BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2014-05-30 6:44 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

Originally posted by pistuo Hey everyone, looking for some help on some things. Please reply to any that you have input on: 1. Sunglasses. I need some for the bike. Not looking to break the bank on Oakleys or anything else super expensive. I like ones with no frame on top (easier to glance up in aero with no frame blocking top of view). But I'm open to trying any pair. Got any recommendations? 2. I've mentioned this in the past, but have never found an answer... during rides (especially long ones), my right ear will sometimes get stopped up. It feels like the pressure you get when you're on an airplane... and it only happens in my right ear and I've noticed that it happens when I sniff my nose. Any thoughts on who I can go to in order to get possible answers to this? 3. As some of you know, I dominated a 100 mile ride about a month ago, riding it about 1 mph faster than I thought I could. All my rides since (even ones half that distance) have been brutal. I think I may have found the culprit. All those rides have been mostly hot and humid (this is TX). I rode almost 50 miles tonight and felt super strong... the weather was nice b/c it was supposed to storm. So I'm wondering if a big reason I've been bonking is the heat... although it hasnt seemed to effect my fellow riders as much as it has me. Is it possible that the heat may have a more negative effect on me than the average person? Anyone ever heard of that? 4. Not a Q, but if anyone is looking for cycling shorts, I recently picked up a pair of Pearl Izumi attack shorts off amazon for $60 and they are working pretty well for me. thanks for any replies. -w

  1. Sunglasses - Tifosi makes some pretty decent sunglasses for $40-$120 -ish.  I have a pair of them and they work well for me.  There are various styles to chose from and you might be able to find the frame style you'e looking for fairly easily.
  2. Are you a heavy sweater?  I will have this occur at times because sweat is running into my ear but it usually clears up once I've showered.  Also, for whatever reason the pool seems to cause my body to produce more earwax that I have to deal with.  Maybe this is something for you to look into.  This would cause your ear canals to become less opened and susceptible to becoming clogged.  I now use ear drops after getting out of the pool and I have virtually no problems (unless I forget to use the drops).
  3. Heat can definitely effect each person differently.  Our biological makeup is very different from another persons.  I mean look at the two of us, I'm a very handsome individual and you, well, we'll just leave that one alone. 
    If you're a heavy sweater you may also need to consume more water/fluids than others to maintain effort than others as well.  Consider, if you're becoming dehydrated quickly your body is losing part of it's cooling mechanism and it will drive you to have to reduce your effort.  Also some sodium/electrolyte intake may also provide some benefit during these long efforts.
  4. I have a pair of the Attack shorts I've been using for a few years now.  I like them quite a lot but they're reaching the end of their life.  The chamois is beginning to come unthreaded. BOOO!

Time for a 3 hour Zn-Zn2 ride!!

2014-05-30 7:13 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
1. sunglasses - I currently have a pair of prescription Oakley HD that were given to me by a optometrist client who owns his own store. I would never pay for those ...before that I was happy with Tifosi.. they have a model called podium that does not have frame on top and comes with interchangeable lenses.
my problem with that is i can't wear contacts and without then I cant read my Garmin...

2. I don't have problems with my ear stopping up during rides. sometimes exiting the water during a triathlon it's a little bother but not for long.

3. Heat.... stay hydrated, take your electrolytes (endurolytes, Slat Stick, S-Caps...) and take ice whenever you can.... Dirk is right... it affects each of us differently.. I also wear along sleeve desoto cooler shirt to keep the heat low...

4. I like desoto 400 miles for longer group/training rides. At my 140.6 I wore regular tri-shorts and was okay throughout....
2014-05-30 8:11 AM
in reply to: tmoons

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Will I use perscription sunglasses as well. I have a pair of Harley Davidson frames and they work well enough for me. I haven't had any issues with my ears getting clogged while riding. In the pool well that is another story, it happens all the time. I have to agree with Terry and Dirk on the heat and humidity. You should definitely be hydrating more in weather like that and it can definitely affect your performance. For bike shorts I like Terry am partial to the DeSoto 400's. They are awesome bike shorts. I have heard that Assos makes some awesome shorts but they are expensive. I would like to check out a pair of those.
2014-05-30 11:34 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Jo - I'll take a look at the rides. Dirk may be right if the battery is low, I didn't consider that. When my readings drop out to nothing the battery often fixes the issue. But it sounds like yours don't drop but just go off target. I do actually see that on my HR straps sometimes when the battery has been low.

Will -
Sunglasses - I'm too cheap to worry much but I use the super cheapo Ironman sunglasses from the drugstores. They're like $20 and they fit my head perfectly.

Ears while riding - no clue on that. Never heard of it. Did you try posting on the main site?

Heat - I have to agree with everyone on here. Heat is always a factor in that everyone has to slow down some what, but how it affects different people is widely variant. That said, listen to the Floridian, he's experienced more heat this week than I'll see in a lifetime up here!

Cycling shorts - Glad the shorts are working out. In terms of ripping chamois - Kathy actually sews mine and it's worked great so far. Comfort on long rides is critical. This is the one place I don't mind spending some $$$ for good stuff. I do HIGHLY recommend trying bibs - so much more comfortable for me than shorts.
2014-05-30 12:54 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN



STORY: 34 Years old.  Started Tri's 2 years ago just before my daughter was born as a way to get in shape.  One race and I was hooked.  Its been a fun 2 years.  

FAMILY STATUS: Married and father of a cute 2 year old girl who keeps me moving even when Id like to be sitting.

JOB: I work for the RCMP, which is the national police force of Canada.

CURRENT TRAINING: Just over 5 weeks out from a HIM and I'm just getting started in my last build period.

THIS YEAR’S (2014) RACES: Doing 2 sprint races, one this weekend and one in two weeks. Challenge St. Andrew's 70.3 on July 6th, then most likely an Oly in August and an Oly in Sept.  Throw in the odd 10k or HM and Ive got a full schedule

LAST YEAR’S (2013) RACES:Completed 2 sprints and 2 Olympics, Half Mary

MY BIGGEST SUCCESSES: Completing the Half Marathon in May 2013 and taking 5 minutes off my time this yeat,  Id never thought id be fit enough to train and run the way I do now.

WEIGHT LOSS: Looking to drop about 8-10 pounds but I`m happy with my weight now.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: Im always looking for advice or other opinions when it comes to racing and training.

2014-05-30 2:47 PM
in reply to: pistuo

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

Originally posted by pistuo Hey everyone, looking for some help on some things. Please reply to any that you have input on: 1. Sunglasses. I need some for the bike. Not looking to break the bank on Oakleys or anything else super expensive. I like ones with no frame on top (easier to glance up in aero with no frame blocking top of view). But I'm open to trying any pair. Got any recommendations? -w


Will, I have been wearing Scattante Scythe sunglasses that I bought at a Performance Bicycles shop in Sacramento for the last 2.5 years and they have worked great for me for running and biking. There is a little bit of frame at the top center but I just don't see it. Then again I don't ride an aero position so maybe that's why. They cost around $30. I like them well enough that when I saw them on sale online for even less I grabbed another pair.

2014-05-30 3:48 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

Hey gang,

I have my first Olympic distance tri ever coming up Sunday morning. It's also my first tri of the season this year. I'll be testing out my nutrition during the event as a baseline starting point for the HIM in July. I'm planning on trying to do the same paces for this event as I'll do for the HIM just to help me dial in pacing a bit. I'll also get to use my birthday present Garmin 910xt on Multisport mode

This week has brought some changes in my training plan. Monday the pool was closed so I swam Tuesday and ended up going longer than usual. Then I did my scheduled 6 mile run and then that evening was fitness testing for Kung Fu. Basically 90 minutes of pushups, v-ups, pull ups, jumping jacks, squats etc. My chest, arms, and abbs have been VERY sore since then. Last night was the skills testing. I skipped today's swim to let my core heal up after the testing this week. Before heading to the race site tomorrow evening we have Kung Fu promotions to attend. Then we'll be loading the family up with our camping gear and heading to the race site to camp.

Happy training all, and good luck to anyone else who is racing over the weekend.


2014-05-31 6:26 AM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

Good to see you all again.     I'm in!

Hope your race goes well tomorrow, VERO.  Happy Belated Birthday - enjoy the watch and all the overload of data you'll be given.  What a busy day you have getting ready to go.   Good luck!





2014-05-31 6:36 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
John and Derek good luck guys with your races this weekend. Be safe, have some fun, race great and make the Junkies proud.
2014-05-31 7:38 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by strikyr

John and Derek good luck guys with your races this weekend. Be safe, have some fun, race great and make the Junkies proud.

2014-05-31 7:41 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Will do you have allergies? If so it could be excess fluid in you sinuses backing up into your ears, and a Nasal spray would help.

Tony sorry to bug you again on this could you post exactly what infinit products you use?

Edited by Jo63 2014-05-31 7:45 PM

2014-06-01 2:22 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by Jo63

Will do you have allergies? If so it could be excess fluid in you sinuses backing up into your ears, and a Nasal spray would help.

Tony sorry to bug you again on this could you post exactly what infinit products you use?

JoAnne I use the custom blend. I believe I have put together two different formulas. You can customize your own formula. If you want or need the blend that I put together for IMWI and the training for it just let me know. I can let you know how I set the sliders up for that customized blend. I think it was 285 calories per 20-24 oz bottle.
2014-06-01 10:03 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

Hey gang,

I just finished unpacking the camping gear after the 200 mile drive home from my race. My first Olympic tri is in the books and I came in a hair under my 3 hour goal! I was wasted on the run the last two miles and my pace fell way off my plan, but I got it done.

I'll get a race report up sometime this week, but right now I need to rest.

2014-06-02 5:41 AM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Thanks Tony, I will try to do a custom blend , I was just curious if you used their "generic" products.

Vero congrats on getting it done! I am looking forward to reading your report.

So for about a month now maybe even longer I have been having some knee pain. I have been going to the chiropractor and he suggested I go over everything my shoes my bike etc, so I did and I discovered that I miss measured my road bike's seat position (the one I ride on the trainer) I ended up moving it 2 inches forward and surprise no issues while riding and already Iam feeling relief on the knee after only 1 ride and that ride was a 3 hr one
2014-06-02 6:04 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Great Job on the Olympic John!!

Jo... about a year ago I had a similar problem until i moved my seat... amazing how the simplest things sometimes cause the greatest pain. A minor adjustment and voila

I did another 100 miles on the bike on Saturday with a short run afterwards then trail run and hill repeats yesterday.
This week is a taper week for me ...
2014-06-02 2:05 PM
in reply to: tmoons

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
John congrats on finishing your first Oly this weekend, great job! Getting in under 3 hours is a great time and it sounds like you pretty much left it all out there.

JoAnne I've done a few different formulas but I've always used the custom blend. I've not used the premixed products so I can't comment on that but the custom blend has worked well for me and I'm planning on using it again this season.

Terry nice work this weekend sounds like your training is coming along well. Challenge AC is right around the corner. I have friends doing the full and the aqua/bike.

Good weekend for me and good week overall. Another 15.5 hours of training last week, 9.5 hours on the bike and 142 miles this weekend with a killer 5 hour hills thrashing on Saturday and then another 3.5 hour aero ride on Sunday. My TSS for Saturday was like 439 which is insane and puts the ride in perspective however after discussing with my friend it is probably pretty impossible for my TSS to be so high which means I probably need to adjust my FTP upwards. That is certainly good news for me it means I am continuing to make good progress on the bike. Syracuse is right around the corner and I'm about 12 weeks out from IMMT. Man the more I think about IMMT the more I want to crush that race.

2014-06-02 2:14 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Eminent Junkies,

This is it…. My first triathlon is Saturday, a sprint with a pool swim. The bike has a steep 80’desent at the start and climb at the finish and the run goes down and back up the same hill. Garmin site is wide open if anyone wants to look around.)

I started an Olympic training plan in the middle of last week;
My week finished looking like this:
Three runs for 18 miles
One ride at 15 miles and one spinning class (rain)
Four Swims for 2:41

The plan I am doing is a balance 3 of each event per week that I hope to settle into next week. I am thinking about a mini taper taking Thursday and Friday off this week and racing Saturday morning….

I am starting to think about my transitions and fueling. My goal is to finish and learn this race and prepare for my A race on 7 Sept.

Any advice would be welcome and appreciated?
2014-06-02 3:17 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by strikyr
My TSS for Saturday was like 439 which is insane and puts the ride in perspective however after discussing with my friend it is probably pretty impossible for my TSS to be so high which means I probably need to adjust my FTP upwards.

That would be a pretty insane TSS for a 5 hour ride, essentially meaning you went at something like 93% FTP for 5 hours! How often do you test? Is your FTP based on an indoor test? You are definitely building some serious bike fitness, great job!

Originally posted by Captain_Chris
I am starting to think about my transitions and fueling. My goal is to finish and learn this race and prepare for my A race on 7 Sept.

Any advice would be welcome and appreciated?

My main advice is to keep your goal what you've written. We tend to get goal creep, either right before or during a race. Focus on finishing, and if you are ever wondering during the race whether to go harder or ease up, error toward easing up. Finish strong, and remember the swim and bike are warm ups for the run.

This is your first tri, and that only happens once. Remember, for every one of us, this is a hobby, so HAVE FUN. and try to do something really embarrassing and make sure someone gets a picture of it. ... ok, that last one can be ignored. In general, your plan sounds great, and I like your min-taper - no need to do a big complicated taper for this one.
2014-06-02 5:27 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by JonnyVero

Hey gang,

I just finished unpacking the camping gear after the 200 mile drive home from my race. My first Olympic tri is in the books and I came in a hair under my 3 hour goal! I was wasted on the run the last two miles and my pace fell way off my plan, but I got it done.

I'll get a race report up sometime this week, but right now I need to rest.

fantastic! Getting under 3 hours on the 1st is a feat in itself?
2014-06-02 8:07 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Warren exactly there is no way I rode at 93% of my FTP for 5 hours. We coast alot on the hills rides so I know I did not ride anywhere near that level but we did ride very hard. I have been testing as required by the EN plan and did one 3 weeks ago where I was about the same FTP just 4 watts off so I thought I was maintaining. But we have been killing it on the bike since and I think I may have raised it. My friend Wynn suggested I bump up my FTP and base it on if the ride was something like a TSS of 375 or something in that neighborhood. I'll go back an rework it because my interval workout on te trainer last Wednesday seemed way too easy. I was hitting my numbers without a problem, I definitely think I'm up my FTP numbers.

Chris like Warren said for your first triathlon I think the most important thing is to just enjoy yourself and to have fun with it. You'll probably do many more of them but for your first one you get a pass on everything including transitions. Just do the best you can and have fun. Good luck and make the Junkies proud.
2014-06-02 11:42 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Jo - I have used an infinit custom mix and the standard mix called "Go Far". I really like the Go Far. My custom mix was basically the same as Go Far, just with less flavor so that I could concentrate it (3 servings in 1 bottle) and a few other tweaks. I only use the infinit on the bike though... every time I tried it on a brick run, I had stomach issues. When you mix it, it foams up so I'm sure that's what it was doing in my stomach as well.

2014-06-03 4:47 AM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

Originally posted by JonnyVero

Hey gang,

I just finished unpacking the camping gear after the 200 mile drive home from my race. My first Olympic tri is in the books and I came in a hair under my 3 hour goal! I was wasted on the run the last two miles and my pace fell way off my plan, but I got it done.

I'll get a race report up sometime this week, but right now I need to rest.

Congrats on your first Oly.  I hope the experience was a good for the first time at this distance.

How was your nutrition?  If you were wasted on the run it sounds as if you may have been a little short on fuel.  I don't think the crash was likely to have been because of a lack of fitness.

I'll look forward to reading the RR.

2014-06-03 4:51 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

Originally posted by Jo63 Thanks Tony, I will try to do a custom blend , I was just curious if you used their "generic" products. Vero congrats on getting it done! I am looking forward to reading your report. So for about a month now maybe even longer I have been having some knee pain. I have been going to the chiropractor and he suggested I go over everything my shoes my bike etc, so I did and I discovered that I miss measured my road bike's seat position (the one I ride on the trainer) I ended up moving it 2 inches forward and surprise no issues while riding and already Iam feeling relief on the knee after only 1 ride and that ride was a 3 hr one

Glad to hear you're not having knee pain any longer.  I actually need to adjust my seat forward on my road bike too.  Not because of knee pain but because I'm a little too far back.  I notice a power increase when I get a little closer to the nose of the seat.  This is likely because I'm drawn closer to the stem, opening my hip angle slightly, allowing a little more air in and getting me over the crank a little more.

2014-06-03 7:33 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

Looks like everyone had a pretty solid weekend.  John congrats on your first Oly distance race, cant wait to read the race report. 

I managed to put in some serious training as a result of a few days off.  Thursday I managed 45km @ 36km/h.  The first 40k was about 1:06:20, that's the fasted 40k Ive ever done.  I followed it up with a 16k brick run.  (that's 10miles for the unmetric, lol)  Friday I rode 135km in just over 4:10.  I was pretty happy with how I felt at the end of the ride considering its the farthest Ive ever rode.  Sat was an easy day with just a 10k run.  And Sun was a Sprint Tri that I had to drive 3 hours to, do the race and drive right home.  The race was fun,  the drive, not so much.  Race report is up.  I was pretty happy with how it went and seeing over 2 minutes off my bike from last year was good to see.  Thank You Trainerroad. 

So its another few weeks of hard training then the taper starts for the HIM.  I do have another sprint on the 15th.  The course is pretty fast and if I can shave some time off from last year I have a good chance at going under 1:10.

Regarding the questions about nutrition for the Oly.  In my first race I took a gel about 15 minutes before the start and then one on the bike.  I felt I ran out of energy in the last 4k of the run.  In my next race I added an extra gel on the bike and then carried a water bottle with gatorade on the run.  It went a lot better.  That's just me, I seem to do better and process more calories then most.  Im also over 200lbs so that may have something to do with it, lol. play around with it in training and see what works best.  Its a pretty personal thing.

Keep rocking that training Junkies!

2014-06-04 8:25 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Now this is customer Service, I have been having problems with spikes on trainer road and have assumed it was the battery going out. About 45 minutes after "The Wretched" I received the following e-mail. (These guys are doing something right and I am becoming a big fan!)

Rob Bradford (Trainer Road)Jun 04 05:04 PM

Hey Matt,

Sorry to bug you, I was going through the workout feed and noticed that your last couple rides have been having power spikes. It looks like this might be due to the magnet on your speed and cadence sensor clipping or not registering for every rotation.If the magnet is too close to the sensor it might clip and double your speed. If it's too far away it might not register every time and could cut your power in half. If you get a chance, let's have you try checking the positioning of your speed & cadence sensor and the magnet so that it registers only once per revolution.

Let me know if that does the trick!

Rob BradfordCustomer [email protected]
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