hot yoga...didn't think it would be for me but it is awweeesssooomee! I would love to see how I race at 145lbs, 140 or even 138..

BEER PREFERENCES: I like wine but these guys let me hang out on the site anyway and that is pretty cool. This group is great and it has been a privilege to be a part of this mentor group. Favorite breweries are Great Basin, Reno NV; Caldera , Ashland WA; and Stone Brewing Co., San Diego,Ca. Chocolate Coconut Stout is my all time fav out of Caldera. And in high school I loved Lowenbrau; hey I had some standards.

Edited by SportzVision 2014-05-18 11:10 PM
2014-05-18 11:15 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Burd

Well she is finally done and home. Now I just need some deep rims A guys can dream can't he. I went with full Force. Glad I upgraded to the TT900 carbon shifters and brake levers. Really feels nice. On that note I need to break her in. I promised my son the first ride would be with him.

Yeah, yeah, Alex the bike is great but hey buddy what you got there in the background... looks like a tasty beverage or two?
2014-05-18 11:16 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Qua17

Goals for the Week 5/19/14

DQ - 1) Pack for Rev3, 2) Practice transitions, 3) Create a plan for rev3, 4) Ice everyday, 5) Lose 2 pounds

Alex - 1) swim 2x, bike 3x, run 3x, stength 3x. 2) Eat more with better choices 3) Stretch and roll 2x a day everyday

ETA: Don't copy this one! Cynthia and I posted at the same time and hers is shinier than mine. Gonna add mine to hers.

Edited by Burd 2014-05-18 11:22 PM
2014-05-18 11:18 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Qua17

Goals for the Week 5/19/14

DQ - 1) Pack for Rev3, 2) Practice transitions, 3) Create a plan for rev3, 4) Ice everyday, 5) Lose 2 pounds

Cynthia's goals for the week:
1) pack a lunch everyday
2) eat every three hours
3) follow the training plan and include yoga 2x per week
2014-05-18 11:22 PM
in reply to: SportzVision

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by SportzVision

Originally posted by Qua17

Goals for the Week 5/19/14

DQ - 1) Pack for Rev3, 2) Practice transitions, 3) Create a plan for rev3, 4) Ice everyday, 5) Lose 2 pounds

Cynthia's goals for the week:
1) pack a lunch everyday
2) eat every three hours
3) follow the training plan and include yoga 2x per week

Alex - 1) swim 2x, bike 3x, run 3x, stength 3x. 2) Eat more with better choices 3) Stretch and roll 2x a day everyday

2014-05-18 11:25 PM
in reply to: 0

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Alex, thanks for fixing the goal sheet; we must be updating at the same time...go to bed!

Edited by SportzVision 2014-05-18 11:25 PM
2014-05-19 8:35 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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New user
Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Hope you will have me back after going BADS AWOL over the winter.

NAME: Matt

STORY: I started Triathlons last summer as a way to get in shape and loose weight.  I was successful in both regards.  I then proceed to injure my right foot and sit on my rear for 6 months.  Finally got the foot sorted out (doctors can be helpful) and I'm back on track trying to gain back what was lost over the winter.

FAMILY STATUS:  I have a wife of 14 years and 3 kids, age 10, 7, 5.

CURRENT TRAINING: I just started my 20 week training plan for Augusta 70.3


2014 RACES: Local Sprint in June, Local Sprint in July, Local Oly in August, Ironman 70.3 Augusta in September

BEER PREFERENCE: I prefer IPAs the hoppier the better.  I will drink just ab about any beer in a pinch.

WEIGHT LOSS: Since January I'm down about 15 pounds.  I'm hoping to get down another 35 or so by race day in Augusta!

2014-05-19 9:32 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Hi David,
I would like to join your illustrious group of BEER lovers, oops, I mean TRI lovers. I'm actually making my second batch of home made brew from the kit I received from my son for Christmas.
2014-05-19 10:09 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
I would like to come back to the group if you will have me!

NAME: Jared

STORY: Started training in the fall of 2012 thought I may want to try out this tri thing. Did well with training over the winter of 2012 and spring of 2013 and did the Bataan Death March in March of 2013 for my first Marathon. Training fell apart in the summer of 2013 and never did get that tri in. I got lazy over the last winter and packed on the weight that I had lost when training and now I need to do something to get back down to a decent weight.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to the most wonderful wife with two great sons 7 and 13.

CURRENT TRAINING:Starting over using the sprint training program from trinewbies, which seemed to work well for me before.


2014 RACES: Ute the Man Sprint Tri Aug 2, 2014, Day of the Dead HM November 2, 2014

BEER PREFERENCE: I prefer dark beers porters, stouts.

WEIGHT LOSS: Loss? uh I think you mean gain. In 2013 I was down to 200lbs and had lost about 30 lbs well over the winter all those 30 lbs came back and I am back up to 230. Hoping to get back down to around 190-200.
2014-05-19 10:55 AM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Burd

Originally posted by SportzVision

Originally posted by Qua17

Goals for the Week 5/19/14

DQ - 1) Pack for Rev3, 2) Practice transitions, 3) Create a plan for rev3, 4) Ice everyday, 5) Lose 2 pounds

Cynthia's goals for the week:
1) pack a lunch everyday
2) eat every three hours
3) follow the training plan and include yoga 2x per week

Alex - 1) swim 2x, bike 3x, run 3x, stength 3x. 2) Eat more with better choices 3) Stretch and roll 2x a day everyday

Charles: Keep on track on nutrition, follow the plan, don't forget anything when I head to Boston on Saturday.

2014-05-19 11:08 AM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Lots of new faces, and lots of returning friends. This session is number four for me, and I keep coming back.

Got a free trip (i.e., I bought lunch) to Madison to run an IMWI loop, which turned into a brick workout. Weather was a bit chilly but bright and sunny. It was also my first ride after swapping to a compact crankset (50/34 gearing, from my 53-39 standard).

The difference is night and day. Compared to my loop a month ago:
5-17-14: 2:27, 15.8mph average, 1,369 calores, avg HR 133, max HR 162, avg power 155, NP 181.
4-26-14: 2:37, 15.4mph average, 1,450 calories, avg HR 132, max HR 175(!), avg power 183, NP 198.
This ride: 16:01 z3, 6:29 z4, *zero* z5.
Last ride: 6:00 z3, 4:34 z4, 2:53 z5.

Each loop is ~2,000 feet of climbing.

So, I went faster, at less effort across the board. My average power was *down* 30 watts, and my NP almost 20 watts, and I was 10 minutes faster.Looking at my RPE and from my own observations on the power numbers, the climbs themselves were tamer, and I was pending a lot more time around 250 watts than 300 watts, in a much more controlled fashion. The power meter is such a great analytic tool. I was also able to spin up the hills in the saddle, without having to stand. Cadence was dropping pretty low at a few points, in the 60-70rpm range, but those hills are pretty rough.

With the new, lower gearing, I'm not even certain I'm trading anything right now. At 100rpm in 50x11, the speed should be about 36mph. I think I spent perhaps 5 minutes total north of 30mph, and over 30 minutes south of 10mph.

The run afterward was much easier as well, 40min at ~9:30 pace.
2014-05-19 12:48 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Qua17

Goals for the Week 5/19/14

DQ - 1) Pack for Rev3, 2) Practice transitions, 3) Create a plan for rev3, 4) Ice everyday, 5) Lose 2 pounds

Justin's goals: 1) Do a workout in each discipline, 2) Go to Chicago and enjoy vacation!

Yeah, it's going to be a tough week!
2014-05-19 1:18 PM
in reply to: Omne38103

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Goals for the week:

1) Swim twice
2) Run three times--once with a swim
3) Get one solo 15 mile bike ride in and assess top speed I can maintain.
4) Find a decent pair of tri shorts.

2014-05-19 3:19 PM
in reply to: jlangene

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by jlangene

I would like to come back to the group if you will have me!

NAME: Jared

STORY: Started training in the fall of 2012 thought I may want to try out this tri thing. Did well with training over the winter of 2012 and spring of 2013 and did the Bataan Death March in March of 2013 for my first Marathon. Training fell apart in the summer of 2013 and never did get that tri in. I got lazy over the last winter and packed on the weight that I had lost when training and now I need to do something to get back down to a decent weight.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to the most wonderful wife with two great sons 7 and 13.

CURRENT TRAINING:Starting over using the sprint training program from trinewbies, which seemed to work well for me before.


2014 RACES: Ute the Man Sprint Tri Aug 2, 2014, Day of the Dead HM November 2, 2014

BEER PREFERENCE: I prefer dark beers porters, stouts.

WEIGHT LOSS: Loss? uh I think you mean gain. In 2013 I was down to 200lbs and had lost about 30 lbs well over the winter all those 30 lbs came back and I am back up to 230. Hoping to get back down to around 190-200.

Jared - once a member of the BDAAS, always a member. So glad to have you back! We can both work on getting back to a decent weight. I too need to lose about 30 pounds - we can do it together.
2014-05-19 3:23 PM
in reply to: TomsTri-ing

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by TomsTri-ing

Hi David,
I would like to join your illustrious group of BEER lovers, oops, I mean TRI lovers. I'm actually making my second batch of home made brew from the kit I received from my son for Christmas.

Hey Tom - Welcome to the BDAAS! Hope that homebrew turns out great. There are few things as satisfying as making your own beer - especially when you can make it just the way you want it. As a way of thanking my PT for all he is done - I made an Ironman beer for him. I used 3 types of hops and the final gravity is 14.0 Plato. Also - how cool is it that your son bought you a homebrrew kit. I need to go have a talk with my own kids - Father's Day is coming up!

2014-05-19 3:28 PM
in reply to: SportzVision

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by SportzVision

NAME: Cynthia

STORY: I have been doing tri's since 2009. Mostly sprints with a few OLYs in for good measure. I used to be way fat...think Rosie O'Donell...and now not so much but could stand to lose another 20. This is the last year of my forties and I guess I was not specific enough when I stated it had to be epic. Oh its been epic alright, but mostly epic fails! I mastered the art of starting over in 2013. I may lack mental toughness when it comes to pushing it unless push comes to shove...then bring it! My goals are usually to race with a pleasant face and find something good in everything.

FAMILY: Married to Mr. Wonderful...we hit 30 years this July...ha! and they all shook their heads and said it wouldn't last! Not even kidding here...his best friend, on our wedding day, tried to get me to leave Chris at he alter! Well we eloped there was not really an alter but you know... We have three adult daughters that have used our front door as a revolving door. Right now our eldest and our 5 year old grandson live with us. Oh and you will get sick of hearing about the grandson...sorry...but he is so fling flanging cute!

CURRENT TRAINING: I decided to use the intermediate sprint plan because it will meet my needs and challenge me in the area of speed. I am molasses slow.

THIS YEARS RACES: I did the HITTS OLY in Napa, CA as my first race this year. I was really unsure if I could finish because of lack of training. I survived and have signed up for 3 more this summer. I did a sprint last weekend and had a blast. Met a newbie and she kinda became a stage 5 clinger but I was honored to be able to help someone on their first tri!

2014 RACES: A Sacramento area tri club has Tri for Real series that I will do this summer. I paid and everything for three OLYs...maybe a half this fall...just maybe

WEIGHT LOSS: I was at 235 years ago and lost 70lbs by making small changes. I haven't lost any weight since I started triathlons but I have gained muscles. Which I lost 10 lbs of muscle earlier this year from a horrible infection in my chest/lungs. Got the muscle back due to yoga...aahhh hot yoga...didn't think it would be for me but it is awweeesssooomee! I would love to see how I race at 145lbs, 140 or even 138..

BEER PREFERENCES: I like wine but these guys let me hang out on the site anyway and that is pretty cool. This group is great and it has been a privilege to be a part of this mentor group. Favorite breweries are Great Basin, Reno NV; Caldera , Ashland WA; and Stone Brewing Co., San Diego,Ca. Chocolate Coconut Stout is my all time fav out of Caldera. And in high school I loved Lowenbrau; hey I had some standards.

A humongous welcome back to the toughest woman I've encountered on BT. I mean anyone who can stomach wine is tough in my book

Glad to have you Cynthia and see that your year is off to a great start!

2014-05-19 5:53 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
I trained nicely and easily over the weekend.
Then it happened! Sunday AM.

I PULLED MY BACK! Its not the worst one I have had before (yeah Im surgically repaired!)...

So my back is out - Im eating everything I can get my hands on!
Trying to stay out of the darkness!

Hoping to be back on track by the end of the week!

2014-05-20 8:15 AM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Thor: 3swim/3run/3 bike. continue on with weight loss.

Originally posted by mirthfuldragon
Originally posted by Burd
Originally posted by SportzVision
Originally posted by Qua17 Goals for the Week 5/19/14 DQ - 1) Pack for Rev3, 2) Practice transitions, 3) Create a plan for rev3, 4) Ice everyday, 5) Lose 2 pounds
Cynthia's goals for the week: 1) pack a lunch everyday 2) eat every three hours 3) follow the training plan and include yoga 2x per week
Alex - 1) swim 2x, bike 3x, run 3x, stength 3x. 2) Eat more with better choices 3) Stretch and roll 2x a day everyday
Charles: Keep on track on nutrition, follow the plan, don't forget anything when I head to Boston on Saturday.

2014-05-20 8:23 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Good to see new and old faces! To al those new faces, I will tell you, the more involved you are the more likely you will follow through and be successful!

Log all your workouts. Be accountable.

While I would classify us as a pretty laid back group, there are some super knowledgeable people in this group.

Well for me it was a long weekend spent coaching my son's lacrosse team at a tournament. Weather was miserable but managed to get a few rides in and a run. Nice to ride with my wife. With her new bike and strength training over the winter, she has closed the gap on our speeds...I don't slow down for her anymore!


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Discussions on balanced meals, recommended amount of protein, losing weight for an Ironman, is pizza good? and beer as a recovery drink.